The Preaching of the Everlasting Gospel

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The Preaching of the Everlasting Gospel By Evelyn Pointer

Friday, May 4, 12

When the Everlasting gospel is preached it will go from person to person just as the gospel was first preached in the time of Christ. It is the everlasting gospel because it will not go away but goes into eternity. Some people will be able to speak to the hearts and the minds of the people opening their eyes and ears causing them to understand with their heart so they will be healed. By the will of the Father in the name of Jesus Christ this word that is preached will be activated by the Spirit at the mouth of certain people, and will be written on their hearts. This is the New Covenant. God can do everything. He can do everything at once and no one can hinder him or question His authority. But He doesn’t. He does things by time and by measure according to his very good will. he divides himself and his work among his children. To Christ he gave creation. Christ could have created all at once but he didn’t. This was not the will of the Father, or the will of Christ himself. He said be fruitful and multiply. He could have taught us all the truth directly himself. Is it beyond God to appear before all of his children? He did not. He sent angels as his messengers. He sent them to certain people only. The ancient fathers received the word and taught it from son to son. Abraham received the word and commanded his household from Isaac toJacob to the twelve patriarchs. The angel appeared to Moses and Moses taught the word. The word was put in the mouth of the prophets and the prophets warned the people. Christ came alone to die for our sins but he did not do the work of salvation alone. He preached the gospel, but he called twelve apostles and later seventy disciples to share his work. From them, that word spread unto us this day. And the entire bible was written, not by the finger of God, but by the fingers of men inspired by the Holy Ghost.

Friday, May 4, 12

So also in our time. The time of deliverance and the preaching of the everlasting gospel will not be done by God alone, or by the angel that appears in heaven alone. The everlasting gospel and the deliverance of God’s people will be divided out and shared by those chosen for this ministry.

Friday, May 4, 12

The First Preaching of the Gospel 1. During the preaching of the gospel after Christ’s resurrection, the Holy Ghost first came on 120 brethren at once on the day of Pentecost. The Holy Ghost came on them directly. This was not administered by any man. 2. When Peter preached 3000 people believed and were added to the church and were baptized. Acts 2: 41. 3. After Peter and John’s arrest, when they are released, they return to the church and pray for them to receive the Holy Ghost and then the Holy Ghost comes on the church of Jerusalem. Acts 4:31. 4. During the persecution of the saints following the murder of Stephen, Phillip the Evangelist goes to Samaria and preaches, the people believe and are baptized. They send for Peter and John who pray for them and they received the Holy Ghost. Apparently this power was not given to Phillip. Acts 8: 14-20. 5. Saul is converted. Christ speaks to him directly from heaven, however he sends Ananias to him. Acts 9: 17-18. 6. Peter was sent to Cornelius, while he preached to him the Holy ghost fell on his household.

Friday, May 4, 12

Friday, May 4, 12

The First Preaching of the Gospel 7. Paul at Ephesus prayed for certain disciples of John the Baptist and the Holy Ghost fell on them. Acts 19:1-10. **So there were four men only mentioned in the New Testament that could give the Holy Ghosts by prayer and the laying on of hands: Peter, John, Paul and Ananias. If there were others it was not mentioned. And certainly Phillip could not, which is why he had to call for Peter and John. 8. What did Christ say about Peter? Matthew 16: 18-19. 9. Paul said righteousness comes from fait to faith. The faith of one man, bringing about the faith of another, or from person to person. Romans 1:17. 10. How is this done? Romans 10: 13-17 11. What did Paul call the church? II Corinthians 3: 2-3

Friday, May 4, 12

The Old Covenant and the New Covenant What is the difference between the first covenant and the new covenant? The major difference is that the law of God was written in stone in the first covenant and will be written o the heart in the new covenant. Jeremiah 31: 31-33, Hebrews 8: 7-13. When did the first covenant end? At the crucifixion of Jesus when the vail rent. Luke 23: 4-5. If the old covenant is over and we have entered into a new covenant, shouldn’t the law be written in our hearts and minds and our sins be forgiven? The old covenant was fulfilled with the crucifixion of Jesus. It had a beginning when the law and services were established under Moses and it was fulfilled with the crucifixion of Christ. The new covenant has a beginning and a point of fulfillment also. It began when Christ came to the earth to preach the gospel. It will be fulfilled at the time of the atonement and refreshing when the everlasting gospel is preached.

