CDT Annual Report 2020

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Centre for Distance-spanning Technology Annual Report

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8 A 5G connected RC-car using only video cameras for remote control was shown on the ice in the North Port in Luleå in conjunction with the Demo North conference. 9 A pilot to use recovered access heat from data centers to grow mealworms to feed chicken. 12 New index for better coverage. 14 From data center projects to local cultivation and jobs. 15 Gender equality drives better business results. 16 Datacenter Innovation Region Growth & Export is one of CDT’s new projects.

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17 Digital platform for trading in biofuels. 20 CREATERNITY is the new research area for a more sustainable future. 23 New 5G capabilities uncovered with indoor testing. 24 Industrial Marketing is one of our new research group collaborations.

Production: CDT, Luleå University of Technology Contact for the Annual Report: Marie Nolin, CDT, phone: +46 (0)725 26 20 70, e-mail: Graphic design & print: Luleå University of Technology, Graphic Production Photo: Per Pettersson, Linda Alfredsson, Melina Granberg, Shutterstock Images, Marie Nolin, Sofia Stridsman, LTU and others 3

CDT in brief The Centre for Distance-spanning Technology’s mission is to accelerate ICT innovations for our partners, with desirable and sustainable impact based on high quality scientific research. WE CONNECT ACADEMIA, INDUSTRY AND SOCIETY AT LARGE IN RESEARCH, DESIGN AND INNOVATION, INCLUDING KNOWLEDGE TRANSFER PROCESSES OUR PARTNERS ARE: • IT users (companies, organisations, individuals) • IT developers (companies, IT departments) • Innovation and research supporting organisations • Policy and decision makers • Academia (students, teachers, researchers) • Public authorities


CDT OPERATIONS ARE; RESEARCH, DESIGN AND INNOVATION INTEGRATION: • Projects • Proposals • Experimentation • Spin-off support

NETWORKING AND COLLABORATION • External (e.g. ENoLL, Net World 2020, EARMA, IoT Forum, Swedsoft, BDVA, AIOTI) • LTU internal, partners (e.g. meeting with researchers, partner networking and events) • Local: Luleå Business & Economic Development, IT Industry Association, RISE SICS North AB, Luleå Science Park • Experience of EU FP 4/5, 6, 7 and Horizon2020 KNOWLEDGE INTEGRATION AND COMMUNICATION • Webinars • Workshops • Handbooks • Courses • Conferences FUTURE FUNDING INFLUENCE • Contribution to policies, roadmaps, lobbying, research agendas and programs • Future studies • Regional development plans

Key Areas We are looking for new collaborations in the following emerging ICT-areas with great challenges, change and impact. Internet of Things Computer systems today can be both cognitive and operational. They can replace human senses. This means that people sometimes are no longer necessary to interface system and reality. This allows systems to entirely take over the daily operation of some businesses.

Data centers CDT is working towards making data centers energy and resource efficient and has a number of data center and cloud projects through the entire data center value chain from the ground to the cloud.

Communication networks CDT is active in the area of 5G testbeds and is looking for collaboration in areas such as Communication architectures, Wireless access networks, Wireless sensor networks and Communication in sparsely populated areas.

Become a CDT partner CDT offers an integrated environment of people, infrastructure, tools, processes and services for research, development, innovation and test. CDT has an extensive network covering private and public sector, multinational enterprises and SMEs as well as academia and nonprofit organisations in Sweden and worldwide. CDT is not only a partner in a number of European Union projects. We are also a partner of the Alliance of Internet-of-Things Innovation (AIOTI) and the Big Data Value Association to name a few. CDT is hosting Open Innovation experimen-

tation environments to take research concepts to the reality, for example IoT Innovation Lab. One of our specialities is to generate and exploit ground-breaking innovations with and for our partners. Innovations may be in shape of new processes, new solutions, new products and new business. For more information on how to become a CDT partner, contact us. 5

The CEO Perspective 2020 will be remembered as the pandemic year where we all experienced many hardships on private level and also at work. Before the Corona hit the world, we managed to jump-start several newly granted projects in areas like AI, 5G and sustainable transport. We also managed to perform the second edition of the project Datacenter Innovation Region’s datacenter event in conjunction with Västerbotten at Grand Hôtel in Stockholm, with an exciting and dense program and many attendees joining from different parts of the data center ecosystem around the country. After Corona hit us, we still quite succeeded in creating awareness of and interest in our business and maintaining links to our stakeholders. In March 2020, we participated in Telia’s Connect to Business event where more than 12,000 attendees participated. In April 2020, our pro vicechancellor Prof. Pär Weihed inaugurated our 5G indoor installation. Furthermore, in May 2020, we launched the Richer Business tool for inclusive and competitive business models and performed a series of webinars. Also, at the end of May, our vice-chancellor Prof. Birgitta BergvallKåreborn took the decision to award CDT together with the Machine Elements group with a substantial grant and to lead one of two areas of excellence, CREATERNITYcombining research and innovation within sustainability and digitization. At the same time, the European Regional 6

The development Fund (ERDF) awarded us yet another project within the datacenter area, DIR-TE. During the fall CDT was awarded yet another European project, LiLaCC, where LTU will together with one Finnish university, two Russian universities and two South African universities aim at capacity building with teacher and student exchange programs within end user engagement and sustainability. All newly started projects have resulted in a big demand of more staff resources. Therefore, it has been a great pleasure to welcome three new CDT members during 2020; Mr. Jan Pettersson, Dr. Björn Backe, and Ms. Annika Svensson. Welcome onboard, all of you! With these words I want to thank our partners for a great collaboration during 2020 and look forward to meeting you - online and in real life – during 2021. Welcome to contact us at CDT at any time! Luleå and Skellefteå, January 2021 Dr. Karl Andersson, Professor Executive Director

Some activities during 2020

The University of Gävle’s management visited CDT. - It was incredibly interesting and inspiring to take part in CDT’s activities, not least on the data center side. We have a lot to learn regarding the establishment of Microsoft in Gävle / Sandviken, says Professor Ylva Fältholm, Vice-Chancellor at the University of Gävle.

Luleå University of Technology expanded its 5G test bed with an indoor system. – We can now offer 5G tests indoors and the opportunity to try 5G applications where the requirements for low delay are very high. We also plan large-scale testing of industrial 5G modules together with our industrial partners Telia, Ericsson, Infovista and BI Nordic, says Karl Andersson, Associate Professor and Executive Director at CDT.

The DigiBy project works to digitize villages in Norrbotten. Right now we are working with the following pilots: -Information screen We are evaluating a solution to be able to easily distribute information from the project, villages, municipalities and others to each other. -Digital parcel boxes To offer opportunities for delivery of packages / goods outside the stores’ regular opening hours. -Digital book buses This is a collaboration with the Library on providing IT support via the book buses. -Digital store We are looking at a solution where using an electronic lock and digital payment means that you can shop outside regular opening hours. -Digital newspaper This is a collaboration with Norrbotten Media to replace the paper newspaper with a digital variant.

The project Datacenter Innovation Region came out with issue no 4 of the brochure Data Centers in northern Sweden. 7

On October 1, a webinar, a digital tour in the 5G test environment, was conducted at Luleå University of Technology. During the event, the participants were shown around in the outdoor and indoor 5G environment and received information about exciting 5G applications. A number of pre-recorded films were shown with interviews with researchers, companies and students.

In brilliant sunshine and -15C degrees, 5G was shown on the ice in the North Port in Luleå in conjunction with the Demo North conference. The Wireless Innovation Arena project together with Ericsson Research, showed and told the participants about the opportunities that 5G offers and gave them the opportunity to get their questions answered. It also proved very popular to try driving the radio controlled 5G car on the ice.

During the month of March, CDT and the project DIT4BEARs visited Lapland University of Applied Sciences in Rovaniemi, Finland. Here the project is working on an IoT use case in the area for connected reindeer. As reindeer are often involved in traffic accidents, the project will work to avoid collisions with animals, reduce delays and improve traffic safety on roads and railways. 8

The Datacenter Innovation Region project invited to a day about Industry development and innovation in the Swedish data center industry in conjunction with Västerbotten at the Grand Hôtel. One of the speakers was Tor Björn Minde from the RISE SICS ICE test lab who provided a trend report. He predicted that by 2030, the growth of mega data centers in the world will grow by over 100 per year, the Nordic region will store half of all European cloud data that is not time-critical, and liquid cooling will be used everywhere. He further stated that all data centers will be self-learning and optimize themselves, and that all material in data centers will be part of the circular economy.

The Predictive Movement project won first prize in a Data driven innovation challenge. The project aims to create a digital platform for the transport of people and goods with the help of artificial intelligence (AI). In the first stage, the project will solve the societal challenge with parcel deliveries in rural areas. Later on, the project aims to optimize accessibility in everything from metropolitan environments to rural areas. PM is a project funded by, among others, Vinnova and the Swedish Transport Administration.

Skellefteå’s new 5G test and innovation environment at The Great Northern was inaugurated via Zoom.

In November the tool Richer Business was launched internationally. Participants from 14 European countries joined our webinar on how gender equality can benefit research, projects, organisations, businesses. The keynotes were given by Professor Malin Lindberg and our dean Professor Lena Abrahamsson.

The DigiBy project will in Piteå roll out the county’s first pilot when it comes to developing the county’s book buses into IT buses. At an IT bus you can get help with your digital questions, try out technology and take part in activities to increase your digital skills. Today seven book buses run on the county’s roads, and the intention is to gradually develop the services to apply to all book buses in the county.

