Melbourn Village College at 50 Celebrations of the College’s 50th anniversary are already well underway. September saw the giant tea party held on the Willow Lawn; estimates place the number of ex-pupils and ex-staff attending at over 1,000 visitors. The class of 1959, the College’s first ever cohort of students, seemed particularly well represented. The afternoon seemed to fly by in a swirl of reminiscences and anecdotes, accompanied by industrial quantities of tea and scones, to a soundtrack provided by the College’s own ‘Big Band’ who played some popular classics from the past five decades. The sun shone, two former wardens were in attendance and a thoroughly enjoyable time was had by all. Many thanks to the very many people who worked tirelessly to ensure that the event was such a success. Andrew Allsworth Deputy Warden. Front Cover: A selection of glass tiles designed by representatives from the College’s partner organisations. Groups included primary schools, parish councils, Moorlands residents, young people at Orchard Manor and employees at TTP. Community groups included local churches, U3A, Melbourn Singers and the Melbourn History Group. This page: Tiles by MVC staff and students, displayed in the Common Room.