Pulse magazine for Empire Cinemas - Winter 2013 Edition 14

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............ BEHIND THE SCENES



............ BUILDING THE BUZZ



A letter from Roz Once again the Pulse team have been working hard to bring you an exciting magazine and with Christmas on the way, a bumper competition corner! We hope there is something interesting for you all to read and with a chance of winning a 35mm film key-ring on page 16, why not tell us what your favourite part of the magazine is? With our first IMAX theatre being built in Leicester Square, you can almost feel the excitement. Incidentally that is how our customers will feel when they experience an IMAX film. Read all about it in this edition in our special feature on page 10. Another great read is our Behind the Scenes with Pearl & Dean. Find out what is so special about the company and advertising we show prior to the films. We’ve had the results of Your Opinion Matters survey just in and on page 30 you can read some of my favourite comments from customers on why you are so amazingly fabulous. Have a wonderful and fun filled Christmas and New Year and we will see you in the Spring of 2014!

Contents Winter ‘13 4 5 6-7 8-9 10-11 12-13 14-16 17 18-19 20-21



Roz xx



24-25 26-27 28 30-31 32 33 34-35






Editor: Melissa Wylie Writers: Josie Breen, Natalie Daniels, Nikita Hall, Abi Harman, Katie Hayes, Emily Smith Designers: Jack Whetherill, Laura Dronfield, Hannah Green, Kayleigh Kent Reviews: Keira Simpson, Sophie Ghatreh Contributor: Lisa Thomas

40-41 42-43




The 50th Anniversary of

The Doctor has celebrated his 50th year on the box and Empire Cinemas threw open its doors for fans to watch him in all his 3D glory


he wait is finally over as Doctor Who celebrates its 50th anniversary with a tribute episode aired on TV and more excitingly in Empire Cinemas on Saturday 23rd November. 1,500 cinemas acorss 94 countries aired the 3D version of the programme, and as a whole it earned a Guinness World Record as “the world’s largest ever simulcast of a TV drama” Over 10 million tuned into the BBC that night. All those Doctor Who fans out there were eager to see the return of David Tennant and Billie Piper to mark 50 great years of TV. The Day of The Doctor was a spin-off episode set in Elizabethan England when something terrible is awakening in London’s National Gallery. In 1562, a murderous plot is afoot and somewhere in space an ancient battle reaches its devastating conclusion. Without a doubt this episode will keep people talking for weeks. Being described as their most ambitious and anticipated episode yet, there

was a lot of adventure and drama - even the The Zygons from the 70’s made a return! To celebrate this fantastic moment for the creators, Empire Cinemas could not help but get involved as cinemas all across the country screened the episode in 3D for fans to watch. The staff got involved with the action too and dressed up as characters from the show. At Empire Swindon there was a, “Great atmosphere in the foyer, and lots of laughing at the etiquette guide at the start.” Empire Sutton Coldfield had a special Doctor Who telephone box cake made for free by a local cake-maker. This was put on display for customers to see and certainly added to the excitement. General Manager, Tristan Murtagh said that, “It was a great night, and the buzz and the experience was great too with the excitment, cheering and clapping for the event.” It was a great success as many turned up to enjoy Doctor Who all across the UK.

Doctor Who at Empire Wigan

Doctor Who at Empire Swindon







A NEW UNIFORM IS COMING IN 2014 Details will be revealed in the Spring edition




In our last edition of Pulse we set you the challenge of taking a photo of yourself with Pulse in an unexpected place. We must say that we’re pretty impressed with some of the entries! We kept the theme broad so that whether you’re lucky enough to be jetting off to a faraway place, or if the most exciting thing you do that day is getting dressed up as a skeleton, you can still take part and send in your fantastic photos. We’ve loved going through them so here they are for everyone at Empire Cinemas to take a peek.

Pulse at Empire Great Park: Bradley Hudson-Grant and Kelly-Marie Cole

General Managers, Paul Damms, Richard Conian and Adam Watts in Florida 06 | PULSE MAGAZINE | WINTER 2013


Pulse in Orlando: Jenny Maguire, Matthew Brown and Katie Lowe from Wigan

All entrants seen on this page have bagged themselves a ÂŁ10 Amazon voucher!

Are you feeling inspired, or think that you can do better? Then get your camera out, get snapping and send your photos to empirepulse@gmail.com

Pulse in New York: Emma Curran from Wigan WINTER 2013 | PULSE MAGAZINE | 07

Charity Empire Wigan


oining Jack is a charity created to find a cure for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy illness (DMD). The illness is one of the most common, fatal, genetic disorders that affects children around the world. There are around 20,000 new cases reported each year in the developed world according to Jumping Jack research. Currently incurable, the disease wastes away muscles with symptoms generally appearing in male children before the age of five. Muscle weakness eventually spreads from the legs and pelvis to the arms, necks and other areas. Most patients require a wheelchair by the age of 12 and do not tend to live past the age of 30. Empire Wigan managed to raise a total of £175 for Joining Jack with employees Jenny Maguire, Nicola Wood, Jimmy Pearson and

Members of staff at Empire Wigan completed a 10K charity run to raise money for the Joining Jack charity.

Matt Brown all participating and finishing in under 90 minutes. Jimmy Pearson led the group by finishing in just 57 minutes and five seconds. Sir Bradley Wiggins started the race and a host of local celebrities also took part. Empire Wigan supervisor Matt said: ‘The Wigan 10K is becoming an annual event due to the success of the inaugural Wigan 10K and we hope to run it next year.’

For donations please visit http://www.justgiving.com/empirewigan



Events D

uring the thirty days of November each year, Movember is responsible for the sprouting of millions of moustaches around the world. With their ‘Mo’s’, men raise vital funds and awareness for prostate and testicular cancer, as well as mental health. As an independent

global charity, Movember’s vision is to have a ‘perpetual impact on the face of men’s health’. Through their growing efforts, they raise funds and awareness for the often-ignored issues of men’s health. What started out relatively small in 2003, Movember is now recognised around the world, with over 3 million participants in 21 countries around the world. This year, several Empire employees have decided to join the challenge with Andy Bush, Neil Goulding, Gordon MacDonald and Steve Clode all confirmed to grow ‘Mo’s’ this year.

Did YOU take part in Movember? We want to see the men with the best ‘Mo’s’! Email your pictures to:


Updates of the men’s progress can be viewed and donations made at http://moteam.co/empire-mo-s

Empire Swindon


mpire Swindon Supervisor, Jo Moore, completed her first charity five mile run on 13th October 2013 raising an impressive £215.25 for The British Heart Foundation. Completing the run in 55 minutes 15 seconds, Jo had a six week training period to prepare for the event. Another Empire Swindon employee, Manager Sarah Bradfield completed the three peaks challenge in July 2013, summiting three British mountains within 24 hours and raising £560. Sarah is now training for the 2014 London marathon. Good luck Sarah!

Have YOU been raising money for charity? Please keep donating money for a good cause and let us know about it!



IMAX offers the ‘ultimate movie experience’ for its audiences. From bespoke screens to crystal clear images, the global brand considers itself to be the ‘most immersive movie experience in the world’. Now Empire will be the first cinema to welcome IMAX to the big screens in Leicester Square, but what makes it quite so spectacular?


MAX – most people have heard of it, but not many of us really know what it’s actually about. What seems like a relatively new concept has actually been around for over 40 years. IMAX began in 1967 by a small group of filmmakers in Canada, including Graeme Ferguson and Roman Kroitor. They wanted to create a large-screen experience, so over the next three years they worked together and made their debut in 1970 in Japan. They mainly showcased documentaries and it wasn’t until the early 1990’s that IMAX started noticing the potential for branching out into Hollywood movies. These days, IMAX sees their target audience as ‘fan boys’ – that is, 18 to 35 year old movie fanatics who are often seen dressing up as their favourite movie heroes at events such as Comic Con. They target this group, as they believe that IMAX immerses its audience so much that they start to feel as if they are in the movie themselves, which is great for all the movie buffs that aspire to be Thor or Superman! IMAX can give them the ultimate movie experience. So what makes IMAX so special? There are so many different aspects that work together to create the ‘ultimate movie

experience’, from the sound to the screens. Chris Nolan, a film director who has directed films such as The Dark Knight and Inception said: “I think IMAX is the best film format that was ever invented.” The IMAX experience puts the audience in the movie, and the epic sounds make you feel the music too. The screens are bespoke to the cinema; they are curved and closer to the audience. The curved screen ensures that wherever you’re seated, you experience

Chris Nolan: “IMAX is the best film format that was ever invented.” the ultimate movie viewing. The screens are much larger than a typical cinema screen too; often spanning from wall to wall, floor to ceiling, and there are no frames either. This allows the picture to take up all of the audience’s peripheral vision, ensuring they focus on nothing else except what’s on the screen. All these different features work together to encompass the audience into the movie itself, letting them feel all the emotions and events the movie throws upon them, from sadness, to terror, to excitement.