Can recovered access heat from data centers be used to grow mealworms to feed chicken? That is something that RISE ICE data center testlab are evaluating.

CDT’s project manager Annika Svensson was nominated for the Infrastructure Masons IM100 award.

The area CREATERNITY at Luleå University of Technology is up and running. The digital inauguration, which attracted a large number of listeners, featured speeches by representatives of large companies, researchers and the university’s vice-Chancellor Birgitta Bergvall-Kåreborn.


Highlights 2020

An interview with CDT’s new member Annika Svensson Tell us a little about your background I have a Master of Science degree in Industrial Economics from LTU and for many years I have worked in leading roles in business development, company management, product development and sales, both in Sweden and internationally. With over 25 years of professional experience in primarily the IT and telecom sectors, I have worked in both product-owned companies and companies in the consulting industry.

What projects will you work on and what will you do more specifically? I work as a project manager for the Datacenter Innovation Region projects where, in addition to project management tasks, I am responsible for project operations and work with our collaborative companies in Västerbotten. I am also responsible for the work and documentation of the regional innovation ecosystem for the data center industry in upper Norrland, which is developed within the Datacenter Innovation Region. I will also work in the project 5G for healthcare in upper Norrland. Initially, I will work with the establishment of the test environment for 5G that is 10

being built in Storuman and later with the companies that want to collaborate with the project and use the test environment. With my background in telephony and mobile systems, where I worked with 2G and 3G, it feels stimulating to now have the opportunity to work with 5G.

We have heard that you are active in skiing and orienteering.

You live in Vindeln and will work extensively with companies in Västerbotten such as in Lycksele, Norsjö, Storuman and Umeå. Tell me more about it?

You were also part of organizing the Swedish Championship, the Junior World Cup, the Youth Championship and the World Cup in ski orienteering in Vindeln. Tell us more about it!

I live with my family in the village of Hjuken in Vindeln municipality. It is beautiful to live by the Vindel River and I have always experienced it as a wonderful thing to be able to live in my husband’s family house which was built during the first half of the 19th century. In the work I do for CDT, it is also a geographical advantage as I can get to most of the main towns in Västerbotten municipality within two hours. Datacenter Innovation Region and LTU Business also have an office in Lycksele, which is a natural meeting place for contacts with both private and public sectors throughout the county.

I am responsible for the cross-country skiing activities of our association, Vindelns IF, and have also been active in the cross-country skiing committee of the Västerbotten Ski Association. Our club, SK Björnen, was given the opportunity to co-host the SM, Junior World Cup, Youth Championships and the World Cup in ski orienteering in February 2020. It was fun that we as a small association became asked to carry out the event together with Umeå OK, which is one of northern Sweden’s largest orienteering clubs.

The whole family started with orienteering about 6 years ago. Since both my sons also train and compete in cross-country skiing, it seemed natural that they would test ski orienteering.

Highlights 2020

An interview with our new project manager Björn Backe Tell us a little bit about your background? I have a master’s degree in mechanical engineering and a doctorate in Computer Aided Design from Luleå University of Technology. Before applying for the position here at CDT and Process IT Innovation I was working as a consultant in the area of project management and mechanical design at Sigma Industry East North AB.

You will combine you position as a project manager at CDT with a position at Process IT Innovations. What will you be doing there? Both at CDT and at Process IT Innovations I will work as a project manager and support current ongoing projects.

What made you apply for the position at CDT? What are you looking forward to working with?

We have heard that you are Chairman of the Board in Luleå Salsa Club. Tell us more about that!

I applied for the position at CDT because of my interest in AI and data analytics in general. It is a new field for me, I enjoy working in a research and innovation environment and are looking forward to this challenge.

Yes! I have been dancing Salsa for approximately 12 years. Some salsa friends and I founded the association for almost 3 years ago and now we are around 50 members. We started the association because there was a lack of social dancing events in Luleå. We now have social dancing events on regular basis at kulturcentrum Ebeneser in town.

Which projects will you be work in and what will you do more specifically? At CDT I will work in the Applied AI DIH North project where I will be involved in implementing demand-driven AI innovation pilots / cases. At Process IT Innovation, project management in Digi Process and Midih will be a part of my assignments.

Finally, what else do you like to do in your spare time? I like training and I run an outdoor gym facility, Strandfysiken Luleå, together with my partner. I also have a past as a mechanic and enjoy working on cars and motorcycles.


Highlights 2020

New index for better coverage The government’s target for mobile coverage is insufficient and unclear. This according to Jaap van de Beek, professor of Signal Processing. He addresses the problems in an article in the magazine Ny Teknik. The solution may be a new index developed by researchers at Luleå University of Technology. Jaap van de Beek believes that the digital gap between urban and rural areas is increasing. This is not compatible with the government’s vision that Sweden should become the best in the world in using the possibilities of digitalization. According to Jaap van de Beek, the government’s vision is partly inadequate, it does not include the sparsely populated areas beyond people’s movement patterns, and it is unclear because it does not define what is actually good mobile coverage and is therefore difficult to quantify. Within the framework of the project #fulltäckning, researchers at Luleå University of Technology have developed an index that shows how mobile coverage is distributed between urban and rural areas, the Cellular Coverage Inequality Index (CCI). The index can measure the size of the digital gap and can be used to show changes over time or to compare changes between different countries. Jaap van de Beeks hopes that the index will be used as a tool to reduce the digital gap and contribute to political and technical solutions benefiting the countryside. 12

Highlights 2020

Researchers Jeaneth Johansson, Mari Runardotter and Diana Chroneer and project manager Michael Nilsson, Luleå University of Technology, have all been involved in working with the NIMBLE project.

Business and collaboration models for acceleration of B2B platforms A collaboration platform for providers and buyers and business models based on technology and new business networks, as well as the complexity of the design process when different stakeholders’ logics are to interact. These are some of the results of the NIMBLE project. The purpose of the NIMBLE project was to develop infrastructure for a cloud-based B2B (business to business) platform. On the platform, European SMEs can register and publish cataloguess of products and services, look for suitable supply chain partners, negotiate contracts and deliver logistics. These are complex logistics platforms with many different suppliers and customers, all of which also have different data maturity. Lindbäcks Bygg and Podcomp were two companies participating from Sweden. – Our task was mainly to look at the user experience and to find business models that provide added value to the customer. There must be good incentives for users to choose to use a platform, says Mari Runardotter, Senior Lecturer in Information Systems. – For example, we have involved students in the project. The students had to evaluate the platform based on established user experience criteria in

one of their courses, which gave the project a valuable and comprehensive evaluation and validation. Diana Chroneer, Associate Professor of Information Systems, explains: – In this project, we really integrated the user perspective, which is often overlooked when interest in technology is allowed to dominate. There is a complexity in the development of business and collaboration models linked to technology projects that we have learned a lot from. Another project result is that the created platform is used sharply by companies and customers. The researchers created the platform – now the platform will carry on its own. The business model that has been the result of the project, is described by the researchers as a three-part rocket. In order to create sustainable value creation, functionality, collaboration and business must accelerate simultaneously, side by side.

– All three “engines” must run evenly. When business models and technology meet, the connections between them is often overlooked, i.e., the organizational enablers that are fundamental for the business models to lift, says Jeaneth Johansson, professor of Entrepreneurship and Innovation. – For us this has meant, for example, that we have had to adapt our models to different industries and contexts. We have worked with many different skills and learned from each other. Michael Nilsson, project manager at the Center for distance-spanning technology, CDT, emphasizes: – We have worked with business and collaboration models in technology projects for almost 15 years. It has given us solid competence and good results. The NIMBLE project - Network for Industry, Manufacturing, Business and Logistics in Europe, was a Horizon 2020 project that ended in the spring of 2020. A total of 17 parties participated and the project had a budget of eight million euros. 13

Highlights 2020 Claes Nordmark, Mayor of Boden

From data center project to local cultivation and jobs It started with the data center project Green Power at Luleå University of Technology, that looked at utilizing residual heat. This has now led to the project Växtzon Oändlig, which will work to increase the transitions to work through cultivation in greenhouses. The purpose of the Green Power project was to develop a methodology where measurements and computer models are used to investigate whether low-temperature heat is sufficient for cultivation in greenhouses. Project manager was Marcus Sandberg, Associate Professor at the industrialized and sustainable construction division. -The project started as an idea, where we developed a model of how much energy you need during all four seasons to run a greenhouse of different size with regard to residual heat from data centers, says Michael Nilsson, project manager at the Center for Distance Spanning Technology at Luleå University of Technology. At the final presentation of the results of the Green Power project, representatives of Vattenfall said that there was a continued interest in utilizing residual heat from data centers and putting the research into practice. Boden municipality was also very interested in the idea that the residual heat could go to greenhouses. Robert Näslund, head of technical administration in the municipality of Boden, then said: - For us as an environmental municipality, it is valuable to be able to use the residual heat from the municipality’s data center. We want to locally cultivate plants that we today buy from the south. Boden also has 14

many new Swedes who need to get a job and many of them already have experience from working with farming. Claes Nordmark, Mayor of Boden, says: - We recently signed an agreement with the Swedish Energy Agency to develop Boden as a strategic node for a sustainable energy system. The purpose of this commitment is to create a symbiosis between existing energy-intensive industry, material and energy flows and to develop conditions for further establishments. Producing different types of food by reusing energy can be an example of this symbiosis. This has now, among other things, resulted in the new project Växtzon Oändlig (Growth Zone Infinite) which aims to increase the transitions to work for those who are far from the labour market. In addition to this the region’s local production is increasing. The project has Boden municipality as project owner and will run until 2022. -One of the goals of the project is that a Work-Integrated Social Company (ASF) will be started in a greenhouse environment connected to a server hall and thus become a new workplace for people who today are far from the labour market, says Helena Löfgren, Labour Market Consultant and Project Manager for Växtzon Oändlig.

