PULSE Magazine for Empire Cinemas - Spring 2014 Edition 15

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A letter from Roz Spring is in the air so hopefully love is too… If you want to spend a quiet afternoon watching all the best Rom Com’s, whether you are single or attached, take a look on page 6 to find out what two of our readers consider to be the best. As always there are lots of exciting things to read about in your Spring edition of Pulse, plus why not become my Facebook friend and win a prize, for details turn to page 19. As the Spring brings new beginnings it also means we have to say goodbye to Mel and her brilliant Pulse team. Working with Solent University has once again been a joy and we welcome the next Editor and her team who will take over the reins for the next 4 editions. Have a wonderful few months and we’ll see you in the summer. As always get in touch (via Facebook) if you want to be included.

Contents Spring ‘14 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12


Editor: Melissa Wylie

Sub-Editor: Josie Breen

Writers: Natalie Daniels, Nikita Hall, Abi Harman, Katie Hayes, Emily Smith Art Director: Jack Wetherill Designers: Laura Dronfield, Hannah Green, Kayleigh Kent

Roz xx 13 14-15 16-18 19 20-21 22-23 24-25 26-27 28-29 30-31 32-33 34-35





Reviews: Keira Simpson, Sophie Ghatreh Contributor: Yasmina McNabb



in aid of The British Heart Foundation Friday 7th February 2014


ollowing the very sad loss of an ex-Empire team member and a dear friend to all Empire Poole staff, the team decided to raise money for this very worthy cause. Julia Cottell, one of Poole’s managers and her daughter baked a heart-shaped chocolate cake and cupcakes. Using a taster table they set up a raffle for the cakes and took donations. They also decided to get the customers involved by getting them to take part in a game called ‘What did Mollie do for Ramp up the Red?’, organised by the BHF themselves. To get into the spirit of things, the team working that day dressed in red t-shirts and all areas were adorned with BHF red balloons. The taster table was decorated in red with red, heart-shaped lights around it. Whilst not a particularly busy Friday, the evening was a great success, and even their younger customers enjoyed the cakes. Empire Poole raised a total of just over £150!



Movember At Wigan Each November, millions of men around the UK grow their moustaches for a good cause. They raise vital funds and awareness for prostate and testicular cancer. The aim of Movember is to have an everlasting impact on the face of men’s health.


ince 2003 in Melbourne, Australia, when 30 Mo Bros first grew moustaches, Movember has grown to become a truly global movement. It has inspired more than 4 million to participate across 21 countries worldwide. A team of eight men from Empire Wigan took up the challenge to grow their moustaches for the 30 days of November. The Mo’team at Empire Wigan started off the month by having a professional barber visit the branch to give them all a traditional cut throat shave. Mike Frodsham, a member of the Mo’team at Empire Wigan said: “We had a few funny comments from customers, one in particular told Jordan that he looked like ‘a Persian Hulk Hogan’, another told Leigh that his tash ‘would look good when puberty kicked in’. We also had to draw on Danny Fairhursts moustache because he couldn’t grow any facial hair on his top lip.” Throughout the month the team ran a Mo’Monday offer, so that anybody taking part in Movember could get a special discount for being such good sports. In the end over £200 was raised but the team all looked a bit ridiculous!




Mike Frodsham

Mark Bayman

Jimmy Pearson SPRING 2014 | PULSE MAGAZINE | 05


TOP 10



Valentines Day might be over for another year, but whether you loved it or hated it, these films are perfect for a night in. It’s not always easy finding something that will appeal to everyone, but Kayleigh from Newcastle and Anish from Sunderland have chosen their top 10 romantic films to keep everyone happy following the most romantic day of the year. “My name is Kayleigh McConnell and I’m a staff member at Empire Newcastle. I would like to share my top 10 chick flicks/romantic films with you:”

“I’m Anish from Sunderland. Despite what this list suggests, I assure you that I am a male, in his late 20s and not a 12 year old girl. My top 10 romantic films are truly awful. So here they go:”

1. The Notebook

1. Hitch

2. Bridget Jones Diary

2. Titanic

3. The Devil Wears Prada

3. Tangled (Disney Animation)

4. He’s Just Not That Into You

4. Easy A

5. How To Lose a Guy in 10 Days

5. Beauty & The Beast (Disney Animation)

6. Never Been Kissed

6. William Shakespeare’s Romeo + Juliet (1996)

7. She’s All That

7. Crazy, Stupid, Love

8. The Proposal

8. Curious Case of Benjamin Button

9. Valentines Day

9. Grease

10. Miss Congeniality

10. Pitch Perfect





ith the 70s behind him, Ron Burgundy arrived back in cinemas along with the entire original cast! Anchorman 2 was released in late December 2013. In order to promote the release, the kind people of Tango issued Empire Bishop’s Stortford with t-shirts and Ron Burgundy-style moustaches. The idea was that customers would see how great the team looked and would tweet for their chance to win a moustache of their very own. It worked really well and staff couldn’t wait to don the outfit and look as classy as their hero does. There were a lot of quotes being exchanged. Customers really enjoyed the whole experience as the atmosphere was buzzing. The staff even struggled to get out of Burgundy-mode once it was over. The team over at Empire Bishop’s Stortford said: “Hopefully there will be more chances in the future, perhaps supplying us with Muppets costumes!”



TOP n r o c p o P OF THE

Do you have a flare for flavour? A tongue for taste? A passion for popcorn? Then Empire Cinemas Marketing w? o l l a m h s r ma team needs YOU! cho Empire Cinemas have launched a consumer campaign to find a new and exciting flavour of popcorn, as voted for by our customers. So far we have received lots of wild and delicious suggestions to try through the Facebook voting app, which has allowed customers to vote for what they would like to enjoy. The next step is for the Empire Panel to whittle these flavours down to a selected few favourite suggestions. Empire Cinemagoers will then vote for the flavour they want to see in their nearest cinema. Would you like to be part of the Empire panel* and gain further experience in Marketing? If so please email marketing@empirecinemas.co.uk by Friday 14th March. To enter all you have to do is send us your name, cinema and your flavour suggestion.




*What can I expect? This is a great opportunity for a marketing enthusiast to shadow and become part of the marketing team you will gain a deeper understanding of the industry and become part of a national brand. If you love going to the cinema and want to gain an insight into how the marketing department works then look no further, this opportunity would be perfect to do just that. You’ll spend a few days with the marketing team looking into how the department supports the business. You will also be lucky enough to meet with our external agencies including House PR, Brand Electioneering and popcorn developers Tommy Tuckers. As a panel member you would help to select the top flavour suggestions, travel to Tommy Tuckers with the marketing team to see the final flavour created and go behind the scenes to see how the campaign is executed across all empire cinemas. If you are sitting there thinking this is right up my street then apply now.



