Scientific Journal of Earth Science March 2015, Volume 5, Issue 1, PP.12-17
A New Perspective about Climate Change K. B. Mao#1,2,3, Y. Ma#1,2, T.R. Xu3, Q. Liu1, J.Q. Han1, L. Xia1, X. Y. Shen4, T. J. He5 1. National Hulunber Grassland Ecosystem Observation and Research Station, Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100081, China 2. Chinese Agricultural Big Data and Nutrition Research Institute, Pokfulam, Hong Kong 3. State Key Laboratory of Remote Sensing Science, Jointly Sponsored by the Institute of Remote Sensing Applications of Chinese Academy of Sciences and Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China. 4. Hydrometeorology and Remote Sensing Laboratory, University of Oklahoma, Norman 73072, USA 5. Department of Geography, University of Toronto, Toronto M5S 3G3, Canada #
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Abstract With the Sun as a reference system, the rotation of the Earth causes a diurnal temperature variation thereon; while its revolution around the sun results in seasonal climatic variations. When referenced by the galactic system, the sun also rotates and revolves: the Earth changes cyclically. Moreover, the galactic system rotates and revolves, and moves along its orbit in the universe, which leads to longer climate change periods on Earth. By analyzing these phenomena, this research considered that terrestrial daily weather variations were due to the orbit changes of celestial bodies leading to a constant change in the Earth’s gravitational and magnetic fields. The Earth, which revolves and rotates at high-speed, constantly regulates itself to reach dynamic equilibrium. As a result, this self-regulation causes daily water cycles including atmospheric water vapour changes, rainfall, and ocean currents, magmatic changes in the Earth’s interior, etc. Periodical variations of the climate on Earth arose from the periodical movement of celestial bodies while extreme climates were caused by the effects of celestial bodies which influenced the Earth over longer periods. The variations of terrestrial weather and climate are regarded as astronomical phenomena. Extreme weather results from abrupt changes in the gravitational field direction of celestial bodies which exert little influence on the Earth. In fact, human beings only play a minor role in terrestrial systems. In view of further research on climate change, a weather-gravitational variation model with the solar or the galactic system as its centre is expected to be constructed by joining the efforts of scholars from different fields. On this basis, more research is needed to simulate the mechanism of the changes of celestial body gravitation which result in the motions of the Earth’s atmosphere and ocean currents, as well as the occurrence of earthquakes and volcanic eruption, so that the disasters can be predicted. Due to the long motion period of celestial bodies, current observational data and technologies are insufficient. The celestial body’s movement law can be back-calculated from the knowledge of the periodic changes in terrestrial climate extremes. Keywords: Climate Change; Celestial Body; Terrestrial Climate Extremes
1 INTRODUCTION An increase in extreme weather events has caused confusion as to which year in recent years is the hottest or the coldest. According to four independent analyses [NASA-GISS, HadCRUT3, NOAA-NCDC, and Japan Meteorological Agency] [1-3], Many reports and research confirm that extreme floods, heat waves, droughts, and wildfires that have wrecked on a global scale over the past decade have been exacerbated by climate change [4][5]. What is the leading cause of climate change? In modern times, with continuous development of science and technology, humans are still incapable of controlling climate change, and even fail to know its causes. Climate change has been subject to much attention from politicians, economists, scientists, etc. worldwide. The Earth is an - 12
extremely complicated ecosystem. Its climate continuously changes over its long history, including changes induced by solar radiation, volcanic eruptions, etc. Most scholars consider that it is humans that cause global warming. In their point of view, by burning fossil fuel and deforesting, humans caused the increase in greenhouse gas concentration, the changes in sulphide aerosol concentrations, continental surface coverage and land-use changes, etc. Humans have not found the real reasons for climate change mainly because of the limitation of observational data and our research methods. The changes in atmosphere and ocean circulations are widely considered to be main cause leading to natural climate change and influence the climate on land accordingly: these circulatory changes are the primary cause of key climate factor changes at a regional scale. However, why do atmosphere and ocean circulations happen and what are earthquakes and volcanic eruptions caused by? Climate change cannot be comprehended further before answering the above questions. Celestial bodies follow Kepler’s three laws and the law of universal gravitation in their movements. That is why celestial bodies are able to move along their elliptical orbits in their high-speed motion (rotational and revolutionary) although they always present inertia. Therefore, celestial bodies regulate themselves continually to achieve a new dynamic equilibrium by absorbing or releasing energy. Regarding the Earth, it regulates its energy in the forms of atmosphere and ocean current cycles, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, etc. during its high-speed movement. This research proposed that the changes in weather and climate (even the appearance and disappearance of species) are caused by the periodic changes in celestial body orbits. Due to exerting only small effects on climate change, humans have to adapt to climate change passively in most situations.
