Eye on Arbonne Newsletters

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Linda Blum Huntington

Arbonne Independent Consultant

ENVP Linda Blum Huntington

Create an Extraordinary



hen she first heard about the Arbonne opportunity, Linda Blum Huntington of Middleburg, Virginia, turned it down. The successful music executive wasn’t interested in adding a new business to her already hectic life. Luckily, Linda’s Sponsor inspired her take a second look and that changed Linda’s life — and the lives of countless others!

Linda with son, Luke, in Budapest, Hungary, on the 2013 NVP Challenge Trip.

My story with Arbonne begins like so many others. At first I said, “Absolutely not. I’m not interested in whatever that is.” I was too busy; I didn’t want another business. My music career was, fortunately, successful, I had a teenager at home, and my family had recently moved from Malibu, California, to a farm in Northern Virginia, (I had goats and horses). I had no interest, whatsoever, in whatever Arbonne was. That reaction is what I now know to be a typical-yet-antiquated understanding of what multilevel marketing means today. Many people don’t understand our business — but they believe they do! So it’s our job to educate and help them understand what building and owning an Arbonne business can mean in their lives. They can create extraordi-

“We live in a world of networking, and Arbonne is one of the greatest networking

Linda and her son, RVP Luke Huntington, Maui 2015.

engines I’ve ever experienced.”

nary abundance and amazing choices for themselves and their families. Things have changed and what used to be safe is now risky, and what used to be risky is now safe. We teach people how to become networking professionals and how to create ownership. All businesses have a commodity and Arbonne’s is botanically based, consumable products. We educate people about our premium quality products, we help people purchase them at a discount, and if someone wants to build a business with Arbonne, we lock arms and coach them how to build their own global business. It’s the present and future of business. Linda with her dear friend, Area Manager Nancy Fitzgibbon, supporting Best Buddies.

Above: Linda with NVPs Sarah Dunning, Amy Sky, Tabatha DeBruyn, Aldis Loreno, Sheila Greene, Camilla Eves, and Iain Pritchard at the 2013 NVP Challenge Trip. Left: Linda with ENVPs Sue Cassidy, Amy Sky, and Aldis Loreno.

Arbonne is the combination of two booming industries: health & wellness and the Internet. Simple! Genius! The way the world does business has changed, and we’re all changing with it. What’s profound and extraordinary about our business model is that you cannot be successful without helping other people do the same. It’s all about paying it forward. The simple concept behind Arbonne is we, as Consultants, and thousands of our Clients take a pre-existing expense (shampoo, skincare, vitamins, etc.) and redirect where we shop. We stop buying these items at retail and start buying Arbonne. In essence, as Consultants, we’re purchasing products for ourselves and selling Arbonne’s premium products to almost everyone else who tries them. For doing so, we not only earn a significant income, but we can also earn wonderful vacations for our families, drive beautiful white Mercedes-Benzes through Arbonne’s Mercedes-Benz Cash Bonus Program, and have much more time to enjoy our lives.

“Arbonne is the combination of two booming industries: health & wellness, and the Internet. Simple! Genius!”

We live in a world of networking, and Arbonne is one of the greatest networking engines I’ve ever experienced. Most Consultants have other careers. The reason they are building Arbonne businesses may be to have an additional income stream, or to create an exit strategy from a corporate career, or possibly as a way to stop trading time for money and to have better balance in their lives. Whatever their purpose, they can achieve these goals and beyond. Arbonne has provided me amazing choices beyond my wildest dreams!

