Bidbook 2018Eindhoven Culturele Hoofdstad

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the city of Eindhoven’s bid for the title of European Capital of Culture 2018



Rob van Gijzel, Mayor of Eindhoven Eindhoven is a model for a new

World War Two left Eindhoven

logy, design, light: Eindhoven

how to come up with better

Europe. In our city you can

as one of the most devastated

and the region are working on

products and services. The

already see the contours of the

cities in the Netherlands. Two

innovations to tackle the issues

other is the ‘Triple Helix’, the

Europe of the coming decades.

great bombardments robbed it

facing the society of the future.

network linking academia,

With its network society, smart

of its heart. Post-war reconstruc-

Thanks to Brainport region

industry and government.

economy based on knowledge

tion ushered in a new period of

Eindhoven, smart solutions for

Thanks to this unique form of

and open innovation and its

prosperity. But harsh years were

health, mobility and energy are

collaboration, Eindhoven has

culture of collaboration,

to follow in the 1980s and 90s.

within our grasp.

grown to become a world player

Eindhoven is a ground-

Philips, which in Eindhoven

breaking and trend-setting city.

had grown to become the

This is a fantastic achievement,

combination of knowledge,

2018Eindhoven|Brabant will

Netherlands’ largest private

yet one that often elicits no

expertise and business acumen.

add an extra European

sector employer, began to follow

more than a laconic shrug

dimension to the culture of

the example of other industries

from the people of Eindhoven.

We want to embed this

the city, but it will also

and shift production to

In fact we should be extremely

collaborative model ever more

continue a long tradition.

countries where labour costs

proud of all that we have

deeply in our city’s cultural

Eindhoven has always been a

were lower. This move cost

accomplished over the past

DNA, so that Eindhoven

European city. Its history is

many people in and around

two decades. I believe

develops an urban society that

rooted in that of Europe.

the city their jobs. Even

2018Eindhoven|Brabant will

is of cultural worth in itself,

The Middle Ages with its

harder blows fell in the early

give a fresh impulse to the sense

because it is open to every layer

endless series of conflicts, the

1990s. Philips’ restructuring

of pride and self-confidence in

of the population. This cultural

Enlightenment, the industrial

programme Operation

our city. So its people will

democratisation will ensure that

revolution, the deep economic

Centurion and the decline of

recognise their home more

art and culture are not merely

crisis of the 1930s, the

DAF Trucks shook Eindhoven

clearly as the forceful,

the province of a happy few but

Second World War – each era

to its foundations. But once

cosmopolitan and international

come to life among every

has left its mark but also

again we showed resilience and

city it has become. The secret of

section of society. Culture by

contributed in its own way

determination. In response we

this success has been dubbed

and for everyone: this is what

to Eindhoven’s emancipation

produced the ‘new economy’

the ‘Eindhoven Model’. It is a

will give the culture of the

as a bold, contemporary

with which Eindhoven entered

formula based on two

future its legitimacy! We will

city of technological,

the 21st century as a front-

principles. One of them is ‘open

therefore increasingly be

economic, cultural and social

runner among European

innovation’, whereby companies

reshaping Eindhoven’s public


regions. Cutting-edge techno-

in the region exchange know-

space as a venue for high-profile

in practically applying the


cultural activities, so that

Brabant – a combination we call

culture will be taken virtually

Brabant City. The four cities

for granted as an essential

will contribute to the European

element of everyday life.

Capital of Culture programme

2018Eindhoven|Brabant will

in ways that best suit their

boost the momentum of this

own identities: Breda with its

process. It is one that joins

visual culture, ’s-Hertogenbosch

seamlessly with contemporary

with its cultural history, Tilburg

developments in the arts,

with its social innovation and

whereby traditional divisions

Helmond with its innovative

between disciplines such as

industry. The culture of

theatre, music and visual art are

collaboration extends to the

gradually disappearing and

entire Brabant ‘network

more and more exciting

metropolis’ which, actively

crossovers and connections are

supported by the province,

being created. And the user/

we have succeeded in creating

consumer is no longer a passive

together over the past years.

visitor or follower, but more of an interactive and critical participant. As European Capital of Culture in 2018 we want to stimulate this innovative mindset. 2018Eindhoven|Brabant exudes the atmosphere of collaboration. It is a festival of six: Eindhoven is working together with the four cities of Tilburg, Helmond, 's-Hertogenbosch, and Breda, and the province of



Table of contents CHAPTERS C1: Imagination designs Europe

Our Legacy

6 16

c7: Long-term strategy

What will we see in 2018?

Examples of the proposed projects

c2: The experimental city – who we are

22 28

our programme proposal

Example features of the programme 76

17 c8: Do it yourself – innovative communication


c9: How we are organising


c3: We explore the future:


2018Eindhoven|Brabant and paying the bills

c10: What else do we want to show in 2018? 96

Some more ideas

Example features of the programme 34 Appendix 1 (A1):

c4: Proeftuin, the method


c5: We make the city (programme line 1)

2018Eindhoven|Brabant: cultural city


Appendix 2 (A2):

town and country

2018Eindhoven|Brabant: closer than you think

art and technology

nature and technology

Appendix 3 (A3):

young people, heritage and

2018Eindhoven|Brabant: hospitality

traditional skills



Appendix 4 (A4):


Example features of the programme 48 Culture as green inspiration


c6: We connect people (programme line 2)

our neighbourhood and us

renewing rituals

European icons

kids join in

digitally streetwise


Example features of the programme 62

Appendix 5 (A5): Preparations for our bid



Imagination designs Europe C1

Our mission To place art and culture structurally and lastingly at the heart of society. our vision Europe needs the power of imagination. The continent is creaking at the joints, and we know we need to make some fundamental changes. But how? With 2018Eindhoven|Brabant we will use the creative power of art and culture to seek new inspiration and insights for European society.


Europe in transition

lisation and a longing for the

Europe can we begin the

Art can teach us to cope with

We are all looking for new ways

local, between digital and

transition to a new society.

the complexities of life, with

of living together in Europe, in

physical realities, yet each of

the Netherlands, in the world. It

these can complement the

Art can teach us

downs. It can teach us to deal

is a matter of urgency, because

other. Many people feel the

The time has come to turn in a

with our fears. It can help

underlying the instability of our

need for a firm footing in this

new direction. We have put our

people accept changes in society

economic system lurks a deeper

fast and complex network

faith in rationality and intellect,

with greater confidence. It can

moral crisis.

society, which provides plenty

but we are failing to find the

make a key contribution to a

of information but little

necessary solutions. Art and

new Europe. The cultural sector

contradictions, with ups and

We are longing both for freedom

security. The network society

culture are vital for us to make

will need to keep transforming

and for a sense of connection,

offers unlimited possibilities

the fundamental changes we

itself to take on this role.

for a society with room for

and produces many fruitful

need to take on the challenges

everyone. We are making frantic

connections, but its speed

of our time, to heal the rifts in

The experimental city

attempts to maintain and

and complexity often drive

society, to reconcile the

In practice it is hard to let go of

restore our foundering social

us to fall back on familiar

apparent contradictions and

old paradigms, for all the

and economic structures, but to

concepts and dogmas

turn them to our advantage.

thought and lines of print that

tackle the underlying crisis we

that can stand in the way

need more fundamental change.

of innovation.

have been devoted to the Artists can show that happiness

process. It is time to create a

and satisfaction are not

place where we can apply new

The crisis in Europe and the

We need time and space for

necessarily related to material

ideas. A place to try out new

Netherlands can be seen in the

reflection. Only then can we

values. They can teach us to

forms, models, ways of thinking

growing divisions in society:

free ourselves of old

enjoy deeper values in life. To

and potential solutions for the

between rich and poor, citizens

mechanisms and obsolete

appreciate solidarity,

future. A place where we can

and government, winners and

structures, and go in search of

spirituality, listening to music,

experiment and demonstrate

losers, the masses and the elite,

fresh connections, solutions

the unfamiliar. Artists and

the results. Where we can

the familiar and the unfamiliar

and insights. Art and culture

scientists can explore and

put thoughts into action, with

– or at least the fear of the

in general and the title of

express the unknown. After all,

different disciplines and


European Capital of Culture

pioneering is their business, and

cultures working together, with

in particular will enable us to

the digital technology of our

partners throughout Europe

We are struggling with apparent

set this process in motion. Only

time opens boundless new

on the stage of a European

contradictions between globa-

in association with partners in

territory to explore.

Capital of Culture.


our STRATEGY We are offering Eindhoven and the region as a complete biotope, ‘a mosaic metropolis’ as an ideal testing ground for the future network city. At the core of our strategy lies a concept whereby international multidisciplinary teams collaborate on art and culture, with the public and experts acting as co-creators. We call this concept a ‘Proeftuin’ (see box on p10): a ‘garden for experimentation’. By embedding art and culture more deeply in our thought processes and actions we want to build the capacity of the city and its inhabitants to design their own future.

Our LEGACY We will strengthen the art and culture infrastructure in society and develop a method to work on a positive future for Europe. We will use this to foster the network city, connect people and practice the art of living together. Our motto

Imagination designs Europe


We believe in a common

new ideas at Strijp-S, the vast

there is no guarantee of success.

and the prospect of the 2018

approach on a Europe-wide

railside industrial area close to

How can we ensure that

programme is a powerful

scale. With citizens, scientists

the heart of the city. This set

Eindhoven, as a former

impulse for the cities to invest

and government inspired by

the tone for the region and

industrial city with the

in these large inner-city

artists and designers. We will

created the basis for an

associated problems, does not

redevelopment areas.

provide a location that has

interdisciplinary way of working

become post-industrial

exploration, innovation and

which has gained international

wasteland? How can ugly-

Networks as playing

collaboration in its genes:

fame as the Triple Helix model.

duckling Eindhoven go on


Eindhoven. A city that has

The concept originated from

developing as a network city –

Over the past decades, different

always offered space to pioneers.

the collaboration between

international but firmly rooted

sectors have become stranded

As a garden for experimentation

university, industry and

in its own region?

on their own islands. Politics

to work on a new cultural,

government. But the Triple

By developing into a European

has been left to politicians,

humane and spiritual society.

Helix is now ripe for renewal.

Capital of Culture, the city will

research to scientist, the arts to

A ‘Proeftuin’ for Europe (see

gain the opportunity to explore

cultural institutions. With the

Philips has gone from Strijp-S

these questions, together with

European Capital of Culture

leaving an empty space behind.

other European cities facing

title we want to weave artists,

Eindhoven is a magnet for

This once closely guarded

similar challenges.

designers and citizens

creative minds. It is a young city

site (known locally as ‘The

with physical and mental space.

Forbidden City’) is now free

The European Capital of

Helix. We are moving from

It is not hampered by inalterable

to become a centre of creativity

Culture programme will have

a Triple Helix to a Multi Helix.

public space or cultural values

for Eindhoven as European

far-reaching and lasting effects

We believe in a new,

set fast by tradition.

Capital of Culture: an open

for Eindhoven and the region,

cooperative culture of

garden for experimentation.

socially, spatially and

solidarity between European

economically. This will be

citizens, between neighbour-

box on p10).

The city’s history has produced

permanently into the Triple

a pioneer spirit. In the 19th

The European Capital of

visible and tangible in the

hood residents, between

century the farmers of the

Culture as an engine

railside zones close to the centre

government, industry and

province of Brabant could not

Eindhoven has proved in the

of Eindhoven (Strijp-S) and its

knowledge institutions.

survive without creativity and

past it can work its way out of

four partner cities, which will

cooperation. Then electronics

an economic crisis. But given

be radically remodelled over the

Art and culture have isolated

giant Philips gave brilliant

the challenges Europe is now

coming years. The title of

themselves too much from

brains the freedom to develop

facing, even for Eindhoven

European Capital of Culture

society, for one thing because in


What is a ‘Proeftuin’? Proeftuin (roughly pronounced ‘proof-town’ and meaning ‘experimental garden’) is all about working together on a good idea to make it grow and produce concrete results. It is the model we have chosen to develop and present a major part of our cultural programme. Local residents, experts, artists and academics will get together in multidisciplinary teams and roll up their sleeves to create and present art and culture. We want the Dutch word Proeftuin to become a new concept in Europe – because the model and the word are inextricably linked. Although Proeftuin can be literally translated as ‘experimental garden’, this fails to do it justice. The Dutch word proef doesn’t just mean ‘experiment or ‘test’, but also ‘taste’ and ‘sense’. ‘Tuin’ in Dutch means ‘garden’ and so gets close to the openness and development that we are looking to the Proeftuin projects to provide. Because the important nuances are lost in translation, we have decided to hold on to our Dutch word. A European Capital of Culture celebrates not only commonality and connection but also diversity and difference. Language is an expression of diversity in Europe. As we reach out to the rest of Europe, we want to stay true to ourselves, and share the pleasure in our identity with others. Our Proeftuin projects will promote prolific growth – with a bit of judicious pruning along the way – and an organic approach. They will be places where experiment and chance are embraced, welcoming and open to everyone, refuges, places where we will be able to pick up on developments and where new tastes and scents will be born. Creativity will be the raw material of the Proeftuin projects, know-how and inspiration the compost, and art and culture the main crop. The final harvest will be festivals, exhibitions, artworks, performances and other cultural events. We know the smell of the earth in our part of the Netherlands, with its agrarian roots and where the countryside is never far away. Our aim is to bring the garden to the city. And the garden is part and parcel of our sustainability goals. We will entice inquisitive spirits with the scents of the Proeftuin projects so that together we can cause the unexpected to be created and to flourish. There will be many ways to take part. Participants will be able to prepare the ground, sow seeds or harvest the fruit. We will sow generously, but dig deep. We will take the time to allow roots to develop strength. Our aim: a rich cultural harvest and fertile ground which will carry on producing fruit well beyond 2018.


European translations of the word ‘proeftuin’ Experymentalny ogród (Polish) Campo de pruebas (Spanish) Kokeilualue (Finnish) Gonna esemplari (Maltese) Horta de provas (Portugese) O kipos tis dokimis (Greek) Kísérleti kert (Hungarian) Jardin expérimental (French) Experimentální zahrada (Czech)

’s-Hertogenbosch’s cultural

Art and culture in the

raw material, driving force and

European countries they have

history, Tilburg’s social inno-

‘Proeftuin’ for Europe

visible result. The Proeftuin will

become over-dependent on

vation, Helmond’s innovative

Together we intend to provide a

be a place for experimentation

subsidy. We want to increase the

technical history, Eindhoven’s

vast cultural garden for

and exploration. With as much

legitimacy of art and culture in

pioneering mentality and the

experimentation for Europe

freedom as possible for the

society by giving the sector joint

countryside that connects the

– what we call in Dutch a

hand, the head and the heart.

responsibility for finding solu-

cities. Without each other we

Proeftuin. With art and culture

To slow down, take time, create

tions to the problems of our age.

can’t exist. We need each other

as a source of inspiration, we

space for chance discovery. And

We believe in doing away with

so we can develop, so we can

want to embed a mentality of

thus to generate new insights

the divisions between sectors

open and build networks on a

cross-border, open source and

and concepts.

and disciplines. Networks are

European scale.

multidisciplinary collaboration

the Netherlands and other

the new spaces in which we

deeply in our thought processes

In the mosaic metropolis in

operate. Eindhoven is also a

This connectedness can’t be

and actions. We will invite

2018, we want to receive the

node in networks of regional

taken for granted. Even in your

artists and the general public

visitors and participants in the

and European partners. The

own region it is sometimes

from every country and every

most exciting locations. The

network society is our habitat.

easier to see the differences as a

section of society to cooperate

epicentre will be Strijp-S, the

reason to go it alone. The

in mounting a socially and

site of the most important

We have begun with our own

interplay between the urban

culturally innovative

Proeftuin projects. The former

region, in which Eindhoven is

and the rural deserves a mutual

programme that will be public,

inner-city industrial area will

linking up with ’s-Hertogen-

and sincere interest which we

large-scale and of major inter-

be buzzing with life, activity

bosch, Tilburg, Breda and

sometimes lose sight of in the

national appeal and standing.

and creativity. From the hub

Helmond. Together the cities

hustle and bustle of everyday

form a complete biotope, a

life. With the European Capital

The programme will centre

to put together their own

‘mosaic metropolis’ in which

of Culture title, art and culture

on a concept we are calling

programme by visiting the

different areas of expertise are

will gain a huge impulse of

the Proeftuin, a Dutch word

railside zones of other cities

represented. Where present,

energy which we will harness

meaning ‘garden for

in the province, where they

past and future meet, where

in the search for connection

experimentation’. In these

will equally be able to take part

arts and sciences come together,

and solidarity.

projects, multidisciplinary

in Proeftuin projects and see

where nature and engineering

teams will work together on a

their results.

are in constant contact. We

wide range of issues in society,

have Breda’s visual culture,

with art and culture as the

of Strijp-S, visitors will be able

One plan for a Proeftuin is


2018: Eindhoven with Breda, Helmond, ’s-Hertogenbosch, Tilburg and the province of Brabant Eindhoven is the candidate for the title of European Capital of Culture for 2018 and to mount the programme it will work together with Tilburg, ’s-Hertogenbosch, Breda, Helmond and the province of Brabant as a whole. Ten years ago, the five cities and the province got together to form an administrative network called BrabantStad, or Brabant City. In 2018, headed by Eindhoven, we will be making use of the specific strengths of each city and the province as a whole. By working together as cities and province we will maximise our capacity to mount a wide-ranging and high-quality programme. Eindhoven will be contributing the combination of art and technology, with the emphasis on new media, design and urban culture. Helmond’s strength lies in its industrial heritage and technological innovation, for example in the automotive sector. Breda and ’s-Hertogenbosch will contribute their historic city centres, and at the same time Breda specialises in innovation and visual culture. ’s-Hertogenbosch also has an innovative food sector. What’s more, the city will be commemorating the 500th anniversary of the death of Jheronimus Bosch. Tilburg is investing in social innovation and has a long-established tradition in the performing arts. The margins between city and countryside in the province, where urban flows into rural, can also help make the connection between technology and tradition, with large-scale heritage complexes and a strong amateur arts sector. The province has dubbed such areas stadteland, or ‘cityside’, a cross between city and countryside.


the World Design Expo in 2018,

European cities. An art district,

able to generate solutions,

which will bring together

built from waste material, in

but also to gain a new grasp on

creatives, visionaries, scientists

which people from different

the art of living together.

and users from all over

cultures and European cities

Ensuring that art is firmly

Europe to show what design

will be represented, where both

embedded in our culture.

can do for human well-being.

young and old can offer or find

The increasingly complex

something to suit their tastes.

interweaving of nature and

Visitors who would find the

engineering will be an impor-

threshold to a gallery or

tant source of inspiration. In

museum too high in an

the run-up to the Expo, which

ordinary city will be plunged

will already start in 2014, we

into a whirl of colours, smells,

will ask the public to identify

and sounds. Packed into the

issues in society for designers to

same little square you might

explore. The public will be

find anything from artist

given the role of co-curator,

studios and vegetable stalls to

and the Proeftuin will thus act

storytellers and coffee bars. The

as a lab for industry. The

district will also be a Proeftuin

designs will be shown in 2018

for new income generation

in a caterpillar-like pavilion, a

models, because artists will

design by Florian Idenburg.

be able to rent very low-cost space and will be briefed to

Another highly practical plan

take a fresh approach to

for a Proeftuin in 2018 is

the concepts of value and

Piet Hein Eek’s ‘cultural souk’.


This will be an alternative, organically evolving

By 2020 we aim to have shared

neighbourhood in a run-down

the results of all our Proeftuin

inner-city railside site which

projects with the whole of

fails to attract project

Europe and to have developed

developers, as in many other

a model with we will not only




Our Legacy

We are preparing a programme

Cultural effects

tensions, which lead to

programme of distinctive art

that will run until at least 2020,

After 2018, the cultural sector

problems in underprivileged

and culture, in 2018 Eindhoven

two years after the European

in Eindhoven will have

neighbourhoods. With the

will be a magnet for talent.

Capital of Culture year.

changed. Art and culture will

European Capital of Culture

However, we intend its

be a much more visible and

programme we will work to

By 2020, Eindhoven wants to

consequences to be felt for

structural element of society.

develop a city that is better able

have strengthened its position

much longer. Our starting-point

The sector will naturally

to shape itself, where active

as an important node in a

is the urgent need for transition

form a part of new forms of

involvement on the part of local

network of creative and

in society. In the medium and

cooperation in the city. A shift

residents is the norm. We don’t

innovative regions. We want to

long term we aim to produce

will have taken place from the

have any illusions that we can

be known internationally as the

lasting cultural, urban and

passive consumption of culture

solve all our city’s social

place that generates significant

ecological effects.

to active participation by the

problems with art and culture.

and lasting innovation. To bring

public. The cultural sector

But we do have the ambition

this about, the creative and

will have been renewed and

with the European Capital of

structural input of art and

strengthened, partly by the

Culture programme to create a

culture are indispensable. The

creation of new networks and

new sense of involvement and

European Capital of Culture

increased national and inter-

commitment, shared

programme will help us to

national collaboration. We will

responsibility, pride and

realise our ambitions.

have developed new business

self-confidence. Effects on education

and income generation models and attracted new audiences,

Economic effects

The foundations for creative

so the sector will be less

Talented people are the essential

collaboration are laid in

dependent on public funding.

raw material for economic

education. By 2018 education,

strength, and we need to make

art and culture will be firmly

Social effects

sure our city is an appealing

woven into the fabric of the

Eindhoven faces social

place for them to live. With our

educational curriculum. With

challenges comparable to those

ambitions as a European

the European Capital of Culture

of many other European cities,

Capital of Culture we aim to

programme we will also create

such as unemployment (also

boost our cultural image, both

fresh links between art and

among young people), lack of

nationally and internationally.

culture, knowledge institutions,

social contact and multicultural

With an extensive and exciting

government and industry.


What will we see in 2018? Urban effects

The two programme lines

we will describe just a few of the

After 2018, Eindhoven will have

We make the city and We connect

ideas for possible elements of

more visible culture in its public

people are central to the

the programme. Some plans are

space, helping to express the

2018Eindhoven|Brabant artistic

already well advanced, while

identity of the city. In the

programme, which

others are just getting off the

partner cities, the European

will ultimately comprise

ground. Together, they give a

Capital of Culture programme

hundreds of projects. In outlines

good overview of what we are

will also accelerate the progress

spread through the bid book,

setting out to do.

of key urban redevelopment. By 2018 Strijp-S will be fully established as the cultural heart of Eindhoven. As it develops into a European Capital of Culture, Eindhoven, together with its partners Breda, Helmond, ’s-Hertogenbosch,

<10.000 visitors 10-100.000 visitors 100-500.000 visitors >500.000 visitors

Tilburg and the province of Brabant, will become a ‘mosaic metropolis’. Sustainable ecological effects

AN EXAMPLE OF A PROGRAMME ELEMENT THAT INCREASES cultural participation among the citizens of Eindhoven, Brabant and Europe as a whole.

By 2018, art and culture will have proved that they can play a valuable role in ‘green


awareness-raising’ and serve as

engagement with Europe.

a source of inspiration for new sustainable development.



Cultural souk: art meets economic innovation Eek’s plans for a cultural souk Piet Hein Eek is one of the most

It will remain in the centre

successful Dutch designers of

of Breda for a maximum of

recent decades. Eek is a born

ten years.

creative entrepreneur. His enclave in Eindhoven’s Strijp-R

Eek will explore the potential

– with its workshop, shop and

for recycling (as well as keeping

restaurant – is a phenomenon.

down costs) by building with

Eek has outlined plans for a

plywood, salvaged timber and

cultural souk as part of

truck tarpaulins. It will mean

2018Eindhoven|Brabant. It will

that spaces at the souk are

be an alternative retail area right

affordable for many artists and

in the centre of Breda, built

new entrepreneurs. Just like at

from scrap materials and aimed

an old-style flea market,

at creating a new economic

everybody should be able to

and creative dynamic. “If this

join in. This souk will be an

works out, we’ll have achieved

alternative model for the inner

something amazing.”

city and attract worldwide attention.

The souk will be an alternative shopping mall, a place where

From 2018 to 2028 Tilburg

designers, artists and other

University will monitor cultural

entrepreneurs can operate

and economic aspects of

temporarily. It is a micro-level

the souk, and the data will

experiment with new economic

be shared online through a

models that match the

network of European partners.

dynamism of the modern network society. Although Eek will design the souk, local artists and other inhabitants will continually adapt it to the ever-changing conditions.

Designer Piet Hein Eek. >

< Eek’s studio in Eindhoven.


Dynamic impoverishment

myself was, how can you

and businesses that they

its own dynamic for success. It

Central to Eek’s philosophy is

facilitate an economic dynamic

wouldn’t get elsewhere. And

will lead to a completely new

the belief that an organised

in a wealthy Western nation

you’re creating a new and

economic and social force that

world with clear-cut plans and

that normally only arises out

unique dynamism in the city.

will give people the chance to

aims leads to unnecessary waste

of poverty? The answer is to

It’s beneficial to the artists, too,

make a living in a different way

of time and energy. He prefers

create affordable spaces and

because if you want them to

to what was possible before. If

a more organic approach,

build a trading area as cheaply

become commercially successful

this works out, we’ll have

explaining that it is more

as possible – one that can

you shouldn’t hide them away

achieved something amazing.”

efficient to respond to the

develop organically.”

in some protected zone.

process than focus on the goal.

Another important benefit is


“That’s the paradox: you

Is the goal to create yet another

that it will bring people into

Eek en Ruijgrok BV (Eindhoven)

reach your goal more quickly

safe haven for artists?

contact with art who would

if you don’t pursue it.”

“No, definitely not. The Dutch

never see it otherwise.”

system of providing cheap

PARTNERS: Business association Brabants-

How do you expect to see that

communal workspaces for

How will you measure the

Zeeuwse Werkgeversvereniging

reflected in the souk?

artists is just another form of

project’s success?

(BZW), MKB Brabant and the

“I reckon that lots of problems

overregulation. They’re a kind

“It’s actually a pretty simple

Chamber of Commerce Brabant,

in the Netherlands and Europe

of sanctuary. Art’s got to have a

little plan and the financial

Tilburg University

come from things being too

public function. So I want to

investments are close to zero.

regulated, and lots of good ideas

use this souk as a place for

But as an experiment, it could

that could grow organically

artists to engage with their

have big social implications.

from the ground up never have

public function, where they’re

It’s just that there are too

a chance. In poorer countries

stimulated by external forces as

few examples of successful

you often find a strong

much as possible. There should

government intervention.

economic dynamism in the

be other forms of outlet too,

It’s often so overregulated and

most impoverished areas, and

like a Vietnamese eating house

goal-oriented – which is

that’s because nothing’s

or a stamp collector’s shop –

understandable because there’s

regulated. But of course in the

businesses that wouldn’t be able

always tax money involved.

Netherlands you’re not going to

to afford to operate anywhere

I’m using the souk as a context

let a whole area get run down to

else. So you’re offering an

in which the government can

have that effect. What I asked

opportunity to tradespeople

facilitate something that creates



Can design save the world? World Design Expo Over the past decades,

Nowadays it is known as ‘the

Design ‘Proeftuin’

Eindhoven has become one of

Milan of the North’, and in

The 2018 World Design Expo

the best-known cities for design

2011 it attracted no fewer than

will take shape via a Proeftuin

in the world. This is partly

1500 designers and 180,000

operating from 2014 onwards.

thanks to the Design Academy

visitors. It is in this fertile

We will start by taking stock of

Eindhoven, which for many

ground that we are planting the

the most important social issues

years has been a cradle of

2018 World Design Expo.

worldwide to which design can provide a response. International

top-level international design. One of 2018Eindhoven|Brabant’s

We will be asking every country

teams of designers, companies,

key projects will be the first

in the world to build a pavilion

social organisations and end

World Design Expo. With

in the Eindhoven region show-

users will then set to work on

hundreds of pavilions from all

casing the best in contemporary

these themes, both physically

over the world, the exhibition

social design their country has

and virtually.

will attract at least a million

to offer. They will also be able

visitors. It will take social design

to use existing locations. Central

as its central theme.

locations for the pavilions will be Strijp-S, the campus

The success of Eindhoven

of Eindhoven University of

design is proof of what can

Technology, the Eindhoven

happen when creativity,

region’s High Tech Campus,

engineering and manufacturing

factory De Ploeg in Bergeijk

industry get together. We have

(designed by Gerrit Rietveld)

already mentioned the Design

and additional locations in

Academy, but Dutch Design

Helmond. The World Design

Week (DDW) is also a prime

Expo’s central pavilion will be

example of Brabant’s pioneering

designed by New York-based

spirit. Having started as a

Dutch architect Florian

small-scale experiment, after ten

Idenburg. Situated in the

editions DDW has grown to

railside area of Helmond, it will

become one of Europe’s most

provide a floor area of at least

important festivals of design.

10,000 square metres.

Coen de Koning, student at Design Academy Eindhoven. >

Yuhun Kim, student at Design Academy Eindhoven. >


< Jaenah Jung, Master of Contextual Design, Design Academy Eindhoven.