The whole quality of picture being shown in IMAX screens is superior to other showings and this is partly due to their DMR enhancement process. DMR, or Digital Remastering, works to completely transform movies. IMAX works tirelessly with directors and technical teams to ensure each and every frame and sound is transformed into the IMAX experience. The state-of-the-art projection systems also help to deliver crystal clear images, which are 60% brighter and have 30% more contrast than standard cinema screens. Increasingly so, well-known film directors are using IMAX technologies for parts of their films. IMAX cameras have the highest resolution in the world. They use a 70mm film, which features ten times more resolution than the typical 35mm film. As the sequence shots are also larger, the picture takes up more of the screen which allows the audience to see up to 40percent more of the image, with more clarity, colour saturation and crispness; this could make all the difference in those tense battle scenes. A large part of the IMAX experience is down to the sound. IMAX states that you don’t just hear the sound, ‘you feel it in your bones’. This is partly down to custom patented speaker system and the wider frequency response, which means that highs are higher and lows are lower. IMAX screens are also customized with soundproofing and better placing of speakers. This means that sounds can be placed in specific areas of the room, for example, making the audience truly believe there is a helicopter above them. It’s important to note that IMAX showcases films in both 2D and 3D and they have already announced that they expect to feature over 40 films in 2014, and some of those include Robocop, Godzilla and 300: Rise of an Empire. All of these different aspects work as a combination to encompass the audience into believing they are as much a part of the action as the stars themselves. However, it’s hard to truly grasp the sheer experience unless visiting for yourself, so if you can, feel the movies for yourself! IMAX in Empire Leicester Square is hoping to be complete in early 2014, so keep your eyes peeled!



785 – the number of IMAX cinemas currently open 24 – the number of IMAX cinemas currently in the UK 55 – the number of countries with an IMAX cinema 34 – the number of titles released by IMAX in 2012 2003 – the year the first Hollywood movie was shown in IMAX WINTER 2013 | PULSE MAGAZINE | 11





n a Galaxy far, far away a cinema was built in a little town called Clydebank. AMC came to town with the first multiplex in Glasgow on October 22nd 1988. The cinema used to regularly achieve over 1 million visitors per year. In 1990 the cinema was bought out by Universal and Paramount and it became UCI Cinemas Finally we became an Empire in 2007. We have, despite very stiff competition from the market leaders in UK cinema, managed to hold our own and increase our attendances year after year (finishing 2012 at 400k) For our 25th Birthday we wanted to focus on giving back to the community. As a management team with such longevity of service and ties to this cinema we feel very much that we are one of the lynchpins for recreation and community focus within our area. This has increased through the years with the introduction of such things as Empire Jnrs, Empire Seniors, Saverday and Last Chance To See specials which have all helped us to develop and sustain different relationships with areas of the community who may not have visited us as often as they could have. We linked up with a local hospice to help raise funds – St Margaret’s Hospice. This was chosen as we felt that they play a key role within the community we share. Additionally, we knew that they have to raise at least £40k per week just to operate and that any fundraising completed on their behalf is always met with enthusiasm within the community.

We held a Charity Screening of Not Another Happy Ending which was shown one day earlier than its general release date. Kaleidoscope Films very kindly allowed us to donate all the proceeds from ticket sales to our chosen charity. This was chosen as it was a Scottish independent film and was set in Glasgow. St Margarets chief fundraiser attended and also brought along a car which was being raffled. Tickets were available to be purchased by everyone who attended any film that night. This helped boost the total for the month. We also ran our own raffle for the charity


over the weeks of October before and after the 25th Birthday. Prizes for this were donated by Empire, local businesses and our very own GM, a selection of which are listed: 2 x Empire Gift Cards (Pre-loaded with £50) Meal courtesy of Casa Italia Go Karting at Scot Kart Swarovski Hello Kitty Necklace Selection of DVD’s As a final way of raising some extra funds and as a way of allowing our Empire Jnrs to join in the fun we held a face painting morning on the Saturday after our 25th Birthday. This went extremely well and all of our Jnrs who were painted had a great time. We hope that when everything is totalled we have at least £500 to be able to donate and although this is not a record breaking figure, in the words of the chief fundraiser for St Margarets – “when your target is £2 million per year, everything helps”


Special Premier Screening Empire Leicester Square As featured previously in Pulse, our very own Douglas King was given the opportunity to premier his double short film set of Let’s Go Adventure (Let’s Go Swimming & Romance and Adventure). Scottish BAFTA nominated writer and director Douglas had already completed Let’s Go Adventure when last appearing in Pulse but since then has completed a second film with Josie Long. They made the decision to couple up the films and take them on tour throughout Britain but it was Douglas’s wish that it kick off in our flagship cinema. After some careful negotiation between Suzanne Hills and Craig Jones this was enabled and allowed to happen on the 21st October. Although totally nerve-wracking Douglas has stated that it was a fantastic opportunity and that he would never forget it. The tour commenced properly in November and goes from strength to strength.

Facebook Activity On the day of our 25th Birthday we ran several competitions. We also asked the pertinent question about what our customer’s favourite film had been in the last 25 years. The results were astonishing and the variety was amazing. Each one of the choices could be remembered by the management team and this was fed back to our Facebookers during the day. We had our biggest ever response, greatest reach and highest engagement with our Facebookers on this day and these have continued over the last couple of weeks. This will be built on going forward to make all areas of our community reach both personal and social a bigger success.

Some examples of the responses are;

Robbie Stewart: Batteries Not Included - not the best film I’ve seen on your big screens, but one of the most memorable. It was the first movie I ever saw on the big screen!

Laura Tolland: Jurassic Park... it was my first time going to the cinema without an adult and I can remember the sound was so loud, it felt like it was raining inside the cinema!

Denise Turley Campbell: Blade! And I had popcorn with real butter on it! Mmm.

Lisa Mackrell Byrne: Too many to choose just one but I have vivid memories of going to see Gremlins 2 the new batch, think it was 1990? I was about 10 years old and sat with my feet up on the seat, terrified to put my legs down in case there were Gremlins lurking under the seats in the dark! Good times. Claire Duncan: Definitely has to be Les Mis - that was the most surreal cinema I’ve ever had. The whole audience were entranced, not a movement or sound (except sobbing!) the entire way through. Never ever had that with any other film.

New Introductions We have had the inclination to add to our range of offers, that we can use to further involve the community and we thought that our 25th Birthday would be a prime opportunity to showcase that. We introduced Parent & Baby Screenings with our first screening being Captain Phillips. We know that this will go on to be very popular in the coming months and years and plan to make it as successful as possible We also introduced Autism Friendly Screenings, which we know will be fantastic option in the future for families who sometimes can’t make it to the cinema at all, as a family group. We know that given time, these too will prove to be successful, further enhancing our reputation in the community. Our hope is that in our 25th year of being established in the Clydebank and West Dunbartonshire community that we can build on all of the above, adding other options and basically becoming the go to cinema in the area for everyone, making it easy for everyone to escape into film regularly for many more years to come. We believe completely that business that is felt to be part of the community can only succeed and that cinema and the magic it brings to so many is an essential part of this. Here’s to another 25 years!


BEHIND TH Pearl & Dean are the cinema advertising company everyone has heard of, particularly at Empire Cinemas where the iconic tune can still be heard ringing out from the screens. This year they celebrate their 60th anniversary, marking decades of cinema advertising history.


