CDT Annual Report 2017

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Centre for Distance-spanning Technology Annual Report

Production: CDT, LuleĂĽ University of Technology Contact for the Annual Report: Marie Nolin, CDT, phone: +46 (0)725 26 20 70, e-mail: Graphic design & print: LuleĂĽ University of Technology, Graphic Production 2

Photo: Per Pettersson, Linda Alfredsson, Melina Granberg, Shutterstock Images, Marie Nolin, LTU and others

14 9 The launch of the new project Smart and Sustainable villages Check out what has been going on at CDT during 2017, for example, the launch of the new project Smart and Sustainable villages.


10 It is possible to recycle waste heat from underground data centers A preliminary study of Acon’s underground datacenter shows that it is technically possible and economically defensible to recycle the waste heat.

16 Supporting businesses to become digital and part of Industry 4.0


The NIMBLE project is working together with other industries in Europe to develop a common digital platform to streamline business flows.

18 Looking back through CDT’s 20 year long history CDT is LTU’s oldest research centre. We are going 10 years, as well as 20 years, back in time to remember what happened then.


31 Taking part of a power gathering of the Swedish ICT actors The aim of “Digital Sweden” is a more efficient presence and influence on EU framework programme in Brussels and an increased cooperation in Sweden. Better designed calls from Brussels will support the Swedish participation in ICT programmes.  3

CDT in brief The Centre for Distance-spanning Technology’s mission is to accelerate ICT innovations for our partners, with desirable and sustainable impact based on high quality scientific research. WE CONNECT ACADEMIA, INDUSTRY AND SOCIETY AT LARGE IN RESEARCH, DESIGN AND INNOVATION, INCLUDING KNOWLEDGE TRANSFER PROCESSES OUR PARTNERS ARE: • IT users (companies, organisations, individuals) • IT developers (companies, IT departments) • Innovation and research supporting organisations • Policy and decision makers • Academia (students, teachers, researchers) CDT OPERATIONS ARE; RESEARCH, DESIGN AND INNOVATION INTEGRATION: • Projects • Proposals • Experimentation • Spin-off support 4

NETWORKING AND COLLABORATION • External (e.g. ENoLL, NESSI, Net World 2020, EARMA, FIRE, IoT Forum, Swedsoft, BDVA, AIOTI) • LTU internal, partners (e.g. meeting with researchers, partner networking and events) • Local: Luleå Business & Economic Development, IT Industry Association, RISE SICS North AB KNOWLEDGE INTEGRATION AND COMMUNICATION • Workshops • Handbooks • Courses • Conferences FUTURE FUNDING INFLUENCE • Contribution to policies, roadmaps, lobbying, research agendas and programs • Future studies • Regional development plans

Key Areas We are looking for new collaborations in the following emerging ICT-areas with great challenges, change and impact. Internet of Things Computer systems today can be both cognitive and operational. They can replace human senses. This means that people sometimes are no longer necessary to interface system and reality. This allows systems to entirely take over the daily operation of some businesses.

Data centers CDT is working towards making data centers energy and resource efficient and has a number of data center and cloud projects through the entire data center value chain from ground to cloud.

Communications CDT is looking for collaboration in the areas of Communication architectures, Wireless access networks, Wireless sensor networks and Communication in sparsely populated areas.

Become a CDT partner CDT offers an integrated environment of people, infrastructure, tools, processes and services for research, development and test. CDT has an extensive network covering private and public sector, multinational enterprises and SMEs as well as academia and nonprofit organisations in Sweden and worldwide. CDT is not only a partner in a number of European Union projects. We are also a partner of the Alliance of Internet-of-Things and the Big Data Value Association to name a few. CDT is hosting Open Innovation experimentation environ-

ments to take research concepts to the reality, for example IoT Innovation Lab. One of our specialities is to generate and exploit ground-breaking innovations with and for our partners. Innovations may be in shape of new processes, new solutions, new products and new business. For more information on how to become a CDT partner, contact us. 5


A hectic year for CDT 2017 has been a hectic year for CDT full of activities in all our focused areas: Internet of Things (IoT), Datacenters, and Communication Networks. Within the IoT area, CDT launched a coordination and support action (CSA) H2020 project together with partners from Belgium, Netherlands, Serbia, and Switzerland, U4IoT. That project is part of a large 100 mEUR investment focusing on large-scale IoT pilots around Europe. Within datacenters, our FUI project has worked intensively with small and medium sized companies in Norrbotten and Västerbotten, supporting them to develop their businesses and find new customers and offers. Within Communication Networks we have worked with our partners on a pre-study shaping a project around Rural ICT Testbeds aiming at better coverage in sparsely populated areas. Moreover, 2017 was staff wise a quite eventful year. Mikael BÜrjeson retired from LTU taking on a new life as a retired person although still being very active as a consultant in projects both with us at CDT and other partners. Also, Marita Holst took on a new position within the university as innovation strategist. I want to take the opportunity to thank both Mikael and Marita for their contributions to CDT during the years. During 2017 CDT has also formally transferred the responsibility for Botnia Living Lab to the Information Systems research group. Of course, CDT will continue to use this award-winning methodology involving end-users in many research and innovation projects to come in the future. The outlook for 2018 is very promising. This year we are planning to launch new projects in all focused areas. Looking forward to an exciting 2018 and discussing many interesting opportunities with you all!

Dr. Karl Andersson Acting Executive Director, CDT


Some activities during 2017 January. Project presentation at the Great Northern, BizBuz in Skellefteå, titled ”Small and medium-sized enterprises will be a guide to the new regional growth industry”.

February. NIMBLE project meeting in Valencia, with one of the project partners - a cashmere company.

April. The FUI project arranged, together with Skellefteå Kraft, an idea workshop in Skellefteå with Annika Svensson as a seminar chair of Data center and cloud services. Local TV news reported it all.

March. Ali Padyab, PhD Student, Information Systems at LTU gave a presentation about the traces we leave on the internet, at Vetenskapens hus, Luleå.

May. The FUI project arranged a full day seminar named” New business with data analysis” in both Umeå and Luleå. 8

June. NIMBLE project meeting at Lindbäcks in Piteå. The project is focused on creating a sustainable business and collaboration platform for the manufacturing industry using Internet of Things.

