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Online meeting of the “CARES” project 23

18. Meeting online of the “HEPA4ALL" project

In date 04/01/2022 took place an online meeting of the project "Encouraging Participation in Sports and Health Enhancing Physical Activities with an Inclusive Approach" - (acronym HEPA4AL) - action n.622480-EPP-1-2020-1-UK-SPO-SCP, a centralised project of the Erasmus Plus Sport programme approved in the call EAC/A02/2019 Collaborative Partnerships and coordinated at European level by Ikkaido (UK). The meeting was supposed to be held in person in Oxford, England, but due to the exponential increase of contagions throughout Europe and particularly in Great Britain, the partners decided to hold it virtually, in order to protect the health of all and avoid possible contagions. During the meeting the partners discussed the development of the various actions and intellectual products envisaged in the sports partnership. The European initiative, which aims to identify the long-term measures needed to encourage inclusive participation in physical activities by all people, including disabled and disadvantaged people through the development of appropriate educational and innovative methodologies, can be followed on the Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/hepa4all.


19. Two online meeting “PISH” project

In date 13 and 18/01/2022 took place two online meetings of the project “Problem-Based Learning, Intercultural Communications and STEM in Higher Education” (acronym PISH) – action n. 2020-1DK01-KA203- 075109 approved by the Danish Erasmus Plus National Agency in the framework of the KA2 Strategic Partnerships for Higher Education. During the two meetings, the project partners reviewed the activities carried out on the selected good practices and discussed the mid-term quality evaluation. The project aims to meet the needs of intercultural communication in the peer-to-peer learning environment of STEM students in Higher Education Institutions. The European partnership working on the PISH project is composed of: Aalborg University (Denmark), EURO-NET (Italy), University of Thessaly (Greece), Crossing Borders (Denmark), Comparative Research Network (Germany), Center for Education and Innovation (Greece) and ITA Suomen Ylipisto (Finland). All interested parties can follow the project on the official Facebook page at the link https://www.facebook.com/PISHproject/. More information on the project will be available in our next newsletters.

20. Steering Committee meeting for “CoCo” project

In date 18/01/2022 took place, online, the “Steering committee meeting” envisaged within the project "Conscious Consumption" (acronym "CoCo"), approved in Germany by the German National Agency Erasmus+ within the programme "KA220-ADU Cooperation partnerships in adult education" as action n.2021-1-DE02-KA 220-ADU000033718. The CoCo project is aimed at creating a behavioural change of European citizens towards more conscious and ecological consumption patterns: the initiative aims at ensuring reliable product information and at strengthening consumer protection against commercial practices such as greenwashing and premature obsolescence. The project will also develop a "hybrid" game (both tabletop and online) that will be guided in its realisation by the EURO-NET organisation and that will be directed to improve the green awareness of young consumers. CoCo will thus lead to the

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