amazing people — most of whom I did not know five years ago. I couldn’t have known that when (now Executive National Vice President) Amy Sky and I connected after 15 years, it would lead to hundreds of Consultants and thousands of consumers in Canada — including ENVP Camilla Scott, NVP Sarah Morrison, NVP Gillian Weinrib, ENVP Tabatha DeBruyn, NVP Helena DeBruyn, ENVP Lital Mintz-Snir, NVP Alex Trimble, NVPs Rhoslynne Bugay and Trevor Covelli, and ENVP Dana Shalit, to name a few! My gratitude to all of you and to all of the Consultants in your Nations abounds! To my longtime friend and music business cohort, the beautiful, hysterical, and magnificent Regional Vice President, Joyce Lapinsky: It’s fantastic to work with you again. To Executive Regional Vice President Jill Kay: Thank you for trusting me and jumping in with two feet the minute we spoke. You are a great leader and a great student. To National Vice President Amy Powers: Your left-side lawyer brain is so powerful, as is your right-side songwriter, Broadway producer brain, and when you put them together you get one amazing leader, student, and teacher. Thank you for trusting me and for hanging in there, my friend! To Regional Vice President Paola Samuel: You are an amazing leader! You said no to me for over a year until one day you finally took the leap. I am so grateful to you. We are going to travel the world together, my new friend! To the phenomenal Executive Regional Vice President Claire Risoli: Watching you grow and own this business has been a remarkable experience and joy! You rock big time, mama! To the brilliant and wonderful Carolyn Auger: Your persistence and vision is magnificent. To the beautiful and amazing Rachelle Rodriquez: You are like watching a butterfly! You are building your life by design for you and your family, and it thrills me to be a part of it. To the beautiful Kim Starzyk, another mother/son team with her wonderful son Liam: I’m so very proud of you, fabulous girl. As of November

Arbonne, however, is more than a business. We all sincerely want each other to succeed. This is not commonplace in the competitive corporate world, and it is such an important ingredient of our success recipe. It benefits everyone for Arbonne to become a household name. As a 35-year-old company that began its globalization only nine years ago, we want to see our company known worldwide. We work together closely, side by side, helping each other build the Arbonne brand, which in turn helps everyone build their own businesses. It’s absolutely incredible, and what happens along the way is equally amazing including creating lifelong friendships. No words can possibly express my gratitude to everyone I have the privilege of working with in this industry. My team includes the most Linda at the 2014 National Vice President Leadership Meeting, Maui.


“Help others realize their greatest potential. Be generous and patient. Lead by example.” 2014, one of the newest Regional Vice Presidents in the Huntington Nation, to my son, Luke Huntington: There are no words to describe how remarkable you are and how blessed I am to be your Mom. Thank you for everything, Luke. You make me so incredibly proud, and I am totally in awe of you!

Celebrating at GTC 2013.

To my amazing Area and District Managers and Consultants: I am so grateful to you all. Nancy Selik, I adore you so! To Angie Milliken, Joni, Levin, Julia Knight, Kathy Chovnick, Lisa Patterson, Shellie Wolmesdorf, Nancy Fitzgibbon, Jen Wood, Whitney Wood, Mason Wood, Stephanie Rose, Ted and Susan, Sharon Sweet, Sharon Gelfand, Leslie Gerson, Fiona Mitchell, Cindy Harwin, Brook Dougherty, Debbie Koerner, Stephanie Rose, Madeleine Polemini, Giana Bourke, Linda Balaban, Jordan Balker-Kilner, Allegra Cohen, Michaela Meltzer, Sherri Regginato, Clark Harrison, Kristen Furbacher, Madeleine Stone, Laura Bonarrigo, Ingrid Bloom, Deborah Hurwitz, Dana Florez, Kana Lee, Stacy Weinzoff, Harvey Slater, Renee O’Connor, Jo Huang, Susannah Wade, and so many others! There are hundreds of other Consultants in my organization. I thank you and am grateful to each and every one of you for your vision and commitment to be your best selves. You are awesome. And to all of the leaders, all over the globe, who open up their arms to help everyone regardless of whether or not we are in the same organization: You are fantastic! Thank you to our fabulous CEO Kay Napier and everyone at the Home Office who take such good care of us! Stian Mørck, Heather Chastain, Dr. Peter Matravers, Michael D’Arminio, and everyone behind the scenes. You are all remarkable!

GTC 2014.

To my non-Arbonne family, Doug, Bonnie, Linny, Marla, Bonnie, Suzanny, Rick, Lori, and Russ: I love and adore you all, and without you my world would be incomplete. To everyone else who rocks my world, you know who you are! XO Last, but by no means least, to Sue Shifrin-Cassidy, Aldis Loreno, and Sheila Greene: Your guidance, leadership, professionalism, generosity, and vision have enhanced my life incedibly. Thank you from the bottom of my heart! Sue, thank you for bringing Arbonne into my life seven years ago and not letting me say no for too long! This is just the beginning, and I am beyond grateful to be on this amazing journey! THANK YOU!

