A Compendium on Tabernacles and Ingathering1

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A Compendium on Tabernacles and Ingathering

Table of Contents Tabernacles Welcome The Great Mountain of God The Seven Trees Where do the 7 Trees work The Difference between a Booth and a Standard What is a Standard church Walking through the straits The Lost tribes of Israel Resurrection

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Tabernacles Welcome By Marjorie Walls This is the 7th month Tisri. Several holy days are celebrated in this month; the Feast of Trumpets, the Atonement fast, and the Feast of Tabernacles celebrated as Sabbath day the 1st and 8th day. In addition to all 7 day Sabbaths in this month. Soon the 7th month will become a time of Jubilee when the children of God overcome Satan and death and they are delivered out of this earth into heaven. Because all these holy days commanded by God for all of us to keep points to our salvation and specific things required for us to do to be saved. It also teaches us exactly what Christ is doing for our salvation. Today our church celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles? Why do we celebrate this Holy day? What is a tabernacle?

O send out thy light and thy truth : let them lead me; let them bring me unto thy holy hill, and to thy tabernacles‌. Psalms 43:3

A tabernacle is a place of worship. Today the tabernacle is called a church because there are no animal sacrifices after the cross of Jesus Christ. The tabernacle is an established church ordained by God for those who keep his commandments and have the faith of Jesus. The feast of Tabernacles or Ingathering is the 3rd great feast of God.. It teaches us how the Lord is going to deliver all the saints of God in their own order. Why am I saying in their own order; it refers to some will receive immortality first as a sign of hope for the congregation as they wait for their order of deliverance. I Corinthians 15:20-26. * It should be noted that this is a mystery of God to those ho have ears to hear and understand it. Let us look at the analogy of good plants sown in a field. Some plants are ripened before the great harvest. They symbolize saints who were harvested early. It is written that you only die once and there is proof that many who died before and after the cross was resurrected before the end of time. For example : Lazareth, people raised up from the dead by Elijah, Elisha, Jesus, the apostles and even those who were raised up after the resurrection of Christ. Matthew 27: 52-53. There are some who were taken up alive early like Elijah, Enoch, and Esdras. Even Moses was seen with Elijah when Christ was transfigured in the presence of Peter, James, and John. That is why we are delivered in our order and special time. We in these last days speak of an order of immortality of saints being alive to see the Lord coming and those appointed leaders being groomed in the last day whom God have chose ton be part of this judgment and great indignation against the wicked of the world— namely the 144000. This group of saints of God will be harvested first. They are in small booth churches; that are receiving a heavenly education. They must fulfill Isaiah 52, 61 and 62. Read Isaiah 61:1-6 to review their identity and inheritance.

When the Lord commanded Moses to build booths made from boughs of goodly trees to live in for 7 days and to keep the 1st and 8th day of tabernacles holy and worship him, read the law; all of this was showed the significance of this prophecy of building booths. What is a booth? A booth is like a stable or small enclosure for people or animals. Christ had his beginning in a stable. He was laid in a manger or a feeding trough for animals. This is a prophetic analogy we must eat his body and drink his blood. Christ likens us to clean animals getting fat on the word of God Malachi 4: 1-3. In ancient times when the children of Israel in worship God in booths, they were to remember how he brought them out of Egypt. They were to celebrate with feasting and joy. Today in these last days; we continue to celebrate the feast of Tabernacles remembering how the Lord have brought us out of spiritual Egypt in small churches. We are hidden in a wilderness of people in this country, which was unknown to our fathers. It is here in these booth churches the real truth about Jesus Christ and the gospel of salvation for all his children is revealed in us With increased knowledge from the Holy Spirit we are understanding the mysteries of God hidden until the en d, but understood by a chosen few. These are the servants of the Lord, his watchmen the remnant of Israel, being groomed to become the leadership. They must eat the manna of pure truth and the shew bread of the mystery of God from heaven. This manna and shew bread is the “Word of God� not heard of in the land today

A fore time, the leadership of Zion was taken away for a period of time due to sins of her people and the nation of Israel was punished. Then Mystery Babylon and her daughters took over Christ’s name. They created a new doctrine with lies and deceit and prospered for over 200 years. They call themselves the modern day Christians. Isaiah 4:1, 47:1-13. Christ warned us about them in Matthew 24:5, 23-24. Because of Babylon the earth is in darkness and void of pure truth. The fair virgins faint and are destroyed lacking knowledge as they look for their God and to know the real truth about Jesus Christ. Amos 8:1-13, Hosea 4: 1-6. But there is hope! Today there are on the walls of Zion. Watchmen being schooled for the revival of the priesthood; and the restoration of the tabernacle of David with true leaders to shepherd the congregation in the valleys. Isaiah chapter 61 is about the leadership, and Isaiah chapter 62 about the church of Zion.

The Lord likened the laborers in the vineyard of his congregation to goodly trees; where he placed them in groups of “4’s” in the wilderness and group of “3’s” in the desert. These places are where the congregation is situated in the famine of these dark days. They are in the four courses of this earth and this country now called Babylon. Maybe now you can understanding the mystery of the goodly bough of trees and branches when the children Israel, made booths of them when celebrating the Feast of Tabernacles. The good trees will return to their brethren and bring to them the hope of the Everlasting Gospel of Jesus Christ with signs and wondrous and healing for the remnant nations of Israel and Gentiles. Micah 5th chapter. Read psalms 1: 1-3 and Jeremiah 17:7-8. Christ is likened to the tree of life. John 15:1-3. The Wisdom of God is called a tree of life. Proverbs 3: 18-19.

Today our church is a school of learning, we remember the works of the ancient Fathers by each family bringing in branches and leaves from trees to make a bouquet of branches and leaves for the church. We also dress as watchmen in black and white and colors of trees and healing leaves. This we do declaring the end from the beginning as it was written in the scripture. For Christ our Holy Savior, bread of life, the true vine in which we are the branches; we do declare that the laws of God stretch from beginning unto the end. We his children will declare the real truth about Jesus Christ and the Everlasting Gospel coming from the wings of his angels.

The Great Mountain of God By Gloria Henry What is a mountain? A mountain is a vast heap of earth raised to a great height. In this earth that God created there are great and many mountains, some green, red black and snow covered. Some of the mountains are higher than others and some of the mountains rise up from the sea. Some mountains pour with smoke and fire and lava. By this we see that mountains are strong and immovable by man. Psalms 65: 5-6 "By terrible things is righteousness wilt thou answer us. O God and our salvation: who art the confidence of all the ends of the earth, and of them that are ---off upon the sea:" Which by his strength setteth fast the mountains: being girded with power." The church of God, whereof the temple built on mount Zion is a mountains. Isaiah 2:2 "And it shall came to pass in the lost days, that the mountain of the Lord's house shall be established in the top of the mountains , and shall be exalted above the hills: and all nations shall flow into it." Why is the church of God called mountains? When did it start? It started with his word.