Design guru and

For example, we will stimulate

visitors and participants from

‘Proeftuin partner’ John

co-creation projects around our

A to B in 2018. The results of


railside zones to do with urban

the Proeftuin projects will

“This Design Proeftuin is one in

farming, biodiversity, blue-

ultimately be showcased during

which the whole community

green corridors, and river and

the 2018 World Design Expo.

engages creatively with the

watershed restoration.”

challenges we all face: food,


health, care, and jobs. We


Capital D Design Cooperation

envisage, for example, an

With European partners we will

Brainport (Eindhoven)

Eindhoven Food Forum. This

also create a variety of physical

will bring farmers, producers,

Proeftuin projects in Europe,


chefs, teachers and citizens

where together with end users,

Design Academy Eindhoven,

together to explore practical

designs can be constructed,

De Ploeg Bergeijk, Eindhoven

questions. This open platform

tested and evaluated in situ.

University of Technology,

will not be a talking shop; its

There may be Proeftuin projects

Helmond city council, architect’s

core activity will be the

in regions with a large elderly

bureau SO-IL New York, John

development of shared agendas

population, for example,

Thackara (Doors of Perception),

and practical ‘to-do lists’. We

generating concepts for

Helsinki Design Week, London

will also start an Eindhoven

alternative homes for the elderly

Design Week, Beijing Design

Health Forum. Citizens will

in which product design,

Week, Design Indaba (Cape

collaborate with health

architecture and home

Town, South Africa), Munich

providers – doctors, nurses,

automation go hand in hand.

Creative Business Week

hospital managers – in the creation of co-care and active

We will also develop a Mobility

welfare services. Inspired by the

Proeftuin, where in 2014 we will

'Forward to our Roots' concept,

already begin generating new

our Proeftuin will focus on

ideas in the field of mobility in

natural system regeneration.

collaboration with the High

We will explore different

Tech Automotive Campus in

ways to reconnect with, and

Helmond – ideas we will also be

regenerate, our bioregion.

able to use in transporting our


The experimental city - who we are


View of buildings at the industrial heritage site Strijp-S, the former Philips headquarters in Eindhoven. >

Sky over Strijp-S, also the title of one of the ideas for the programme (see box p50). >

< Strijp-S


Welcome to Eindhoven, the city

Philips’ success was founded on

ranging from Spain to Turkey.

Eindhoven has reinvented

of pioneers, inventors and

an unconventional marriage

They helped build up the city,

itself in the past 15 years.

designers – the city of

between technical and creative

and today many of them, and

Government, business and

experimentation. The ugly-

people. It was in Eindhoven

their children and grand-

knowledge institutions put

duckling city, where the energy

that the company grew to be

children, still live in Brabant.

their heads together and got

and the mentality of creative

one of the world’s best-known

processes lies hidden beneath

electronics firms.

the surface. Where does it come

to work, aided by a strong The Miracle of

tradition of social networks in


the region. This successful

from, this urge to innovate,

The coming of a Philips electric

Eindhoven has been flattened

model of collaboration, which

to turn over new ground and

light bulb factory at the end of

on more than one occasion in

has come to be known as the

push things to the limits?

the 19th century set a lot in

history. Physically, by the

Triple Helix, is now being

Before we unveil more of

motion in Eindhoven. But the

bombing of World War II. And

copied in many other

our cultural programme,

city’s history goes back a long

mentally, by the tough

knowledge-rich areas, both in

we would like to introduce

way. Eindhoven was granted

confrontation with globalisation

the Netherlands and beyond.

you to Eindhoven.

city rights in 1232. In the 19th

in the early 1990s when key

century it grew steadily, partly

parts of Philips left the city and

Imagination is more

The character of the people

due to the rise of the leather

a third of all jobs were lost.

important than

of Eindhoven has largely been

and textile industries, drawn by

formed by the poor sandy soil

a supply of cheap skilled labour.

It was a great shock at the time,

Eindhoven is like a magnet for

the city is built on. It is an area

Philips made Eindhoven into a

but with hindsight Philips’

inventors, researchers and artists

with no fertile agricultural land,

modern city and brought the

departure was an opportunity.

– for people in the business of

no raw materials, no sea, no

world to its doorstep.

‘It made Eindhoven resilient,’

innovation. The city is a

says Mayor Rob van Gijzel. The

breeding ground for talent

major rivers – an environment


that obliges its inhabitants to

In the 1970s, US employees

city was left orphaned, but the

because it offers unexplored

be creative. Just to get by,

brought with them the music

people who were left behind

territory, and there is space,

they have had no choice but to

and style of what we today call

became enterprising. They

both physically and mentally.

work together and experiment,

‘urban culture’. From the 1960s

gained more space to think,

The city’s main strength is its

to seek out contradictions

onwards, Philips and other

became more daring, were given

mentality: an attitude of

instead of avoiding them.

companies actively recruited

the chance to exploit their

experiment and daring.

And they keep on doing so

new employees from countries

knowledge, engineering skills

to this day.

around the Mediterranean,

and imagination to the full.


It is the mentality that has

of recent years, let’s face it,

Körmeling will be breaking the

increasing social participation

produced Dutch Design Week,

Eindhoven hasn’t entirely got

place open quite literally in

and cultural education, with a

Europe’s biggest design event.

the identity and image to match

2018 by replacing the front

particular focus on young

And festival STRP, equally

its ambitions as a network city

walls of dozens of buildings in

people. We are not under the

one of the biggest art and

of the future.

the city centre with giant doors

illusion that art and culture

(see also p100).

can solve all of the most

technology festivals in Europe.

important problems in

A city’s physical environment Strijp-S is a huge former Philips

is a major factor in determining

Eindhoven wants to

Eindhoven’s deprived areas,

plant close to the city centre

its identity, in the way it is

connect people

but we do believe we can find

which is now being redeveloped.

perceived by residents and

Like other European cities,

new and innovative ways of

It is perhaps the best example of

visitors. Eindhoven is young

Eindhoven has its under-

inspiring more cultural

the city’s potential. Every sector

and modern, typical of many

privileged neighbourhoods.

participation and greater pride

and skill is welcome there to

new cities in urbanised areas of

These areas in particular suffer

and self-confidence.

take on the challenges of our

Europe, without natural

problems that have only

times on the basis of open

resources or a strategic location.

deepened with the current

innovation. The concentration

Eindhoven is a bold and feisty

economic crisis, problems such

of open minds and passionate

city, but you have to go out of

as unemployment (especially

pioneers makes the energy

your way to find that out. There

among young people), poverty

coupled with the inexhaustible

are few historical monuments

and limited social interaction.

urge to experiment more

and the public space doesn’t

And in some areas there

palpable than ever. The slogan

really reflect the fact that

are problems associated with

in large letters on the wall of

Eindhoven is such a city of

prostitution, drug dealing

the NatLab building, the

design and innovation. The

and personal safety. The

famous former Philips lab, is

culture is too well-hidden. So

2018Eindhoven|Brabant cultural

a quote from Einstein:

it is with good reason that one

programme will focus much of

“Imagination is more important

of the programme proposals is

its energy on neighbourhoods

than knowledge.”

to bring out into the open all

because people strongly

the art and creativity that is

identify with their local area.

Eindhoven wants to

going on behind closed doors

2018Eindhoven|Brabant will

make the city

in institutions, galleries and

make it possible for us to

Despite the economic successes

studios. Architect John

commit more systematically to


EINDHOVEN IN A NUTSHELL • With a population of 217,000, Eindhoven is the fifth largest city in the Netherlands. The city is in the southern province of Brabant, which has a total population of almost 2.5 million. Officially it is called North Brabant, because there is also a province of Brabant across the border in Belgium. • Until the 1990s Eindhoven was the home base of electronics multinational Philips. The city is also known for its Design Academy, one of the top schools of design in the world. And for football club PSV, winner of the 1988 UEFA cup and many a national championship. • Eindhoven was granted city status as long ago as 1232, though it remained small until the end of the 19th century. Then the city grew considerably, particularly due to the arrival of textile factories, the tobacco industry and the Philips electric light bulb factory. • Eindhoven is not only the greenest of the five largest cities and towns in Brabant, it is also the greenest of the five largest cities in the Netherlands. About a third of all public space in Eindhoven is open green space, with an area equivalent to almost 100m² for every household. • Strijp-S used to be a vast Philips plant and the company’s headquarters, close to the city centre. It was home to a fertile marriage between engineering and creativity, the place where inventions such as the cassette tape and the CD came into the world. Now the

site is becoming one of the most exciting centres for the arts and creative industries in the Netherlands. • Brainport, a successful public-private cooperation region, is among the top three in Europe in terms of patent density. Each year it produces more than half the patent applications in the Netherlands. • If you look at the region’s contribution to Gross National Product, Brabant is the Netherland’s second-largest economic region. • Famous companies have their headquarters in Eindhoven and the region: Philips, truck manufacturer DAF, Sat Nav company TomTom, and the world’s biggest supplier of machines to the microchip industry, ASML. • The region has world-renowned knowledge organisations and higher education institutions: Eindhoven University of Technology, Design Academy Eindhoven, TNO (Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research), and Tilburg University, Fontys University of Applied Sciences in Tilburg, the Academy for Fine Art and Design/St Joost in ‘s-Hertogenbosch and Breda, and the National University of Applied Sciences for Tourism and Transport in Breda. • Eindhoven was named European City of the Future in 2010 by leading business news daily the Financial Times.


Smartest region in the world “Few were surprised when the envelope was opened and Eindhoven, the Netherlands, was named as the Intelligent Community (Smartest Region) of 2011. Eindhoven’s focus on creativity was essential to its success. Intuition, followed by engineering, are the hammer and chisel of the modern masterpiece. I believe that many communities are intimidated by this cultural endeavour. Not Eindhoven. What made this community so special in 2011 was

its comfort with contradictions. It understood that creativity requires a step into the unknown. Eindhoven’s faith in the power of culture and its inherent creativity will continue to inspire our movement for a very long time.” Louis A. Zacharilla, co-founder Intelligent Community Forum, New York City, USA


Eindhoven geeks are in Writer Dirk van Weelden: “In popular culture over the past ten years, quiet, studious, technically clever types, ‘geeks’, have been emancipated from laughing stocks to role models, and yes, sometimes heroes. Thus the once so modest, introverted, nerdy city of Eindhoven is blossoming into a lively meeting place for people from all corners of the world who combine research and creative innovation with a desire to exchange, make contact and mingle with other cultures.”

The ‘New Dutch Masters’ of the Design Academy Apart from Philips, the High Tech Campus and football club PSV, the Design Academy is one of Eindhoven’s strongest international brands. It is no coincidence, because design is by nature the discipline that brings together art, technology and craftsmanship. Originally founded by Philips as the Academy for Industrial Design, the Design Academy Eindhoven is seen by many as the most important of its kind in the world. With internationally acclaimed alumni like Maarten Baas, Hella Jongerius, Richard Hutten and Tord Boontje. An article in the New York Times once said that in the footsteps of Rembrandt and Van Gogh, this was where the ‘New Dutch Masters’ were being trained.


We explore the future: our programme proposal C3



Our society is in transition.

become a giant laboratory with

A society ready to take on the

Collaboration brings out

The economic crisis in Europe

room for experimentation, with

future needs the right balance

differences in culture, mentality,

is symbolic of the way old

our model of the Proeftuin as

between people, environment

experience and professionalism.

paradigms are crumbling.

an important tool. A place

and economy. This is why we

Sometimes that can be

Divisions in society are

where we can work to help

are also sharply focusing our

painful. Working together

increasing, solidarity and sense

renew society through art and

programme on sustainability,

brings us into confrontation

of community are under

culture, in collaboration with

and why we are so fervent about

not only with other people,

pressure, the future of the

other disciplines and with

our energy and climate

but also with ourselves.

environment we live in is a

cultures from all over Europe.

ambitions. Inspiring sustainable technological developments as

So where does culture come

urgent need to seek cultural and

We have the physical space

well as raising public awareness

into all this? In 2018 we want a

societal renewal, to free

for this experimentation.

are the preconditions for many

European Capital of Culture

ourselves of old mechanisms.

At Strijp-S, the former Philips

projects in our 2018 programme.

that helps to bring about social

source of concern. There is an

and cultural renewal in Europe.

With our European Capital of

industrial site, the city is

Culture programme we want to

developing a new creative

The art of living

This is only possible if we make

set in motion the transition to

heart, buzzing with creativity


full use of the creative,

new solutions via art and

and talent. With a focus on

To get results through

exploratory and reflective

culture, with amateurs, with

new media, design and

cooperation, you need openness

potential of art and culture.

leading artists, with Europe

cross-pollination between art

and trust. That doesn’t just

We are convinced that art is

and in close collaboration

and technology.

come about by itself. Everyone

essential to a healthy society.

instinctively tends to hold their

And that art – like science –

with every sector possible. This is why the central theme

We also have the mental space.

cards close to their chest. But

creates value in two ways: both

of our programme is entitled

In the Triple Helix model we

we have learned from experience

as art in its own right and in a

We explore the future.

have already rehearsed new

that playing a solo game gets us

functional, applied sense.

forms of collaboration aimed

nowhere. On its own the city

Exploring the future means

at producing innovation and

lacks the expertise and strength,

Art and culture should be an

daring to take the lead, to head

renewal. We are open to new

but together with others and

integral component of the

off the beaten track. Pioneering

impulses, and unafraid to

through open innovation, we

network between sectors and

and taking risks. Experimenting.

make mistakes and adjust

can realise new ideas. That is

reside firmly at the very heart of

Taking action. As European

our outlook.

asking a lot of all the partners,

society. At the same time art

that much we have also learned.

must have the space to develop

Capital of Culture we want to


autonomously, so it can build

The programme will be created

solution is constantly to keep

its quality and also be of

organically and in different

reinventing yourself, through

functional service. This is what

ways: bottom up, top down,

culture, together with others,

we want to bring about in the

and horizontally, via new

says the Lebanese-born French

run up to 2018 and during the

national and European

author Amin Maalouf.

year itself, with a unique cultural

connections. It’s going to

programme starting already in

develop, it’s going to grow –

“Whether our fellow humans live

2014, much of it produced in

you can already feel the energy

across the street or on the other side

‘Proeftuin projects’ (see chapter

here in Eindhoven! The

of the world, they are only a short

4) and via co-creation with the

prospects that the European

step away; our behaviour affects

public, European participants

Capital of Culture title offers

them as intimately as their

and as many different sectors

are already being put to good

behaviour affects us. It is no longer

as possible.

use by many arts producers in

enough to know others in an

Eindhoven and Brabant to

approximate, superficial, crude

New relationships with

build new relationships with

way. We need to know them subtly,

European partners

European partners.

up close. And that can only be

The programme we envisage has

achieved through their culture.

everything needed to spur

No more strangers

There are no longer any strangers in

Europeans into action. With

Today’s network society offers

top-level art and the best design

unprecedented possibilities, but

this century; there are only travelling companions.” *

in the world. With innovations

it can also be confusing. Many

in urban culture, which we

people feel uprooted. The world

expect to create a buzz

is faster, more ephemeral, less

internationally. With accessible

tangible. There is no single

and surprising events in which

answer to the question of how

traditions are celebrated,

we can keep our footing in a

explored and renewed. In which

fluid environment. We have to

new art is created by blending

keep searching.

different art forms. With events in which everyone can take part.

In today’s digital world, no one is ever far away and the only

* From Disordered World: Setting a New Course for the Twenty-first Century (Amin Maalouf, 2011)



Two programme lines

In a long-term artistic

environment. We will be

disciplines art can build

programme, with millions of

experimenting and working

connections between people.

visitors we will explore and

together with a wide range of

Diversity is not a burden but

celebrate the future in and for

sectors. The aim: with an

a source of inspiration for

Europe, in and for neighbour-

innovative cultural programme

new solutions. Read more

hoods and cities. This will

to contribute to new visions and

on this programme line in

happen on the basis of two lines

solutions for social challenges

chapter 6.

running through the

in the European city. Read

programme: We make the city

more on this programme line

and We connect people.

in chapter 5.

We make the city

We connect people

The city of the future will be a

With this programme line we

node in a network of cities. The

will be using art and culture

network city will be capable of

to make an active contribution

many things and will have a lot

to the sense of connection

more to offer its inhabitants,

between people in Europe. This

tourists, businesspeople and

is inspired by the idea that you

scientists than the sum of its

can’t create unity in the

parts. Together with European

continent only on an economic

partners, Eindhoven and

and political basis. Not only

Brabant want to work on

among European countries, but

building this city of the future.

also in cities, neighbourhoods and villages, the search for sense

We will depart from the key

of community, solidarity and

issues facing society today.

common values is a challenge.

With a diverse and innovative cultural programme we will

Art at both amateur and top

reflect on challenges such as the

professional level will

aging population, xenophobia,

contribute to this search. In

social segregation and the

collaboration with other



Green light over Europe GLOW+ From its home in Eindhoven,

take a fresh look at a building

locations. This will have the

So we will link GLOW+ with

Philips was the company that

in public space, whether it is

dual benefit of ensuring unique

a special Proeftuin where artists,

brought electric light to the

a private home, a mosque, a

and affordable light artworks

designers, scientists and light

world. In 2018 Eindhoven and

deserted industrial estate or

while also giving the artist

producers can explore the

its partners will once again

a football stadium.

a bigger budget and an

potential for new structural

become Europe’s cities of light.

international platform.

solutions for lighting in the

The spectacular light art festival

We are working with GLOW on

After 2018, some of the light

public space – new solutions

GLOW already brings hundreds

plans for a spectacular opening

sculptures in the cities of

that focus on quality of life,

of thousands of visitors to

for 2018Eindhoven|Brabant,

Brabant and elsewhere in

safety and sustainability.

Eindhoven each year. The

using a string of hundreds of

Europe will be installed on

special year-long edition of the

thousands of environmentally

a permanent basis.

festival in 2018 will be a

friendly LED lights sponsored

glowing thread running through

by Philips. It will stretch out

Interaction and co-creation will

OPENLIGHT (the creative lab

the year’s events. Light

across Europe, all the way from

be key to GLOW+. Some light

at Eindhoven University of

installations and projections by

Eindhoven to Malta. And the

installations will react to sounds

Technology’s Intelligent Lighting

world-renowned artists will

lights will even be visible on

or movements made by visitors.

Institute), Baltan Laboratories,

connect the participating cities

nighttime satellite images.

And they will be able to directly

LUX Helsinki (Finland),

in Brabant with many others

control other light artworks,

Lichtfestival Gent (Belgium),

all over Europe.

whether in situ or from

Lichtrouten Lüdenscheid

You control the lights

thousands of miles away using

(Germany), Lumiere Durham

The idea behind GLOW is as

In 2018 GLOW will become

their own laptop.

(United Kingdom),

simple as it is effective: light in

GLOW+, the world’s greatest

the dark connects directly to

light art festival. Existing

A new light shining on

Narracje Festival Gdansk

the imagination. And anyone

collaborations with other

public space

(Poland), Skyway Torun

who has visited GLOW knows

European light festivals in

GLOW will of course run the

(Poland), Festival of Lights

just how magical it can be, with

Ghent, Helsinki and elsewhere

festival as sustainably as

Jerusalem (Israel), Philips

plain buildings transformed

will form a solid foundation for

possible in collaboration with

Corporate Sustainability

into gorgeous edifices, and

this growth. We will all be

sponsor Philips (Corporate

anonymous locations in the

joining forces to commission

Sustainability). But we also

city suddenly gaining new

European artists to design light

want to inspire sustainable use

meaning. Light art make us

sculptures for multiple

of light and energy elsewhere.

PARTNERS: Van Abbemuseum, MU,

Valgusfestival Tallinn (Estonia),

‘Light viaduct’ over the A2 motorway near Eindhoven, a project by Har Hollands. >

Har Hollands, light architect and one of the curators of GLOW light festival. >

Sketches by Dutch painter Reinhart Dozy made while imprisoned at the Camp Vught concentration camp during the Second World War. >



The art of survival Art in wartime People make art in the most

resistance, bringing humour

concentration camps in the

be developing the exhibition

distressing conditions:

and inspiration to a hopeless

Second World War – works such

programme further in the

Schubert’s music could be heard

situation. Art, humour and

as those made in Camp Vught

coming years.

in Auschwitz, paintings were

satire have played an important

(SS Konzentrationslager

made at Guantanamo Bay, and

role in the Syrian revolution,

Herzogenbusch) in Brabant, the


in the secret annex Anne Frank

for example. Cartoonist Ali

only official SS concentration

Camp Vught National Memorial

expressed her reality through

Ferzat’s became the voice of the

camp in the Netherlands.

writing. The Art of Survival is

people with his caricatures of

an exhibition of art made by

the President Assad. Musical

The first phase in the realisation

people in hopeless situations.

time bombs and graffiti are the

of this exhibition was the

Development, Netherlands

new weapons for people who

decision to focus on art from

Institute for War, Holocaust and

Art is often viewed as a luxury.

want to bring about change.

the two ‘bloody decades’ of

Genocide Studies (NIOD), Anne

If this were truly the case, you

In Bamiyan, Afghanistan, the

the 20th century, the 1930s and

Frank Foundation, Dutch Council

would expect art to vanish in

work and motives of amateur

40s. It will present art from

for Refugees (Vluchtelingen

times of suffering. In fact the

photographers express strength

prison camps operated in

Werk Nederland), Amnesty

reverse is true. Art often turns

and a sense of hope and

and on behalf of Nazi Germany

International. The project will

out to be the final sanctuary for

ambition for the future. In

and in and on behalf of the

have the support of expert

people whose lives have been

Baghdad, Iraq, a young refugee

Soviet Union.

advisors including NIOD, the

torn apart by war or some other

returns, dodging the bombs

catastrophe. These are just the

to teach art history. In

We will also show our

sort of situations in which art

Zimbabwe’s Book Café the

solidarity with people caught

offers solace, in which people

microphone was always open

up in modern wars by

look for resources within

to anyone who wanted to

presenting artworks from

themselves that haven’t yet

speak, inspiring generations

more recent hotbeds of

been affected by tragedy. Art is

of authors and poets.

conflict, inviting artists from

in fact a fundamental need –

PARTNERS: Prins Claus Fund for Culture and

Prins Claus Fund, and Camp Vught National Memorial

various fields producing work

a source of strength,

The Art of Survival acknow-

empowerment and hope.

ledges the importance of arts

under difficult conditions.

and culture in wartime. The

Focusing on multimedia will

In wartime, artistic expression

idea for this exhibition was

allow us to present a wide range

can be a form of creative

inspired by artworks from

of artistic disciplines. We will

< Ernst Verduin was in the Camp Vught concentration camp as a teenager. He now works as a volunteer at the Camp Vught National Memorial.



The Apocalypse according to Joep van Lieshout

Joep van Lieshout >

Joep van Lieshout’s studio in Rotterdam. >


The New Tribal Labyrinth “A path through the elephant grass.

sculpture park about techno-

History and the future

Autumn sunshine. Apparently you

logy, art and culture, and

Until recently the industrial site

managed by the art foundation

can use elephant grass to make all

human history. It will deal with

behind Tilburg station was in

dertien hectare (thirteen hectares),

sorts of things. Above your head,

themes of recycling and

use as one of the two most

close to Heeswijk, southeast of

stalks, shoots. In the distance a

reproduction, consumer goods

important and oldest

’s-Hertogenbosch, with an

round tower on the horizon. Left,

and rituals.

maintenance companies for

exhibition of a large collection

Dutch Railways. Locomotives

of sculptural works around the

right, straight on, round the corner.

of the project in the rural site

A pheasant rustles through the

The New Tribal Labyrinth can

were made and repaired here for

theme of Agricola Novus, or

reed-like grass. Round another

be seen as the ultimate portrayal

more than hunderd years. In

‘the new farmer’.

corner. There, amongst all the tall

of Van Lieshout’s apocalyptic

this post-industrial location

grass, stand machines you can’t

ideas about the future. He is

Joep van Lieshout will make his


quite place at first. There’s a loom

pessimistic about the use of

own connection between

Atelier Van Lieshout (Rotterdam)

you can set in motion. Where a

natural energy sources and is

history and the future of work

pathway comes to a dead end,

convinced that within a

and society.

there’s a huge hulk: a steel construc-

few decades human beings

tion bearing shiny tubes, spheres

will have exhausted all the

“In a row on a long strip of land

and barrels. A blast furnace?”

energy available. People will

stand a collection of tall sculptures:

then be left with no choice but

radio masts, totem poles, elongated,


to keep the machines running

almost Egyptian-looking construc-

Joep van Lieshout is currently

through their own physical

tions. The atmosphere is serene – it

seen as one of the most

exertion. “If we continue

makes me think of a beach in north-

successful Dutch artists, both in

overexploiting the world in the

ern Canada full of dead tree trunks,

the Netherlands and abroad. In

way we’re doing now, it won’t be

or a site where Aboriginals honour

2018 the Brabant-born artist

long before everything is used

their dead. As I walk around it,

plans to grow a field of elephant

up,” he told Dutch art magazine

lying there in the perfect green grass

grass the size of four football

Oog. “And because nobody

I see eggs, bigger than I am.

pitches behind Tilburg’s central

wants to do without anything,

I put my ear to one of them but hear

station. Through this field he

we will end up smashing each

only the rushing of my own blood.”

will then cut a maze, in which

other’s brains in. But I don’t

he will place a large number

want to moralise about it. I just

In the summer of 2012 Atelier

of his own artworks to create a

make art about it.”

Van Lieshout gave a foretaste



The Solar World Cinema, powered by solar energy.

(Y)Our Europe

With founder Maureen Prins (L) and Christian Hemmen. >

solar world cinema The Solar World Cinema is a

short filmmaking workshops

Kinemastik film festival (Malta),

unique mobile cinema running

given in collaboration with

Barz-Hippo’s (youth workshops,

on solar energy, which has been

local partners such as film

Italy), CICAE (International

touring all over Europe since

schools, museums and

Confederation of Art House

2010. In 2018 the Solar World

filmmakers. At the end of each

Cinemas), St. Joost Art Academy

Cinema bus will set out on a

visit, they will screen a

(Breda), Festival Playgrounds

quest for the identity of Europe.

compilation of the films.

(Tilburg) and Eindhoven

The project will have its own

University of Technology

In 2018 the Solar World

dedicated portal to which

Cinema crew will be travelling

anyone can upload their own

around Europe as part of the

films and impressions of towns

(Y)Our Europe project, with

and villages. Other films will

open-air screenings of films that

also be available for viewing

focus on European identity.

and all material will be available

They will also be producing

for common use. The first solar-powered

their own film productions on the road: in every city, town

On Solar World Cinema’s

mobile cinema

and village they visit, they will

return to the Netherlands, all

The Solar World Cinema is a

ask local people what they like

the suitable film material will

mobile cinema bus with solar

about where they live or what

be used to produce a full-length

panels on its roof. It has

marks it out as special –

ode to European towns entitled

been travelling since 2010 to

something that they want to

(Y)Our Europe, which will be

towns and villages throughout

share with the rest of Europe.

distributed and screened

Europe, bringing people

The pilot version of the project

throughout Europe.

together for open-air film screenings. The self-supporting

took place in July 2012 with a visit to Malta. Solar World Cinema will ask


Solar World Cinema project is

Solar World Cinema Foundation

refreshing, accessible and


practical . It combines culture and sustainability, demon-

people to make a film clip about their own town,


strating just how well they can

supporting this process with

Pula film festival (Croatia),

work in tandem.

Solar World Cinema on location. >

Carnival floats under construction for the Oeteldonkse optocht (parade), ’s-Hertogenbosch, 2012. >



Celebrating Carnival with the rest of the world Wim van der Donk,

Carnival is one of the oldest

But Carnival can also be a

congress on the origins and social functions of Carnival.

Queen’s Commissioner

popular festivals in the world. It

somewhat isolated event, with

in Brabant:

is the ultimate celebration of

limited exchange taking place

“Carnival is a unique, popular

social connectedness, and there

even between the villages


celebration that is integral to

are few places where it is

involved. Nonetheless, if there

Brabant Carnivals Federation,

the identity of local

experienced so intensely as in

is one party where you can

Kunstbalie, Erfgoed Brabant,

communities. It is a strong

Brabant. Culture can offer an

celebrate unity in diversity, it

Nederlands Centrum voor Volks-

social binder bringing people

escape from everyday life, an

is this one. So in 2018 we

cultuur, European Cultural

together in cafes and on the

alternative reality, and that is

will be celebrating Carnival

Heritage Foundation (ECE),

streets to sing along to roaming

certainly a speciality of

the whole year long.

National Carnival Museum

Carnival orchestras. People get

Carnival. It brings together

to step out of their everyday

tradition and creativity in the

We are going to combine art

Kanselarij Nederland van de

roles for the joy of being

rituals, the floats, the music and

and Carnival by asking

Internationale Broederschap

together and celebrating

the costumes. In 2018, Brabant

contemporary artists to design

van het Gulden Vlies and the

together. Carnival is an intrinsic

will share the energy of

Carnival floats for various

Närrische Europäische

part of Brabant, so let’s take

Carnival with the rest of the

towns in Brabant and to take

Gemeinschaft (NEG)

good care of it.”

world, connecting Carnivals in

their inspiration from the many

our towns with Maastricht,

immigrant Carnival traditions.

Cologne, Venice, the Antilles

And we are also going to swap

and of course Malta.

ideas with other countries: in

‘Oeteldonks Gemintemuzejum’,

2016, 2018 and 2020 we will be

< Rob van de Laar, chairman of the Brabant Carnivals Federation.

Some form of Carnival takes

exchanging float designs with

place in almost every country

Germany, Malta and Brazil.

with a Catholic tradition.