A Day i`n the Life I

f you thought Miss Muffet simply sat on her tuffet eating curds and whey all day then with Team Member you would be mistaken. Charlotte Charlotte Anthon Anthon’s transformation from cinema screens to a pretty young actress is a complete transformation from the young girl who started out at Empire Cinemas. Her ability to take the magic of film from Empire Wigan onto the theatre stage every night is exceptional as she takes on the role-playing of Miss Muffet at Wigan Little Theatre. Supervisor, Matt Brown, caught up with her during some time away from rehearsals to find out about her and exciting life as lead role, Miss Muffet. MB: How did you get the role as Miss Muffet? CA: I auditioned, back in September 2013. The audition was nearly 5 hours long, we had to prepare a song of our choice and then we had to act in front of directors. During our auditions we also had to act out scenes with random people and out of about 20 girls who went for the part and I got it.

MB: How proud are you to have the role? CA: I’m very proud. I’ve been at the theatre for 5 years and that has been my first major role.

MB: What’s it like performing in front of a live audience? CA: Interesting. *Laughs*. It has its ups and downs, you get different feedback every night depending on how many adults and kids there are. It is good getting the applause at the end. That is probably the best feeling.

MB: Are there any comparisons between the Team Member role and your role on stage? CA: I think you definitely can compare them, mainly because both

roles require you to meet a lot of people who we don’t necessarily know, especially children. As you know all too well we meet and talk to children all the time in the cinema. It links to selling tickets too - I used to promote films and now I’m promoting the show.

MB: Do you take anything from Empire to the stage or from the stage to Empire? CA: You need to have a positive mental attitude at all times, whether on the stage or in the work place, and that really shines through to the audience and to the customers.

MB: If you could star in any film in the future who would you like to co-star with? CA: There’s three, however I can narrow it down to two - Johnny Depp and Leonardo DiCaprio. The other one is Henry Cavill but that’s because I fancy him, not because of his acting ability.

MB: And finally, which film are you most looking forward to in 2014? CA: Oooh, that’s a tough one. I would have to say Maleficent - because Angelina Jolie looks amazing in it! We saw quite a lot of it at the Disney day which was really exciting.



Film Piracy Zofia and Paige with Paul Baxter


he growth of film piracy has become an increasingly high-profile issue that is ever evolving through time. The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey was the most pirated film of 2013 according to the website TorrentFreak. More than 8.4 million people downloaded the film using BitTorrent networks that allow person-toperson file sharing. Film piracy is an international epidemic. FACT reported that there were 82 incidents of successful disruptions in UK cinemas in 2013 – representing an increase of 32 percent on 2012. Continued awareness through the anticamcording programme contributed to the increase. Training sessions were conducted

at 44 UK based cinemas to almost 1,500 staff during the year. Paul Baxter said: “It’s hard work (doing piracy checks) but sadly it’s happening all the time (some customers trying to video the latest releases) and we must remain vigilant.” Camera phones have significantly increased the risk of piracy, and the popularity of tablets increases the problem. Staff have to be aware of their surroundings and use their night vision goggles to best effect. The equipment is there to help fight piracy, as it’s easier to see what people have in their hands. Even when staff are off duty they should still be vigilant when watching films and report it if they believe a customer is acting out of the ordinary. It is key for the staff


to keep record of what screens have been monitored. Large bags can be searched, and must be if the item inside seems suspicious. These simple steps could reduce piracy in Empire Cinemas. Paige Browning from Empire Great Park and Zofia Kalachurska from Empire Sutton were presented with awards after catching people filiming in the cinema. Staff are urged to keep an eye out for people wearing big coats in hot weather, people not moving, keeping coats or bags on their knees, holes in popcorn tubs and people not eating. It’s a team effort from all staff. At the end of the day it’s their livelihood and cinemas are very protective of the industry the pirates are attempting to exploit.



F ederation Against Copyright T heft S

et up in 1983, FACT battles all forms of piracy for national and international film distributors, TV broadcasters and sport’s rights owners. Previously the distribution and sale of infringing film content in DVD format was the most popular method, now online streaming and downloads are notably the most popular method of illegally acquiring newly released films. Since 2006 FACT and the Film Distributors’ Association (FDA) have operated a training, prevention and reward scheme across all UK cinemas. FACT works closely with cinema operators to ensure that staff are trained to detect and prevent recordings, as well as assisting in raising awareness with police on this issue so they are able to assist when called to an incident. The FACT and FDA programme has engaged the support of exhibitors UK-wide. It has achieved great success in reducing the number of recordings taken from UK cinemas, making the UK one of the best protected countries.

Great Park won an award Paige Browning from Empire

The Federation Against Copyright Theft is the UK’s leading trade organisation established to protect and represent the interests of its members’ intellectual property. Kieron Sharp, FACT Director General, added: “Cinema staff are on the frontline in protecting films from being pirated and I am always pleased to be able to recognise their work. FACT’s strategy, funded by the film distributors, seeks to prevent the initial recording that seeds piracy globally. We continue to work together with UK cinema operators to support the success of the cinema experience and to allow continued investment by FACT’s members in exciting entertainment for all audiences.” Thousands of pounds worth of cash rewards have been presented to 15 staff members from cinemas across the UK, who intervened successfully to prevent illegal recordings of films including Gravity, Captain Phillips, Rush, One Direction: This Is Us, Alan Partridge: Alpha Papa and Monsters University. The 15 vigilant staff members were active in 12 separate incidents in UK cinemas since April 2013. All incidents were reported to local police, who attended in every case, resulting in five arrests and nine police cautions. Two suspects remain on police bail. Mark Batey, FDA Chief Executive, said: “The UK is one of the world’s leading film markets, and the more secure the environment for releasing new titles, the wider the choice audiences are likely to enjoy. FDA thanks all our colleagues at FACT and in cinema exhibition for their vigilance and vital interventions.” The film industry contributes to ‘UK plc’ in many ways including supporting 117,000 jobs, while films depicting the UK generate approximately 10% of the revenues from overseas tourism. Being one of the world’s most important markets for film, the UK accounted for 7% of global cinema box-office receipts in 2012. Ultimately the sector can only be safeguarded through the co-operation and diligence of cinema staff on the front line. Each individual receiving a reward did so as a result of the FDA-funded scheme available to any member of cinema staff involved in the successful apprehension of film thieves.