The word of God started from the foundation of the earth when God spoke and created the world as well as animals and man. Genesis 2: 1-2. God gave his oral word to Adam and Eve. This oral word began as a mustard seed. Matthew 13:31, Matthew 17:20. It was up to man to grab hold of the word of God by faith and to obey God by keeping his commandments. We also know that during the time of Moses. God gave his holy oracles or written word which is his word to the children of Israel because of the obedience of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. This written word by the finger of God was a covenant between Israel and God to obey him and keep his commandment. If they would be a light in the world to all nations. As we know the children of Israel did not keep their covenant with God even though he gave them multiple chances. He sent his prophets but they were killed. They worshipped idols and even sacrificed their children into devils. Therefore God removed them from his sight. Lamentations 1: 1&8. Christ himself came as the seed of the gospel. He is was, and shall always be the word of God. Saint John 6: 35. When Christ fed the multitudes in the wilderness and the desert the bread that they were fed represented his word which multiplied and grew and were able to feed and sustain many people. Matthew 14: 19-21. When we feed upon the word of God it grows within us. The words that we read in the bible are alive. St. John 4:10. Isaiah 44: 3-4. Jeremiah 2: 13. Where is God's word found? Hebrews 10:7. Psalms 40.

The fertile grounds are the things that make us receive the word and when we do we begin to bear fruit some hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty.

When we read his word it is alive and it is God speaking directly to us. II Timothy 3: 16-17. All scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: "That the man of God may be perfect. Thoroughly furnished unto all good workers. When we receive the word of God it leads us to perfection. Matthew 5: 48. We began to climb up the great mountain of truth which is the word of God. ď‚š

The Seven Trees By Evelyn Pointer God established seven trees to be planted in the wilderness and the desert. These seven trees represent the 7 Shepherds. Micah 5: 5. God established these shepherds to feed and care for the flock, to fight against the forces of Satan and against the nations of this world. In prophecy these nations are called Assyria and Babylon Micah 5: 6. Jeremiah 51: 19-20. God established these 7 trees to heal his people. Jeremiah 3: 22. Hosea 14:1-7.

The tree is an essential component of the life giving properties of the earth itself. God planet trees to cover the earth. It was from the tree that man was given his first food. Genesis 1: 22. The tree is able to utilize the energy from the sun to make carbohydrates. The sun is pure energy. The leaves of the trees take the energy from the sun through the process of photo synthesis to make carbohydrates. Carbohydrates is a form of energy that we can all use. The tree uses it to grow, and to make fruits and nuts. The energy remains in the wood of the trees. Animals and humans can eat the nuts and fruits and in fact every leaf bearing herb that is good for food to provide us carbohydrates, energy and nourishment to grow. We can also use the wood of the tree for fuel, because the energy of the sun remains in the wood. In effect, the tree enables all of us to use the energy from the sun. The leaves of the trees use carbon dioxide to make the carbohydrates and they give off oxygen. The leaves of the trees therefore clean and purify the air. When people cut down too many trees they cannot do their job and air pollution increases. The roots of the trees go deep into the ground. Just as important to us as the leaves, the roots anchor into the ground and holds the top soil in to prevent erosion. It keeps the soil healthy and prevents erosion from taking the nutrients from the soil. The roots penetrate and aerate the soil allowing rain water to penetrate The rain water is then able to go down deep into the earth to fill the hidden springs. These springs fill wells, providing fresh drinking water and the springs also fill the rivers. When trees are cut down the soil erodes, becomes barren, no nutrients to grow and not enough ground water. The springs dry up and the rivers fail. That is what happened to Haiti when they deforested it. Erosion led to a barren land which led to famine, so the people now eat mud. They are the poorest nation in the western hemisphere and are starving because the trees were cut down.

Trees provide shade which protects the ground also and is a shield from the drying effects of the sun. The shade gives relief from heat and sun to plants, animals and people.

Trees are an important shield from wind. Wind also damages and erodes the top soil. Win can also bring dust and sand from desert areas to cover healthier land. In many countries the desert grows and takes away the land because they have cut down trees that were important shields . Trees have many healing properties. They are used for medicine, for cuts and bruises. Different trees are used for different things. The wood from trees are used to build just about everything. Important to the subject, the wood from the trees were used to build the tabernacle and the temple. Exodus 36:20, 31,& 36. Exodus 37: 1. II Chronicles 2: 3, 8-9. Isaiah 60: 13. Finally, trees are beautiful. God planted trees on this earth for its benefits, for its life giving properties for food, and also because they are beautiful, because the wood and leaves and flowers are so beautiful and fragrant and glorious. God puts beauty in everything he creates.

The things that a tree does is an example of many of the things that the seven shepherds will be doing. Christ is the sun of righteousness with healing in his wings. Malachi 4: 2. Christ is the light of the world John 1: 1-5. As the leaves of a tree is able to use the energy and light from the sun to make food and purify the air and to grow each individual trees with different uses and virtues, so too the 7 shepherds will receive life and food and health and virtue from the sun of righteousness to provide these things to his people in the last days. The seven shepherds will feed the people, they will heal the people, they will protect and defend the people they will build the church of God and they will be a haven and refuge providing relief from the sun and the wind. The seven trees are not all the same. Each tree is different, with different works, characteristics and virtues. But each tree is also very similar, all being trees for example, all having roots, trunks, barks and leaven; all able to heal feed, protect and purify. Their roots can all reach deep into the ground to find water. Trees are the largest living things on the earth. They are the oldest living things on the earth. Unique in our time, the 144,000, but especially the seven shepherds are like trees because they are deeply rooted in the word of God and able to go deep until they find the ground water. The ground water is the spirit of God that is found through studying his word. The trees can survive in drought when their roots have found the ground waters. More delicate and tender plants with shallow roots cannot grow and flourish in this time of drought. Some may survive if they are planted beneath the shade of the trees, but they are not at their healthiest best. The seeds of there apparently dead or dying or nonexistent plants remain in the driest soil, they live, they do not die by command of the Father, for it is his seed that remains within there. When the rain finally comes, the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, the desert and barren land springs up over night, they grow, they thrive, they flourish, the desert blossoms as a rose and the tender plants fill the earth with its fruit.

Where do the 7 trees work By Evelyn Pointer The seven trees are planted in the wilderness and the desert. Isaiah 41. The wilderness and the desert are spiritual conditions of people. People in the wilderness are tangled up with false doctrine and philosophies of men. They many have some truth because there may be some water and wild plants in the wilderness but what they know is mixed up with lies. Lots of dangerous animals and conditions exist in the wilderness. The people in the desert are in a condition that is dry--little plant growth--they know little of the word of God. The desert is a barren place these people are unable to grow or develop at all. Some of these people are kept from growing because of mental conditions. Dangerous animals like snakes and scorpion live in the desert.

