Melton Theatre What's On Guide Spring/Summer 2017

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What’s on guide comedy | Music | Dance | Theatre | Community shows | Personalities | bmc Productions | SPRING/summer 2017

Happy 40th Anniversary

/meltontheatre @meltontheatre t: 01664 851 111 Melton Theatre, Asfordby Road, Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire, LE13 0HJ

welcome to melton theatre welcome to melton theatre

What a great first half of the year we’ve had with our 40th Anniversary celebrations, plenty of familiar faces and lots of new shows for your enjoyment. The theatre has played an instrumental part in seeing Melton Mowbray awarded the first Purple Flag in Leicestershire, recognising the booming early evening and night time economy. Our friendly and welcoming audiences are a key part of this and we’re always grateful for your support. We’ve already seen sell out productions for SKY Theatre, TMMTC & Forbidden Nights with Trevonne, BMC & The Wizard of Oz well on their way to joining them too at the time of writing this message. 2017 sees the return of the BIG Weekend and the Leicester Comedy Festival, our first joint venture with Brooksby Hall and plenty of new shows for us and you. You really do need to get in early to ensure you have the best seats in the house, so don’t delay… get reading and give us a call! We are currently looking to recruit new members to our team of volunteers. Regular duties for our volunteers include directing you to your seats, answering any questions you may have about the show, monitoring the audience during a show, selling ice creams during the interval, and ensuring the safety of our patrons in the event of an emergency. Of course, you also get the added benefit of being able to see some great shows from our programme of events!


GREENROOM Proudly supported by BMC for over 40 years.

Home of the BMC Performing Arts students

Book Now 01664 851 111 or visit

what’s in store this season January 2017 Wed 11

Happy As...


Mon 16 – Tue 17

Blood Wedding


Thu 19 – Fri 20

Baby with the Bathwater


Thu 26



Mon 30

Michael Portillo


Sat 4

Misiuda Academy of Dance – All Aboard

1.00pm & 6.00pm

Sat 11

Space & Howard Rose @ Brooksby Hall


Thu 16

Jon Richardson


Fri 17

Just Another Tick in a Box


Sat 18

Melton Mowbray Lions Annual Concert


Sat 18

Pick of the Fest


Sun 19

Simon & Garfunkel Through The Years


Thu 23

Tony Stockwell


Fri 24

Supersonic 70s Show


Sat 25

Laughing with LOROS


Wed 1 – Sat 4

TMMTC – The Full Monty


Thu 9 – Thu 16

BMC - Double Bills


Fri 17

Ruff ‘n’ Ready


Thu 23

Pork Pie Dance Theatre


Sat 25

Danny Baker


Tue 28 – Fri 31

SKY Theatre – Legally Blonde


Sat 1

SKY Theatre – Legally Blonde

2.30pm & 7.30pm

Fri 7 – Sun 9

Performing Stars Academy - Annie

Call Box Office

Mon 10

Steve Hewlett


Wed 12

Kerry Katona


Fri 14

The Wind in the Willows

2.00pm & 6.00pm

Wed 19

The Dreamboys


Sun 23

Trevonne Stage School – Stage and Screen

2.00pm & 6.00pm

Sat 29

Andy Parsons


BMC - HE Productions

Call Box Office

BMC – Final Major Productions

Call Box Office

February 2017

March 2017

April 2017

May 2017 All month June 2017 All month

Dates and times are correct at the time of going to print. Please check up to date listings by calling the Box Office on 01664 851 111



Dates: Thursday 16th February 2017

JON RICHARDSON The British Comedy Award nominee and star of Live At The Apollo and 8 Out Of 10 Cats is embarking on a nationwide tour to complain about the state of the world and offer no solutions. Since his last show he has become a husband and father, seen the UK vote to leave the EU and watched the rise of Donald Trump, all of which leaves him asking one question, why does it seem that no one else alive can correctly load a dishwasher?

Just Another Tick In A Box?

Time: 8.00pm Ticket price: £21.50 All Tickets*

Come and see what Jon Richardson can do with words when he has more than thirty seconds to work with. Or should that be “with which to work”?