Limited by observational technology, the ancients believed that the Earth was an unmeasured flat consisting of lands and oceans. Suppose it were true, then why does the Sun rise in the east and set in the west every day? The ancients presented various answers to this question. While, with the development of science, humans have observed the exact shape of the Earth from outer space and verified that the Earth is an oblate sphere with a longer east-west semidiameter and a shorter north-south one. Assuming that one lived for just one day, how does one understand climate change? The temperature on the Earth changes approximating to the cosine curve every day: the temperature is lowest at night and highest by day. Why does this diurnal variation happen? Is it because there is less carbon dioxide in the morning while more at noon? The truth is the contrary: according to observational data, there is less carbon dioxide by day and more at night. From the observational data above, would people infer that the increase of carbon dioxide leads to the lower temperature? As shown in Figure 1, the causes resulting in temperature diurnal variations are the Earth’s rotation. It is cold when the Sun has just risen because the ground and the atmosphere cool because of a lack of illumination from the Sun at night. While at noon, the atmosphere and the ground have been heated and the sunlight irradiates the Earth directly with only minimum energy removed by atmospheric reflection. That is why it is hottest at noon.
Suppose that one lived a mere three months, how does one understand climate change? The carbon dioxide - 13
concentration on the Earth decreases successively with the change from spring, to summer, to autumn, and winter. Even the observational data and scope are not as long as one year, people will not come to the conclusion that the temperature change was induced by a change in carbon dioxide levels. The four seasons on Earth are not merely the result of periodic changes in temperature, but also that of the length of the day and the night, and the solar altitude. The change of the length of the day, the night, and the solar altitude determine the temperature variation. In addition, seasonal change is not uniform on a global scale. During the northern hemisphere summer, the southern hemisphere is in its winter. While, when the northern hemisphere cools, the southern one warms. The northern hemisphere sees summer from the vernal equinox, through summer solstice, and ending at autumnal equinox. At the same time, the southern hemisphere is in its winter. All these changes result from the revolution of the Earth around the Sun. Figure 2 shows that the combination of the rotation and revolution of the Earth contribute to the day/night cycle, seasonal change, and the presence of five temperature zones (the tropics, the northern and southern temperate, and frigid, zones). Due to the rotation of the Earth, stars rise in the east and set in the west and the day and night alternate, which cause periodic diurnal variations in all kind of terrestrial processes (such as the diurnal variations in atmospheric physical processes). By analysis, the temperature diurnal variation and the seasonal variation within the year are determined by the Earth’s rotation and revolution. To be exact, they are caused by orbit changes: an astronomical phenomenon.