And in 2018 we will also share

Besides the Netherlands, it is

our costumes, rituals and music

celebrated everywhere from

by organising an exhibition

South Africa to Germany to

with contributions from

Colombia. For many

eighteen countries about and

neighbourhoods, villages and

as part of Carnival. This

towns in these countries it is

exhibition will run in parallel

the social highpoint of the year.

with a major international


Proeftuin, the method



Our European Capital of

artistically minded and practical

We plan to involve as many

increasingly interwoven and we

Culture will be one big

people, using art and culture,

people as possible. People who

believe they should no longer

Proeftuin – a Dutch word

technology and knowledge to

used to be known as ‘the

be seen as contradictory but as

meaning ‘experimental garden’,

search for answers to the urgent

audience’ will become co-

complementary forces

similar to ‘test bed’ but with

challenges facing society. The

creators in entire the process.

strengthening each other. The

layers of meaning we think it

relationship between nature

Local, national and European

Proeftuin projects are designed

is important for you to know

and technology will be a major

participants will show where

to allow us to re-examine our

about (see box on p10).

source of inspiration.

their needs lie, come up with

relationship with our land and

creative ideas, give feedback,

nature in the context of the

The Proeftuin will be a place to conceive, practise and

The results of the Proeftuin

and work on performances,

relatively new digital world in

experience art. It will offer the

projects will be diverse, ranging

buildings or art works.

which we live. Digital natives

mental and physical space to

from performances, artworks

take time, contemplate and

and exhibitions to festivals and

People will decide for them-

their homeland. How should we

create. Our programme will

street theatre.

selves which phase they

in Brabant – a region of farmers,

want to take part in, which

green cities and technology

grow out of multidisciplinary

now view the internet as part of

teams, ‘Proeftuin projects’ in

Built on urgency

season of the Proeftuin – the

– and in Europe deal with this

which artists, local residents

There will be many such

experimental garden. Would

new situation? How can we find

and experts will work on art

projects during 2018Eindhoven|

you like to choose the seeds to

new reference points?

and culture together in an open-

Brabant, both in physical

sow? Or help design the layout?

source way designed to break

and digital form, not only in

Or would you prefer to wait till

down barriers. This will be our

Eindhoven and in the

the flowers are in bloom and

method. How will it work?

Netherlands but also elsewhere

just enjoy the scene, or harvest

in Europe. Built on urgency,

the fruit?

The Proeftuin is a concept we

with links to all sectors, focused

are developing to enable artists,

on co-creation. Based on the

One of the themes which will

local residents, academics,

awareness that art and culture

play an important role in many

young people and entrepreneurs

bubbles up to the surface and

Proeftuin projects is the

to inspire and help each other

can best be created without

increasing interdependence

to move forward. We will set

rules or interference. And it

between nature and technology.

up Proeftuin projects to

happens best at unexpected

Nature (including humanity)

work with bright, visionary,

times and places.

and technology are becoming


10 Starting points

The Proeftuin projects will be

the economic, social and spatial

will provide new ideas for

and action. Action, not

open laboratories.

ambitions of Europe and its

funding culture. Initiatives have

discussion, is the keyword.

Organisations and individuals

cities. Europe will be invited

to make sense financially.

– with good plans and at least

and encouraged to participate in

6. environmental

The artistic director together

two partners – can put forward

and learn from the Proeftuin

sustainability: initiatives

with a team of experts will

proposals to set one up. Each

projects and vice versa: the

must be environmentally sound,

decide whether a proposal

plan has to deal with a theme

projects will be pro-active in

taking into account the foot-

complies with these starting

that fits within one of the

engaging Europe.

print they leave behind them.

points and fits within the

programme lines, We connect

3.multidisciplinary: the

7. legacy: initiatives will not


people or We make the city.

make-up of teams will be as

be simply collections of separate

programme. Each Proeftuin

diverse as possible, not just in

projects. They will be

will have an independent

To guarantee the quality of the

terms of expertise but also in

structured, enabling producers

management team and will

Proeftuin projects and ensure

terms of the roles of their

and users to take new know-how

take its own decisions about

they will produce applicable

members. Each team will

and understanding on board

forms of presentation.

results, we have set out the

include a creative and original

and pass it on to others.

2018Eindhoven|Brabant will

following ten starting points to

person in a central position who

8. the leap from fear

follow the development of

which they must subscribe.

will shake up the process and

to hope: while our era is often

all the Proeftuin projects,

encourage unexpected lines

characterised by crisis and fear

maintain contact regarding

1. open character: each

of approach.

for the future, the projects will

presentations and provide

Proeftuin will be characterised

4. nature and

help us advance through fear

tailor-made advice where

by openness and will set to work

technology: the relationship

and will offer hope.


with active contributions from

between nature and technology

9. head and heart:

the public and organisations.

and how they are interwoven

initiatives will look for a new

Social innovation

All the Proeftuin projects will

will play a central role in many

balance between head and

An important partner for

lead to concrete results for a

Proeftuin projects, serving as

heart, between reason and

Eindhoven in the development

broad public. All activities will

a source of inspiration for

emotion. Cultural expression

of the Proeftuin projects is

by definition be recognisably

new insights into and solutions

can help to achieve this.

Tilburg University, a front

linked to and anchored in

for society.

10. thought and action:

runner in Europe in the field of


5. innovative financing

the Proeftuin projects are our

‘social innovation’. In the

2. significance for


way of trying to find ways of

projects, the arts and

Europe: initiatives will serve

values: the Proeftuin projects

giving new shape to thought

humanities subjects involved in


social innovation will be linked

and in different locations in the

And what will the world be like

to the scientific approach of

rest of the Netherlands and

if we do nothing and keep using

technology and design.

Europe. For example, we will

the earth as if we are all that

have specially-designed

matters and as if resources are

In the Proeftuin projects we will

transparent Proeftuin projects


work to create new expressions

with presentation facilities such

of art and culture through

as a stage, projector and screen.

These are questions we might

co-creation. Each Proeftuin will

There will be a pop-up version,

put to artists in the Proeftuin

have its own theme and partners,

and Proeftuin projects that

projects, just as we have

and through crowd sourcing

travel through Europe. We will

asked artist Joep van Lieshout

and active participation, anyone

use the latest methods to make

to explore a world view for

in Europe will be able to

online collaboration and


contribute via an online portal.

presentation a success. And we

We will present the results both

will be keen to draw on the

His first sketches are ready,

live and online, in Brabant, in

experience of the European

ambitious, compelling and

the Netherlands and in Europe.

cultural network. We see the

confrontational. Walking

former, present and future

through a labyrinth cut through

Work in the Proeftuin projects

European Capitals of Culture as

a vast field of elephant grass

will be done in accordance with

our primary partners.

beside the railway tracks of

the sustainability principles of

Tilburg, we will encounter Van

the Framework for Strategic

The urgent issues we will be

Lieshout’s art works presenting

Sustainable Development, an

dealing with in 2018 might not

a vision of the destructive world

open source, scientifically

even have arisen yet – with the

he believes humanity is heading

robust, and widely disseminated

Proeftuin projects we will keep

for if we don’t turn around

framework co-developed by an

our finger on the pulse. We will

and seek new a direction. The

international NGO called The

keep in contact with other

labyrinth itself will form an

Natural Step. It is the backbone

European Capitals of Culture

environment in which visitors

of the approach to sustainability

and make use of the expertise

and other artists will be able to

adopted by multinationals such

they have developed. Umea2014

reflect on the vision that Van

as Philips, Nike and Dow

is paying a lot of attention to

Lieshout presents.

Chemical. Eindhoven City

climate and the environment

Council as well as the city’s five

with the programme Stay Cool,

As well as Van Lieshout’s

housing corporations and the

for example. Wroclaw 2016 is

Proeftuin we will also develop

companies involved in the

dealing with ‘interpassivity’ as a

a range of Proeftuin projects

Strijp-S redevelopment have

symptom of contemporary

that will work proactively and

also adopted the Framework.

technological developments.

concretely on future possi-

The Flexible Platform is the

bilities to use resources more Visualising

economically and sustainably,

The Natural Step. Its office is

a new world view

for example through recycling,

at Strijp-S.

Can we visualise, film, describe,

upcycling, innovation, or

paint, design a world based on

the exchange of objects that

Cultural Capitals United

new values and principles? Can

people no longer use themselves

To make the Proeftuin projects

architects build this world?

more. For examples see Cultural

as high-profile and inviting as

What will the neighbourhoods

souk (p18), detuin|united

possible, we will find ways to

in which we will live together be

(p48), World Design Expo (p20)

give them a conspicuous

like? What form will we give to

and the collaboration with

physical presence in the

the public space in this world?

Philips Corporate Sustainability

Dutch representative of

participating cities in Brabant



We make the city C5


We want to explore the future

according to a recent UN

for contemplation and urban

development of the work

to give the world we live in new

report. In 35 years’ time it will

meeting places. You can

online, and pool ideas as

meaning through art and

be two out of three. This means

see it as an experiment in

co-designers. In producing the

culture, to gain a new purchase

that in many regions of Europe,

which the countryside gets to

design, in collaboration with

on the world through art.

city and countryside will

stake a claim in the city. In

the local authorities, planners,

As an urban network, we are

increasingly overlap. This is

detuin|united, there will be cows

farmers and residents, the art

offering ourselves as a cultural

certainly evident in Brabant.

wandering among the studios

students will put ‘the art of

test bed for the network city of

City and countryside form what

and stages, we will experiment

living together’ into practice.

the future. With Proeftuin

we have come to call a ‘mosaic

with new forms of city

They will personally experience

projects and other cultural

metropolis’. The question of

gardening, and explore whether

the dilemmas and obstacles

activities we will create art and

how the urban and the rural

they can be applied on a larger

an artist has to overcome to

make discoveries to enrich our

can best complement each other

scale. We will seek new

create a large public artwork.

city, also in terms of ecological

is a possible starting point for a

dynamics based on artistic

In 2018 we will present the

sustainability. And we will be

Proeftuin centring on land art.

inspiration and a new exchange

designs and the artworks that

between city and countryside.

have been realised, and we

working together with as many local residents and visitors as

Detuin|united (‘the garden |

will share the young artists’

possible, in a way that

united’, see p48) will be a

We will be asking artists to

valuable experience with

structurally strengthens the

cultural park, a pleasure garden,

develop artworks for prominent

European art academies.

capacity of the city and its

in an industrial area in

locations in the landscape, in

inhabitants to shape their own

’s-Hertogenbosch. The park is

conjunction with the area’s


future. In this chapter we

inspired by the work of the

direct users, such as farmers,

art and technology

describe the first line to our

city’s most famous artist,

villagers or recreational visitors.

Another plan for a keynote

programme: We make the city.

Jheronimus Bosch. We will be

We will invite European art

programme component is

creating a piece of countryside

academies to have young

STRP XXL. In just a few years,


in the middle of the city. It will

artists adopt locations in

festival STRP has grown to

town and country

be a Proeftuin in itself, in which

Europe – for example in border

become one of the largest

One of the topical issues we will

we will dream about the society

areas – for which they will

festivals of art and technology

be exploring with a Proeftuin is

of the future. In detuin|united

design a piece of land art and

in Europe. For the European

urbanisation. The city keeps on

we will develop new ideas on

ideally also realise it. Planners,

Capital of Culture year, we will

advancing, and one person in

integrating urban and rural,

architects, designers and fellow

be mounting STRP XXL, an

two now lives in an urban area,

we will create new concepts

artists will be able to follow the

extra-large version which will run


Ben Schouten: “In Eindhoven there’s

“Actually I’m always dreaming

distanced from these kinds of

the user, says Ben. “In many

freedom, because people

a bit. I don’t believe in rules so

organisations. The only option

places here there’s an

aren’t trapped in

much. I’m triggered by the

is to bring them closer. To

atmosphere of freedom,


dynamics of the times.” He is

collaborate. That’s what’s so

because people aren’t trapped


mainly interested in processes,

nice about gaming. Through

in compartmentalised

“In how you can involve people,

play, discovering, being able

processes. The self-evidence of

Ben Schouten, originally an

how you can make them

to make mistakes, looking at

working in a multidisciplinary

artist, made the switch into

enthusiastic. How you can

things from the other direction,

way, the combination of

science. With a doctorate in

make them think. The world

throwing things away, starting

social and technological

computer science, since 2010 he

isn’t so deterministic anymore.

all over again.”

aspects. And not being scared

has been a professor of Playful

We’re seeing the bankruptcy of

Interaction at Eindhoven

centrally organised institutions,

The only way to bring about

University of Technology.

like big banks. People are too

innovation is to focus on

throughout the year. Strijp-S

Who will they be? We won’t

young designers, have been

will be the physical heart of

know till 2018.

inspired by the relationship

theme: young people,

between nature and technology

heritage and traditional

2018Eindhoven| Brabant,

of it. We don’t have any sacred cows here.”

and STRP XXL will be largely

theme: nature and

and new developments in the


responsible for the life and


field. Eindhoven-based

The province of Brabant has

dynamics on the location in

One of the themes that we will

bio-artist Jalila Essaïdi, for

a wide range of heritage sites

2018. Many Proeftuin projects

frequently be exploring within

example, is renowned for her

for which it wants to devise

will be based in Strijp-S, and

this programme line is the

‘bullet-proof skin’, made of

new, sustainable functions.

STRP XXL will play a central

relationship between nature and

human skin and spider silk

Monasteries, silos or factories,

role in presenting their

technology. Both are fields in

(see box on p47).

for example, have dominated

cultural output. STRP XXL

which Brabant can boast a

will be a cultural relay, with a

wealth of knowledge. Artists,

One of the Proeftuin projects

of the province for centuries.

succession of events, master

designers and scientists all

we want to initiate in the run-up

To ensure their future, they

classes, concerts, performances,

expect that the majority of

to 2018 will experiment with

need to be restored on the basis

exhibitions and screenings

innovations over the coming

new applications of natural

of innovative thinking about

with art and technology as

years will arise through the

pigments in paint for artists.

society and the economy.

the central theme.

far-reaching integration of

Centuries ago artists painted

Through our European Capital

the atmosphere and appearance

technology and nature. Take the

using naturally occurring

of Culture programme, we want

STRP XXL will also be a

rise of nanotechnology, for

substances, but many

to involve children and young

‘stream’ that people every-

example, or the development

techniques have been forgotten.

people directly with this

where will be able to log in to

and use of bio-based materials.

Paint has now become a

cultural heritage, so they can

and make a contribution,

Here Brabant can play a crucial

synthetic product containing

make a visible and worthwhile

making this one of the most

role because the province is

little or no natural material.

contribution, and see their

media-intensive events of

home to so much expertise in

The company Rubia in the

future prospects improving.

2018. It will be like an ‘art

the field. We are giving a lot of

Brabant town of Steenbergen

and culture open university’,

weight to this theme, because

uses innovative and entirely

One example is a Proeftuin

where anyone in Europe will

ecological sustainability is

natural and sustainable

about finding new uses for

be able to do a course or

perhaps the most urgent topic

techniques to produce dyes for

physical heritage, which will

attend a lecture by one of

in relation to the symbiosis

textiles. Working with artists

bring together knowledge,

the most high-profile cultural

between nature and technology.

we will seek new applications

education, research, employ-

minds of the moment.

Many designers, especially

for these pigments in painting.

ment and the new economy.


Young people will be playing

and provide inspiration for

Jalila Essaïdi:

she says – sometimes because

the central role in the

new functions for the buildings

“EXCITING things happen

there is friction. To Jalila that

Proeftuin because, after all,

(see p53).

through openly sharing

goes without saying. Science is


made up of islands of expertise,

they’re the ones who will be preserving our heritage and

In this bid book we have given

craftsmanship in the future.

just a few examples of impor-

Jalila Essaïdi (32) sparked a

it’s by looking at things from

We hope that by learning

tant, topical aspects of the

media hype when she succeeded

different angles that you find

on the job they will become

contemporary European city

in making a bullet-proof skin

new, unexpected solutions.”

interested in a technical

that we want to explore through

made of human cells and spider

education and in acquiring

art and culture. We haven’t

silk. Fascinated by the

Jalila trained at the art academy

traditional knowledge and skills

talked about inspiring the

transience of life, she studies

in Tilburg and then studied

that are at risk of being lost.

city yet. Inspiration is what

and manipulates living material.

Bio-Art at Leiden University.

Universities and colleges, know-

brings a city to life, and it

Life sciences are the basis for

She wants to innovate by

ledge institutions and heritage

comes from people. It is one

her artistic work.

linking nature, culture and

organisations will join provincial

of the topics in the second line

government in contributing to

to our programme, We connect

Eindhoven city council invited

can solve problems by bringing

the Proeftuin. We will already

people. More on this in the

Jalila to start a bio-art lab and

everything together. And that

be running a pilot over the

next chapter.

each with its own jargon. “But

technology. She believes you

offered her a space at Strijp-T,

is possible here in Eindhoven,

next couple of years.

the former location of Philips

she says. “There’s a lot of

In another Proeftuin, around a

Medical Systems. “Since then

interaction among different

dozen former monasteries or

my work has taken off,” she

areas of expertise. The

other characteristic heritage

says. “I’m constantly being

institutions are small, the lines

buildings now left unused will

introduced to new people and

are short, the people are

temporarily serve as studios for

everyone’s incredibly helpful.

down-to-earth. You can get

leading international artists.

Everybody knows each other

things off the ground pretty

They will take their inspiration

here. Once you know one or

quickly. That suits me. I like to

from the building and the

two interesting people, you

get straight down to work.”

environment, and create and

know them all.” And that suits

exhibit new work. Exhibitions

her way of working perfectly.

and presentations will draw a

“Exciting things happen through

large international audience

openly sharing knowledge,”



De Heus cattle feed plant in ’s-Hertogenbosch,

Who still dreams of a heaven on earth?

future location of detuin|united. >

Railside redevelopment in 's-hertogenBosch: detuin | united Close to the historical city

of Utopia, in which Thomas

inspired by The Garden of

narrow strip of parkland

centre of ’s-Hertogenbosch,

More describes the ideal society.

Earthly Delights, the celebrated

running for a mile along a

tucked between railways and

Exactly five centuries after the

triptych by artist Jheronimus

former freight railway track in

waterways, stands a huge old

book first appeared, detuin|

Bosch depicting human

New York. Another is architect

cattle feed plant on an

united will consider how far we

existence in paradise, on earth

Stefano Boeri’s design for the

industrial estate. It is an exciting

have com. Are we still bold

and in hell. The Rotterdam-

apartment blocks built in Milan

place with flavours of past and

enough to dream of a better

based bureau ZUS (Zones

in 2013 whose concrete

future. In 2013 the men from

society or are we all bound for

Urbaines Sensibles) will design

platforms jutting from the

the mill will be leaving, and we

hell on earth? As part of the

the architecture and translate

facades support pots of shrubs

will get started on detuin|united

European Capital of Culture

the triptych into physical space.

and trees.

(‘the garden|united’). We are

year in 2018, detuin|united will

going to use this Proeftuin –

assemble an international

Sustainability and

We will give space to renowned

and this time it is quite literally

cultural programme presenting


artists so they can produce

an experimental garden – to

work produced by scientists,

We are seeking out new forms

projects at the cutting edge of

dream big dreams about the

gardeners, artists and citizens

for the garden as a place of

their disciplines. There will be

society of the future. In this

in their search for answers to

reflection and reconciliation.

filmmakers and food

modern, urban Eden we will

these questions.

The project’s aims are

innovators, theatre makers and

bring the countryside to the

encapsulated in its Dutch title

cultural philosophers, urban

city, create new places for

Place of reconciliation

detuin|united: the Dutch words

planners and poets, and

reflection and reconciliation,

Cows will be wandering among

for ‘the garden’ form an

landscape architects and

and experiment with

the silos, warehouses and

anagram of ‘united’. It will

educators. Their activities will

sustainability and recycling.

scaffolding as you stroll along

create encounters between

span everything from popular

to studios, temporary stages,

citizens and visitors of every

entertainment to profound

In 2016, detuin|united will be

meeting rooms, exhibition

ethnicity, faith and outlook.

experimentation. This complex

the focal point for celebrations

spaces and a small hotel.

Sustainability and recycling

will play host to a carousel and

surrounding the 500th anniver-

Children will be working on

will play a key role, as will

a circus, as well as urban games,

sary of painter Jheronimus

the allotments, harvesting

cross-pollination between city

theatre, concerts, lectures and

Bosch’s death. And it is

vegetables for a special cook-

and countryside.

debates. It will become the new

curiously appropriate that

and-eat project. This is where

2016 is also the 500th

we will practice and deepen

One of our inspirations is The

anniversary of the publication

‘the art of living together’,

High Line, the remarkable

urban hub for top-notch culture and interaction.


< The canteen at cattle feed plant De Heus, future venue for detuin|united. Paul van Seeters, co-initiator of detuin|united (L) with an employee at De Heus (R).


International Festival of Arts &

Stichting detuin|united,

Ideas (New Haven, USA), Under

Jheronimus Bosch 500,

the Radar Festival (New York,

Theaterfestival Boulevard,

USA), Theater aan Zee Festival

November Music, Incubate

(Oostende, Belgium), Centre de

festival Tilburg, Festival

développement chorégraphique

Mundial Tilburg, Jazz in

du Val-de-Marne/ Biënnale de

Duketown, Stedelijk Museum

danse du Val-de-Marne (Paris,

’s-Hertogenbosch, Fundament

France), Operaestate Festival

Tilburg, Het Zuidelijk Toneel,

Veneto (Venice, Italy), ImPulsTanz

Circo Circolo, Theater Artemis,

(Vienna, Austria)

Matzer Theaterproducties, Verkadefabriek, de Skatehal, CBK ‘s-Hertogenbosch and W2 Poppodium, Berliner Festspiele, Concertgebouw Brugge (Belgium), Künstlerhaus Mousonturm (Frankfurt, Germany), Frans Brood Productions (Ghent, Belgium), NTGent (Belgium), Teatro Maria Matos (Lisbon, Portugal), Greenwich + Docklands Festivals, London International Festival of Theatre (LIFT), Dance Umbrella (London, UK), Asociación Hablar en Arte, ACCIÓN! MAD, Festival Internacional Madrid en Danza, Festival de Otono en Primavera (Madrid, Spain),



Art and technology: resetting the future STRP XXL Festival The annual festival STRP at

technology and society. STRP

on a wide international network

Sky over Strijp-S

Strijp-S in Eindhoven has

focuses on impact and a 360-

of influential artists, scientists

Another idea is Sky over

grown to become one of the

degree experience that brings

and visionaries the festival has

Strijp-S, the first art event ever

largest and most important

thought, depth and surprises.

built up over the years, and link

to take place entirely in the sky.

them up with their cultural

The skies above Strijp-S will

festivals of art, technology and new music in Europe. The

Twelve international

counterparts from Eindhoven,

be the stage for art ranging

festival features a multi-


Brabant and the Netherlands as

from fireworks and projections

disciplinary mix of technological

Strijp-S will be the epicentre of

a whole.

to augmented reality and

art, performance, film and


contemporary music. In 2018,

NatLab 2.0 will be the main

STRP XXL will start

all over Europe. A team of

under the name STRP XXL,

base for the Proeftuin projects,

preparations in 2013. In the

curators will approach artists,

the festival will last for 365

VOLT will show the latest

run-up to 2018, STRP will

and via an international call for

days of the year. STRP XXL will

developments in media (see p71)

mount a programme comprising

projects artists will be invited

be 2018Eindhoven|Brabant’s

and the STRP XXL festival will

four to six events a year.

to submit plans, which will be

central Proeftuin.

keep the 30-hectare site buzzing

STRP is about roaming the vast

huge inflatables by artists from

judged by a committee

for 365 days, and sometimes


according to their feasibility

nights too.

STRP, Glow, Natlab 2.0, VOLT,

and artistic quality.

former factory floors of Philips,

Poème Electronique, MU, Baltan

dodging a wandering robot with

Obviously the programme has

Laboratories, Eindhoven

Idea: Frens Frijns (former director

the beats of Aphex Twin

not yet been filled, but there are

University of Technology’s

of festival STRP, currently director

throbbing in the background.

plenty of ideas. One major plan

cultural organisation Studium

of rock and pop venue 013)

About art installations you can

is ‘12 x 12 x 12’, in which twelve

Generale, Alice Foundation, MAD

interact with, like the high-tech

young talents will be matched

Emergent Art Center, V2

dress Intimacy 2.0 by artist

with twelve major international

Rotterdam, STEIM, Netherlands

Daan Roosegaarde, which as

figures in the world of

Media Art Institute, High

you approach the model

technology and art. The two

Tech Campus Eindhoven,

becomes more transparent in

will be challenged to work

Brainport, Philips, NXP,

response to her quickening

together intensively at Strijp-S

Optofonica (platform for

heartbeat. About visionary art

for a month, and respond to

Synesthetic Art-Science)

plugged into the mains, a

public questions and input.

glimpse of the future of culture,

STRP XXL will be able to draw

Strijp-S >

< The Clock Building, one of the landmark buildings at Strijp-S.

< Designer Bart Hess, whose work includes the leader for 2011 STRP festival (see also interview p103).

Actress Marlies Hamelynck (L) with colleagues at the funfair in the village of Someren-Heide. >

< The funfair in Tilburg.



The Performing Society The Tilburg Fair, renewing a popular celebration Perhaps the most universal

attracts hundreds of thousands

lead to in 2018 is not yet set in

popular events are the carnival,

of visitors. Over the last twenty

stone, but imagine arriving at

the funfair and the circus.

years, Pink Monday has

the centre of Tilburg to find

Brabant has strong traditions in

become one of the Netherlands’

yourself in an Alice in

all of these quintessentially

prime public events for the

Wonderland world that is both

inclusive celebrations that bring

gay community.

familiar and absurd; imagine

people together irrespective of

a magical, temporary city where

social, cultural and national

Traditionally, the funfair is

among the flickering lights

dividing lines. In 2018 we want

where people from every

you hear brass bands and

to use this powerful tradition

segment of society come

Balkan beats, and see acrobats,

– one that is so central to the

together, where traditions meet

urban dance, and fairground

identity of Brabant – to connect

curiosities and where play

rides like nothing you have

locally and internationally, as

creates space for the new and

ever seen before.

well as giving a new impulse to

the unknown. The inclusive

the development of these

but nonetheless specific


popular events.

character of the funfair has

The Performing Society

inspired many artists in


The Tilburg Fair is the largest

Brabant. In 2018 we will tap

event of its kind in the Benelux:

into the funfair’s rich and


it attracts upwards of a million

multifaceted potential by

Festival Incubate, Circo Circolo,

visitors, making it the second-

integrating it with the perfor-

Het Zuidelijk Toneel, Festival

best attended public event in

ming arts. The Performing

Mundial, Theaters Tilburg,

the Netherlands. It sets the

Society is a collaboration

Sonax, Fontys College for

example for connecting people

between cultural organisations

the Arts

from every corner of society. As

in Tilburg. It will explore ways

well as being multicultural, the

in which the performing arts

Tilburg Fair actively welcomes

could feed into funfair culture

specific target groups. There is a

– and vice versa - inspired by

day for people with disabilities,

the famous book Homo Ludens

a senior citizens’ funfair and

(1938), by the Dutch historian

the famous Pink Monday, which

Johan Huizinga. What this will



Clustering international urban creativity

The former Mariadal Convent in Roosendaal, Brabant, one of the possilble locations for the ‘Art in historic buildings’ project. >

cultural minorities in the Netherlands have their roots. In these cities we are looking for innovative cultural developments that will bring inspiration to BrabantStad and other European urban areas. Cross-disciplinary The artistic agents that we intend to involve are the visual

Divine Interventions

artists Yto Barrada (Rabat), Matthew Day Jackson (New

This long-term crossdiscipli-

unprecedented. The continual

from all of the cities can get

York), Akram Zaatari (Beirut),

nary collaborative project is

economic challenges call into

actively involved. It will allow

Kutlug Ataman (Istanbul),

already in an advanced stage of

question not only the EU’s

us to create direct connections

Willem Sasnal (Warsaw);

development. Its aim is to

internal relationships, but also

between the cities, with the

musicians Nico Muhly, Bryce

combine the forces of our own

its relationship with the rest of

artistic representatives being the

Dessner and Missy Mazzoli

cities and seven leading

the world. Divine Interventions

key to the first exploratory

(New York); choreographers

international urban centres in

is an artistic exploration of new

contacts. These ‘artistic agents’

Sasha Waltz and Matthias

a search of the European city

forms of living and working

in the participating cities will

Lilienthaal (Berlin) and artists’

of the future. The concept and

together. This artistic research

enable us to build up a network

collective IRWIN/NSK

organisation are by Eindhoven’s

and presentation project for the

of the most relevant and

(Ljubljana); as well as inspiring

Van Abbemuseum and the

future of Europe will explore its

talented artists of the day. We

cultural leaders such as Christine

concert hall Muziekgebouw

borders and connect with the

will ask them to share their

Tomé (Beirut), Folkert Uhde

Frits Philips.

world through multiple cultural

visions on social issues, and to

(Berlin), Abdellah Karroum

interventions. And all this will

step outside the boundaries of

(Rabat) and Vasif Kortun

Divine Interventions is all about

of course take place within the

their own field to enter into

(Istanbul). Together with them,

collaborations between creative

context of a Proeftuin.

new crossover projects.

we will put together a long-term cross-disciplinary programme

people from inspiring major cities of today and tomorrow in

Direct connections

We will seek inspiration in

leading to public presentations

Europe and beyond. They

Eindhoven’s central Catharina

Istanbul, New York/Brooklyn,

in 2014 and 2016 and a grand

include musicians, choreo-

quarter will become a

Berlin, Ljubljana, Warsaw,

finale in Eindhoven’s Catharina

graphers, composers, curators,

presentation and discussion

Rabat and Beirut. The Van

quarter in 2018.

dancers, theatre makers and

platform as early as 2014. It will

Abbemuseum and the

directors of cultural institutions.

serve as a public testing ground

Muziekgebouw already


This project focuses on how

for the cultural representatives

maintain close contacts with

SALT (Istanbul, Turkey), Home-

future metropolis BrabantStad

from all the participating cities.

these cities, and important

works Academy (Beirut,

can learn from its counterparts

From 2014 onwards we will

developments are taking place

Lebanon), Moderna Galerija

and how it can build sustainable

also develop an online portal

in all of them, in areas ranging

(Ljubljana, Slovenia), MSN

cultural connections for the

taking an entirely new

from music to the visual arts,

(Warsaw, Poland), Radialsystem

benefit of its citizens.

approach to connecting artists

theatre and design. And not

V (Berlin, Germany), Appartement

and metropolises. The portal

entirely coincidentally these are

22 (Rabat, Morocco)

will be a place where citizens

cities where many of the

The current crisis in Europe is



Cultural pilgrimage Art in historic buildings In 2018 leading artists will work

three or four of North Brabant’s

They will be given the time and

and exhibit in five to ten former

monasteries will be in active

opportunity to make these

monasteries and other historical

use. That leaves around 50

remarkable places their own and

buildings. They will work in

complexes for which new uses

to create a personal world

master-apprentice relationships

will need to be found. These

within them. The process will

with talented young artists

buildings are often in superb

culminate in monumental

from all over Europe, respon-

locations, whether in historical

works that offer inspiration for

ding to their surroundings, the

town centres or in the

the repurposing of historical

local people and the history

countryside. Over the coming

buildings. In certain periods

of the buildings. Events

years, 2018Eindhoven|Brabant

visitors will be able to stay

emanating from this project

will adopt several monasteries

overnight and watch the

will be a major attraction for

and other iconic buildings, and

artists at work. In addition to

international audiences, while

then temporarily hand them

participatory and social art,

also presenting inspiring new

over to prominent international

2018Eindhoven| Brabant wants

uses for built heritage.

artists in 2018 as a place to work.

to create opportunities for the personal experience of art, for a

A lot of built heritage in North

Individual reflection

cultural pilgrimage offering

Brabant is set to be repurposed

In consultation with Hendrik

space for individual reflection.

in coming years. Most of the

Driessen, the director of De

buildings are monasteries,

Pont museum of modern art in


barracks or factories, and many

Tilburg, we have approached or

Museum De Pont (Tilburg)

are located in uniquely

will approach a number of

Provincie Noord-Brabant

attractive locations. The dozens

prominent creative figures to

of monasteries still in use in

become ‘monastery artists’.

