proud By MARY ANN UPCHURCH, Executive Director
roud. That is the first word that comes to mind when I think about the opportunity I have been given. It is an honor to be named your next Executive Director of the Memphis Bar Association and I would like to thank the members, stakeholders, and leaders in the Memphis legal community for your trust in me. I do not take my responsibilities lightly and this important role is no exception. I cannot think of a better time than now to support the professionals that deliver justice to our city. These first two months have been about listening and learning. My goal is to gather as much feedback as possible, identify the consistent themes, the challenges and opportunities, and work with leadership to determine our focus, strategic plan and action steps toward the betterment and diversification of the Bar, the law, and the community.
My 24 year career to date in the non-profit sector has been about improving the life of others. My commitment to my community continues as I start my journey at the MBA. Creating a plan, implementing it, and heeding results to help others is what drives me. It is my passion to see it through and celebrate the good work that has been accomplished. The bonus is that I get to work with incredible board of directors and members that give their time and talents so selflessly. I wake up excited about the individuals I get to meet and work with each day. Community service has been a good strong career choice for me because I experience the joy of making a positive difference in someone’s life. I strongly believe in utilizing the skills that God has blessed us with and I see no difference in applying that to our professional careers. In business and in community, and even in family and friends, relationships are the key to a healthy,
MBA Executive Committee welcomes new Executive Director Mary Ann Upchurch in May. (left to right) Peter Gee, Mary Ann Upchurch, Tannera Gibson, Adam Johnson, Jennifer Sink, Lucie Brackin, Chancellor Will Perry, and Quinton Thompson. (not pictured). 6