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Brief meeting of the “EASYNEWS" project 26
38. Kick-off meeting of the “3D4Auto” project
In date 01/02/2022 took place, online, the kick-off meeting of the project "ECVET compatible 3D printing training modules for automotive technologies" (acronym "3D4Auto") approved by the Erasmus Plus National Agency in Slovakia as Action n. 2021-1-SK01-KA220-VET-000034617 in the framework of the Erasmus Plus KA220-VET Programme Cooperative Partnerships in Vocational Education and Training. The project, whose international partnership also includes GODESK, a company from Potenza, is mainly aimed at the implementation and development of a 3D printing and prototyping course for high schools in the field of "Automotive Technology" with the intention of stimulating the young minds of students, awakening their creativity and potential in a school laboratory. 3D printing technology is now present in many sectors such as healthcare, manufacturing, aerospace and others, but it is still little used in vocational schools, where it is necessary to implement tools and materials that can be used by teachers to promote new forms of education and training. In addition to the Italian GODESK, the following organisations are part of the partnership: Stredna priemyselna skola dopravna (Slovakia - project coordinator), Higher School of Transport "Todor Kableshkov" (Bulgaria), CEPROF (Portugal), Vienna Association Of Education Volunteers (Austria), Exelia E.E. (Greece) and International Association for Research and Development of Vocational Education and Training (Turkey). The initiative started on 01/12/2021 and will end on 01/12/2023, unless extended due to the covid pandemic. More information on the project will be available in our next newsletters.
In date 02/02/2022 took place online a new meeting of the project “Think global, entrepreneur local” initiative approved under the Erasmus Plus KA2 Strategic Partnerships for VET programme as action n. 2019-1-MK01-KA202-060468. The project, in which GODESK SRL (coworking centre and innovation space in Potenza) is also an Italian partner, confirms, in fact, the great capacity for initiative and action of this Italian company in the field of start-ups and innovation. During the meeting, the partners discussed project developments, the activities carried out so far and those still to be implemented in the coming months. More information on the project will be available in our next newsletters.
44. Y.E.S.: organisation for the development of traineeships abroad
We are happy to communicate that the Youth Europe Service association, has also been accredited by the National Agency Erasmus Plus INAPP as an organisation for the development of traineeship actions abroad in the call for proposals 2021 - EAC/A01/2021 - Erasmus+ Programme (2021/C 103/11) KA120 VET. It is the result of the serious and constant work developed by all the staff of the organisation from Potenza, which was also awarded 4 times for its best practices.