North Brabant are tangible

They include artists like Jan

evidence of a rich Catholic

Fabre, Anselm Kiefer, Anish

tradition. Up until the 1960s

Kapoor, Olafur Eliasson, Alicia

many of these complexes were

Framis, Mark Manders, Marlene

used for their original function,

Dumas, Erik van Lieshout,

but many are now empty. It is

David Claerbout, Christian

estimated that by 2018 only

Marclay and Marc Mulders.

< Artist David Claerbout, one of the proposed participants for the ‘Art in historic buildings’ project, in the chapel at Mariadal Convent.



Shaping the landscape LAND ART Brabant is a leading region in

and contemporary rural

Land art is a specialism and

the field of land art, not least

meeting places where residents,

good land artists are scarce.

because it is a province where

visitors, holiday-makers and

They have to be able to think

the urban and the rural

passers-by come together. Land

on a grand scale, but also sense

constantly intersect, and it is

art interacts with the specific

the identity of the landscape

precisely at such junctions that

characteristics of an area, its

and have an eye and ear for

land art is able to flourish. Het

cultural history, society and

the local people. And perhaps

Groene Woud (the Green

ecology. Land art projects are

even more importantly, they

Forest) between Eindhoven

diverse in form, and visual

have to be able to deal with

Tilburg and ’s-Hertogenbosch

artists, photographers, video

the different interests of the

makes an ideal location. Land

artists, filmmakers, writers and

parties involved.

art enriches the identity of an

designers all respond to the

area and makes an important

genius loci, the spirit of place.

In 2013 we will begin to

contribution to the way people

The province of Brabant

collaborate with a number of art

experience a landscape. In one

developed its land art policy in

academies both in Brabant and

of the Proeftuin projects, we

collaboration with a number of

elsewhere in the Netherlands

want to realise innovative forms

French and German regions

and Europe, with the aim of

of land art, both in the

under the Euro Land Art

training ten young land artists

Netherlands and elsewhere in

umbrella, and we will be

in the run-up to 2018. Learning

Europe. This will culminate

making grateful use of this

on the job, supervised by

in the European presentation

existing network.

experienced land artists, they

of ten iconic new land art works in 2018.

will design and realise a piece The plan is to have a number of

of land art. Planners, architects,

Dutch and international artists

designers and fellow artists

Land art brings together land,

adopt areas in Brabant, Flanders

will be able to follow the

nature, heritage and cultural

and elsewhere in Europe –

development of the artworks

history. With a range of

landscapes in indeterminate

online, and offer their

partners – the farmer, the

border areas, for example. At

responses, thus acting as

forester, the curator, the artist,

the same time, in the Proeftuin


the visitor – land art brings a

we want to invest intensively in

variety of art forms to historic

training young land artists.

View of the Landscape by Urs Pfannenmüller in De Biesbosch nature reserve, Brabant. >

< The Waxing Moon by Paul de Kort (De Biesbosch).


Paradise of silence


Hyper-local art

The works will be presented

bkkc, Design Academy

We will be asking Dutch and

in 2018 at an International

Eindhoven, St. Joost Art

international artists to develop

Land Art Triennial, a large-scale

Academy Breda, Stichting De

an art work for a specific

presentation of land art

Kempische Landgoederen, Ecole

location in Brabant, to which

in Brabant and elsewhere

Nationale de SupÊrieure d’Art de

they will commit themselves for

in the Netherlands, Belgium

Limoges-Aubusson (France),

an extended period. The

and Europe.

Hochschule Anhalt (Bernburg,

location may be rural or urban.

Germany), Europa Nova

The restriction we place on the

Foundation (Croatia)

land artists is that the will have

As part of the triennial, an alternative pilgrimage route

to work hyper-locally. This

called the Paradise of Silence

means they will only be able to

will pass through 12 peaceful

draw on social and physical

places in the Campine, or

resources from the immediate

Kempen, the landscape of

surroundings, within one

north-eastern Belgium

kilometre of the location in

straddling the border with the

which they are working.

Netherlands. In these places open-air events will take place

We will thus explore and

around the theme of silence,

nourish the identity of city and

including theatre, dance,

countryside in general, and of

mime, storytelling, poetry,

Brabant in particular. By doing

photography, film, music and

so hyper-locally, we will specify

song. The programme will run

the identity of the location con-

throughout the year as the

cerned and demonstrate that it is

seasons change. Events will take

in the specific that the universal

place in the early morning, at

is made visible and tangible.

nightfall or even in the middle

This approach to exploring

of the night. The work will

regional identity also makes the

explore quiet, space, reflection,

working method of interest to

mysticism and intimacy.

other European countries.



We connect people


We want to use our European

relating to each other. Harvard

to bring social benefits to

circus theatre festival Circo

Capital of Culture programme

professor Robert Putnam

neighbourhoods in European

Circolo will take the lead in a

to bring people together, to

makes a distinction between

cities. The initiative will lie

Proeftuin about improving

connect people, in Europe, the

bonding and bridging. Bonding

firmly with the artists and

neighbourhoods through

Netherlands, in Eindhoven and

is relatively easy among

residents themselves.

circus, in partnership with

in the region. We want to do

individuals and groups that

this on a large and small scale,

have a lot in common with

Street art and street theatre are

Performance Art course at

through visual culture, through

each other, such as age, origin

excellent ways of getting local

Fontys University of Applied

neighbourhood art projects or

or religion. Among groups that

people involved in making and

Sciences in Tilburg (see

just by celebrating culture

have less in common, bridging

participating at neighbourhood

p64). Circus is an excellent

together. We will achieve this

is crucial. For bridging you need

level. Festival Artimond in

medium for connecting people

through a wide variety of

a universal ‘language’, and this

Helmond in 2018 will present

from different backgrounds

projects and events that share

is what culture can offer.

work by top artists, local

who are producing something

an open, exploratory and often

the pioneering Circus and

amateurs and crossovers

together, because it calls for

theme: our

between different art forms.

such a range of social, creative

neighbourhood and us

The Boulevard theatre festival

and emotional skills.

In this chapter we describe the

In 2018 we want to put local

is keen to programme the most

second line to our programme.

solidarity under the microscope

adventurous and innovative

The festival will already be

The digitisation of our society

in our cultural test bed. People

European street theatre in the

getting started in 2013

offers new social opportunities,

in cities often identify

neighbourhoods and villages of

through investments in an

but it can also lead to a more

themselves in the first place

Brabant. Through workshops,

‘overture programme’ to

superficial way of life which

with their own neighbourhoods.

local residents will develop their

2018Eindhoven|Brabant (see

many people feel lacks a sense

They derive part of their

own performances to present in

chapter 7) with circus projects

of depth, connection and

identity from the part of town

their own streets. To realise the

in two neighbourhoods of

stability. Art and culture can

they live in, and in turn they

project 2018Eindhoven|Brabant

Tilburg. At the same time,

help find common ground

help determine the face of

will be working with leading

Circo Circolo will be working

and guide our society through

their neighbourhood.

street theatre festivals such

with the Eindhoven ‘urban’

as those in Valldolid, Tarrega

scene to link up circus and

and Manchester.

urban culture, with the dream

experimental nature.

this transition. In 2018, in a special Proeftuin, Culture is a reason to meet each

we want to experiment with new

other, and also a means of

forms of cultural participation

of producing a major circus The internationally acclaimed

theatre performance made by


local residents from different

setting up the programme, right

Tilburg cultural organisations,

One such icon is Dutch master

parts of Tilburg, the urban

from the very start. Funfairs

will get together with the

Jheronimus Bosch, born and

scene, professional performers

and Carnival are very much

Tilburg Fair to explore how the

raised in Brabant’s provincial

and students.

part of regional culture, and

performing arts and fairground

capital ’s-Hertogenbosch. As a

they appeared in many of the

culture can feed into one

prelude to 2018, an impressive

Circo Circolo has built up a

proposals we received.

another to generate new ideas.

exhibition celebrating Bosch’s

strong network of relationships

Traditions and rituals make an

with other future European

important contribution to the

theme: European icons

artist’s birthplace in 2016.

Capitals of Culture to stimulate

sense of connection between

There are major cultural

Paintings will be brought to

the programming of circus

people. So taking a respectful

differences among Europeans

Brabant from all over the world.

theatre as an accessible and

approach, in our European

– this is a given, and also a

Bosch shows us that it is possi-

fundamentally international

Capital of Culture programme

strength. There is also a

ble to use the unrestrained

cultural form. At the end of

we want to bring innovation to

common European identity,

imagination to reflect on society,

2012, Circo Circolo is holding

centuries-old, universal festivals

partly built on our shared

fear and hope. We will also

an international conference

such as Carnival and the funfair.

history. Not that it gets much

devote a major exhibition to that

attention. “America has the

other European artistic icon, Vincent van Gogh (see p68).

where knowledge will be shared

work will be mounted in the

by partners from all over

So we are going to combine art

American dream, which is

the world, such as Cirque du

with Carnival, creating new

basically an invention of

Monde (Canada) and

designs and concepts for floats,

American cinema. The

We will be showing the work

contemporary circuses from

costumes and Carnival music,

European dream is hardly

of Bosch and Van Gogh both

Wales, France, Belgium

for example. In 2016, 2018 and

talked about”, says German

because they came from

2020 we will exchange them

film director Wim Wenders.*

Brabant and because they made

with Germany, Malta, Brazil

Art and culture are essential for

such a vast contribution to art

theme: renewing rituals

and the West Indies, places that

us to explore and learn to see

that is still relevant today. What's

As part of preparations for the

also hold extensive Carnival

our commonality and shared

more, their work illustrates our

bid book we asked residents of

celebrations. At the Tilburg

values. We want to focus

themes: Bosch for his unbridled

Eindhoven and the surrounding

Fair, the biggest funfair in the

attention on this through icons

imagination and Van Gogh for

region to come up with ideas for

Low Countries, in 2018 high

of art – artists who are so great

his passion for society and his

cultural projects and events,

and low culture will join seam-

they have become symbols of

belief in solidarity.

because our philosophy is that

lessly. The Performing Society, a

European culture.

citizens should be involved in

collaboration between six

and Kenya.

* Wim Wenders in an interview with ‘EuroparlTV’


theme: kids join in

other Proeftuin projects, and

theme: digitally

and national expressions of

2018Eindhoven|Brabant will

the cultural programming for


youth culture. How are young

challenge children and young

children and young people

For young people, networking

people influenced by visual

people to take an active part in

beyond the projects will be wide

and sharing ideas are part of

culture? And what lessons can

the cultural programme. Like in

and varied. Take, for example,

everyday life. They are quick to

the cultural sector learn from

the cross-media project Things

our plans for an international

adopt technological innovations

this, perhaps in relation to

and Us, about the design of

Festival of Silence featuring

and easily grasp how as well as

presentation and marketing?

everyday tools and utensils. The

wordless and expressive

being a consumer you can also

project is a collaboration

performances that connect with

be a producer and distributor.

The programme around urban

between long-running children’s

children’s experiences. These

Their behaviour is driven by the

culture (see p62-63) is one of

TV programme Het Klokhuis,

productions will dare to be

internet and social networks,

the flagship elements of

the Design Academy Eindhoven

quiet, counterbalancing the

which presents a challenge to

2018Eindhoven|Brabant. Urban

and the WOW Engineering

frenetic world of modern

independent thinking and

culture – a term encompassing

Promotion Foundation.

entertainment. European youth

creation. What part can art play

urban music and the dance

choirs will come together in

in stimulating people to think

that goes with it, plus street art

The TV show will follow the

Helmond for the European

independently and come up

and street sports – is no longer

journey of ‘the things around

Children’s Choir Festival. And

with fresh ideas?

just the territory of youth,

us’ from production and

children from different parts of

marketing to sale and everyday

Europe will learn how to play in

We will also be exploring how

important subcultures for

use. Children will learn that

an orchestra with the European

young people can contribute to

young people. The scene is

everything we use has been

Learning Orchestra, which we

social and cultural renewal

particularly well-represented in

designed. The programme will

will be organising in European

through the way they use new

Brabant. Along with Rotterdam,

be broadcast on national TV,

cities in 2018. The idea for

platforms and media. Young

Eindhoven is the Netherlands

will have its own website, and

the orchestra is based on the

Moroccan Dutch people for

most buzzing city for urban

will be accompanied by a

tried and tested Il Sistema

example are able to reconcile

culture, and the Eindhoven

teaching package distributed to

method from Venezuela, and

apparently conflicting loyalties

scene is on the map inter-

primary schools nationwide.

we will also be building on

in the way they express their

nationally. ‘Urban’ is very much

previous experience elsewhere

identity on the internet,

an expression of autonomy.

in the Netherlands.

research has shown. In social

And the scene fits perfectly in

special Kids’ Proeftuin, young

networks, they blend ties with

today’s network society, in

people will also be involved in

Morocco with international

which subcultures have a firm

There will definitely be a

but it is still one of the most


Working with Malta We are already working closely with Valletta, Malta’s nomination for European Capital of Culture 2018. We want to inspire each other and tune our artistic programmes to each other. At the beginning of July 2012 the artistic directors of Valletta2018 and 2018Eindhoven| Brabant put their signatures to an agreement to develop a joint cultural programme.

allegiance to their own neigh-

Strijp-S, and also in Breda,

bourhood and city, but at

which in 2014 will be hosting

the same time have a strongly

the first edition of the

international outlook.

International Festival of Visual Culture. The festival will

The internet is an increasingly

examine how modern visual

central element of our reality.

imagery determines the way

It offers great possibilities for

we see ourselves and others,

freedom, but at the same time

and the way we communicate

that can lead to a sense of

with each other. And we are

uncertainty. “There’s such a vast

already building on a close

supply of information, images,

relationship with Wroclaw

experiences, ideas and

2016 in Poland, which takes

technologies that it becomes

the growing ‘interpassivity’

hard to act meaningfully”,

as one of its themes.

says Mirko Noordegraaf, professor of public management at Utrecht University. * How can we prevent people who aren’t ‘digitally connected’ from falling by the wayside? The online community increasingly determines our identities, but what does that mean for people who are offline? It is a question that a variety of partners will be trying to answer in a Proeftuin featuring media art, debates and festivals. It will take place at

* From De Groene Amsterdammer magazine (20 April 2011)

The two candidate cities are going to work together in the fields of cultural heritage, choral singing, design and technology, and theatre festivals. They will also be sharing research results and making use of each other’s networks. And once we have been awarded the title of European Capital of Culture, the collaboration will intensify, starting with a Proeftuin in 2014 to get to know each other better. Early talks already showed that the two cities have a lot in common, including a rich tradition of popular culture and of innovation in design and technology. The way they work together with the surrounding region is also similar. At the same time it is evident that the two cities and regions hardly form a network yet. The European Capital of Culture programme is already stimulating them to carry out projects together. Tilburg artist Maureen Prins toured her open-air Solar Cinema to Malta in July 2012, for example (see also p70). On 3 July she premiered her project, 2018Eindhoven|Brabant meets Valletta2018, in which she showed short films by Dutch and Maltese directors in the squares of Valletta.


Close links with Flanders Many people from Brabant are more strongly drawn to Flemish plays, books, films and music than to the arts and culture produced ‘north of the rivers’. This attraction is rooted in the province’s strong cultural links with the Flanders region of Belgium, with which it shares its history and Catholic culture as well as elements of its language and dialect. 2018Eindhoven|Brabant will use its position as European Capital of Culture to strengthen those bonds.

Together with the Flemish organisation Choir and Voice (Koor en Stem), in 2012 we will be organising pilot events for the European Children’s Choir Festival (Europees Kinderkoren Festival), which will become a triennial international event after 2018. And we will explore the shared history of Brabant and Flanders as part of the greater duchy of Brabant in a large-scale music theatre spectacular that will connect towns and cities in Brabant and Belgium.

Until ten or fifteen years ago, there was a great deal of cultural exchange between Flanders and the southern Netherlands. There has been something of a decline in these activities over the past decade. Increased international and European awareness starts with your neighbours, so that is why in the run-up to 2018 we will be working on close collaborations with Flemish cultural organisations. We aim to build up structural and sustainable cultural collaborations that will continue long after 2018.

Structural collaboration We will also be focusing our energies on exchanging theatre productions, traditionally a key component of cultural relations between Flanders and Brabant. One outcome will be that contemporary Flemish theatre will play a leading role at the Dream Images (Droombeelden) international theatre festival we will be staging in 2018. Ultimately, 2018Eindhoven|Brabant should boost long-term mutual interest in each other’s cultural products and initiate structural collaborative relationships between organisations in Flanders and Brabant. 2018Eindhoven|Brabant also wants to inspire enthusiasm in Flemish and Dutch governmental circles for investment (or reinvestment) in cultural exchanges between them. The local authorities in the Flemish cities of Antwerp and Leuven as well as the provincial governments of Antwerp and Flemish Brabant have formally confirmed their support for the candidature of 2018Eindhoven|Brabant and their desire to collaborate in the cultural programme.

Collaborative projects Antwerp’s former local government culture chief Eric Antonis was the artistic director during Antwerp’s year as European Capital of Culture in 1993. As an artistic adviser, he has been involved in 2018Eindhoven|Brabant since the vision development phase. Partly on the basis of his recommendations and contacts, we have been strengthening cultural links by collaborating with Flemish cultural organisations in many areas of the programme. Take for example Museum Plantin - Moretus in Antwerp and the MOTI in Breda: in 2018, they will be joining forces for a major international exhibition on power and visual culture.



Skatepark Area51 in Eindhoven. >

Urban moves

Urban Moves will be a defining

city where two icons of urban

the MU Bowl, Europe’s biggest

character. 2012 saw the setting

programme of events at

culture first saw the light of

skate bowl.

up of E-moves, a powerful

2018Eindhoven|Brabant because

day: the cassette tape and the

Eindhoven is one of the

boombox, or ‘ghetto blaster’.

Netherlands’ key cities for

platform with representation The Berenkuil (‘Bear Pit’) is a

from all local urban

major intersection of roads and

organisations, including the

urban culture, an important

Eindhoven was the first Dutch

bike tunnels just outside central

urban company Mad Skills,

alternative dynamic in modern

city to open its arms to hip-hop,

Eindhoven. It has been famous

040BMX Park and the world-

cities that is growing and

breakdance and graffiti, and in

as an open-air graffiti museum

famous breakdance crew

reinventing itself all the time.

the mid-1980s it saw the rise of

since 1985, with hundreds of

The Ruggeds. In other cities

In 2018 we will be organising a

D.A.M.N. and 24K, the first

‘pieces’ decorating the traffic

similar groups are constantly

major international ‘battlefield’

two serious Dutch hip-hop

circle’s two levels. Each year

competing with each other,

featuring new and surprising

crews – rising star rapper Fresku

more than 250 graffiti artists

but in Eindhoven respect

interdisciplinary linkups.

was born in the same period.

from all over the world come to

and collaboration are the order

We will bring together urban

Eindhoven for the ‘Step in the

of the day. The Eindhoven

culture with the circus for

In the 1980s and 90s the Piazza

Arena’ festival so they can add

scene has big ambitions to

example, and breakdance with

square in central Eindhoven

new works to the Berenkuil.

move to the next level, and

classical dance. And there will

was a famed hangout and

be experiments with 3D graffiti,

playground for young skaters.

U-lab pioneers

will be a crucial accelerator in

too. We will also be touring

World-famous Eindhoven-born

We are going to invite the best

that process.

Europe with our urban crew to

skateboarder Wieger van

breakdancers, hip-hop music

temporarily take over a large

Wageningen even named his

makers, skaters, freestylers, DJs

So how are we going to get

number of cities and towns.

own line of Nike trainers after

and graffiti artists from all over

there? In 2014, we are going to

the Piazza. In 2002, the Area51

Europe to work, play and

set up U-lab, which will connect

Philips brought the world to

indoor skate park – one of the

explore with us. We are aiming

urban culture and sports with

Eindhoven and to Brabant –

largest and most adventurous

to inject new energy into urban

some of Eindhoven’s other key

once at the end of the 19th

of its kind – opened in a former

culture in Eindhoven and

strengths, such as technology

century and again in the 1970s

aeroplane hangar at Eindhoven

Europe, give it a broader base

and design. Together with

when American Philips

Airport. It has since moved

and raise its profile. Eindhoven

designers, we will set up

employees brought urban black

to Eindhoven’s Strijp-S site,

is the perfect place for this,

innovative facilities for urban

culture to the city. Through

to which skaters travel

because of the local scene’s

sports (including skating) in

Philips, Eindhoven became the

from far and wide to experience

respectful, open and pioneering

public space. And together


< Renee (front) and Sezen Toon Vermeulen

Pim Wouters >


< Rowin van Eyk

with Eindhoven University of

Eindhoven will be a battlefield

and new media, for example. In

will up sticks and move on,

Technology we will explore new

for international urban dance,

2018 the old and new dance

having sown the seeds of urban

possibilities for visualising

graffiti art, sports and DJ

worlds will seek each other out

culture for kids aged 6 to 16.

skaters’ moves. We are also

skills, and we will be sharing

for fresh encounters.

And ten years later, in 2028,

going to experiment with new

the results of the U-lab and

forms of graffiti. Pieces and tags

putting innovative ideas into

On tour

Eindhoven to show us what our

are flat 2D works, but we want

practice. The international

We don’t want to keep these

urban invasion of 2018 led to.

to turn graffiti into a 3D art

community will get together in

new liaisons to ourselves; we

form, transforming it into

Eindhoven to learn, share, play,

want to share them with the

new urban furniture, unleashing

and to challenge and improve

whole world. Their results will

Area51, Mad Skills, 040BMX

it on existing buildings

each other.

appear in every imaginable

Park, The Ruggeds

medium, and in 2018 we will

The initiators have alliances with

In 2018 we will instigate new

also embark on a tour of

Prodance (United Kingdom),

and placing it in non-urban, green environments.

those same kids will come to


liaisons and new levels of urban

Europe. Just imagine two huge

Cartel Creative (South Korea),

Urban stars

culture in performances, battles,

trucks full of dancers, DJs,

Six-step Agency (Germany),

In 2018, Eindhoven will host

city tours, and eye-catching

sportspeople and stencil makers

Eusebio & Rodrigues (Portugal),

the biggest urban stars from all

objects in public space. We will

arriving in your town, and two

Red Bull International (Austria),

over the word. Urban culture is

also forge links between urban

hours later they are taking the

Funkin’ Stylez (Germany)

very international. Some

culture and circus, gaming and

place over. We are planning an

Winterclash (Germany), UK

underground scenes go almost

other dance disciplines.

invasion of energy, an injection

Champs (United Kingdom), Just

unnoticed locally but are huge

Although not everyone else may

of life-force, an adventure for

Debout (France), Red Bull

abroad. This global scene is

realise it, breakdancers have

young people. Everyone will be

Manny Mania (USA), Lifeblood

connected through websites,

long been aware that they have

welcome to join in. There will

Skateboards (USA)

clips, blogs, games and

lots in common with other

be classes in skateboarding,

magazine websites, and it uses

types of dancer; b-boys and

BMX biking and breakdancing,

social media to exchange

b-girls can learn from classical

as well as graffiti and turntable

experiences, videos, and

dancers and vice versa. The

workshops. And in the evening

information on upcoming

breakdance world generally

there will be a spectacular show

events. But nothing beats

lacks experience with

in the town’s central square.

getting together for real and

choreography, sets, lighting and

The following day, the caravan

having a live battle. In 2018,

the integration of technology

of ambassadors from Eindhoven



Big top art in my hood

Working with other

that will contribute to the

cultural capitals

improvement of circus

Circo Circolo has initiated

programming in cultural

exchanges on circus theatre with

capitals and further develop

programmers from former and

recognition of circus as a

candidate European Capitals of

fully fledged discipline within

Culture. Our aim is to help

the performing arts. The

circus theatre claim its own

next session is planned for

place on the cultural landscape.

February 2013 in Aix-en-

To this end, in April 2012 in

Provence and Marseille during

Paris, Circo Circolo and

the Marseille-Provence2013

Marseille-Provence2013 made a

European Capital of

start on developing a network

Culture programme.

Circo Circolo – New Circus festival If there is one form of cultural

is a one-of-a-kind festival –

calls upon a broad range of

our dream for 2018 of a circus

expression that transcends all

the only one in Europe on this

social, creative and emotional

showdown in a big arena right

social and national boundaries

scale to be held in tents in a

skills. It is also fun to do, it

in the heart of Tilburg during

then it is the circus. Its audience

green area.

boosts self-confidence and

the international festival. The

people can get involved

participants will come from

has always been diverse, and you can laugh at Oleg Popov

In 2018 Circo Circolo is

whatever their age and whatever

various parts of major towns

without needing to understand

planning to present new Dutch

their income. Circus can help

in Brabant.

his language. Circo Circolo is

companies with international

increase social cohesion at a

the Netherlands’ New Circus

potential as the result of

local level and help disabled


festival. In 2018 Circo Circolo

increasing attention for and

and disadvantaged people

Circo Circolo (’s-Hertogenbosch)

is going to organise a major

training in New Circus in the

to develop their talents.

international festival featuring

Netherlands. They will perform

Sarakasi Circus in Kenya, for


international top acts. Part

in the context of an inter-

example, trains homeless

Cirque du Monde (subsidiary of

of this event is a Proeftuin

national programme with world

people to become performing

Cirque du Soleil), Nofit State

on ‘social circus’. Its aim is

premieres by internationally

artists, and La Bande de Z’ouffs

Circus (Wales, United Kingdom)

to use circus as a social

acclaimed companies.

from Brussels in Belgium

Sarakasi (Kenya), Circus Elleboog

connector at local level.

The 2018 edition of the festival

produced a funny and moving

(Amsterdam), ISH (Amsterdam),

will be the international

circus spectacular together

housing corporations, community

Circo Circolo is a Dutch

meeting point for theatre and

with eleven performers with

schools, neighbourhood centres.

biennial international festival of

festival programmers and for

Down syndrome.