When the Lord pours out has Holy Spirit the wilderness and the desert is going to blossom and become fruitful. Working with the people in these areas are the trees whose virtues and gifts are most suitable to supply their needs. In the wilderness; we find Myrtle, the Cedar, the Shittah and Oil tree. In the desert is the Pine, Fir and Box tree. The 7 shepherds, as priests and Levites do the work of the ministry. They minister to the House of God and the sanctuary of God. We have no physical temple. The booths and standards are not little temples but churches. God said that we are the temple of God. I Corinthians 3:16, 6:19, II Corinthians 6:16. Each of us individually is spiritually the temple of God. The temple of God was divided into two parts and two ministries-the ministry of the house of God and the ministry of the sanctuary of God. The sanctuary of God was also called the inner house the Holies of holies the oracle or most Holy place. Here we find not only the separate place with the ark and cherubim, but all of the most hoy things such as the altars and tables and lavers were part of the sanctuary of God. The house included everything else. The work was divided between the priests. I Chronicles 24:5. The Levites assisted the priests in the both the House and Sanctuary though they could not come near the most Holy things. Our body is the temple of God. Like the temple, we are divided also. We have an outer physical body, and we have an inner man which is our soul and spirit. Ephesians 3: 16, Romans 7: 22-23. II Corinthians 4: 16. The 7 trees can minister not only to the needs of the physical body-which would include, protection, basic necessities, healing of diseases, but they can also minister to the soul, which house greater needs and is in greater danger. Remember that the Apostles were given the power to cast out devils, the words that they spake after the Pentecost pricked the hearts of the people. The work that the Apostles did was the former house, the latter house will be greater. The holy Spirit will come off of these minister like light radiating from them and will fill the entire church. When they speak the words go into the ears of the physical body just as it does now. But then it will have the power to penetrate to the spiritual body through the Holy Spirit that empowers them.

The seven trees minister to people in the inner court, as well as the outer court. In ancient Israel the people would assemble in the courts of the house of God. The inner court was initially the court of the priests, where the priests and the Levites would do their work. Ezekiel 44: 17-19. The priests were supposed to be purified and wear the holy garments in the inner court. In Revelations 11: 1-2, we see that the temple, altar and inner court were measured and separated from the outer court. People numbered into the inner court are in the protected place. The protected places are the 12 standards. People in the outward court will be subject to the persecutions, both the 1st and the 2nd with the man of sin. The seven trees will minister to the people all over the world; those in protected places and those who are not. Some of the people in the outer court will be helped and protected even until the coming of Christ and the resurrection. Others will be persecuted and even killed during the 1st persecution before the tabernacle come down or under the man of sin.

The 7 trees work under the mighty angels and the Holy Spirit that determined who, where and to what degree of help and protection they will give to all of the saints of God. All of the saints of God will hear the preaching of the everlasting gospel and will rejoice to know God. All of the saints of God will be redeemed from the knowledge of evil and will no longer be subject to sin at the time of the decree. Their physical bodies may be subject to pain and earth because they must drink the cup that Christ drank either before or after the decree. Today we are weak but know with certainty that in that day we will all be strong. We will be like David, like Peter and like Paul. So what are sure of the virtues in the 7 beautiful trees?

His foundation [is] in the holy mountains. The LORD loveth the gates of Zion more than all the dwellings of Jacob. Glorious things are spoken of thee, O city of God. Selah. I will make mention of Rahab and Babylon to them that know me: behold Philistia, and Tyre, with Ethiopia; this [man] was born there. And of Zion it shall be said, This and that man was born in her: and the highest himself shall establish her. The LORD shall count, when he writeth up the people, [that] this [man] was born there. Selah. As well the singers as the players on instruments [shall be there]: all my springs [are] in thee.

He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the LORD, [He is] my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust. Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, [and] from the noisome

pestilence. He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth [shall be thy] shield and buckler. Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; [nor] for the arrow [that] flieth by day; [Nor] for the pestilence [that] walketh in darkness; [nor] for the destruction [that] wasteth at noonday. A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; [but] it shall not come nigh thee. Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold and see the reward of the wicked. Because thou hast made the LORD, [which is] my refuge, [even] the most High, thy habitation; There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling. For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways. They shall bear thee up in [their] hands, lest thou dash thy foot against a stone. Thou shalt tread upon the lion and adder: the young lion and the dragon shalt thou trample under feet. Because he hath set his love upon me, therefore will I deliver him: I will set him on high,

because he hath known my name. He shall call upon me, and I will answer him: I [will be] with him in trouble; I will deliver him, and honour him. With long life will I satisfy him, and shew him my salvation.

The difference between a booth and standard by Gloria Henry The definition of a booth: a temporary structure which is a small compartment or box structure made of wood. Used as shelter or shed or stall for an animal. The spiritual booth. Malachi 4: 2. He shall grow up as calves in stall. Ezekiel 34:11-13, Ezekiel 34: 14-16. A booth is a place to grow in the truth, a place hidden. Isaiah 45: 3, Psalms 27:5. Like farmers put cattle in a stall to feed and fatten them so is the like manner God has put us in booths to fatten and feed us with the word of God that is pure and unadulterated. Today the Lord is against the false shepherds and teachers and pseudo Christians that deceive his people with lies. Ezekiel 34: 10. Their mouths are speaking lies. Ezekiel 34:18-19. It is important to know and understand the booth churches were created for the remnant in the last days. (This is a dark sentence). Ezekiel 34: 23-25, Jeremiah 23: 36.

This David is referring to Christ who is the root of David he will come out as a lion to retrieve his flock. Revelation 5:5-6. Isaiah 11: 1, 10-11. Amos 9: 11-13, 15. Please note that the ancient booths the Lord commanded Moses to build was pointing to the remnant group that are out of spiritual Egypt today. Being groomed raised up to Tabernacle of David which is the tabernacle of Jesus Christ as a roaring lion. What were they doing inside the booths. Nehemiah 8: 13-18. They were studying the laws of God and the will of the Father. The truth was being raised up in them first. Leviticus 23: 40-42. Booths are temporary shelters they are Isaiah 4: 2-6 the assemblies of Zion.

Christ was in a stall in the beginning. Luke 2: 6-20. Manger: the feeding trough of animals. Christ is our food he is the bread of life and the water of life. St John 6: 35, 48-55. We are like cattle in a stall eating the bread which is Christ and drinking the water of life which is Christ. The main difference between the tabernacle during the time of Moses, the temple of Solomon, the rebuilt temple during the days of Nehemiah is that in our day the truth must be raised. The truth has been buried for over 2000 years. Jerusalem has been trampled by the Gentiles.