EO Kathryn Jacob cannot tell us enough how Pearl & Dean is: “The nicest place to work in the world”. It’s fast-paced with cool brands under their belt including John Lewis, Samsung and Heineken. She believes that everyone is excited about film, with her all-time favourite being Cinema Paradiso. She adds, “We sell the best content in the world so we try and make it fun.” Pearl & Dean also work with companies like Nomad, who create pop-up cinemas in unusual places, for example, showcasing the latest rom-com on rooftop terraces or a scary blockbuster in a graveyard. There are around 35 film-loving members of staff who work in the office, with some of them racking up to 40 years with the company. Around half of the office work on selling advertising space, but of course, there is much more to this business than sticking an advert on the screen. Brand Director Ian McNaught, who loves the variety involved with his job, explains how much thought goes into the placement of the ads. Placement is key, with adverts being put before films with the most suitable audience. For example, an alcohol advertisement (not that many of those exist anymore!) would never be placed in front of a children’s film. It’s not surprising that so many companies want to advertise before screenings of James Bond, and Sex and the City is a popular one when it comes to promoting products for women. There is a Dolby screening room where the sound of ads can be checked, and

occasionally they get more involved Recently they were recording a voiceover for Hasbro’s Littlest Pet Shop. Ian has been with Pearl & Dean for nineteen years but claims that there have been fewer drastic changes than you might expect. The major difference is that cinema is now digital and so playlists for adverts can be quickly emailed over the cinema. Gone are the days of loading up trucks with heavy canisters full of thousands of pounds worth of film. Peter Seabrook is the Regional Sales Director looking after clients outside of London. He has worked with the company for 20 years, but in cinema advertising for an impressive 34 years altogether. He believes that Pearl & Dean has the, “Greatest name” and “Comes in under the guns”, when it comes to competition. He explains how advertisements are a key part of the business and ticket prices would go up without them. The sales team convince companies that they should spend their money on cinema instead of, or as well as, on TV. A viewer is 5 times more likely to remember a cinema advert than one they see on the television, and because the audience are anticipating a treat, they’re in silence and absorbed by the screen. Despite not being the biggest company, Pearl & Dean are indeed the biggest name. We would list the larger cinema advertising companies but you probably won’t have heard of them. Their timeless branding and heritage will continue to please cinema-goers with that sound that tells them it’s time to escape from the outside world, and immerse themselves in film.

Ian McNaught - Brand Director

Peter Seabrook - Regional Sales Director





The team at Pearl & Dean

The nicest place to work in the world

That Tune

CEO Kathryn Jacob

There is a sound that, when you hear it, will put your mind straight into the cinema seat. Pearl & Dean has the most iconic tune in cinema history which was written by the gifted composer, Pete Moore. It has now been heard by audiences for five decades and still has plenty of life left.

In the 1990’s when cinema sound was given the stereo treatment, the catchy tune named Asteroid required rerecording. The original was a mono track so wouldn’t work on the new speakers, but luckily Pete Moore was tracked down and he even managed to find two of the three male singers who did the recognisable, “Pah, pah, pah, paahh!” This was an impressive feat being three decades on from when the original was recorded! Then 15 years ago when they were rebranding the company, it was suggested that the music needed to go. A tumbleweed moment ensued. Those committed to the brand and its history agreed it was a courageous comment, but that no other piece of music could be as iconic and stand the test of time.



Pearl & Dean through the years...




80s-90s Did you know...



The first ever film shown at the cinema was in 1896, and the first cinema advertisement followed very shortly in 1898. This was for Dewar’s Whiskey, but of course any film before the 1930’s was black and white and silent.

Fancy one of these? These keyrings hold a piece of 35mm film and thanks to the kind people at Pearl & Dean we have 50 of them up for grabs. Think it would look great next to your car keys? Email us at empirepulse@gmail.com telling us what you love about PULSE and the first 50 will be sent one! 16 | PULSE MAGAZINE | WINTER 2013





This winter, Empire Cinemas are changing and launching packaging for our refreshments. This will be focused on kid’s boxes and nachos, so keep an eye out for it in your cinema.

Kids Box Development

Empire has been without a kids snack box for over a year, but has recently developed a new range of boxes. Instead of just one box there are going to be four designs to choose from, with the colours and characters following on from the Party and Jnrs leaflets in Empire Cinemas. These brand new boxes are being tested in Empire Birmingham at the start of December. They will be displayed in a pick ‘n’ mix style zone with a choice of salted or sweet popcorn, a dispenser drink or Fruit Shoot, and Froots, Cadbury Buttons or Sour Patch Kids. We know kids can be picky so there will be something for everyone!

Nachos At Empire Cinemas we pride ourselves on sourcing great quality ingredients for all of our food, especially the nachos and hot dogs. However an area that hasn’t been updated in a while is the packaging for these. The black PET trays are extremely functional but don’t give the best image of quality. We have recently tried a number of new ready-made boxes to serve the nachos in, but all had their own problems. Finally we have found a suitable new box, which will be trialed in Empire Birmingham and Poole during November and December. The new design can be carried with ease whilst keeping the nachos warm – just what our customers want.


Changes to Escape Magazine You have probably seen the new, shiny and very chunky Escape Magazine stacked up in your foyer, but have you taken a moment to flick through it yet? You should. It’s no longer just a cinema magazine, but something our film-loving customers can use as a guide at the cinema, then take home later to read with a cuppa.


irst you’ll notice the cover has had a redesign, which we reckon looks fab! Inside there are never-seen-before, exciting sections. This includes Verity – the last of the usherettes (she won’t reveal her age!) who refuses to let our love of film die by writing blogs about her take on new films and cinema news. Take a look in the magazine or on the website to see if you agree with her, she loves a good debate! Scene it Before? encourages readers to hop online to create their very own homemade film scene in whatever way they’d like. The latest theme was superheroes with entrants dressing up as their favourite characters, and even using fruit and veg with DIY faces to replicate an edge-of-your-seat moment! For customers who just want to skip straight to the cinema listings, the At a Glance section has been redesigned for a quick and easy reference. Plus we’re sure that those who pick it up for this reason will quickly be distracted by the huge amount of features and tuck it into their bags for later. Of course a new magazine comes with a new website, which has an eye-catching look with

news and features scrolling across the page. It works brilliantly on mobiles too, so if you have a guest struggling to find a pocket big enough for the print edition, you can direct them to the website instead. Features are updated more regularly on the website – that is the magic of the web – although the sections and themes stay the same. Features usually cover a big film due for release, but this is more than a, “Look what’s coming up” moment. Readers can find out more about it, get some background knowledge and look at interesting facts. If you sometimes find yourself lost for words when chatting to customers at the till, take a look at Escape to update yourself on the latest goings-on and wow our cinema guests with an impressive backlog of knowledge – just avoid any spoilers! None of this is quite complete without an advert – have you spotted it yet? Doris is asked by the Escape team to get in touch with some of our favourite film stars, but takes the instructions very literally! She finds Simon’s Pegg, Gerard’s Butler and Russell’s Crow to name a few. And as for the cow? It’s a bullock actually, Sandra’s Bullock.



Winning entry!

Scene it before entries WINTER 2013 | PULSE MAGAZINE | 19

Walthamstow Residents of Walthamstow have been without a cinema for over a decade. Following the original announcement of the new Empire cinema in the summer, anticipation for the opening has been high amongst residents of Walthamstow.


ustin Ribbons, CEO of Empire Cinemas said: “We’re very excited to see the work on our brand new Empire Cinemas venue at The Scene, well under way and coming to fruition. The opening of the Walthamstow complex is one of the biggest projects we have taken on as it’s our first purpose built cinema development – The Scene marks a new, exciting era for Empire Cinemas.”




The Scene marks a new, exciting era for Empire Cinemas.

The Update in numbers The Scene will become another flagship for the chain expanding the already 162 screens across 16 cinemas in the United Kingdom.

The Walthampstow complex is due to open in December 2014.

The new nine screen cinema seating up to 1,200 cinemagoers will create up to 50 job positions for the local community.


Halloween at Sunderland and Newcastle

In August this year thousands of films fans flocked to Empire Leicester Square, as they do every year, to enjoy a festival of horror and fantasy films. To continue the celebrations this November other Empire Cinemas held their very own Fright Fest All-Nighters showing horror films for customers throughout the night. The teams got dressed up for these events, and Empire Newcastle and Sunderland have sent us their horrifying accounts and photos from the event.

