Surface Pattern Portfolio Jan 2019

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A brief blurb about me! I am a surface designer with a vibrant, playful, sweet and fun style. I love to draw and create from all the wonderful colours and textures I see around me in nature. I also have a soft spot for imaginary worlds and kids illustration. I am constantly updating my portfolio and love to see my patterns come to life and become useful on products. I hope you enjoy my Portfolio and get in touch:-)


print & pattern


summer harvest One of the many reasons I love summer is the range of fresh, light and healthy fruit and produce that comes out. It is so colourful and sort of ‘bursting’ with freshness. Crispy green apples, juicy oranges, deep red strawberries and blueberries come to mind. This collection is vibrant, fun and warm.

countryside picnic is inspired by our local Common and the unhurried afternoon walks we sometimes take on weekends. Occassionally we stop for a picnic and our kids sunkissed and freckled run to the big swing under a beautiful oak tree and enjoy ‘touching the sky’ with their toes as they swing higher and higher. We get to soak in the balmy warm breeze and a glass of white wine.

Thankyou you made my day!

rainbows & unicorns I have two beautiful daughters who are inspiration for all my work, but this collection in particular. Allow your mind to wander through a magical forest where unicorns live and rainbows are everywhere. Icecream trees grow in ‘princess-land’ of course while faires sit on mushroom chairs and beautiful roses grow with every step you take.


I love birds! They hold a fascination for me that I can’t quite explain. It is something to do with their ‘carefreeness’ and the way they hop about happily flitting here and there without a care in the world. Their playground is the great blue sky. All their beautiful colours are such great inspiration.

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