Education Research Frontier September 2015, Volume 5, Issue 3, PP.37‐41
Research on Co-op Program for Entrepreneurial Education in the Automotive Industry Jie Ji 1#, Mengrou Tang 2 1. College of Engineering and Technology, Southwest University, Chongqing 400715, China 2. Department of Automotive Engineering, Jiangxi V&T College of Communication, Nanchang 330013, China #
Abstract Reinforcing entrepreneurial education at universities will have a positive impact on the entrepreneurial dynamism of Chinese economy, and the support for entrepreneurship in higher education has never been more important than it is now. For the major of Automotive Engineering, Cooperative Education (Co-op) is an academic-focused program which allows students to obtain professional work experience while still in university. The Co-op program will provide students with the chance to combine classroom study with periods of paid professional employment directly related to the major of automotive engineering and career goals. This paper will introduce the successful experiences of Co-op program at University of Waterloo, and the exploration of the Co-op program provides an innovative fostering model for entrepreneurship education in China. Keywords: Co-operative Education; Automotive Engineering; Entrepreneurship Education; Canada
车辆工程专业 Co-op 校企协同创业教育模式研究* 冀杰 1,唐梦柔 2 1. 西南大学工程技术学院,重庆 400715 2. 江西交通职业技术学院,江西 南昌 330013 摘 要:目前,我国对高校创业教育的重视程度越来越高,在高校中大力推行创业教育将有效激发我国的经济活力。对于 车辆工程专业而言,校企协同人才教育模式能够帮助学生在校期间获得本行业的实际工作经验,同时能将所学的本专业 理论知识应用到汽车行业的实际工作中,从而为将来的创业活动奠定坚实的基础。本文将着重介绍加拿大滑铁卢大学在 Co-op 校企协同创业教育模式方面的成功经验,为我国创业教育提供一种创新的教育模式。 关键词:校企协同教育;车辆工程;创业教育;加拿大
引言 随着我国汽车工业的快速发展和汽车市场的不断扩大,当前对车辆工程领域的创业人才需求也日益旺 盛。优秀的创业人才不仅要掌握扎实的车辆工程专业理论知识,还应具备较强的工程实践能力以及良好的 综合素质,上述培养目标需要通过学校里的系统课堂教学和企业中的大量实习实践锻炼共同实现。然而, 目前大多数高校车辆工程专业的实践过程只是传统课堂理论教学方式的一种延伸,而非基于校企合作的专 业能力素质训练过程,在汽车行业的优秀创业人才培养方面依然存在一定欠缺。因此,根据车辆工程专业 创业教育的实际需要创新校企协同培养体系,是适应汽车行业可持续发展的最新需要,也是我国汽车工业 取得国际竞争力的重要保证。 目前,世界各国高校正在积极开展校企协同创新培养机制方面的探索。其中,加拿大众多高校采取的 *
基金资助:受重庆市高等教育教学改革研究项目支持资助(1203036)。 - 37