August. Launch of the second edition of the data centers brochure “Datacenter in North Sweden”. The brochure describes, among other things, the data centers in the region and activities taking place in the datacenter and cloud area.

July. Study visit at LTU Virtual Reality Lab together with Ericsson.

September. Kick-off for the project “Smart and sustainable villages”. It is a pre-study, focusing on the creation, knowledge and conditions regarding digital solutions for villages’ service points, coordinated transports to and from and within villages and other things.

October. Paula Wennberg facilitated a Persona workshop with entrepreneurs from Hungary, Italy, Spain and Sweden at the University of Gävle. How can you better understand your customer’s needs? How can you create business value? The Persona method is one of the tools introduced to the workshop participants during a three-day training on how gender equality can improve business.

November. The FUI project via Tromb, supported the company Idepoolen to perform a Google Design Sprint.

December. The Genovate toolkit launched a toolbox with processes, methods and tools for gender equality research and innovation.


Highlights 2017

“We are pleased with the positive results of the study, and are now working to investigate how we can do this practically.” Johannes Näslund, CEO, Acon


Possible to recycle waste heat

from underground data center Acon’s data center is one of Europe’s safest, located 100 meters into the northernmost primary rock. Today, Acon uses geothermal cooling from a number of boreholes for cooling the data center. In a preliminary study, the FUI project has highlighted the possibility of recovering waste heat from Acon’s data center to sell to a nearby industry. The study shows that by selling waste heat they could reduce the borehole load by 60%. The industrial company could efficiently utilize waste heat to heat air in a heat pump during autumn, winter and spring, thereby reducing its dependence on district heating. The preliminary study shows that it is technically possible and economically defensible to recycle waste heat, which would also be beneficial for the environment and the companies’ profile. The result can be applied to more data centers with similar conditions. The preliminary study is one of several activities undertaken within the FUI-project. The project provides an opportunity for small and mediumsized enterprises, with operations in Norrbotten and Västerbotten, to gain support for the development of products and services in the field of data centers and clouds. Read more at

Results from the FUI project so far:



New companies created

Pre-studies by researchers



events arranged

Case company collaborations 11

Highlights 2017

Explaining a unique cloud service in an animated film The FUI project has, among other things, developed an animated film for Elastisys. The film explains in an educational way the company’s unique cloud service. "Our management system predicts how much capacity is needed and then automatically balances capacity in advance. This means better performance and availability during peaks in traffic and saved costs. Our system makes it possible to run different workloads at different cloud suppliers based on performance, availability or security concerns" says CEO Robert Winter. The technology is unique in its predictive approach to automatically scale resources according to future needs. Elastisys extends on decades of internationally leading research from the renowned Distributed system research group at Umeå University.


“We are very satisfied with the results and cooperation with the FUI project.” Robert Winter, CEO Elastisys

Highlights 2017

Beneficial collaboration

between researchers and companies In the Gender Contact Point project, the company Tromb and researchers at Luleå University of Technology develop and implement tools for increased diversity. - Gender Contact Point has been an eye-opener, not least in the recruitment process, says Linda Lundmark, digital business developer at Tromb. Tromb develops digital solutions for its customers and thus works in an industry that traditionally is male-dominated. The purpose of the Gender Contact Point project is to create an innovative collaboration environment for practical gender integration and to develop tools in collaboration with local IT companies. “It feels good to know that all tools are based on gender research. For us, we have learned about everything from recruitment to how we communicate. For example, we have reviewed our website and thought about stereotyped image choices, says Linda Lundmark.”

Companies as co-researchers And Tromb has achieved good results. Today, almost one-fifth of Tromb's employees are women. – The biggest obstacle for us when it comes to employ more women is simply the lack of women in this industry, says Linda Lundmark.

“We reviewed our recruitment texts and found that they are often written for men. When we started to change the texts, we got more female applicants. With greater diversity, we get a better workplace and better dynamics.” Johan Rudström, Tromb.

– We sell our products to both women and men, therefore it is obvious that both women and men will develop them. Our ambition is that these new experiences will be a natural part of the Tromb culture. Paula Wennberg, CDT, is project manager for Gender Contact Point. She points out that the project is dependent on the participating companies since it is in the workplace where theories are to be translated into practice. – We see companies as co-researchers in the

GCP project. Companies demand useful knowledge and the quality of research is improved when questions are twisted and turned from different perspectives, says Paula Wennberg. The project Gender Contact Point, which is a collaboration between CDT, Gender and Technology research group and local IT companies, will continue until April 2018 and is financed by the European Regional Development Fund and the County Administrative Board in Norrbotten. 13

Highlights 2017 Lena Jonsson, senior consultant at Arctic Group, during a Gender Contact Point workshop at Luleå University of Technology. Next to her is Cecilia Sjöberg and Andreas Nilsson from Tromb. Photo: Melina Granberg

Knowledge about gender creates business benefits

Through the participation in the project Gender Contact Point, the IT company Arctic Group hopes to recruit more women and increase its competitiveness. Gender Contact Point is a project that aims at making the university’s research on gender, equality and diversity more available for companies in the IT industry. – The companies that are not actively working with equality and diversity risk higher costs and less competitive product and service development than their competitors, says project manager Paula Wennberg, CDT. – The project brings together both companies and researchers to exchange experiences and together create better conditions for an inclusive IT industry. Tools based on gender research will be produced and packaged in cooperation with local IT companies. Arctic Group is a good example of how it is possible to change the way of thinking.

Business advantages Lena Jonsson is a senior consultant at Arctic Group. She believes that the recruitment of 14

“We have learned how to create a better and more inclusive workplace for all employees. In the end, this new knowledge we obtain will give us more business.” Lena Jonsson, senior consultant, Arctic Group

new staff is often made without reflection, and that their participation in the Gender Contact Point allows them to share their tools and also gain access to more ways of being more thoughtful. Arctic Group has for several years been working with a recruiting method that they call the Career chair. The company recruits students from IT-related programmes at Luleå University of Technology even before they finish their education. Students are offered hourly positions to work as internal and external consultants.