Linda with her Montreal team at CNTC 2014.

The Arbonne Independent Consultant featured in this EOA has achieved the rank of National Vice President. The average number of active Arbonne Independent Consultants who achieved this rank and average compensation is described further in the Independent Consultant Compensation Summary (ICCS) available at arbonne.com. The testimonial in this EOA is for illustrative purposes only and does not represent income projections. The results discussed in this EOA by the featured Arbonne Independent Consultant are not typical and should not be relied upon by prospective or current Arbonne Independent Consultants as an indication of what they should expect to earn. Actual results for each Arbonne Independent Consultant will vary depending upon individual effort, time, skills and resources. MARCH 2015

Linda with NVP Sarah Morrison, ENVP Amy Sky, and ENVP Camilla Eves at GTC 2013.

eye on arbonne

executive national vice president

Christy Dreiling

Arbonne Independent Consultant

ENVP Christy Dreiling



hristy Dreiling of Paola, Kansas, truly embodies the Arbonne philosophy. Raised poor, Christy never felt sorry for herself. Instead, she studied success and failure, and set out to live a life not only of success but also rich in happiness, people and laughter. And she’s taken that philosophy of life all the way to ENVP!

Christy and husband Scott Dreiling.

Four years ago I sent an email to a good friend named Bob Burg, ending my message with “LOL.” Minutes later I received this response: “Christy, I couldn’t see what was so funny in this email. Can you explain?” Confused, I replied, “Bob, I don’t know what you are saying. I do send you “lots of love!” Seconds later, Bob called, laughing hysterically. He said, “Christy, LOL does not mean lots of love; it means laugh out loud!” I sat silent for a minute and then said, “Bob, over the last eight years I’ve signed every single email and text with LOL!” The joke was on me. I shared this story with my sister Carol, expecting to get a good laugh from her. Instead, she looked at me stone cold, and then her eyes filled with tears. She said, “Christy, remember when I sent you an email saying, ‘Hey, Sis, I think I want to be a life coach. What do you think?’ You responded, ‘You would be great! LOL!’” To this day, my sister never pursed a career as a life coach because she thought I didn’t think she could. Christy with 16-year-old entrepreneur son Dylan Dreiling, owner of Teen Fit Movement.

“Where attention goes, energy follows. So shift your perceptions and pay gratitude for all that’s in your life now.”

Have you ever misperceived a situation? Everything in life is based on perception. Our perceptions are our reality. From this life lesson, I now do my best to assume the best of every situation and I try not to take myself too seriously. But this lesson also makes me wonder just how many people have received an email from me that said, “You’d be great at this business. LOL!” Dylan, Nash, Cruz, Christy and Scott.

Above: ENVP Christy Dreiling and ENVP Leslie Humphrey with their families in Hawaii at the NVP Maui Trip 2013. Left: My very reason I chose to LIVE life.

I have to admit that I had my own perceptions about “this” type of business. But thank goodness I did not listen to the lies I told myself about network marketing. I would not be writing this today if I didn’t take a chance on blind faith and try something new. When I was little, I was a dreamer. My childhood life was not rich, even in the things we take for granted. My young mother, who had me at 15, tried hard to provide for us the life she had always dreamed of us having. But life got in the way. We were homeless many times, often surviving on food stamps, and continuous drama seemed to lurk around every corner. I knew that if I wanted to change my life, I couldn’t wait for the life I wanted to be handed to me on a silver platter. So from a young age, I would watch people. I watched people I admired for various reasons, study their actions and behaviors, and file them in my mental file cabinet. As for people whose actions and behaviors I didn’t admire, well, I considered everything I learned from them important too — so those actions also went into my mental file cabinet.

“I ask you to step forward today, embrace this gift and never look back.”

