Nova Roma | March Issue | Volume 4, Issue 4 | Highlands Latin School

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Nova Highlands Latin School


March 2021

Roma |

Volume 4, Issue 4

“To Teach Is To Touch A Life Forever” -Christa McAuliffe By: Marissa Mudd and Abi Bitner Highlands Latin School prides itself on our wonderful teachers and for good reason. Some of our teachers have known their whole lives that they were called to lead a classroom, while others didn’t realize it until later on in their lives. No matter the time or date, our amazing teachers continually demonstrate undeniable dedication and perseverance to their students. Ms. Willis was born to be a teacher as it is practically a family calling. Her father was a teacher, and he passed the reins off to Ms. Willis and two of her sisters. However, Ms. Willis’ own desire to become a teacher developed later on in her life while she was pursuing a degree at college. She attended Hillsdale College in Michigan and after taking their education classes, some of her favorite

professors spoke very highly of teaching and the importance of being an impact on others. Spurred on by this sentiment, Ms. Willis attended a classical school job fair at Hillsdale in search of teaching positions. Our principal, Mr. Wheatley, was at this very fair representing Highlands Latin School. A connection was then made between Ms. Willis and HLS and the rest is history. One encouraging thing Ms. Willis would say to all students is, “get more sleep and talk about what you’re learning with each other. The best way to learn is to talk about it with your friends.” From a very young age, Mrs. Lohman always dreamed of becoming a teacher. In her words, “I was the older sister playing school with my younger siblings, and I always made them

be the students.” She continued this dream into college by attending Hillsdale College and pursuing a degree in Mathematics and Classical Education. By the end of her sophomore year, she was fully committed to being a teacher. Mrs. Lohman and her husband moved to Kentucky because of her husband’s schooling. She then came to HLS because she was friends with Mrs. Pugh (2nd grade) and Ms. Willis who got her connected to the school. Mrs. Lohman would like to encourage HLS students to, “have fun and enjoy where you are and the time you get to spend just learning.” Another teacher who grew up with a passion for teaching is Mrs. Turrill. At age 3, she walked out of her first dance class saying, “Mommy, I was

By: Lilly Pottlitzer, Carly Wheat, Justin Gilbert, Caleb Kang matters. Through all the trials these teams have faced, both are showing heart and a desire to prove themselves in this new league, and the future is looking very bright for these HLS basketball teams. The girls basketball team has played some very tough competition in this new league and have been hampered by two covid related quarantines. They are currently 0-5 under new head coach Tim Amshoff, but they are optimistic about the remaining games. Sophomore Meredith

By: Steve and Gus S: Welcome back everyone and Happy New Year! We actually survived 2020! G: Good to see you guys again. Today we have Stella Montgomery here with us. S: Hi Stella! Thanks for joining us today. Why don’t you tell us about yourself? SM: Hi! I’m in 10th grade and I’m in the house of Andrew. G: Great, thanks Stella! Ok next question… SM: Wait actually, say I’m a sophomore it sounds better.

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Sports all across the country have looked drastically different this year than previous years, and that is no different for the HLS basketball season. Both guys and girls teams have faced quarantines and delays due to the coronavirus pandemic. Add to that the switch from the KCAA to the KHSAA, and this season is one for the history books. However, both the guys basketball team and the girls team have practiced, played, and grown as a team, and that is what really

What’ s Up!? Your HLS Student Spotlight

McFarland said, “This experience has grown us as a team more than I thought possible. We’re more patient, flexible, and grateful that we have had the chance to compete at all.” The girls have also had to deal with a limited roster this year due to covid, graduations from last year, and girls deciding not to play. The girls are led by seniors: Maggie Hunsucker, Lilly Pottlitzer, and Elizabeth Bramer who average 6.0, 4.0, and 3.5 rebounds respectively. Continued on Page 5

G: Wow, so picky. S: No Gus, She knows what she likes. Let’s start over. Hi everyone, today we are interviewing Stella Montgomery, a sophomore in the house of Andrew. G: Sounds great. Can I ask a question now? What’s been your favorite part of sophomore year? SM: It’s definitely easier than freshman year, and I really like my teachers. G: Yeah, I loved sophomore year too. S: What about sports? Do you play any sports for school? SM: I play field hockey in the fall. S: That’s a fun sport. What position do you play?

