The Law of God the wonderful words of life

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The Law of God the wonderful words of life Read : Psalms 19: 7-11.

The law of God is eternal and has always been. It did not begin with Moses; it did not end at the crucifixion of Jesus. It proceeds from the throne of God. The law of life was given to man from creation. Adam and Eve were given a commandment which they broke. Their sin placed within their flesh and the flesh of all of their offspring, the law of sin and death. The deeds of man became evil. Cain was the first murderer. He was judged because he knowingly broke the commandments of God. Man continued to sin, and became so evil that God destroyed them in a flood. What is sin? Sin is the transgression of the law. But up until that point Moses had not been born, and neither had the Ten Commandments been written on the two tables of stone. So how could God have judged them? Because they all knew who God was, and they all knew what his law was and they all new the wages of sin was death, but they disobeyed God anyway. After the flood, God chose one, Father Abraham to make a covenant with him. He blessed Abraham’s seed because Abraham obeyed his voice, kept his charge, his commandments, his statutes and his law. Genesis 26:4-5. From him came the Patriarchs, Isaac, and Jacob and the 12 sons of Israel. Throughout all of this time, God blessed the righteous and punished the wicked. What is sin? Sin is the transgression of the law. Yet Moses was not born, and neither had God written the Ten Commandments on two tables of stone. After 430 years in Egypt, the children of Israel finally became a great nation. In the third month after they came out of Egypt, the children of Israel came to Mt Sinai. Prior to receiving the law they had to be prepared and sanctified. This sanctification was physical for them and unfortunately did not change their hearts. They had to wash and be clean and the men could not have conjugal relations with their wives. The spiritual meaning of sanctification is symbolized by the baptism of water, which means to be born again and to put off sin and the lusts of the flesh. Israel of the flesh did not do this; shortly after Moses went up the Mt they utterly corrupted themselves. Therefore when Moses came down, the two tables of stone were broke in his anger, which prophesized of the breaking of the first covenant. And those Ten Commandments have been broken ever since, by every proceeding generation. What did they do? They sinned. Sin is the transgression of the law. Moses had to return to the Mountain again and a second time remain for forty days and forty nights in the presence of God, until he was covered with God's glory, and received again the words of the law and another two tables of stone. This prophesized that after the first covenant was broken, a second covenant would have to be made with God's people. Under the first covenant Israel was required to do many difficult things, many sacrifices of animals, and washings and sprinkling of blood and water. The priest hood was established with the sons of Aaron and anyone who was not a priest could not approach the Most Holy Place. This was necessary because the physical presence and the power of God were with them and his angel walked among them. Therefore they had to be sanctified, separated not only from evil, but from all things common or unclean. A strict

distinction was made between common and holy, and holy and Most holy so that the same power of God that glorified them would not destroy them; because evil cannot stand in the direct presence of God. And neither could the common uncleanness of man and of his flesh. At the end of forty years, prior to the death of Moses, the children of Israel reviewed the covenant with God on the east side of the river Jordan. This rereading of the law and the covenant is found in the entire book of Deuteronomy. Again the children of Israel renewed the covenant of God with Joshua after crossing the river Jordan and the war of Jericho. Standing between Mount Gerizim and Mount Ebal they reread the law and made a vow with god. Again and again, the holy covenant; the law was renewed by King Solomon, at the dedication of the temple, and by other kings of Judah, notably Jehosaphat, Hezekiah and lastly young King Josiah the last righteous king before the captivity of Babylon. Seventy years later Cyrus made a proclamation that God had commanded him to rebuild the temple at Jerusalem. Joshua the high priest and Zerubbabel rebuilt the altar of God and began sacrificing burnt offerings on the 1st day of the seventh month, the day of trumpets. Here again they read the law to the people and made a vow and entered into a covenant again with God. After them came Ezra and Nehemiah who built the walls of Zion. On the first day of the seventh month they called all of the remnant of Israel together to worship God, to read his law and to enter into a covenant. When Christ came he taught the people a new way and an old way. The old way was the words of the law that they had from the beginning that had gotten lost somehow under the burdens of the traditions of the Pharisees. The new way was to show the people how to keep the law, that the law must be part of your heart, and that the obedience and love of God--divine love, must take precedence over the love of your spouses, your parents, your brothers and sister, your children and even your life-all of the this is brotherly love. Prior to Christ's work, John the Baptist taught us to baptize for the repentance of sin. Jesus, he said, would baptize us with the Holy Ghost and fire. In Matthews chapter 24, the apostles point out to Jesus the beauty and the magnificence of the temple. Jesus said "see ye not all these things, verily I say unto you, there shall not be left here, one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down." And not one stone was left standing, the temple and the city were destroyed. This was a symbol of the church of God as a whole, and the truth is its entirety. It was all destroyed, all buried, all trampled upon. And the law which mankind all knew from the beginning was buried and forgotten, hidden for centuries under the deceit of Mystery Babylon. And we in turn, the children of Israel were lost and hidden, and forgotten. But God remembered us, by his grace and loving kindness and tender mercies in these last days, he did indeed leave a remnant of his children as he promised. He revealed the truth to just a few. And his saints, through great personal sacrifice, trials and tribulations, during a time when there were no signs or physicals evidence, when no other people believed during a time of great darkness and confusion, through pain, loss of family, poverty, having to stand alone in the face of ridicule and opposition, found the stones of the foundation of the truth and uncovered them piece by piece and laid them in their place through the mercy of God. Now we stand here today continuing to build upon this sure foundation a great building of perfect measurement, strong and straight and plumb. And like our forefathers we renew our covenant with God.

As Paul says in Philippians 3:13 "forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press towards the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus." Taking upon ourselves the faith of Abraham, the patience of Job and the hope of the prophets, we stand washed and clean, born again of the Holy Ghost awaiting this promise!! “Behold the days come saith the Lord, that I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah, not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers, in the day that I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt; which my covenant they brake, although I was an husband unto them saith the Lord: But this shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel; After those days, saith the Lord, I will put my law in their in ward parts and write it in their hearts; and will be their God, and they shall be my people. And they shall teach no more every man his neighbor, and every man his brother saying know the Lord: for they shall all know me, from the least of them unto the greatest of them, saith the lord: for I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more.� 1. 2. 3. 4.

What are the three laws? What is the law of life--(or what is the other name of the 10 commandments) What is sin? The churches of Mystery Babylon say that the law of God was nailed to the cross with Jesus and is no longer necessary---explain why this is untrue 5. What is the first and the second covenant? 6. Expound on the 1st and 2nd covenant beginning and times?

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