Highlights 2020

Maria Udén, Malin Lindberg, Professors Jeaneth Johansson, Johan Sandström, Åsa Wikberg-Nilsson and Project Manager Paula Wennberg

Gender diversity drives better business results Inclusive business models lead to competitive advantage. A new tool, Richer Business, can help companies and organisations to improve gender equality and make better decisions. – This is a tool for companies and organizations that want to become more gender-aware and at the same time more competitive, says Paula Wennberg at the Centre for Distance-spanning Technology and project manager for Gender Smart Arena that developed the tool Richer Business. - If companies and organisations make most of diversity and driving forces in the development of new products and services, it will contribute to a more successful business model.

More perspectives with inclusion Traditionally, company development and innovation has been centred around a fairly narrow

group of people and perspectives, primarily men specialising in technology, engineering and science. This means that other groups have not had the same chance to influence the development and availability of future products, services and value chains. The Richer Business tool is developed in collaboration between Luleå University of Technology, Arctic Group, BnearIT, Explizit, Lunet, Metria, Tromb and the municipalities of Luleå, Piteå and Skellefteå. The tool allows users to self-critically review how their companies are acting in four different scenarios, focusing on six different areas: customer value, capital, competency, collaboration, communication and culture.

Better results - The Richer business model is based on a norm-critical perspective, challenging established preconceptions about whose needs, interests, ideas and competencies should guide the design of future products, services and value chains. This leads to a valuable inclusion of additional perspectives, and to products and services that can be useful to a greater number of people, says Prof. Jeaneth Johansson, at Luleå University of Technology. The tool Richer Business is available at


Highlights 2020

Investments in the data center industry continue More business, more employees and new start-ups. These are some of the objectives when researchers at Luleå University of Technology will help small and medium-sized companies in the data center industry to expand. – The data center industry is global and it is important that the region’s companies get the best conditions for getting to know the market and get their business offers ready, says Jan-Olov Johansson, project manager at the Center for distance-spanning technology at Luleå University of Technology. The data center industry is a relatively young industry in Västerbotten and Norrbotten. Within the framework of the Datacenter Innovation Region project – Tillväxt och Export, SMEs will be given tools to help them develop and contribute to increased growth. The target group includes companies that own or operate data centers, suppliers to data centers, companies that provide or develop computational and storage-intensive cloud services or companies that provide or develop products based on analysis of large amounts of data. The overall goal of the project is for the region to become a world leader in the area of data centers and large-scale data management within a ten-year period. – We hope that the participating companies will increase their turnover. In addition to this the companies will reach out both nationally and internationally in the area of green and resource-efficient data centers and cloud services, says Jan-Olov Johansson. Specifically these measures are about, for example, implementing demand-driven growth and export efforts and initiating and promoting networking and collaboration between companies. The industry-specific innovation system, which is already under development in the Datacenter Innovation Region project, will be further developed to include and support growth and exports. In addition to this the project focuses on gender equal16

ity and diversity as an active means of increasing the skills and business benefits of the SMEs. – We have the opportunity to carry out activities closer to the market, which will contribute to the data center industry in northern Sweden. When Luleå University of Technology receives support in its role as motor for the development of the industry, it will in the long run increase the competitiveness of our companies, concludes Jan-Olov Johansson. Datacenter Innovation Region – Tillväxt och Export has a project budget of approximately SEK 17 million and will last for three years. The project is financed by Luleå University of Technology, Tillväxtverket, Region Norrbotten, Region Västerbotten and Luleå Municipality. Other actors who co-finance the project with their own work are Boden Deveopment, Luleå Business Region, Lycksele municipality, Norsjö municipality, Skellefteå municipality, Umeå municipality, Ericsson AB, Norrbotten’s Chamber of Commerce, Västerbotten’s Chamber of Commerce, Node Pole, Elastisys and Hydro66.

Highlights 2020

Martin Lundgren, Senior Lecturer, Michael Nilsson, Project Manager, Johan Wenngren, Senior Lecturer

Digital platform for trading in biofuels To have established a digital platform for trading in solid biofuels that is used by a significant proportion of market participants. This is the goal of a new project funded by the Swedish Energy Agency, where CDT is one of several parties. In order for Sweden to be able to restructure the energy system and reach the target of zero net emissions by 2045, a significantly increased use of biofuels is necessary. Digitization of the biofuel market can contribute to an increased rate of change, but for digital commerce to be successful, safety aspects must be carefully investigated. This issue will be investigated by the new project called Secure information flows with a digital platform for biofuels. The project will also look at whether blockchains can be used to meet users’ requirements for safety, traceability and integrity in digitalized trade in biofuels in Sweden. – This project is based on an idea for an efficient and transparent biofuel market where trade is digitized with high safety requirements that are handled with the help of digital technologies, says Michael Nilsson, Project Manager at the Center for Distance spanning Technology (CDT) at Luleå University of Technology. A digital platform developed for trading in pellets and wood chips, is already available today via Baltpool in Lithuania, which is also a part of the project.

By giving Swedish players access to Baltpool’s platform during the project, they get a unique opportunity to analyse what security aspects they require in practice for digital commerce to function optimally in their operations. – The project is an opportunity for researchers Johan Wenngren and Martin Lundgren at LTU to practically evaluate technologies for collaborations via digital networks and computer platforms, and with the help of the companies in the project investigate whether blockchains can be used to increase traceability with the products and thus the users’ demands for trust, security and integrity, concludes Michael Nilsson.

Partners and participants Svebio is in charge of project management and are responsible together with Luleå University of Technology, Skogforsk and Baltpool for the implementation.

Participating companies Participating companies are both buying and selling companies in the market. E.ON Värme Sverige Ekman & Co n Setra Group n Söderenergi n VIDA Energi n Växjö Energ n n


Highlights 2020

Interviews with two LTU students who does their thesis at Ericsson in the area of 5G Hi Vikhram Ravi. How does it feel to do your thesis at Ericsson in Kista? It feels very good! I have actually worked at Ericsson before as a summer intern and as a part-time developer for two years, analysing and optimizing testing. I also developed an application for visualization of test data for 4G and 5G. Why did you choose 5G as the topic for your thesis? I am taking my master’s degree in information and communication technology and we have studied a lot about advanced wireless networks and then it felt natural to continue on the same path. Ericsson is one of the leading companies in the world when it comes to 5G development and distribution. New challenges arise in the development of 5G networks and there is a new set of challenges that must be addressed when it comes to networking features. What is you essay about more specifically? It is about Virtual Radio Access Network (vRAN) and aims to transform Radio Access Networks

Hi Jesper Gladh. How did you get to do your thesis at Ericsson Research in Luleå? I actually met Ericsson’s representatives at the LARV trade fair and got a good impression, both regarding the company and the thesis proposal they had with them. Getting the chance to write your dissertation at a company that is a world leader in its field is really exciting and you get very close to the new technology. Why did you choose the 5G area as the topic? I have always been interested in new technology, so when I saw this thesis, where I will have to work with both 5G and Virtual Reality (VR), I could not really say no. VR is something I have worked with before in a student project and then it felt like a good next step to apply the knowledge of VR to 5G, a technology that will change how we look at wireless communication in the coming years. 18

It also gives me the opportunity to contribute to Ericsson as well as Open Source Communities in the area. What do you hope the results will be? The aim of the thesis itself is to investigate tools and propose methods for optimizing observability in vRAN by developing the visibility of performance and traceability tools. The results we hope for are to optimize observability as a whole within the Virtual Radio Access Network architecture. In addition, my personal goal is to gain practical experience with a system under standardization and development at Ericsson and learn about standardization and product development in mobile networks.

(RAN) from a hardware to a software-based architecture that will simplify distribution and manageability. This is an area that is still under development and that is why it is so interesting!

What will your work be about more specifically? What we want to explore is how to use 5G to communicate between a server and a VR headset to see how different types of delays or dropped packets affect the experience. What do you hope the results will be? Of course, you want the work you do to be so good that it can be used in the future for people who work with 5G. But beyond that, on a personal level, I just want to learn as much as possible and be able to deliver a job that I can proudly present. Finally, what do you want to do in the future? Something I got an interest in during my studies is working with IT security. Making secure and user-friendly systems is something that has always fascinated me.

What do you want to do in the future? I want to develop new and exciting technologies. I have a special interest in blockchains, cloud technologies and wireless networks, so let’s see where the future takes me!

Highlights 2020

Olov Schelén new Professor in Distributed systems Olov Schelén, who has worked in a number of CDT projects, is the new Professor in the area of Pervasive and Mobile Computing. Pervasive and Mobile Computing systems are collaborative systems that are behind almost all services and applications that we use over the internet. They are interconnected and work together without you noticing how many computers or gadgets are involved. They are designed to work even if some are missing or broken and can be expanded virtually. Applications are everywhere and some examples are cloud services, blockchains and the Internet of Things. See a film where Olov Schelén goes through the basics of this type of system and takes us into the future with cyberphysical systems as the next step.