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Service Admist the Suffering


By: Lilly Luse

This trimester, house leaders were challenged with executing five service projects, and in this time of uncertainty, it’s more important than ever to give back. The house leadership teams rose to the challenge and are putting together a total of twenty projects, both to serve our school, and to work externally to aid local organizations. Sydney Windhorst, the Head of the House of Andrew shared that her house is able to work with organizations despite obstacles posed by the virus, “we’re working with Uspiritus and they’re not allowing people on campus, but they do have a need for people to stuff Valentine’s day bags and Easter eggs, so we’re going to be putting together goody bags for them,” she adds what a privilege it is to support the organization directly, “I really appreciate Uspiritus giving us this opportunity because they are closed off, and they can’t have visitors, but we were still able to serve people this way.” Other members of the House of Andrew leadership cabinet are carrying out acts of service. Sam Birkholz is hosting a canned goods drive to provide food for students at Cochran Elementary.

Sydney and her house are also working to serve our school and our neighbors as they plan a cleaning day for the school and write cards to residents of the Forum. She reminds us that even a small act of kindness can mean a lot in these times, “it’s just a nice thing, and I mean, you never know how much an encouraging word, even from a stranger, can make you feel better.” AJ Mangione, the head of House of Patrick, is partnering with the Franciscan soup kitchen, a service project that’s been popular with the house in the past, while working with a new organization, the Burrito Riders. As AJ explains it, “we make a bunch of burritos, get on bikes, and distribute them in Downtown Louisville to the homeless.” House of Patrick will also serve the school by taking care of box tops brought in by students and through a classroom cleanup. AJ has a big goal for his house: to not only do good for the community, but to inspire the members of this house to go out and make a difference outside of school, “of course, you want to do good for the community and the school, that’s nice, but I’m trying to get the house to want to do

Julia and Jane are pictured above cleaning classrooms as one of Patrick’s service projects.

Service Project by House of George service, not as much to just do it for points. I want people to actually enjoy and see the good that you do, and how it can affect you as a person.” Lilly Pottlitzer, Head of the House of George, is focusing on tackling environmental issues for her services projects. Sophie Harris, a member of the house of George has implemented a recycling program throughout HLS, and the leadership is organizing a trash pickup at Seneca park. She hopes her efforts to help environmental projects will inspire others to make small steps toward change in their own lives, “I am hoping that this can show people that doing this can help the environment, and a little does go a long way.” Another cabinet member, Elizabeth Bramer, is helping out a ministry she and her family are close to, and will be purchasing supplies for them. House of George is also writing encouraging letters to a local nursing home, and Lilly is putting on a project connected with her church. She wants to instill in her house a desire to help others, by “showing our house how to serve, and put them towards a servant-hearted direction.” I am the head of the House of David, and I am so excited to be able

to take on so many projects this trimester. My team is writing cards for the maintenance staff and administrators here at school, people who may not always receive a thank you for their hard work to keep this place up and running. Carter McGill is in charge of a team of our house basketball players, and will be assisting in the senior night events for the men’s and women’s basketball teams. We are also organizing a day to clean up and collect trash at Cherokee Park, to deliver baked goods to the residents of the Forum, and we are working on visiting Kindergarten classes to read stories aloud to them. I think that in a time where the most vulnerable members of our communities have been most greatly affected by the events of the past year, it is paramount that we use our gifts and our resources to help those around us. I am so proud of my house for stepping up and getting involved when they can, and I hope they look back on this year in the future as one where they felt they were really making a difference.

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Student Spotlight Continued from page 1 SM: I am a midfielder. Usually I play center mid, but this year I just did wherever.

G: That’s great. I bet that’s fun to play different positions. SM: Yeah, I like it, it’s fun to move around the field. S: What about hobbies? What do you like to do for fun? SM: Well I babysit a lot. I guess that wouldn’t be a hobby, but I like it alot. G: Do you get paid for all that babysitting? SM: Oh yeah, I get paid. G: Ok, it’s worth it then. Any other hobbies? SM: Yeah, I also just started playing ukulele and doing watercoloring. Oh, and photography. I worked at a kid’s camp this summer, and I was the photographer. S: Photography is amazing, you’re speaking my language Stella. Those are some great hobbies! SM: I’ve loved getting to play ukulele, and it’s been so fun to have some extra