Wider recruitment According to Lena Jonsson, increased knowledge of gender and diversity also contributed to a broader view of the Career chair. – The Career chair is a very good thing seen from a gender perspective. When we advertise for staff, many people are reluctant to apply and it is difficult to find the women because they are so few. The Career chair however, is based on the personal meeting. For example, if we know that there are girls studying on a specific programme, we actively seek them out.

Highlights 2017

CDT supports end-user engagement in pilots and helps researchers to collect, validate and extend data The European Union is currently investing 100 mEUR in a large-scale IoT pilot programme. Five large-scale pilots are covering areas like smart cities, how to leverage technology activating elderly people, autonomous cars, cultural events in large cities, and farming. On top of those projects, two Coordination and Support Action projects are helping the overall programme to succeed in various areas. CDT is coordinating one of them, namely the U4IoT, User Engagement for Large Scale Pilots in the Internet of Things, which supports the large-scale pilot projects with end-user engagement, pilot execu-

tion, and privacy issues. CDT’s colleagues from the Information Systems group contribute with their in-depth expertise. Abdolrasoul Habibipour, PhD Student in Information Systems at LTU: -Working in EU projects, such as U4IoT, enables PhD students to grow their professional network and establish a valuable con-

nection, including experts from different European academic institutions and universities as well as the private sector and well-known companies. Abdolrasoul continues - Being involved in European projects brings the unique opportunity to not only collect relevant data and information, but also to validate and extend the collected data.


Highlights 2017 Michael Nilsson, project manager at CDT, Jeaneth Johansson, professor in Business Administration and Industrial Engineering at LTU and Diana Chroneer, associate professor in Information systems at LTU. Photo: Linda Alfredsson, LTU

Supporting regional companies to transition The EU project NIMBLE is building a platform to streamline business flows. One of the business cases are Lindbäcks Bygg in Piteå. Industry 4.0 is a name for the current trend of automation and data exchange in manufacturing technologies. It has been called the fourth industrial revolution or the "smart factory". The NIMBLE project targets small and medium sized enterprises, who don't have the tools nor the resources, to digitalize and to incorporate into Industry 4.0. The development of the project's platform is driven by four different use cases throughout Europe. One of these cases are Lindbäcks Bygg in Piteå. A perfect fit for both the project as well as Lindbäcks, it seems. The company is, at the moment, getting bigger and more complex logistic challenges, and therefore needs to streamline through digitization. This will partly be done with the support from NIMBLE. As a project partner, LTU is conducting research on the platform in two different areas, Information Systems as well as Business Administration and Industrial Engineering. Diana Chroneer, associate professor in Information 16

Systems says; "we are looking into the user perspective and the design of the validation process. It is crucial that the entire platform, the portal and all the tools, are easy to understand and to use for the companies". Mari Runardotter, PhD in Information Systems, adds: “That’s why we emphasize and build on user experience and participatory design principles when designing the NIMBLE platform.” Jeaneth Johansson, professor in Business Administration and Industrial Engineering, continues: "the NIMBLE project gives us an opportunity to look at aspects like value creation, business models, what, why and how values are created and their commercial, social and environmental viability." The platform should have 2000 users at the end of the project period. "We are welcoming regional SMEs to participate in the project. We want to put Norrbotten on the digital map" says Michael Nilsson, project manager at CDT. Read more at

About NIMBLE NIMBLE stands for collaboration Network for Industry, Manufacturing, Business and Logistics in Europe. NIMBLE will develop the infrastructure for a cloud-based, Industry 4.0, Internet-of-things-enabled B2B platform. European manufacturing firms should be able to register, publish machine-readable catalogues for products and services, search for suitable supply chain partners, negotiate contracts and supply logistics, and develop private and secure B2B and M2M information exchange channels to optimise business work flows on the platform. It is funded by the European Commission’s H2020 research and innovation programme for Factories of the Future.

Highlights 2017

Karl Andersson, CDT, Anna Näppä, Industrial Marketing, and Michael Nilsson, CDT. Photo: Linda Alfredsson

Increased online visibility for better business The EU project Smartbuy enables small and medium-sized companies to increase their online visibility and thereby increase their competitiveness. - We will bring the customer to the store, via the Internet, says Karl Andersson, CDT. The technical development has enabled more and more of our purchases to be done online. With a few keystrokes on all possible platforms, we can buy goods and services from all over the world. This development imposes new demands on product and service companies that lack online presence and primarily have a more traditional sales situation with physical stores. – Many small and medium-sized companies do not have the capacity to have a web shop. They may also actually prefer to have a physical store, says Karl Andersson. – The question is how they can retain the competitiveness and attract new customers.

On-line search but buying locally

Wanted: local businesses

It is these small and medium-sized companies that the Smartbuy project addresses. The aim is to increase the companies' visibility on the Internet, to display products and services even though it does not necessarily mean that it can be purchased on-line. The idea is that customers are looking at the goods on the Internet, but buy them in the store locally. – Today's consumers want to know a lot before deciding. For example, many customers want to shop locally but still want to compare prices and product quality, says Anna Näppä, researcher of Industrial Marketing.

The researchers are now looking for companies that can participate in the project. In the long run, one aim is to create a common platform for Internet presence. – Today there is a gap between the physical and the digital customer. We want to close that gap and our focus is entirely on getting the customer into the store, says Karl Andersson. Smartbuy is an EU Horizon 2020 project.