What is a Standard Church By Gloria Henry The booth church is hidden in the wilderness of people. Ezekiel 20:3438 They eat the word of God like cattle getting fat eating food in a stall. Malachi 4: 2. The building as well as the are both small, plain and unnoticeable. They are very uninteresting. What they say or do has very little impact upon people including some of their family members because the lifestyle and doctrine is not the accepted norm for today. Their religion requires significant sacrifice and logically speaking what the booth people advocates causes pain and division in families to be accepted. Matthew 10: 34-39. Luke 12: 51-53.

Besides that, there is no other people believing such doctrine and peculiar life styles like this. The booth church is rigid, strait, and does not changed with time and society or the government of this great country things with moral demands of the people and make laws to support their courses for change. Matthew 15: 89. Malachi 3: 6. The booth church strictly adheres to the commandments of God and the Testimonies of Jesus Christ without wavering from the right or left as the wind blows. Matthew 7: 13-14, 25. Strait: Going through something hard; a narrow, passage, rigorous. The booth church themselves feel isolated and yet they know they there are others like them who seek the truth from God.

Walking through the straits

Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide [is] the gate, and broad [is] the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:

A standard church is not hidden. It is like a sign indicating the presences of the truth. A standard church is a light to the world that sat on a hill. Matthew 5: 14-16

Some booth churches will emerge as a standard church. A standard church is not hidden. It is like a sign indicating the presences of the truth. A standard church is a light to the world that sat on a hill. Matthew 5: 14-16. Proverbs 4: 18, Philippians 2: 13, 15-16. A city is a nation of people whom the Lord called early to gather together to seek him. Zephaniah 2: 1-3. A hill is a holy place of worship. Psalms 24: 3-4, Psalms 6:16, Song of Solomon 2: 8, Psalms 72:3, Psalms 121: 1- . All the places of worship of the booths and standards have been chosen specifically by Go. This includes the cities and states where they reside. At the time of the overspreading of abomination of the world the standard churches will emerge. Is 59: 19-21. Revelation 12: 15-17. Isaiah 62: 10-11. Daniel 9;2. What are the qualifications in order to become a standard from a booth? A standard church is not hidden the truth is being lifted up. When the truth is lifted up Christ is making himself known unto his children. Then they will see Christ. Matthew 25: 6-10. These Standards are place of refuge and God will send his children there just as he sent the animals to the ark in the days of Noah. Isaiah 4: 2-6. ď‚š

The Lost Tribes of Israel By Evelyn Pointer

“As a prince hast thou power with God and with men” Who is Israel? What happened to the lost tribes of Israel? Within the answers to these questions lies the heritage of Jacob and the hope of the promise. Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob are the fathers of Israel. Israel is the chosen people of God. It was to Israel that God entrusted his holy oracle, his law. It is the work and history of the people of Israel that we read about in the bible. Almost every person of note in the bible born after Jacob, was an Israelite. Israel’s past is very important, but Israel’s future affects not only Israel but the entire World. It was to Abraham, the “Father of many nations” that the Lord said, “in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.” Genesis 12: 1-3. Paul said that “if the casting away of them be the reconciling of the world, what shall the receiving of them be, but life from the dead? Romans 11: 15. There are many people today that call themselves God’s chosen people. The “Israelis” in Palestine say that they are Israelites—God’s chosen people. “Jews”” all over the world say that they are God’s chosen people. Those who call themselves “Christians” in all churches from the great cathedrals to the churches in individual homes say that they are God’s chosen people. Let us examine this claim and hold it up to the measure of the scripture and we shall determine just who is God’s chosen people.

“Jacob I love and Esau I hate” Where did it all begin? Rebecca, Isaac’s wife gave birth to twins. The firstborn was red and hairy and was named Esau, the second was named Jacob—which means to supplant, Genesis 25: 21-26. supplant means: to trip up, to take the place of by reason of superior excellence or power. When the boys grew up they were very different. God loved Jacob, but hated Esau, because Jacob was righteous and Esau was wicked, Romans 9: 13, Malachi 1:2-3. Esau loved the honor and wealth to befall the firstborn butt hated the responsibility. He despised his birthright and sold it to Jacob for food. Genesis 25: 28-34. Later, when Isaac was old and blind, through the wisdom of Rebecca, Jacob received the blessing that Isaac was determined to give to his eldest son. Here we see that Jacob did indeed supplant Esau. God changed Jacob’s name to Israel, Genesis 32: 28, which means prince of God, and promised him as he did Abraham, “that in thee shall all the families of the earth be blessed ,” Genesis 28: 13-14. The story of the children of Israel is vividly portrayed in the bible. God saved them many times from their troubles. God also punished them many times. Many times Israel was captured by enemy nations and taken to strange lands. But the fate of Israel, their beginning, God revealed His promise to Abraham and the patriarchs. To Moses, God called Israel His peculiar people, a Holy nation and a royal priesthood. To the prophets it was promised that Israel would be a light to the world, God’s priests and ministers, and that all nations would bow and serve them. Paul stated “to the Jew first, and also to the Gentile”, Romans 1: 16, John 4: 22. seeing that “salvation is of the Jew” and that the hope and promise of the entire world is connected to the rising again of Israel, it is important to ascertain exactly who is Israel.

“Life and good and death and evil” Deuteronomy 28. Just as Israel’s promise was revealed from the beginning, so also was Israel’s downfall. God told the people through Moses when they were about to enter the Promised Land what would befall them even to the last days. It is from Deuteronomy Chapter 28 that we can determine who is Israel. Deuteronomy Chapter 28 begins with the blessing that the Lord did indeed bless Israel with, Joshua 21: 43-45, 23: 15-16. Deuteronomy 28: 1-14 pertains to the blessings of Israel, all of these blessings came to past. The height of Israel’s glory was during the reign of King Solomon, I Kings 10: 23-25. The rest of the chapter of Deuteronomy 28, outlines point by point the punishment and destruction of Israel. Israel was punished with disease, famine, drought, war, beasts of the earth, moral decay, violence and hard work that yields little. Verse 36 specifically speaks how Israel would be awakened to a strange land. Verse 37 discuss how Israel would become an astonishment, a proverb and a byword. Verses 38-40 reviews how no matter how hard Israel would work they would reap little reward. Verses 4-44 speaks how the strangers among Israel would become the head and Israel would be the tail. Verses 48-57 speaks how Israel would be besieged by the enemy and even resort to cannibalism because of famine in the siege. Versus 64-65 states they would be brought into Egypt again in ships and there sold as slaves. To understand what happened to Israel after they came to Egypt let us go to Zephaniah 3:10, “From beyond the rivers of Ethiopia my suppliants, even the daughter of my dispersed shall bring mine offering.” Israel is the daughter of God’s dispersed and is also his suppliants (those who make supplications to God). It was to a place beyond the rivers of Ethiopia that Israel went.