4 Fright m il F e h t h olved wit v in to scare t s o e g m u t le s t s o ewca ntastic c a f e Empire N m o s sing up in ve customers Fest dres bra


L-R Stephen Brown, Mark Foster, Vicki McIntyre, Steven Bage, Victoria Landale, Sandra Hedley, Becca Parkin


Empire Sunderland


iewers leave reality behind when they enter a screening room. That magical moment of film starts when the lights dim, the adverts stop and the opening credits begin. Fears from childhood come alive and haunt the spectator, but Empire Sunderland not only scares customers watching horror films, they also staff during daily activities. General Manager John Hodgson said that the strange noises, shadows, footsteps and lights flickering, spook members of staff including himself. John prefers a good custard cream with an ROH Opera such as Don Quixote or Los Treyones rather than watching the latest horror movie. He said: “Customers, psychics and staff alike have been a buzz since we opened back in 2004 with the unexplained paranormal events that have occurred here at our site. From the child in Screen 8 to the man in Screen 4; there’s neither a nook nor cranny that is safe from spooky goings on in this cinema. “In light of the Halloween season and the Film 4 Halloween All Nighter on November 2nd, we decided to have our own all-nighter beforehand - as a chance to add to our ‘buzz’ and to lay the foundation for some fantastic Big E over the Halloween Period, as well as a chance to show those among our team who doubt the claims that there is a lot more to this place than meets the eye, and this can’t be simply brushed away with a simple ‘why aye man’.” Lyndsey Warnett agreed and said: “Screen 4 is terrifying. We once were doing Big Pick Up in there, and Dan and Anish stopped in their tracks as they swore they felt and heard footsteps as someone walked past them down the stairs. They both froze on the spot. I entered the screen and as they told me, the entire set of lights (even the running man) went off and we ran like hell.” Team members Sam Halliday and Turo Rissanen approached Assistant General Manager Anish Patel with the idea of a Halloween All Nighter for the staff, in order

to truly capture the ‘Halloween’ feel and buzz for the Cinema. Staff took to Facebook to vote for their chosen favourite horrors to be viewed on the night and the winners were selected to be The Poltergeist, The Exorcist and Halloween. An abundance of food and drink was brought to the showings, including a large array of pizza. Staff either dressed up, or wore pyjamas and onesies. Screams of terror and roars of laughter at horrifying scenes were heard throughout the branch. The event has also been a hot topic for customer tales. About the event Anish said: “Our Staff all-nighter created enthusiasm and a buzz atmosphere amongst our team, and in turn, it was passed on to our customers. The team and some of the customers wore fancy dress on the night and we played eerie Halloween songs through the foyer. Plus this year we introduced our Halloween Horror Bar quiz too. It all went towards creating a memorable visit for everyone attending on the night.”

Laura, Marie and Denise

Marie and Laura

Liam and Marie


Pulse Christmas Top 10 We all love the holiday season, the presents, the family and the films! Below we have compiled a list of films we just love to watch around Christmas. These may not all be truly dedicated ‘Christmas’ films but all feature around the festive period. Take a look below and see if any of your Christmas favourites have made the list!

10. Elf

7. Home Alone

Will Ferrell gets the seasonal mood pumping as Buddy the elf, as he leaves the place he calls home in the North Pole and tries to live in the real world. It may not be plain sailing for our bumbling elf but this story is full of laughs and a heart-warming finish which can get anyone in the Christmas mood.

Leaving a child at home should never really happen, but in the case of Home Alone we are glad that Macaulay Culkin slipped through the net. While he adjusts to being at home on his own Kevin (Culkin) must defend his home from a pair of bumbling burglars while his parents are away. Regardless how the rest of series is seen, this first instalment holds a special place in most of our hearts and we look forward to it this Christmas.

8. Jingle All 9. Mickey’s Christmas Carol The Way It would not be Christmas without Mickey Mouse somewhere in our lives. This age old master of entertainment strikes again with a short film based around the popular Charles Dickens novel. This animated retelling is fun for all and great for children.

A Christmas without Arnie is a Christmas now worth having. Taking a parents biggest fear around the holiday season and cranking it up to 14 this Christmas adventure is one everyone can relate to. It may go over the top as Arnie seeks to get the present his kid wants, trying to rob his neighbour, turning into an action hero and even fighting Sinbad! It’s fun, not serious and an easy watch during the holidays.

6. The Santa Clause Santa takes an unexpected dirt nap and the reigns literally for to Tim Allen as he becomes the new Santa Claus. This film boasts a lot of family fun and a refreshing story based around our favourite holiday. As Tim’s character journeys through the 11 months before Thanks Giving he must come to terms with the Clause he unwittingly signed into and come to terms with the Claus he has to become.

5. The Nightmare Before Christmas This twistedly marvellous films comes from the warped mind of Tim Burton and its fantastic reminder of just how different Christmas films can be. Jack Skeleton is not too happy in his own ‘Halloween Town’ and ventures over to ‘Christmas Town’ to partake in the Christmas festivities with calamitous consequences. It’s different and sometimes that’s what we need to break up the Christmas period.



4. Miracle on 34th Street True to the spirit of Christmas the original and the re-make starring Richard Attenborough has a doting old man working in a toy store as their Santa. What they do not know is that they have the real thing and it is the keen eye of one young little girl that uncovers his true identity. This is a great heart-warming film that oozes with festive spirit and keeps us firmly believing in the guy in the big red suit.

1. Die Hard Terrorists, hostages and a maverick New York cop throwing a spanner in the works of a hundred million dollar heist hardly sounds like your typical Christmas film, but John McClane would beg to differ. What better gift can be given than saving the lives of others including his wife, while ridding the world of international bandit Hans Gruber all before the Christmas bells ring? Nothing says merry Christmas like a machine gun, Ho Ho Ho. It may not be your typical Christmas choice, but this one hell of a film and still keeps the holiday season in mind throughout the film.

3. Hugo This may not be a Christmas based film like others on this list but this is a superb film in every respect and has a very strong family theme running throughout. A young orphan living in the walls of a train station hardly sounds riveting, but as Hugo stumbles upon an Automaton hidden away within the walls of the station a mystery is unravelled about his late father. There are not many genuinely nice films out there, but this is one that certainly requires a watch and is in keeping with the importance of family.

This top 10 list comes from Duty Manager Kris at Empire Newcastle. Why don’t you tell us your top 10 chick flix? Email us at empirepulse@gmail.com

2. It’s a Wonderful Life As classical as one can get, It’s a Wonderful Life would feature on pretty much any top 10 without a doubt. Christmas is a tough season for many and It’s a Wonderful Life reminds us just how tough it can be as George Baily, frustrated with life wants to end his own on the eve of Christmas. It takes a guardian angel to show him just how different life would have been had he not existed. A film prized by most and it is evident why; it is a masterpiece that has stood the test of time



rewarded for re a es ye lo p em ire p at Em It is always important th Silver E Awards are a way to make e all of their hard work. Th d and shared throughout Empire. se sure that this is recogni

Kim Hallam - High Wycombe


igh Wycombe is home to one of the newest Silver E winners. Supervisor Kim Hallam was given the award by her General Manager, Paul Damms, who had this to say about her: “Kim is an excellent supervisor who takes real pride in her role each and every shift”. Kim received her award due to her consistent approach to her team and the time she has spent in making it the best it can be. Head office has also been told about her excellent customer service and how well she handles herself each and every shift.

“Bethany perfectly encapsulates exactly what a Silver E is ”

Michael Marks

Hemel Hempstead Assistant General Manager

Paul Hendy – Great Park


aul Hendy is another Empire employee to have his hard work and commitment to his job recognised through the Silver E Awards. Paul, from Great Park, received his award due to his excellent approach to his job. General Manager, Leon Fairbank, explained that: “Paul is a valued member of the team at Great Park, he puts himself in the customers position and works really hard to try and add value to their day”. And it’s not just his approach to customer service that earned him his award, but also his tendency to go above and beyond when it comes to fun activities that him and the rest of the team get to do. Leon added that: “Paul is the first to dress up for events and has arranged costumes for a number of the team to add excitement to the day and build a buzz in the foyer”. His passion for his job is shown through his interest in film and is always talking about trailers and new releases. Leon also added: “He is responsible for posters and standees around the cinema and always makes sure these are presentable and have all the correct information for the customers”.




o h w e n o e m o s f o le p m a x e g in n n u t s a is “Brooke e k a m o t g in h t o n t a p o t s l il w d n a b jo ir e loves th Phil Pierce y” p p a h rs e m o t s u c r u o

anager Basildon General M

Bethany Cooper – Hemel Hempstead


ethany Cooper from Hemel Hempstead was awarded with her Silver E for her excellent leadership skills and approach to her team. “Bethany perfectly encapsulates exactly what a Silver E is”, said her Assistant General Manager, Michael Marks. “Her enthusiasm and passion for the customer comes through in every aspect of her job”. The one thing that has stood out about her approach to her work is her excellent customer service skills. Michael also noted that: “She approaches everyday with the same attitude that makes the customers visit as effortless as possible”.