About Olov Schelen Olov Schelén was born in Luleå, 8th of September, 1961. He is a professor of computer technology and computer science, active at Luleå University of Technology. Schelén graduated with a master’s degree in engineering in 1985 from what was then the University of Luleå. Schelén graduated with a licentiate degree in 1988. The title of the dissertation was “An interactive proof system for test congruence between processes”. He was a research student / doctoral student in the years 1994-1998. Schelén graduated with a doctorate in 1998 and the title was “Quality of Service Agents in the Internet”. In the years 1998-2000, Schelén was the first research engineer and university lecturer. Schelén was a guest lecturer at Amherst University in the mid-90s. Schelén’s research mainly concerns “Cyberphysical systems” and “IP multimedia networking”. Scheléns is the founder of the internet companies Operax and Xarepo. Olov Schelen has worked in a number of CDT projects. 19

Highlights 2020


Additional resources (non-renewable and renewable)

Toxic or infectious waste to treatment or final storage

CREATERNITY is the new research area for a more sustainable future For a more sustainable future, it is necessary that both trade, industry and the society at large change. The new cross-border area at Luleå University of Technology CREATERNITY will contribute to the transformation required for sustainable industry and social transformation. The transition to a sustainable industry provides opportunities to think new and thus develop the whole society. The latest technology in artificial intelligence, telecommunications and sensor technology allows us to connect and connect people, products and processes. The research within the field uses digitalization to achieve a circular use of materials and thus a carbon dioxide- and resource-neutral society. By gathering researchers from 25 different subjects, CREATERNITY takes a holistic approach to the industry’s sustainability challenges, which leads to new innovations. CREATERNITY will study the technology needed to follow a material through the circular flow, and how humans are affected. In a circular economy where resource use decreases but value increases, there is a need for new technology and business models that do not exist today.

Example: The connected industry of the future: when companies develop products for which they retain responsibility and ownership throughout the life cycle, quality and longevity become more important than selling many devices. It’s about designing for a long life, repairing and upgrading. The manufacturer 20

will need connected sensors to be able to monitor the condition of the product and conduct cost-effective maintenance. Smart buildings: by adding components to concrete, measurement technology can be used to monitor the condition of a building - from construction to demolition. The energy supply can be controlled and problems such as water damage can be detected early, which means that demolition or extensive repairs are avoided. Doctoral students from all over Luleå University of Technology will participate in CREATERNITY’s graduate school because it is important to create a holistic view in order to be able to tackle the sustainability challenges. The graduate school includes courses and other activities to provide doctoral students with knowledge and tools to be able to determine how the earth’s resources are used in the best way. Scientific leaders for CREATENITY are Karl Andersson, associate professor of Pervasive and Mobile Computing, and Roland Larsson, professor of machine elements.

Highlights 2020

The company Agio collaborates with AI project The company Agio is first out as the project AI DIH North's partner company with the aim of developing a framework that supports and guides organizations in their data-driven decision-making processes. Despite the growing amount of data, tools and insights, decision makers still do not fully utilize the power of current technologies for Business Intelligence (BI), Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI). To do this requires, among other things, defined guidelines and processes in the area.

From data to more efficient decision making Agio is a consulting company founded in 2003 in the business area datadriven organizations and digitization. They help organizations such as public authorities to implement digital solutions to use their data for more efficient decision-making. A key problem for them and their customers is to become data-driven in their decision-making processes and to establish a data-driven culture. Instead of focusing on actual decision-making, organizations tend to focus on technology and be technically driven rather than value- and solutionoriented.

Develop frameworks for data-driven decision-making processes The purpose of the research collaboration with Luleå University of Technology's AI project Applied AI DIH North is to develop a framework that supports and guides organizations in their data-driven decision-making processes. Such a framework helps consultants to identify appropriate analytical solutions

to given analytics and computer science problems in an efficient manner. This will be done by building a prototype that helps users identify this type of solution.

Higher quality of our deliveries Manne Berg at Agio hopes that the results of the research project will strengthen their market position and value proposition. Manne says: "We believe that the collaboration with Luleå University of Technology will develop our partnership with national and global IT companies and the relationship with our suppliers. In addition, the competence among the consulting group will be improved and lead to higher quality of our deliveries. It feels great!"

About Applied AI DIH North The Applied AI DIH North project aims to create a strong innovation system for growth in the AI industry, a Digital Innovation Hub as a base, in collaboration, research, innovation, applied test-driven development, education and cluster formation. The project lasts for three years and is financed by the EU's regional development fund (Tillväxtverket), Luleå University of Technology, Luleå municipality, Skellefteå municipality and the Norrbotten Region. Read more at: 21

Highlights 2020 What has been most rewarding in your work? Most rewarding for me has been to work with creative and competent CDT colleagues from diverse areas of expertise who believe in teamwork and promote the benefits of gender equality. A big milestone was the establishment of Gender Contact Point but it would not have been possible without LTU’s gender researchers. Ten years ago Prof. Ewa Gunnarsson introduced me to participatory methods and Nordic interactive research and it was a starting point for our systematic gender-mainstreaming work. Ever since, we get national and international attention for our methods and tools.

You always say that gender mainstreaming should not be a separate system. What do you mean by that? In short, a gender equality perspective should be integrated into everyday operations, including management processes. It should not require a separate system. And begin the process of change with yourself, don’t wait for someone else to do it first.

Gender expert Paula Wennberg has retired In the beginning of 2021, Paula Wennberg retired from CDT. Before she left us, we asked here a couple of questions about her 20 yearlong work life at CDT. Paula, when did you start at CDT? I came to CDT 20 years ago from an IT-company where I worked as a coordinator of an EU FP4 project with seven partners from Sweden and Germany including CDT. During that time, I made my first contacts with the EU project world and the European commission.

Describe what your different roles have been at CDT. At that time LTU participated in three EU framework programme projects, two of them run by CDT. As the university lacked professional support services for major EU collaborative projects, my first task was to, together with my colleagues, develop financial administrative processes for CDT. 22

How did you get into the work with gender equality from having mainly worked with financial issues? Gender equality benefits many areas and can easily be seen as an economic issue, not least because our gender equality work has generated new funding opportunities for CDT and partners. Looking back, Telia, the core partner and co-founder of CDT, was a driving force in engaging users in the development of products and services. The test site Botnia was set up to strengthen our end-user collaboration and later Sweden’s first Living Lab was initiated by CDT. As we still struggled to increase women’s participation in research and innovation and to break patterns in a strongly male-dominated IT industry, gender equality was included in CDT’s strategy plan in 2006.

What are you going to do when you retire? I think I will continue as usual, I have not postponed things because of work. However, I will have more time for family, friends, exercise and hobbies.

Those who have been in contact with you, who do they turn to now? Please contact my colleagues, you will find their contact information at the website of Gender Contact Point. The latest news on Gender Contact Point is that we have formed an alliance between Human Work Science, CDT and Industrial Design to further strengthen our collaboration at the university. Contact: Prof. Lena Abrahamsson, Human Work Science Project manager Jan-Olov Johansson, CDT Ass. Prof Åsa Wikberg-Nilsson, Industrial design Read more about Gender Contact Point at https:// Thank you very much for your time with us Paula.We really appreciate all that you have taught us and done during all these years.Your dedication, knowledge, and experience will be missed.We hope to continue to keep in touch and perhaps get help in the future within your areas of expertise.Wishing you all the best in your next phase of your life and the longest most joyous retirement possible!

Highlights 2020

New 5G capabilities uncovered with indoor testing Increased capacity and better performance was showcased when Luleå University of Technology expanded its 5G test bed with an indoor system. Jointly developed by Telia and Ericsson, the facility opened up fantastic new opportunities for both researchers and companies. Luleå University of Technology has a 5G mast installed outside on the university campus. The 5G test bed offers researchers and companies an environment to validate products and services of the future. With an indoor system for 5G, the test bed’s capacity has now expanded. – 5G runs partially on existing frequencies from the other previous generations' networks. It is more difficult for the higher frequencies to penetrate walls. Because of that there is a need for supplementing the indoor system with an outdoor 5G radio system, says Karl Andersson, Associate Professor of Pervasive and Mobile Computing and Executive Director at the Centre for DistanceSpanning Technology, CDT.

Innovative research 5G coverage indoors with increased capacity and higher speeds, allows for completely new experiments and tests, for fully integrated use cases and scenarios for big data. – Researchers can experiment with everything from drones and robots to agricultural machines and health-related technical solutions. At Luleå

University of Technology, we involve researchers from many different disciplines. We also expect even more companies to start working with us, says Karl Andersson.

Successful collaboration The 5G radio system at Luleå University of Technology is developed by Ericsson and with Telia as the network operator. Magnus Frodigh, Head of Ericsson Research, points out the importance of collaboration between industry and academia. – 5G is and will be a platform for innovation, both for established industries, start-ups and society. It is fantastic that we have the opportunity, together with Luleå University of Technology and Telia, to build the Nordic region's first indoor system with the Ericsson 5G Radio Dot System. Now we are looking forward to joint innovation to find new exciting applications for the industry together with Luleå's talented research teams, says Magnus Frodigh. Magnus Leonhardt, Head of Strategy and Innovation at Telia Sweden, shares this view: – There will soon be a wider expansion of 5G and an important spectrum auction around the corner. The interest in 5G is huge and several different industries are exploring its potential. This testbed creates conditions to meet that need; it can act as a catalyst for new innovative solutions that can contribute to more efficient and sustainable business. For Luleå University of Technology, the collaboration with Ericsson and Telia is part of a long-lasting approach to research collaboration.

