As the site at Springvale Station is still in its early stages, there is minimal evidence of floor systems. From talks with the architects, it was explained that the predominant flooring system will come in the form of large concrete slabs places over the retaining walls to form a kind of bridge over the underground section of the station. In terms of wall systems, as this is again mainly an underground structure, many piles are needed to be drilled about 10-12m into the ground before a retaining wall can be created out of them. The structure will be dug out at a level of 7m under the ground at its deepest point.
Structural Concept Constructing Environments Sem2 Marta Elefterijadis
Site: Springvale Railway Station, Springvale, Victoria Photo taken on 29/8/13
Within this site, there are three main materials used: concrete, steel and galvanized steel. In the subsequent above ground structure, there will also be these inclusion of materials such as glass and tin roof sheets.
Materials & Construction Constructing Environments Sem2 Marta Elefterijadis
As it stands, the current works are mainly focused around drilling in the more than 900 piles into the ground that will act as supports and barriers between the surrounding earth and the underground station. Due to the fact that they are being places quite close together (about 0.5m apart) the builders must drill every fourth pile in and wait until the concrete in which it is in has fully set and cured before drilling any adjacent piles in. Once a section of piles is completed, concrete is being pored over them in order to create a retaining wall, with a capstone wall on top of this to secure the whole system.
Site: Springvale Railway Station, Springvale, Victoria All photos shown taken on 29/8/13
The station will aesthetically be relatively simple, as it is a government project and meant for public use (and therefore has to be durable and long lasting). Functionally, it will allow for Springvale road to be much less congested, as it will result in the removal of the current level crossing that is causing the mass amounts of traffic and accidents on this same road.
Aesthetic Design & Function Constructing Environments Sem2 Marta Elefterijadis
Site: Springvale Railway Station, Springvale, Victoria Concept drawings taken as screenshots from CD provided (video can also be viewed at