Looking back

through CDT’s 20 year long history In 1997, the Swedish prime minister Göran Persson took an unofficial two day course at CDT in Luleå. The course was about today’s and tomorrow’s technology. Topics raised were the Internet of today, remote collaboration tools, technical concepts and buzzwords as well as tomorrow’s technology and its impact on industry and society

Mikael Börjesson, CEO of CDT and responsible for the event, remembers the occasion: By the very end of the 20th century, just a few European universities conducted research on Internet technologies. Luleå University of Technology and CDT was by then, and still is, a European pioneer in mobile Internet and multimedia communication research. Sweden was taking a global forerunner position on communication infrastructure and widespread use of personal computers. For some years, Swedish politicians also had developed a strong interest in Internet development and they had already started to take political actions to further strengthen the already positive Internet-driven societal and democratically development. Springtime 1997, prime minister Göran Persson visited the city of Luleå and Luleå University of Technology. This visit programme included a brief presentation of CDT. An immediate outcome of this, and before he was leaving Luleå, prime minister Persson took CDT’s CEO aside and expressed, very informally, an interest to re-visit CDT for a more comprehensive dialogue on potential impacts of, and opportunities with, the Internet technology evolution. A few months later, Prime Minister Persson and State Secretary Jan Larsson arrived in Luleå, without prior public announcement, for a two half-day meeting agenda. Planned topics of the meeting included business-web technologies, Internet tools for democracy and integrity, 20 years ahead of EU/GDPR. Some of us remember, with a smile, the “hands-on” part of the agenda and the short multimedia meeting with students in one virtual corridor of classrooms. This upper secondary school’s virtual classroom included several physical classrooms located in different cities in north Sweden. At the end of the short multimedia meeting, in the virtual classroom, prime minister Persson congratulated the teachers and students for their promising 18

The welcome letter to the Swedish prime minister Göran Persson.

initiative. However, people in one of the schools, suffering from a failing video-link, believed the message from the prime minister was a practical joke. A few days later, a faxed copy of the very kind thank-you letter, personally signed by the prime minister, finally convinced them! No doubt - all participants learned a lot from this very multi-perspective dialogue meeting. This was very much stimulated by Mr Persson’s strong interest on the topic and deliberately informal manners, as well as the open attitude of all participants.

Looking back 10 years

to 2007, and the project C4/VPX.

Article about the C4/VPX project

CDT’s annual report 2007.

From C4/VPX to KYAB to EU and beyond The goal of the C4/VPX project was to develop an open platform, both regarding the hardware, which was uncommon at this time, as well as the software. The newly started company Rubico AB, contributed with ideas and development resources. Then, the project needed someone who wanted to use the platform. Kimmo Yliniemi was at the time a PhD student at LTU. Kimmo really wanted to create a visualisation of energy use, which he thought would make you more conscious when you wanted to save energy. Therefore,

he sought help to find a hardware solution that could support him in this development. Kimmo became one of the first to base his solution on the C4/VPX concept. Soon, Kimmo became CEO of his own company named KYAB. KYAB sold entire system solutions to visualise energy use, based on this platform and in collaboration with Rubico AB. His system can be seen in the municipal building and has long been found in Kulturens hus in LuleĂĽ. His system has also been used in many EU projects. 19


Research areas World class research at Luleå University of Technology is the core for our operation. Consequently, an important part of CDT´smission is to support the strong university research environments.Today, we collaborate actively with several different areas of research. Construction Engineering The research area Construction Engineering and Management is focused on creating an integrated industrialized construction process by developing processes, methods and systems for customizing and optimizing the design and production of the final product. CONTACT: Thomas Olofsson, Professor E-mail: Phone: +46 (0)920 493662

Control Engineering Control Engineering is
 “the science of automated systems”. Simply put, automatic control theory
 is about to control systems so that they behave as desired. CONTACT: Thomas Gustafsson, Professor E-mail: Phone: +46 (0)920 491323

Dependable Communication and Computation Systems The research subject focus on cyber physical systems and Internet of Things, simulation of complex distributed systems, agent-based architectures and bio inspired control in complex industrial infrastructures, among other things. CONTACT: Valeriy Vyatkin, Professor E-mail: Phone: +46 (0)920 492505

Gender and Technology

Gender and Technology is engaged in gender scientific and human work scientific research and teaching at the philosophic faculty of LTU. Activities include education, contract education, graduate education, contract research, and research.We give lectures on our research in many different contexts and participate in reference groups, boards, advice groups and more. CONTACT: Maria Udén, Professor E-mail: Phone: +46 (0)920-493023

Fluid Mechanics

Focus is on flow through porous media, multiphase flow, flow with free surfaces and in-stationary flow. The research is applied within hydropower (production, security, environment), mining and steel industry and within areas such as composites manufacturing, health aspects, flow of grease, flow within bearings and filter technology. CONTACT: Staffan Lundström, Professor E-mail: Phone: +46 (0)920 492392

Human Work Sciences

The subject deals with development of firms and organizations with a specific focus on business development based on innovative products and services, production solutions or ways to lead and organize activities.

The research is interdisciplinary, with close cooperation between engineers and sociologists. Many research projects are carried out together with the other research topics in the Division of Humans and Technology or other research groups, both nationally and internationally.The projects are often need-driven, conducted in collaboration with stakeholders in the society.

CONTACT: Joakim Wincent, Professor E-mail: Phone: +46 (0)920-492161

CONTACT: Lena Abrahamsson, Professor E-mail: Phone: +46 (0)920 492107

Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Information Systems Information Systems covers design and use of information technology in relation to people, organizations and societies. Severa CONTACT: Tero Päivärinta, Professor E-mail: Phone: +46 (0)920 491477

Pervasive and Mobile Computing Pervasive and mobile computing address distributed systems and mobile networks, which enable mobility, ubiquity and interactivity of computers, data, software and users. CONTACT: Christer Åhlund, Professor E-mail: Phone: +46 (0)910 585331

Enabling ICT At Enabling ICT LTU’s research resources have been gathered together in connection with ICT in order to highlight research issues both in depth and from a multidisciplinary perspective. CONTACT: Christer Åhlund, Professor E-mail: Phone: +46 (0)910 585331 Anna Ståhlbröst, Associate Professor E-mail: Phone: +46 (0)920 492091


Results Our aim is to identify highly innovative and novel research findings with technical and commercial potential. Moreover, we also need to export these ideas to society and companies by creating sustainable business innovation. As a result, we measure the number of concepts, prototypes, patents, products, services and spin-offs, that our operations generate each year. Moreover, our research groups at Luleå University of Technology is a key asset of our activities.To secure continuous world class innovations, academic achievements are of great importance to us. Consequently, we measure the number of publications, reports, MSc degrees, Doctoral degrees as well as how many Licentiate degrees that receives their hats each year.

