Melissa Cliver The Institute of Money Technology and Financial Inclusion
Follow the Bean: Navigating value & vulnerability with farmers & their stakeholders.
Finance Alliance for Sustainable Trade Information exchange
Financial tools Education and training
F.A.S.T. members cooperatives funder/development supply chain
understand core needs promote financial inclusion for farmers through the delivery route of the sustainable trade industry facilitate financial tools - ICT’s and services inform a scalable platform of useful, useable and desirable tools that will grow holistically
Design Process Discover observe listen
Implement Understand Create test synthesize connect reframe co-design refine
research is ongoing
core need
human experience
core need services
human experience
technology emotion
core need
human experience
technology emotion
core need
relationships services
human experience
technology emotion
core need
relationships services
human experience holistic growth "
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emotion I • ••
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core need
Coffee cooperative Day laborers (single women & Mixteca) Sustainable trade supply chain Coffee drinkers
21st of September cooperative farmers.
co-op sharing infrastructure accountability links to poor
expert workshops
Discover observe / listen
(scoping & scalability)
observations in the field (insights and right turns)
influence models analysis (benchmarking)
semi structured interviews (introductions to the everyday)
participatory design sessions (introductions to the everyday)
literature review (Portfolios of the Poor, (Yunus, m-banking, social philanthropy models)
Point of origin Health and safety of food The well being of the cooperative
'KIVA loans !NIt change lives •
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Focus 1. tools and strategies 2. cash streams relationships emotions possibilities
create connect co-design
implement test refine
participatory design
discover observe listen
understand synthesize reframe
create connect co-design
implement test refine
Who is involved ?
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insights from participatory design session concerns and challenges plant health spotty connectivity work flow business literacy social norms willingness and encouragement unfamiliar with being asked to contribute natural systems thinkers
tools & strategies
discover observe listen
understand synthesize reframe
create connect co-design
implement test refine
Who is involved ?
information communication technology
“one way I save is to gather my own wood for cooking instead of paying for it ”
making sale-able from materials gathered from the earth
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shade trees and livestock for protection
insights from tools and strategies physical norms innovation is a part of the everyday the tangible and visible is a link to trust materials from the land are free resource children are gatekeepers of technology social norms small jobs are social and desired abstractions such as savings have low priority personal savings is private change is accepted after proof
Understand reframe / synthesize
co-op as agent and pillar (community vs. gender bias) reposition savings (livelihood vs. “disasters”) support small jobs (pride and social vs. “burden”) control over one’s life is at the core (vulnerability as state of being vs. “event”) the STI is a circle not a line (the consumer is a part of the experience)
Cash stream “personalities”
Welfare “social programs are for school”
Crops “coffee money is distributed fairly” Remittances “remittance money is for building houses” Loans “loans are for equipment and supplies” Small jobs “I use the flower money to buy special things like cheese”
“But its not enough”
if remittances look like buildings what does savings look like?
saving?...with what?
before we can build the right financial management tool we need to get the cash in place for well being, livelihood and the unforeseen.
implications for concepts
cash flow and streams current state
desired state
a variety of irregular unreliable income streams that don’t add up
little or no resources for emergencies neighbors and loans not cooperative
cushion offsetting the unforeseen minimizing risk
life risking strategies to obtain large sums and advances in life
unique sums of money to plan build and aspire in life
cash streams have tangible allocations with personalities
realistic expectations for the specific cash stream
ICT’s (potential) current state
desired state
management is often in-person discussion-based hand-drawn charts, maps, spreadsheets, little hierarchy desire for planning and management, fairness and transparency
maximize understanding, planning and workflow remove abstraction
planning is hard in a state of flux with logistically challenging communication
share knowledge with ease
families have different needs than day laborer
offer appropriate cultural options to be selected as needed and desired by user
build on the cooperatives mission of sharing and fairness
In addition to financial management tools we will design a new cash stream for livelihood facilitated by ICT’s between farmers and those who buy their crop.
The needs illustrated in this model will inform the potential feature set for each stakeholder.