Circo Cirolo also collaborates

New circus, or Nouveau Cirque,

circus companies.

which combines traditional

with a range of partners from

The autumn 2012 edition of

countries throughout Europe

circus acts such as juggling and

Social juggling with the

Circo Circolo incorporated

via the extensive international

acrobatics with modern dance,

Circus ‘Proeftuin’

major international seminars

networks Circostrada and

music, design and theatre. The

Besides organising the 2018

presenting successful examples

Circus Next

festival takes place on the

festival, in the intervening

of social circus from all over the

Velder estate deep in the Groene

period Circo Circolo will focus

world. This seminar was the

Woud (Green Wood) in the

on ‘social circus’. Circus

inspiration and starting point

triangle formed by the cities of

performance is a perfect context

for the first social circus projects

Tilburg, Eindhoven and

for connecting people from

in two areas of partner city

’s-Hertogenbosch. Circo Circolo

diverse backgrounds because it

Tilburg. We are out to fulfil

Circo Circolo: trapeze artist Leila Köckenberger. >



Best of the Fest A new network of European theatre festivals A major annual European

during Best of Fest, in Eind-

place. In site-specific theatre the

sustainability, education and

theatre festival featuring the

hoven and other locations in

audience take a more active

the development of the

very best of all the international


role, even if it’s only because

2018Eindhoven|Brabant Award

they have to travel to a location

will take shape. The formula for

festivals around Europe. A travelling festival that links

Innovative performances will

that is unconventional for

the festival will continue

Eindhoven with former and

also be produced for Best of the

theatre. The environment and

beyond 2018. Each year, Best of

future European Capitals of

Fest by leading international

history of the location can

the Fest will go on linking up

Culture. Best of the Fest is all

theatre makers in collaboration

heighten the audiences’

with former and new European

about innovating, making

with cultural institutions,

experience of the piece. A site

Capitals of Culture.

connections and meeting people.

industry and education.

that is not a theatre is also good

This will be made possible

for reaching new target groups,


Best of the Fest will award

through cooperation between

because it is less formal and

Parktheater Eindhoven

young theatre makers the

promoter DG Theater, theatre

more easily accessible. All in all,

opportunity to present their

company Het Zuidelijk

there are more than enough


work at a new European festival.

Toneel, the Amsterdam Fringe

reasons for a special focus on

DG Theater, Het Zuidelijk

They will be selected in former

festival, Fontys University

site-specific work in Best of the

Toneel, Fontys University of

and future European Capitals of

of Applied Sciences and

Fest, especially at the central

Applied Sciences, Trudo housing

Culture, such as Avignon,

innovative companies in

location for 2018, Strijp-S.

corporation, Brainport Eindhoven.

Prague, Wroclaw, Antwerp and

the Brainport region.

The festival is being piloted in

European festivals: Avignon Le Off

2012. From 2014, Best of the

(France), Edinburgh Fringe

Istanbul. From 2014, the artistic direction of Best of the Fest

Site-specific theatre

Fest will move out of the test

(United Kingdom), Prague Fringe

will attend leading festivals in

The strength of site-specific

phase and the experience

(Czech Republic), Dublin Fringe

these European cities. Together

theatre is the direct contact with

gained over the previous two

(Ireland), Cork Midsummer

with a jury of professionals and

the audience, which makes a

years will be used for

Festival (Ireland), Festival des Arts

the audience, they will choose

performance into a physical


(Brussels, Belgium), Zomer van

the most innovative and socially

experience. It brings the

From there on the festival will

Antwerpen (Antwerp, Belgium),

relevant performances to receive

performers and their world

continue to expand and

Amsterdam Fringe, Artmania

the 2018Eindhoven|Brabant

closer, makes them more

long-term collaboration

Sibiu (Romania), Theatre No No

Award. The following season,

tangible. The public smells,

agreements will be made with

Marseille (France), P.A.R.C.

the winning companies or

hears and feels the world in

the various European theatre

(Istanbul, Turkey)

young makers will perform

which the performance takes

festivals. Aspects such as



Model Sonja Wanda with an employee

Textile in transition

at the Vlisco factory, Helmond. >


Many West African government


designed by young artists and

It is always a strange experience

leaders wear fabrics by Vlisco,

Vlisco Netherlands BV,

designers, and will act both as

on a market in Dakar to buy

and they have also been worn

Gemeentemuseum Helmond,

support services for the project

a piece of cloth that looks

by pop stars including Beyoncé,

Design Academy Eindhoven,

and as incubators for exchange.

authentically African, only

Kelis, Rihanna and Gwen

Afrika Museum (Berg en Dal),

Fabric elements in the designs

to find it has a label reading


Tropenmuseum Amsterdam,

will be developed in the

Contemporary African Art

museum’s TextielLab, under

Collection (Geneva, Switzerland)

the supervision of ‘masters’ in

‘Vlisco, véritable wax Hollandais’. The fabrics produced by the

In 2018 a Vlisco Museum will

company Vlisco in Helmond

present, explore and celebrate

are famous in West Africa and

the unique cultural connection

they are are important fashion

between Brabant and West


The theme Identity in transition

trendsetters. There are also

Africa. The museum will be

Until the 1970s Tilburg was the

explores the transformation that

other inspiring but often

specially designed and installed

Netherlands’ most important

Tilburg has undergone over the

forgotten examples of the vital

in a converted industrial

textile city. The “Textiel-

past 50 years from a city of

role the textile industry played

building in Helmond. It will

museum” (Textile Museum) in

industry to one of increasing

for centuries in Brabant, and in

host a series of events centring

Tilburg remembers this past,

cultural significance. How

some cases still plays today. A

on Vlisco’s colourful history

and through its TextielLab

visible is this changing identity

programme of exhibitions and

and products, in which visitors

(Textile Lab) it also invests

and to what extent are the

events will put the connecting

will learn about the fabrics, the

in innovation, and ground-

people of Tilburg aware of it?

power of textile centre stage.

people who buy them and

breaking new designs by

their cultures. The museum

young designers.

the field.

Questioning identities will show

Vlisco designs batik fabrics

will explore not only the

which the company has been

company’s history and current

The Textielmuseum has plans to

artworks by Dutch and

exporting to West Africa since

collection, but also the ways its

mount three major art and

international artists (Louise

the 19th century. The quality is

fabrics are used today in

design exhibitions in 2018 in

Bourgeois, Annette Messager,

highly valued in countries such

different cultural disciplines

former factory buildings, under

Andrea Zittel, Alicia Framis,

as Nigeria, Ghana and Côte

– such as the installations by

the title Identity in transition.

Joseph Beuys and Marc Mulders)

d’Ivoire. In West Africa, Vlisco

the celebrated British-Nigerian

The entire city will function as

as a commentary on the way

has the kind of status that

artist Yinka Shonibare,

a cultural laboratory. Temporary

social, ethnic or religious

designer brands such as Gucci

for which he often uses

hotels, cafés and artist-in-

identities are reflected in textile.

and Armani have in Europe.

Vlisco fabrics.

residence locations will be

textile installations and other

Vlisco textile factory. >


Identity: body and object will

pop-up hotel I Like You, and

und Design Burg Giebichenstein

focus on textile work by Dutch

the studios for artists in

(Halle, Germany), Sint-Lucas

and international fashion and

residence. It will also be home

Visual Arts (Ghent, Belgium),

product designers including

to the ‘European Textile

Royal Academy for Fine Arts

Viktor & Rolf, Hussein

Trainees exchange programme’,

(Ghent, (Belgium), The Danish

Chalayan, Walter Van

in which twelve young, talented

Design School, (Copenhagen,

Beirendonck, Alexander

designers (master’s students and

Denmark), La Cambre (Brussels,

McQueen, Jaime Hayon and the

graduates) will be coached by

Belgium) Fashion Academy

Campana Brothers.

‘masters’ (designers, marketers

(Antwerp, Belgium), Royal

and lecturers) and specialists

College of Arts, (London, United

I, we, rebel 1968-2018 will

(product developers from the

Kingdom) Central Saint Martins

explore the theme of ‘rebellion’

museum, and local and

(London, United Kingdom),

in society and art over the past

international textile industry

Polymoda, Institute of Fashion

fifty years. The exhibition will


ask what art, design and fashion

Design & Marketing, (Florence, Italy), Academy Lodz (Poland),

were protesting against in the


Mimar Sinar University of Fine

year of revolution 1968, and

Museum De Pont Tilburg,

Arts (Istanbul, Turkey)

what the focus for rebellion is


today. It will feature work by

‘s-Hertogenbosch, Design

artists and designers such as

Academy Eindhoven, Eindhoven

Marina Abramovic, Claes

University of Technology, MOTI

Oldenburg, Hermann

Breda, industry in Brabant

Nitsch, John Bock, Thomas

(Innofa, Ten Cate, Philips, Vlisco,

Hirschhorn, Vivienne

J.A. Raymakers & Co, EE labels /

Westwood and Droog Design.

Van Engelen & Evers BV, Johan

The three-story Dröge building

Desso, Artex), Aalto University,

next to the Textielmuseum

School of Art and Design,

offers a suitable location for

(Helsinki, Finland), National

van de Acker, Best Wool Carpets,

site-specific installations, the

Academy of the Arts (Bergen,

pop-up café I Like Identity, the

Norway), Hochshule für Kunst



La Berceuse by Vincent van Gogh (Arles 1889),

An artist’s struggle with humanity

Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam. >

Van Gogh on home ground: an iconic exhibition Vincent van Gogh had a deep

labourers – he worked for a time

something which met with little


conviction that his work should

among Wallonian miners as a

appreciation from the other

Noordbrabants Museum

be of significance to humanity.

lay preacher. His feeling found

side. You can see this struggle in


‘Van Gogh, Art for Humanity’

expression in his many portraits

his paintings.”

will be the first ever exhibition

of ordinary people. The

to focus specifically on the

exhibition will explore Van

The European ideal

Van Gogh Foundation,

great artist’s engagement with

Gogh’s urge to create an oeuvre

One of the things that connect

Vincent van Gogh House,

society. Mounted by the

of significance and to address

the inhabitants of Europe is a

Van Gogh Brabant. Plans

Noordbrabants Museum, this

his relationship with his fellow

common history. Some artists

have been made in coordination

major international exhibition

man, echoing the dream he

have become icons of this shared

with the Van Gogh Museum

will feature between 60 and 70

once fostered of becoming a

history and Vincent van Gogh is

Amsterdam, the Kröller-Müller

of Van Gogh’s paintings,

minister, like his father.

undoubtedly one of them. “You

Museum (Otterlo, NL)

can see Van Gogh’s life as

and Musée d’Orsay (Paris)

drawings and prints drawn from


public and private collections

Socially engaged

reflecting the European ideal”,

around the world. It will be the

Van Gogh’s letters and

De Mooij says. “He visited and

climax in a series of events in

paintings reveal a powerful

lived in the whole of Europe, but

Brabant leading to 2018, such as

desire for contact with his

also longed for the region he

the European Van Gogh Route

fellow human beings. But social

came from. The nation didn’t

(see box p69).

interaction was not one of his

mean so much to him.”

strong points, to say the least. Van Gogh was born in Brabant

“Van Gogh was a socially

in the town of Zundert, the son

engaged artist, something that is

of a Protestant minister. Over

often overlooked”, says Charles

the years he left the religion of

de Mooij, director of the

his youth behind him, but he

Noordbrabants Museum. “He

never lost his belief in a higher

saw art as a way to bring people

power of significance to

together and offer them

humanity, and this outlook

comfort. It wasn’t a rational

shaped his work as an artist. At

process, but many of his

the same time he felt a sense of

portraits are an effort to feel

solidarity with farmers and

and relate to his fellow man

< Descendants of the family portrayed by Vincent van Gogh in his painting The Potato Eaters, at a cafeteria named after the painting in Nuenen, Brabant. Second from left, Carolien Coertzen-de Groot; right, her brother Eric.


< The ‘Van Gogh church’ in Nuenen, where Van Gogh’s parents lived.

As well as the international

exhibition with international

exhibition, 2018 will also see

appeal in 2018.

many other projects devoted

PARTNERS: Van Gogh Brabant, Vrijetijdshuis Brabant, Mons 2015, Van Gogh

to the life and work of Vincent


Europe, Kröller-Müller Museum,

van Gogh, such as the Van Gogh

Van Gogh House, Noordbrabants

Van Gogh Museum, Region

Village outdoor museum, an


Île-de-France, Fondation

‘experience Proeftuin’ in

Vincent Van Gogh-Arles, Saint

Nuenen, just west of Eindhoven,

Van Gogh’s letters

Paul de Mausole (Saint-Remy-

to monitor recreational

Famous voices from Brabant,

de-Provence), Auberge Ravoux

behaviour in cultural landscape;

the Netherlands and Europe


an annual Van Gogh lecture, in

will read from Van Gogh’s

collaboration with Tilburg

letters. They will be joined by

Nuenen potato festival

University, Fontys University

the voices of winners of reading

In the summer of 2018, in the

of Applied Sciences and the

aloud competitions held at

place where Vincent van Gogh

Nexus Institute; the Nuneville

primary schools in the

painted his famous Potato Eaters,

art and technology project, a

Netherlands and beyond.

a popular festival will celebrate this everyday vegetable in an

digital reconstruction of rooms in which Van Gogh stayed, in


original way. Artists will work

collaboration with Mons 2015

Vincentre Nuenen, Van Gogh

together with the agricultural

and the festival STRP; and


and food sectors to create art using the potato as raw material.

numerous walking and cycle routes tracing the footsteps of

European Van Gogh

Van Gogh.



In 2015 we will launch an

Vrijetijdshuis Brabant, Vincentre

Vincent van Gogh House

international Van Gogh-route

Nuenen, farmer’s association ZLTO,

Traces of Van Gogh’s life are to

across Europe, through

Foodconnectionpoint, Foodcluster

be found throughout Brabant.

locations in France, Belgium

Noordoost- Brabant, Worldfood-

In Zundert, the birthplace of

and the Netherlands. The route

center Ede, Green Campus

this world citizen, inspired by

will help tempt international

Helmond, FoodDesign and

the countryside, the Vincent

visitors to make the trip to

Innovation – Hogere Agrarische

van Gogh House will mount an

Brabant in 2018.

School ’s-Hertogenbosch


Long-term strategy C7

It is very important to us that our Capital of Culture programme brings about real change – in our society, in our mentality and in our cultural sector. We want to build on strong foundations, and that is why we are placing the 2018 programme within the context of a long-term plan. We are proposing a programme that will run from 2014 to 2020, the effects of which will be felt long afterwards. We want to achieve this through plans such as 2020: Remembering the Future, a scientific and cultural project focusing on memory.


VOLT: new media icon Our plan is to launch the

2014 will also see the first

at the two airports displaying

New media centre VOLT will

long-term European Capital of

edition of the International

the most everyday matters from

open its doors in the run-up to

Culture programme with the

Festival of Visual Culture in

each city. The travellers will be

2018 as a hub of creativity and

opening of several Proeftuin

Breda. Together with the media

co-producers and work with

technology. The centre will

projects in 2014, which will

centre, the festival will in itself

artists to collect and identify

combine exhibition space with

allow us to grow step by step

be a Proeftuin to study how

similarities and differences

a presentation platform, a

towards the climax in 2018.

modern visual culture deter-

between Valletta and Eindhoven,

laboratory and a café. VOLT is

They will include community

mines the way we communicate

and the way the cities and their

a joint initiative by the Nether-

art projects in other Capitals of

with each other (see p77).

inhabitants deal with issues

lands Institute for Sound and

relating to society, technology,

Vision, Eindhoven city council

spatial planning and culture.

and housing corporation Trudo.

Proeftuin with Tilburg

The Philips pavilion Poème

The Netherlands Institute for

To prepare Strijp-S for its role as

University. It will focus on the

électronique, designed by Le

Sound and Vision’s centre in

the epicentre of 2018Eindhoven|

question of how an approach to

Corbusier for the 1958 Brussels

Hilversum celebrates Dutch

Brabant, as 2018 approaches

social and societal issues can be

World’s Fair, was probably the

radio, TV and film heritage. But

we will be making major

linked to scientific methods –

world’s first multimedia

VOLT in contrast will focus on

investments in the area’s cultural

how we can join up the left and

installation. The pavilion was

the future of audio-visual media.

software and hardware. Between

right sides of the brain. Because

a technological showcase com-

VOLT is a new concept for a

now and then we will be

the design sector operates on

bining revolutionary electronic

museum, in which visitors will

realising a major media cluster

this boundary between arts and

music with projections and

interactively explore the latest in

at Strijp-S, made up of cultural

sciences, this Proeftuin will

sequenced lighting. To mark its

media art and the newest

organisations and producers,

work closely with the Design

60th anniversary in 2018, a

technological developments.

business and education. NatLab

Academy Eindhoven. The

special foundation will

The centre will also develop and

2.0 will become a new cultural

results can be used in planning

collaborate with concert hall

present new media applications.

hotspot, an ‘innovation hub’ on

the 2018 World Design Expo,

Muziekgebouw Frits Philips in

And it will offer a platform for

film, new media, theatre and

in which social design will be

Eindhoven to reconstruct the

business, artists and knowledge

cross over events. Apart from

the central theme.

pavilion with programming

institutions to try out creative

by contemporary composers.

and technological ideas.

Culture, as well as a special Proeftuin focusing on social

The theme of social innovation

innovation in Tilburg.

will be investigated in a

NatLab 2.0, the new media centre VOLT will be the creative

In the Eindhoven/Malta

The realization will probably

VOLT is expected attract up

icon of the cluster (see box).

Proeftuin we will install kiosks

start in 2014.

to 200,000 visitors a year.


In 2016 we will go on to launch

of the neighbourhood of the

States. The multidisciplinary

the year as Capital of

several new Proeftuin projects.

future (see p48). And naturally

team will study and document


They will include a Proeftuin in

another highlight will be a

every work according to a

Various Proeftuin projects will

Breda about the way digital

major exhibition of work by

standardised system. It is a

present their results in 2018,

visual culture influences our

Jheronimus Bosch.

unique opportunity to compare

and 2018Eindhoven|Brabant is

identity. And one in Helmond

data collected using the same

ready to welcome a large

about culture and inner city

Unique international

methods. The study will be

audience from all over Europe

redevelopment. At the same


directed by an international

and to deliver a broad range of

time, the ‘detuin|united’

In 2016 a special multidisci-

scientific committee which will

stage productions, exhibitions

Proeftuin will also be up and

plinary Proeftuin will announce

include representatives from the

and artworks. The projects

running, and we will be

the results of a unique historical

Museo del Prado in Madrid, the

will work on throughout 2018,

presenting the research results

and technical study of the work

Städelsches Kunstinstitut in

with local people and

of an international Proeftuin on

of Jheronimus Bosch. Bosch’s

Frankfurt and the Metropolitan

visitors participating and

the work of Jheronimus Bosch.

paintings are usually scattered

Museum of Art in New York.

having a major influence on their outcome.

across the world, but 2016 will The city of ’s-Hertogenbosch is

present an opportunity for a

The data and results will be

commemorating Dutch master

scientific team to analyse and

shared with museums, scholars

Jheronimus Bosch with an

compare every canvas Bosch

and the public in a book and

extensive and ground-breaking

ever painted, in his home town

online. We also want to study

programme that started in 2010

of ’s-Hertogenbosch. A wide

how people experience Bosch’s

and will run until 2020, in

range of disciplines will be

work today compared to the

cooperation with other cities in

represented in the team. Art

way they did centuries ago. Do

the Netherlands and abroad. The

historians, curators and restorers

we ask the same questions

programme will climax in 2016,

from all over the world will

today? Do we read the symbo-

the 500th anniversary of Bosch’s

work together to study and

lism in the same way? And do

death. One of the highlights in

conserve the paintings.

people see his work differently

2016 will be‘detuin|united’, a

The legacy of Jheronimus Bosch

in Brabant, Madrid or New

special Proeftuin close to the

comprises 45 paintings and

York? Besides the art historians,

centre of ’s-Hertogenbosch

drawings held in 18 different

artists and the public will

where urban and rural will

collections spread over 15 cities

contribute to the interpretation

come together in an exploration

in Europe and the United

of the paintings.


2018 isn’t the end of the road.

achievements. But we will

Eindhoven, Brabant, the

A lot of the Proeftuin projects

be reinforcing this by setting

Netherlands and Europe. The

will go on developing beyond

up a Cultural Investment

findings will be presented at a

the big year itself. In 2020 we

Fund in 2020, which will

congress in 2020.

will assess the progress and

seek new methods and models

weigh up the results in a major

to finance part of the

event. And in the arts and

2018Eindhoven|Brabant legacy.

science research project 2020: Remembering the Future

Consultants in

we will seek out new ways of


remembering, to the benefit of

We think it is really important

our own identity, for Europe,

to share our ideas and

and to plant the achievements

experiences with the whole of

of 2018Eindhoven|Brabant

Europe. This is something we

firmly in our memories.

will be doing as much as possible in the run-up to 2018,

Beyond 2018, we want to hold

and we intend to keep on doing

on to the dynamics, ideas and

it afterwards. To promote this

collaborative relationships

exchange, we will put together

created by 2018Eindhoven|

a team of European rapporteurs,

Brabant. We will try to have the

some of whom will already

most successful elements of the

be involved in the Proeftuin


projects from 2014 as

programme taken over by civil

consultants in residence. They

society organisations and the

will analyse and assess the

cultural sector. Many of these

cultural and social value and

organisations will already have

impact of the projects. Based on

taken part in Proeftuin projects,

their findings, they will make

so it will be relatively straigh-

recommendations on how best

forward for them to go further

to make the benefits of

with the most important

2018Eindhoven|Brabant last in


2020: Remembering the Future Our memories influence our everyday actions, our relationships and our identities. And memory is essential to our lives, whether collectively or individually. 2018Eindhoven| Brabant will be an individual and a collective experience for its audience and for the public at large. We want the whole of Europe to benefit from our experience and we will be a lot more successful in that aim if we are able to activate and share our memories to the maximum. So in a special arts and science project we will be studying how we remember, and the role art and culture can play in memory. We will be presenting the results in 2020. 2020: Remembering the Future is a project in which the initiators in Eindhoven – Van Abbemuseum, MU art space, festival STRP and the media lab Baltan Laboratories – will explore how we can share and hold on to the legacy of 2018 through memory, and how this can be reinforced through art and culture. An important source of inspiration is the research on memory by Professor Elise van den Hoven at the Faculty of Industrial Design at Eindhoven University of Technology. The faculty has made a name for itself internationally for its design solutions to support the memory and promote memory sharing. We will also be approaching other universities in the Netherlands and beyond that are studying the role of memory.

Tools for remembering 2020: Remembering the Future is a crossdisciplinary programme to help the participants in 2018Eindhoven|Brabant to preserve their memories. The long-term programme closely linked to our cultural programme will be developed over the next year. As soon as we know if 2018Eindhoven|Brabant has won the bid, we want to set up at least three university research projects with faculties in the Netherlands and abroad to consider questions about memory. Inspired by the findings, through art and design we will develop instruments and ideas that help us to conserve and share memories in innovative ways. This arts and science programme will follow the path to 2018 like an underground stream, occasionally coming out above ground. Then eventually in 2020 we will present the findings to a broad public in symposiums, discussions and a cultural programme. The aims: 2020: Remembering the Future will produce concrete ways to map, conserve and share our collective memories, and also create tools for individuals to make choices about what they actually want to remember.


Umea (2014) – Wroclaw (2016) – Valletta (2018) To achieve the maximum lasting benefit, we plan to build on the knowledge and experience that will be generated elsewhere in Europe between now and 2018. So in our long-term programme we will be linking up with the European Capitals of Culture Umea (2014), Wroclaw (2016) and Valletta (candidate for Malta in 2018). Their programmes offer plenty of opportunities for cooperation, co-creation and synergy.

Umea 2014: Curiosity and Passion Umea is focusing on strengthening cultural citizenship, personal development and the sustainable use of resources. Culture will be used as a driving force for city and regional development. In the next year we will get together with Umea to see how we can contribute to their programme and how from 2014 onwards we can set out ‘long lines’ together leading to 2018Eindhoven|Brabant and beyond. Contact has already been made with the organisers of Umea 2014.

Wroclaw 2016: culture against exclusion Wroclaw 2016 has a rich and urgent plan based on nine socially-engaged aims. A number of them link well to our themes. The Culture Against Exclusion programme, for example, will produce lasting solutions to promote cultural participation among specific groups, such as the unemployed, the elderly, people with disabilities, or families with a lot of children. Like us the Poles are concerned about the commercialisation of art. For 2018 we want to build on Wroclaw’s results. We are already in touch with Wroclaw 2016’s organisers. Valletta2018 Until 2010 there was no relationship between Eindhoven and the Maltese candidate city Valletta. But in the past two years, we have built up many contacts (see box on p60). The direct flight from Eindhoven Airport to Valletta helps. We have made agreements to develop a joint cultural programme and the first cultural exchange has already taken place: the Solar Cinema (see p38) toured to Malta in 2012. We are also working closely with Malta on the topic of urban development.



The European Exchange Brigade Tilburg CowBoys chasing memories Throughout 2018 the Tilburg

Malta and Brabant bringing

CowBoys will be crisscrossing

together all the exchanges and

Europe exchanging objects.

their stories.

Their Exchange Brigades will knock on doors unannounced

The Tilburg CowBoys have

and invite people to swap an

built up experience as Exchange

item linked to a particular

Brigades in Brabant. They know

memory for someone else’s

that the project’s success will

keepsake which they can choose

depend on the level of

from the supply in the brigade’s

participation. So all members of

carrier bike. All the objects and

the Exchange Brigades will have

their stories will be recorded

to speak at least two languages.

and presented on a website. The

The Exchange Brigade members

result will be a European

for Poland will be Polish people

network of personal stories

who live in Brabant, the brigade

accessible to all.

members for France will be French people living in the

It will be a network running

province, and so on. The

from object to object, from

Exchange Brigades will end

memory to memory, from

their journey in Malta. The

person to person, and from city

multidisciplinary artists’

to city. We want to connect

collective the Tilburg CowBoys

people in Europe in the most

will be responsible for both the

fundamental way: through

organisational and artistic

stories and memories. Each

aspects of the project.

European town the Exchange Brigade visits will also host a


temporary exhibition of the

Tilburg CowBoys

objects they have collected. At the end of 2018 there will be a final major exhibition in

Artists’ collective the Tilburg CowBoys. Sander van Bussel (L), Hans d’Olivat and Chris Gribling. >

Thomas Ritzen, student at AKV|St. Joost art academy, Breda. >



The I on the internet International Festival of Visual Culture In our modern network society,

surprising programme featuring

ways could older generations

the latest developments in

personal identity is increasingly

many world premieres and

and non-digital groups benefit

technology and creativity,

determined by the virtual world

leading producers and artists.

from these developments?

offering an inspiring mix of

rather the physical environment

Pioneering, cross-disciplinary

around us. Visual culture plays

European makers will work


documentaries, animation,

a central role in this process. In

together with students and

Visual arts centre Huis voor

graphic design, artist

the European City of Culture

local producers on special

Beeldcultuur (Breda)

talks, character design and

year, 2018Eindhoven|Brabant

productions inspired by the

will be organising a major

theme of the festival.


Playgrounds will present an

international festival of visual

The resulting works will be

IFFR, Fotomuseum Rotterdam,

international programme that

culture. How does modern

exhibited at unusual locations

FOAM, Picnic, International

connects directly with the

visual culture affect our

throughout the city of Breda.

Documentary Film Festival

International Festival of Visual

perception of ourselves and

Historical buildings, wasteland

Amsterdam, Holland Animation

Culture in Breda and other

of others and the way we

sites, polders and parks will

Film Festival, De Waag Society,

festivals of new media art. In

communicate? And is there

form the stage and backdrop

VPRO, Submarine, Anglia Ruskin

the run-up, Playgrounds will

such a thing as a coherent

to performances, exhibitions

University (Cambridge, United

take part in offline and online

European visual culture?

and workshops.

Kingdom), onedotzero (London,

collaborations to produce

United Kingdom) Solent

digital animations with

2014 will see the premiere

In 2014 we will also start

University (Southampton, United

European makers and festivals.

edition of the International

preparing for a Proeftuin in

Kingdom) Recontres Audiovisuelle

The resulting work will be

Festival of Visual Culture. In

2016 in which artists, scientists

(Lille, France) Plein Image (Lille,

screened in 2018.

the years that follow it will grow

and citizens will look at ways

France) SPK (Ghent, Belgium)

into a major international

for visual culture to contribute


biennial with a distinctive focus

to our identity. How are young

Pictoplasma (Berlin, Germany)

on visual culture, a festival

people approaching this issue,

onedotzero (London, United

where free and applied visual

for example? Recent research by


Kingdom) DOCLAB

culture go hand in hand. The

gender and media scientist

Playgrounds Audiovisual Arts

(Amsterdam), CutOut Fest

festival will bring graphic

Koen Leurs suggests that

Festival in Tilburg is an

(Mexico), Faux Images (Berlin),

design, photography,

multicultural society is thriving

innovative and creative digital

La GaĂŽtĂŠ Lyrique (Paris), STRP

cinematography and games

on the internet, especially

art event. The two-day

(Eindhoven), Stash (USA) and

together in an inspiring and

among young people. In what

programme presents some of

Motionographer (USA)

ground-breaking feature films,

performances. In 2018,



An ode to the worker Quadrant: audio-visual opera The textile and metalworking

they are performed. They

industries made the city of

constantly blur boundaries

Helmond great, and in

with other artistic disciplines

Quadrant, video artist Rob

and draw international

Moonen will pay tribute to the

cultural connections.

workers of Helmond and Europe in a giant audio-visual

For the performance of

opera, for and with the city.

