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Melbourn’s Parks

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What’s on

Making Play Fit for the Future

Melbourn has an amazing number of children, and the number has grown steadily over many years.


The two existing parks located at Clear Crescent and The Moor are much used by the local community. However, the parks were built 50-60 years ago and, although there has been some updating, they have remained remarkably unchanged. What has changed is that the number of children in the village has doubled! Recent estimates show that there are now approximately 900 children under 16 in Melbourn compared to less than 400 when our two parks were constructed.

Children will never become tired of playing, but the parks themselves are looking very tired and shabby. A volunteer parent group has set up the ‘Melbourn Parks Committee’ with the objectives of re-planning the parks and replacing or updating worn out park equipment.

The committee is very active and already has a great deal of feedback and some excellent ideas from park users. Play Group and Primary School children and parents have already had an opportunity to inform the committee about equipment they would like the most.

The Parish Council is supporting this initiative and may also pledge some monies toward the project. Play equipment is very expensive and other grants are also being sought alongside village fundraising activities. Funding is always a challenge, so if you or your company would like to get involved by offering a donation, time, skills or resources please let the committee know.

There will be a public consultation meeting and drop in session on Friday 10th December between 6.30 – 8.30pm at the United Reformed Church, when all members of the community will have the opportunity to look at proposed plans and give their feedback. Please come if you would like to know more about the parks and have your say.

A Medieval Christmas at Denny Abbey

Saturday 11th December, 12–5pm

Visit Denny Abbey and The Farmland Museum for a Christmas family event with a Medieval Flavour full of festivities reflecting the ancient heritage of Denny Abbey. Make a wassailing cup from clay, construct a mini wreath for your front door, listen to some story telling and follow the mummers play trail around the museum. Join in with carols by candlelight in the intimate setting of Denny Abbey from 4pm dress warmly and bring a torch or lantern. Cafe open for Medieval hot spiced apple juice and the usual tea, coffee, scones and cakes. Shop open for stocking fillers. Event Admission Prices: Adults £5, Concessions £4, Children over 5 £3, Family ticket £15

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