key: need desire
choice & access enough pay
(scoping & scalability)
find income relational bricolage
motivation action day labor
control clarity resources
be safe
fair price
contracts tools
emotion farmer
manage well
semi-structured interviews
motivation action
(introductions to the everyday) emotion
co-design (ensure usability)
authentic awareness
motivation gratification
action purchase
to select
awareness profit accuracy consistency
cash flow and streams
current state
desired state
a variety of irregular unreliable income streams that don’t add up
little or no resources for emergencies neighbors and loans not cooperative
cushion offsetting the unforeseen minimizing risk
life risking strategies to obtain large sums and advances in life
unique sums of money to plan build and aspire in life
cash streams have tangible allocations with personalities
realistic expectations for the specific cash stream
ICT’s (potential)
current state
desired state
management is often in-person discussion-based hand-drawn charts, maps, spreadsheets, little hierarchy desire for planning and management, fairness and transparency
maximize understanding, planning and workflow remove abstraction
planning is hard in a state of flux with logistically challenging communication
share knowledge with ease
families have different needs than day laborer
offer appropriate cultural options to be selected as needed and desired by user
build on the cooperatives mission of sharing and fairness with clear understanding
themes overall co-op as intermediary between financier and day worker -scalability -culturally appropriate
themes overall co-op as intermediary between financier and day worker -scalability -culturally appropriate
need for “savings� as a foundation -aid infrastructure -maintain balance
themes overall co-op as intermediary between financier and day worker -scalability -culturally appropriate
need for “savings� as a foundation -aid infrastructure -maintain balance
support multiple jobs of day workers -loans administered from the coop -build services for the community
themes overall co-op as intermediary between financier and day worker -scalability -culturally appropriate
need for “savings� as a foundation -aid infrastructure -maintain balance
support multiple jobs of day workers -loans administered from the coop -build services for the community
control over one’s life is at the core -building generationally -integrity | choice
Three Impact Areas The Sustainable Social Sharing Platform building on existing and implied relationships. Savings | Communication | Community -initiating savings
(from consumer to coop)
-initiating loans
(from coop to day worker *not bank*)
-initiating transparency supporting day to day management of funds
(between financier, cooperative, importer, day worker, consumer)
Concepts to validate “Send the change” “Work ready” “Community builder” “Visual summary”
sample concepts: conversation starter for co-design sessions CONCEPT | SEND THE CHANGE | CONSUMER ROUNDS UP WHEN PURCHASING A POUND OF COFFEE
Each concept has a service model, interface prototype (mobile and web) and monetization features to test in co-design sessions
Importer receives tax deduction with direct donation Farmer receives new cash stream for savings and securing livelihood
Consumer gains access to point of origin information Dayworker gains access to micro loans via co-op from half of “send the change” funds
Financier can continue to focus on direct product-related financing instead of infrastructure (investors don’t typically fund infrastructure, yet see the value)
co-op receives partnered cash stream for savings
sample concepts: conversation starter for co-design sessions CONCEPT | MICROSOFT PIVOT DATA VISUALIZATION SOFTWARE | DATA LINKING
Each concept has a service model, interface prototype (mobile and web) and monetization features to test in co-design sessions.
Importer monitor data facilitates reliable partnerships Farmer set agenda and accomplishments feedback and requests
Consumer visualize their member cooperative dayworker
Dayworker apply for small loans through co-op visualized on Pivot page Financier perform an advanced search visualizations based on their criteria
stakeholders see information in a customized context
SCENARIOS (prototyping experience send the change) ,...--1 1""-
hand holding cell with question
two hands holding a bag of coffee
\ has a regular spot and chooses a cooperative
consumer purchases a pound of coffee,
with card or cell phone payment is prompted to indicate if they are part of the send security program
direct interest infood orgin and true sustainabilty including the welafare of the workers
l gives consumer who brings their own cup a 5 cent “coin” to place in the saftey net of featured cooperative
reinforces trusted partners health securing their bus. has monthly transfers of funds to particular coop thats part of a 6 month program adds totals up at the end of day
off sets the admin cost with a tax deduction and repeate business loyalty
investing in ourselves borrowing and giving back from the cooperative
cooperative each member see’s a visual representation of the cooperatives security account as it grows
the funds are split into thirds for the long term emergency, for the farmer needs and for the day worker side job
farmers propose suggestions for fund use to the group. Treasurer and pres.presents expenses for emergencies to the group group accountability and trust ensure repayment and infrastructure development
day worker day workers make requests for small loans to the coop supporting their other jobs, childrens nursery, making tortillas...
paybacks are set up via terms created by the day worker based on terms that make sense to them
financier the recognized finance gap and absense of savings becomes offset. With a mix of quantitative and
the productivity is more sustainable and secure overall. Focus on direct to product financing is
funds are typically used for a group project, a small job in addition to working on the crop investers want a healthy dynamic for the coop and see the value but are focused on direct product investments. Coop knows whats best for their comunity
“Stored savings goal is 10,000 USD. 10$ goes out in micro loan returned at 12$
concept validation of potential solutions “Social Sharing” knowledge and cash streams for livelihood closing the gap. “round -up for livelihood”
technology experience
“food-friends” “skype sisters”
“It is the ability to control capital that gives people the power to rise out of poverty� -Mohammed Yunis
Next Steps: Prototype concepts. Plan interaction design (service and financial management experience)
21st of September cooperative farmers.
thank you