3 THE ANNUAL VARIATION OF THE EARTH’S TEMPERATURE After entering the industrial age, the Earth’s carbon dioxide concentration changed over time. The Earth’s surface temperature changes inter-annually as well, but it does not increase with the increased carbon dioxide concentration. Especially in the past 10 years, the temperature on the surface of the Earth has ceased to change, but why? What causes the daily weather changes? If there are just the Sun and the Earth in the solar system, then terrestrial climate change would be regular. However, there are many high-speed moving planets in the solar system and most of them have their own satellites. Meanwhile, the Earth is not a uniform sphere and the gravitational and magnetic fields differ from place to place. This leads to a slight adjustment of the gravitation and magnetic fields on Earth; meanwhile, the continental plates move, thus resulting in the ever changing weather on Earth. Figure 3 shows that the solar system is an aggregate consisting of the Sun and all the celestial bodies constrained by the Sun. The Sun lies at the centre of the system. The other celestial bodies include eight planets, at least 165 known satellites, three identified dwarf planets, and billions of other celestial bodies in the solar system. All planets in the solar system follow Kepler’s three laws and the law of universal gravitation. Although the total resultant force points to the Sun, the Earth’s rates of rotation and revolution change daily due to gravitational changes resulting from the orbital changes in other celestial bodies. According to Kepler, when the Earth is close to the Sun, its speed increases and vice versa. - 14
Different constituent parts of the Earth present different reactions to the gravity change of celestial bodies coming from different directions. Regarding micro-gravity changes, the Earth regulates itself depending on its fluids: the oceans and the atmosphere. This is the primary cause of atmospheric and oceanic current movements. As is known, the Moon causes terrestrial tidal variations. There is enormous energy in the Earth’s core: gravity and its direction change determine the eruption of the Earth’s internal energy. In the process of gravity equilibrium, the Earth needs to release energy through volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, etc.
Figure 4 shows that the process of earthquakes and extreme weather occurred when one or more new celestial body is closing to Earth. When the resultant force of the gravities of several celestial bodies is on the point of a critical state (the resultant force is at a maximum or minimum and its direction changes) then the change of the resultant force direction (at a critical point) means that the balance cannot be gradually obtained by oceanic current motion. The weak regions on the seismic belts between continental plates and the craters release energy violently in the forms of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. When the resultant force and direction of the celestial bodies changes, the Earth’s kinetic energy changes. The sharp change of the resultant force direction of celestial bodies causes tiny changes in the geomagnetic field before and after earthquakes. Earthquakes and volcanic eruptions are means of releasing energy. The earthquake (or volcanic eruption) and aftershock will not die away before the necessary kinetic energy is balanced with the potential energy of the Earth. Owing to the limitation of observational technology, finding the celestial bodies which present the greatest influence on the Earth is an effective approach to preventing major natural disasters (earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, typhoons, etc.) in the future. Kepler’s laws and the law of universal gravitation can be used to find those celestial bodies. Large earthquakes with long return periods indicate which celestial body presents the longest motion period; the duration of the outbreak can be applied to determine the duration of the change in the resultant force direction of such celestial bodies; and the earthquake magnitude states the influence of each celestial body on the Earth’s gravity. The periodic motion of ocean currents also results from - 15
the periodic motion of the celestial bodies. When the masses of the celestial bodies act on the Earth, the Earth releases energy and adjusts itself by changing the ocean temperature. The ocean is a large hot-spring system: its temperature change mainly depends on the amount of released geothermal energy (from submarine volcanic eruptions) which is controlled by the gravity of the periodic motion of the celestial bodies. In this way, the ocean regulates climate change. For example, El Niño and La Niña phenomena result from the periodic influence of several different celestial bodies.
4 CONCLUSIONS AND NEW PERSPECTIVES Actually, the solar system rotates and at the same time revolves around the galactic centre with a period of about 250 million years. Since influenced by more celestial bodies, the rotation of the Sun presents angle error (the phenomenon that the angular speeds of different parts of a celestial body differ from each other in their rotation). In addition, how the Sun’s angular velocity varies with time has not yet been clearly explained. The Sun is influenced by other celestial bodies. Moreover, the galactic system is not isolated. There are extragalactic systems which are similar to the galactic system in the universe. Geological excavations and archaeology have verified that the climate change on Earth is directly or indirectly coincident with the periods of the celestial bodies at different levels. This further proved that terrestrial climate change is caused by these changes in celestial body orbits. By comparison, humans exert little influence on climate change and the change in carbon dioxide concentration exerts a minor influence