‘Jon Richardson is developing into a quietly sophisticated comedian who is at turns hilarious and disturbing and under no circumstances should you miss‘ - The Mirror ‘one of our most individual and interesting stand-ups’ - The Times Dates: Friday 17th February 2017 Time: 12.00pm Ticket price: £5.00 Advance* or Pay What You Want*

2016 saw the sad passing of Victoria Wood and Caroline Aherne, both seen (and reported in the media) as national treasures for their comedy work. They alongside the like of French and Saunders, Jo Brand and company seemingly heralded a new era for females in the industry. Why then are we seemingly reliant on quotas on panel shows, mixed bills and support slots to introduce a receptive comedy audience to a female comedian? Join the discussion. As part of Beyond a Joke. Book Now 01664 851 111 or visit

Dates: Saturday 18th February 2017

pick of the fest

Time: 7.30pm Ticket price: £15.00 Adults*, £13.50 Concessions*

Leicester Comedy Festival is running from 8-26 February with over 800 shows across Leicester & Leicestershire. We’ve taken away some of the pain of looking through all the 800 shows with this jam-packed evening. Featuring the ‘fabulously boisterous kiwi’ Jarred Christmas (Never Mind the Buzzcocks, Mock the Week, 8 Out of 10 Cats) and the star of BBC Radio Four’s The Now Show, Mitch Benn, “the country’s leading musical satirist” (The Times).

Laughing With LOROS

Dates: Saturday 25th February 2017 Time: 8.00pm, doors open 7.00pm Ticket price: £16.00 All Tickets*

Last year LOROS held its first ever comedy show inside the walls of the Hospice as part of the Leicester Comedy Festival. This year ‘Laughing With LOROS’ is going on tour to Melton Mowbray for a very special show. Headlined by novelist, comedian and TV regular, Mark Watson and featuring some of the highlights of the Leicester Comedy Festival, this funny fundraiser is sure to be an un-missable show. With guaranteed giggles and proceeds going to a great cause, be sure to book early.

*includes booking fee



Danny baker

Dates: Saturday 25th March 2017 Time: 7.30pm Ticket price: £21.00 Adults*, £19.00 Concessions*

No two nights of this extravaganza will be the same. This is less of a boast than admission that a) I am hopeless at learning scripts and b) I still have no idea what I am going to include. Perhaps you can help? If you’ve read my books, watched the series based on them or, indeed, ever caught anything I have presented on television/radio then maybe you might contribute to the feast of reason and flow of the soul that I guarantee these evenings will contain. Questions like, “Did your friend really eat saveloys from a pith helmet” or “What was meeting John Lennon/Michael Jackson/David Bowie/Kenneth Williams like?” or, I suspect, most popular of all “How comes you’ve made so many rotten TV programs, Dan?” I will of course arrive in front of you going off like a Cacophonous Catherine Wheel of Chat, armed with hundreds of tall tales to tell many complete with proof from my family picture album to stop you thinking I am simply raving. I’ve been at this showman racket a full 40 years now my friends – there is truly much to discuss and plenty to be held to account for. So, in short, roll up, pile in and hang onto your hats. I am back where I belong. On the stage! Shove over Tommy Steele – there’s a new sheriff in town! Book Now 01664 851 111 or visit


Dates: Saturday 29th April 2017 Time: 8.00pm Ticket price: £16.00 All Tickets*

“Cracking adlibbing….a joke-rich rallying call for a better Britain” THE GUARDIAN Worried about your job? Worried about your family? Worried about yourself? Worried about the health service? Education? Climate change? World War 3? Worried about worrying? Sod it! Come and have a laugh about it. It’s one of the things we do best. Or is it? Was it something we did best but like everything else has now gone West. Or South. Or East. Ah - go on. Take a risk. Put on your lucky pants and your party shoes – and get yourself on a night out. Or maybe come out dressed in a binbag, top hat and clogs. We could all use a laugh.