Quadrant, Moonen intends to

Featuring professional artists,

work with a large number of

and in particular amateurs,

choirs and brass bands, from

it will refer both to the

Helmond, Brabant and beyond.

industrial and the artistic

The Antillean and South

heritage of the city.

American brass bands which are becoming increasingly

The piece will blend the oeuvre

popular in the Netherlands

of Helmond composers such as

will be among them. The

Matthijs Vermeulen and

performance will take place

Alphons Stallaert with images

in the city centre with music

of industrial heritage, local

accompanying large-scale

architecture and the workers

projections on public buildings.

of the past. The opera will be

Work on the overture will begin

composed by Jeroen Strijbos

in 2013, and in each subsequent

and Rob van Rijswijk, and will

year a new act will be presented.

comprise an overture and four

The grand finale of Quadrant

acts. Strijbos and Van Rijswijk’s

will take place in 2018.

compositions are characterised by the way they use electronic,


computer operated and acoustic

Helmond City Council in

instruments to place their

association with Rob Moonen

compositions in relation to the environment in which

Football robots at Eindhoven University of Technology, the 2012 World Champions. >

Students from the robot football team Tech United at Eindhoven University of Technology, winners of the RoboCup 2012. >



Humanoid Robot strikes again Humanoid Robot 2018Eindhoven|Brabant won’t

from Japan (the land of robot

much more than that. The


be opened by the head of

makers par excellence) will

aim is to spark developments

Eindhoven University of

state or even by the mayor.

build it, but there will also be

in robotics and artificial

Technology, High Tech Campus

Instead, it will be opened

contributions from various

intelligence – many of the

Eindhoven, theatre company

by a machine. A huge robot –

companies and knowledge

applications used for the

Het Zuidelijk Toneel, Dutch

the biggest ever built. The

institutes from the Brainport

football-playing robots find

Design Academy

robot will be a mascot for

area. Together with designers

their way into other, more

2018Eindhoven|Brabant and

and members of HZT, they will

practical, applications of

take the starring role in a play

decide what technical, artistic

robot technology, such as in

performed at Eindhoven’s

and social functions should be

health care.

Parktheater in 2018.

incorporated into the design – how about artificial emotions,

The Humanoid Robot is the

Het Zuidelijk Toneel (HZT) is

for example? The robot will be

perfect promotional tool for

the southern Netherlands’ most

developed using the ‘open

generating international

important theatre company.

innovation method’, meaning

attention, boosting the public

Working with an international

that much of the knowledge

perception of Eindhoven and

cast, in 2018 the company will

and expertise on robot

the southern Netherlands

perform a play inspired by

technology gained in the

region as a whole as a pioneer

Frankenstein, the 1818 novel by

process will be shared with

in art and technology. Over the

English author Mary Shelley.

the rest of the world.

coming years we will explore ways of making the robot as

Each day, the robot will walk from its ‘home’ on Strijp-S to

Robot football

interactive as possible so that

the Parktheater, where it will

The robot will symbolise the

much of its functionality can

perform in the show.

fusion of technology, science

be controlled remotely. And

and design for which Eindhoven

we will also equip Humanoid

Open innovation

is so renowned. In June 2012

Robot with cameras so that

The robot will be the focus of a

Eindhoven University of

anyone can follow his/her

Proeftuin on robot technology

Technology won the RoboCup,

adventures online in real time.

and design. Students at

the robot football World Cup.

We are also looking into the

Eindhoven University of

It may sound like just a bit of

possibility of the robot making

Technology and fellow students

fun for science geeks, but it is

a European tour.



Light and sound sculpture by artists Ien van Gemert and

Everything starts with the locals

Guus Voermans in the Breukelen district of Boxtel, Brabant. >

The community art of the Makers’ Rooms Build your own

In the run-up to 2018 and

confirmation of their position

neighbourhoods, focusing on

during the year itself, in a

in the neighbourhood, which

local issues. The Makers’


Proeftuin we will be

was usually unofficial. Some

Rooms will concentrate on

The Makers’ Rooms and other

experimenting with new forms

men scare you as soon as you

fundamentally changing the

participants in the Proeftuin

of cultural participation to

see them coming. If some- one

public space, “Because in

will experiment with innovative

improve social cohesion in

like that looks at his portrait

our experience this ultimately

forms of live or digital

inner-city neighbourhoods.

and then there he is in front of

changes behaviour more

interaction with local people to

‘Makershuis’ (Makers’ House)

you with tears in his eyes, it

structurally,” says actor

come up with ideas together, for

from ’s-Hertogenbosch will

certainly makes an impression.”

and company founder

example to redesign the public

Romijn Conen.

space in the neighbourhood.

play a prominent role in this Proeftuin. Makershuis has years

Structural change in

of experience with community


Because good community

of offline and online city

art in Brabant’s cities. For

In the Makers’ Rooms the

artists are few and far between,

making, which are now being


residents take the lead role in

Makershuis will be investing

developed all over the world to

the company will be setting

developing and producing

intensively in training young

enable people to simulate new

up what it calls Makers’

community art. The artist

community artists as part of

ideas for their own living

Rooms in a number of other

observes, feels the atmosphere

2018Eindhoven|Brabant, by

environment, for example using

European cities.

in the street and listens, some-

pairing them with successful

game software. Artists,

times for weeks, sometimes for

artists with experience in the

architects and town planners

Artist Erik Vink moved into a

months. He or she finds out the

neighbourhood in participating

will share their experience and

studio for four months in the

residents’ strengths and needs

cities both in the Netherlands

ideas via a portal online.

underprivileged neighbour-

and goes on to develop art with

and in other parts of Europe.

Community artists from all

hoods of Hambaken and

the local people, and thus to

“You’ve got to be prepared to

over Europe will then be able to

Bartjes in ’s-Hertogenbosch,

build up the neighbourhood’s

step out of your comfort zone,

pool their ideas and even

where he painted large portraits

own capacities.

and that’s not for every artist,”

digitally co-create. The results

of residents who were playing

We will make use of new forms

says Conen. “After three weeks

will be presented in 2018 both

an important social role in the

For 2018Eindhoven|Brabant,

in the neighbourhood your

physically and digitally.

area. He saw the sense of pride

Makershuis will set up Makers’

world should have been turned

and self-confidence the

Rooms in Brabant and in other

upside down – then you know

paintings gave the residents.

European cities – with local

it’s going well.”

“The portrait was a

artists, in local underprivileged

Makers’ Room in Boxtel. Mariëlle Lapidaire (Makers’ Room project leader, L), local resident and community worker Maddy van den Burg and her children Ron and Gwen. >

< Artist Katrien van Hettema (L) working with residents from the district of Breukelen on a communal ‘neighbourhood dinner service’.


PARTNERS: Community Art Lab XL, housing corporations such as Woonbedrijf Eindhoven, BrabantWonen and Zayas, ZLTO, Chamber of Commerce, Kroon op je Wijk, Wijkgericht Werken

< Katrien van Hettema in her studio in the district of Breukelen, Boxtel.


Do it yourself (or not, that’s OK too)


Innovative communication The 2018Eindhoven|Brabant

coming to consume culture and

Because the technical and social

and international public to

programme is not just being

people who actually want to take

developments in ICT and media

participate. From 2014 we will

made for the public to

part. And we will approach each

are moving so rapidly and

be developing special tools

consume; it will also include

of these target groups using

nobody dares to make any

to make this possible. Using

them. Co-creation is an

specific means of communi-

definite predictions about the

game software, participants will

important principle in our

cation (see table), depending in

direction they will take, we

be able to make group films

programme and this is also

part on how close they are to

are already experimenting with

online. Or they will create their

reflected in our communication

Eindhoven and the region.

the very latest methods, and

own lightshow by operating a

we will carry on developing

lighting installation at Strijp-S.

Virtual city tours

them right up to 2018. One

As part of the Makers' Room

It is easy enough to give

thing we do dare to predict

project (see p80) people will

Obviously we will be using as

examples of the more

is that mobile devices will

be able to use web applications

many means of communication

conventional means we will be

still play a leading role in

to contribute their ideas on

as possible to inform and

using – websites, printed media,

communication in 2018, so

physical adaptations to

mobilise the public in

television, narrow-casting.

we are focusing on apps such

inner-city areas in Europe.

Eindhoven, the Netherlands

But it is trickier to look ahead to

as eSphere (see box p85).

Or they will even co-design

and Europe. And of course we

2018 and wonder how we will

Using tools like this, with the

parts of their own city. All over

will also be using traditional

be interactively co-creating by

Proeftuin projects as thematic

the world people are working on

media for people who are not

then. Will we all be walking

landmarks, visitors will be able

different forms of offline and

interested in being a participant

round wearing the augmented

to plan their own programmes

online city-making, such as

or a co-creator. And we'll be

reality glasses that Google is

or let themselves be surprised

World of City Craft, which

approaching specific target

currently developing? They

using a shuffle function.

enable people to simulate their

groups such as young people

will superimpose an extra layer

And they can make their own

own city or neighbourhood.

or minorities. But at the same

of digital information over

mark on the cultural programme

time we want to contact our

the world you see around you.

as co-curators.

public as co-creators in new

Browsing will be voice

and innovative ways.

controlled. And you will be

Co-creation centres

online platform will act as a

able to take a digital tour of

The Proeftuin projects are our

central virtual meeting-place

In our target groups we will make

Eindhoven with real-time

co-creation centres, and each

and point of reference, and as

a rough distinction between

images while you are actually

will have its own web

a base for anyone who wants

people who are primarily

wandering round in Madrid.

application allowing a national

to find or share information,

plans. Meet our guerrilla marketers and the viral squad.

To give people an overall view of 2018Eindhoven|Brabant, an




• Publicity campaign (print, radio and TV, online)

• Social media (producing photos and films, writing reviews,

• Narrow-casting

• eSphere (awarding hearts, sharing ratings, recommendations)

• Co-hosting of cultural programmes e.g. focused on

• Online/Offline: sharing stories and memories (Exchange Brigade,

Eindhoven and region

sharing on social media)

neighbourhood-level participation

Solar Cinema)

• Co-marketers/guerrilla marketing

•Offline: neighbourhood projects (Makers’ Rooms, Circo Circolo)


• P ublicity campaign (print, press, radio and

• Co-creating with game software, e.g. for online city-making


TV, online)


• Intermediaries (co-branding, co-promotion, newsletters,

and abroad

(World of City Craft) or production of collective films • Proeftuin portal with try-this-at-home functions

social media) • Tele-tourism (YouTube, virals, blogs, video conferences, smartphone video links) • 'Experience browsers’ in cultural centres elsewhere in the world

• Crowdsourcing (online contributions to research that results in performances, for example) • Art and media installations controlled remotely (e.g. Humanoid Robot) • Co-choreography: online creation of dance, e.g. for flash mobs.

or join in a Proeftuin. You

Examples of media club

our corporate style, but

The local squad

will also be able to see


there will be space for the

In 2018 we are going to mobilise

co-marketers’ own creativity.

thousands of volunteers as local

recommendations from other visitors, sort out a bed for the

Guerrilla marketing

night (perhaps a free place to

We see the entire population of

stay by ‘couch surfing’ or ‘airbed & breakfast’) and book rental bikes, train tickets or flights.

experts – guides who are at Students

home in particular neighbour-

Eindhoven and Brabant as

Journalism students will be

hoods, cities or fields of culture,

potential marketers in 2018.

taught how to film concerts for

sometimes linked to Proeftuin

There's a large number of active

YouTube. Game Architecture

projects. There will be profiles

volunteers in Brabant's cultural

and Design students from Breda

of the local experts on a


sector, so we have got a big pool

will devise games to generate

website where visitors will be

media club

to draw on. In the run-up to

attention for 2018Eindhoven|

able to choose and book their

We are going to tackle

2018 and during the year itself,

Brabant on the web. And

free guide.

marketing and communication

they will be invited to help

other students will come up

from a fresh angle for

promote 2018Eindhoven|

with ways to get videos,


Brabant as co-marketers. We

news and other content from

It won’t be tightly managed,

will supply open templates, for

2018Eindhoven|Brabant onto

but as decentralised as possible.

example, which people can use

leading blogs and portals in

The marketing department will

to promote the programme in

other countries.

be a media club that initiates

their own way. With a version

and facilitates rather than

tailored to each target group,

The viral squad

produces, either for the

either online or offline. With

A group of artists and media

consuming or participating

online ‘Do-It-Yourself kits’ they

experts will create a buzz

public. And a lot of respon-

can use to put together their

around 2018Eindhoven|Brabant

sibility will be handed to the

own campaign, backed up by

with virals that can attract

organisations involved and

YouTube films giving practical

attention around the world.

to volunteers. One of our

examples for inspiration.

One good example is a recent

partners, Festival Incubate in

And there will also be more

video that made the news

Tilburg, is going to start

conventional tools such as

worldwide, in which it appears

experimenting with this

badges, t-shirts and logos that

as if Brabant artist Floris Kaayk

approach in the next couple

the co-marketers can use as they

is really able to fly (see www.

of years.

please. Everything will be in


Raising awareness of the European Union The European Union is the initiator and owner of the European Capital of Culture brand. So in its communication and programming, 2018Eindhoven|Brabant wants to devote plenty of attention to the EU. And here too we will also be taking a creative approach in 2018. EU corporate branding • EU logo in 2018Eindhoven|Brabant corporate communication. From the moment the title is awarded to 2018Eindhoven|Brabant, we will put the EU logo alongside our own in all our corporate communication. At the same time we are going to ask everyone to design their own EU logos. These colourful logos will be prominently in view in all our activities. • EU logo in our partners’ programme information. We will make it compulsory to use the EU logo in all communication regarding activities under the 2018Eindhoven| Brabant banner. • EU logo in public space. We will make sure that every visitor gets a visible welcome to Eindhoven as European Capital of Culture. This will include flying both 2018Eindhoven|Brabant and EU flags at the key points of entry, such as the arrivals hall at Eindhoven airport, at railway stations and on main roads entering the city. European Star Programme for children To stimulate participation in 2018Eindhoven| Brabant projects and raise awareness of Europe among local young people, in 2018 we will be running the European Star Programme. Throughout the year, children and teenagers aged up to 16 will be able to collect

European stars, 27 in total to represent the 27 member states. The children will be able to pick up stars by taking part in selected 2018Eindhoven|Brabant events. If you collect all 27 stars, you will get special offers to join in other European Capital of Culture events, and you will be in with a chance to win an extra prize: a trip to the 2019 European Capital of Culture. The European Star Programme will be run in cooperation with primary and secondary schools around the region, and will reach more than 200,000 young people. Celebrating sixty years of the European Union In 2018 we will be celebrating 60 years of European cooperation. The European Economic Community (EEC, forerunner to the EU) was founded on 1 January 1958 with the Treaty of Rome. In 2018 we will be devoting 60 days of the 2018Eindhoven|Brabant programme to commemorating this 60th anniversary. The basis of this 60-year celebration will be a special educational and cultural programme for children and adults about the history of European design and technology. 9 May 2018: Europe Day in Eindhoven In 2018 Eindhoven will host a special programme for the annual Europe Day celebrations. It will be in keeping with 2018Eindhoven|Brabant’s focus on innovation, technology and art, and will include a lecture by a prominent European political or opinion leader, a round-table discussion and a showcase of EU innovation.


Virtual worlds To guide the visitors through the extensive programme as clearly as possible, we are already exploring the future possibilities of smartphone apps. In 2011, festival STRP experimented with a new app that helped visitors choose what to see, aided by recommendations from other members of the public. The app allowed visitors to rate not only the festival content but also each other’s reviews. With this kind of approach, visitors can become 2018Eindhoven|Brabant’s public curators. By 2018 the physical and virtual worlds will be even more tightly interwoven than they are today. So 2018Eindhoven|Brabant is investing in developing apps to offer the public a userfriendly virtual view of the programme. The eSphere app will help visitors to work out

a route in advance, perhaps based on a profile of their interests which they have filled in themselves. During the event people will be able to rate elements of the programme, share experiences via social media and locate people they know on the map. Visitors will be able to decide what they want to participate in both before and during the event. And at the same time they will be able to create their own communities of culturally like-minded people. The app will also make it possible constantly to monitor the ratings for the various elements of the programme. After the first experiments at festival STRP, in the next few years the app will also be built for other festivals. And a fully-developed version will be ready to use for 2018Eindhoven|Brabant.

Angela Plohman, former

and development at the

Philips buildings, and be

“There are a number of projects

director of Baltan Laboratories:

intersection of art, design and

part of that development

that Eindhoven is undertaking

“The organisations,

technological culture.

from the early stages, was a

that already serve as models for

great experience.”

Europe and the Netherlands,

spaces, people and ideas in this city form a

“For me, a lab like Baltan is not

unique cultural

only a ‘place’ to make and

“It feels like Eindhoven has

of Strijp-S. Eindhoven is a


create, but it is also a network: a

momentum at the moment,

different Dutch city – it has a

for example the redevelopment

connector and a mediator. I am

which makes it a perfect

very different feel, architecture

Angela Plohman, currently

not sure if the way we developed

candidate. There are a lot of

and population than most of

Grant Manager at the Mozilla

Baltan would have been

exceptional organisations,

the other big Dutch cities.

Foundation, was the director of

possible elsewhere. The

spaces, people and ideas in

It could be very beneficial for

Baltan Laboratories at Strijp-S

particular context of Eindhoven

this city that form a unique

the Netherlands to highlight

in Eindhoven from 2008 till

provided freedom and support

cultural backbone, which will

this diversity and put a

2012. She developed Baltan

to build the lab, as well as a

attract a larger European

spotlight on the innovative

into an international platform

deeply embedded history that

audience, as they already do

work that is being done in

that initiates, mediates and

inspired us. To be able to

to a certain extent.”

the region.”

shares innovative research

work at Strijp-S in the old


How we are organising 2018Eindhoven|Brabant and paying the bills



Organisation and governance

Organising an ambitious

The 2018Eindhoven|Brabant

foundation’s activities, for the

Supervisory Board of public-

programme is a big challenge

Foundation was set up in 2012

progress of the 2018 programme

service broadcaster NTR.

and responsibility for a Euro-

by the public authorities

and for financial settlement.

pean Capital of Culture. We

involved. It operates

The assignment of decision-

Jan-Reinier Swinkels, chairman

know from the experience of

independently under its own

making authority is laid down

of brewery Bavaria and board

other ECOCs that a clear

management and board of

in the articles of association.

member of the employers’

governance structure is essential.

directors. The foundation’s

That means clear management,

articles of association are

The board members all have

guaranteed artistic autonomy,

compliant with the Cultural

comprehensive executive

broadly supported political

Governance Code recognised by

experience and a broad national

Nienke Meijer, member of the

and administrative commitment,

the Dutch government, which

and international network. Each

Executive Board of Fontys

and solid financial agree-

sets out guidelines for the

member is able to contribute

University of Applied Sciences

ments. The clear governance

professional, transparent and

expertise in a relevant area of

and member of the Supervisory

structure within which the

responsible governance of

knowledge. The board members

Board of the Eindhoven concert

2018Eindhoven|Brabant team

cultural bodies.

are as follows:

hall Muziekgebouw Frits

association Brabant Zeeuwse

works guarantees progress and results.


Philips. The foundation’s task is to

Wim van den Goorbergh

prepare the candidacy and,

(chairman), economist and

Harry Hendriks, global head of


once the final choice of

former vice chairman of

Public and Government Affairs


European Capital of

Rabobank. He holds positions

at Philips, former CEO of

The organisation of

Culture has been made, to

as a non-executive board

Philips Electronics Benelux and

2018Eindhoven|Brabant will

bear the responsibility for

member with organisations such

member of the Executive

be executed by an independent


as Radboud University and the

Committee of employers’

foundation with clear lines of

organisation, programming,

Noordbrabants Museum, and is

organisation VNO/NCW.

management, a well-defined

communication, public

co-author of the Cultural

relationship with the relevant

relations, monitoring and

Governance Code.

public authorities and a


guaranteed budget. This

Femke den Boer, director of the

structure also guarantees

The board

AKV | St. Joost academy of art,

artistic autonomy for the

The foundation’s board is

member of the national Council

2018Eindhoven|Brabant team.

responsible for all the

for Culture and member of the



a very different task from the

clients and principle funders.

management of the foundation


one who has developed the bid

Political and administrative

via the Supervisory Board.


book. The post will be openly

support is vital to the success

At the same time the board

The programme is run by a

advertised in Europe, with the

of a European Capital of

makes sure the activities of

small, dynamic team with a

following profile requirements:

Culture, during the bid and in


the run-up to the year, during

keep to the long-term

flexible make-up for different phases of the project. At its core

• A director who can inspire

and after it. We think it is

strategic policy plans. So the

are the Artistic Director and the

other people and organisations

important that ties with

public authorities will also

Director of Finance and

to be creative and produce

political decision-makers are

help to safeguard the legacy

Administration. We have


close lasting, and at the same

of the cultural programme.

deliberately kept these two jobs

• A person with natural

time that there are clear

separate to create maximum

authority, capable of further

agreements on everyone’s

Tried and tested

space for artistic creativity.

strengthening the course of this

responsibilities, so artistic


bid book in terms of content.

autonomy doesn’t become an

It is no coincidence that the

In our programme we are

• A European in heart

issue. For this reason, when the

partner cities and the province

expressly dedicated to indepen-

and soul, able to stimulate

foundation was founded we

should all be involved in

dent initiative, horizontal

European networks.

clearly established the role and


collaboration and autonomously

• A person with proven

involvement of the public

Eindhoven, Breda, Helmond,

operating Proeftuin projects.

experience in the world of art


’s-Hertogenbosch, Tilburg and

We would like our ideas to be

and culture, and at the same

reflected in the operational

time an all-rounder capable

Working with the

already been working together

organisation of 2018Eindhoven|

of making connections


closely in the BrabantStad

Brabant and work according to

with business, knowledge

Eindhoven is developing the

(‘Brabant City’) network for the

a cooperative model.

institutions and government.

programme in a network with

past ten years. They have

• A polymath with the

the cities of Breda, Helmond,

successfully realised a lot of

The Artistic Director is there-

experience in innovation to

’s-Hertogenbosch and Tilburg.

joint projects, for example in

the province of Brabant have

fore not a programmer who

understand what is needed

We are used to working in a

the fields of mobility and urban

can put together a programme

to allow the Proeftuin

network environment and see

infrastructure. This experience

at his own discretion. He

projects to operate freely

this as a strength that fits

provides a good guarantee that

operates in an environment

and achieve results.

perfectly with our vision for

the ambitious plans for

where the partners are asked


2018Eindhoven|Brabant will

to contribute, participate and

The Director of Finance and

But we are aware that this new,

also prove successful.

take responsibility themselves,

Administration manages the

experimental form calls for a

so he is mainly responsible for

team and is responsible for the

well thought-out and solid

ensuring artistic quality. This

progress and implementation of

governance model. The

means the Artistic Director will

marketing and communication

agreements are clear: the

chiefly manage the programme

activities, research and

involvement and coordination

within the framework of the

monitoring, maintaining the

among Eindhoven’s

two programme lines, while the

international network and

administrative partners is set

teams responsible for the

managing the foundation.

down in an agreement and in

Proeftuin projects and other

The composition of the team

the foundation’s statutes.

cultural elements of the

is flexible depending on the

The participating cities and

programme will take a lot of

expertise needed.

the province of Brabant are

responsibility themselves.

represented in the Supervisory Relationship with the

Board chaired by the mayor of

The Artistic Director after the

city authorities

Eindhoven. The public

European Capital of Culture

The public authorities involved

authorities, as funders of the

title has been awarded will face

are the foundation’s founders,

event, supervise the financial



FINANCES Long-term budget 2018Eindhoven|Brabant will

• The necessary investment in

major peak in the European

be investing in culture for

infrastructure: the responsibility

Capital of Culture year

more than ten years. The

for buildings and their

2018. Investment in the long

preparations began in 2009 with

structural operation lies with

term allows the necessary

a limited operational budget.

the relevant public authorities

preparations to be made and

For the period 2012-2020,

or cultural organisations,

guarantees the continuation

from the bid through the entire

and will not be part of the

of the programme after 2018.

duration of our long-term

budget or responsibility of

programme, the public


• Other sources of income,

authorities are providing a

A summary of these investments

such as corporate participation,

structural budget which will

is included in the form.

have not yet been established,

consist entirely of new funding

but generating additional

specifically for the European

• Eindhoven, the partner cities

funding will be the foundation’s

Capital of Culture programme.

and the province of Brabant are

highest priority once the title

The cities and the provinces

the foundation’s principal

has been awarded. Only then

have taken all the necessary

funders, and act as guarantors

will it also have the greatest

decisions to provide this

for the basic funding of our

chance of success.

funding in 2012 and have

programme. This is established

reserved the funds in their

in binding agreements among

• Funds will be spent with great

long-term budgets.

the partners.

care, with the aim of investing at least 75 percent of the

The foundations of our

• The funding by the public

money in sustainable projects

financial policy:

authorities is an extra financial

and activities.

• The 2018Eindhoven|Brabant

investment in culture and

Foundation is the administrator

will not come at the expense

• The public authorities will

of the budget presented here.

of the existing budget for arts

supervise the foundation’s

This budget is intended to cover

and culture.

financial policy.

the costs of realising the activities developed specifically

• The funding is a lasting,

for the long-term European

long-term investment for the

Capital of Culture programme.

period 2012-2020 with a



FOUNDATION start-up projects 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 total INCOME Cities jointly

3,000 1,000 1,000 2,500 3,500 6,600 5,500 17,750 2,700 6,200 250



3,000 1,000 1,000 2,500 3,500 6,600 5,500 17,750 2,700 6,200 250


Sponsorship (cash and in kind)

3,000 2,000 10,000 2,000 3,000 20,000

National government

20,000 20,000

European Union

1,500 1,500



2,000 2,000 5,000 7,000 16,200 13,000 67,000 7,400 15,400



all euro amounts are x 1000


is an estimate based on the

Our collaboration with

In this summary we present the

proportional government

corporate partners is explained

foundation’s income that has

contribution to the programmes

in chapter 9.3 (see p92).

already been secured and the

of other European Capitals of

income of which the extent can

Culture in comparable countries.

be determined with a high degree of probability.

• The contribution from the European Union included here

• Eindhoven and the network

is limited to an investment of

partners will invest 100

1.5 million euros (in the form

million euros in the cultural

of the Melina Mercouri prize).

programme. Ten million

However, it is expected that a

euros of this will come from

considerable proportion of the

Eindhoven, 10 million from

projects will partly be financed

each of the partner cities, and

by EU structural funds and

50 million from the province

programmes, such as the

of Brabant.

successor to the Culture Programme Creative Europe.

• The provincial and municipal

The financial contribution from

authorities have allocated these

these European programmes

sums in their long-long term

has not been included in the

budgets – a decision that is now

financial summary because its

irreversible. The only condition

extent is still hard to estimate.

for the release of the funds from 2014 onwards is the acquisition

• The expected contribution

of the title of European Capital

from corporate partners

of Culture.

(comparable with sponsorship) is a highly realistic estimate,

• The expected contribution

based on exploratory talks

from central government

with companies in the region.



start-up projects 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2012,2013

total %

600 400 1,000 0.70% Bid book preparation Programme (projects)



200 3,200 5,000 12,000 8,000 55,000 5,000 12,000 106,600 75.34%

Research 100 100 100 200 100 200 300 500 200 300 2,000

900 2,600 2,200 7,000 1,000 2,000


Marketing and communication




17,500 12.37%

Staff, organisation



800 1,000 1,400 2,500 4,500 1,200 1,100




2,000 2,000 5,000 7,000 16,200 13,000 67,000 7,400 15,400






all euro amounts are x 1000


component in one of three

At least 12 percent will

This is an outline of the

different ways: it can fund the

be spent on marketing

prognosis for expenditure.

component in full, co-fund it,

and communication and

Only when the title has finally

or contribute no funding but

increasing the European

been awarded and the first

include the project within the

Union’s visibility

Proeftuin projects begin will

overall programming and

This is a cost that is often

the programme unfold in detail.

marketing. We have a strong

underestimated, and it is vital to

However, we have already

preference for co-funding, not

the success of a European

set out a number of key

just because it has a multiplier

Capital of Culture programme.

principles for funding the

effect on the original budget,

We have set aside this


but also because it fits in with

proportion of the budget after


our focus on co-creation and

listening carefully to advice

collaboration with partners.

from previous European

The foundation as

Capitals of Culture.


At least 75 percent of

In the run-up to 2018 and

the total budget will be

Personnel costs and

during the year itself, the

spent on activities

overheads will be


The financial framework

limited to a maximum

Foundation will be the sole

stipulates that 75 percent of the

of 10 percent of

funder of a project in only a

foundation’s budget should be

the budget

very few cases. They will

spent on activities. An

The spending on costs

include a few important

additional sum of three million

and overheads will vary over

programme highlights, such as

euros is also reserved for

the years depending on

the opening. In most cases there

collaboration with Malta. Two

what is happening in the

will be a form of co-funding,

million euros are set aside for


or even simply co-branding.

long-term monitoring.

