Mengyao Dina Lin
The Seamless House
Cornell AAP Department of Architecture ARCH 4101/4102/5101.505: Design VII | PRINT BETTER! | Option Studio | Spring 2023
Instructors: Sasa Zivkovic, Lawson Spencer

Printing Openings Diagrams

Arching - Openings

ARCH 4101 / 4102 / 5101.505 / Option Studio | PRINT BETTER! | Spring 2023 | Instructor: Sasa Zivkovic, Lawson Spencer | 2 Mengyao Lin | The Seamless House D tN Project Address 42°26'58.83"N, 76°29'4.92"W (project location) Arching Diagram A B F A6.03 30° 29° 28° 27° 26° 25° 24° 23° 22° 21° 20° 19° 18° 17° 16° 15° 14° 13° 12° 11° 10° 9° Arching - Openings 10% schematic design (SD) drawing notes deadline description Studio Consultant Lawson Spencer Assistant Professor Sasa Zivkovic ARCH 5101 - PB! A B C D E F 2022.05.02 ## write all drawing notes here 4 5 6 Dina Lin The Seamless House 30° 29° 28° 27° 26° 25° 24° 23° 22° 21° 20° 19° 18° 17° 16° 15° 14° 13° 12° 11° 10° 9°
10% date last revised: February 14, 2023 4:36 PM 2023-02-15 3:00 AM date: drawing notes deadline description tN Project Address 42°26'58.83"N, 76°29'4.92"W 2022.05.02 ## write all drawing additional notes:-Contex Plan A B C A1.01 date last revised: February 14, 2023 4:36 PM 3:00 AM additional notes:-1 2 3 4 5 6 Children Playground Chicken Coops Context Plan SITE PLAN

ARCH 4101 / 4102 / 5101.505 / Option Studio | PRINT BETTER! | Spring 2023 | Instructor: Sasa Zivkovic, Lawson Spencer | 3 Mengyao Lin | The Seamless House E 2023-02-15 3:00 AM date: tN Project Address 42°26'58.83"N, 76°29'4.92"W (project location) 1 Floor Plan A B C A2.02 Floor Plan - Underground Level UP UP UP UP UP UP UP E D 10% schematic design (SD) date last revised: February 14, 2023 4:36 PM 2023-02-15 3:00 AM date: drawing notes deadline description Studio Consultant Lawson Spencer Assistant Professor Sasa Zivkovic ARCH 5101 - PB! tN Project Address 42°26'58.83"N, 76°29'4.92"W (project location) A C D E 2022.05.02 ## write all drawing notes here additional notes:-Floor Plan A C A2.01 Dina Lin The Seamless House Wall Details Floor Plan - Ground Level Guest Bedroom 152 sqf Main Bedroom 188 sqf Living Room 302 sqf Shower 40 sqf Hot Tub 55 sqf Toilet 40 sqf Sauna 175 sqf Gathering 115 sqf Laundry Room 40 sqf W/D Roof Plan tN Project Address 42°26'58.83"N, 76°29'4.92"W (project location) Roof Plan and Foundation Plan A C A1.04 10% schematic design (SD) drawing notes deadline description Studio Consultant Lawson Spencer Assistant Professor Sasa Zivkovic ARCH 5101 - PB! tN Project Address 42°26'58.83"N, 76°29'4.92"W (project location) A C 2022.05.02 ## write all drawing notes here Construction Sequence Diagrams A C A6.00 Dina Lin The Seamless House (11.8',22.9',-8') (19.2',20.6',-8') (34.3',24.7',-5') (35.7',17.5',-5') (22.6',8.5',-3') (15.3',4.4',-3') -3') (34.6',34.4',-5') (12.7',37.5',-7') (30.8',50.5',-6') (19',50',-3') (9.7',50.3',-3') (15.5',57.5', foundations oors between the 3d printed walls Printing Step Four: - Print the walls - Put insulation between the double layer walls - Put steel reinforcement along the printing process structures and base layer of insulation Step Eight: - Add window frames and glazings - Add roof insulation and metal covering - 3FT - 3FT - 3FT - 5FT - 4FT - 3FT - 3FT 10% schematic design (SD) drawing notes deadline description Studio Consultant Lawson Spencer Assistant Professor Sasa Zivkovic ARCH 5101 - PB! tN Project Address 42°26'58.83"N, 76°29'4.92"W (project location) A B 2022.05.02 ## write all drawing notes here Floor Plan A B A2.02 Dina Lin
Combined Mechanical and Electrical Room 290 sqf Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Floor Plan - Underground Level (19.2', 20.6', -8') (34.3', 24.7', -5') (35.7', 17.5', -5') (22.6', 8.5', -3') (15.3', 4.4', -3') (11', 6', -3') (34.6', 34.4', -5') (12.7', 37.5', -7') (30.8', 50.5', -6') (19', 50', -3') (9.7', 50.3', -3') (15.5', 57.5', -3') Ø<2.5ft, (11.8', 22.9', -8') Foundation Plan date last revised: February 14, 2023 4:36 PM 2023-02-15 3:00 AM date: additional notes:-1 2 3 4 5 6 (19.2', 20.6', -8') (34.3', 24.7', -5') (35.7', 17.5', -5') (22.6', 8.5', -3') (15.3', 4.4', -3') (11', 6', -3') (34.6', 34.4', -5') (12.7', 37.5', -7') (30.8', 50.5', -6') (19', 50', -3') (9.7', 50.3', -3') (15.5', 57.5', -3') Ø<4.5ft> Ø<2.5ft> Ø<2.5ft, 15°> Ø<2.5ft, 13.5°> Ø<3ft, 13.5°> Ø<2.5ft, 14°> Ø<2.5ft, 13.5°> Ø<2.5ft, 15°> Ø<5.6ft, 3ft> Ø<4.8ft, 3.7ft> Ø<6.4ft, 5.5ft> Ø<5.7ft, 5.6ft> Ø<6.2ft, 4.4ft> (11.8', 22.9', -8') Foundation Plan Roof Plan 10% schematic design (SD) date last revised: February 14, 2023 4:36 PM 2023-02-15 3:00 AM date: drawing notes deadline description Studio Lawson Spencer Assistant Sasa Zivkovic ARCH 5101 - PB! tN Project Address 42°26'58.83"N, 76°29'4.92"W (project location) 2022.05.02 ## write drawing notes here additional notes:-Roof Plan and Foundation Plan A1.04 The Seamless House
The Seamless House