Friday, May 4, 12

The Everlasting Gospel What is the difference between the gospel being preached first with Christ, and the everlasting gospel? When the gospel was first preached it was preached to the entire world, to good as well as to evil. It was like a net cast out into the sea bringing up all manner of fish, some good and some bad. Matthew 13: 47-48. The gospel had to be taught and all of the bible had to be written. A period of time was given from Christ’s first coming to his return to allow mankind to come to the knowledge of the truth and to obey God. Mankind still had to complete the time decreed upon us from the Father. The hearts of man was still not changed at the beginning of the new covenant and preaching of the gospel, only a door way was open to the entire world rather than primarily to Israel as in the first covenant. Because of a wicked heart and the calling of all people, good or bad, as usual evil entered and devoured the good. Even before Jerusalem was destroyed in AD 70 the hand of wickedness was strong to destroy the church and the teachings of the truth. Acts 20: 28-30, Jude 3, 4, 10-12. And we are all witnesses now of what a devastating effect the gentiles and the churches of Mystery Babylon have had on the truth. Isaiah 59: 12-15.

Friday, May 4, 12

The Everlasting Covenant We are fast approaching the time of the fulfillment of the new covenant. And God never changes. His ways do not change, though they are hidden from the understanding of man. Just as there were ministers of the old covenant. Just as the prayers of a few men caused the Holy Ghost to come down on many, so also will the work of a few bring deliverance to many. Joel 2:32. The Holy Ghost will come down directly on the 144,000 first, and will give some of them power to bring forth the same thing on countless others just like in the time of the apostles. This is the ministry of the everlasting gospel and the everlasting covenant. These ministers will not speak words to all men but to only those who are chosen. The words they speak will cause the blind to see and the deaf to her and the lame to walk. And the word that they speak will be written directly on the hearts of those chosen, through the power of the Holy Ghost and at the name of Jesus Christ. Understand that these people will have great power, but the power is not of them but of God. They are acting solely as messengers of God, messengers of the new covenant through the power of the Holy ghost and the will of the Father in the name of Jesu. These messengers do no do their own will, only the will of God. They cannot bring salvation to wicked family members that they love, but go only to those that God sends them to.

Friday, May 4, 12

The Eternal Spirit They are one with God and the eternal spirit is in them. They have the word written in their hearts and minds first, and therefore they cannot make a mistake, act highhanded, or be full of pride. They are one with God and sere God at his commands do the angels in heaven. When they minister his word they will talk to a person’s heart and mind and the person’s heart and mind will open to them and their hearts and minds will change. The people who will be given the gift of this ministry will be one with God having the characteristics of Christ. The gift of this ministry is given to people to bring them also into perfection, so they also will have all of the characteristics of Christ and the law written in their hearts and minds permanently. This a gift of God and of the Holy Ghost. Everyone does not get the same gift. As stated before the scriptures mentioned only four people in the New Testament with the ability to give the Holy Ghost. There are many gifts of the Holy Spirit, including the gift of healing, speaking in tongue, prophecy and interpretation. We many also compare this gift to the old covenant in which the High Priest had Urim and Thummim but the other priests and the Levites did not. One of the frustrating things we experience today is the inability to get a person to see, believe, or even care about what we tell them. We cannot change a mind or a heart. At that time some people will be able to, but to only those people that are ready to receive, and therefore only at the dictates of the Holy Ghost.

Friday, May 4, 12

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