Post-Graduate Degrees Accumulated Associate Professors Anita Mirijamdotter Anna Ståhlbröst Birgitta Bergvall-Kåreborn Dick Schefström James P LeBlanc Jeaneth Johansson Kåre Synnes Malin Malmström Mikael Wiberg Olov Schelen Peter Parnes Wolfgang Birk Doctors Anders Lindgren Anna Ståhlbröst Dan Johansson Daniel Granlund Dick Schefström Eva Källhammer Frank Sjöberg Jan-Jaap van de Beek Jeremiah Scholl Johan Karlsson 22

Johan Kristiansson John Lindström Josef Hallberg Juwel Rana Kåre Synnes Lars-Åke Larzon Malin Malmström Marita Holst Mikael Degermark Mikael Drugge Mikael Sundström Olov Schelén Per Ödling Peter Parnes Roland Hostettler Roland Parviainen Thomas Pederson Ulf Bodin Licentiates Ali Padyab Anders Lindgren Andreas Jonsson Anna Ståhlbröst Dan Johansson

Daniel Granlund Frank Sjöberg Helena Oskarsson Jeremiah Scholl Johan Karlsson Johan Kristiansson Johan Nykvist Josef Hallberg Josefin Lassinantti Kåre Synnes Lars-Åke Larzon Laurynas Riliskis Lena Palmqvist Marcus Nilsson Martin Sehlstedt Mats Folke Matthias Wahlqvist Mikael Drugge Pierre Fransson Raihan Ul Islam Richard Nilsson Robert Granlund Roland Parviainen Stefan Elf Tomas Nilsson Ulf Bodin Ulrika Wiss

Results marked with a grey background is 2016 years results.

CDT in figures 2014-2017 Results and Achievements

2017 2016 2015 2014

Associate professors



Doctoral degrees





Licentiate degrees




MSc degrees




6 18 18 14


3 9 14 3


4 1

Patents Products



Prototypes 3 5 5 Applications 3 1 4 Demonstrations

13 17 24 15





User studies







Results Accumulated –The creation of society growth

CDT supports and finances the commercialization process of research innovations. A powerful way to do this is the generation of commercial spin-off companies. Since start, CDT has been involved in the forming of 13 spin-off companies based on academic research from Luleå University of Technology.The creation of these companies is beneficial to local economic development in the region. Actegra – A design, product development and manufacturing company of electronic equipment for wireless communications and positioning. The concept behind the company arose in year 2009. In 2011, the collaborations with the CDT project “Sense Smart City”, was one of the factors that led to that the company expanded its activities and registered as a limited liability company.

Rubico AB – A company targeting the Swedish market for digital audio newspaper receivers/recorders, 2004. Operax AB – Operax develops key technology for data and telecommunication over Internet and Intranet within fixed and mobile systems,

iGW is a company focusing on a developing infrastructure for collection, management and visualization of large amounts of data.

Internet Bay – A commercial cluster that supports its members’ growth strategies in distance-spanning and mobile applications, 1999.

Oricane AB – The target customers of the company are vendors of software based network equipment, such as routers and firewalls, as well as vendors of custom hardware classification engines for high-end network equipment, 2006.

Marratech AB – An Internet company developing products and services, which facilitate meetings between people on Internet, so called e-meetings, 1998. Bought by Google 2008, now a part of Google toolbox.

Parnes Labs – Realizes dreams in the realm of development for the Web, Android, iPhone/iPad and just about anything related to the Internet!

Effnet AB – A developer of Internet Protocol (IP) header compression technologies, 1997.

KYAB – KYABs business idea is to assist house owners to reduce their energy consumption by combining measurement, visualisation and

IT Norrbotten AB – A regional development company with the objective to create economic growth and develop work and industry in Norrbotten, 1996.

Adela Innovation AB – A company developing products and services within area of enabling people to receive and listen to speech news-papers, 2008.

Bollen Labs – A company that experiment with new ways to interact with computers, and new types of data visualization. 23

Awards Ericsson Patentable Invention Award


Ericsson Inventor of the Year

Award received by Ph D student Juwel Rana, LTU, Associate Professor Kåre Synnes, LTU and Stefan Håkansson and Johan Kristiansson at Ericsson in 2012, Sweden.

Received by Kimmo Yliniemi (KYAB) in 2008.

Awarded Krister Svanbro at Ericsson in year 2001 for Headercompression by Ericsson.

Mobile Technology of the Year 2008 GULDMOBILEN

IT Personality of the Year

Awarded Oricane in 2008.

Dataföreningen i Norr, awarded Professor Christer Åhlund “IT personality of the year 2012”, in Skellefteå, Sweden.

The Competence Gala´s Great Honorary Prize

Best Student Paper Award The International Conference on Social Computing and its Applications awarded Juwel Rana, Kåre Synnes and Johan Kristiansson “Best Student Paper Award”, in November 2012, in Xiangtan, China.

Best Paper Best paper awarded Laurynas Riliskis and Evgeny Osipov for “Analysis of the adaptive threshold vehicle detection algorithm applied to traffic vibrations” at Baltic Conference on Future Internet Communications, Riga, in 2011.

Best Idea Awarded the research project Sense Smart City at the European summit on the future of Internet in Luxembourg, 2011.

IT Organization of the Year Awarded CDT in year 2011 from the IT society in Norrbotten, Sweden.

Chester Carlson Prize NOMINATION Finalist Mikael Sundström in 2009 by IVA for efficient compression, storage and retrieval of information.

Best Paper NOMINATION Awarded Bigitta Bergvall-Kåreborn, Marita Holst and Anna Ståhlbröst for “Concept Design with a Living Lab Approach at HICSS-42 at Big Island, Hawaii, in 2009. 24

No 1 Swedish Research Project

Awarded Rocco project in 2000 by magazine Ny Teknik.

No 1 Swedish Researcher “Chester Carlson Prize”

Shared by Östen Mäkitalo and Anton Abele in 2008.

Awarded Mikael Degermark in year 2000 for “high performance routing” by IVA.

European Grand Ict Prize FINALIST

European Grand IST Prize

Awarded Operax AB in year 2007 by the European Commission.

Awarded Marratech AB in year 2000 in Nice by the European Commission.

Best Presentation Award

Best Paper

Awarded Mikael Sundström at ItechPartner Forum in Porto, Portugal, in 2007.

