Concluding genesis

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Concluding Genesis By Melissa C. Pointer

Congratulations You have made it nearly to the end of the first book of the bible. You have read about creation, the first murder, the flood, the division of nations and about the patriarchs. for this lesson you will need to read the last 4 chapters of Genesis. Please define the following words: Inheritance, Taxes, Blessing, Guilt, Trespass and Forgive Scholars challenge: Name a notable person from the following tribes: Simeon, Levi, Judah, and Ephraim. In this challenge you will need to name the person, describe what they did in a paragraph (at least 5 sentences).

A significant Trespass •

Joseph was 17 when his brothers sold him to Ishmaelite's

He was 30 when he was released from prison

He was 39 when his identity was revealed to his brothers

It would have been very easy for him to resent his brothers or want to do them harm because of what they did to him

They committed a great trespass against him

That separated him from his family for 22 years

In comparison has anyone trespassed against you?

What impact did that have on you?

Was it difficult for you to forgive them?

What did Christ say about forgiveness?

God works in mysterious ways •

Even though his brothers meant him harm

God intended to use Joseph to save his family and many others

They would be able to sustain themselves during a significant drought

Joseph makes Pharaoh rich •

A drought can destroy a nation or at least cripple it

Rulers can be thrown out or even killed by their people because they are unable or unwilling to help them

However during this disaster neither happened to Egypt

Instead Pharaoh became even more powerful

Taxes and the central power becomes strong The local authorities were not able to help the people. It was because of this the people asked for help from Pharaoh. He directed them to Joseph. The people bought grain from Joseph. However the money ran out. Now think about that‌using all of the money for food. The food runs out and you have no money. So what did they do? They sold the possessions that they had to Joseph: animals, land and then themselves! All of the animals, land and people now belonged to Pharaoh. In addition the people were required to pay 20% tax on their crops.

Jacob blesses his children •

Before his death Jacob blesses his children

He claims Ephraim and Manasseh as his own sons

That is why there is not a tribe Joseph

Instead Joseph had two tribes separated as Ephraim and Manasseh

Many symbols of the tribe are taken from the blessings that Jacob gave them

For example the Lion of Judah

Jacob dies •

With the death of their father; Joseph’s brothers were afraid of him

They had the burden of guilt upon them. They knew they deserved punishment and it forced them to humble themselves before their brother

However Joseph forgave them. …And Joseph said unto them, Fear not: for am I in the place of God?

God said that vengeance is mine

So what does this all mean?

It means we forgive people who have been mean, insulting or harmed us. Let go of the anger because it will hurt you more than the person who caused it. When you forgive it allows you to heal just like it allowed Joseph to heal. Let God give out the punishment because he is perfect and knows exactly what punishment is needed

Joseph dies


Joseph was blessed to see his great grandchildren


He told his nephews, nieces, sons, and grandchildren that God would make them a great nation. When they leave Egypt they were suppose to take his body with them


Inheritance, Taxes, Blessing, Guilt, Trespass and Forgive

Questions •

How old was Joseph when he saw his brothers?

How did Pharaoh own all the cattle, land and people of Egypt?

Has anyone trespassed against you?

What impact did that have on you?

Was it difficult for you to forgive them?

What did Christ say about forgiveness?

What percentage of their crops would the people would give to Pharaoh?

There is a word for that we use in modern times, what is it?

Why is it important to forgive?

Who should give out punishment?

What was one of the names of Joseph’s grandchildren?

Scholar’s challenge


Name a notable person from the following tribes: Simeon, Levi, Judah, and Ephraim. In this challenge you will need to name the person, describe what they did in a paragraph (at least 5 sentences).

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