The fundamental theme was that the people that were the happiest were the ones that did not hide behind a mask. They weren’t afraid to live their dreams and as a result were typically more successful. They also focused more on the positive of every situation. The people who were where I didn’t want to be in life held the opposite energetic vibration. They focused intently on their own intentions and motivations. They wore a mask to pretend they were something the world wanted them to be and they were usually up and down emotionally as a result of not “being” who they are designed to be. Do you feel that way sometimes? Like you’re spinning your wheels? Wondering if you’re a good enough mother, father, daughter, friend, co-worker? Afraid of making mistakes? Afraid of commitment, because that could lead to failure? Welcome to the majority. This is what I call “dis ease,” a disease in our spirit. Isn’t it time to step into who you want to be? Isn’t it time for you to live, love and laugh passionately? Do you want your joy back? Part of getting all of this is recognizing that it’s already there; you just need to shift your perceptions and pay gratitude for all that is in your life now. I have learned that wherever attention goes,

energy flows, and it works in reverse as well. If we stop appreciating the gifts we already have, we could lose them. Maybe you have been praying for an answer to problems. Then you get this EOA and you read it and feel something stirring inside that you can’t describe. That is your emotional guidance system shaking you and saying, “Pay attention. This could be your answer.” I don’t know who you are. I’m just an ordinary girl who grew up on the other side of the tracks. I don’t live in a mansion and don’t need designer purses or clothes. Don’t get me wrong: I love all of those things. But I’ve visited my own hell on earth, and it’s not fun. At the end of the day you will be remembered not for your fancy house or luxury car, but by how you made people feel and the legacy you left. And having experienced this great business, I can say that when you’re part of Arbonne, you’re not alone. You have people who genuinely care for you and want the very best for you. This is more than a personal care company. This opportunity will change your life. But you will be tested. You will fail. And you should celebrate when you do, because it puts you closer to your dream. One of my favorite books states the key to success in any field is, to a large extent, a matter of practicing a specific task for about 10,000 hours. What have you practiced for 10,000 hours? Do you jump from one career to the next? Do you wonder why success isn’t showing up on your doorstep? You have to master your craft before you feel confident enough to hit extraordinary success. Failure is what inspires greatness to step out of the shadows. For a long time I was a shrinking violet. Afraid of my own light. Afraid of not being loved by others if I showed them who I really

Christy’s NVP successline: Sherry Dace, Leslie Humphrey, Lori Funk, Lori Lubben, Valerie Edwards, Karin Bartz, Linda Loveless (Christy’s Sponsor), Debbie Loughnane, Stephani McKee


Don’t wait for the life you want to be handed to you. Observe success. Learn. Then make it happen. was. I ask you to step forward today, embrace this gift and never look back. Never doubt why you faced whatever you have faced. Just know that it’s all by design. A few years back I was traveling to Florida on a Southwest flight. Before every trip I pray that I meet someone who I can inspire or someone that will inspire me. This particular day I sat in the front row. A gentleman with a pink shirt stepped into the plane, beaming with light. He looked so happy to be alive. I thought, “I really hope he sits next to me.” Sure enough he did. During my trip I learned a lot about this incredible man and at that time I had been debating whether or not I should write another book. I really didn’t think I was talented enough to be a writer. But, I asked him this one question before the plane landed. I said “If you could share any words of wisdom with me that I can carry on with me on this journey what would you share.” He sat silent for a moment and said, “Christy, I believe that when I pass on and am standing in Heaven, there will be three big flat-screen TVs. The one on the left will be a reel of all the things I have done wrong in my life. Unfortunately, I will be standing there for a long time. I have made some bad choices and am not proud of them. The reel on the right will show all of the things I have done right, and I’m sad to say I will not be standing there quite as long. But the longest reel will be the one in the middle. There will be images of all the opportunities in my life that I could have taken but didn’t. That reel will hurt the most.”

Christy with NVP Debbie Loughnane and the Dream.Believe.Achieve in Melbourne.

Christy with NVP Debbie Loughnane and ENVP Leslie Humphrey at the 2013 NVP Maui Leadership Meeting.

After hearing this, I realized that I needed to start living my life to the fullest — loving fuller and laughing more. I also realized that as people we are designed to have many different life experiences. That is why I am a film producer, actress, model, writer and, of course, a leader in Arbonne. Wherever there is an opportunity to share my story and shine my light, I want to be there. That is exactly the legacy I want to leave, and I hope you will choose to take that path with me. So in closing, every one in my circle of trust knows how much I adore them. My family, friends, leaders, uplines, sidelines and downlines: Without you, life means nothing. I love you all so much!