Best Paper Awarded Christer Åhlund, Robert Brännström, Karl Andersson, and Örjan Tjernström for ”Multimedia Flow Mobility in Heterogeneous Networks Using Multihomed Mobile IPv6” at The 4th International Conference on Advances in Mobile Computing and Multimedia in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, in 2006.

Best New-Establishment In Luleå


Awarded Mikael Degermark in year 2000 for “high performance routing” by ACM/SIGCOM.

European Grand IST Prize (1st) Awarded Effnet AB in year 1999 in Helsinki by the European Commission.

1st Prize In Swedish Innovation Cup 1998: Brodnik/Carlsson/Degermark/Pink – The Luleå Algorithm

Spin-off of the year

Rubico AB, a CDT-offspring, awarded for the best newestablishment in Luleå in 2006.

The CDT spin-off company KYAB receive the award “Spin-off of the year 2013” from the Luleå University of Technology.

Competitive Regions Best Practice 3

Young Researcher Prize

VITAL Project selected for presentation in Magdeburg, Germany, 2005.

Best Student Paper Awarded Anna Hedman, David Carr, Hans Nässla in year 2004 for “Browsing thumbnails: A comparison of three techniques” by ITI2004 in Croatia.

Awarded Associate Senior Lecturer Damiano Varagnolo, Luleå University of Technology in 2015 from Norrbottens Forskningsråd.

Best Exhibitor Awarded the CDT project USEMP during the ICT Days 2015 in Lisbon.


FINANCES Enabling our efforts

CDT is mainly financed by institutional sources, both nationally and internationally. This is for example EU framework programs and structural funds, along with national and regional governments. CDT is a non profit organization. Nonetheless, a strong financial position helps us achieve our goals by being able to better support the projects we are involved in.


Balance Sheet (SEK ´000) Liquid assets Receivables Fixed assets Total Assets

2017 - 1 820 8 070 125 6 375

2016 8 774 7 075 142 15 991

2015 -38 6 405 158 6 5255

1 376 5 477 539 7 392

256 8 572 8 431 17 259

212 4 692 106 5 010

- 1 268 251 - 1 017

1 515 -2 783 -1 268

2 712 -1 197 1 515

6 375

15 991

6 525

Accounts payable Advance payments Loan Total Liabilities Profit or loss brought forward Profit or loss for the financial year Total Capital Total Liabilities and Capital

Income Statement (SEK ´000) Governmental companies Governmental authorities and foundations County administration Other governmental funding Municipalities Private companies Private foundations Foreign funding Income Personnel costs External services Premises Equipment Travel Depreciation Indirect costs Other costs Costs

2017 2016 2015 18 19 0 6 956 2 966 233 0 -105 2 150 3 969 -13 973 35 219 1 686 866 756 1 059 20 172 765 3 023 4 044 4 274 14 887 8 058 11 140 4 600 5 030 4 806 5 779 1 630 3 405 598 694 458 796 677 433 825 645 985 17 17 8 1 713 1 996 1 878 308 152 364 14 636 10 841 12 337

Income for the Year


- 2 783

- 1 197

CDT income 2017 (SEK ´000)

CDT income 2015-2017 (SEK ´000) EU structural Funds Research Foundations European Commission Companies County Administration Luleå University of Technology Income

2017 4 392 5 013 3 023 883 0 1 576 14 887

2016 643 1 431 4 044 928 -105 1 117 8 058

2015 1 055 2 224 2 810 1 586 2 150 1 315 11 140

In-kind contribution of the partners Transfer of EU funds to the external partners Transfer of EU funds to the internal partners (LTU) Total inkind and transfer

4 618 4 784 6 262 15 664

2 982 4 822 6 195 13 999

3 161 15 666 14 487 33 314

Financial Turnover (Net)

30 551

22 057

44 454

Eu structural Funds 4 392

Research Foundations 5 013

Financial turnover (Net) 30 551

European Commission 3 023 Companies 883

Luleå University of Technology 1 576

Total Transfer of EU funds 11 046

In-kind contribution of the partners 4 618 27

Our Network

-One of our strongest assets CDT offers an integrated environment for efficient cross-border collaboration between universities, commercial companies, governments and end users. Our partners come from different organizations and working cultures, located at different geographical sites. CDT’s goal is to be a preferred R&D meeting place.We have for several years invested in building long-term alliances with selected national and international scientific communities as well as business partners. Today, we consider our network one of our strongest assets, including manycompanies, organisations and research centres.


Partners Core Partners


Luleå University of Technology Ericsson


Business Partners ABB Acon Actegra ActiveEon Agio ALTEC Software AB Archeometria Archimède Solutions Arctic Group ArctosLabs Atea ATEA-Exait BNearIT AB Business Sweden CityPassenger CodeMill AB CombiTech DesignTech Draxis Enviromental S.A. DunavNET Easy Global Market Effnet Eistec Elastisys ENORO E.ON Explizit Fortlax F-secure Hello Future Home Automation Europe HW Communications Limited Hydro66 IBM ICIS iGW Intel inVivio

Logica Luleå Energy Lumiplan Mageve Management in Motion AB Mandat International Martel Innovate Martinsons Metria Micropolis Mirror Partner Narvik Composite Neava AB NEC Nokia Optimation AB Oricane Planet Media ProcessVision Reply SAP Skellefteå Kraft Sogeti SQS Tecnalia Research and Innovation Telefonica Telia THALES The Node Pole Tieto Tromb TST Sistemas Unimob Vattenfall Velti Westbic Wirtschafts und Infrastruktur Gmbh & Co Planungs KG Whirlpool Europe WUXI SMART SENSING STARS Xarepo

Public Sector partners Aarhus Municipality Arjeplog Municipality Arvidsjaur Municipality Aurorum Business Incubator, Luleå Boden municipality Commissariat à l’énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives Gällivare Municipality Haparanda Municipality Jokkmokk Municipality Kalix Municipality Kiruna Municipality Luleå Business & Economic Development Luleå municipality Pajala Municipality Piteå Municipality Santander Municipality Teknikens Hus The Swedish Board of Agriculture (Jordbruksverket) Älvsbyn Municipality Överkalix Municipality Övertorneå Municipality