over short-time periods and is not a decisive factor in long-term climate change. The Moon moves around the Earth; the Earth turns around the Sun; the Sun revolves around the galactic system, and the galactic system goes around a larger celestial body system. These celestial bodies, at different levels, have their own periodic expression in different systems. Specifically, regarding the system at the level of the Earth rotating around the Sun, the four season cycle on the Earth; with regard to the periodic system at the level of the Sun revolving around the galactic system, there are ice ages and interglacial periods on Earth; while for the galactic system, the periodic expression is the glaciers’ period. The authors believe that the Earth’s climate change results from changes in celestial body orbit, which lead to changes in the gravitational and magnetic fields between the celestial bodies and the Earth. As a result, the water cycle (including atmospheric water vapour, rainfall, ocean currents, etc.) and the Earth’s interior magmatic motions are thus induced. In addition, the Earth’s heat and kinetic energies also change. The Earth’s core releases energy in the form of geothermal energy, etc., thus resulting in changes in ocean temperature. The short-term periodic change within the year is the result of the influence from the gravitational and magnetic fields of the Sun and the Moon. While the large inter-annual changes (such as El Niño and La Niña) are caused by the simultaneous influences of the gravitational and magnetic fields of other celestial bodies with longer periods, as well as that of the Sun and the Moon. All species and phenomena on the Earth are astronomical in their origins: their appearance and disappearance are associated with the orbital motion of celestial bodies. Limited by observational data, most of the previous research merely studied the interior part of the terrestrial system. However, the law governing variations in celestial body dynamics outside the Earth are possibly more important. In summary, climate changes are mainly determined by the orbits of celestial bodies. By comparison, humans show little influence on climate change and just can adapt to disasters passively or actively avoid them. However, humans cannot change the occurrence of natural disasters. For example, humans can forecast earthquakes and even trigger them in advance, but cannot change their occurrence. Similarly, humans cannot decrease the radiation intensity and orbital distance of the Sun in its active period when its radiation increases, but are able to wear radiation-proof clothing. The uncertainty of climate change cannot be forecast accurately merely by investigating superficial climate phenomena. The authors considered that climatologists, astrophysicists, geophysicists, and other researchers need to collaborate to establish a model centred on the Sun or the galactic system based on Kepler’s laws and the law of universal gravitation. Based on this model, scholars can then simulate how the magnetic and gravitational fields drive the motions of the Earth’s atmosphere and ocean currents under the conditions of planetary motion and under disturbance from other celestial bodies. Only in this way, can the weather and major natural disasters be forecast more accurately. The relationships governing the Earth’s extreme climate can be applied to reverse-deduce the laws governing the motion of celestial bodies as well. - 16
ACKNOWLEDGMENT This research was financially supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 41440047), National Nonprofit Institute Research Grant of CAAS (No. IARRP-2015-26), the open fund of the State Key Laboratory of Remote Sensing Science, jointly sponsored by the Institute of Remote Sensing Applications of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Beijing Normal University, and the National Basic Research Program of China (2013BAC03B02).
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Kebiao Mao received the B.S. degree
Ying Ma is with Chinese Agricultural Big Data and Nutrition
Research Institute, Pokfulam, Hong Kong, and Institute of
Changchun, China, in 2001, the M.S.
degree from Nanjing University, Nanjing,
Academy of Agricultural Sciences.
China, in 2004, and the Ph.D. degree in
geographic information systems from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, in 2007.
Resources and Regional Planning,
Tongren Xu is with State Key Laboratory of Remote Sensing
Science, School of Geography, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China. 4
He is currently with the Hulunber Grassland Ecosystem Observation and Research Station, Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing, and Chinese Agricultural Big Data and Nutrition Research Institute, Pokfulam, Hong Kong.
Qing Liu is with National Hulunber Grassland Ecosystem
Observation and Research Station, Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences. 5
Jiaqing Han is with National Hulunber Grassland Ecosystem
He has published more than 90 papers in international and
Observation and Research Station, Institute of Agricultural
Chinese scientific journals and applied for ten patents for
Resources and Regional Planning, Chinese Academy of
inventions. His research interests include global climate change,
Agricultural Sciences.
agricultural disaster, geophysical parameters retrieval (like land
Lang Xia is with National Hulunber Grassland Ecosystem
surface temperature and emissivity, soil moisture, water vapor
Observation and Research Station, Institute of Agricultural
Resources and Regional Planning, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences. 7
Xinyi Shen is with Hydrometeorology and Remote Sensing
Laboratory, University of Oklahoma, Norman 73072, USA. 8
Tianjue He is with Department of Geography, University of
Toronto, Toronto M5S 3G3, Canada.
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