ire Sutton is presented with her Zofia Kalachurska from Emp




WHAT DO YOU THINK OF PULSE? WE ASKED FOR YOUR OPINION, AND ANYONE WHO GOT IN TOUCH HAVE A SPECIAL KEYRING HOLDING A PIECE OF 35MM FILM ON ITS WAY TO THEM, COURTESY OF PEARL AND DEAN! Andrew Rapson - Clydebank Kayleigh McConnell - Newcastle Stephen Jacobsen - Wigan Nicola Perry - Hemel Hempstead Alexa Raisbeck - Projectionist at The Empire - Thanks for your responses!

company are doing e th in rs he ot t ha w g “seein I lopments in retail and ve de w ne , ar ye e th throughout d with this” sections en m om ec “r e th g in lik am particularly ion – really helpful” within the review sect

“it’s amazing to see the develop ments and inside scoops of not only our branch, but the rest of the company” “we are a company that really loves films and are proud to be film geeks” g pire branches, showin Em r he ot ith w d te da st “keeps me up to give people the be g tin an w d an s ie ov m their passion for ibly can” experience they poss

“It helps me fee

l part of the bigg er picture, and no t just a Team Member” “The film section is also very helpful if we have missed a film ourselves. We are then fully informed to help guests in their choices”



Empire Basildon General Manager Phil Peirce explains the history of Empire Basildon and the road that led to them becoming the first Empire Cinema to reach a million admissions…


mpire Basildon is situated in deepest Essex - a competitive market place that has two Odeon and three Vue Cinemas, local enough to be considered competition. The cinema started off as a UCI Cinema, with staff beginning training on 8th June 1998, before the grand launch on 17th July 1998. The cinema opened with Godzilla as the big feature and Michelle Collins as the celebrity guest opening the building. Basildon remained as a UCI Cinema until a company called Terra Firma entered the cinema market, buying both the UCI and Odeon Cinema chains and merging them into one company. Despite being one of their busier cinemas, Terra Firma were forced by the Monopolies and Mergers Commission to sell either the Basildon branch, or both Southend and Chelmsford off. In 2008, after trading as an Odeon Cinema for around six weeks, Empire Basildon was born. The 12-screen cinema was ready to join the Empire family and try to compete against the giants of the cinema world! Slowly, Basildon began to change in appearance. The Pick’n’Mix area was turned into two small ‘studio screens’, A and B, with a capacity of 34 and 39 seats respectively. Next, screen 6 was converted from a 300+ screen to Empire’s first Impact Screen, with a capacity of 177, as Empire began to challenge the Vue Extreme and Odeon IMAX brands. Two more Studios, C and D with a capacity of 57 and 39 took the place of the top part of the screen, followed two years ago by Studios E and F. Two further 50 seat screens where added where the staff room and offices used to be. Throughout this time, the team at Basildon began to develop a sense of pride and determination to offer their customers the best cinema experience that they could offer. By concentrating on the company’s principles of making the customer

experience as effortless as possible, the staff at Basildon believe that every customer that visits should want to come back, while telling friends what they are missing. We strongly believe that if we give the customers what they want, they will come to us. Over the last three years particularly, as the team grew and became more focused, the cinema began to thrive. Already, impressive records began to fall. Valentines Day 2011 marked an extremely busy day for Empire Basildon with over 9000 customers. However, November 5th 2012 marked an even busier day with 10,021 customers.* That week became our busiest week ever too, with 45,050 paid admissions for the opening week of Skyfall. We continued to look for more custom, advertising wherever we could and letting as many people as we could know that we were giving them the cinema they wanted - Fast service, polite staff, well-lit screens and a team that are happy to listen to what they have to say and adapt accordingly. We experienced growth in our senior audience by adapting our customer service approach accordingly, taking time to show them to their seats, saying goodbye to them as they leave and providing an environment that they enjoy to linger in. Our family audience continued to become stronger too, as parents appreciated the quick service that made their experience as stressfree as possible for them and their children. Our adult audience, spurred on by radio campaigns and Facebook competitions stayed loyal too, resulting

in a tremendous boom in attendance. At the end of 2013, Empire Basildon has moved to being the 12th biggest cinema in the UK, up three places from last year, which in itself was our best ever position. For the first time in our history we had over one million paying customers, with 1,082,251 being the final number. We also have the highest RPG in the company for the first time, meaning that we have record amounts of retail cash as well as box office totals. We have also seen our market share grow and our box office in 2013 was worth £885,000 - more than both Odeon Southend and Odeon Chelmsford combined. Perhaps Terra Firma made the wrong decision a few years ago! Lots of hard work has gone into our progress and the team are united in the belief that we have to keep moving forward and looking for what we can do next. We have lots of ideas and plans for the forthcoming year, and along with the company’s support, we hope to deliver another 1 million admissions. We have a strong, loyal team here at Basildon, with a good mix of experience, enthusiasm and fun that we hope will bring us further luck in 2014!

*Just as we went to press Basildon set a new record day hitting 10,141 on Tuesday 18th February!



At the end of Januar y, Empire Cinemas launched a new programme called Adding to the Escape. This exciting project will help the company maximise customer sales but most importantly, help customers have the best possible Cinema escape. we can look forward to more productive collaborations in the future.” The project started back in the Spring of 2013 when Empire Cinemas presented the work being done on making the customers’

IT IS ABOUT TAKING EMPIRE CINEMAS FROM GOOD TO GREAT Julia Darvill, Britvic escape effortless, helping them to understand our ‘why’. A company called Shopworks, commissioned by Britvic, undertook detailed market research of the cinema industry. Empire Cinemas was just one of the cinema chains involved, but the company’s good


working relationship with Britivic meant that they were involved from the very beginning. As Julia Darvill from Britvic says: “The team set out to deliver a compelling message around improving the customer experience from beginning to end; with specific focus on retail excellence. “The two days were aimed to give Empire Cinemas the competitor edge it deserves and ensure they really stand out as the market leading cinema operation.” Lisa Rowland, Customer Experience Manager, said: “The research was really interesting as the only research we’ve done in the past few years has just been within our company. This piece of work allowed us to compare how we are doing with Odeon, Vue and Cineworld. “We were all really pleased to hear we have made huge inroads with our customer service, and in many places are seen as the best.


eneral Managers and other senior Managers from each cinema attended a two-day event in Britvic’s Head Office in Hemel Hempstead. Surrounded by a range of soft drinks, they had the opportunity to learn more about the quality of products we sell and get an understanding of how different reports can help them analyse the figures further. It was the first time Ben & Jerry’s, Cadbury’s, Britvic & Scandic Foods had the chance to work together in such an innovative way. Katrina Davison from Cadbury’s said: “It was a unique and interesting way to share insight and work together to really make a difference to Empire’s retail proposition. All the staff at Empire were very enthusiastic and enjoyable to work with and I’m sure



