In memoriam Henry Coffi 2 januari 2016 news letter special edition

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Special edition: IN MEMORIAM OF HENRY F. COFFI A good man has left us, we feel deeply impoverished and orphaned. We close our eyes, knowing now life will be otherwise than it has been. A wise man is gone from our sight, we are still confused and in deep sorrow our lips trembling, hoping that in future his memory will still offers us wisdom. An affable man has gone from us. Numb we look deep into our hearts. His name is inscribed/carved, knowing that henceforth we will remember Henry as a good man, father, husband, friend, philosopher, counselor, negotiator, advisor, a role model for many ‌ A Wise Man. On behalf of the Board, Members, Friends of V.B.S.C.. Our deepest sympathies go out to Marianne, Mayra & Family

Henry Rest in Peace

“Mr. Lago” In Aruba almost everyone will associate the name ‘Henry Coffi’ with the Lago Refinery and Lago Colony at Seroe Colorado. It should therefore come as no surprise that that Henry became well-known as ''Mr. Lago'' (see: COMPLETEBOOKINPDF/BOOK_THE_PROPELLER_2_COLOR.pdf) Henry Coffi goes into the Aruba history as the owner of “THE HENRI COFFI COLLECTION“ which consists of a large collection of Lago material. A small part of this material has been turned over to the Aruba Archive at the University of Texas ( MASTER_DIRECTORY_Lago_Material.htm

Mr. Coffi was the Vice-President of Lago and oversaw the final closing and subsequent cleanup of the refinery. Mr. Coffi was the last man out of Lago, as an operational refinery, turning off the lights in his office as the refinery closed. With the dismantling and cleanup of the refinery Mr. Coffi acted as the Vice-President of Lago after it was no longer an operational refinery until his passing away last Sunday, December 27th, 2015.

Vereniging Bewoners Seroe Colorado (VBSC) Henry’s droom was altijd het behoud van het natuur (Flora, Fauna en de ondergrondse grotten en stranden) van Seroe Colorado. Dit kon slechts bewaarheid worden wanneer de bewoners zich hiertoe konden verenigen. Op 26 februari 1992 is de VBSC statutair opgericht (publikatie Lands-courant van Aruba, nr. 17 van 22 augustus 1997). Henry was bestuurslid van VBSC in het huidige bestuur.

Doel van de Vereniging Bewoners Seroe Colorado: 

Om de belangen van de bewoners en eigenaren van de woningen te behartigen in relatie tot alle zaken die het woongenot in positieve of negatieve zin kunnen beïnvloeden.

Het aan de overheid kenbaar maken van de woonomstandigheden, de toestand van de woningen en de woon- en natuur omgeving in Seroe Colorado.

Het bemiddelen terzake tussen bewoners en overheidsinstanties.

Het verstrekken van individuele adviezen.

Het vertegenwoordigen van de leden in en buiten rechte met alle daartoe geëigende wettige middelen.

Captain Rodgers Beach

Seroe Colorado Community Church

Een woord van dank Henry Coffi woonde in Seroe Colorado en hij was altijd zeer betrokken bij de gang van zaken in dit woongebied. Zijn betrokkenheid was gericht, gebalanceerd en effectief. Hij stond altijd open om anderen te helpen en van advies te dienen. Zijn instelling en benadering was gericht op respect, sociale rechtvaardigheid, deugdelijk bestuur, transparantie , en “fairness”. Henry Coffi was zeer creatief in het bereiken van goede resultaten ondanks vele obstakels. Henry fungeerde als een ‘Burgermeester van Seroe Colorado’. Henry, bedankt voor alles wat je gedaan hebt om het woongenot in Seroe Colorado te bevorderen! Voorzitter van de VBSC: ir. L.R. (Robby) Croes

Message Board In Memoriam Henry F. Coffi Aruba 30 di december 2015

Skirbi pa Dr. Armando R. Lampe Masha poco hende ta pone interes general riba interes particular. E gran mayoria ta scoge pa interes personal riba interes general. E mundo sinembargo ta drey riba e grupo chikito ey. P’esey ora un hende integro fayece, e mundo ta mane cay den otro. Ora un persona integro muri, henter shelo ta yora. Un hende asina tabata Henry Coffi, un persona cu a siña nos tur kico ta integridad. Un palabra cu hopi ta usa, pero cu poco ta practica. Henry, ingeniero di profesion, su periodo di oro tabata ora e a drenta LAGO, un compania cu e a stima y e a yega te den e top como yiu di tera responsabel pa henter e refineria, danki na e hecho cu su doño di trabao a reconoce di biaha cu ta trata di un persona integro. Siendo responsabel pa e negociacionnan cu Pais Aruba den nomber di Exxon, e a purba lo mas posibel pa yuda interes di Aruba, pero nos gobernantenan no ta sabi y no a probecha esaki. Henry su pasion tabata pa yuda e clase trahador y no tur ora esaki tabata wordo comprendi y aprecia, pero e tabata usa su tactica pa na final e trahador sali beneficia. Esey a keda comproba con e a pone e trahadonan di Air Aruba progresa, ora cu despues di e ciere di refineria gobierno di Aruba a acerca Henry pa bira director di Air Aruba. Aki tambe e gobernantenan no a gusta su maneho basa riba integridad y Henry a keda destitui como director. Pa Henry esaki tabata nifica traha mas duro pa comunidad y e interes general. E a duna mas cu loke e a ricibi. Den Casa Cuna, na Hospital, como consehero di diferente sindicato, tambe consehero di nos partido Red Democratico, e tabata haci trabao voluntario sin ningun interes personal. Nos tur cu a conoce Henry, sa cu honestidad tabata su lema. Henry tabata net contrario di e persona corupto. Ser integro ta contrario di ser corupto. Ser integro ta wordo corectamente asocia cu ser eticamente honesto, esey ke men e persona cu no ta gaña, e persona cu ta odia mentira y fraude. Henry a siña nos cu sinonimo di ser integro ta ser honesto, virtuoso, husto. Esey tabata Henry, un homber di caracter cu virtudnan y exigencianan moral halto. Den e sentido ey e tabata un ‘bon hende’, y solamente bo por ta bon hende si e ta brota di e profundo di bo ser. Esey ta ser integro, ta trata di un asunto di mentalidad. Tur esey ta loke nos a siña di Henry. P’esey awe nos ta yama Henry danki pa su bida, pa e les di bida cu e a siña nos. Henry, sosega awor na paz.

In LovingMemory of: Henry F. Coffi

INVITATION You are cordially invited to the Memorial Half Staff Flag Raising Ceremony Date : Saturday, January 2nd, 2016 Venue: Seroe Colorado Community Church Time: 09:00 A.M. There would be a flag hoisting ceremony, singing of the National Anthem and reading of the speech of the President of the VBSC Mr. Robby Croes All members and inhabitants of the Seroe Colorado Community, including Friends of the late Mr. Henry Coffi, are cordially invited to the Flag Hoisting Ceremony

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