*includes booking fee




Dates: Wednesday 19th April 2017 Time: 7.30pm Ticket price: £28.50 Rows A-E*, £25.50 Rows F-R*

The Dreamboys are back and hotter than ever with a brand new Show and UK Tour for 2017. The Dreamboys are without a shadow of a doubt the UK’s top Male Strip Show, perfect for a girls night out with all your friends. Their showcase is unquestionably the most famous Male Stripper act the UK has ever produced. With special guest appearances on some of the UK’s biggest TV shows such as The X Factor, Britain’s Got Talent, Celebrity Big Brother, Loose Women, This Morning, Geordie Shore and The Only Way Is Essex, plus massive sold out Worldwide Tours, it’s no wonder The Dreamboys have earned themselves the title of the only Male Strip Group in history to have celebrity status. If you’re looking for the very best girls night out in the UK, look no further than these incredible stripping hunks. An action packed 2 hour Show from start to finish, these boys will literally have you begging for more!!! This is one action packed show full of Music, Muscle, Magic and Mayhem that will leave you breathless which you simply cannot afford to miss!!! Book your Tickets now before it’s too late!!!

Book Now 01664 851 111 or visit

tony stockwell

Dates: Thursday 23rd February 2017 Time: 7.30pm Ticket price: £24.50 Rows A-E*, £20.50 Rows F-R*

The popular star of TV’s Street Psychic, Psychic Private Eyes and Psychic Academy, Tony Stockwell demonstrates his belief that those who have passed can communicate with their loved ones, all delivered with emotion, sensitivity and empathy. Remarkably compelling, amazingly detailed and always humorous. We hope that nobody can fail to come away untouched by the experience. Tony Stockwell is a Spiritualist Medium and spirit communication is part of his own religious belief, but we accept differing opinions exist regarding mediumship. Any demonstration of mediumship is an experiment and results are not guaranteed. *includes booking fee



kerry katona e dul che te s e R da


Dates: Wednesday 12th April 2017 Time: 7.30pm Ticket price: £21.00 All Tickets*

Kerry Katona is one of the country’s most cherished celebrities stars. She shot to fame in 1999 as one third of girl band Atomic Kitten, who have sold an incredible 8 million records worldwide. She has never been out of the spotlight since living the whole of her life - and relationships - under full public scrutiny. Winning over the hearts of the country with her irresistibly captivating personality, she was voted the first Queen of the jungle on ITV’s I’m A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here.

Steve Hewlett

Dates: Monday 10th April 2017 Time: 7.30pm Ticket price: £16.00 Adults*, £11.00 Concessions*

Steve Hewlett & his hilarious Friends are Back on Tour in ‘30 Years of Talkin to Myself.’ From The QE2 to the Royal Albert Hall, Britain’s Got Talent to his cameo on Strictly Come Dancing in 2016 Steve is a favourite Worldwide on Ships & in Theatres including his latest Tour with The Osmond’s in America & the UK. Come & set your nan up with Arthur Lager or audition for Simon Cowell, maybe turn your dad into a dummy for the night or just sit and laugh out loud at one of the Best Loved Comedy Ventriloquist’s in the UK. The whole family will love this show & there’s a photo opportunity at the end to meet Simon Cowell (The Puppet) & Steve Book Now 01664 851 111 or visit

michael portillo

Dates: Monday 30th January 2017 Time: 7.00pm Ticket price: ÂŁ17.50 All Tickets*

It took Michael Portillo little more than 10 years to get a seat in the Commons and then rise in power and esteem to a point where he was a favoured leader of his party and possible future PM. A track record like that suggests a privileged friend of the rich and famous, but since leaving the house almost a decade ago Michael has endeared himself to many with his obvious respect for solid workmanship as found in our great Victorian Railways and the daily life of ordinary citizens. Listen to his story and then feel free to question him about it.