time to learn new things. S: That’s great! I have another for you, have you ever been out of the country? SM: I went to Canada once and visited Toronto during a summer vacation. G: I love Toronto! What’s your favorite place that you have ever visited? SM: When I was younger we went to Colorado like five summers in a row. I would say that was probably my favorite place. S: That’s awesome! I love going out west. Ok next question: Do you ever make New Year’s resolutions? SM: I usually don’t but this year is my first year making one. G: That’s great! Let’s hear it. SM: So each month I’m picking a different person and learning their favorite Bible verse. S: That’s so cool! Gus, do you have any New Year’s resolutions? G: I want to eat a bug. All my favorite people have

eaten a bug, whether on a dare or not, and I feel like I am missing out. Unfortunately, I think it is going to take all year to muster up the courage. S: You’re disgusting. G: Hey, don’t make fun of me. Ok, I have another question. Who is winning in a 1v1 in basketball: You, Levi, or Elijah? S: I think it would be Stella. G: I think Levi would win easily. SM: Well not me, I could try, but it wouldn’t go very well. Levi and my dad can beat Elijah, but against each other I think Elijah would beat Levi. S: I still think you would win, Stella. SM: Thanks Steve. G: Yeah, Elijah is getting kinda old he’s lost a step or two. Ok Stella, we have now come to the most important question in the interview: who’s your favorite Disney princess? SM: I would say Mulan. Mulan is pretty cool.

S: I love that answer! SM: Yeah, I like more interesting princesses. G: I feel like Snow White is the worst princess. SM: That’s Mr. Janke’s favorite. G: Well Mr. Janke dissed my favorite movie of all time: Cars. So we definitely have differing opinions. S: Alright that’s it folks! Thank you so much Stella! SM: You are so welcome! G: Well readers, we only have a few days until spring break! Let’s all pull through, and I hope everyone has a great rest of their day! Oh, did you see that bug?

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By: Sam Birkholz and Jonathan Lasoi Sam Birkholz: Welcome back! Hope everyone had a great Christmas break. Today we’re here to get the inside scoop on Ethan Frizzell, David Schwab, Sean Vanderwoude, Cade Wheat, and Justin Gilbert. Jonathan Lasoi: Yessir! Alright boys first up, let’s start easy, what’s your favorite subject? Justin Gilbert: Probably Latin. Cade Wheat: History. Sean Vanderwoude: History. Ethan Frizzell: I’d have to say Anatomy. David Schwab: Computer Programming, easy. SB: Interesting. So, what’s one of your guys’ favorite HLS moments? JG: Winning basketball regional championships three years in a row was pretty awesome. CW: Playing senior assassin this year was really fun… pretty sure someones still alive actually. SV: I scored a goal in soccer from behind half field which was super fun. EF: I got chased into cow manure at one of the men’s retreats by Luke Robson so that was pretty memorable. DS: Beating North Hardin at home last season, that game was honestly so much fun to watch. JL: Good stuff! Alright boys, a personal favorite of mine, favorite musical artist. JG: Either Luke Combs or Russel Dickerson. CW: Lil Uzi or Michael Jackson, I like them both. SV: I’m a big Taylor Swift fan. EF: I gotta go old school, Journey. DS: Man that’s tough, probably Maroon Five. SB: Alright! I like it, ok so movies, what’s your favorite movie. JG: Gladiator is the best, easy. CW: Probably Star Wars. SV: Inception. EF: Lord of the Rings. I love them so much. DS: Spider-Man, any SpiderMan movie.

JL: Cool, so do you all have any favorite sports teams? JG: I’m a big Louisville Cardinals and New England Patriots fan. CW: Packers! SV: Really just soccer, I love soccer in general. EF: Tampa Bay Buccaneers, baby! DS: Not a huge professional guy, but I like the Cards. SB: Aw Yeah! Go Cards! So be honest. Describe to me your perfect meal. JG: I want a 10oz beef filet with sweet potatoes. CW: Definitely steak, maybe even with ribs, just that is all I need. SV: Steak wrapped in bacon stuffed with feta cheese, it’s amazing literally the best thing I have ever had. EF: So my dad makes this thing called Cabassa, where it’s rice, onions, peppers, and then the main meat is like some really good sausage and then an amazing sauce that has maple syrup in it, the whole thing is just so good. DS: Ok ok so, I want a bacon cheeseburger with meat, cheese, bacon, extra pickles, ketchup and mayo, along with an 8inch hotdog with just ketchup, and then 2 crunchy tacos with beef, lettuce and cheese. Oh, and some broccoli and carrots with some bbq sauce on the side, but I probably won’t use it. I just want it there for moral support. JL: Dang, y’all are seriously craving some protein. Ok so just for kicks, I wanted to know who you all thought in the senior class would be voted most likely to end up living in their parents basement. JG: David. CW: Probably David. SV: David. EF: Honestly, no one but if I had to say, probably David. Continued on Page 6