Saying that, we still have some way to go, as customers in some places don’t distinguish between one cinema chain to another.” Once all the research was analysed and reported back, the company then decided how best to utilise this research and set about planning the company’s strategy for 2014. Adding to the Escape was born! Gordon MacDonald said: “The goal of the two days was to improve the knowledge of the quality brands we partner with, whilst making the food and drink purchased more personal. I believe this will happen following the excellent presentations and key input by our cinema teams.” In the coming months there will be numerous training events taking place in our cinemas across the country. Managers and Team Members will be hearing more about the programme and what fantastic incentives are in place to motivate and

reward all the hard work happening. Paul Baxter, Operations Director, said: “We are very excited about this incentive programme. It will reward everyone in the cinema, with teamwork being at the heart of it. We have put aside a very large sum of money to give directly to the teams. It is a challenging time ahead but we have fantastic people working for us and I know they can achieve the goals we have set!” Lisa Rowland adds: “We have created a package of training that will happen throughout the year. Included is a training film to help Team Members read customer body language and make recommendations specific to the customer type all in a practical, safe way.” Pulse will be reporting on the progress of Adding to the Escape throughout the year so look out for the first round of results in the summer edition!


BEHIND TH Empire Cinemas are getting new uniforms, so Pulse is going behind the scenes with the company, Cintas, who makes them to find out exactly what goes on!


he process of sorting new uniforms is a challenging one. Jenny McNamee works in the UK offices at Cintas and is responsible for sales and development for all Cintas’ clients throughout Europe, the Middle East and Africa and attends many design/brief meetings with clients. The first meeting in any process is usually held to obtain the brief and to gather the requirements of the client before Jenny can determine the best route and suitable product range to suit their individual needs. Jenny says: “Cintas offer a very large range of products and we believe we have something to suit everybody; from having the world’s largest corporate catalogue and stock holding, to our modified range

whereby we take stock garments and offer a catalogue of modifications in a range of colours. This allows the client their own bespoke personalised garment without the underwrite or commitment of minimum order quantities.” Cintas also offer their clients a custom range and can manufacture as little as one or two key signature pieces, which extends to the mass production of a corporate client programme whereby the company may manufacture garments specifically designed and tailored for the customer in question. Jenny says: “So we really do have something to offer all businesses, be them large or small. In this day and age, and current climate, we are also mindful that clients do not wish to - or maybe cannot


afford - mass quantities of garments sat in warehouses. So with our offering this gives peace of mind for the client, as well as addressing their wearer’s needs.” Depending on the choice of the client, the process could be calling off a stock product with a lead-time of the next day, to the mass production of garments via the multiple manufacturing facilities, resulting in a lead-time of what can sometimes be up to 20 weeks. For Empire uniforms, a modified garment range was chosen. Usually this means a lead-time of 10 days, allowing them to take the stock product from the shelf and modify it to produce the final garment. However the feedback from Empire Cinemas regarding the uniform drew


HE SCENES concerns. The quality of the uniform was not up to satisfactions. In order to put this right, Jenny assures us by saying: “Our team of seamstresses are on hand and ready to modify the garments as and when the client calls off.” Empire cinemas are not the only big company Cintas has produced uniforms for. Some of their other clients include United Airlines, Royal Caribbean, and Marriot and Hilton hotels. But perhaps their most interesting clients are the various gaming and casino hotels throughout Las Vegas and the US. Sometimes their garments can be adventurous and sexy! Jenny says: “Sometimes this is a conversation point as well, especially when presenting our catalogue to our corporate clients!”

As we go to print the Team Member uniform is being finalised and signed off. Exciting times! Full details will be in the Summer edition of Pulse. SPRING 2014 | PULSE MAGAZINE | 17


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CINEMA I All of us here at Empire Bishop’s Stortford are thrilled to be in the spotlight for this issue of Pulse Magazine. We love the effortless escapism of the movies.


hough it hasn’t been the easiest year for us, with surrounding establishments closing down and giving the place a slightly weary and deserted appearance, our little pink sign shines on. We’ve just come out of the Christmas period where Blockbuster adventures and children’s screenings were commonplace. Now we are rolling into awards season with some longer but rather poignant films. The Christmas period was a busy one for us as all the schools were out for their holidays and families were coming in to spend some quality time together. Things quickly became extraordinarily busy. There was more popcorn on our floors at the end of screenings than gold pieces in Smaug’s lair. Frozen got people out of the cold and huddled together for a family afternoon outing. To celebrate the release of Anchorman 2: The Legend of Ron Burgundy, the staff dressed up in promotional t-shirts and sported some rather dashing moustaches. We’re now rolling into Academy Awards season and enjoying the chance to feature some of the cream of


the crop in terms of movies for this year. Then it’ll be another school holiday as the February half term comes along with Valentine’s romance and the highly anticipated Lego movie which is sure to get tickets selling. As Empire Cinemas, we pride ourselves on delivering excellent customer service and doing the best we can to boost sales. We have strong RPG, recently beating out £1.91 target for the year by 4p. This year our target is £2.00. We’ve been performing really well in incentive schemes, especially the recent Advent incentive, winning £190, two Ben and Jerrys beach towels and an Ipad. the money earned from this is going towards a big work day out so the staff can collectively let their hair down and just have fun together. We also created an incentive formula which works so well, other sites have asked us for our secret! In 2014 we are committed to and working on improving events for seniors, juniors and the arts. The year ahead, we feel, has the potential to be our best ever and we look forward to the fun and frenzy ahead. We are working more closely with Jackson Square shopping centre, as they have just employed a new marketing team. Kelvin and Phil attended the switch on of the Christmas lights to promote the Disney film, Frozen, as well as the cinema, taking standees and posters along with them. As it was a success we’re teaming up with Disney and Jackson Square again to help host a Muppets themed event in the town centre to boost awareness of our cinema, the Muppets sequel and bring some family fun. We hope Empire Arts goes from strength to strength, having branched out with Royal Opera House, ENO, National Theatre and Royal Shakespeare Company. Not only is this incredibly convenient but I believe this is what could help popularise classic and contemporary art forms. At Bishop’s Stortford we are aiming to boost the popularity of such screenings in order to promote and preserve the arts. Where ballet and opera are seen as


IN FOCUS the favoured art forms of the rich, the cinema is a space unclaimed by class - we all love the movies. By airing ballets, operas and live theatre shows in cinema screens it allows us to bring arts and culture to people who otherwise might not go to see such shows and do so at affordable prices. It shatters the tenuous class boundary surrounding these art forms. Unfortunately such events aren’t nearly as popular as they should be - yet. Kids today are more Rihanna than La Traviata, more Zoe Saldana than Carmina Burana. People nowadays are more tuned into popular culture than ever before; other art forms are less appreciated. It leaves the future of such arts hanging in the balance as we wonder what will become of them when future generations take over. Will opera and ballet endure if their audiences decrease? We’d like to think so. Though we’re only a short train ride from London where many operatic and classical events are performed, we boast a hassle free experience. We want to inform cinema-goers that rather than spending their money on train fare, plus the expensive tickets and any other little extras, the arts are more available to them and more affordable than ever before.


s Google Maps



It is always important that Empire employees are rewarded for all of their hard work. The Silver E Awards are a way to make sure that this is recognised and shared throughout Empire.