Brooke Phillips - Basildon


rooke Phillips is our Silver E winner from Basildon. Her general manager, Phil Pierce, said: “Brooke is a stunning example of someone who loves their job and will stop at nothing to make our customers happy”. Brooke received her award thanks to the consistently positive comments from the customers that she serves. Phil added: “I am always receiving comments from customers of her friendly nature and willingness to help, while her drive and energy make her an asset to the cinema”.




movie scenes with

Here is a collection of some all time favourite films, which have fallen victim to continuity errors. In most cases, these mistakes can go unnoticed by the public but some of them are such big mistakes, it’s surprising they survived the editing process. Here are some examples…

BIG mistakes

1P.S I Love You 2Oceans Eleven After Gerry gets hit in the face by the ‘broken’ suspender clasp, we see the silver clasp land under a table. Yet, when he’s moaning and lifting his leg to get onto the bed, we can actually see the clasp still on the front suspender that came loose, which is dangling right behind him.

Linus and Rusty are standing in the Botanical Garden at the Bellagio going over Linus' observations. Rusty has a cocktail glass of prawns in his hand. When they change angles he has a plate in his hand, then change back, it's a glass.

4American Pie In a bedroom scene, the girl is holding a clear cup full of beer. The camera goes off her and when it comes back she is holding a blue cup. The camera goes back off her then on her and the cup is clear again.


3The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers

Merry and Pippin were tied up when they were taken by the Urukhai, and the bonds weren’t cut until after they managed to escape during the fight. Yet, when the horse almost crashed down on Pippin, he had his arms spread out up near his face, not tied together, even though they weren’t cut until later. In the next shot, his hands are tied again.


The Results Empire Hemel Hempstead

…our situation was resolved in minutes, but I tell you we were treated to such positivity and fantastic personal service from your team that you ought to pin medals on them. I’ve worked among people over the years and I can tell you that by now I can tell the wheat from the chaff, and I seriously think you should reward these guys in whatever way you can. I think it came so naturally that it was like friends trying to help you out…

Empire Slough

Generally, the whole team was very helpful and friendly. They performed more than ‘just doing’ their job and to single out a specific person may be unfair as all of them had a smile and were very welcoming Congratulations on selecting such a crew!

Empire Sunderland

Empire Newcastle

The staff tearing tickets are always really friendly. There are a couple of older gentlemen (I didn’t catch their name badges unfortunately) who have worked there since I started going 5 years ago who are always incredibly friendly and nice to talk to and who welcome everyone. The new foyer which has just been finished, with new coffee shop CUP and seats etc is lovely, and has a great atmosphere. I prefer coming here to Tyneside Cinema.

Empire High Wycombe

Empire Newcastle

Staff went out of their way to be welcoming and helpful - but they were not too gushing - just genuinely helpful. The gentleman who usually ushers us into the screen for the National Theatre Live broadcasts is particularly welcoming and efficient and seems to embody the pride in the cinema and offering a good service which is common amongst many of the staff.

The film was brilliant quality. Customer service was fantastic, viewing was quiet and peaceful even though there was a few people in, no complaints totally enjoyed myself

Empire Sutton Coldfield

All staff are always so lovely and happy. They seem to really enjoy their jobs. One chap stood out for us he took our tickets as we went into screen 1 . He is so lovely and informative about new films coming soon. Credit to you!

Empire Leicester Square

I love every bit of Empire Cinemas, seats are really comfortable and staff are really helpful. It is the best cinema experience in London

Empire Slough

The young man on the ticket desk went out of his way to be helpful which was above what I would have expected, especially as the cinema was so busy at the time.

Empire Swindon

The men at the refreshment bar were extremely helpful and polite as was the man on the ticket collection. They were a credit to your organisation. Thank you

Empire Clydebank

Empire Sunderland have lovely, helpful staff. One gentleman in particular, you can see loves his job and really goes out of his way to help you. All the staff are helpful and friendly and if you visit in larger groups they will try to find you the best seats available together

Empire Basildon

I often visit the cinema maybe 2-4 times a month to see new movies mainly on saver day (Tuesday). The box office staff are warm and kind and always make that little extra personal comment about the quality of the movie, or just about your day in general. The screens have plenty of leg room and I never have had an issue, even one day when I lost my ticket and had to leave the cinema for a phone call. The staff remember who you are and treat you with 1st class customer service As always the people at the outlet were polite, smiley, helpful and a credit to any organisation. Good for them and it proves youngsters, as most of them are, can be all we would want our own to be. Congratulations, great team.

Without fail, the staff at Clydebank have always been nothing less than friendly, helpful, courteous and fun. I am pleased to say that there was no exception on this visit. The man who served us also helped us locate our wallet on the last visit. Nice to see people of different ages working in service areas

Empire Sutton

Really friendly and helpful staff, but all staff are great and welcoming at Sutton. Advised on which ice cream flavours to have. My Cinema of choice in the South of England.



Customer Letters Empire Leicester Square

Just wanted to say I had a great evening at the Leicester Square Empire tonight. I bought our tickets for Star Trek using the electronic machines - very easy to use and great that you can use an Orange Wednesday voucher without having to go to the counter. Gentleman who checked our tickets (possibly the manager) was very welcoming. The very polite and efficient lady behind the concessions stand was great. Every member of staff looked happy and enjoying their job, it really was a great experience. I live in London and regularly visit all the cinemas in Leicester Square. This is by far the best.

- Clare Thorpe Empire Wigan

I would like to extend thanks and gratitude to Jane Mulvanny, an employee at Wigan Cinema. We went back to the cinema after my son’s friend had lost his wallet. Jane saw to us, went out of her way to check all the places it could have been handed in to. She took my details and said we would get a call after the current showing in the screen we were in ended. I’ve just received that call and the wallet has been found. Jane was extremely helpful and polite. I would like to thank her for the great customer service we received.

- Claire Martin

Empire Sunderland

I’d just like to tell you how impressed my husband and I were with the service that we received from Rupinder Thandi on Thursday 22nd August. Her knowledge of, and devotion to the Ben and Jerry’s products was priceless. She’s an absolute star.

- Julie Wilson

Empire Wigan

I am simply writing to compliment your cinema and an employee in particular. Michael Smith was the employee who served me and I have to say he is brilliant. I requested to watch Kick Ass 2, he offered us the best possible seats for the best price and began to talk to us in detail about the film, comparing to the prequel. I found the transaction a big breath of fresh air and I walked away saying to my girlfriend how impressed I was. I will happily return to the cinema and hope to be served by Michael once again.

- Jack Ramsden

Empire Poole

I would like to say how impressed I am with the young staff at the cinema. I am disabled and walk full-time on crutches. Whenever my husband and I visit they go out of their way to help me. I hope you pass on my comments to your staff and tell them to keep up the good work they do.

- Tiffany Watson Empire Poole

I attended an autism friendly screening with my severely autistic 15 year old son (Planes), and just wanted to say what a really positive experience it was. We have not been able to get Charlie into a cinema for the last 8 or so years as his behaviours and anxieties meant the whole experience would have been disturbing for all involved and other members of the public. The cinema as a whole was really quiet, the side lights remained on and the sound levels were reduced, but above all the staff were really understanding and accepted that we would be in and out of the screen. To start with we had to hold the main door open to reassure him he could come and go, and when he was in he wandered around at the back a bit and towards the end ran down to the screen a couple of times. The great thing was no one batted an eyelid. There were other children going in and out, wriggling and making strange but happy loud noises as autistic children are prone to do. It wasn’t busy but every family that went said they found it really beneficial. I cannot emphasise enough how wonderful it is for a family with an autistic child to be able to go home having tried something new and actually feel that all the family have got something out of it without getting stressed! Please relay my thanks to the staff, especially the young girl collecting tickets who was happy to let Charlie in and out and play in the foyer and listened when we explained about his behaviours.