Let us reveal our History We know that Ethiopia is in Africa. Ancient Ethiopia occupied the area south of Egypt where the Sudan sits today. The river Nile goes through it to central Africa. There were centers of slave trade in central Africa. Now let us look at Isaiah 18: 1-2. The place beyond the rivers of Ethiopia is the land “Shadowing with wings”. This land sent ambassadors or messengers to Africa in ships to tae a people that were scattered and peeled (separated from their land and cast out), whose land the rivers have spoiled (rivers overflow—meaning the land had been invaded many times). The people Isaiah is talking about is the same people Zephaniah is talking bout –Israel . But the land shadowing with wings are the same people who went to Africa in ships to take the slaves. This place is the United States, the new world, and the people of Western Europe involved in the slave trade. First let us consider the Northern Kingdome of Israel which was thee 10 tries that were separated from Judah during the reign of Rehaboam, Solomon’s son. There were never any righteous dings in the Northern Kingdom. They worshipped the gods of the heathen and even sacrificed their children to devils . Because of their wickedness the Lord punished them severely. He began to cut Israel short by invasions and war with Tyrus, Gaza, Edom, and with the Syrians, Amos 3: 6,9, 11,13. Israel was diminished after the Syrians that it left only 50 horsemen and 10,000 footmen II Kings 13:1-9o. Later several invasions by the Kings of Assyria finally culminated in a siege of Samaria that lasted 3 years, II Kings 117: 1-23. The children of Israel were taken in captivity to Assyrian in about 720 BC. A few of them escaped into Judah , but the majority__90% died of war and famine, Amos 5:1-3. Of those who went into captivity in Assyria, what happened to them? We know from Tobit in the Apocrypha that the Assyrian King in his rage mad a great slaughter against the Israelites that were there. A few survived we know at test until the fall of Assyria. What happened then to the lost tribes of Israel? History books do not tell us but the bible does. Hosea states that they would go back to Egypt. Egypt , Edom and other nations waited for the captivity. Egypt needed many slaves to build their pyramids.

Hosea 8: 11-13, 9: 3 &6. Just like God promised in Deuteronomy—the lost tribes of Israel returned to Egypt. IN AD 70 Jerusalem was besieged by Rome, and just as it was prophesied in Deuteronomy the famine was so great some people did resort to cannibalism. As was the custom in those days, especially with Rome—conquered nations were taken as slaves—those who survived. The poor slaves were naked and shackled by Rome and taken in ships to Egypt where they were sold. Later they were taken down the Nile in boats to Ethiopia and continued down the Nile to Central Africa. Slave were valuable and the slave trade was a lucrative business. The peoples of Europe needed manpower to work in their fields and plantations, particularly made their way to the western coast called the Slave Coast. Between AD 70- to AD 1600 any visible difference between the African Black and the Israelite was lost. By this time they had forgotten their language, their history and their laws. As was customary—women had no choice; they were raped and married to who ever wanted them. Children were born that looked just like the Africans. The men of Israel, just like any slave should either have to submit or be killed. The Israelites were now completely hidden or lost. By all accounts the true children of Israel simply ceased to be.

Modern day Africa

Africa during Ancient times Notice the where Ethiopia is (it is much larger and south of Egypt)

Let us consider all of this for truth. What people today were brought in ships and sold as slaves? What people today are the tail and the head? Who are called names, proverbs, by word? Who can not excel in this world not matter how hard they try? Who are looked down upon, disrespected and hated by all nations? What people fit Deuteronomy Chapter 28? God further describes his people by the promise of how thy would return to Israel. Deuteronomy Chapter 30 shows (1) how they were first blessed, then (2) how they were cursed and scattered to all nations and finally (3) when all the curses have been fulfilled upon Israel, that Israel would repent and then God himself (not the United Nations) will gather Israel and bring Israel back to the land. At this time, the New Covenant is fulfilled when God circumcised the heat of His people and they will live in peace. How many of the true Israelites survived to be brought over to the New Word and to nations around the world? A portion of a third! 1/3 were killed by famine and pestilence during the many afflictions. 1/3 were killed in Israel by the invading nations. 1/3 were scattered—taken in captivity as slaves to the other nations. Of this last third that were scattered, most were killed by ware of violence in the land of the enemy only a small portion was saved alive, Ezekiel 5: 1-12. Out of the small portion is the Holy seed—the tenth, Isaiah 6: 9-13. We are the remnants of that small portion that remained through the generations. Out of all those alive today only a very small portion is awake, aware and obeying God. The rest are blind, lame, deaf, in prison and dying of thirst and hunger in the desert which is absent of truth or lost in the wilderness of vain philosophies. We who were once great are indeed the least of all the people.

There is only one group of people that fit the description of the curse that God did to Israel. This people if found among the black slaves that were brought over from Africa. Not that all black people are Israel. Israel is finally determined by those who keep God’s law. Israel is hidden so well that only God can tell who is Israel. And remember not all black people are Israel. Also, it is not necessary for us to try to probe that we look like the children of Israel before they were cast out of their land. The American black man has gone through many nation . These nations left appearance as a shame to us. They remind us of the fruit of sin. Our skin, hair, features, physical build and strength is different that our forefathers. Isaiah 63d:16 states :Doubtless thou are our father, though Abraham be ignorant of us , and Israel acknowledge us not: thou Lord art our father, our redeemer…” Though we are lost among the nations, the Lord has us continually in His hand, Amos 9:9.

From the very beginning Israel knew that the result of their disobedience to God would be , yet they would not obey him. The words of Moses ring powerful and clear and cannot fail to touch the hearts of all of us descended from those people thousand of years before. “See I have set before thee this day life and good and death and evil”, Deut 30:15 and “I call heaven and earth to witness against you this day, that ye shall soon utterly perish from off the land whereunto you go over Jordan to possess it…and the Lord shall scatter you among the nations, and ye shall be left few in numbers from among the heathen…” Deut 4: 26-27. The affliction of Israel was the hardest and the most terrible of any nation that the Lord created. From being the protectors and teachers of the Law, a holy nation and royal priesthood, they became a derision, laughing stock and shame of the entire world. They became the people least respected, least accepted, poorest and most hated. The head became the tail. Yet even in our affliction, even in the darkest days of the years of slavery in America, the Lord was with us, and He revealed to those ignorant and unlearned slaves the precious hope of the promise. We can hear it in their songs “Go down Moses …Let my people God!” “Swing low, sweet chariot, coming fort to carry me home”, “Steal way to Jesus—I want to go home to campground, “O Lord what a morning,” “God’s going to build up Zion’s wall”, and many others.