– This collaboration is another example of how we conduct our 5G projects at Luleå University of Technology. We use a well-tried collaboration model, we carry out research, development and innovation in an open environment with focus on collaboration, Karl Andersson concludes.

Luleå University of Technology’s indoor system for 5G is developed by Ericsson. The 5G Radio Dot System is primarily installed in research laboratories, but the student associations LUDD and XP-el also have access to the 5G network for studentand education-related projects. This is probably unique. The network operator is Telia. The 5G initiative is funded by Labbfonden at Luleå University of Technology and Kempestiftelserna. 23

Cross-disciplinary research collaboration Our collaboration with LTU’s research groups remains a very important component of our work. Today, we collaborate actively with several different areas of research. During the year, two groups joined in CDT’s collaboration network; Machine Learning and the newly started Robotics and AI group. Welcome to us! Accounting and Control


Accounting is often described as “the language of business” and it is used to communicate financial and nonfinancial information internally and externally to the organization. Control refers to the mechanisms used to manage an organization so that it moves towards its objectives.

The research team sees architecture, design, economic, practical and functional design integrated with the aesthetic, harmonious, and symbolic dimensions. It also includes what architecture means for the relationship between people, nature, history and built environment in the various levels of society.

CONTACT: Anders Hersinger, Chaired Professor Email: Phone: +46 (0)920 491095 24

CONTACT: Agatino Rizzo, Chaired Professor E-mail: Phone: +46 (0)920 493438

Automatic control Automatic control is
 “the science of automated systems”. Simply put, automatic control theory is about to control systems so that they behave as desired. CONTACT: Thomas Gustafsson, Chaired Professor E-mail: Phone: +46 (0)920 491323

Construction Management New and Building Technology Technical solutions, tools, methods and organising for the planning, information management and control of sustainable and integrated industrialized construction and business processes. CONTACT: Lars Stehn, Chaired Professor E-mail: Phone: +46 (0)920 491976

Entrepreneurship and Innovation The subject deals with development of firms and organizations with a specific focus on business development based on

innovative products and services, production solutions or ways to lead and organize activities. CONTACT: Vinit Parida, Chaired Professor E-mail: Phone: +46 (0)920-492469

Cyber-Physical Systems Focus is on fully integrated software and application architectures with implementations of highly distributed embedded systems. The systems interact with each other and their surroundings to enable secure, goaloriented, autonomous and developable solutions.

Fluid Mechanics

CONTACT: Jerker Delsing, Chaired Professor E-mail: Phone: +46 (0)920 491898

The research is interdisciplinary, with close cooperation between engineers and sociologists. Many research projects are carried out together with the other research topics in the Division of Humans and Technology or other research groups, both nationally and internationally.The projects are often need-driven, conducted in collaboration with stakeholders in the society.


Dependable Communication and Computation Systems The research subject focus on cyber physical systems and Internet of Things, simulation of complex distributed systems, agent-based architectures and bio inspired control in complex industrial infrastructures, among other things. CONTACT: Valeriy Vyatkin, Chaired Professor E-mail: Phone: +46 (0)920 492505

Electric Power Engineering Electric power engineering covers studies of sustainable systems for production of electrical energy, transport of electrical energy and the interaction between the power grid, electricity production and electricity consumption. CONTACT: Math Bollen, Chaired Professor E-mail: Phone: +46 (0)910 585713

Energy Engineering Energy engineering concerns the development of technologies and processes in order to build a sustainable energy supply. CONTACT: Marcus Öhman, Chaired Professor E-mail: Phone: +46 (0)920-491977

Focus is on flow through porous media, multiphase flow, flow with free surfaces and in-stationary flow. CONTACT: Staffan Lundström, Chaired Professor E-mail: Phone: +46 (0)920 492392

Human Work Sciences

CONTACT: Lena Abrahamsson, Chaired Professor E-mail: Phone: +46 (0)920 492107

Industrial Marketing

Industrial Marketing involves activities and processes for creating, communicating, and delivering value to customers and other stakeholders.This includes marketing of goods, services, and information between organizations and their customers. Marketing across international borders and in digital channels are areas of particular importance for the subject, as well as services marketing, tourism, and branding. CONTACT: Maria Ek Styvén, Professor E-mail: Phone: +46 (0)920 491501

Information Systems Information Systems covers design and use of information technology in relation to people, organizations and societies. Severa CONTACT: Anna Ståhlbröst, Chaired Professor Phone: +46 (0)920 492091 E-mail:

Machine Learning

The Machine Learning group started in July 2018 and targets fundamental and application-oriented research in Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence, including deep learning, pattern recognition, and human computer interaction; with applications in digital humanities, education, document analysis, and Industry 4.0. CONTACT: Marcus Liwicki, Chaired Professor E-mail: Phone: +46 (0)920 491006

Industrial Design Industrial design research is conducted within, among other things, engineering technology and development of methods used with modern design technology, multidisciplinary collaboration in design, cultural aspects of global design and ergonomics and design. CONTACT: Anders Warell, Chaired Professor Email: Phone: +46 (0)920 491601

Pervasive and Mobile Computing Pervasive and mobile computing address distributed systems and mobile networks, which enable mobility, ubiquity and interactivity of computers, data, software and users. CONTACT: Christer Åhlund, Chaired Professor E-mail: Phone: +46 (0)910 585331

Robotics and AI


The Robotics team is world class when it comes to Robotics and specifically drone technology. As part of NASA’s team in the Subterranean Challenge, they successfully came in second place in the world in the first circuit of the prestigious competition. CONTACT: George Nikolakopoulos, Chaired Professor E-mail: Phone: +46 (0)920 491298

Signal Processing

Luleå University of Technology established Sweden’s first professor’s chair in Signal Processing in 1988. Current research areas are flexible radio communications and signal processing methods in measurement technology applications. CONTACT: Jaap van de Beek, Chaired Professor and Head of Subject E-mail: Phone: +46 (0)920 493383


Results Our aim is to identify highly innovative and novel research findings with technical and commercial potential.We also need to export these ideas to society and companies by creating sustainable business innovation. Moreover, our research groups at Luleå University of Technology is a key asset of our activities. To secure continuous world class innovations, academic achievements are of great importance to us. Consequently, we measure the number of publications, reports, Doctoral degrees as well as how many Licentiate degrees that receives their hats each year.

Post-Graduate Degrees Accumulated Professors/ Associate Professors Anita Mirijamdotter Anna Ståhlbröst Birgitta Bergvall-Kåreborn Dick Schefström James P LeBlanc Jeaneth Johansson Karl Andersson Kåre Synnes Malin Malmström Mari Runardotter Mikael Wiberg Olov Schelen Peter Parnes Wolfgang Birk Doctors Abdolrasoul Habibipour Ali Padyab Anders Lindgren Anna Ståhlbröst Aya Rizk Dan Johansson Daniel Granlund Dick Schefström Eva Källhammer Frank Sjöberg Jan-Jaap van de Beek 26

Jeremiah Scholl Johan Karlsson Johan Kristiansson John Lindström Josef Hallberg Juwel Rana Kåre Synnes Lara Lorna Jimenez Lars-Åke Larzon Malin Malmström Manuel Alvarez Marita Holst Mikael Degermark Mikael Drugge Mikael Sundström Niklas Karvonen Olov Schelén Per Ödling Peter Parnes Raihan Ul Islam Roland Hostettler Roland Parviainen Thomas Pederson Ulf Bodin Licentiates Ali Padyab Anders Lindgren Andreas Jonsson

Results marked with a grey background is this years results.

Anna Ståhlbröst Dan Johansson Daniel Granlund Frank Sjöberg Helena Oskarsson Jeremiah Scholl Johan Karlsson Johan Kristiansson Johan Nykvist Josef Hallberg Josefin Lassinantti Kåre Synnes Lars-Åke Larzon Laurynas Riliskis Lena Palmqvist Marcus Nilsson Martin Sehlstedt Mats Folke Matthias Wahlqvist Mikael Drugge Pierre Fransson Raihan Ul Islam Richard Nilsson Robert Granlund Roland Parviainen Stefan Elf Tomas Nilsson Ulf Bodin Ulrika Wiss

CDT in figures 2017-2020 Results and Achievements

2020 2019 2018 2017

Professors/Associate Professors


Ph D degrees




Licentiate degrees








Spin-off 1 4 Products/Prototypes/ Applications/Patents




Demonstrations/Trials/User studies








External events




Media presence



External impact



Projects with Active gender equality work





Spin-off companies CDT supports and finances the commercialization process of research innovations. A powerful way to do this is the generation of commercial spin-off companies. Since start, CDT has been involved in the forming of many spin-off companies based on academic research from Luleå University of Technology. The creation of these companies is beneficial to local economic development in the region. Actegra – A design, product development and manufacturing company of electronic equipment for wireless communications and positioning. The concept behind the company arose in year 2009. In 2011, the collaborations with the CDT project “Sense Smart City”, was one of the factors that led to that the company expanded its activities and registered as a limited liability company. iGW is a company focusing on a developing infrastructure for collection, management and visualization of large amounts of data. Oricane AB – The target customers of the company are vendors of software based network equipment, such as routers and firewalls, as well as vendors of custom hardware classification engines for high-end network equipment, 2006. Parnes Labs – Realizes dreams in the realm of development for the Web, Android, iPhone/iPad and just about anything related to the Internet! KYAB – KYABs business idea is to assist house owners to reduce their energy consumption by combining measurement, visualisation and Adela Innovation AB – A company developing products and services within area of enabling people to receive and listen to speech news-papers, 2008. Rubico AB – A company targeting the Swedish market for digital audio newspaper receivers/recorders, 2004.