Kelly-Marie Clark

Kelly-Marie Clark from Great Park was nominated for her Silver E for her customer service skills and her overall capability when it comes to her job. General manager, Leon Fairbank, commented that: “Kelly is a fantastic addition to our team here and she has an excellent impact on the customers experience and on the team, both directly and indirectly.” He also added: “Kelly personally has many positive interactions with the customers and has built good relationships with a number of regular customers.” Kelly has taken on the task of training newer members of the team so they reach her level of customer service. Kelly received three nominations from other members of staff for her approach to her job, and is the life and soul of the team as she is always motivated to add to the customer’s experiences. She is always prepared to dress up for themed occasions and Leon added: “At Christmas time last year, Kelly purchased additional Christmas decorations for the foyer and even came in on her day off to set up the Christmas tree and decorate the foyer. This Halloween, Kelly provided all of the decorations for the cinema, making the cinema look great and one specific item was a strong hit for the customers who took photos in front of an inflatable archway that she had purchased.” Kelly started off taking a back seat by making sure that all of the products were neat and in place, rather than physically serving and directly interacting with customers. But in the last 12 months, she has really stepped forward to become a strong and greatly valued member of the team who is often seen helping customers carry their retail purchases to the screens. Leon added that: “Kelly is our horror specialist in the cinema and is always ready to provide information to customers about horror films especially. She is the first to watch all of the new horror releases and then feedback her opinion to the team.”

Michelle Heaney Michelle Heaney from Clydebank is a Supervisor Keyholder and Team Member. Michelle has been at the cinema for nearly 15 years and is thoroughly passionate about her job and her team. She is renowned for delivering an excellent level of customer service and takes great pride in the cinema. General Manager Suzanne Hills said: “She is always happy and smiling even if she has had a very long day.” Michelle received her Silver E award for the energy she has for her job. She approaches every problem and task with enthusiasm and does her best to make sure everyone is on board to allow the cinema to run smoothly and make the team the best it can be. She has been credited for her positive and “can-do” attitude and often goes the extra mile for both the customer and her team. She is extremely well-liked and is loved as a Supervisor, and offers great support to those she works with. Michelle also has a great passion for training her staff and shares her experience with them so they too can offer an excellent level of customer service and gain a greater knowledge of their jobs. Her team added: “Michelle has a great personality and is always willing to help us and the customers to ensure everything runs smoothly on shift.”




Jack Hannis

Having worked at the Swindon branch for over a year, Team Member Jack Hannis was nominated for his Silver E award by his team and General Manager, Trudy East. “Jack consistently delivers fantastic service to our customers and watching him interact with guests, it is clear that he makes each person’s visit individual,” Trudy said, explaining why Jack had been chosen. He is always seeking to go the extra mile and exceed the customers’ expectations of him, helping out in anyway he can to ensure the customer has a good visit to Empire. He recently received excellent verbal and written feedback from a customer who commented on how impressed they were with Jack, and how special and valued he made them feel. Another customer also emailed to comment on Jack’s professional and courteous approach to customer service. Jack is quick to help customers with any queries they have and resolves any complaints as quickly and effectively as possible. Trudy added: “Jack will adapt his speed of service depending on business levels, but continues to ensure that he is meeting the needs of the customers, working effectively on shift.” He constantly busies himself by contributing to keeping the cinema clean and tidy and ensures that all health and safety procedures are complete. Trudy also said: “He is polite, open, sincere and happy at all times, and is a role model to the team. He gets on well with his colleagues and peers and is flexible when asked to complete any task asked of him, often volunteering when required.”

Alan Cheung

Clydebank is home to Alan Cheung, one of the latest winners of the Silver E award. Alan joined the company in 2012 and was nominated by his team for his dedication to his job. General Manager Suzanne Hills explained: “The team have all commented on Alan’s general demeanour and his constant journey around the cinema looking for jobs to do, and ensuring that the presentation of the cinema is 100% for our customers.” He is often seen helping customers by carrying things to the screens, or simply making sure that they are enjoying their visit. He consistently has a polite, enthusiastic and courteous attitude which customers often pick up on. Alan received the majority of nominations and recommendations for the Silver E award. Suzanne added: “He is always smiling and makes great sushi!” Alan frequently comes in early and stays late to help out his fellow team members if it is ever busy or short-staffed, as well as helping out wherever he can without needing to be asked. Suzanne added: “He is always asking if we need any help with anything. He exhibits all of the qualities of a Silver E.”


s r e t t e L r e m o t s Cu Empire Basildon

Empire High Wycombe

Just felt compelled to write to you to give you feedback on my experiences at High Wycombe cinema. I have visited this cinema on three occasions in last 2 months and each time I have been so impressed by the customer service of your staff. They are always courteous and extremely helpful, even going so far as to ask how my day has been! Thoroughly impressed - whatever your management are doing, it’s working! I live in Maidenhead and my local cinema is the Odeon. Prices are double Empire prices and staff nowhere near as well drilled! I can only say I would always choose Empire cinemas every time in spite of the extra distance so thank you! Just off to see ‘12 Years a Slave’ - at Empire of course! Roz: Way to go High Wycombe! That’s one in the eye for Odeon

Empire Hemel Hempstead

The customer service you have offered there is second to none. I can appreciate the difficult position you are in having inherited the site and its previous problems from your forebears. In response to your question about customer service I can only say that it is well above average. I found all staff at the site to be upbeat, friendly and happy to share in a brief exchange about the films and the technology surrounding it. I spoke to two staff members and have nothing but glowing praise for them. You say that you are focusing on customer service and I can confirm that you are a success in that arena, I have nothing negative to say about that. Roz: Although this customer had complained about a maintenance issue, Hemel Hempstead’s quick response and customer service skills won them over

Empire Clydebank

Hi there just wanted to take 5 minutes to leave some feedback for your Clydebank Scotland location. I just wanted to say how exceptional the staff are. I have an Odeon cinema closer to me but always now bypass it to come straight to Clydebank. Myself and my 5 year old daughter love coming to the movies and every time we do it’s the same consistent brilliant experience! The staff are beyond kind, so well-mannered and so helpful! Nothing is ever to much and the last visit one of the staff offered to help us to our seats with our goodies! I honestly cannot praise them enough they are the prime example of customer service and other organisations could learn an awful lot from them. Massive pat on the back to the best picture house and the best staff running it! Delighted customer Emma Dempsey Roz: Another dig for Odeon and what a glowing letter, I might need a lie down soon