Those that say they are Jews are not So who are the people living in Israel now, and all over the world who not only say they are Jews, but the whole world acknowledges them as Jews? Remember, the only people who meet the description of the curse of –

During the reign of Hezekiah, the 10 tribes of Israel were taken captivity by the king of Assyria, II Kings 17: 7:34. They were replaced by the worst of the people in the Assyrian Kingdom . Because of the wickedness of these people, the Lord sent lions out to kill some of them until a priest of Israel was brought back to teach these people ways how to keep the laws. These people then practiced some of these laws without giving up their heathen ways. Some of the people in Israel today are descendants of those people. Don’t forget Esau! The enmity between Israel land Edom remained forever! During the time of the Maccabees, John Hyracannus (the son of Simon Maccabees) forced the Edomites to become “Jews”. They had to obey the laws of the Jews. They called themselves Jews. This is how Herod, and Edomite, became King of Judea. From this point on, Edom as a separate nation disappeared from history. The Edomite was an opportunist. When things went well in Israel, they called themselves Jews. When things went bad in Israel they turned against the true Jew and helped the enemies of Israel destroyed them, Psalms 137:7. During the destruction of Jerusalem in AD 70 the Edomites led the Roman soldiers to all of the hiding places of the real Jews. They laughed and jeered as the people were slaughtered, burnt alive and taken out in captivity.

The So called Jews • •

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Many of the so called Jews, perhaps most are descendants of Edom, Ezekiel 3:10. Israel never did destroy all of the nations of Canaan like they were supposed to. They intermarried with them and served their gods, Joshua 23:12-13. During David and Solomon’s time these other nations including Edom became servants and tributaries. But during Israel’s downfall the tail, the stranger among them became the head. These surrounding nations, the nations of Canaan, the Philistine, Moab and Amman hated Israel. The Maccabees had tried to force some of these people to become “Jews”. These People were the pricking thorns in the sides of Israel, Numbers 33d:55-56, Deut 28:43-44. Many of the Jews, especially the Pharisees loved to convert people of other nations into the Jewish faith. Christ said, “Woe unto you, Scribes and Pharisees hypocrites! For ye compass sea and land to make one proselyte.” A proselyte is a new convert. All of these proselytes in nations that they had to travel long distances to find—called themselves “Jews.” Lastly, many nations claimed a piece of the soil in Israel, Arabs, the Europeans during the crusades the Turks, and Great Britain. Some of there descendants remain in Israel.

Jerusalem shall be trampled underfoot of the Gentiles • So, who are these people in Israel? – They are not the least of all people

Israel is part of the diamond trade and the so called Jews are active in this trade in the United States

– They were not sold as slaves in Egypt and in Africa – They are not Holy people, the light of the world – Modern Israel is not a place of pace and righteousness, It is a place of war, hatred and continual bloodshed – Christ has not come in his kingdom yet – The land of Israel has not blossomed as a rose and become like paradise—it is a desolate arid land

Let God be true and all men liars The history of modern Israel began during World War 1 when Great Britain ousted the Ottoman Turks from Palestine in 1918. The Ottoman Turks had ruled Palestine for years. Britain pledged itself to support the establishment of Jewish “National Home” in Palestine. This pledge was incorporated into the League of Nations mandate for Palestine in 1922. When Nazi Germany began persecuting the Jews in Europe, the “Jewish” population in Palestine began to swell. The Arabs of course who lived in Palestine was opposed to all of this rioting and violence broke out. Thee “Jews” became stronger and developed different factions of freedom fighters that eventually became the beginning of the “Jewish” army. The “Jews” came into opposition with Great Britain when she began a policy of slowing immigration of Jews into Palestine to try to please the Arabs and decrease tensions. Rich American “Jews” contributed a lot of money to the cause and pressured the American Government to oppose the British army. Great Britain then decided to let the United Nations deal with Israel. The United States granted Israel a loan of 100 million dollars and large-scale financial assistance continued to come from wealthy American “Jews”. Jewish immigrants continued to pour into Palestine and the United States continued to pour money into Israel. $500 million in a bond, in 1952, $ 50 million dollars in a grant. West Germany gave them $7.5 million dollars in reparation. War broke out June 5, 1967 and the Israelis army demolished the Syrians, Jordanians and Arab air forces. This was the famous 6 day war. From that point on, the so-called Jews have been rulers in Israel in a state of constant violence and war.

The “Jewish� leaders had a very simple way of determine who was a real Jew. All real Jews were citizens of Israel and could live in Palestine. To determine you were a Jew, you simple had to say so. There was of course no other way there could make that determination. And the people living in Palestine now are Jews simply because they said so. Most of the Jews living there are not religious. The state of Israel has nothing to do with the law or the love of God, but it has a lot to do with tradition. These people do not believe in Christ. The people in the religious communities are constantly looking for the Messiah to be born among them. These people live for their traditions. This phariseeism to an extreme. On their beaches naked women lay. They have taken on all of the immortality and wickedness of the western culture and brought it with them into Israel. Can God lie? He said that He would circumcise the hearts of Israel, that they would be an afflicted and poor people who would repent. The nations surrounding Israel still hate and plague them. Is this a Holy nation on a Royal Priesthood? Has Israel been a light to the world, has she brought righteousness and peace to all nations

And his feet shall stand in that day upon the Mount of Olives In the last days the Lord will reveal to the entire world just who his chosen people are he will get fame in all nations. People from every nation will cling to those who are real Jews because they have the law of God , Revelation 2:9. Revelations 3:9 says that they are of the synagogue of Satan who say they are Jews and are not. It also says that God will make them come and worship at the feet of the true Israelite. In the last days during His judgment, God will gather all nations to Israel. He will stand upon Mount Olives and cause it to split apart by a giant earthquake. All of those living in Israel that do not belong will be destroyed. Israel will becomes as beautiful as the Garden of Eden and the glory of all lands. When Christ puts his food down on Mount Olives this is the time that Jacob again supplants Esau, Zechariah 14: 3-8. Esau is the end of this and Jacob is the beginning of that which follows. It is God himself, not the United Nations that will gather His children and bring them home. Israel will be a center of truth and peace and the glorious kingdom of God. At this time will be fulfilled that promise to Abraham, “in thee shall all the nations of the earth be blessed�, and to Moses, that Israel is a Royal priesthood and a Holy Nation.

