Education Research Frontier December 2015, Volume 5, Issue 4, PP. 109-112
Experiment Study on Elastic Modulus Measurement
——Implementation of students' innovative research project of Shandong University of Science and Technology Yanxia Wang School of Traffic and Vehicle Engineering, Shandong University of Technology, Zibo 255049, china †
Abstract In order to improve the quality of undergraduate education and combine theory and practice, Shandong University of science and technology organized innovative research activities project for undergraduates. Combined with the characteristics of engineering mechanics course, teachers of engineering mechanics teaching and research section guided students to take an active part in scientific research and innovation practice teaching, which has obtained a good teaching effect. This paper introduces the concrete implement process of the college students' innovative scientific research project "determination of the elastic modulus ", which measures elastic modulus of ceramics, cast iron, steel by using the electrical measuring method and ultrasonic method. Practice has proved that implement undergraduate innovation research projects can effectively arouse the enthusiasm of students learning, cultivate students' scientific research innovation and analytical abilities to solve practical scientific research problems. Keywords: Undergraduate; Innovation research; Elasticity modulus; Engineering mechanics; Ultrasonic
测量材料弹性模量的实验探讨 ——山东理工大学大学生创新研究项目的实施 王延遐 山东理工大学 交通与车辆工程学院,山东 淄博 255049 摘
力学教研室结合本课程自身特点,引导学生积极参加科研创新实践教学环节,取得了良好的教学效果。本文介绍了在大 学生创新科研项目“材料弹性模量的测定”中,分别利用电测法及超声波法测量陶瓷、铸铁、钢的弹性模量的具体实施 过程。实践证明实施本科生创新科研项目可以有效调动学生学习的积极性,培养学生的科研创新和分析解决实际科研问 题的能力。 关键词:本科生;创新研究;弹性模量;工程力学;超声波
引言 为加强大学生创新意识和实践能力的培养,山东理工大学于 2009 年开始实施大学生创新研究项目,截 止到 2015 年,已经连续开展了七届。实施大学生创新科研项目,引导本科生参与创新科研,不仅能使学生 深入理解所学的基础理论知识,提高实验技能,同时还可以使学生了解学科前沿发展状况,增加学习知识 的兴趣,提高科研工作的兴趣,为学生后续的科研训练打下良好基础。 为了培养大学生的科研意识和动手能力,激发大学生的创新思维,工程力学教研室结合本课程自身特 点,帮助学生申请并完成了大学生创新研究项目“材料弹性模量的测定”。弹性模量是表征材料弹性性能 - 109