*includes booking fee




Dates: Friday 14th April 2017 Time: 2.00pm and 6.00pm Ticket price: £17.00 Adult*, £15.00 Concessions*, £43.00 Family of 3*, £51.00 Family of 4*

Book Now 01664 851 111 or visit

Simon and Garfunkel

Dates: Sunday 19th February 2017 Time: 7.30pm Ticket price: £17.00 Adults*, £15.00 Concessions*

Bookends perform the most authentic sounding tribute to the unforgettable music of Simon & Garfunkel. Made up of Dan Haynes & Pete Richards, Bookends have toured extensively with their concerts being described as ‘simply breathtaking’. Performing the songs in a truly captivating way, against a backdrop of images and video footage, their delicate recreation of the unmistakable sound of the American folk-rock duo is something of a masterpiece. “One of the greatest tribute shows anywhere in the world” – Stuart Cameron, BBC and ITV Broadcaster Hear many of the hits such as ‘The Sound of Silence’, ‘Mrs Robinson’ and ‘The Boxer’ and Bookends’ own beautiful rendition of the unforgettable ‘Bridge Over Troubled Water’ With early folk gems such as the haunting ‘Sparrow’ and wonderfully poetic ‘Bleecker Street’, alongside music of Simon & Garfunkel’s solo careers, the concert is must see for any music lover. *includes booking fee



: 0116 272 5959 :


: @iprintb1

Proud sponsors of the Leicester Riders and Leicester Childrens Holiday Centre

VISIT US If you want to find out more and experience what BMC has to offer first-hand, why not visit us at one of our open events? You’ll get to explore our excellent facilities, meet our staff and students and have a chance to get hands-on with some practical activities.





Wednesday 25th January 2017 Open Evening 5pm - 7pm

Saturday 28th January 2017 Open Day / Taster Day 10am - 1pm (Open Day) 9am - 1pm (Taster Day)

Saturday 25th February 2017 Open Day / Taster Day 10am - 1pm (Open Day) 9am - 1pm (Taster Day) Wednesday 26th April 2017 Open Evening 5pm - 7pm Saturday 24th June 2017 Open Day / Taster Day / Welcome Day 10am - 1pm (Open Day) 9am - 1pm (Welcome Day/Taster Day)

Monday 24th April 2017 Open Evening 5:30pm - 7:30pm Saturday 24th June 2017 Open Day / Taster Day / Welcome Day 10am - 1pm (Open Day) 9am - 1pm (Welcome Day/Taster Day)

Thursday 24th August 2017 Open Evening 4pm - 6pm

Our Specialist Land-Based Campus at Brooksby offers -

Our Creative and Service Industries Campus at Melton offers -

Agriculture, Animal Care, Construction, Countryside Management, Equine Studies, Floristry, Foundation Studies, Horticulture, Land-based Service Engineering, Maths and English, Motor Vehicle Engineering and Sport

Beauty Therapy, Catering and Hospitality, Early Years, Hairdressing, Health and Care Professions, Life and Living Skills, Maths and English, Media Make-up, Media (TV and Film Production), Performing Arts, Sports Massage and Teacher Training

Book yourself a place now!

Book Now 01664 851 111 or visit

supersonic 70s

Dates: Friday 24th February 2017 Time: 7.30pm Ticket price: £19.50 All Tickets*

The ‘SUPERSONIC 70s Show’ - “The most explosive show in theatre land” It’s the hottest ticket in town! An incredible live show so jam packed with classic 70s hits it’s no wonder it’s been described as “the best 70s show of its kind- West End quality” Led by the ‘Catsuit Wondergirl’ Janey Bombshell, ‘Supersonic 70s’ will take you back to when Pop was at its peak. From the towering majesty of Queen, ELO & Carpenters, the ‘pin-up pop’ of The Osmonds, David Essex & David Cassidy, and the foot stompin’ Glam Rock of Sweet, Mud & T.Rex. Now, add the classic sounds of ‘Saturday Night Fever’ & ‘Grease’, and even those winning ‘UK Eurovision hits’, and with humour a plenty you have a sensational show simply too good to miss.

