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Kick-off meeting and logo of the “Equalley” project 25
unexpected global challenges in their cities, such as the COVID-19 pandemic. The training model will be combined with digital media training materials, i.e. serious games and e-learning portal, video narratives, digital case studies, all available as OER in the project's e-learning portal. More information about the project and its activities will be available in our next newsletters.
29. Brief meeting of the “EASYNEWS" project
In the days 02/02/2022 took place a brief online meeting of the project "Periodismo Digital Accesible y Educación Mediática para Personas con Discapacidad Intelectual" (in English "Accessible Digital Journalism and Media Education for People with Intellectual Disabilities" - acronym "EASYNEWS"), approved by the Erasmus Plus National Agency in Spain as part of the programme Erasmus Plus KA2 Strategic Partnerships for Adult Education as action n. 2020-1-ES01-KA204-082417. During the meeting, the partners discussed the various intellectual products produced and those to be produced and defined the steps of the project activities to be developed in the coming months. More information on the project and its activities and products can be found on the official web site at the following web address: https://easynewserasmusproject.es/ or on the Facebook page at the link https://www.facebook.com/Easynews108569271011998.
30. EURO-NET was officially accreditated for VET
We are pleased to inform you that the association EURO-NET, Europe Direct Basilicata centre, has been accredited by the National Agency Erasmus Plus INAPP as an organisation for the development of traineeship actions abroad in the call for proposals 2021 - EAC/A01/2021 - Erasmus+ Programme (2021/C 103/11) KA120 VET. EURO-NET, for this activity is the leader of a consortium including schools, training providers, information agencies, employers' organisations and public bodies. More information on the project will be available in our next newsletters.
31. Two project newsletters realised in the “Spirit of Europe - Origins”
In these days have been published on issuu the first and the second newsletter in English produced in the framework of the project "The Spirit of Europe Origins", an European initiative financed in Romania by the programme Erasmus Plus KA2 Strategic Partnerships for Adult Education as action n.20191-RO01-KA204-063864. The aim of the project is to develop an immersive simulated environment commonly known as a video/digital game, in which the student can travel through the history of Europe, from its mythological origins to the present day, actively participating in key events through history and mythology that have shaped the Europe of today. The project partners are: S.C. Predict CSD Consulting S.R.L. (Romania) - coordinator; Asociatia Millennium Center Arad (Romania); EURO-NET (Italy); IDEC (Greece); Inercia Digital SL (Spain). The first newsletter in English is available at the following link: https://issuu.com/memex23/docs/soe_newsletter_1, while the newsletter n.2 in English is available at the following link: https://issuu.com/memex23/docs/soe_newsletter_2. More information on the project can be found on the website: https://thespiritofeurope.eu/ or on the Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/TheSpiritofEurope.Origins/. More information on the project will be available in our next newsletters.