ARCH 4101 / 4102 / 5101.505 / Option Studio | PRINT BETTER! | Spring 2023 | Instructor: Sasa Zivkovic, Lawson Spencer | 4 Mengyao Lin | The Seamless House D 10% schematic design (SD) date last revised: February 14, 2023 4:36 PM 2023-02-15 3:00 AM date: drawing notes deadline description ARCH 5101 - PB! tN Project Address 42°26'58.83"N, 76°29'4.92"W (project location) B C D 2022.05.02 ## write all drawing notes here additional notes:-Elevations B C A1.03 The Seamless House South Elevation North Elevation D date last revised: February 14, 2023 4:36 PM 2023-02-15 3:00 AM date: B C D F additional notes:-B F East Elevation West Elevation
ARCH 4101 / 4102 / 5101.505 / Option Studio | PRINT BETTER! | Spring 2023 | Instructor: Sasa Zivkovic, Lawson Spencer | 5 Mengyao Lin | The Seamless House 10% schematic design (SD) drawing notes deadline description Studio Consultant Lawson Spencer Assistant Professor Sasa Zivkovic tN Project Address 42°26'58.83"N, 76°29'4.92"W (project location) 2022.05.02 ## write all drawing notes here Wall Section and Critical Details A B A4.01 Dina Lin Window Elevation Rigid Insulation Flashing Frame Angled Steel Window Frame Steel Anchors Silicon Bead E D date last revised: February 14, 2023 4:36 PM 2023-02-15 3:00 AM date: additional notes:-1 2 3 4 5 6 A B F C MEP Storage Floor Heating System Roof Detail Window Detail Foundation Detail
ARCH 4101 / 4102 / 5101.505 / Option Studio | PRINT BETTER! | Spring 2023 | Instructor: Sasa Zivkovic, Lawson Spencer | 6 Mengyao Lin | The Seamless House E D 10% schematic design (SD) drawing notes deadline description Studio Consultant Lawson Spencer Assistant Professor Sasa Zivkovic ARCH 5101 - PB! tN Project Address 42°26'58.83"N, 76°29'4.92"W (project location) A B C D E F 2022.05.02 ## write all drawing notes here 1 2 3 4 5 6 Wall Section and Critical Details A B F C A4.01 Dina Lin The Seamless House Wall Section Window Details Window Elevation Rigid Insulation Flashing CLT Frame Angled Steel Window Frame Steel Anchors Operatable Window (15 degree) 3/16 inch Low-E Glazing 1/2 inch Air Cavity Silicon Bead E D 10% schematic design (SD) date last revised: February 14, 2023 4:36 PM 2023-02-15 3:00 AM date: drawing notes deadline description Studio Consultant Lawson Spencer Assistant Professor Sasa Zivkovic ARCH 5101 - PB! tN Project Address 42°26'58.83"N, 76°29'4.92"W (project location) A B C D E F 2022.05.02 ## write all drawing notes here additional notes:-1 2 3 4 5 6 Wall Section and Critical Details A B F C A4.01 Dina Lin The Seamless House Wall Section Window Details Window Elevation Rigid Insulation Flashing CLT Frame Angled Steel Window Frame Steel Anchors Operatable Window (15 degree) 3/16 inch Low-E Glazing 1/2 inch Air Cavity Silicon Bead E D date last revised: February 14, 2023 4:36 PM 2023-02-15 3:00 AM date: A B C D E additional notes:-1 2 3 4 5 6 A B C 3D Concrete Printing Layers Standing Seam Metal Roof 5/8’’ Standing Seam Water Proo ng Sheating 2’’ Rigid Insulation 5/8’’ Vapor Sheating 2’’x10’’ CLT Beam 10’’ Batt Insulation 1’’ Gypson Board Foundation Detail Roof Detail Foam Insulation 3D Concrete Printing Layers Rigid Insulation Cast Concrete Floor Vapor Barrier Roof Detail Foundation Detail

