Research of Materials Science June 2015, Volume 4, Issue 2, PP.41-46
Research on Technology and Anti-Boiling Roperty of Ni-P-PTFE Composite Coating Yunyun Liu, Chuanqi Fu#, Wei Zeng Department of Mechanical Engineering, Dalian University, Dalian City 116622, China #
Abstract The purpose of the research: To research the influence of the technological parameters to anti-scale performance of Ni-P-PTFE coating. This paper, preparation of Ni-P-PTFE composite coating was prepared on 45 steel specimen surface by means of chemical plating. Effect of citric acid, surfactant and PTFE content in the plating solution to morphology and the structure of the organization, PTFE content in coating and plating anti-scale performance on composite coatings had been studied by SEM and XRD. The experimental results showed that: with the increase of the content of citric acid coating scaling rate showed declines then rising trend; Scaling rate showed a negative correlation with PTFE content, with the increase of concentration of PTFE scaling rate decline at a slower pace; Scaling rate as surfactant content increase with the decrease of the first . When the citric acid is 1.6 g/L, surfactant is 0.3 g/L, PTFE emulsion concentration 10 ml/L, and anti-scaling best performance. Keywords: Electroless; Ni-P-PTFE Composite Coatings; Citric Acid; Surfactant; Scaling Rate
Ni-P-PTFE 复合镀层的工艺与阻垢性能研究 * 刘云云,付传起,曾伟 大连大学机械工程学院,辽宁 大连 116622 摘 要:为了研究工艺参数对复合 Ni-P-PTFE 复合镀层的阻垢性能的影响。采用化学沉积方法制备 Ni-P-PTFE 复合镀层, 并利用正交试验方法分析施镀工艺对复合镀层的防垢性能的影响;通过扫面电镜、X-ray 射线衍射等手段研究了镀液中柠 檬酸、活性剂和 PTFE 含量对 Ni-P-PTFE 镀层的组织及形貌、镀层中 PTFE 含量以及镀层阻垢性能的影响。研究结果表明: 随着柠檬酸含量的增加,镀层的结垢率呈现出先下降后上升的变化趋势;结垢率与 PTFE 含量呈负相关性,随着 PTFE 浓 度的升高结垢率下降的速度减慢;结垢率随着活性剂含量先减小后增大。当柠檬酸为 1.6g/L、活性剂为 0.3g/L、 PTFE 乳 液浓度 10ml/L,阻垢性能最佳。 关键词:化学沉积;Ni-P-PTFE 复合镀层;表面活性剂;结垢率
引言 化学沉积 Ni-P 合金镀层具有优良的耐蚀性能,同时具有高结合力强及硬度,广泛应用于石油化工、机 械工程、电子信息及航空航天等领域
。但是,研究发现 Ni-P 镀层阻垢性能不太明显,而聚四氟乙烯
(PTFE)是高惰性的聚合物具有摩擦系数小、憎水、憎油的特性,具有表面能低,抗粘着性好的优良性能, 所以利用复合镀技术将 PTFE 粒子添加到 Ni-P 镀层中,可以获得具有优异阻垢性能的 Ni-P-PTFE 复合镀层[58]
。针对 PTFE 的这些特点,在不改变其耐蚀性的前提下,采用化学沉积正交实验的方法制备化学沉积 Ni-P-
PTFE 复合镀层,研究了不同镀液中柠檬酸、PTFE 和活性剂含量对镀层中的 PTFE 含量和结垢率的影响。 *
基金资助:受地方高校国家级及辽宁省大学生创新创业训练计划项目支持资助(201411258020,201411258019) 。 - 41