*includes booking fee



Ruff n Ready

Dates: Friday 17th March 2017 Time: 7.30pm Ticket price: £13.00 Adults*, £11.00 Concessions*

Described as ‘playing with passion and energy’ and as being ‘a lively, entertaining, colourful, charismatic group of fine musicians’, your local Irish Folk Band, Ruff ‘n’ Ready, inspired by the music of the Irish Diaspora, perform their exciting all new show, where they will be playing both great traditional Irish popular tunes and the inspirational music from the likes of River Dance and Lord of the Dance. With the Irish Wolfpack dancers from the Grantham School of Dancing providing an added visual treat, this show promises you an exhilarating, fun and toe tapping night to remember. Book Now 01664 851 111 or visit

Dates: Wednesday 1st March - Saturday 4th March 2017


Time: 7.30pm Ticket price: £18.00 Adults*, £15.00 Concessions*

The Melton Musical Theatre Company formerly the Melton Mowbray Amateur Operatic Society


uts n n i a t n o c may intended for mature audiences

at the MELTON THEATRE, Asfordby Road, Melton Mowbray

Wednesday 1st to Saturday 4th March 2017 at 7.30pm Tickets now on sale at the Box Office: 01664 851111 or Book Online: TICKET PRICES from £15 - £18 *Ticket prices include £1 booking fee - 10% discount for groups of 10 or more Music and Lyrics by DAVID YAZBECK Book by TERRENCE McNALLY Based on the Motion Picture Released by Fox Searchlight Pictures Written by SIMON BEAUFOY Produced by UBERTO PASOLINI Directed by PETER CATTANEO This amateur production is presented by arrangement with JOSEF WEINBERGER LTD on behalf of MUSIC THEATRE INTERNATIONAL of NEW YORK

*includes booking1 What's on Advert.indd



@meltontheatre 04/11/2016 11:58:08


Performing Stars Academy


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FRIDAY 7TH to SUNDAY 9TH APRIL 2017 Tickets: Adult £10-£15 Concessions: £8-£12 tiered pricing for seating Book by THOMAS MEEHAN Music by CHARLES STROUSE Lyrics by MARTIN CHARNIN Original production directed by Martin Charnin. Originally produced by Irwin Meyer, Stephen R. Friedman, Lewis Allen, Alvin Nederlander Associates Inc., The John F. Kennedy Center for Performing Arts, Icarus Productions. Based on “Little Orphan Annie” (R) by permission of the Tribune Media Services Inc. This amateur production is presented by arrangement with JOSEF WEINBERGER LTD. on behalf of MUSIC THEATRE INTERNATIONAL of NEW YORK.

Book Now 01664 851 111 or visit





Kat Tye / Sam Griffiths

Tom Fox

Suzanne Forrester

Jess Allsop



O hen kets w a ll t ic a s e d a t p u r c h t im e s a m e ie as Ann s T ic k e t



TUESDAY 28 MARCH to SATURDAY 1ST APRIL 2017 Tickets: £12-£22 Student/OAP/Child: £9-£19 tiered pricing for seating

Music and Lyrics by LAURENCE O’KEEFE and NELL BENJAMIN Book by HEATHER HACH. Based on the novel by AMANDA BROWN and the Metro-Goldwin-Mayer motion picture This amateur production is presented by arrangement with JOSEF WEINBERGER LIMITED on behalf of MUSIC THEATRE INTERNATIONAL of NEW YORK *includes booking fee




Dates: Saturday 4th February 2017 Time: 1.00pm and 6.00pm Ticket price: £14.00 Adults*, £12.50 Concessions*

All aboard everyone! We’re off on a cruise around the world. Join performers from the Misiuda Academy as they dance their way through Europe, Antarctica, Asia and South America. Modern, ballet and tap performed by dancers aged three through to adults. A lively, colourful extravaganza you won’t want to miss. All aboard!