ARCH 4101 / 4102 / 5101.505 / Option Studio | PRINT BETTER! | Spring 2023 | Instructor: Sasa Zivkovic, Lawson Spencer | 7 Mengyao Lin | The Seamless House February 14, 2023 4:36 PM Sasa Zivkovic ARCH 5101 - PB! A B C F 2 3 4 5 6 Dina Lin The Seamless House Initial Life Cycle Analysis Structure Isometric Structure Analysis E D date last revised: February 14, 2023 4:36 PM 2023-02-15 3:00 AM date: ## write all drawing notes here additional notes:-1 2 3 4 A B F C Initial Life Cycle Analysis E date last revised: February 14, 2023 4:36 PM 2023-02-15 3:00 AM date: drawing deadline Project 42°26'58.83"N, B E 2022.05.02 ## additional notes:-Structure B Initial Life Cycle Analysis Structure Isometric Structure Analysis

ARCH 4101 / 4102 / 5101.505 / Option Studio | PRINT BETTER! | Spring 2023 | Instructor: Sasa Zivkovic, Lawson Spencer | 8 Mengyao Lin | The Seamless House Exteriors Views

ARCH 4101 / 4102 / 5101.505 / Option Studio | PRINT BETTER! | Spring 2023 | Instructor: Sasa Zivkovic, Lawson Spencer | 9 Mengyao Lin | The Seamless House Interior Views

ARCH 4101 / 4102 / 5101.505 / Option Studio | PRINT BETTER! | Spring 2023 | Instructor: Sasa Zivkovic, Lawson Spencer | 10 Mengyao Lin | The Seamless House Physical Models

ARCH 4101 / 4102 / 5101.505 / Option Studio | PRINT BETTER! | Spring 2023 | Instructor: Sasa Zivkovic, Lawson Spencer | 11 Mengyao Lin | The Seamless House Physical Models

ARCH 4101 / 4102 / 5101.505 / Option Studio | PRINT BETTER! | Spring 2023 | Instructor: Sasa Zivkovic, Lawson Spencer | 12 Mengyao Lin | The Seamless House Physical Models

ARCH 4101 / 4102 / 5101.505 / Option Studio | PRINT BETTER! | Spring 2023 | Instructor: Sasa Zivkovic, Lawson Spencer | 13 Mengyao Lin | The Seamless House Physical Models

ARCH 4101 / 4102 / 5101.505 / Option Studio | PRINT BETTER! | Spring 2023 | Instructor: Sasa Zivkovic, Lawson Spencer | 14 Mengyao Lin | The Seamless House Physical Models