- Jodi Songhurst

Empire Newcastle

I would like to compliment you on some fantastic customer service we experienced at the Newcastle cinema. We went to see the 3D version of Planes on 16th August at 2pm and the audio was not working correctly. The Supervisor on duty said we could view the film at 3pm and have complimentary tickets for a later date. We explained that we lived in Saudi and would not be able to use them as we were travelling the next day. She therefore refunded our money, upgraded us for the 3pm showing and gave the mums complimentary tickets as they couldn’t stay. Please pass on our thanks as this was fantastic customer service.

- Claire Birkwood

Empire Sunderland

I visit the Sunderland Empire Cinema at least three times a month and meet a variety of staff who are all great. However last night I was blown away by the special touch from a staff member named Louise, who recalled us from the week before and offered us loyalty cards for our coffee and remembered our favourite seats that we always try to acquire. It is this level of service that makes the Empire a favourite cinema choice! I really hope the staff are recognised for going that extra mile, it’s the little things that make a big difference and she made our day! To top it all Captain Phillips was an amazing movie!

- Alison Graham

Empire Newcastle

I am writing to thank one of your employees who was fantastic when my boyfriend and I had an issue last night. We went to see the 21:40 showing of The Conjuring at the Empire in Newcastle. A couple behind us where talking very loudly and when we asked politely if they could be quiet became aggressive and abusive towards me and my boyfriend. I informed a member of staff, I don’t know his name but he had dark hair. The member of staff acted quickly and ejected the two loud people without disturbing anybody else. I was able to get back to enjoying the film within two minutes of reporting the disruption. I did not get the chance to thank your member of staff for his efficient and supportive actions, but felt implored to contact you so he can hopefully be thanked.

- Sinead Sewell




Empire Poole have been working hard to promote upcoming events and films aiming to make the customer’s experience even more enjoyable.


ith events throughout October, the team at Poole decided to promote their Halloween fright night by dressing up as Predators to scare customers and get into the Halloween mood. They managed to frighten a few faces with their costumes based on the 2010 sci-fi action film. Not only have they been busy frightening the lives out of customers but they have also been promoting the upcoming new film, Turbo, with a screening. The red carpet was rolled out and the cars were in full force as the staff kept customers happy by giving out popcorn and drinks as they enjoyed their private screening of the new film which was a real hit. Other promotions they have been busy with have included AFC Bournemouth Junior Cherries that Empire Poole sponsor. Some


of the team go every Saturday to the home game and promote kids club, upcoming films and also run regular competitions. The kids are always happy to see the team members but even more so when they hand out free popcorn, sweets, magazines, posters and other bits to help promote Empire Cinema further, all of which go down well with the children. Poole have been kept busy with fun promotions and events to get customers excited about Empire Cinemas and everything we have to offer. With much more still to come over the Christmas period the customers can look forward to some exciting events before the New Year.



t’s hard to believe since 1949 the Lego juggernaut has been in motion and is still a timeless play-thing appearing in millions of toy boxes on a global scale. From video games to various Legolands’ all around the world it seems the Lego franchise is out to cover all bases with their new venture being The LEGO Movie which has been in talks since 2008 from the directors of Cloudy with a chance of Meatballs. Like most animated films this follows the generic premise of a countdown to disaster, in this case an evil villain President Business voiced by Will Ferrell (who also voiced extraterrestrial super villain Megamind in the film of the same name) is hell-bent on destroying the Lego universe by sticking it together. Coming to the aid of the Lego community is ordinary guy Emmet (Chris Pratt)

Know Your Stuff Release Date: 14 February 2014 Director: Phil Lord, Chris Miller, Chris McKay Starring: Channing Tatum, Jonah Hill, Cobie Smulders

mistaken for the role of the Master Builder and blindly goes along with the peer pressure from the little yellow men to blindly take on the challenge. Also lending their vocal abilities is the instantly recognisable honey voiced Morgan Freeman as Vitruvius - a white bearded wizard with remnants of Gandalf, Channing Tatum as Superman, Liam Neeson as Bad Cop and Jonah Hill as Green Lantern amongst a wide spectrum of guest voices and Superhero icons that will surely be a hit with children when they see their favourite heroes rocketing across the screen. The humour of the film is a key factor in assuring it appeals to all age groups and the tension is already building for the highly anticipated release which will undoubtedly be welcomed to the silver screen with open arms.

Fun Facts A Facebook competition was ran last year for users to vote for their favourite vehicle to be featured in the film. The Lego Movie Videogame will be brought out alongside the release as well as new Lego sets seen in the film. Lego: The Piece of Resistance was the working title but got shortened for release.


RECOMMEND WITH THIS: Mr Peabody and Sherman

Also coming out in 2014 is Mr. Peabody & Sherman, Ty Burrell (Modern Family, The Incredible Hulk) voices the amazingly intelligent talking dog Mr. Peabody and his adopted son Sherman by 10 year old Max Charles who starred in The Amazing SpiderMan as young Peter Parker. The boys hurtle back in their time machine to see some of the moments that defined history, but as always with those pesky machines, end up in a race against time to repair their damage and save the world. Released February 2014.

Rio 2

After the 2011 hit, the sequel for Rio is on its way. Jesse Eisenberg and Anne Hathaway return to lend their voices again to main Macaws Blu and Jewel amongst many other reappearances. Along with their three children they leave the domestic bliss of Rio de Janeiro and head to the Amazon. There is trouble ahead as Blu finds it difficult to fit into his new surroundings and faces losing his family to the wild jungle. Released April 2014.





fter the excessive glitz and glamour of 2012’s The Great Gatsby, Leonardo DiCaprio returns as the 80’s version of the character he once played in the F. Scott Fitzgerald masterpiece. Based on the memoirs of Wall Street’s most notorious stock broker, The Wolf on Wall Street is the tale of Jordan Belfort (DiCaprio) and his effortless corruption of one of America’s most prominent institutions. Most of the film depicts the decadent high life that Belfort and his advisor Donnie Azoff (Jonah Hill) lived by during the 80’s cash boom. Such highlights include throwing a Velcro covered dwarf at a board while suspender adorned strippers waltz around the sales floor, it’s all so unbelievable but at the same time all so true. Directing the chaotic escapades of stockbrokers, Martin Scorsese departs from his usual gang related subject matter and opts for an intelligent high stakes fraud film. This being his fifth time working with DiCaprio (obviously a favourite), the legendary director uses a wide spectrum of actors that you wouldn’t associate with the normal calibre of Scorsese performers. From Magic Mike’s Mathew McConaughey to Absolutely Fabulous’ Joanna Lumley (with whom DiCaprio had to kiss), the eclectic cast convey the whole absurdity of the overly affluent 80’s era.


Unfortunately, the party had to come to an eventual end. Ranging from dealings with the mob to the wide spread corruption of stocks and shares, Belfort and his crew are eventually found out by the FBI and sentenced to 20 months in prison. Which seems to be a high price for such a short lived decadent life.

Know Your Stuff Directed by: Martin Scorsese Release date: January 17th 2014 Starring: Leonardo DiCaprio, Jon Favreau, Jonah Hill

Fun Facts - Matthew McConaughey improvised most of his scenes with Leonardo DiCaprio - Throughout the kissing scene between Leonardo DiCaprio and Joanna Lumley, Leonardo was so anxious that the scene required a reported 27 takes to get it right. - This is Martin Scorsese’s fifth collaboration with actor Leonardo DiCaprio.


12 Years a Slave Tackling the difficult subject matter that Tarantino achieved in 2012’s Django Unchained, 12 Years a Slave tells the true story of newly freed slave Solomon Northup and his forced return back to slavery. With big names such as Michael Fassbender playing a tyrannical plantation owner and Brad Pitt as the oppositional abolitionist, this sure will be an Oscar contender for next year. Released January 2014.