ENVP Leslie Humphrey, ENVP Valerie Edwards, ENVP Linda Loveless, ENVP Christy and NVP Debbie Loughnane.

The Arbonne Independent Consultant featured in this EOA has achieved the rank of National Vice President. The average number of active Arbonne Independent Consultants who achieved this rank and average compensation is described further in the Independent Consultant Compensation Summary (ICCS) available at arbonne.com > The Company > Corporate Information > 2011 Independent Consultant Compensation Summary. The testimonial in this EOA is for illustrative purposes only and does not represent income projections. The results discussed in this EOA by the featured Arbonne Independent Consultant are not typical and should not be relied upon by prospective or current Arbonne Independent Consultants as an indication of what they should expect to earn. Actual results for each Arbonne Independent Consultant will vary depending upon individual effort, time, skills and resources. march 2013

Christy with ENVP Valerie Edwards and NVP Debbie Loughnane in Maui.

eye on arbonne

Carol Waugh

Arbonne Independent Consultant

executive national vice president

ENVP Carol Waugh

Show Up

Big for Success


rentwood, Tennessee’s Carol Waugh has one of Arbonne’s greatest success stories. An Arbonne Consultant for two decades, Carol was our fifth National Vice President. But she admits that when she started her Arbonne business, Carol was facing financial trouble and just looking for discounts on Arbonne’s products. Then, finally, she “showed up” for business — and reached the very top.

Carol, Chris Buchanan and Leslie Prow on a family vacation.

More than 20 years ago, when I teamed up with Arbonne, it wasn’t to make a lot of money — but to keep my house! In fact, desperation rather than inspiration was more my mantra. Pressing debts like a big mortgage, alimony, child support, college tuition, credit cards, car payments and never enough money at the end of the month were big problems. The concept of not spending 110% of what I made had not registered with me yet. I came to realize that if I wanted financial stability, I would have to make better choices!

“I was Arbonne’s fifth-ever NVP, and if I were looking for a network marketing opportunity today, I’d still choose Arbonne.”

Carol and Founder Petter Mørck.

The more I talked with others about what they were looking to add to their lives, the more I came to realize that there were many others in my situation. What if we all had more self-respect, more pride, more desires realized, a more secure future, more financial peace, and more success? What if the gift of Arbonne could improve their personal economy? So I began my Arbonne journey after three years as just a shopper for great products at a great price. I had a Why — financial stability for my family and for all of the families with whom I shared the Arbonne story of “More.” You must know your Why! Why are you in business? What do you want out of it…exactly? And the answer should not just be “more money.” Money is not the real motivator for most of us. What motivates us is what money can do for us. For you, maybe it’s financial peace, time freedom, a sense of security in an ever changing world, a new home, Carol with her local successline NVPs and sponsor Euphiazene Linder.

private school, college, wedding, caring for aging parents, contributions to God’s plans, giving to charities, paying hospital bills… the choices are endless. But your Why will help you create the needed desire to be willing to do what it takes to become successful in your own Arbonne business. I call this “showing up BIG” in your business. At first, I didn’t realize the tremendous potential I had with my Arbonne business. My goal was to replace my executive-level salary, which I’d been earning for 10 years with a large and successful corporation. I didn’t realize that there could be so much more, if I were willing to reinvent myself as an entrepreneur. I had to drop the employee mentality and take on the business-owner role.

“Talking about our business opportunity is simple. Find people’s needs or wants — and fill them!”

Some come into our business while they have a “real job.” The more they succeed with Arbonne, the more they realize they could run a successful business from home — or what I call my global home-headquarters. Some are stay-at-home moms seeking to contribute to the household economy. Today, everyone could use additional streams of income. I very rarely run into anyone who says they could not use extra income each month. By selling Arbonne products, and building a network of teams doing the same, you can earn extra money each month — or build it to career-level income! But you have to make the choice to show up for your own success!

