Cooperation partnerships in youth
Considering the highly impacted NEET group and changing needs and requirements of the 21st century and post-covid era, a new perspective on non-formal learning, especially in youth education, is highly requiredtoprepareEuropeansocietyforthefuture.
An effective way to prepare the people of Europe for the future lies in developing key competencies, especially developing resilient, flexible digital abilities inyoungNEETs.
Therefore, the "Digital skills development toolkit for young NEETS to increase employability" aims to improve the attention of NEETs by increasing digital competencies, increasing confidence in their ability to utilize information-communication technologies, boosting soft skills to increase employability and effectively solve problems by generating creative, practicalsolutions.
About The Project
The “Digi4You" project aims to improve the competence of NEET by increasing digital skills and employability using ICT tools and soft skills development. Also, it aims to increase their ability to create quality content on online mediums, create their digital portfolio, produce engaging presentations, and connect with other professionals.
Funded by the Erasmus+ Program of the European Union. However, European Commission and Turkish National Agency cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the
contained therein.
For Young Neets to Increase employability
Cooperation partnerships in youth
for young NEETS to increase employability
The good practices example manual is a kind of tool and a comprehensive, systematic guide for all interested civil society organizations that want to support youth, women, and other disadvantaged groups in their transition to the labour market and promotetheirdigitalskills.
The manual is intended to serve as a roadmap and guide for youth organizations and other civil society organizations interested in offering employment and business models to improve the situation of NEET young people in their respective communities throughdigitalliteracyandsoftskillsdevelopment.
The document is based on 12 good practice examples of relevant civil society organizations in Austria, Italy, Spain,andTurkey.
Digital Skills Development Toolkit
For Young Neets to Increase employability
Cooperation partnerships in youth
Digi4You for young NEETS to increase employability
Needs and expectations REPORT of youth workers dealing with young NEETs has published
Accordingtothe2022OECDreportEducationata Glance2022,thedistributionofyoungpeopleinthe 18-24 age group who are not involved in any education/trainingactivityis32.2%inTurkey,27.1%in Italy,20.3%inSpainand11.6%inAustria.
InordertodirectyoungNEETstowardsemployability, which has been on the rise since Covid-19 and afterward,itis,ofcourse,necessarytofocusontheir skillsanddigitalcompetencies.
It is important to support youth coordinators who undertakethetraininganddevelopmentofNEETyouth ondigitalskillsandcompetencies,whichcandefineas theknowledgeandskillsrequiredfortheindividualto use ICT in achieving the goals in their personal or professionallife.
436youthcoordinatorsparticipatedinourresearch.It iscrucialtoconsiderissuessuchasdevelopingtheselfreflection skills of young NEETs, strengthening their credibility,encouragingcooperationwithinthegroup, promoting access to the labor market, and encouraging creativity. Youth coordinators draw attentiontocommunicationandcollaboration,online research,information,anddataliteracy,digitalcontent creation, and social media management among the digitalskillstheyconsideressentialforNEETyouth.
Research Report Published
The participants mentioned that practical examples/cases, videos, and online training are among the most important materials in the development of the above personal skills and digital skills and emphasized the importance of reinforcing the exercises with a mobile application and distanceeducationplatform.
Funded by the Erasmus+ Program of the European Union. However, European Commission and Turkish National Agency cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.