Research on Object Oriented Programming Teaching Based on KM Teaching Theory

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Education Research Frontier June 2015, Volume 5, Issue 2, PP.17-22

Research on Object Oriented Programming Teaching Based on KM Teaching Theory Faguo Zhou 1, Fan Zhang 1#, Bingru Yang 2

1. School of Mechanical Electronic and Information Engineering, China University of Mining and Technology, Beijing 100083, China 2. University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing 100083, China #


Abstract Object oriented programming is one of the compulsory courses in science or engineering major in universities, and it is also a professional basic course of computer science and technology and its relative majors. In this paper, on the basis of describing the teaching method of KM teaching theory, the course teaching of object oriented programming based on KM teaching theory is deeply discussed. The teaching mode, teaching content and teaching method based on KM teaching theory of this course are set forth in detail. And at the same time, some graphs of knowledge logic structure and learning in mind form are given in part. Thus, the teaching content based on the logic structure, theoretical framework and the internal relation of knowledge is established. Insisting on “erection first, then filling and induction” and “fewer but better” in principle, to reform teaching mechanism, teaching model, teaching content and teaching method according to the foregoing guidance. The practice has proved and will continue to prove that the KM teaching theory is a very worth popularizing teaching method. Keywords: Knowledge Logic Structure; Learning in Mind Form; KM Teaching Theory; Object Oriented Programming

基于 KM 教学论的面向对象程序设计教学研究 * 周法国 1,张帆 1,杨炳儒 2 1. 中国矿业大学(北京)机电与信息工程学院,北京 100083 2. 北京科技大学,北京 100083 摘 要:针对面向对象程序设计是大学理工科专业的必修课程之一,也是计算机科学与技术相关专业的专业基础课,本文 在对基于 KM 教学论的教学方法进行了叙述的基础上,对 KM 教学论在面向对象程序设计这门课程的教学上进行了深入 探讨,阐述了基于 KM 教学论在面向对象程序设计课程中的教学模式、教学内容与教学方法,并给出了该课程的部分知 识逻辑结构图和思维形式注记图,确立以讲授知识的逻辑结构、理论框架和内在联系为主,对思维活动加以诱导,坚持 “先搭架,后填充,再诱导”和少而精的原则对课程知识进行组织和教学,是一种非常值得大力推广的教学方法。 关键词:知识逻辑结构;思维形式注记;KM 教学论;面向对象程序设计

引言 面向对象程序设计是理工科大学生的一门基础课,尤其是计算机相关专业的专业基础课。学好本课程 可以培养学生使用面向对象技术进行分析和解决实际问题的能力,培养学生无论以后在学习、工作中使用 什么语言编程,都能灵活应用这些思想和方法的能力。 本文以 C++语言为例进行面向对象程序设计课程的教学方法进行研究,面向对象的概念本身极具抽象 性和复杂性,而 C++语言语法规则繁多、使用灵活,老师在讲授过程中既要培养学生程序设计的思想,又 *

基金资助:受中国矿业大学(北京)面向对象技术与 C++程序设计课程建设支持资助(k120406) 。 - 17

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