Above: Donna Priesmeyer, Carol and Chris Buchanan. Left: CEO Kay Napier with Pioneer ENVPs.

Thank you to my sponsor, ENVP Euphiazene Linder. Where would I be today without the gift of Arbonne? To my successline heroes… all Consultants, Managers, Regional Vice Presidents and National Vice Presidents in my success line. You have shown up big in our businesses. I am grateful to you and applaud you for all your efforts past, present and moving forward into our exciting future. Success line NVPs: Teresa Epps, Sharon Metzgar, Renee Cote, Cheryl Kemp, Nise Davies, Lisa Voorhies, Tina Angus, Danielle Solley, Stephanie Anderson, Jill Jones, Dr. Deanna Osborn, Jennifer Simon, Linda Loveless, Christy Dreiling, Valerie Edwards, Dana Korn, Doreen Crow, Kim Forkum, Lyn Walker, Jill Brown, Christie Feighan, Kelly & Gary Voorhies, Michael Anderson, Becky & Mark Potterbaum, Linda Hefner and many others. Your vision, entrepreneurial spirit, passion and love for the game of Arbonne keeps me humble and proud of the people Arbonne attracts. Great appreciation to my sideline NVP pioneers and mentors — you know who you are. I am blessed to be running this race with each of you! To our founder, Petter Morck: I am so proud that I found Arbonne and you! My memories of you are fantastic, from telling me “not to quit my day job” when I told you how great I would be (LOL), to you throwing your coat down on the ground in the rain at the airport for me to walk across so my shoes would not get muddy. You were unique in every way and your vision continues! Thank you for the life-changing trips to Paris, Rome, Florence, Venice, and about eight times to Hawaii and numerous cruises around the globe. You made a huge difference in my life, my family’s lives and in the lives of so many others.

I make the choice to share my story everywhere I go. Some see the vision and some do not. But it’s my responsibility to share my story. It took former President Rita Davenport three years to convince me that Arbonne was a viable choice for a committed corporate employee. I am grateful that she was relentless in pursuing me. Remember, I was a Consultant in the closet for three years before I showed up for my own success. Since becoming Arbonne’s fifth National Vice President, I have seen our industry and company grow and mature. If I were looking for a network marketing company today, Arbonne would still be my choice. Talking about our business opportunity is simple. Find people’s needs or wants and fill them! More people go to bed at night worried about their finances than about their skin. Just ask them how you can help them have more choices in life. ENVPs Nise Davies, Cheryl Kemp, Carol and Teresa Epps.


Showing up and working with intention is Big for a Big business. Special Recognition to our superior Executive Team: CEO Kay Napier, Managing Director Stian Mørck, Sr. VP of Product Development Dr. Peter Matravers, and Chief Sales Officer Heather Chastain. Watch out world — they have the vision and there is no stopping their laser-focused direction for Arbonne. Thank you to all Independent Consultants and Clients who love Arbonne products and have entrusted their “skin” to Arbonne for a lifetime. To my fabulous children, Leslie Buchanan Prow and Christopher Buchanan, who have always been my biggest supporters. Special recognition to Juanita and Leonard Kindig, my parents, who instilled an amazing work ethic of persistence and perseverance. Their example is a big part of my success. God has blessed my family with this gift called Arbonne and his hand has led me to where I am today.

Carol and ENVP Teresa Epps.

ENVPs Teresa Epps, Cheryl Kemp, Linda Loveless, Carol and Valerie Edwards.

Sharon Metzgar and Carol.

The Arbonne Independent Consultant featured in this EOA has achieved the rank of National Vice President. The average number of active Arbonne Independent Consultants who achieved this rank and average compensation is described further in the Independent Consultant Compensation Summary (ICCS) available at arbonne.com > The Company > Corporate Information > 2011 Independent Consultant Compensation Summary. The testimonial in this EOA is for illustrative purposes only and does not represent income projections. The results discussed in this EOA by the featured Arbonne Independent Consultant are not typical and should not be relied upon by prospective or current Arbonne Independent Consultants as an indication of what they should expect to earn. Actual results for each Arbonne Independent Consultant will vary depending upon individual effort, time, skills and resources. april 2013

Business partner Chris Buchanan and Carol.

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