Operax AB – Operax develops key technology for data and telecommunication over Internet and Intranet within fixed and mobile systems, Internet Bay – A commercial cluster that supports its members’ growth strategies in distance-spanning and mobile applications, 1999. Marratech AB – An Internet company developing products and services, which facilitate meetings between people on Internet, so called e-meetings, 1998. Bought by Google 2008, now a part of Google toolbox. Effnet AB – A developer of Internet Protocol (IP) header compression technologies, 1997. IT Norrbotten AB – A regional development company with the objective to create economic growth and develop work and industry in Norrbotten, 1996. Bollen Labs – A company that experiment with new ways to interact with computers, and new types of data visualization. Skylite Affärsutveckling AB - The company offers qualitative services in digital business development, with expertise in project management, collaboration development, Business Intelligence and Artificial Intelligence. Team Tools Sweden AB - A company that develops simple and effective digital services for managing financial flows, administration and income-generating activities in associations. 27

Awards Winner: Datatadriven innovation

The project Predictive Movement won “Sveriges paketombud” and their data driven innovation challenge in 2020.

Award received by Ph D student Juwel Rana, LTU, Associate Professor Kåre Synnes, LTU and Stefan Håkansson and Johan Kristiansson at Ericsson in 2012, Sweden.

IM 100

Best Student Paper Award

CDT’s project manager Annika Svensson was named by the organization Infrastructure Masons as one of the 100 most important people who have contributed to the industry in 2020.

Finalist: Challengegov

The project Predictive Movement was finalist in the Challengegov competition in 2020.

New entrepreneur of the year

Partner company Team Tools won “New entrepreneur of the year” at the Boden Business gala in 2020.

Best Impact Maker

Team Pay was awarded best Impact Maker in the Venture Cup Regional Final in Start-up, Region North 2019.

Norrbotten’s Equality Award

The International Conference on Social Computing and its Applications awarded Juwel Rana, Kåre Synnes and Johan Kristiansson “Best Student Paper Award”, in November 2012, in Xiangtan, China.

IT Personality of the Year

Dataföreningen i Norr, awarded Professor Christer Åhlund “IT personality of the year 2012”, in Skellefteå, Sweden.

Best Idea

Awarded the research project Sense Smart City at the European summit on the future of Internet in Luxembourg, 2011.

IT Organization of the Year

Awarded CDT in year 2011 from the IT society in Norrbotten, Sweden.

Chester Carlson Prize NOMINATION

Best Presentation Award

Awarded Mikael Sundström at ItechPartner Forum in Porto, Portugal, in 2007.

Best Paper

Awarded Christer Åhlund, Robert Brännström, Karl Andersson, and Örjan Tjernström for ”Multimedia Flow Mobility in Heterogeneous Networks Using Multihomed Mobile IPv6” at The 4th International Conference on Advances in Mobile Computing and Multimedia in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, in 2006.

Best New-Establishment In Luleå

Rubico AB, a CDT-offspring, awarded for the best new establishment in Luleå in 2006.

Competitive Regions Best Practice 3 VITAL Project selected for presentation in Magdeburg, Germany, 2005.

Best Student Paper

Awarded Anna Hedman, David Carr, Hans Nässla in year 2004 for “Browsing thumbnails: A comparison of three techniques” by ITI2004 in Croatia.

Ericsson Inventor of the Year

Awarded Krister Svanbro at Ericsson in year 2001 for Header compression by Ericsson.

Paula Wennberg at CDT was nominated to Norrbotten’s Equality Award 2019.

Finalist Mikael Sundström in 2009 by IVA for efficient compression, storage and retrieval of information.

No 1 Swedish Research Project

Norrbotten’s Equality Award


No 1 Swedish Researcher “Chester Carlson Prize”



Paula Wennberg at CDT was nominated to Norrbotten’s Equality Award 2016.

Young Researcher Prize

Awarded Associate Senior Lecturer Damiano Varagnolo, Luleå University of Technology in 2015 from Norrbottens Forskningsråd.

Best Exhibitor

Awarded the CDT project USEMP during the ICT Days 2015 in Lisbon.

Spin-off of the year


Ericsson Patentable Invention Award

The CDT spin-off company KYAB receive the award “Spin-off of the year 2013” from the Luleå University of Technology.

Awarded Bigitta Bergvall-Kåreborn, Marita Holst and Anna Ståhlbröst for “Concept Design with a Living Lab Approach at HICSS-42 at Big Island, Hawaii, in 2009.


Awarded Rocco project in 2000 by magazine Ny Teknik.

Awarded Mikael Degermark in year 2000 for “high performance routing” by IVA.

European Grand IST Prize


Received by Kimmo Yliniemi (KYAB) in 2008.

Awarded Marratech AB in year 2000 in Nice by the European Commission.

Mobile Technology of the Year 2008

Best Paper

Awarded Oricane in 2008.

Awarded Mikael Degermark in year 2000 for “high performance routing” by ACM/SIGCOM.

The Competence Gala´s Great Honorary Prize

European Grand IST Prize (1st)

Shared by Östen Mäkitalo and Anton Abele in 2008.

Awarded Effnet AB in year 1999 in Helsinki by the European Commission.

European Grand Ict Prize FINALIST

1st Prize In Swedish Innovation Cup


Awarded Operax AB in year 2007 by the European Commission.

1998: Brodnik/Carlsson/Degermark/Pink – The Luleå Algorithm

FINANCES Enabling our efforts

CDT is mainly financed by institutional sources, both nationally and internationally. This is for example EU framework programs and structural funds, along with national and regional governments. CDT is a non profit organization. Nonetheless, a strong financial position helps us achieve our goals by being able to better support the projects we are involved in.


Balance Sheet (SEK ´000) Liquid assets Receivables Fixed assets Total Assets

2020 -584 15 132 85 14 633

2019 - 184 10 723 118 10 657

2018 2 920 5 810 151 8 881

Accounts payable Advance payments Personnel liabilities Loan Total Liabilities

870 4 748 9 4 596 10 223

1 460 5 801 119 602 7 982

1 318 6 070 0 1 269 8 657

2 676 1 734 4 409

1 465 1 211 2 676

- 1 017 1 241 224

14 633

10 657

8 881

Profit or loss brought forward Profit or loss for the financial year Total Capital Total Liabilities and Capital

Income Statement (SEK ´000) Governmental authorities Other governmental funding Municipalities Private companies Private foundations Foreign funding Income Personnel costs External services Premises Equipment Travel Depreciation Indirect costs Other costs Costs

2020 2019 2018 10 716 8 687 7 532 6 057 6 954 4 670 1 078 763 186 776 900 1 226 1 000 1 14 868 1 499 2 135 20 494 18 804 15 763 3 685 3 676 3 586 11 613 8 722 7 820 430 425 459 402 1 759 234 380 1 398 867 33 33 24 1 414 1 200 1 281 803 329 251 18 760 17 593 14 522

Income for the Year

1 734

1 211

1 241

CDT Income 2020 (SEK ´000)

CDT Income 2020-2018 (SEK ´000) EU structural Funds Research Foundations European Commission Companies Luleå University of Technology


2020 6 822 8 912 866 778 2 116

2019 6 546 8 257 1 493 906 1 601

2018 4 696 6 187 2 135 1 226 1 519

Other (private foundations) Income

1 000 20 494

18 804

15 763

In-kind contribution of the partners Transfer of EU funds to the external partners Transfer of EU funds to the internal partners (LTU) Total inkind and transfer

18 141 9 158 16 326 43 625

11 976 6 507 10 875 29 357

6 538 1 584 7 412 15 534

Financial Turnover (Net)

64 119

48 161

31 297

EU structural Funds 6 822

Total Transfer of EU funds 25 484

Research Foundations 8 912

Financial turnover (Net) 64 119

European Commission 866 Companies 778 Luleå University of Technology 2 116 Other 1 000

Inkind contributions of the partners 18 141

Our Network

-One of our strongest assets CDT offers an integrated environment for efficient cross-border collaboration between universities, commercial companies, governments and end users. Our partners come from different organizations and working cultures, located at different geographical sites. CDT’s goal is to be a preferred R&D meeting place.We have for several years invested in building long-term alliances with selected national

and international scientific communities as well as business partners. Today, we consider our network one of our strongest assets, including many companies, organisations and research centres. 31

Partners CORE PARTNERS Ericsson Luleå University of Technology Skellefteå Municipality

COMPANIES Swedish SMEs 3eflow 5 High Innovations Acon Agio Arctic Group Arctic Space Arctos Labs Bensby Rostfria Björnmamman Bnearit BIM Ctrl BI Nordic Boxmodul Centropy Codemill Compodium Curest Cyberty Damill AB Designtech Effnet Eistec Elastisys ePosture Exeri Explizit Fortlax Gassecry Gode Bra Hello Future Hydro 66 Idepoolen iGW Infobaleen Innan iNorth IsMobile IT4U 32

Iteams Solutions iTid Lindbäcks Lunet Mindforce GameLab Mirror Mobilaris MosquitoCloud N66 Connect Neava Netrounds OnLine Marina Optimation Oricane Photon Sports PosterMarket Predge RDY Arena Samuraj Service Node Shimmercat SITE Skylite Smart Recycling Sweco SWERIM Team Tools Teamtech ThingWave TLGY Tromb WideFind Xarepo