In practice the foundation can be financially involved in a cultural programme



a new way of working with business partners 2018Eindhoven|Brabant is

personnel, knowledge, networks,

Another example: if we set out

vital to the whole of Europe,

looking not for sponsors but

resources and help in kind.

to explore how we can alleviate

that develops organically,

loneliness among the elderly,

and that has broad public and financial support.

for partners. We want to create new and unconventional

Urgent issues

we will approach cultural

relationships that generate

We are already going to start

organisations which have

cultural and social value.

looking for potential partners

experience with producing art

Flagship events

We are actively seeking

in 2014. For example, in

and culture for and with the

This strategy dovetails content,

partners from as many different

2014 we want to start

elderly, or which are interested

working method and funding.

sectors as possible who want

developing new forms of

in developing in that direction

We are not working within a

to work with us intensively on

hospitality and mobility for

in the future. We will also be

top-down corporate model with

a long-term basis and as


involving organisations such as

standard sponsorship contracts,

co-producers – partners whose

This kind of theme lends itself

50-plus interest groups and

but using a more organic

activities are in keeping with

in an ideal way to creative

disability support organisations

growth model. It will be easier

the content of our cultural

solutions, with artists making

as well as Eindhoven University

to realise the programme

programme, so both parties

an important contribution.

of Technology and TNO

because we are actively

benefit from the collaboration.

How can we make sure there

(Netherlands Organisation for

involving partners who will

are enough friendly and flexible

Applied Scientific Research).

stand to benefit from it directly,

2018Eindhoven|Brabant is not

places for people to stay and

aiming to find a principle

enough cafés and restaurants

We will be talking to these

sponsor or sign standard

to cater for millions of guests?

organisations about the topic

sponsorship contracts. For us,

To answer this question, as

of aging to find out what they

At the same time, for certain

cooperation starts with the

potential partners we will

see as crucial to explore and

flagship events like the Van

content. We will be approaching

be approaching artists and

to achieve in terms of culture.

Gogh exhibition, the World

potential partners on the basis

designers along with the

We will take their input

Design Expo, Piet Hein Eek’s

of our cultural programme and

Chamber of Commerce,

into consideration when we

cultural souk and the ‘Art in

the subjects of the Proeftuin

market gardeners’ and farmers’

are putting together the

historic buildings’ project, we

projects. Again, co-creation is

organisation ZLTO, hotels,

cultural programme, and the

will be looking for partners who

the starting point. If the

bars and restaurants, and

organisations will also be able

would like to contribute to the

partners are interested enough

natural heritage society

to contribute. The aim will be

funding and/or the European

in co-creating, they will be


to produce a programme that

marketing, in exchange for

focuses on issues that are

agreed benefits on their part.

prepared to contribute

and who will also be able to influence it.


Ton Roosendaal: “If you want to get something started here, Eindhoven’s at your feet” Ton Roosendaal is the man behind Blender, the world’s largest open source platform for 3D creation software. He studied at Eindhoven University of Technology and the Design Academy and set up NeoGeo animation studio. In 2009 he received an honorary doctorate in Creative Technology from Leeds Metropolitan University. We are not looking for a single

programme will automatically

corporate sponsor, but we would

become members of this

The Blender studio has now

like to associate our name with a

council, a colourful collection

moved to Amsterdam, but Ton

lot of different partners, most of

of companies and institutions.

Roosendaal still has a vast

them relatively small, who

The Business Council’s aim will

network in Eindhoven. “We get

embrace specific parts of the

be to think of possibilities for

people together via internet to


cooperation and ways to involve

develop a film or a game.

an international public in

The technical part often takes

We are already in close contact

2018Eindhoven|Brabant. It will

place online, for the creative

with business and organisations,

be a unique way for the

part you really need to sit down

and the sponsorship strategy has

participating organisations in

together. Developing

been geared to parties like

the region to contribute to

technology is inextricably

Philips, Eindhoven University of

cultural growth in Eindhoven

linked with collaboration and

Technology, TNO (Netherlands

and Brabant, to gain inspiration

experiment. Everyone who

Organisation for Applied

for their own businesses, and to

puts something in can take a

Scientific Research), Brainport

establish new networks.

look under our bonnet.”

and automotive companies. From 2014, if we are awarded the

That is the underlying theme

title of 2018Eindhoven|Brabant,

in all his work: innovation

we will start involving

through sharing knowledge

organisations in the fields of

and creativity. “If you want to

health care, sustainability,

get something started here,

nature conservation and welfare.

Eindhoven’s at your feet. Eindhoven is small, you get

Business Council

attention fast and in no time

The strategy we have described

you’ve gathered a group of

needs to keep developing.

people around you.”

So in 2014 we will be setting up a Business Council. All the partners who are contributing to an element of the cultural


Fresku, Rapper: “Care about your city and it’ll always give you something back” Eindhoven rapper Fresku broke

“If I come up with something,

into the big time in 2012 with

there’s always someone who says

his second album Maskerade,

‘Great idea! You should talk to

which went straight into the top

so-and-so.’ Just look at my new

ten. It brought to a close a

album, everything from the

troubled period in his life

artwork to the production came

lasting several years, a period he

out of Eindhoven.”

is refreshingly candid about in his lyrics. Fresku displays his

“Ninety percent of the time I’m

more vulnerable sides as well as

getting inspiration and

his tough side, and he is

knowledge. But it has to come

unafraid to examine himself

together organically, otherwise

from new perspectives. He

it just doesn’t work for me. I get

collaborates with artists from

out for a coke and just bump

many genres and sees himself

into people.”

primarily as a storyteller.

“I believe that culture is the

“People hardly ever really

only way to grow. People are

listen nowadays.”

so self-centred when it comes to progress, so that’s why they

Fresku produced his first record

don’t achieve it. Maybe it

in 2009 and has since

sounds a bit arrogant, but

performed all over the

people could learn from the

Netherlands. “It made me

way we do things in

realise that Eindhoven is

Eindhoven. It’s not because

unique. People aren’t jostling

we’re smarter than anyone

for position here, there’s more

else, it’s just because we don’t

of a ‘let’s just do good stuff

look down on anyone.”

together’ kind of vibe. Take the rock scene and the hip-hop

“The title of Capital of Culture

scene, for example, there’s

would be good for me and for

nowhere they’re so close as here.

Eindhoven. It’s always good for

We feel part of a bigger whole.

creative people when

We belong together. I was just a

investments are made in

factory worker making belts, but

their city. Care about your

no one had a problem with it,

city and it’ll always give you

and they didn’t keep their

something back.”

contacts to themselves.”


Intensive collaboration with knowledge institutes Building productive and sustainable relationships between the cultural sector and other sectors is central to 2018Eindhoven| Brabant, and the science sector is among the most important of these. We are already working on these relationships so that we will be able to present the exciting results of multisectoral collaborations in 2018. Working together with Brabant’s top knowledge institutes, we have developed new ideas and initiated collaborative processes. Here follows a summary of the most important examples. The Humanoid Robot is a long-term programme run by Eindhoven University of Technology together with foreign universities. Working together, Dutch and international students will build a highly advanced robot, one that will also be the largest ever built. The robot will be the mascot for 2018Eindhoven|Brabant and will also take a leading role in a theatre production (see p79).

Regional identity survey. This major European survey examining the formation of regional identity in Europe will be led by Tilburg University (see p96).

Remembering the Future will be a long-term artistic and scientific programme exploring the ways in which we remember and the extent to which art and culture play a role in these processes. The collaborating parties for this project are the Eindhoven partners the Van Abbemuseum, MU exhibition space, STRP festival, Baltan Laboratories and Eindhoven University of Technology. We will also examine how we can best and most effectively retain and re-utilise memories of 2018. We will develop the concept plan in the coming year and present the most important conclusions in 2020 (see p74). Long-term monitoring of 2018Eindhoven|Brabant. This study, which started in 2011, is being carried out by Tilburg University and the knowledge institute CeLToR into the economic, social and cultural impact of the 2018Eindhoven|Brabant candidature and cultural programme (see p113). Cabaret Styles in the Netherlands is a research project being carried out by Utrecht University and the University of Amsterdam as part of 2018Eindhoven|Brabant. The results will be presented at the Comedy Festival in 2018 (see p98).


What else do we want to show in 2018? Some more ideas C10

Harmony Battle

with 2000 participants that

historians from Dutch and

Izmir, European Association of

Using their smart phones,

will thread its way through

European scientific institutions.

Geographers, European Platform

tablets and other multimedia

the city, celebrating the joys

One of its central aims is to

– internationalisation in education,

tools, the mainly young

of co-creation. This float art

develop analysis and policy

Council of European Municipali-

audience can influence

free-for-all with contributions

models, as well as educational

ties and Regions, Committee of

the course of concerts by the

from amateur and professional

material, for the European

the Regions European Union

Euregio Jeugd Orkest (Eure-

artists will bring together

regions. The European audience

gional Youth Orchestra, EJO)

every nationality, tradition

will participate in discussions

Florarium Temporum

an international symphony

and social group in the city.

on the meaning and

This international ‘chamber

orchestra made up of talented

Partners: Huis van de Wereld,

development of regional and

video opera’ in four acts was

young musicians from Flanders,

Art-fact, De Twern, Kunstbalie,

national identities in Europe.

inspired by the unique 1472

North Rhine-Westphalia and

Amarant, Compaen & de Bocht,

The run-up to the congress and

chronicle Florarium Temporum,

the southern Netherlands.

Fontys Universities of Applied

the congress itself will be the

in which Nicolaas Clopper Jr.,

During the concert, audience

Sciences, Regional training

subject of an attention-grabbing

a historian from Brabant,

members can participate for

centres (ROCs), Kant Social

publicity campaign. The interim

traces world history from

example by distorting sounds or

Design, housing corporations,

and final results of the research

creation until the destruction of

adding rhythms. Their concerts

Festival Mundial, Zinneke

will be made available on a

Liège in 1468. This all-embracing

are accompanied by interactive

Parade Brussels

video art and dance.

dedicated interactive website.

artwork, or Gesamtkunstwerk,

Partners: Fontys Universities

will comprise four librettos by

Partners: Game Architecture

Regional Identity

of Applied Sciences, University of

renowned European writers

and Design NHTV Breda, youth

Formation Congress

Amsterdam, Utrecht University,

and four duets by international

dance company de Stilte, Breda,

The importance of regional

KU Leuven, University of Co-

composers and directors who

Fontys Universities of Applied

identity seems to be increasing

penhagen, Universität Potsdam,

will translate stories from

Sciences Tilburg, Audiovisual

in line with globalisation. In

University of Limerick, Università

the book into sound and

Design & Animation AKV|

2016, 2018 and 2020 Tilburg

di Trento, National Academy

imagery. From 2015 onwards,

St.Joost Breda

University will organise a

of Ukraine, Universität Wien,

one new section of the cycle

congress cycle focusing on

Research Institute for the Quality

will be completed for each


regional identity in Europe,

of Life Bucharest, Universidad de

edition of the Storioni Festival

Tilburg will host a special 2018

with contributions from

Barcelona, Masaryk University

in Eindhoven. The cycle

edition of the T-Parade, an

sociologists, linguists, cultural

(Brno), Bahcesehir University

will be performed in its entirety

art-minded summer parade

scientists, geographers and

Istanbul, Ege University

for the first time in 2018.

< Singing lessons at the Kunstkwartier Helmond children’s choir (see the programme idea European Children’s Choir Festival, p99).


Organisation: Storioni

design studios will collaborate

country the Dutch team is

Lanegan, as well as less obvious

International Chamber Music

on a presentation of their work

playing. It will be the biggest

choices such as Dean Ween

Festival in collaboration with

in a 48-hour workshop that

social restaurant in the world,

(Ween) and Alex Turner (Arctic

Nederlands Kamerkoor and

audiences will be able to watch

a place for football lovers,

Monkeys). After 2018 there

Nationale Reisopera

live or digitally.

culture vultures and food freaks

will be follow-up festivals at

Organisation: Brabant

to get together.

The Forum (London, UK),

Gypsy Caravan


Organisation: Vrijetijdshuis,

Docks (Hamburg, DE), Le

Brabant has long been home to

Partners: include Fontys

CityDynamiek Eindhoven

Bataclan (Paris, FR) and Arena

a substantial Sinti community.

University of Applied Sciences,

Partners: Youth Food Move-

(Vienna, AU).

In 2018 a gypsy caravan will

Tilburg University, Eindhoven

ment, ZLTO, Foodconnection

Organisation: 013 Tilburg

travel for a whole year visiting

University of Technology,

Point, Food & Feed Noordoost

various European cities,

Regional training centres (ROCs)

Brabant, University of Applied

Flying Colours

Sciences HAS ’s-Hertogenbosch

Brabant will be proudly hoisting

presenting music, theatre, dance and art in circus tents, an

Brabant Discovers

exhibition tent and splendidly


Hidden Pink

thousands of them, hanging

restored caravans. At the end of

Before the Second World War,

Homosexuality has played an

from homes, town halls,

each visit to a city, Frankfurt’s

foreign travel was largely

important role in visual culture

restaurants, shops and

Roma and Sinti Chamber

reserved for the wealthy elite,

for much longer than many

museums. It is not a new idea

Orchestra will play Requiem for

but in the 1950s the Dutch

people realise. Why is this

(former European cultural

Auschwitz by the Dutch-Sinti

started heading out into Europe

the case, and has this role

capital Cordoba did something

composer Roger Rathgeb.

in large numbers. Brabant

influenced the broader

similar) but 2018Eindhoven|

Organisation: International

Discovers Europe will ask

acceptance of homosexuality?

Brabant will give it its own

the flags in 2018. There will be

Gipsy Festival Tilburg

people from Brabant to submit

In what ways has homo-

twist. We will be drawing on

Partners: Roma People

portrait photos made on

eroticism influenced visual

innovative local textile

Association (Poland), Romedia

their first holiday abroad of

culture? In 2018 the Museum

traditions, the work of leading

Foundation (Hungary), Slovo 21

themselves together with a local

of the Image (MOTI) in Breda

designers and the unique

(Czech Republic), Philharmoni-

fellow European. Artist,

will present an international

crafting techniques used by

scher Verein der Sinti und Roma

advertising executive and photo

exhibition on homosexuality

local cultural minorities. The

(Germany), National Centre for

collector Erik Kessels will use

in visual culture.

flags will be the symbol of

Roma Culture - Romano Kher

these images as the basis for an

Organisation: MOTI Breda



exhibition of huge photographs

potential Partners: Gay

and the search for a new and

displayed on distinctive buil-

Krant, COC

inclusive identity for Brabant.

Brabant Blend

dings in Brabant.

This project will see six

Organisation: KesselsKramer

Organisation: Gemeente-

Desert Sessions

museum Helmond

This major international music

multidisciplinary design studios headed by leading designers

World Cup Foodball

festival will be held in 2018 in

The Cultural Depart-

with roots in Brabant working

We are going to construct a

the Tilburg rock venue 013

ment Store

for two weeks on the spatial

long catwalk of tables in several

(known all over the world as

The Cultural Department Store

planning and identity of

Brabant towns, each leading

home to the Roadburn rock

will collect, produce, present

Brabant. As well as architects

from the railway station to the

festival), featuring influential

and sell products from Brabant

and urban planners, designers

football stadium. We will be

American stoner and desert

with a unique cultural value.

from other fields will contribute

cooking, eating and experi-

rock bands including Kyuss and

This mobile cross between a

their own, original vision.

menting here in the run-up

Queens of the Stone Age, and

museum, lab, studio and shop

Each design studio will be

to the Dutch team’s World Cup

programmed by one of its

will travel all around Brabant

made up of Dutch and foreign

football matches in 2018.

founding fathers Josh Homme.

in 2018, making the art

professionals and students

Food, football and culture will

There will also be contributions

accessible to a broad audience.

working in a wide range of

forge links between the cultures

from guests Chris Goss, Jesse

We also want to link up

disciplines. In 2018 the six

of the Netherlands and the

‘The Devil’ Hughes and Mark

businesses with designers and


artists and encourage them to

Stories of Brabant

course we have Carnival too.

participation, especially among

make marketable products.

Oral narratives are the ‘slow

So in 2018 we are organising the

young people.

This model is being developed

food’ of communication.

Comedy Festival (Humor-

Organisation: United-C

for use after 2018 and elsewhere

Virtuoso storytellers use the

festival). It will include a


in Europe.

power of the imagination to

congress exploring the function

Organisation: Museum Of

help us unwind and enter

and history of humour from an

Brabant Worldwide

The Image Breda, EKWC Sunday-

another reality. Libraries in

international perspective. It

In the run-up to 2018 we are

morning ’s-Hertogenbosch,

Brabant are joining forces

will also present the results of

going to collect stories and

Audax Textile Museum/Textile

towards 2018 for an innovative

Sibe Doosje (Utrecht Univer-

memories associated with

Lab Tilburg, MU Eindhoven

and multifaceted storytelling

sity) and Giselinde Kuipers’

objects and photographs owned


(University of Amsterdam)

by people who have emigrated

Organisation: Cubiss, Tilburg

scientific research project

from Brabant to every corner of

‘Dutch Cabaret Styles’ carried

the world. The submissions will

Icons in the Landscape Icons in the Landscape will use art and storytelling in seven

Van Gogh Reality Game

out as part of 2018Eindhoven|

be brought together on a

treasured scenic areas to allow

In ‘alternative reality games’,

Brabant. And there will be

website and projected on large

visitors to ‘read’ and experience

players work as part of a social

special masterclasses in which

screens in public spaces

the origins of Brabant. Each

network to solve mysteries in

dignitaries from Brabant

throughout 2018. Brabant

of the areas was chosen to

real life. A new and exciting

and beyond will get comedy

Worldwide was conceived by

represent a single ‘chapter’ in

reality game will start in 2017,

lessons from stand-ups and

Karel van Koppen. He submit-

the history of the landscape.

reaching its climax at the

cabaret artists.

ted it to the bid book and won

This project will place artisanal

opening of 2018Eindhoven|

Organisation: Koningstheater

the public award, beating nearly

traditions in a contemporary

Brabant. Based on a story

Academy ’s-Hertogenbosch

700 other contenders.

light and use apps and other

influenced by The Da Vinci

multimedia tools to magnify

Code, the mystery to be solved

European Training

reality and bring it to life. In

is set in the context of the life


Track view

2018 our visitors will be able to

and work of Vincent van Gogh.

In 2018 children from Brabant

For this project a railway

travel through Brabant’s

The game will be played in

and elsewhere in Europa will

carriage pulled by a steam

history quite literally, on foot or

Dutch and other European

receive music lessons leading to

locomotive will be transformed

by bike.

languages, with the participants

the formation of orchestras that

into a ‘4D multimedia capsule’.

Organisation: Streekraad Het

keeping in contact with one

will perform at a European

The capsule will travel on routes

Groene Woud and de Meijerij

another through Facebook and

festival of training orchestras.

between different key locations

Twitter. Part of the story will be

The idea is rooted in the

in 2018. During the journey,

Fairy tales Come True

simultaneously broadcast on

world-renowned methodology

passengers will be immersed

Brabant’s fairy-tale theme park

television and on the internet,

Il Sistema from Venezuela.

in a total experience comprising

Efteling in Kaatsheuvel is one

and hints on how to unravel the

European composers will be

film, images and sound

of the most imaginative in

mystery will appear on the

commissioned to write work

impressions based on the

Europe, attracting around four

internet and on the street.

especially for the project.

changing identities along the

million visitors a year. We will

Organisation: Lumineus,

Organisation: De Muzerije

route. It will be an experience

be inviting children and young



defined by departure, arrival

Concept: Karel van Koppen

people in the Netherlands to

and the tension between

write an exciting modern

The Comedy Festival

Lust for Life

present, past and future.

story that will appeal to their

Humour and comedy are very

Lust for Life is an international

Organisation: West Brabants

peers elsewhere in Europe.

much part of Brabant culture:

arts festival for new theatre

Cultuuroverleg Bergen op Zoom

The winning story will form

we have many successful

makers, dancers, filmmakers,

the basis of a new fairy tale

stand-up comedians, our

bands and visual artists. In 2018

Art Service

for Efteling.

Koningstheater Academy offers

it will take over various parts of

In 2018 there will be monthly

Organisation: Efteling

the only full-time cabaret

Eindhoven and towns elsewhere

‘art services’ in churches,

course in the country, and of

in Brabant. It seeks to encourage

mosques and synagogues,

< Efteling fairy-tale theme park, Kaatsheuvel (see the programme idea Fairy Tales Come True, p98).


featuring live music, theatre,

Day. We will connect European

dations of the original buildings

part in the European Children’s

poetry and visuals. The project

cultures by proposing new

and forming new landmarks in

Choir Festival. Children will be

is inspired by the structure of

rituals and alternative

Brabant. Nominated for the

able to attend workshops and

Catholic church services,

commemorations for

public award.

masterclasses, composing their

combining the theatrical

population groups with

Concept: Diana Nooten

own music for the choirs by

character of the liturgy with

different beliefs.

hospitality and a sense of home.

Organisation: CBK

Mundial: The World of

Nederlands Blazers Ensemble

Organisation: Matzer

‘s-Hertogenbosch, CBK West-

Performing Arts

(Netherlands Wind Ensemble)


Brabant en Electron Breda

The renowned Festival Mundial

uses for its New Year concert.

will be organised around the

The festival will close with a

using the method that the

The Caravan Caravan

City Park City

theme of The World of

huge grand finale partsong

The caravan is a European

The November Music festival of

Performing Arts in 2018,

– an attempt to get into the

invention that is hugely popular

contemporary music will

featuring world music, dance,

Guinness Book of Records. It is

in the Netherlands. In 2018 a

organise two projects in 2018

theatre and circus – contem-

intended that after 2018 this

caravan of caravans will traverse

that connect music and

porary global arts and culture

festival will become a three-

Europe with participants from

landscape for the travelling

with a link to local tradition.

yearly international event that

other countries joining it along

visitor. The first project will

Organisation: Mundial

will develop into a European

the way. Each caravan will

allow train passengers on


platform for artistic experience,

house art, film or performances,

various routes between cities in

and Dutch designers will give

Brabant to listen to soundtracks

Power and Visual

Organisation: de Kunstbalie,

each of them its own look

on the iPod that are associated


Stichting Koorplein (Brabant),

and function, as museum,

with specific sites that the train

In 2018 the Museum of the

Koor en Stem (Flanders)

concert hall or cinema.

passes. The second project

Image (MOTI) in Breda and

Organisation: Kunst aan de

consists of three cycle routes

Museum Plantin-Moretus in

The International

Maaskant Lith

through the outskirts, with

Antwerp will organise a


small-scale performances and

collaborative international

The international Festival of

Brabant Tapestry

art installations along the way.

exhibition around the theme of

Silence (Stiltefestival) is a

Ten artists and designers from

Organisation: November

power and visual culture. It will

wordless festival for children.

Brabant will complete a

Music ‘s-Hertogenbosch

explore visual culture and its

Focusing primarily on dance, in

relationship with power in

2018 it will present a series of

70-metre Brabant-themed

connection and exchange.

tapestry in 2018. The ten

Art Training Circuit

various periods and media, as

visual and expressive

participants will each produce

The Art Training Circuit was

well as offering insights into

performances from all over

seven metres of the tapestry,

one of the nominated ideas

imagery as a tool of power. How

the world. There will be stage

with the whole project being

from members of the public.

do visual culture and politics

productions that dare to be

overseen by a coordinator.

Designed by several artists,

influence one another?

quiet, offering a counterbalance

The tapestry will be hung

bringing together sport and

Organisation: MOTI Breda

to the continual hectic pace of

on the outside of the

culture, it is intended for use by

and Museum Plantin-Moretus

much contemporary

provincial government

everyone, young or old. It


entertainment. The festival sees

building in ’s-Hertogenbosch.

features wooden sculptures to

Organisation: Ninotchka

jump over, a decorated balancing

European Children’s

wants to lead children into the


beam and specially designed

Choir Festival

world of the imagination.

horizontal bars.

Music is a universal language.

Organisation: dance

Concept: Nanne Meulendijks

When it comes to singing,

company De Stilte Breda

All Souls Day: Remind Me The multidisciplinary art

dance as theatre’s poetry and

melody and tone take prece-

project ‘All Souls Day: Remind

Castles in the Air

dence over the lyrics, breaking

Europe’s best street

Me’ will turn our attention to

Crumbling castles will be

down language barriers. In 2018


new ways of commemorating

transformed into castles in the

dozens of choirs from all over

Street Art EU presents Europe’s

our dear departed on All Souls

air, rising up from the foun-

Europe will be invited to take

most upfront and innovative


street theatre. We will connect

the outskirts to the centre, from

Brabant Union of Music

amateur musicians, singers and

ten of the best international

the castle to the railway tracks.


actors from the cities involved.

companies with ten streets in

Organisation: Art and Thea-

Brabant towns and villages.

tre Festival Foundation Helmond

Organisation: Ravenstein

Bosch Parade

Regional Theatre Foundation

The unique and partly

They will perform their latest work and work together

Open City

subterranean network of rivers

About Europe

with local people. The

Eindhoven architect John

in the city of ’s-Hertogenbosch

Since 1994, the Nexus Institute,

programme will also include

Körmeling designed the

makes it the ‘Venice of the

an international think tank

workshops for children, young

Holland Pavilion for the 2010

Netherlands’. The waterways

based in Tilburg, has been

people and adults. Street Art

Shanghai World Expo.

form the setting for the Bosch

organising lectures and

EU will start in 2014 with a

His proposal: turn the facade of

Parade, a floating procession of

conferences on Europe’s

pilot involving three groups (in

empty churches, empty office

artworks inspired by the work of

cultural heritage involving the

2018 there will be ten interna-

buildings, empty houses into

the city’s famous son,

most prominent international

tional groups). In August, the

doors and open them. Let

Jheronimus Bosch. The objects

minds. From 2014, the institute

much-loved Boulevard theatre

streets flow in, let the sun shine

will be designed by professional

will organise an annual series of

festival in ’s-Hertogenbosch will

in. Eindhoven Open City. In

artists but groups of volunteers

lectures on the moral and

be the setting for presentations

2018 there will be twenty of

will play a major part in the

cultural crisis affecting Europe.

by locals, together with

these buildings with huge doors

development and construction

Inquisitiveness, openness and

performances by the partici-

in Eindhoven, symbolising the

process. The Bosch Parade

tolerance were once the

pating street theatre groups.

city’s new openness and

will become a national and

strong- points of the ‘old

Organisation: Theaterfestival

welcoming all its visitors.

international event over the

continent’, now, fear and

Boulevard ’s-Hertogenbosch

The buildings will also serve

coming years. It will attract

conservatism rule. Major

Potential partners:

as pavilions for the World

artists from beyond the region,

European thinkers (such as

Festival Internacional de Teatro

Design Expo.

for example from other

Claudio Magris, Peter

y Artes de Calle de Valladolid,

Organisation: John Körmeling

Dutch and European cities

Sloterdijk, Dominique Moïsi

which house works by

and Amin Maalouf ) will be

La Fira de Teatre al Carrer de Tàrrega, Festival Chalon dans

Brass and Brabant

Jheronimus Bosch, who will

invited to striking locations to

la Rue Chalon-sur-Saône,

Nowhere else in the Nether-

work with local people.

present their ideas on a Europe

Festival d’Aurillac, Streetsahead

lands has as many brass bands

Organisation: Jheronimus

able to face the future.

Manchester, Festival MiraMiro

and music groups as Brabant.

Bosch 500 Foundation (JB500)

Organisation: Nexus Institute

Gent, Fabrique des arts de

The best eight local amateur

la rue Amiens, Viva cité

groups, from brass bands to

Big Brabant

Langstraat BIENNIAL

festival Sottevillelès-Rouen

Caribbean and West African

Brabant and the Flanders region

The Langstraat area in northern

ensembles will be coupled

of Belgium share a rich history.

Brabant has for centuries been


with top national and European

They became part of the Duchy

the Netherlands’ centre of

A special edition of Artimond

groups, such as the

of Brabant in the 12th century.

leather production and the

festival will take place in 2018

Nederlands Blazers Ensemble

Brussels, Leuven, Antwerp,

international shoe trade. The

in Helmond, making and

(Netherlands Wind Ensemble).