On Sunday 19th January at 12 noon I attended screen 12. Unfortunately I tripped on the steps, dropping my drink and popcorn. I reported it to the young girl on the entrance and she did everything she could to clear up after my accident and make sure I was ok and settled, she even bought me another drink. I’m not sure of the young ladies name, but if at all possible I would like you to pass on my thanks to her and let her know that her efforts were very much appreciated. As for Empire Cinemas, I will certainly be returning knowing that the staff are so concerned for their customers. Many thanks. Mr Vaughan Waites Roz: A massive thanks to Rae Phillips, who was the Super Team Member to the rescue

Empire Wigan

I just wanted to write to say thank you so much for providing a great cinema experience to myself and my partner week in week out. We visit twice a week and find your cinema and staff exceptional. We really do love the place, I look forward to our weekend visits and occasional Tuesdays. We love the popcorn too ! I felt compelled to write to you as we recently went away on holiday and visited a competitors cinema of yours. Well we will never cheat on you again as it was terrible, rubbish picture on the screen, stale bread on the hot dogs, depressed staff and crackling speakers. Anyway just felt the need to say thanks, you brighten up our day. Best wishes, Jody Roz: Wow, Wigan you brighten up my day too!


Empire Wigan

Please can I just say a big thank you to all of the staff involved with my daughter’s party today. From my request for information on your parties to booking in person the staff at Empire Wigan have been knowledgeable and helpful with each step. Today was smoothly handled and the children loved sitting in the big seats with their kids’ boxes! Thank you again. I will be recommending your parties! Angela Lawman Roz: Well done to our North West colleagues

Empire Wigan

I watched The Nutcracker broadcast last night at the Empire in Wigan (Robin Park) and I would like to thank you for such a wonderful experience! The ushers in bowties really made it feel like a special occasion :) Hazel McGuinness Roz: Nice touch Wigan, great idea to dress up

Empire Hemel Hempstead

Just wanted to say what a great experience I had at your Hemel branch last night. Your staff are so efficient, (someone spilt a cup of coffee, and someone was there in an instant to clean it up!) The toilets were clean (which is always a surprise these days!) and all of your staff were friendly and polite, even though they were very busy. Just wanted to share my experience with you as it’s rare nowadays to find excellent customer service and a clean environment! Thanks again Charlotte Grattan Roz: Efficiency, friendly staff AND clean toilets, what more can a girl ask for. Hemel you rock!

Empire Newcastle

Thanks Deano, you’re kind of a big deal. Christian Thank you so much, Dean! I really do appreciate your sincere reply, and excellent customer service. Empire will continue to be my first choice in cinema when visiting Newcastle! Jerry Roz: I know how much you need to see your name in lights but not going to give you that much space on here, so just paraphrased two comments from your happy customers!

Empire Sutton Coldfield

Just wanted to thank you and your staff for all your help, I was refunded for the extra ticket I bought, and we thoroughly enjoyed the film! Once again thank you, we’ll definitely be coming back to the Empire, fantastic customer service Kind regards Alex Roz: Its great to see the simple things make a difference to our customers. Consistent as always Sutton Coldfield

Massive well done to everyone mentioned! Make sure to keep up the good work and we’re sending you a 35mm film keyring as a thank you.



hree years after Steve Rodgers’ alter ego disintegrated the crimsonfaced baddie Red Skull, Captain America (Chris Evans) is back with a host of new villains to strike his indestructible shield into. This time around he says goodbye to the innocent times of 1940’s America in favour for today’s confusing and complicated society. Unfortunately for Steve, while battling with the disorientating customs of modern life, he also has to face an enemy dragged from the tombs of the past: the soviet

soldier only known as the Winter Soldier. With a host of superhero movies being churned out constantly over the past five years, Marvel’s insistence on exchanging characters into different franchises is blatantly clear in this latest instalment. Look out for Scarlett Johansson’s dangerously seductive appearance as the latex clad Black Widow, whose acrobatic displays of agility is truly impressive for someone who wears the most constrictive clothing. Also, Samuel L. Jackson makes yet another

appearance as the one eyed SHIELD director Nick Fury, who yet again interferes with the politics of the Superhero universe. Unpredictably directed by the minds behind the third-wheel, lacklustre comedy You, Me and Depree (Anthony and Joe Russo), this new era of the Captain America franchise is taken in a completely new direction with more gags and thrilling, original fight sequences. With the support of not just the nerd community, it looks like Captain America might be in it for the trilogy long haul.



Unfortunately placed alongside the hectic shenanigans of an American frat house, Kelly (Byrne) and Mac Radner (Rogen) must adjust their life around the constant noise of both their new born baby and the howling of drunken university students. Tired and frazzled, the couple must resort to the most immature of tactics if they are ever going to defeat the boys next door. Directed by: Nicholas Stoller Starring: Rose Byrne, Zac Efron and Seth Rogen Release Date: 9th May 2014




fun facts As per usual, Marvel creator Stan Lee makes yet another cameo appearance with the characters he created. This is the fourth time that Chris Evans and Scarlett Johansson have worked alongside one another, both starring in The Nanny Diaries, The Perfect Score and Avengers Assemble. The directors, the Russo brothers, aimed to stay away from any CGI scenes and would take any opportunity to use live action sequences instead of artificial ones.

know your stuff Starring: Chris Evans, Scarlett Johansson and Samuel L. Jackson Directed by: Anthony and Joe Russo Release date: 28th March 2014

DIVERGENT Set in the dystopian future, Divergent (based on the bestselling book) tells the tale of troubled teenager Tris Prior (Shailene Woodley) and her fight against the authoritarian leader who seeks to destroy her. Hunted down because she has a dangerous but powerful ability, Tris must fight the system is she ever wants to be free. Directed by: Neil Burger Starring: Shailene Woodley, Theo James and Kate Winslet Release Date: 4th April 2014



ans of the X-Men franchise have been waiting with baited breath for the next instalment of the comic book depictions since First Class in 2011. Finally we’re on the home straight and the upcoming X-Men: Days of Future Past is within reach, being released in May. The film stars the well-known actors in their now easily recognisable roles, such as everybody’s favourite off screen bromancers Ian McKellen and Patrick Stewart as Magneto and Professor X respectively (younger versions courtesy of Michael Fassbender and James McAvoy). Also Hugh Jackman, as Wolverine, is in the eye of the storm as per usual, and with Jennifer Lawrence, as Mystique, there’s so many superheroes, you would need more than two hands to count them. Directed by Bryan Singer (X-Men, X2), the film alternates between the past, going back to previous decades, and the present,

as the characters from the first X-Men trilogy must find their younger selves as depicted in X-Men: First Class. They fight in a war against a company heading out to eradicate the mutants, in order to change the past and ensure a safe future. Peter Dinklage (Game of Thrones) appears as the main antagonist and military scientist Bolivar Trask, head of Trask industries, set against the mutants. He leads a campaign against them as the robots created by the organisation tear through the city, programmed to hunt and kill mutants. As well as the old favourites, more mutants have been introduced including popular comic book character Bishop (Omar Sy) and Warpath (Booboo Stewart). What fans are most excited to see however, is the First Class cast for the first time interacting on screen with the original characters. Regardless of how good the film is, it will undoubtedly be successful thanks to the curiosity of the huge fan base.