Swedish Industry ABB Atea Atlas Copco BI Nordic Bodens Energi Combitech E.On Ericsson Fortlax LKAB Luleå Energi

Martinssons Metria Node Pole Skanska Skellefteå Kraft Sogeti Telia Tieto Umeå Energi Vattenfall

International Arbon Energie AG Archimède Solutions BALance Technology Consulting City Passenger Domina organisation logistics DunavNET FNHT Holonix IBM InfoVista INNOVA Intel iTeam Mandat International Martel Innovate Micuna NEC Piacenza cashmere Planet Media POD COMP SAMPOL Mallorca Siemens Switzerland Smart Venice srl SRDC Stembert Design TWT Whirldpool

PUBLIC SECTOR Swedish municipalities Arjeplog Arvidsjaur Boden Gällivare

Haparanda Jokkmokk Kalix Kiruna Luleå Lycksele Norsjö Pajala Piteå Skellefteå Storuman Umeå Västervik Älvsbyn Överkalix Övertorneå

Other City of St Petersburg Dalarna County Kalmar County Lapin Litto

NON-PROFIT ORGANISATIONS ABI - Arctic Business Incubator Aidimme Argentis - Arjeplog näringsliv Blockchain Association Boden Business Agency Business Sweden EARMA ENEA ENOLL EURES Fevama FPN - Forskningsparken i Narvik iMEC Infrastructure Masons IT-branschrådet Luleå LTU Business Luleå Science park Mandat International

Nordic Innovation SACO Salzburg Research SDIA - Swedish Datacenter Industry Association Skellefteå Digital Alliance Strukturum - Näringslivsutveckling Jokkmokk Sveriges paketombud Teknikens Hus Teknikkvinnor Uminova Vetenskap och Allmänhet Winnet Sverige

UNIVERSITIES AND RESEARCH INSTITUTES Aalto University Athens Institute of Economics and Business Bremen University CTI Diophantus Donau University Hochschule Aachen Lapin University of Applied Sciences London LUT University ITMO University Karlstad University Lunds universitet Mid Sweden University Northern arctic federal university Patras RISE Stellenbosch University SWERIM Tecnalia Research and Innovation The Arctic University of Norway TU Vienna

Umeå universitet Universita della Swizzerra Italiana University of Bologna University of Gothenburg University of Kwazulu-Natal University of Lapland University of Oulu Uppsala Universitet Örebro University

SPONSORS Boden Business Agency Boden Business Park Bodens municipality Elastisys Energimyndigheten Ericsson Horizon 2020 Hydro 66 Interreg Nord Jordbruksverket Kempe Foundation Kolarctic (Lapin Liitto) Luleå Business Region Luleå municipality Lycksele municipality Node Pole Norsjö municipality Piteå municipality Region Norrbotten Region Västerbotten Skellefteå Kraft Skellefteå municipality Storuman municipality SWERIM The Norrbotten Chamber of Commerce The Västerbotten Chamber of Commerce Tillväxtverket - ERUF Umeå Energi Umeå municipality Vinnova Älvsby municipality


One of CDT’s main roles is to initiate and to coordinate innovation projects. In most of our projects, research from Luleå University of Technology is combined with real world applications. During a project, key assets are created, such as architectures, new technologies, methods and models. If the projects turn out to be very successful, the results can lead to innovations in forms such as products, services, prototypes or business concepts.


PROJECTS 2020 34

Academic North

Applied AI DIH North

Arctic 5G Test Network

The project promotes academic workrelated mobility in northern Finland, Sweden and Norway.

The project goal is to create a strong innovation system for growth in the AI industry, a Digital Innovation Hub as a base, in collaboration, research, innovation, applied test-driven development, education and clustering.

The Arctic 5G Test Network aims to link the 5G test networks in Oulu, Finland and Luleå, Sweden by connecting them and engaging in active collaboration.

Academic (Un)employment and Mobility in the Arctic North – A Joint Socially Responsible Approach is a two-year project coordinated by the University of Oulu. The project will collect data on the needs of the region’s employers and labour force in order to contribute to improved working life in a socially sustainable, responsible way. An Arctic HR network will be established and employment policies and recruitment practices will be further developed by the universities and local stakeholders through a co-creation process integrating a gender and diversity perspective in the policies and practices. At LTU the project is led by Humans and Technology with CDT as a partner. The Swedish participation is funded by ERDF Interreg Nord and Region Norrbotten. PROJECT PERIOD: August 2018-September 2020 CONTACT: Paula Wennberg E-mail: Phone: +46 (0) 70 2475421

To achieve the project goal, the project has the following sub-goals: - Create an innovation system that increases SME’s innovation speed with the help of AI - Implementing demand-driven AI innovation pilots - Strengthen research and education in AI - Package a long-term regional functional innovation system This will lead to strengthening the Upper Norrland region as Sweden’s leading region within Applied AI, which offers a productive and attractive innovation environment. This creates long-term sustainable growth that attracts people, investments and companies to the region. The main financier is the European regional development fund.

It is an Interreg Nord project with the goal to strengthen companies’ commercialization capacity for innovations. It will create an Arctic node within 5G through collaboration between universities, large ICT companies and SMEs. This enables cross-border testing and increases overall testing capabilities in the 5G networks. In addition to scientific experiments, the industry is also planned to benefit from the improved testing environment. The project is led by Luleå University of Technology.

PROJECT PERIOD: September 2019 - August 2022 CONTACT: Karl Andersson Mail: Phone: +46 (0)910-585 364

PROJECT PERIOD: January 2020 - February 2023 CONTACT: Michael Nilsson E-mail: Phone: +46 (0) 920-49 23 06


BDSW Digital


The project BDSW Digital is a cooperation between BD Pop and LTU and focuses on the Swedish music export industry. Singers, songwriters and producers have created international success over the years. CDT:s part in this project is to bring in the open innovation and new digital technology to improve the creative process of remote music production even outside the traditional physical studio. The pandemic situation has highlighted the need of new creative processes in global cross-border music production. This new distance-spanning approach and format will enhance the creative music production process by allowing an exchange of artistic and business opportunities. The result of the prestudy will prepare the way for a larger applied project when the technology specification is known especially in the light of the 5G role in the world. An important part of the project is the 5G test environment, “5G Innovation Hub North”, at Luleå University of Technology, where we will perform test together with BD Pop, a local development company for the regional artists and music production. PROJECT PERIOD: October 2020 - March 2021 CONTACT: 
 Michael Nilsson 
 Phone: +46 (0)70 288 45 20


Cloudberry Datacenters


The purpose of the research centre Cloudberry is to develop new knowledge about energy and resource-efficient data centers by conducting high-quality research.

The new cross-border area at Luleå University of Technology CREATERNITY will contribute to the transformation required for sustainable industry and social transformation.

The overall goal is to generate research results and knowledge that help to streamline energy use in data centers, reduce global carbon dioxide emissions and contribute to a more efficient energy system as a whole. Cloudberry is financed by The Swedish Energy Agency (Energimyndigheten) and Region Norrbotten. PROJECT PERIOD: January 2018 – March 2022 CONTACT: Karl Andersson E-mail: Phone: +46 (0)70 819 54 84


The transition to a sustainable industry provides opportunities to think new and thus develop the whole society. The latest technology in artificial intelligence, telecommunications and sensor technology allows us to connect people, products and processes. By gathering researchers from 25 different subjects, CREATERNITY takes a holistic approach to the industry’s sustainability challenges, which leads to new innovations. CREATERNITY studies the technology needed to follow a material through the circular flow, and how humans are affected. PROJECT PERIOD July 2020 – December 2024 CONTACT: Karl Andersson Mail: +46 (0) 910-585 364 Phone:

Datacenter Innovation Region Datacenter Innovation Region provides an opportunity for small and medium-sized enterprises, with operations in Norrbotten and Västerbotten, to gain support for the development of products and services in the field of data centers and clouds. The purpose is to promote the growth of small and medium-sized enterprises, in collaboration with universities, institutes and technical data center test environment. The project also provides access to an advanced test environment. This is an experimental environment for research, innovation and demonstration of infrastructure and IT products for data centre facilities. PROJECT PERIOD: September 2018 - December 2021 CONTACT: Jan-Olov Johansson E-mail: Phone: +46 (0)70 619 22 31

Datacenter Innovation Region - Growth and Export


The Datacenter Innovation Region project - Growth and Export is based on results from the previous project Datacenter Innovation Region. The project supports SMEs in the data center industry with the aim of increasing their competitiveness through market adaptation of products, market communication and market presence. The project makes efforts through, for example, prototype development, research and expert support for technical development and innovation evaluation. Examples of innovations that the project is working on are: n A self-service portal for data centers n Energy recovery of excess heat from data centers n A mobile module for data centers PROJECT PERIOD: June 2020 – April 2023

DigiBy DigiBy stands for Digital Services in Villages and is about digitizing service in Norrbotten’s countryside. DigiBy is conducting pilot tests of new digital solutions to increase the knowledge and application of digitalisation opportunities for service development in villages. The project will develop new methods for using existing technology and the service will be adapted to the conditions in the villages. The purpose of the project is, in a broad collaboration between the Norrbotten Region, all the municipalities of Norrbotten, Swedish Lapland and Luleå University of Technology, to conduct pilot tests to increase the knowledge and application of digitalisation opportunities for service development in sparse and rural areas. The project owner is Luleå University of Technology. PROJECT PERIOD: March 2019 - December 2022 CONTACT: Arne Gylling Mail: Phone: +46 (0)70 53 03 339

CONTACT: Jan-Olov Johansson Email: Phone: +46 (0) 70 619 22 31



Gender Smart Arena

DIT4BEARs stands for Disruptive IT for Barents Euro-Arctic Regions.