Inside Llewyn Davis Delving into the laid back vibe of the 60s folk scene, the film chronicles a week in the life of aspiring musician Llewyn Davis and his pursuits within the famous Greenwich Village. Directed by the minds behind The Big Lewbowski, the Coen brothers use the acting talents of actor/musician Justin Timberlake and the Oscar nominated Carey Mulligan. Released December 2013.



t seems that Hollywood is obsessed with churning out a good remake, with prominent releases such as Carrie and Mad Max buckling to the trend. But is it best to leave the classics alone? Not in the case of the new and improved RoboCop who fortunately for us, is still part man and part machine. Director Jose Padilha’s vision of the 1987 futuristic action caper has seen the doomed hero have some sort of fashion makeover. Instead of having the polished metal sheen sported by his


80’s version, the new and improved cop now sports an elegant black matte finish which is definitely more in vogue. Sticking to the plot line from the original, RoboCop tells the story of regular police officer Alex Murphy (played by The Killing’s Joel Kinnaman) who’s life is changed after he’s critically injured by a car bomb. Seizing the opportunity, corrupt robotics firm OmniCorp restores Alex’s body by making him into a machine-like being as a prototype for future police recruits. With his life under control by Gary Oldman’s warped scientist Dr Dennett Norton, RoboCop must fight the robot inside him and reclaim his humanity to truly be the ultimate hero. As predicted, when you make a movie about a crime fighting robot there’s going to be a huge amount of gun fire and violence. So best not advise this for the little ones, instead focus on older teenagers and adults who fancy a bit of 80’s nostalgia. Especially with the CGI effects and updated new look, RoboCop will be one of the years’ big screen smashes as it was back in the day.

Know Your Stuff Release Date: 7th February 2014 Directed by: Jose Padilha Starring: Joel Kinnaman, Gary Oldman and Michael Keaton

Fun Facts - Michael Fassbender and Russell Crowe were once considered for the part of RoboCop. - Black Swan director, Darren Aronofsky, was attached to direct the film at one point. - Michael Keaton and Gary Oldman have both appeared in the Batman franchise, with Keaton playing the title role in Batman and Batman Returns and Oldman playing Jim Gordon in Christopher Nolan’s Batman trilogy.

RECOMMEND WITH THIS: Sabotage Lone Surviver

Starring action favourite Mark Wahlberg as a muscled SEAL soldier, Lone Survivoris the true story of the failed attempt to capture and kill Taliban leader Ahmad Shah. When the mission goes horribly wrong with all but one soldier left, it’s up to Wahlberg’s character to make it out alive and to survive against the most extreme conditions. Released January 2014.

Sporting a surprisingly similar barnet to Hitler, Arnold Schwarzenegger once again plays the big tough guy but this time using a terrible hairdresser. Haircut aside, this movie about a drug bust gone wrong uses some of the finest muscle in tinsletown including True Blood’s Joe Manganiello and Avatar’s Sam Worthington. Released January 2014.




44 KNOW YOUR STUFF • Release Date: 20th December 2013 • Directed by: Neil Nightingale • Stars: Charlie Rowe, Angourie Rice



veryone remembers the scene from Jurassic Park where the terrifying jaws of the T Rex clamp around the helpless Jeep, crushing it to oblivion. But what if somebody decided to make a film about dinosaurs ruling their world instead of ours? Walking with Dinosaurs 3D does this by exploring the prehistoric time where there was no human civilization and where survival of the fittest really did apply. Based on the 1999 BBC miniseries, the film steps away from the documentary style format that its predecessor used. Instead director Neil Nightingale (well known for his nature documentaries) opts to bring actual life and narrative to the instinct creatures by giving them a voice of their own. The movie follows the life of herbivore Patchi, a Pachyrhinosaurus (have fun trying to pronounce that) who is trying to match up to his heroic leader father. At a young age he’s faced with the prospect of one day leading the herd on his own, something that burdens him throughout the film. When danger arises with the carnivorous villain

• This is Charlie Rowe’s (Patchi) first leading role in a film after previously starring in films such as The Golden Compass and Never Let Me Go. • Director Neil Nightingale has worked with many animals during his time making documentaries including Meerkats, Grizzly Bears and Tigers. • The movie was filmed in the wildernesses of New South Wales, Australia and Alaska, America.


Gorgon (a sharp toothed Gorgosaurus) can Patchi live up to his father’s legacy and protect the family he loves? Bringing Patchi and his friends to life with CGI effects that triumph the original television series, Walking with Dinosaurs 3D offers something genuinely interesting for the kids to watch. With a heart warming story mixed with an important educational value, this is the ideal movie to keep the young ones entertained during the long Christmas holidays.



With children all over the globe requesting the latest craze, the Moshi Monsters brand not just wants to be popular in toy shops but big in the cinemas too. The story centres on the monsters discovering that their precious Moshling egg has been stolen by series baddie, Dr Strangelove, and they will have to defeat the odds to get it back. Released December 2013.


0 0 3 rise

hardened warrior Dilios. Plus Game of Thrones fans will rejoice as Cersai Lancaster herself (Lena Headey) appears again as the long suffering Persian Queen, Gorgo. With battle scenes galore, it is best not to recommend this film to the little ones but the teenagers will love the whole scarlet stained swords and sandals affair. After all, This is Sparta!


hile many men try to replicate the deep and booming words “This is Sparta!” (Cried by Gerard Butler in 2006’s hit movie 300) Warner Brothers were working hard on devising an even better follow up to the blood soaked original. 300: Rise of an Empire bases itself on the gritty graphic novel sequel Xerxes by the legendary Frank Miller, the mind behind Sin City and the original 300. Following the events of the first film with the demise of Butler’s King Leonidas at the hands of the Persians, the Spartans are still at the mercy of their power hungry foes. It’s up to Admiral Themistocles (played by the muscled Sullivan Stapleton) to battle it out on the open seas to finally annihilate the Persian army,with their greedy eyes now set on the Greek haven of Athens. Still shot in its trademark dark atmosphere, director Noam Murro reflects perfectly the cut throat Spartan culture with spatters of blood and tonnes of gore. Big names such as Eva Green join the barely clothed cast as evil warrior queen, Artemisia, whose hell bent on reaping the prizes of war. The follow up also features returning cast members including The Lord of the Rings star David Wenham as

of an



Need for Speed Based on the hugely popular computer game franchise played by teenage boys up and down the country, Need for Speed is full of petrol pumped action. Starring Breaking Bad’s Aaron Paul as street racer Tobey, the movie revolves around a deadly cross country race that only the most experienced drivers can survive. Released March 2014.

Know Your Stuff Released: 7th March 2014 Stars: Eva Green, David Wenham, Lena Headey Directed by: Noam Murro Production co: Warner Brothers

X-Men Days of Future Past

Fun Facts The film was earlier called “Xerxes”, the title of the Frank Miller graphic novel on which the film is based. The original script featured King Leonidas from 300, but he was eventually cut out. This was down to Gerard Butler, who turned down to reprise his character. Eva Green trained four hours a day for three months to prepare for her role as Artemisia.

Creating shockwaves at every comic book convention in the world, it seems the hugely popular X-Men series isn’t just for the nerds. As always the world is in perilous danger, and it’s up to Wolverine and company to travel back in time to work with their younger selves. But will their biggest obstacle be working with each other? Released May 2014.



THE RAILWAY MAN World War II epics seem to be on Hollywood’s agenda this year, with a flurry of war films including The Book Thief and The Monuments Men scheduled for release. With these movies documenting the horrors of one of the biggest conflicts of all time, The Railway Man instead explores the after effects of war and the psychological imprint it left on the men involved.


irected by Jonathan Teplitzky (this being his first big budget film), The Railway Man is an adaption of the bestselling autobiography of the same name by Eric Lomax. Following the tale of both the young (Jeremy Irvine) and middle aged (Colin Firth) Lomax, the youthful British officer is captured by the Japanese and sent to the horrid conditions of the POW camp. Forced there to build the Thai-Burma railway, the soldier is brutally tortured and humiliated by the tyrant Japanese officer Nagase (Hiroyuki Sanada) until he’s finally released at the end of the war.

Years later and happily married to wife Patti (played by a brunette Nicole Kidman) the older Lomax screams in the night as he battles his demons. Obviously still feeling the pain he experienced in the camps, Patti decides he needs to confront his previous captor after discovering he’s still alive. Travelling with his best friend Finlay (Stellan Skarsgard), Lomax returns to his onetime prison to question the actions of Nagase and to find a release from the hell he’s still living in. But can he control himself when in the presence of his torturer or will he resort to the kind of violence once used upon him?