Resurrection The resurrection is the power of God’s word that overcomes and subdues all things to Him. Philippians 3: 20-21. It is the power of Jesus that is victorious in the face of death. John 10: 17-8. The definition of resurrection is: the rising to life again of Christ and all of the human dead. The churches of Mystery Babylon do not preach the doctrine of the resurrection. They preach that when you die your separates from your dead body and flies up to heaven. In other words, you go to heaven when you die. An often asked question of their missionaries is – “If you were to die today would you go to heaven.” Throughout the books of the bible, both the old and new testament and also in the Apocrypha, the Lord has taught us the same hope—the hope of the resurrection. Job 19: 25-27, Psalms 30: 3, Hosea 13: 14, Isaiah 25: 7-8, Isaiah 26:19, II Esdras 2: 16,31 II Maccabees 12: 43-44, Baruch 2:1

There is no where in the bible that says that at death your soul floats up to heaven to rejoice with your loved ones who died before you, or that your dead relatives are in heaven smiling down on you. In fact, the bible states that the dead cannot praise God. (If they were angels in heaven with harps, would they not praise God?), and they know nothing, (if they were looking down smiling or watching over us wouldn’t they have to know something?), and that even David was dead and buried and had not ascended to heaven! (If David a most righteous King who did much to serve God had not ascended to heaven what hope for us or for even our relatives who did only common good to ascend to heaven when we die?) Apocrypha Ecclesiastics 17: 27-28, (Bible) Ecclesiastes 9: 5-6. Psalms 115:17, Psalms 6:5, Acts 2:29, 34. Yet, the churches of Mystery Babylon call themselves “Christian” even though they teach a different gospel than Jesus Christ taught. They call themselves “holy” even though they do not keep the commandments. The gospel of Jesus was written very plainly. The resurrection is the foundation of our hope. Those who die in Christ will rise again like Christ rose, like Christ rose! Romans 6:5. At his death Christ’s soul did not float up to heaven leaving his body to rot and be discarded as some people maintain who doubt the gospel. It was only after the resurrection of his body, after his earthly body had changed to a celestial body, and after Mary had seen him alive again that he went up to his father. John 20: 1-18. And again, when he returned to walk before them during a period of forty days in his changed body, he ate with them, he let them touch him and his body was changed, transfigured. Mortality had been clothed upon with immortality. Death had been swallowed up by life. His own body was subject to His will and the will of the Father. Luke 24: 36-30, Luke 24: 41-43. We also, just like Christ will be changed.

For there is no other way to the Father but through Christ. And except for a very few people who will not die, by living Christ, and dying in righteousness we will all be resurrected like Him, and our body of flesh will not be discarded like an old cloth, but our same bones will rise from the grave and we will be changed. I Corinthians 15: 5153. Let us consider from the very beginning how this all came about. In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth, the elements and the sea, and all of the plants and animals. On the sixth day God created man out of the dust of the earth and breathed His own breath in him and man became a living soul. God did not make also a will. Ecclesiasticus 17: 1-12. When God created everything it was perfect, and everything God created obeyed Him. Man was also perfect, but unlike the elements and the sea and the animals, and man disobeyed God. Because of man’s sin death came into the world. Not on man only did death come, on the animals also, and thorns and briars grew up in the earth. Adam and Eve and all of the generations following have lived and die in succession. Before the foundation of the world; before God divided the firmament and gathered together the waters: before the dry land appeared; before the trees, the flowers and the animals; before God created man and placed him in the garden; and again, before Adam and Eve reached forth to take and eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, God already had prepared his plans of salvation. Christ is the Lamb slain before the foundation of the world. He is the author of our salvation and our forerunner and the firstborn of the dead. “For God so loved the world, that he have his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life, “ John 3: 16. God made man to be immortal; he did not create man to die. Man brought death to himself by sin. Sin leads to death. Wisdom of Solomon 1: 13-16, 2: 23-e24, Genesis 2: 16-17, 3: 17-19. The soul that sinneth shall die. Ezekiel 18: 4. Because of envy, of the devil, death came into the world. But life shall overcome death!

Christ is the hope of our salvation. It is because of Christ’s resurrection that he is victorious. It is through Christ's resurrection that we have a lively hope. Because Christ overcame, we also who walk as he did will overcome. It is through his resurrection that our faith is sure. The very basis of our faith and hope is upon the foundation that 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Christ is the sun of God That He was born of Mary, a virgin That he walked on this earth in the flesh of man That he did no sin, but was crucified and died, That same flesh was raised up, changed and immortal having overcome death.

Like him, our same flesh, being the sons of God, have the power through Christ to be raised up when he calls us to be changed, and become immortal in the image of Christ’s body. I Corinthians 15:49. I John 3:2. Our hope is not weak, nor do we deny God’s power by holding on to fables, by clinging to pagan beliefs or by the vain philosophies of men that attempt to soothe or placate or make more acceptable the horrifying reality of Death. We do not pretend that our souls go to heaven when we die, or that our spirit floats among the universe. We accept the resurrection and rejoice in it. By accepting the resurrection, we accept Christ. If you do not accept the resurrection, preach the resurrection and teach the resurrection, you do not accept, preach or teach the salvation of Jesus Christ.

Mystery Babylon serves a twisted doctrine, an abomination that uses the name of Christ to perpetuate their ancient pagan beliefs. The belief of the immortality of the soul began at least as the pagan religions of the Medes and Persians from which so much of the modern ideas of heaven and angels came from. To justify this belief, the philosophers made it appear wise and logical and it was finally perpetuated through the early catholic church fathers who viewed the Greek philosophers as just as authentic and knowledgeable of the truth as the prophets of the bible. The greatest catholic theologians wrote many “great works” that sought to merge Christianity with the “Nobel truth” of philosophy. And so today, everyday, and everywhere, they preach that when you die you go to heaven. They do not preach the resurrection. If they speak of it, it becomes unrecognizable in their attempts to perpetuate their pagan philosophies. Historically it was not through misunderstanding of the scriptures. The scriptures did not correspond or agree with the ideas or teachings of the “great philosophers.” The early “Church” fathers often wrestled with the idea of the resurrection, not only the so called, “Christian” (catholic father), “but also the so called “Jew”. They tried to adopt a dual belief so that they could continue to hold on to the pagan philosophy about the immortality of the soul. Some said then , as some maintain today that your soul goes to heaven when you die and then later your body is resurrected in the last day. Many people then as now did not accept this idea—a foolish concern was “what if the dead body was damaged or blemished in some way?” In fact even during the time of Paul the people of Corinth struggled with the truth as opposed to what they believed about the immortality of the soul. I Corinthians 15: 35-45.

