Sweet Team Care Calls

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Remember to SMILE! People can HEAR you smile! K.I.S.S. (Keep it short & sweet! No longer than 10 minutes!) Talk slower than you think you need to. If you are nervous, you might talk fast and that will make the conversation feel rushed. Put on some Valor and dial away! Hi there, is this ________________ ? Hi __________________, this is _________________. I’m part of your Young Living upline support along with ___________________. How are you doing today? That’s great to hear / Oh no, well let’s see what we can do about that today! I’m just reaching out because... (choose which best fits your call) a) we haven’t had a chance to meet yet, and I just wanted to say hello and see how I can help! b) Young Living is currently having a sale and I wanted to make sure you knew where to find the details! c) we haven’t touched base in a while and I just wanted to check in and say hello! Let the conversation unfold from here. If you need a conversation prompt, try this: CONVERSATION PROMPTS a) I know that when you came into Young Living, you probably had a few goals in mind. Can you tell me what you were hoping Young Living could help you with? Were you maybe looking to go more Chemical Free in your home, or perhaps do a little more DIY. Maybe you even had some specific health goals in mind? Can I ask how you are doing with those? Goodness, that is great! / What can I do to help? I have so many resources and I would love to send you some over!

we ll n e s s p u r p o s e ab u n d an c e

b) Can I ask you a quick question? I talk to so many people and I just love hearing the answer to this because it is different every time. What has been your favorite essential oil so far? (let the conversation unfold) and, what essential oil do you have that you are still just really unsure of how to use? (let the conversation unfold, and offer some suggestions on how you actually love / enjoy this oil). c) So you say you have a specific health goal in mind, let’s talk more about that and see how I can help. Can you do me a favor? Can you go to where you keep your oils and tell me which ones you have or can you take a photo and send it over to me? I would really like to put together some ideas based on the oils you already have in your collection. (This one ALWAYS builds incredible trust AND it leaves you with the perfect platform for needing to call back in a few weeks while you do some research and put together a few ideas for them!) WRAP IT UP I am so glad I got to touch base with you today, I really enjoyed our chat and you know what? I am really looking forward to talking to you again soon. Take care __________________! Make it a great day, and expect abundance!





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