KNOW YOUR STUFF Release date: 1st January 2014 Directed by : Jonathan Teplitzky Starring: Colin Firth, Nicole Kidman and Jeremy Irvine


The real-life Patricia Wallace attended the world premiere of the film at the Toronto Film Festival in 2013. Upon the first screening of the film she received a round of applause from the audience. Rachel Weisz was initially cast as Patricia Wallace but was forced to drop out due to scheduling clashes with re-shootings planned for Oz the Great and Powerful and The Bourne Legacy. Nicole Kidman took the role after being asked by Colin Firth himself. The film cost $26,000,000 to make and was filmed on the Gold Coast of Australia.


THE BOOK THIEF This potentially award-winning film is set in Nazi Germany starring young actress, Sophie Nélisse Read the full review on page 40.



The story of Nelson Mandela has been a popular topic to mould into books, television programs and films. After Morgan Freemans most recent portrayal in Invictus (2009) comes Idris Elba who has recently gained a cult following after his lead role in the Luther TV series. This version follows Mandela from his childhood right through to his prisonrelease and the crumbling of apartheid in South Africa, directed by Justin Chadwick (The Other Boleyn Girl). Released January 2014.

The secret life of


Walter Mitty T

o the majority, this may appear to be a completely new release, although, some film buffs may tilt their head, narrow their eyes and think “Where have I heard that name before?” In answer to that, this is in fact the second adaption (the first in 1947) of the 1939 short story by James Thurber. This time round boasts a dazzling array of comedy stars from the last few years including Ben Stiller – who also directed the film as the title character, Bridesmaids legend Kristen Wiig as Cheryl and Adam Scott (Step Brothers) as Walters boss at Life magazine. In his office where he works as a proofreader for Life magazine surrounded by the infamous front covers Walter feels underwhelmed by his current routine

and finds himself aspiring to a life more extraordinary. He does this by living through his fantasy worlds in which he is able to globe trot as much as he wants in search for a picture for the final magazine cover, whilst taking care of his love life at the same time. There have been talks of a remake for several years now since 1995 with various directors including Steven Spielberg and Ron Howard considering taking it on. Both the preview and trailers have sparked interest from critics who are already insinuating the film could turn heads when it comes to award season meaning the cinema goers should be leaving the screen with smiles on their faces.

Fun Facts


The Monuments Men George Clooney, Matt Damon and Cate Blanchett star in this true story set in WWII Germany. Read the full review on page 41.

Several actors including Jim Carrey and Sacha Baron Cohen were considered for the lead role The remake was hindered a few years ago by lawsuits involving studios and producers Sean Penn has been cast in a “small but pivotal supporting role.”

Know Your Stuff Release Date: 25 December 2013 Director: Ben Stiller Starring: Ben Stiller, Kristen Wiig, Adam Scott



The Book Thief A lready being surrounded by whisperings of award nominations, the film adaption of the worldwide bestselling book by Markus Zusak The Book Thief is sure to make waves when it is released in cinemas November this year. The film adaption is reportedly sticking to the roots of the book as closely as possible which is sure to please the original readers. Like in the book, the film will be narrated by the voice of Death spoken by widely known theatre actor Roger Allam who has also starred in films such as The Woman in Black and V for Vendetta. Set in Nazi Germany the story follows young Liesel played by 12 year old child star Sophie Nélisse. After being questioned about concerns of her age taking on such a big role, director Brian Percival responded to doubts saying “Fortunately, she just nailed it.” Liesel is taken to foster parents Hans and

Rosa Hubermann at the start of World War II without her brother who dies on the journey and mother who at this point unknowingly to Liesel could face prison due to the Capitalist dictation. The foster parents, in the form of Geoffrey Rush (Pirates of the Caribbean, The King’s Speech) and Emily Watson (War Horse, Anna Karenina) fortunately turn out to be sweet and caring although Liesel gets bullied at school on account of her illiteracy. Finding an ally in neighbourhood boy Rudy (Nico Liersch) the two become friends thick and fast and indulge in Liesel’s favourite activity together – stealing books and reading them after Liesel learns to read thanks to her patient father figure Hans. The film follows Liesel from a child to a woman using the same actress which is a mean feat but will be captivating to watch along with the touching storyline.

KNOW YOUR STUFF Release Date: 31 January 2014 Director: Brian Percival Starring: Sophie Nélisse, Geoffrey Rush, Emily Watson

FUN FACTS The book was listed on the The New York Times Best Seller list for more than 200 weeks The film was moved forward as it was ahead of schedule and therefore be able to be included in the 2013/14 award season A search for the lead role was conducted around the world until the producers settled for the FrenchCanadian actress


LABOR DAY Labor Day starring Kate Winslet and Josh Brolin is based on the 2009 novel by Joyce Manyard. Agoraphobic Adele (Winslet) and her son Henry (young version played by Gattlin Griffith, older by Tobey Maguire) find themselves in hot water when they take in escaped convict Frank. They get more than they bargained for when Frank starts moulding into a figure to complete the family. Released February 2014.


THE INVISIBLE WOMAN Also based on a book by Claire Tomalin, The Invisible Woman: The Story of Nelly Ternan and Charles Dickens is set for release in February 2014. As the title hints, the film tells the story of Charles Dickens (Ralph Fiennes) younger secret lover Nelly (Felicity Jones) who stayed by his side until his death in 1870.







eorge Clooney has been a very busy boy as of late and for once, not in the love-life department. As well as starring in The Monuments Men he also co-wrote, produced and directed the picture based on the book by Robert Edsel. Continuing the theme of several films coming soon, the flick is set in WWII Germany and relives the true story of the squadron known as the ‘Monuments, Fine Arts, and Archives program’ – an allied group of recruits who were concerned with saving art and cultural pieces from their fate at the hands of Hitler behind enemy lines as well as working the front line in combat and persuading enemies to refrain from attacking buildings and museums, known as the greatest treasure hunt in history. Alongside Clooney on his perilous mission is Matt Damon, (Saving Private Ryan)

Matt Damon was brought in to replace Daniel Craig The real life squadron was made up of seven museum directors, curators, and art historians

Bill Murray (Groundhog Day) and John Goodman (Argo) amongst others. Joining the boys is Cate Blanchett (The Lord of the Rings series) as Rose. Clooney co-produced the film alongside Grant Heslov and this is not the first time they have joined forces. After meeting several years ago whilst struggling to make names for themselves (where Clooney reportedly borrowed $200 which Heslov has still not been paid back!) the pair also put their heads together for Argo and The Ides of March. With many awards and nominations for both films, the same can be expected this time around as odds of 16/1 being offered before the release in December.

The author Edsel has received several accolades for his work preserving art

KNOW YOUR STUFF Release Date: 21 February 2014 Director: George Clooney Starring: George Clooney, Matt Damon, Cate Blanchett



Based on an unbelievable true story which will leave people shaking their heads in disbelief, Foxcatcher starring Channing Tatum and Mark Ruffalo as Olympic medal winning wrestling brothers Mark and Dave Schultz is set for release next year. The story ends in tragedy due to the hands of paranoid schizophrenic wrestling team sponsor John Du Pont. The erratic film makes it seem strange the story is not more widely known which it surely will be after the release. Released January 2014.



corner We have been overwhelmed with your competition entries for the Autumn competition corner! The winners are: Anagrams - Lisa Jones from Wigan

Question - Chris Shalders from Sutton

Cadbury Corner - Craig French from Swindon

Congratulations! Your prizes are on their way to you

ÂŁ10 Amazon voucher up for grabs! Hint: Check the film reviews for clues!


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Sometimes we see a film simply because we love the stars in it, regardless of what the film is about. email us with the three actors or actresses that would form your dream cast. The team here at Pulse will pick the entry we most like the sound of!

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Paige Browning from Empire Great Park has won £500 on the FACT online quiz!

She simply entered the quiz earlier this year and has been selected as winner of this fantastic prize Visit

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To everyone at Empire Cinemas

“Thank you everyone for all your hard work in 2013. Wishing you all a wonderful Christmas with your family and friends and a safe and prosperous New Year”


We’ll see you 2014!

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