Then as well as now many say that the resurrection is only a “spiritual” concept pointing to a revival of spiritual thought over material thought (Christian Science), or more frequently, the resurrection is simply the soul going up to heaven and has nothing to do with the physical body. These people have missed the whole point of Christ’s victory! How could they not accept the truth; except that they accepted a lie first and preferred the lie above the truth? This lie of course being the ancient lie that the flesh is always corrupt and that only things that have no substance and cannot be touched, like the mind or ideas or spirit or essence is pure and seeks to return to the universe. But the bible maintains that the body itself, like Christ’s body, is changed. Those of us who know the truth and believe the truth and walk in the truth are comforted by the truth. God is life! From God came all life.. There are two types of life. Common life is temporary and has an ending. Everyone’s common life will end. Even the animals are alive, they move, grow, and reproduce. Genesis 6: 17. In the beginning, for man, common life last over 900 years. In our time common life lasts about 70 years. Length of days is determined by God. During our common life we have one goal—to enter into eternal life. We do this by walking in the path or the way of life through obedience to God. Matthew 19: 16-17. In that way , it is said that we enter into everlasting life. John 6: 44-58. The value of our common life is based upon how we obey God. We must give up the lusts of the flesh and take up the cross of Christ. If necessary we must even given up this common life in order to obtain eternal life. Christ laid down his life for our sakes. We must in turn lay down our lives, from burying the old man and the ways of the world, to giving up our lives as martyrs of Jesus, if called upon to do so, Luke 17:33.

Christ distinguished common life from eternal life, John 12: 25. In obeying God your life is hid in Jesus. Col 3: 3. The breath of life returns to God in safekeeping. When Jesus was crucified, it was written that he gave up the ghost, also in Luke 23: 46, He said Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit. Commend means to commit the care of. The spirit he spoke of is the breath of life, not a walking speaking consciousness. Job 27: 3. Remember, Christ had not gone to his father prior to the resurrection. The body of this common life was made of the dust of the earth and water, but the body of everlasting lie, the celestial or heavenly body, is composed of Hallowed fire. This beyond comprehension. However consider our bodies now, that are so wonderfully made by God. We have bones and flesh, soft skin and teeth. We are soft and firm and warm. We have features that are different one from another., a heart, a brain and all other vital organs, and we have hair that crowns our head. All of this was made of dust and water! Even so, something just as incomprehensible, as fire takes substance and form, softness, structure, and function at the command of the word of God. Again, it is beyond our comprehension, the power of life and of our Creator! Suffice it to say, we will be made like Christ’s glorious body.

There are two deaths. The first death is common death, it is the death of the flesh. Almost every person born of Adam experiences the first death. We know of at least three people, who were signs who did not experience common death, Enoch, Elijah, and Esdras. Instead, their bodies were changed or transfigured and they were taken up to paradise. We know also that in the last days a few people will live to see God come. This includes the 144,000 and some others that escape or are protected from the beast. Their testimony is to witness all of the things that happened in the end, including witnessing the resurrection as they watch the saints raised up from the graves. The first death is also called sleep. I Corinthians 15:51. Mark 5:35, 39-41. It is called a sleep because just as a person who is asleep and wakens when they are called, just so this death is temporary and the dead will awaken and wakens when they are called, just so this death is temporary and the dead will awaken when God calls them. The likeness or similitude of the sleeping dead is a seed. They are planted in God’s garden. Just as a seed has the shape and body of a seed before planting, but after planting when it grows it is green and has a stem and a leaf , just so the earthly body is changed into a heavenly body at the resurrection. I Corinthians 15:38, John 12: 20. When the saints of God die they go into rest and peace. We know that Steven saw a vision of God in heaven as he died. Some of the saints are called to this rest to keep and to protect them from evil, Isaiah 26: 19-20, Habakkuk 3:16, Wisdom of Solomon 3: 1-8. Length of life is in the hand of God. Every man has the opportunity to come into the knowledge of God while he is alive. Most men however, are the children of the devil. This world was made for many, but the world to come for few. Many are called, but few are chosen. There are very few people who would give up the things of this common life in order to obtain salvation. Our lives are in the hands of God, and the death of his saints are precious to him. Psalms 116:15, 68:20.

The second death is eternal death. This death not only of the body, but also the soul, the mind and the spirit, everything that is a person. Revelations 20:6. Christ spoke about the two deaths in John 11d: 25-26. In verse 25, He speaks of the first death when he says , “ He that believeth in me, though, he were dead, yet shall he live.” In verse 26, he speaks of the second death when he says, “Whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. “ The second death follows the judgment of the wicked. The wicked are cast in the lake of fire and brimstone. Death and hell are cast last in the lake of fire and brimstone. Rev. 20: 14-15. It is God the , who destroys all, including this earth inn the second death. The last enemy to be destroyed is death! There are two resurrections. The first resurrection is the resurrection of life, and the second resurrection of damnation . John 5: 28-29, II Esdras 2: 20-23. The first resurrection is the resurrection of God’s saints. There have been some instances of saints resurrected prior to the general first resurrection in the last days. One person was Moses, another was Lazarus. Any resurrection occurring before the 1st general resurrection is also a first resurrection. Christ is the resurrection and the life. He and some of his apostles had the power to raise people from the dead. These people having died once came into the judgment and would not have to die again. Just as Enoch, Elijah, and Esdras were signs of those who would live to see God, these others were signs of those who would be raised from the dead, and of Gods power over death. The bible gives us detailed descriptions of the time and occurrence of the first (general) resurrection. It occurs in the last days , John 11: 21-24, at the time of judgment when the Lord shall reward us. Luke 14:14. It occurs at the last trump with great signs and wonders after much of the judgment on this earth and after the last martyrs have been killed.

During the resurrection there will be a great earthquake and the graves will open. The bodies will come together, and flesh will come upon the bones. Life will come into the bodies and the saints of God will all be caught up to meet God in the clouds. Revelation 11: 10-15, Ezekiel 37: 1-14, I Corinthians 15: 5155. We will all, those who were dead, and those who were alive, at his coming rejoice with Christ at the marriage supper of the Lamb; while we are at the marriage supper the angels pour out the seven last plagues on the wicked The second resurrection occurs a thousand years later. Satan is loosed for a little while from the pit and gathers all of the wicked people who were resurrected to come up to fight against God and the Holy city. When they come up to fight, fire comes down from heaven to destroy them. The dead are judged, and Satan, Death, and Hell are all destroyed in the lake of fire and brimstone at the second death. Revelation 20: 7-15. In conclusion let us be strong in our faith, knowing that we have a lively (meaning active and functioning) hope. Our hope did not die with the fathers or with the prophets. Our hope did not die with Christ. As Christ who was raised from the dead lives, so also will we live. Though we stand today in mortal flesh calling upon God, we will also stand before him in immortal flesh praising him. Death did not win in victory over us. Our hope is in Christ who holds the keys to death and heal. Death shall be swallowed up in victory. Life shall overcome death! ď‚š

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