The Teacher’s of HLS Continued from Page 1

teaching them…”. Being mentored by a teacher at Colorado Christian University, Mrs. Turrill discovered a love for ancient histrory and particularly church history. It was at an informative fair at Southern Seminary that Mrs. Turrill discovered HLS. Her first day on the job proved successful, “I walked away from the first class I had ever taught (a group of this year’s seniors) thinking, ‘I want to do this every day for the rest of my life,’ and I haven’t looked back since.” Mrs. Turrill teaches 10th grade Classical and Christian Studies and loves teaching students material that turns them to worship the Lord. She says, “Seeing the wonder on their faces when they start to grasp the wonder of the incarnation or the mind-blowing

Editor’s Note

nature of God’s foreknowledge or the Trinity is an incredible privilege and delight.” To juniors and seniors Mrs. Turrill wants to remind them that whatever they decide on for a major or college, they can trust that the Lord has a good plan for them. To all her students, Mrs. Turrill says, “Regardless of your grade in my class, I want to be here for you and help to succeed and to learn to love the Lord more because of your time as my student.” At Highlands Latin School, we are truly blessed to have such amazing teachers who strive to fill us with knowledge so that we may go out and fulfill God’s plan for us. Be sure to let them know how appreciated they are as you continue pursuing knowledge at HLS.

By: Sydney Windhorst Dear readers, As I am writing this, I am overwhelmed by the fact that I am about to embark on my final trimester at HLS. Having entered the school in fifth grade, I never thought I would make it this far. But, as if in the blink of an eye, it has come. I hope as you look back on your HLS career, you smile and are proud of all of the challenges you have overcome. For many of you, the journey is just getting started. Some of you may currently be in the middle of obstacles so high that you cannot even fathom an end. I encourage you to take heart and continue to do your best. I also ask you take advantage of the seniors while they are still available. They have been in your shoes. Ask them for advice or aid, to share their memories- I know they would all be happy too. Be sure to embrace this last trimester! Sincerely, Sydney Windhorst


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Nova Roma Staff

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When asked what she thinks they need to improve on, senior Lilly Pottlitzer said, “I think mainly we just need to work on keeping our heads up when things get the end of the day we’re doing pretty great as a team, and I can’t wait to see what happens next.” The team recently celebrated their seniors February 9th on the ceremonious senior night. The boys basketball team has also fought many competitive games this year and currently hold a record of 4-11. The boys basketball season usually starts in mid-October but due to covid, the boys did not see the court until January 5th. The Highlanders are led by captains Justin Gilbert and Elijah Montgomery, as well as, mentored by five year head coach Tony Schnell. When asked what changes he has seen in the new league, junior Sam Birkholz said, “It’s crazy how much faster players are and more accurate shooters they are.” In fact, a HLS record was broken this season. In a 68-60 loss against KCD, senior Justin Gilbert scored 46 points. He set the single game scoring record for HLS which was previously held by Evan Shields with

42 points. Captain, Elijah Montgomery, said when asked how he has seen this team grow, “The competitive fire on our team and the brotherhood.” The Highlanders took part in the KCAC tournament on January 31 and beat Danville Christian and Portland Christian to win the tournament. The all-tournament team for the Highlanders consisted of senior, Carter Mcgill, junior, Jake Hamilton, sophomore, Andrew Gilliam, and the MVP of the tournament was senior Justin Gilbert. This was the Highlanders first time participating in this tournament, making it a momentous win for the team and for the program going forward. When asked what he was most excited about, sophomore, Andrew Gilliam, said, “I’m looking forward to the Christmas tournament that will be in February.” With their tournament win, the Highlanders seem to be turning things around in what has been a crazy season. Through all the trials and restrictions these teams have faced, they have never complained or given up. They are persevering and showing what it means to be a Highlands Latin student athlete. Continue to show the teams support even if you cannot attend games in person.

