Jesus Christ the Creator of all things

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Presented by Melissa C. Pointer

Who is Christ Why must we serve Him Give an example of how Christ can heal by speaking Why is Jesus called the Creator What does the name Jesus means

Who is Jesus Christ He is God, the only begotten son of God Begotten (form of the word beget: which means to produce offspring) Matthew 3: 16-17 And Jesus, when he was baptized, went up straightway out of the water: and, lo, the heavens were opened unto him, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove, and lighting upon him: and lo a voice from heaven, saying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased

Who do you think was speaking? For the answer let us read St. John 3: 16-18 Philippians 2: 11 Describe this in your own words

Christ’s words have great authority and power And came down to Capernaum, a city of Galilee, and taught them on the Sabbath days. And they were astonished at his doctrine: for his word was with power. Luke 4: 31-32 Read the remaining passage of Luke 4: 33-36 This is worth 10 pt

He made us He can destroy us He will punish those who are disobedient

That is why we must obey him If we do not he will destroy us, just as he has done to others If we obey him he will bless us just as he done to others

He is the creator of all things He made us and all the things we see today Remember your written lesson, concerning creation The following slides will test your knowledge on the days of creation

How about these

* It was created on the same day of the next slide

Christ’s works did not stop with creation He is also called our Savior The name Jesus means he shall save his people from their sins

Can you think of one of the things he did to save us?

Not only did he die for us He taught us his word He healed the sick and raised the dead He taught us how to obey him so that we may have eternal life The right way to fast To pray To keep the Sabbath How to treat one another

Who is Christ Why should we serve him A. He died for us B. He can heal us C. He teaches us how to obtain eternal life D. He can destroy us E. All the above

The name Jesus does not mean he shall save his people from their sins. True or False Christ created things on 3 days of the week. True or False Jesus is called the creator because‌ A. He made the fish B. He made the elephants C. He made diamonds D. He made everything E. All of the above F. Two of the above

Give an example of Christ healing some one

Name five books in the old testament Name five books in the new testament This is worth 10 bonus points

How he taught us the Word of God

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