Book Now 01664 851 111 or visit

*includes booking fee



Blood Wedding

Dates: Monday 16th January and Tuesday 17th January 2017 Time: 7.00pm Ticket price: £5.00 Adults*, £3.00 Concessions*

Blood Wedding is an intense, passionate, compelling play based on the true story of a bride who leaves her husband on her wedding day to run away with another man. The consequences of their actions bring tragedy for them and their families. The play deals with the question of whether we are bound by society to behave a certain way, to fit in with a collective ideal? If so, what happens when we challenge this and go our own way? Is it ‘better to die of bloodletting, than to live with it stagnant in our veins’? This widely acclaimed play is by Federico Garcia Lorca and is performed by the Year 3 BA Performing Arts students.

Happy as...

Dates: Wednesday 11th January 2017 Time: 7.00pm Ticket price: £5.00 Adults*, £3.00 Concessions*

What makes us happy? The dancers use a mix of contemporary dance, jazz, ballet and physical theatre to explore the Enneagram, a psychological system that maps nine personality types: The Perfectionist, The Tragic Romantic, The Performer, The Helper, The Observer, The Devil’s Advocate, The Optimist, The Boss and The Mediator. A BMC Greenroom production. Book Now 01664 851 111 or visit


Dates: Thursday 26th January 2017 Time: 7.00pm Ticket price: Pay what you like

“In the quantum multiverse, every choice, every decision you ever and never made exists in an unimaginably vast ensemble of parallel universes.” Nick Payne’s Constellations is a play about free will, friendship and love. As it follows Roland and Marianne through a series of parallel universes it asks do we decide our fate? Or is our destiny predetermined for us? One relationship. Infinite possibilities.


Dates: Thursday 19th January and Friday 20th January 2017 Time: 7.00pm Ticket price: £6.00 Adults*, £4.00 Concessions*

An absurdist, dark comedy, Baby with the Bathwater, starts with new parents John and Helen staring lovingly at their baby, Daisy. However, as the couple show absolutely no knowledge of how to adequately care for their child. They have determined not to look at the gender of their child, so as to not be impolite and have simply assumed that the baby is a girl (when in fact, the baby is a boy); Luckily, a nanny shows up, but she turns out to be a MaryPoppins-Gone-Wrong. As the play continues, Daisy grows up to be quite an unstable child in an unstable world. A look at the very wrong side of life, gender and definitely not throwing the baby out with the bathwater! *includes booking fee




BMC offers a range of short courses for both business and leisure purposes. The short courses (for leisure) are recreational courses which enable you to gain skills in areas such as Floristry, Horticulture, Dog Grooming and more. The short courses (for business) are tailor made and designed with individual businesses in mind, providing specialist training and workforce development for businesses.


Art Workshop

Christmas Wreath

Crafting Workshop

Dog Grooming Taster Day •

Floristry Courses •

RHS Courses


IOSH Managing and Working Safely

First Aid at Work and Emergency First Aid

Find out more

Visit our website for further information about our courses or contact the team directly.

t: 01664 855 255 e: w: Asfordby Road, Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire, LE13 0HJ

• Wedding Celebrations

• Conferences

• Sunday Lunches

• Private Fine

Brooksby Hall is a picturesque 16th Century Manor House set on an 850 acre estate in the heart of the beautiful Leicestershire countryside.


• Christmas Parties

Whatever the occasion, we can make it a moment to remember. Our beautiful rooms offer you the perfect location, space and atmosphere for your event and you’ll enjoy outstanding food and drink and our professional, attentive service.

Enquire now to discuss your next event. •

Prom Nights and Graduations

01664 855 262 Brooksby Hall, Brooksby, Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire, LE14 2LJ |

Dance Lessons for children from the age of 3 upwards in

Ballet, Tap, Modern, Gymnastics & Musical Theatre Classes are held in the Dance Studios at

Brooksby Melton College Asfordby Road, Melton Mowbray LE13 0HJ

The School produces a Pantomime every year and also regular Dance & Musical Theatre Shows All children within the school are encouraged to take part.

For further information please look at our website for any enquiries or to contact a member of staff please email or 07713 157660 Beginners classes from 3 years upwards is a combined class where your child can try Ballet, Tap & Modern. Children regularly take examinations with

Trevonne are proud to have taught dance in Melton for over 40 years

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