Sydney Windhorst Sophie Harris Samantha Kang Steve Gus Justin Gilbert Lilly Luse Abi Bitner Lilly Pottlitzer Leili Popejoy Carly Wheat Kara Moran Elliana Bitner Sam Birkholz Jonathan Lasoi George Hall Grant McGill Sophie Krumhansl Marissa Mudd Caleb Kang

Editor-In-Chief Junior Editor Format Editor Student Spotlight Student Spotlight Sports Writer Features Writer Features Writer Sports Writer Book Review Sports Writer Advice Columnist Photographer Senioritis Writer Senioritis Writer Poll Conductor Poll Conductor Head of Art, Poems, and Puzzels Features Writer Sports Writer

Book Review and Recommendation By: Leili Popejoy

In Till We Have Faces, his imagined retelling of the tale of Cupid and Psyche, C.S. Lewis explores true beauty and the benevolence of the gods through his main character Orual: the ugly sister of the enchanting Psyche. The story begins in the mythical land of Glome, where Orual is the daughter of its king. Here they sacrifice to Ungit and her son who lives upon the Grey Mountain, otherwise known to the Greeks as Aphrodite and Cupid. After her mother’s passing, Orual’s cruel father remarries and Psyche is born. She is beautiful and loved by the people of Glome. A group arises who desire to worship her as a goddess, however, when famine falls upon the land the people’s loyalties turn. It is revealed that Psyche must be sacrificed to the god of the Grey Mountain in order to appease the wrath of Ungit and restore the kingdom’s prosperity. Throughout this unwinding tale, Lewis’ main character must grapple with her outward appearance as it pertains to her identity and soul. It is a highly engaging fictional tale that supplies deeper meaning and includes Lewis’ signature allusions to Christianity while remaining in the thematic realm of the book. He seamlessly balances narrative storytelling and introspective truths.


Third trimester starts on March 16th! Finish strong! As we enter the third trimester, please talk to Sydney if you have any interest in being on the news staff next year.

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Continued fron Page 3 DS: Most likely me. JL: Oh man, well I hope things turn out better than expected for David! SB: Now tell us, if you coucld choose any destination, where would you most like to travel? JG: Probably Australia. CW: Deep Caribbean Islands, that’d be super fun. SV: I’d say Australia. EF: Oh man, that’s hard, probably New Zealand.

DS: I’m not a huge travel kinda guy, but if I can bring people with me, I’d probably say England. I’d just do random stuff and mess with British people. SB: Good stuff guys, well that’s it for this month, thank you to the five seniors who let us interview you all. I hope everyone enjoyed this article and we’ll see you next month! JL: Peace everyone and enjoy your month!

Advice Column By: Sophie Harris

After a trimester packed with tests, papers, sports seasons, and a record amount of snow, what all of us need right now is a break. A real break. Many of us pack our breaks with all the things we couldn’t do while in school, often coming out of the break more tired and stressed than when we went into it. In order to make sure we are all refreshed and ready to take on one last trimester, do these very important things… First, take care of your body! When we are in school, it is very easy to neglect to take care of your body’s basic needs because we have such limited time. 1. Make sure you exercise for at least 30 minutes a day. Exercise reduces levels of the body’s stress hormones, such as adrenaline and cortisol. It also stimulates the production of endorphins, chemicals in the brain that are the body’s natural painkillers and mood elevators. If possible, try to exercise outside. Nature further reduces cortisol and stimulates the production of endorphins. 2. Get 9 hours of sleep and stick to a regular sleep schedule. It may seem obvious, but the best way to rest is to rest! 3. Eat well. During school, most of us often do not have time to do anything but scarf down the

first thing we can find. Over the break, take your time to put together together three healthy, balanced meals a day. Give your body the proper fuel to recharge. Secondly, take care of your mind! A great way to do this is to “unplug”. Put your phone down, detach from social media, don’t spend all day on Netflix. It is of course ok to spend some time on your screens-it is your free time to fill however you like- but spending all day in front of a screen has been proven to make us more unhappy and stressed. Furthermore, do not let your brain go unexercised for two weeks! Try to do a little academic activity every day, such as reading, so that coming back to school is not so hard to do. The most important piece of advice I can give you is this- practice gratitude, especially concerning school. Try to thank God each and every day that you get the opportunity to go to school. If you start to internalize those feelings of gratitude, you will come back to school thankful and ready to do your best in any challenge that might be thrown your way. I sincerely hope you use these tips to truly rest. Enjoy yourselves over break, you have earned it! Now, go forth and recharge!

“ -C

The seniors celebrated their senior nights in February. While the whole school was not invited, the players were able to celbrate their highschool career with their teammates, friends, family, and fellow seniors. Be sure to congradulate them!

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Acrylic painting of Pears By: Emily Grace Haner

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