The Gender Smart Arena project is a collaboration with the university, companies and municipalities with aim to contribute to smart, sustainable and inclusive growth and employment in Norrbotten and Västerbotten.

The project works with four different use cases in the areas of smart roads, smart ID blockchain applications, waste management and the prevention of collisions with reindeers on roads. Overall objective is to enhance adaption and transfer of Disruptive Information Technologies (IoT, Big Data and Distributed Ledger Technologies, and other) for the societal and economic needs of Barents Euro-Arctic Region. The project faces challenges, relevant to the field of transport, waste management system, movement of people and goods within the region and transport security connected to winter roads maintenance and reindeer husbandry.


The project’s goal is to expand its perspective on innovation and how new innovative genderaware business models can strengthen business and organisational development of companies, municipalities and other community actors. A gender-aware business model invites to normcritical and norm-creative development of existing business models and offers additional opportunities for value creation. The goal of the gender mainstreaming process is to move from an old business model to a new business model in both thought and action.

PROJECT PERIOD: January 2020 - December 2022

The tool Richer Business is available at

CONTACT: Karl Andersson Mail: Phone: +46 (0)910-585 364

Living Laboratory in Climate Change


The purpose of this Erasmus+ project is to develop climate change education and awareness creation as essential tools toward achieving sustainable development and lessons for Russia and South Africa. Understanding how climate change is already having an impact on one’s life can have practical benefits. This is especially true for poor populations that are the most vulnerable to crop failures and natural disasters, such as landslides and floods, caused by climate change. Communities that must rebuild from scratch after each new catastrophe miss out on opportunities for rapid development. By understanding that their world is changing and that the likelihood of future disasters is increasing these populations can build resilience and learn to adapt to the sudden and slow stresses of a changing climate. Education in climate change furnishes the technical knowledge needed to build a better future through innovation, one that includes clean and safe energy, sustainable agriculture and smarter cities.

PROJECT PERIOD: June 2018-December 2020

PROJECT PERIOD: November 2020 – November 2023

CONTACT: Paula Wennberg E-mail: Phone: +46 (0) 70 2475421

CONTACT: Karl Andersson E-mail: Phone: +46 (0)70 819 54 84



Predictive Movement

NIMBLE stands for Collaborative Network for Industry, Manufacturing, Business and Logistics in Europe.

Predictive Movement aims to establish a digital platform with business models and a set of actors for coordinated parcel, letter and passenger transport.

The ultimate goal of NIMBLE is to develop a federated, multi-sided and cloud services-based business ecosystem that supports B2B collaboration for industry, manufacturers, business and logistics, ICT-based innovation of products and evolution of traditional business models and federated, competitive yet interoperable instances of the platform. In contrast to many other platform initiatives, NIMBLE is multi-sided by bringing together vendor and buyer communities, and it is also federated. This means we enable competition between platform provider and yet, we ensure their interoperation via the interoperability services that remain the same for all. NIMBLE is funded by the European Commission’s H2020 technology research programme for Factories of the Future. PROJECT PERIOD: October 2016 - March 2020 CONTACT: Michael Nilsson E-mail: Phone: +46 (0)70 288 45 20

The project will develop a new digital open source platform that will serve as a common transaction space for all local transport and a digital marketplace for passenger and freight transport. The project’s solution is developed in a first step for rural areas and will be tested in four pilot municipalities: Pajala, Arjeplog, Ljusdal and Västervik. The goal is for residents and companies to experience improved package deliveries and passenger transport. The project will work to coordinate transport so as to create increased efficiency and a more environmentally friendly, climate-adapted transport sector. PROJECT PERIOD: January 2020 - December 2021 CONTACT: Johanna Lindberg Email: Phone: +46 (0) 920-49 16 30

Secure information flows with a digital platform for trading in biofuels


The project will establish a digital platform for trading in solid biofuels that is used by a significant proportion of market participants. This is the goal of the project funded by the Swedish Energy Agency, where CDT is one of several parties. In order for Sweden to be able to restructure the energy system and reach the target of zero net emissions by 2045, a significantly increased use of biofuels is necessary. Digitization of the biofuel market can contribute to an increased rate of change, but for digital commerce to be successful, safety aspects must be carefully investigated. This issue will be investigated by the project. It will also look at whether blockchains can be used to meet users' demands for safety, traceability and integrity in the digitalized trade in biofuels in Sweden. PROJECT PERIOD: June 2020 – June 2023 CONTACT: Michael Nilsson E-mail: Phone:+46 (0)70 288 45 20



Wireless Innovation Arena

SONDER stands for Service Optimization of Novel Distributed Energy Regions.

Wireless Innovation Arena focuses on the industry for wireless communication in Upper Norrland where organisations together with users create innovative services based on new technologies.

In the SONDER project, a model for a distributed electrical grid, a “microgrid”, is developed and tested. The microgrid contains solar, wind and hydro electrical power production and supply for data centres. The solutions developed in SONDER contains communication between actors in the microgrid as well as case studies on incitement for data centres to provide demand flexibility to the power grid. SONDER is relevant to the transition to a renewable energy system as it will contribute increased knowledge and new methods for efficient management of distributed energy system resources, on a local as well as on a regional level. The Swedish part of SONDER is financed by Energimyndigheten, and is part of an international consortium with partners from Sweden, Austria and Switzerland. Swedish partners are LTU, RISE and the data centre Acon.


The project aims to create favourable conditions for small and medium-sized companies. Together with academia, institutes, large companies, the public sector and end-users, we will develop skills and competitive products and services. This will primarily be done in the area of wireless communication, specifically 5G, which is an important enabler for the internet of things to reach its full potential. An important part of the project is the 5G test environment, “5G Innovation Hub North”, at Luleå University of Technology, which is in collaboration with Telia. There, companies can easily perform different types of tests and experiments to validate new products and services.

PROJECT PERIOD: September 2019 - March 2022

PROJECT PERIOD: January 2019 – April 2022

CONTACT: Jan-Olov Johansson E-mail: Phone: +46 (0)70 619 22 31

CONTACT: Karl Andersson Mail: Phone: +46 (0)910-585 364

5G for healthcare in Upper Norrland


The overall goal of the project is to make Upper Norrland one of the natural innovation environments to develop and test solutions within 5G for healthcare. The aim of the project is to strengthen the industry in Upper Norrland in the area of 5G Healthcare through new knowledge that has been added to small and medium-sized companies in a joint work on innovation. An important part of the project is to support the region’s SME with the aim of creating new innovations in the wireless communications industry. Expected results are that new offers have been produced by participating SMEs based on activities within the project and that existing offers from participating SMEs reach markets outside the home region. In the long term, the project intends to have created new central meeting places and collaborative environments that live on and further develop after the project and have contributed to a more inclusive society. PROJECT PERIOD: January 2020 - April 2023 CONTACT: Karl Andersson Mail: +46 (0) 910-585 364 Phone:

5G Indoor Hub

Rural ICT Testbed #fulltäckning

5G Indoor Hub intends to extend the already existing outdoor 5G coverage established by the ERUF funded Wireless Innovation Arena project.

The Rural ICT Testbed project works to prevent digital exclusion by increasing mobile coverage in rural areas.

By extending the 5G test network at LTU’s campus in Luleå to a set of selected laboratories, we enable experiments and tests of fully integrated Industry 4.0 enabled use cases and scenarios. The 5G Indoor Hub is a flexible research platform that allows problems from industry and research results from academia to meet and cross-fertilize via joint prototyping, practical evaluations, testing, etc. SMEs in the region will come to LTU campus to experiment and prototype their ideas.

The work is centered around rural areas, after which it will spread the coverage in order to create opportunities for people to live and work across the entire country. The long-term goal is to create attractive and competitive areas in rural areas, with access to mobile coverage.

PROJECT PERIOD: March 2019 – ongoing

CONTACT: Karl Andersson E-mail: Phone: +46 (0)70 819 54 84

CONTACT: Karl Andersson Mail: Phone: +46 (0)910-585 364

www.fulltä PROJECT PERIOD: November 2016-April 2020



CDT Management Team

Karl Andersson

Arne Gylling

Jan-Olov Johansson

Johanna Lindberg

Annika Svensson

Executive Director +46 (0)70 819 54 84 +46 (0)70 530 33 39 +46 (0)70 619 22 31 +46 (0)920 491630 +46(0)70 591 04 23

Michael Nilsson

Marie Nolin

Paula Wennberg

Björn Backe

Jan Pettersson +46 (0)70 288 45 20 +46 (0)72 526 20 70 +46 (0)70 247 54 21 +46 (0)920 49 21 11 +46 (0)70 242 68 04

Board of Directors The CDT board of directors have approved the CDT annual report 2020. Luleå, January 2021.

Markus Andersson

Jonas Ekman

Thomas Gustafsson

Mats Nordberg

Ericsson Research

Luleå University of Technology

Luleå University of Technology

Acting Chairman Ericsson Research

David Lidström

Michael Carlberg Lax

Skellefteå Municipality

Skellefteå Municipality 43


Luleå University of Technology, SE-971 87 Luleå. Phone: +46 (0)920 49 10 00. E-mail:, CDT is a research centre at Luleå University of Technology,

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