Non-profit Organisations Catapult CTI - Computer Technology Institute and Press EARMA Engineering Ingegneria Informatica S.p.A. ENROLL Fab Lab Barcelona Future Cities Catapult iMEC International association of IT lawyers LTU Business AB Luleå ICT Business

Council Mandat International Nordic innovation center Salzburgresearch Sogeti Santander Cluster The Nordic Transport Workers’ Federation (NTF) Winnet Sweden

Universities and Research Aalto University Aarhus University Alexandra Institute Ankara University Athens University of Economics and Business Austrian Institute of Technology BREMEN University CEA Centre for Research and Technology Hellas CERTH Computer Technology Institute and Press Diophantus in Greece Coventry University Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt Ecole Polytechnique Federale De Lausanne Erasmus Research Institute of Management Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam Fraunhofer Institute FOKUS Fundacion Tecnalia Research & Innovation Fundação de Apoio à Universidade de São Paulo University of Gothenburg Hochschule Aachen Hochschule Ulm

Imperial College London



University of Cantabria

Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia

University of Geneva

Instituto Italiano per la Privacy Instituto Superior Técnico Lisboa Interinnov IT Innovation - University of Southampton Laboratory Infrastructure Implementation (PII) Linköping University Metropolia NFP Narvik forskningspark Pan European Politecnico Di Milano Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center Public & Science (Vetenskap & Allmänhet) RISE SICS North RWTH Aachen University Sociedade Portuguesa de Inovação SWU Netze GmbH Tampere University of Technology Technical University of Berlin Technische Universitaet Braunschweig Technische Universität Wien Test Site Sweden TWT GMBH Science & Innovation Umeå University

University of Lübeck University of Melbourne University of Southampton University of Surrey UP8 Uppsala University Vilnius University Örebro University

Sponsors CIP (EU Competitive Innovation Programme) Horizon2020 EU seventh framework programme European Regional Development Funds Interreg 4A North Interreg IVB Baltic Sea LKAB Norrbotten County Council (Region Norrbotten) Norrbottens forskningsråd Region Västerbotten Skellefteå Municipality Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth (Tillväxtverket) Swedish Energy Agency (Energimyndigheten) Swedish Governmental Agency for Innovation System (VINNOVA) The Swedish Transport Administration (Trafikverket) VA – Public & Science

UMINova Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya Université du 29


One of CDT’s main roles is to initiate and to coordinate innovation projects. In most of our projects, research from Luleü University of Technology is combined with real world applications. During a project, key assets are created, such as architectures, new technologies, methods and models. If the projects turn out to be very successful, the results can lead to innovations in forms such as products, services, prototypes or business concepts.


PROJECTSPRO PROJECTS 2017 Cloudberry Datacenters

Digital Sweden

FUI Datacenters

Cloudberry is a research centre, with mission to make data centers energy and resource efficient.

Digital Sweden is a power gathering of the Swedish ICT actors for a more efficient presence and influence in Brussels and an increased cooperation in Sweden.

The aim of the project is to develop and renew the data center industry by supporting innovation and development of products and services by SMEs in north Sweden.

Better designed calls from Brussels will support the Swedish participation in ICT programmes. Digital Sweden will continue to develop long-term and coordinated networks both in Europe and in Sweden. Digital Sweden is supported by Vinnova.

There is a strong and growing global demand for data centers and solutions that enable large-scale greener, more efficient and safer data management. The is also a strong need and a growing market for companies that can offer new and better solutions in the area of data centers and cloud services. The project will provide financial support to define, develop, test and demonstrate new and better products and services as well as to help with expenses for equipment and datacenter test environments.

Cloudberry partners define and run medium to high risk research and innovation projects, where key challenges and opportunities are targeted with research, novel approaches and new technology. The project will catalyse national growth by initiating an attractive and efficient environment for integrated education, research, design and innovation in the area of large-scale handling of large volumes of data with a primary focus on cloud in datacenters PROJECT PERIOD: November 2016-June 2017 CONTACT: Karl Andersson E-mail: Phone: +46 (0)70 819 54 84

Digital Sweden’s main goals: n To streamline

the Swedish influence on EU’s ICT work programmes


Highlight and promote the Swedish ICT both nationally and internationally


Stimulate an increased cooperation (for advocacy) between ICT areas in Sweden


Support and stimulate the Swedish participation in international RDI programmes, primarily within ICT PROJECT PERIOD: September 2015 - December 2018 CONTACT: Jan-Olov Johansson, E-mail: Phone: +46 (0)70 619 22 31

PROJECT PERIOD: January 2017 - December 2018 CONTACT: Michael Nilsson Phone:+46 (0)70 288 45 20


PROJECTSPRO Gender Contact Point



The project Gender Contact Point (GCP) is a collaboration between CDT and gender researchers at Humans and Technology, LTU. The project contributes to deeper interaction between academia, industry and other community actors through an innovative collaborative environment for gender mainstreaming in practice.

This is a network of Swedish companies, universities, institutes and authorities that have formulated a joint Strategic Innovation Programme in the area of Internet of Things (IoT).

NIMBLE stands for Collaborative Network for Industry, Manufacturing, Business and Logistics in Europe.

A permanent structure with one door to LTU’s gender research has been established. The platform enables the region’s businesses and other stakeholders to benefit from the results of research, learning and knowledge in gender, diversity and innovation. Gender-mainstreaming tools based on gender research are designed together with local IT companies: Arctic Group, BnearIT, DesignTech, iGW and Tromb. PROJECT PERIOD: January 2016 - April 2018 CONTACT: Paula Wennberg Email: Phone: +46 (0)70 247 54 21


The network will strengthen the Swedish position and influence on international EU research and innovation in IoT. Therefore, IoT Sweden has decided to create an organisation and develop processes and network to influence internationally and with focus on the European Commission Horizon 2020. The Swedish IoT-partnership ”IoT Sweden” has assigned LTU and CDT to lead this work. The strategies focus primarily on the mining, forestry (process industry) and health industry and SME companies i.e. the innovation carriers bringing new products and services to the big industry and users of IoT. PROJECT PERIOD: March 2015 - October 2017 CONTACT: Michael Nilsson E-mail: Phone: +46 (0)70 288 45 20

The ultimate goal of NIMBLE is to develop a federated, multi-sided and cloud services-based business ecosystem that supports B2B collaboration for industry, manufacturers, business and logistics, ICT-based innovation of products and evolution of traditional business models and federated, competitive yet interoperable instances of the platform. In contrast to many other platform initiatives, NIMBLE is multi-sided by bringing together vendor and buyer communities, and it is also federated. This means we enable competition between platform provider and yet, we ensure their interoperation via the interoperability services that remain the same for all. NIMBLE is funded by the European Commission’s H2020 technology research programme for Factories of the Future. PROJECT PERIOD: October 2016 - October 2019 CONTACT: Michael Nilsson E-mail: Phone: +46 (0)70 288 45 20



Privacy Flag

The OPTi project aspires to create a longlasting impact by rethinking the way District Heating and Cooling (DHC) Systems are architected and controlled.

