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ing all Bunco lovers! This esigned with social butterflies in mind. Play Bunco or just visit with friends. Light bites will be served. Monday, May 8th 11am-1pm. Fee is $8 per person for each Bunco event held at the George A. Leoni Complex, 800 N. 17th Avenue in Melrose Park.



Visit with friends and play Bingo! Lunch meal and one Bingo card included. Prizes for winners. Fee is $10 per person for each Bingo event from 11am-2pm

Upcoming dates are: May 11 at Grant Park Recreation Center, 44 W. Golfview Drive, Northlake and May 17 at Bulger Park Community Center, 1601 Hirsch Street in Melrose Park


n Fairy Gnome Sweet Home. Learn to make a fairy/gnome home on May 16 at Bulger Park.

n Intro to Drawing & Acrylic Painting. May 1-June 12 or May 6-June 17 at Grant Park

VISIT THE WEBSITE AT WWW.VPDPARK.ORG or call the office at 708-343-5270 for more information on Batting Cages and the Golf Simulator, Early Childhood, Athletic Programs, Fitness Classes at Cimbalo Fitness Center, Active Adults and Special Recreation Programs. Follow VPD on Facebook.

Babysitter Training with Pediatric CPR/First Aid. Designed for young people to gain the knowledge and skills necessary to safely and responsibly give care to infants and children in a residential setting Participants receive a certificate of completion for Babysitter’s Training Participants also receive a two-year certification for Pediatric CPR/First Aid An adult must be present the entire length of the training Ages 11-15 on Wednesday, June 14 and Thursday, June 15 from 9am-3:15pm. Fee is: R$194/NR$204 Classes held at Grant Park Recreation Center 44 W Golfview Drive in Northlake


n Happy Planters. Using terracotta pots, create a character by painting a happy face with painted clothing This charming planter will be a special addition to your porch, patio and garden. Ages 6+ on Tuesday, June 13 from 5:45-7:45pm. Fee is: R$30/NR$40. Class at Bulger Park Community Center, 1601 Hirsch in Melrose Park


n Zumba. Class 1 is on Mondays and Class 2 is on Thursday. Ages 16 & up on Mondays, May 22-June 26 or Thursdays, May 25- June 22 at 6:30 pm Fee is: R$40/ NR$55. Sign up for both classes for a special rate of R$70/NR$100. Classes at Cimbalo Fitness Center, 1203 N 24th Avenue in Melrose Park Call 708-343-5151 to register or visit vpdpark.org to register online n Pickleball. This rapidly-growing sport combines elements of tennis, badminton and ping-pong The rules are simple and easy to learn. Cimbalo Fitness Center is located at 1203 N. 24th Avenue in Melrose Park. Call 708-343-5151 for more information n yoga for the Actively Aging (Chair yoga). Every Tuesday at 11am at Grant Park Recreation Center in Northlake and every Thursday 1pm at George A Leoni Complex in Melrose Park 55 & older, pay $1 drop-in fee, no registration needed. Under 55, register and pay $R40/NR$55

National Day of Prayer at St. Pa P ul

On May 4, everyone is invited to meet at St Paul Lutheran, 11th and Lake in Melrose Park, outside near the cross in front of the church, to pray for the community, the country and the world Gatherings will be held at noon and again at 6 pm A brief hymn sing will follow.

Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish/Shrine

Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish/Shrine and the Altar and Rosary Society invite all area residents to these upcoming events For more information, call the rectory at 344-4140

Thursday, May 4, National Day of Prayer Mass at 8 am in english; individual prayer and meditation all day; confession and holy hour at 5:30 pm; Mass in Spanish at 6:30 pm.

Friday, May 5, St. Peregrine Mass for all cancer patients and survivors Tri-lingual Mass, blessing and veneration at 6:30 pm.

Friday, May 12, Our Lady of Fatima Rosary, y Mass and Reception in all languages begins at 6:30 pm

Sunday, y May 14, Mother’s Day, y follows regular Mass schedule

Saturday, May 20, Feast of St. Rita, Mass at 9 am.

Sunday, May 21, Ascension, follows regular schedule.

Sunday, May 28, Pentecost, regular schedule Open house from 9 am to 3 pm. All societies and groups invited.

Monday, May 29, Memorial Day, 9 am Tri-lingual Mass

Wednesday, May 31, Visitation/De-crowning ceremony Mass, Rosary and Reception begins at 6:30 pm in all languages

Hasyourbusinessbeenfinancially impactedbytheCOVID-19pandemic?







Businessesthatqualifyforboth2020&2021ERCtax creditsmayreceiveupto$26,000pereligible employee.

Toregisterforthisevent,use theQRcodeorcallthe Chamberofficeat 708/343-9500today!



The#ILB2BgrantapplicationisENDINGsoonfor therestaurant,hotel&creativeartsindustries.

TheMelroseParkChamberofCommercehas CommunityNavigatorstoassistwithapplications oranswerquestions.CalltheChamberat 708/343-9500toscheduleanappointment. Drop-inswillbeacceptedWednesday,May3or Thursday,May4from10amto4pm.

Thinkyouqualify?YoucanreviewB2BGrant GuidelinesontheStateofIllinoiswebsite: https://dceo.illinois.gov/smallbizassistance/ b2b.html

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