Know Your Stuff

Release Date: 22nd May 2014 Director: Bryan Singer Starring: Hugh Jackman, James McAvoy, Halle Berry

Fun Facts

Director of X Men: First Class, Matthew Vaughn, was originally in the director’s chair, however he dropped out in 2012 to work on a different comic book adaption written by Mark Millar. According to Bryan Singer the film will feature the ex-US president, Richard Nixon. As an April Fool’s Day joke, Singer announced via Twitter that Lady Gaga had joined the cast and would play Dazzler.

the amazing

spider-man 2


The Amazing Spiderman 2 gives us another chance to see off-screen couple Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone in action as Peter Parker and Gwen Stacey. This time around Peter continues to struggle in finding the balance between his superhero status and being an average high school kid. Delving into his father’s past he gets more than he bargained for as well as new threats from Electro and The Rhino. Released 18th April 2014.



Jennifer Lawrence as Mystique. Inset, Hugh Jackman as Wolverine



TRANSCENDENCE Johnny Depp stars as Dr. Will Caster in upcoming sci-fi thriller Transcendence. Dr. Caster is a terminally ill scientist on a mission to create a machine that he can essentially transfer his mind into. Things escalate and he ends up with a lot more than he bargained for as he becomes an unstoppable force. Also starring Morgan Freeman and Paul Bettany. Released 25th April 2014.



O R 2


fter the 2011 success of Rio which grossed over $480 million around the world, coming in April is the sequel to the bubbly, blue bird action again directed by Carlos Saldanha (Ice Age trilogy). Also returning are the main macaws Blu (Jesse Eisenberg) and his wife Jewel (Anne Hathaway). Other recurring characters include Pedro (Will.i.am), Linda (Leslie Mann) and Rafael (George Lopez). This time around, Blu, his wife and three kids up and leave their comfortable life in Rio de Janeiro for a wild adventure in the Amazon rainforest. Facing a whole host of new crazy

characters the family stumble across a whole host of their species including Jewel’s long lost father, which is only the start of Blu’s problems. Not only does he have to contend with that, but also his vengeful arch nemesis Nigel the cockatoo (Jemaine Clement) is back for a beakful of Blu, much to the delight of Rio fans who were hoping for a return from the villain. Already provoking interest is Nigel’s new accomplice Gabi, a tree frog voiced by Kristin Chenoweth, secretly in love with him and deliverer of hilarious one liners guaranteed to have both children and adults giggling. Also lending vocal abilities is award winning crooner Bruno Mars as Jewel’s ex-boyfriend who is bound to make the musical side even sweeter. Good news for the film as judging by the songs in the first film it has a good reputation to live up to, but with such a wide range of vocal talents in the cast there should be no problems.

m t an s o P P 30 | PULSE MAGAZINE | SPRING 2014




t’s a very British affair for a very British institution. Stephen Mangan voices the most popular postie around with Rupert Grint, Jim Broadbent and David Tennant also at the helm. Released this May, the film follows Pat as he takes on the celebrity lifestyle after entering a TV talent contest to show off his singing. Presumably Mangan’s vocals weren’t quite up to scratch as Ronan Keating has stepped in to provide the singing voice. Released 23rd May 2014.


Know Your Stuff Release Date: 4th April 2014 Director: Carlos Saldanha Starring: Jesse Eisenberg, Anne Hathaway, Jamie Foxx

Fun Facts This is unlikely to be the last we see of Rio as 20th Century Fox confirmed they are looking to make it into a franchise Angry Birds will be releasing Rio themed games to tie in with the release of the film Spix’s Macaws (The breed of Blu etc.) are a critically endangered species, there are thought to be approximately 150 left.

The Movie



FUN FACTS Emile Hirsch was originally cast in Aaron Paul’s role but had to drop out due to scheduling conflicts. Johnny Depp bought the movie rights to the book before it was even released. Nick Hornby has also written other novels that have been turned into films including About a Boy and High Fidelity.



pening a film with four complete strangers all fighting for the prestigious suicide spot of a high rise building is pretty dark to say the least. Based on Nick Hornby’s bestselling novel, A Long Way Down confronts the morbid topic of depression and suicide with a flare of comedy and lightheartedness that other films fail to address. Opening with the foursome trying to escape the farcical, insincere celebrations of New Year’s Eve by stepping off a high ledge, they do the unexpected. Bonding over their dice with suicidal death, they decide to exploit their

story for the limited joys of money and fame, but with some horrendous consequences. Starring a charismatically smooth Pierce Brosnan, whose character revolves around the confused fumble of a mid-life crisis and a manically eccentric Toni Collette as a lonely shrivel of a woman, the performances are simply bewitching on the screen. Also Breaking Bad’s Aaron Paul and 28 Weeks Later’s Imogen Poots construct some compelling characters, whose personalities resonate the struggles and pressures of modern life that we can all associate with.

Mixing the fragile topics of depression and suicide with a delicate hint of wit and humour, director Pascal Chaumeil pulls off this hard balance with an assured confidence that other filmmakers are too scared to even attempt.