OrganiCity is a project that puts people at the center of the development of future cities.

The project Privacy Flag aims to protect citizens’ privacy with user-friendly tools for interaction with websites, smartphone applications and the Internet of Things.

The overarching goal is to create business benefits for the industry as well as to ensure optimal endconsumer satisfaction. OPTi will deliver methodologies and tools that will enable accurate modelling, analysis and control of current and envisioned DHC systems. The methodology will be deployed both on a complete system level, and on the level of a building. OPTi will treat the DHC system as a system subject to dynamic control, and will treat thermal energy as a resource to be controlled for DHC systems towards saving energy and reducing peak loads. This will lead to the most environmentally-friendly way of utilizing energy sources, thus reducing the reliance on additional boilers running on oil and/or electricity and overall providing a sustainable environment. PROJECT PERIOD: March 2014 - April 2018 CONTACT: Wolfgang Birk E-mail: Phone: +46 (0)920 491 965

This EU project brings together three leading smart cities and a total of 15 consortium members with great diversity in skills and experience. The core objective is to put people at the center of the development of future cities. OrganiCity consists of a close collaboration between Århus, London and Santander, three cities which all have extensive experience using so-called smart city technologies. These technologies include ways to improve cities’ services for citizens while at the same time reducing resource consumption. PROJECT PERIOD: January 2015 - June 2018 CONTACT: Jan-Olov Johansson E-mail: Phone: +46 (0)70 619 22 31

It is a European Research project that combines technological and legal expertise and that is building a global knowledge database of identified privacy risks, together with online services to support companies and other stakeholders in becoming privacy-friendly. Privacy Flag is developing highly scalable privacy monitoring and protection solutions. This will include crowdsourcing mechanisms to identify, monitor and assess privacy-related risks, privacy monitoring agents to identify suspicious activities and applications, universal privacy risk area assessment tool and methodology tailored on European norms on personal data protection as well as personal data valuation mechanism. Moreover, it will contain privacy enablers against traffic monitoring and finger printings and user friendly interface informing on the privacy risks when using an application or website. PROJECT PERIOD: May 2015 - May 2018 CONTACT: Marita Holst E-mail: Phone: +46 (0)70 646 54 14


PROJECTSPRO Photo: Lennart Kekkonen


Smart and sustainable villages


This EU Horizon2020 project relates to the topic “Integrating experiments and facilities” in Fire+, and it aims to enhance the buying experience in smart cities.

Smart and sustainable villages is a pre-study for a later implementation project.

U4IoT, User Engagement for Large Scale Pilots in the Internet of Things, supports large-scale pilot projects with end-user engagement, pilot execution, and privacy issues.

SMARTBUY intends to provide the technological infrastructure for small and medium sized retailers to become THE PLACE to buy for people that want to keep the advantages of in-store purchasing, and at the same time experiment with the advantages of eCommerce; comparison of prices, choice of providers, reviews and specification awareness, etc. Smart Buying converts Smart Cities’ physical stores in a Smart geographically distributed mall by providing the logical consistency needed for conducting centralized searches in heterogeneous and geographically distributed physical stores. LTU works with the communication and dissemination activities.


Focus is to create knowledge and conditions in the following areas: n

Digital solutions for villages’ service points.


Coordinated transports to and from and within villages.

The goal is to contribute to viable villages where young and old, newcomers and established villager can live a good life. PROJECT PERIOD: September 2017 - April 2018 CONTACT: Arne Gylling Email: Phone: +46 (0)70 530 33 39

The European Union is currently investing 100 mEUR in a large-scale IoT pilot programme. There are five large-scale pilots covering areas like smart cities, how to leverage technology activating elderly people, autonomous cars, cultural events in large cities, and farming. On top of those projects, two Coordination and Support Action projects are helping the overall programme to succeed in various areas. CDT is coordinating one of them, namely the U4IoT, User Engagement for Large Scale Pilots in the Internet of Things, which supports the large-scale pilot projects with end-user engagement, pilot execution, and privacy issues.

PROJECT PERIOD: January 2016-December 2018

PROJECT PERIOD: January 2017 - December 2019

CONTACT: Karl Andersson E-mail: Phone: +46 (0)70 819 54 84

CONTACT: Karl Andersson Phone: +46 (0)70 819 54 84


Karl Andersson

Mikael Börjesson

Arne Gylling

Marita Holst

Acting CEO +46 (0)70 819 54 84 +46 920 491 200 +46 (0)70 530 33 39 +46 (0)70 646 54 14

Jan-Olov Johansson

Michael Nilsson

Marie Nolin

Paula Wennberg +46 (0)70 288 45 20 +46 (0)72 526 20 70 +46 (0)70 247 54 21 +46 (0)70 619 22 31

Board of Directors The CDT board of directors have approved the CDT annual report 2017. Luleå, July 2018.

Thomas Brännström

Markus Andersson

Jonas Ekman

Thomas Gustafsson

Mats Nordberg


Ericsson Research

Luleå University of Technology

Luleå University of Technology

Ericsson Research

In memoriam It is with deep sadness that we announce the passing of CDT’s chairman of the board Thomas Brännström. Thomas passed away in April, 2018. Thomas was a long-time member of CDT’s board of directors, a dear friend and an admired colleague. Our thoughts are with his family and his loved ones.



Luleå University of Technology, SE-971 87 Luleå. Phone: +46 (0)920 49 10 00. E-mail:, CDT is a research centre at Luleå University of Technology,

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