KNOW YOUR STUFF Director: Pascal Chaumeil Starring: Pierce Brosnan, Toni Collette and Aaron Paul Release date: 21st March 2014

Recommend With This: Labor Day LOVE PUNCH Desperate for an escape from her isolated and lonely life, single mother Adele (Kate Winslet) takes the perilous decision in hiding escaped convict Frank (Josh Brolin) from the preying hunt of the cops. Gradually learning the disturbing back story of Frank, Adele must make some limited and difficult decisions in order to protect her sheltered life. Directed by: Jason Reitman Starring: Kate Winslet, Josh Brolin and Clark Gregg Release Date: 21st March 2014

After going through the bitter resentment of a stressful divorce, Kate (Emma Thompson) and Richard (Pierce Brosnan) must brush aside their hatred for one another to recover the stolen fortune of their retirement fund. Featuring a host of British acting talent, Love Punch is full of clever English wit with a touch of romantic charm. Starring: Pierce Brosnan, Emma Thompson and Timothy Spall Director: Joel Hopkins Release date: 18th April 2014 SPRING 2014 | PULSE MAGAZINE | 31




oming from the quirky and colourful mind of Wes Anderson, the director lives up to his reputation for vibrant characters and chaotically manic scripts with his latest offering. The Grand Budapest Hotel explores the unpredictable adventures of erratic concierge Gustave (Ralph Fiennes) and his quest to make his hotel grand once again. After one of the prized paintings in the polished mahogany lobby goes missing, it’s up to Gustave and his unusually-named lobby boy, Zero Moustafa (Tony Revolori), to find the thieving culprit responsible. Set behind the beautifully evergreen wilderness, Anderson’s creation of an almost fairytale paradise within the forests

of Budapest is simply enchanting and majestic. The hotel itself, with its bubblegum pink varnish exterior adds to the innocence and charm of the whole movie. Hosting an extensive but eclectic cast, the zany group of characters bounce off one another with an explosive energy. Not to forget most of the men display some machoworthy moustaches with Ralph Fiennes and Adrien Brody pulling off some incredible facial fur. Like his previous work (The Royal Tenenbaums and The Fantastic Mr Fox) Anderson recaptures the stylish craziness of his characters with unrestrained abundance, whilst still retaining an interesting and unpredictable plot.

STUFF Director: Wes Anderson Starring: Bill Murray, Ralph Fiennes and Tilda Swinton Release date: 7th March 2014

FUN FACTS Johnny Depp was originally cast as Gustave but dropped out before filming began. This is Wes Anderson’s seventh on-screen collaboration with actor Bill Murray Angela Lansbury was originally cast in the movie but was forced to drop out due to scheduling conflicts, she was replaced my a much younger Tilda Swinton

Recommend With This: Yves Saint Laurent Based on the Laurence Benaim biography on the famous clothes designer, this biopic of Yves Saint Laurent’s (Pierre Niney) rise from backstreet tailor to the famous global brand delves into the personal struggles of the man. Revolving around his homosexuality and his love for partner Pierre Berge (Guillaume Gallienne), this is a must see for any aspiring fashionista. Starring: Pierre Niney and Guillaume Gallienne Directed by: Jalil Lespert Release date: 25th February 2014 32 | PULSE MAGAZINE | SPRING 2014

The INVISIBLE Woman Ralph Fiennes stars as the genius behind great literary works such as Oliver Twist and A Christmas Carol in this sumptuous period drama. Exploring the life of an older Charles Dickens, the film revolves around his scandalous love affair with a younger woman and the consequences of his love for her. Directed by: Ralph Fiennes Starring: Ralph Fiennes, Felicity Jones and Kristen Scott Thomas Release date: 21st February 2014


THE QUIET ONES “Inspired by true events” as most horror films are these days – a statement that immediately strikes fear into the audience comes The Quiet Ones, released this April. The title is relevant as the build up to the film certainly has been quiet, starring Jared Harris (Sherlock Holmes, Lincoln) as the main character Professor Coupland. This is the first film from Hammer Film Productions since the high grossing The Woman in Black in 2012 and is directed by John Pogue who has been involved in various reasonably successful horror flicks such as Ghost Ship, Quarantine 2 and The Skulls trilogy. In the story, of course The Professor isn’t a conventional one and has one thing on his mind - instead of avoiding ghosts like most people would, he is set on creating a

poltergeist. Enlisting the help of some of his best students and filmed by Brian McNeil (Sam Claflin of Hunger Games fame) they go on an undercover mission away from prying eyes to carry out the experiment. At the root of their experiment is Jane Harper (Olivia Cooke – Bates Motel) who appears as a drawn and distressed woman and they set out to find the cause of her turmoil which they suspect may have more to it than meets the eye. As the experiment draws on things soon unravel in an extreme way and the students start to feel their sanity slip away from them. They later find they have gotten themselves into more trouble than they can handle and a mysterious powerful force that sweeps them off their feet is the reward for their after school efforts.

Know your stuff Release Date: 10th April 2014 Director: John Pogue Starring: Jared Harris, Sam Claflin

Fun facts Hammer Horror Productions has been running since 1934 and has made over 150 films The film is based on a real poltergeist and telekinesis experiment in Canada that took place in the 1970’s

Need for speed A

t last a street racing film good enough to rival the Fast and Furious franchise has come along. Already having a huge fan-base thanks to the videogames, Need for Speed, starring Dakota Johnson and Dominic Cooper, follows Aaron Paul fresh from prison. After being wrongly incarcerated, Toby (Paul) is ready to compete in a cross-country street race and avenge the death of a friend. Released 12th March 2014.





The winners from the Winter edition are: Tash Bond from Empire Swindon - The years the films were released Alan Pressland from The Empire - Anagrams Katie Lowe from Empire Wigan - Her Dream Cast of Heath Ledger, Jennifer Lawrence and Channing Tatum

...you have all won a £10 Amazon voucher!

The winner of the year’s supply of Cadburys chocolate is... Jenny Maguire from Empire Wigan

RAGAS MAN / ANAGRAMS / A NAGS ARM Hint: Four Actors and Four Characters from our film reviews. But who are they?

AMENDS RIP ------------------AURA NAP LO -----------------HATE HAY AN WAN ------------------CRASH VINES ------------------34 |PULSE MAGAZINE | SPRING 2014

Enter and wi a £10 Am n azon voucher!

CAB WILD WOK ------------------EVIL OWNER ------------------CRAB PENSIONER ------------------SUET QI MY -------------------

Email your answers to empirepulse@gmail.com by 30th April 2014


DOWN ACROSS 1. A particularly hairy month 4. The organisation that helps cinemas protect themselves from film theft 8. ‘Black Widow’ actress

2. Cinema in focus 3. The surname of the director of Rio 2 5. X-Men: Days of ............... Past 6. First Empire Cinema to achieve a million admissions 7. Who should you add as a friend on Facebook?

R E N R CO Who are these men? Enter with your answers to be in with the chance of winning a year’s supply of Cadburys chocolate of your choice!

Email your answers to empirepulse@gmail.com by 30th April 2014 SPRING 2014 | PULSE MAGAZINE | 35

The Annual Empire 5-a-side Football Tournament is coming!

Empire Slough won in 2013, can you beat them?

5th june 2014 Powerleague at Wembley Stadium


keep your eyes peeled for Further information

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