`s-Hertogenbosch, Breda,

Shoe and Leather Experience

presenting art on the street, as

The amateur groups will join

Helmond, Bergen op Zoom and

Lab is planned for construction

close as possible to the people.

the professionals for a

Grave were important towns in

in Waalwijk and in 2018 it will

There will be theatre, dance,

tour of the Netherlands and

the Duchy. The eight historic

be the venue for an international

film, performance, music and

a number of other European

cities will be linked in 2018 by a

event focusing on shoes, leather

visual arts by top international

countries in 2018.

large-scale music theatre

and fashion. Featuring presen-

acts and local amateurs. The

Organisation: Royal

extravaganza staged at various

tations by international shoe

festival makes the city its stage,

Netherlands federation of Music

locations. Water will be the

and leather designers, the event

exploring the potential and

Associations (Koninklijke

common element and the event

will be repeated biennially

limitations of the city and its

Nederlandse Federatie van

will feature the latest media

after 2018.

public space, everywhere from

Muziekverenigingen), Kunstbalie,

techniques and professional and

Partners: Stichting SLEM


(Shoes, Leather, Education

phenomenon in the area since

Festival in Amsterdam, Festival

Museum), Theater De Leest

its inception in 1936. In 2018 we

d’Automne in Paris and Wiener

(Waalwijk), Royal College of

will take that tradition into

Festwochen in Vienna. The

Art (London, UK), London

Europe with a European

festival will have an inter-

College of Fashion (London, UK),

pageant setting off in Malta at

national perspective, with a

Montfort University (Leicester,

the beginning of 2018 and

primary focus on Flemish

UK), Wetterhoff Design School

arriving in Zundert in early

productions, with respect to the

(Hämeenlinna, Finland), Polimoda

September – in time to join the

artists involved and the themes

(Florence, Italy), Stedelijke

town’s pageant. The floats will

it explores. Local amateurs

Academie St Niklaas (Belgium),

have themes inspired by

will be expressly involved in

Schuh Fach Hochschule

European cities and they will be

the productions to make a

Pirmasens (Germany), Guangzhou

built by young people from

connection between leading

Pany Polytechnic (China), Hiko

these cities.

international theatre makers

Mizuno (Tokyo, Japan), Bunka

Organisation: Bloemencorso

and local creativity. Stage

College (Tokyo, Japan)


productions aimed at both

Partners: include flower

Dutch and international

D’n Opstoet

pageants from Valkenswaard,

audiences will examine

This mega parade will follow in

Lichtenvoorde, St. Jansklooster,

social, philosophical and

the tradition of Brabant’s

Vollenhove, Loenhout (Belgium),

religious issues facing

processions, pilgrimages,

Blankenberghe (Belgium), Jersey

modern-day Europe.

carnival parades and flower

(UK) and Nice (France)

Organisation: Chassé Theater

pageants, crossing Europe from

Breda, Theater aan de Parade

Malta to Eindhoven. Floats by

Underworld Art &

’s-Hertogenbosch, Schouwburg

designers from Malta and

Music Festival

Tilburg, Parktheater Eindhoven,

Brabant will form the core of

In 2018 Tilburg’s pop and

’t Speelhuis Helmond

this parade, but it will pick up

rock venue 013 will host an

more people and floats as it

international festival of art,

wends its way through Europe.

electronic music, fashion and

Idea: Kunstbalie.

multimedia. World-famous

Potential partners:

British pioneers of electronic

Bloemencorso Zundert,

music Underworld will curate

Brabantse Dag Heeze, Katten-

this special event on music and

stoet Ieper (Belgium), Heilige

art. In the run-up to 2018, in

Bloedprocessie Hoogstraten (Bel-

2014 and 2016 the first editions

gium), Ros Beiaardstoet Dender-

of the festival will be organised,

monde (Belgium), Malta Council

featuring major international

for Culture and Art (carnival

guest curators such as Jónsi,

parade organiser in Malta),

Brian Eno and Damon Albarn.

carnival and other parades in

Organisation: 013, Under-

Brabant, the Netherlands and


other European countries

Dream Images European Flower

In 2018 the main theatres in the


five participating towns will be

The annual Zundert flower

mounting a major international

pageant (Bloemencorso), with

theatre festival, one that is on

its magnificent floats built

a par with leading European

entirely of dahlias, has been a

festivals such as the Holland



2018Eindhoven|Brabant: cultural city

Eindhoven is home to one of

innovation and dynamism.

Frits Philips in Eindhoven is an

won the European Cultural

the Netherlands’ most

Then there is the world music

internationally renowned

Foundation’s Princess Margriet

important museums of modern

and culture festival Mundial in

contemporary music venue,

Award for the innovative way

art, the magnificent

Tilburg, the internationally

while Breda is home to the

the museum shows “the power

Muziekgebouw concert hall,

renowned Theaterfestival

biggest theatre in the

and value of art in engaging

and and STRP festival, one of

Boulevard in ’s-Hertogenbosch,

Netherlands. Tilburg’s state-of-

with the contemporary world.”

Europe’s largest and most

the Netherlands’ most

the-art concert hall, designed by

cutting-edge festivals of art and

important contemporary music

architect Jo Coenen, is one of

“I'm delighted to receive the

technology. To mount

festival November Music, and

the finest in the country. The

award because it is a clear


the international circus theatre

Verkadefabriek in

recognition of our museum

Eindhoven is working together

festival Circo Circolo. All in all,

’s-Hertogenbosch programmes

policy”, said the British curator

with four other cities to provide

it's an extraordinarily broad and

theatre and film in a beautifully

Esche in response. “We have

the most broad and solid

complementary palette of

converted former biscuit

developed new models for how

cultural basis for our ambitious

festivals. Stimulated by the

factory. In Helmond, the

a city art museum can relate to

programme. There are more

candidacy, these festivals are

Cacaofabriek (Chocolate

the local and international

visual artists living and working

increasingly working together so

Factory) is a multi-functional

communities in the 21st

here than anywhere else in the

that in 2018 they can present

centre for theatre and visual arts

century. I also really appreciate

country. Eight percent of the

world-class programmes

housed in what was once a

the European dimension of the

population in Brabant works as

specifically designed for the

chocolate factory. And within

award, because just at this

a volunteer in the cultural

European Capital of Culture.

the next few years Helmond is

moment we need to understand

to have a brand new theatre.

our common interests in

sector, compared to five percent in the country as a whole.

Venues: the biggest

Europe and the world.”

theatre in the

Museums: innovative

Festivals: innovation



Tilburg has the De Pont

and dynamism

Pretty much every major city in

The Van Abbemuseum in

Museum of Contemporary Art,

Brabant is widely seen as the

Brabant has a pop venue, a

Eindhoven is one of the

also of international standing,

Netherlands’s festival province.

theatre, a concert hall and an

Netherlands most important

and the Textielmuseum.

STRP festival in Eindhoven and

art house cinema. The biggest

museums of modern art, with a

Breda’s Museum Of The Image

the Incubate festival of

pop venues in the province are

world-famous collection and a

(MOTI) is proud to call itself

independent culture in Tilburg

De Effenaar in Eindhoven and

progressive style of presentation.

the only museum in the

are forces for cultural

013 in Tilburg. Muziekgebouw

Curator Charles Esche recently

world focused specifically


on the image as language. In

chocolate factory, now an

Bart Hess:

material on the shelf when the

’s-Hertogenbosch a new

arts centre. In ’s-Hertogenbosch

“The relaxed culture

Glass Museum proposed doing

museum quarter is being built

there is De Heus, a former cattle

here lets you work in

a project together. When I

in the city centre in preparation

feed plant. And in the village

freedom. And I need

was working with glass blowing,

for the Noordbrabants Museum

of Bergeijk there is the textile


I suddenly saw a connection.

(North Brabant Museum) and

factory De Ploeg, designed by

Stedelijk Museum to mount

Gerrit Rietveld.

major exhibitions

Material, colour and Designer/researcher Bart Hess

transparency, everything fell

caused a stir internationally

into place.”

as part of the long-term

What Eindhoven lacks in

with his slime dress for Lady


older heritage, Breda and

Gaga. But he gains the most

He was a student at the

programme, including the

’s-Hertogenbosch make up

from his failures, he says. And

Eindhoven Design Academy

Jheronimus Bosch exhibition in

for with their historic city

from working with other

and decided to stay in the city.

2016 and the Van Gogh

centres. Grand gothic

people. “A different opinion, a

“You’ve got room here. Both

exhibition in 2018.

churches are the star

different outcome forces you to

physically and in terms of

attractions: the Onze-Lieve-

do things you would otherwise

possibilities. Everything’s close

Heritage: from factories

Vrouwekerk in Breda and

never have come up with.”

to hand. You get on your bike,

to cathedrals

the Sint Janskathedraal in

The former Philips plant


and you’ve got the people, the A key characteristic of Bart

companies and the things you

Strijp-S close to the centre of

Hess’s work is the unexpected

need. You don’t give it so much

Eindhoven is one of the most

combination of physical and

thought, but it’s not like that

exciting industrial heritage

virtual materials. Photography,

in other places. People here are

redevelopment areas in the

animation and fashion come

focused on creating, you can

Netherlands. With 2018 on

together in innovations that

get on with your work here

the horizon the site is being

captures the imagination

without it being immediately

prepared as a stage for

worldwide. For the National

pigeonholed. In other cities

Eindhoven as the European

Glass Museum he made the

people are quick to look at

Capital of Culture. But it is not

animated film Echo, in which

applications, at references.

the only striking industrial

a real human figure dresses

The relaxed culture in

heritage site that Brabant has

himself in virtual liquid glass.

Eindhoven lets you work in

to offer. Helmond has the

“I already had the technique of

freedom. And I need that.”

Cacaofabriek, a former

combining virtual and real



2018Eindhoven|Brabant: closer than you think

Eindhoven-Berlin: six hours by

being improved. In short,

car. Eindhoven-Barcelona: two

Eindhoven is an easy place to

Air: eindhoven Airport

hours by plane. Eindhoven-

get to – also by bus or bike.

Eindhoven has an international airport. With 50 European

Paris: four hours by train. On

destinations and daily flights to virtually every country in Europe,

the map of Europe, Eindhoven

Eindhoven Airport is our highest transport trump. In 2012 the

doesn’t look particularly central.

airport expects to handle nearly three million passengers.

But if you measure the distance

Significantly, there are direct flights to Valletta, Malta, the

in travel time, you find it is not

candidate European Capital of Culture for 2018. This offers all

so far at all, because the city is

sorts of opportunities for us to develop joint programmes.

so well served by road, rail and

What’s more, it is no more than 90 minutes by road or rail to

air infrastructure.

Amsterdam’s Schiphol airport, and the airports of Düsseldorf, Brussels and Maastricht-Aachen are also within easy reach.

Eindhoven might not be right in the centre of Europe, but it is surrounded by the continent’s three most densely populated regions: the Dutch Randstad


(Amsterdam, The Hague,

Airport is growing

Rotterdam, Utrecht) the Flemish Diamond (Brussels,

Based on passenger numbers,

few years the airport will be

Ghent, Antwerp, Leuven), and

Eindhoven is the Netherlands’

investing an extra 26 million

the German Ruhr area

largest regional airport. And the

euros to improve its infra-

(Duisburg, Essen, Bochum,

numbers are increasing rapidly:

structure. The terminal


2.6 million in 2011, expected

is to be refurbished and the

to rise to 2.9 million in 2012.

departure hall extended,

Around 20 million people live

The trend is likely to continue.

plus the airport will gain a

within just 100 kilometres

Eindhoven Airport has

new hotel. A key aim of

of Eindhoven. For one thing

permission from central

these projects is sustainability,

this means the transport

government to grow, from the

because Eindhoven Airport

infrastructure to the city is

current 19,000 flights to 43,000

wants to be carbon neutral

excellent. And it is constantly

flights in 2020. Over the next

by 2014.


Rail Eindhoven is easy to reach by rail. The city has direct intercity connections with the biggest Dutch cities – Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Utrecht and The Hague. It is two and a half hours to


Eindhoven by rail from

The regional infrastructure

Brussels, two hours from

for public transport,

Düsseldorf and an hour and

motorists and cyclists is

twenty minutes from

excellent, so the whole of


2018Eindhoven|Brabant’s programme will be no more than an hour’s journey away.



makeover for Eindhoven

Eindhoven is easy to reach by

Central Station

coach: international coach network Eurolines operates

2013 will see the start of a major

daily services to Eindhoven

renovation project for

and the surrounding cities from

Eindhoven’s central railway

countries throughout Europe.

station. To improve passenger

The city’s ring road forms an

flow, a second tunnel will be

important motorway junction,

built under the platforms and

from east to west (Antwerp-

the entrances will be altered.

Düsseldorf ) and from north to

Access to the platforms will also

south (Amsterdam-Maastricht-

be improved. The project is due


for completion in the summer of 2016. Total investment: 70 million euros. DEVELOPMENT: improving the motorways around Eindhoven The motorway network around Eindhoven has recently seen an upgrade, with alterations to the city’s ring road. And work is now underway to widen the A2 motorway to ’s-Hertogenbosch and Amsterdam from two to three lanes.



2018Eindhoven|Brabant: hospitality

Ask previous European Capitals

dation alternatives, ranging

can pop up around festivals

will be able to book your

of Culture what they would

from B&Bs and guest houses

and other cultural hotspots in

Flashville unit online.

have done differently with

to youth hostels, group

2018. Flashvilles will be made

hindsight, and this is often the

accommodation and campsites.

up of units that combine the

Go local

answer you get: invest more in

Together they can provide

practicalities of bedroom,

One of the other plans we are

hospitality services. Eindhoven

140,000 beds within no more

bathroom and multimedia

working on is to provide

has an average hotel capacity for

than an hour of Eindhoven.

resources with eye-catching

accommodation with local

interior design. They are aimed

people for visitors from other

a city of its size. But for 2018Eindhoven|Brabant we

Go Flashville

at ‘flashpackers’: often young

countries. This will give visitors

have special plans. Brabant is

Finding enough accommo-

backpackers and early adopters

and hosts alike a chance for

famous for its hospitality and

dation for all the visitors to big

with a budget on the more

intercultural contact. At the

warm welcome, and that is to

events is a challenge for a city

generous side and a preference

same time it will make the

our advantage. But we will be

the size of Eindhoven. But

for comfort.

locals themselves participate in

giving it a twist. In 2018 you

by applying creativity, for

will be able to stay with a local,

2018Eindhoven|Brabant we

A Flashville might consist of

sleep in a pop-up hotel, or go

will be turning this potential

just one or two rooms or dozens

underground with a guide of

weakness into a strength.

of units. Sustainability is an

We are shamelessly copying

your choice.

This is why we are starting to

important starting point for the

another idea from Berlin.

get ready well in advance.

design. The temporary hotel

There they call it Plus One

villages will be constructed

Berlin. When you book a night

First the basics: Eindhoven

the 2018Eindhoven|Brabant programme.

offers a choice of 22 hotels with

One idea that has been specially

using sustainable materials and

at a hotel, at the same time

3450 beds. Most of the hotels

developed to cope with the

use eco-friendly energy

you can arrange to meet up

have three or four stars. In the

accommodation needs of

solutions. By 2018, there will

with a local. We want to set

surrounding area and the

2018Eindhoven|Brabant is the

already be a Flashville

up something similar during

partner cities (within 45

Flashville. The celebrated

community online, plus a

2018Eindhoven|Brabant. On

minutes travelling time) there

Eindhoven design bureau Edhv

Flashville app providing

the booking website there will

are another 42 hotels and more

worked with students from the

information on everything from

also be an overview of hundreds

than 3500 hotel beds available.

city’s Design Academy and

breakfast choices and where to

of local guides with their photos

University of Technology to

do your washing to information

and profiles, arranged according

At the same time, the region has

come up with the concept of

on the city and the cultural

to their specialities. Your guide

many other good accommo-

temporary hotel villages that

programme. And naturally you

will introduce you to different


aspects of the cultural pro-

hospitality innovation

international appeal that will be

innovation will be the

gramme or show you places


available during

ingredients of the world’s


biggest social restaurant.

around the city or village that you would never see as a tourist.

To provide the best possible

The guides will be specially

service for new international

During 2018Eindhoven|Brabant

Cup the people of Brabant and

trained volunteers, and you will

target groups and changing

we want to offer our visitors a

the Dutch and European

be able to book them on the

consumers, the hotels, bars and

lot more than just a high-profile

visitors will be invited to a

website free of charge.

restaurants of Eindhoven have

cultural programme. Hospitality

unique event. Supervised by

come together to set up a joint

is an excellent vehicle to present

creative culinary referees,

We are also looking for ways

organisation, the Hospitality

Eindhoven’s core qualities of

who will present meals and

to link up accommodation

Innovation Platform (HIP), in

technology, design and

performances, visitors will be

possibilities with the project in

preparation for the European

knowledge. Visitors to

challenged to prepare dishes at

which leading European artists

Capital of Culture year 2018.

2018Eindhoven|Brabant will be

home which in the football

will stay in one of Brabant’s

The platform aims to

able to feel, see, hear, smell and

stadium will combine to

many monasteries, convents

stimulate, challenge and

taste what the city has to offer

become a cultural crossover

or other historic buildings

inspire the sector in terms

and what it stands for, with

of the match playing at the

(see p53).

of its hospitality, innovation,

innovative hotels and

time. The emphasis will lie on

design, sustainability and

restaurants and surprise

the combination of ‘home


‘guerrilla’ hospitality concepts

team’ the Netherlands and the

in locations where the visitor

public from the country of

least expects to find them.

the opposing team.

Brigade, Food Inspiration Day,

2018 Foodball World

Likely locations are the

Hospitality Twitter Tandem,


stadiums of PSV (main

Hospitality Trend Tour, Brain-

For example, we want to host

location), Willem II (Tilburg),

food, Food Pioneers, Food in

the “2018 Foodball World

RKC (Waalwijk), NAC (Breda),

the Blob, multilingual menus

Cup”(see also p97). Eindhoven

FC Den Bosch, FC Eindhoven,

and Food from Nearby. These

and the Brabant region will

Helmond Sport and FC Oss.

activities are a great prelude to

bring together a collection of

the wide choice of food, drink

special qualities in the event:

and accommodation with

sport, culture and culinary

The organisation’s activities

During the 2018 football World

include the Hospitality Design



Culture as green inspiration

If everyone were to live like the

Serious issue

open, innovative structure.

participate in the

average European, we would

The environment is a major

Avans University of Applied


need more than three planet

priority in our region. Since

Sciences is setting up a Centre

Proeftuin projects.

earths to feed and support the

2011 ecological sustainability

of Expertise for green chemistry

world’s population. As

has been one of Eindhoven City

on the site.

2018Eindhoven|Brabant, this is

Council’s key focuses. The

a fact we don’t want to ignore.

other cities in Brabant also have

There is also Philips, a leading

There is still a lot to be done, so

We are going to use art and

clear energy and climate goals.

company in sustainable

we are not patting ourselves on

design to raise awareness and

Tilburg and Breda actually lead

innovation. The company’s

the back. We are well aware that

provide inspiration for new

the field nationally. In 2010,

September 2010 mission

decades of intensive farming is

sustainable solutions. And in

Tilburg was hailed as the

statement read: “Philips wants

one of the reasons the quality of

organising and running our

Netherlands’ most climate-

to be a global leader in health

Brabant’s soil and ground water

programme, we will stay as

friendly city, while Breda has

and wellbeing … to simply

is relatively poor. The quality of

climate neutral as possible.

been voted the country’s most

make a difference to people’s

woodland, heath and grassland

We see 2018Eindhoven|Brabant

sustainable city five times.

lives with meaningful,

is also in decline. We will,

sustainable innovations.” By

however, make use of all the

The region’s leading knowledge

2015, Philips hopes to have

local expertise to limit the

as the springboard to a more sustainable region.

A climate-neutral programme

institutions and many of its

lowered energy consumption in

ecological footprint of the

Major public events are

major companies are investing

its products by 50 percent and

European Capital of Culture as

ecological time bombs. But

strongly in sustainable

to have doubled recycling.

much as possible in the years to

fortunately, festivals are

development. The Green

Philips Corporate Sustainability

come. Our example should help

beginning to be aware of this.

Chemistry Campus – on the

department, which is based in

increase sustainability in the

We realise that ecological

SABIC chemical concern’s site

Eindhoven, is working on many

region as a whole.

sustainability is a precondition

in Bergen op Zoom – is the

initiatives aimed at making

for organising an event that will

Netherlands’ top location for

society sustainable and is

We aim to make our 2018

last 365 days. After all, pretty

work on new products and

committed to sharing the

programme fully climate

much all aspects of the

technologies with the focus on

resulting know-how with other

neutral. This will mean that the

organisation – from mobility

bio-based materials. Here, large


event will use only as much

and energy use to food,

and small companies,

A champion of open-source

energy as it can sustainably

communication and waste

knowledge institutions and the

innovation, Philips Corporate

disposal – affect sustainability.

government cooperate in an

Sustainability intends to


DISC: collaboration

• Smartphones and apps have

one festival get information

alternative sources of power.

for sustainability and

rapidly become part of our lives

from the same sponsors.

Our goal is to minimise the

innovation among

and festivals can make good use

Or through more focused

use of fossil fuels, but where

Brabant’s cultural

of them in communicating with

sponsorship, made possible

it is unavoidable we will


their public. By developing an

using digital information

app jointly you can cut

about visitor’s profiles.

produce using a mix of

develop a system of climate compensation. Investments

The major festivals in Brabant

costs and improve the service to

could be made to restore

– many of which will be

the user. It also enables the

DISC is working out the plans

biodiversity or to develop

contributing to

festivals to work out what

in consultation with Philips.

alternative sources

2018Eindhoven|Brabant with a

activities different kinds of

The company’s design

of energy.

special programme – are also

visitors like, and allows one

department has developed

focusing specifically on

festival to pass on its audience

a vision they have called

Brabant’s festivals, with which

sustainability, innovative

to another.

Livable and Lovable Cities,

we work closely, have taken

communication and new forms

up sustainability as an objective.

of cooperation with sponsors.

• The festivals want to reduce

We will use the expertise

Since 2010, the festivals have

their carbon footprint. For

and results achieved by these

been working with the

example, by producing less

festivals over the coming

Ministry of Economic Affairs,

waste, or by finding better ways

years in the realisation of

Agriculture and Innovation

to separate and dispose of it.

our programme.

to come up with innovative

They are also looking

and sustainable solutions.

for alternatives to the diesel

The plans will be developed

generators that festivals

further in collaboration with

commonly use for their


power supplies.

This collaboration for

• The festivals are also looking

sustainability and innovation

for ways to bump up the

among the cultural festivals is

economic value to their

known as DISC, an acronym of

sponsors. For example, through

the title in Dutch. Here are

horizontal sponsorship,

some of its concrete aims:

where visitors to more than

which links in well with cultural participation.



Preparations for our bid A5.1

20,000 together at the table, 1300 specialists, 700 ideas from the public

Our bid has come about thanks

long ‘2018 tables’ to talk about

nurses, police – specialists from

We set out our artistic vision on

to the combined forces of local

the phenomenon of European

every area of society shared

16 May 2011 at a packed

people, cultural organisations,

Capital of Culture and what it

their knowledge and expertise

meeting that was also broadcast

educational institutions, the

could mean to society. The

to come up with surprising

live by the regional TV station.

private sector and government.

discussions were held in

and innovative plans. The

And we appealed to everyone to

The public and local

neighbourhood centres, parks,

results of these sessions were an

help us develop the plans

organisations have been actively

festivals, schools, factories, and

important source of inspiration


involved in the preparations

museums, and were often

for our artistic vision. Some

right from the start in 2009, so

initiated by associations,

plans, such as the Neighbour-

The public join in

our ambitions have got right

volunteers or students them-

hood Culture Funds (see box


through to the roots of society.

selves. No fewer than 20,000

p115), are now being carried out

In 2011 we asked the general

The public have helped create

people took part.

to prepare us for the

public and organisations to


send in their ideas for cultural


projects for the bid book. The

the plans for the 2018Eindhoven|Brabant bid

1300 specialists

book through projects, meetings

plan for

and creative sessions. Here is


Public presentation of

The appeal generated vast

an overview of the most


the artistic vision

amounts of energy, sparking off

important of them.

Once we had explored the views

statement (May 2011)

dozens of spontaneous meetings

of the general public, it was

Projects like these, along with

and brainstorming sessions with

More than 20,000

then the turn of key specialists

many more discussions,

hundreds of enthusiastic

members of the public

to focus their minds on our

brainstorming sessions and

participants. The most

response was overwhelming!

join 2018 Table

candidacy in a project called

creative meetings finally led to

important result was that more

Discussions (2009-2010)

Brains with a Heart (Brabant

the publication of the artistic

than 700 exciting project ideas

In a project dubbed ‘Together at

Brain). Architect Aart Wijnen

vision statement, the heart of

landed in our digital mailbox.

the table’ we introduced the

initiated a unique, multi-

our bid book, in the spring of

You will find a selection of

idea of the European Capital of

disciplinary think-tank of 1300

2011. We took as our starting-

them outlined in the bid book.

Culture to the people in our

leading specialists from a wide

point ‘the art of living together’

city and region, to gauge the

range of sectors who came

(‘de kunst van het samenleven’,

Choosing the

level of public support and to

together at a creative sessions to

also meaning ‘the art of

public’s best ideas

introduce people to our ideas.

think about ‘the art of living

society’) in order to to present

(November 2011)

The participants sat together at

together’. Scientists, artists,

our vision to a broad public.

We also asked the public’s


opinion when it came to

wide participation

selecting the project ideas. In the autumn of 2011 we launched

We have been working hard to produce this

Commissioner – the head of the province –

a competition in the local and

bid book since 2009. Here are the main things

on 12 January 2012. The Young M-Bassadors

regional press, asking people to

we did to involve a broad spectrum of society

spent the first half of 2012 enthusiastically

vote for the best idea for the bid

in our bid:

spreading the word about the candidacy among

book. You can see the winning

young people. They attended many cultural Educational projects (2010-2012)

events and reported their experiences in blogs

Since 2010 we have been working with schools,

and via social media. Five new M-Bassadors

First version of the bid

colleges and universities in the region to

have been elected in September 2012.

book published (2012)

involve talent in our bid. Through what we

To involve as many members of

called the 2018Talent Pool Student Labs,

Social media community

the public as possible in our

students and graduates were matched with

In the run-up to the bid, we have worked hard

candidacy, we are trying to be

businesses through projects, internships or

to build up our social media community.

as transparent and open as

research assignments that tied in with the

Through our website, Facebook, LinkedIn,

possible. So in April 2012 we

ambitions of 2018Eindhoven|Brabant.

Twitter and YouTube we reach thousands of

already published a first version

The pool’s database now contains the details

friends, fans and followers with information

of the bid book to provide a

of hundreds of talented young people

on 2018Eindhoven|Brabant.

basis for political decision-

from dozens of educational institutions.

making in Eindhoven, the

In 2011 and 2012 we also organised

Support from political decision-

partner cities and the province.

workshops and other activities in secondary


At the same time we worked to

schools, bringing 10,000 pupils into

Since 2009 we have been constantly working

sharpen up the bid book based

contact with 2018Eindhoven|Brabant.

to involve political decision-makers in

idea on p210.

on the response from

2018Eindhoven|Brabant. Politicians went on

politicians, the cultural sector

Young M-Bassadors

fact-finding trips to Essen, Lille and Linz.

and public organisations.

We have also been investing in young

We also held regular meetings to keep

people through other special activities, with a

politicians up to date on the progress of

leading role for three ‘Young M-Bassadors’.

the preparations.

Yvette, Maya and Benthe were ceremonially appointed as youth ambassadors for 2018Eindhoven|Brabant by the Queen’s



European involvement: learning from other European Capitals of Culture We have not only put public

2010, and the conference on the

raise awareness of our candidacy

involvement and support at

future of ECOCs in Brussels in

and provided a lot of relevant

the heart of our bid, but also

March 2011.

international experience for

initiated a range of activities to

our partners in the field.

stimulate international

Strong European ties

We are considering continuing

cooperation with other

The contact with former and

this form of collaboration

European Capitals of Culture

future ECOCs and the

with other ECOCs if

and the European cultural

participation in a range of

Eindhoven becomes European

sector. Here are a

networking meetings has not

Capital of Culture.

few examples:

only been informative, it has also produced new ties within

Internationalising the

Learning from other

Europe. Our warm relations

cultural sector

European Capitals of

with various European cities

In 2012 we provided a series


and partners provide fertile

of workshops on internationa-

In preparing the bid book we

ground for future collaboration

lisation for the regional cultural

have tried to learn as much as

on 2018Eindhoven|Brabant.

sector in cooperation with the

possible from the past. Through

Dutch Centre for International

direct contact and fact-finding

Participating in other

Cultural Activities. The aim

visits we have thoroughly

ECOCs’ programmes

was to help the cultural sector

investigated the experiences of

In 2010, the jubilee year, we

in Eindhoven and the region

other European Capitals of

took part in the programmes

get ready for international

Culture (ECOCs) such as Linz,

of ECOCs Pécs and Istanbul.

adventure on the way to

Luxembourg, Lille, Essen, Pécs,

We liaised with the organi-


Istanbul, Tallinn, Marseille,

sations and co-financed the

Mons and Wroclaw. We have

participation of cultural

also attended all the major

producers in the official

recent conferences on the

programmes. There were 13

phenomenon of the Capital

projects from Eindhoven and

of Culture, such as the

the region in Pécs, ranging

celebration of 25 years of

from art exhibitions to dance

ECOCs in Brussels in March

performances. This helped



John Körmeling:

His studio is an artwork in

“I feel really at home

itself, a visual explosion of all

here, among all these

the ideas that spring from his

people coming up with

mind. He shows a model of a

all sorts of ideas.”

bridge for Tilburg. “It’s going to be spectacular – beauty and

Studying the effects of 2018Eindhoven|Brabant

John Körmeling, architect,

efficiency in one.” The bridge

designer, urban development

can lift and turn in a way that

specialist and artist. Designer

lets pedestrians go up and

of Happy Street, the Holland

down with it. “If there’s

Pavilion at the World Expo

something I don’t know, I ask

2010. His work is striking for

someone who does. That’s

its variety. He has designed

what I always do. It’s something

everything from buildings

more people ought to do. Just

to socks, and even a motorway.

get a couple of brilliant minds

A man with an unlimited

together and leave them free

outlook, boundless energy and

to make decisions. Don’t rule

a great sense of humour.

things out beforehand.”

We want to be able to

The research will be carried out

demonstrate the social and

by the Centre for Leisure and

cultural effects of the

Tourism Research (CeLToR), a

John Körmeling studied

In Eindhoven there is room to

2018Eindhoven|Brabant bid and

collaboration between Tilburg

architecture in Eindhoven,

work like this, he says. Will

programme, and to do so we

University, NHTV Breda

where he still lives and works.

the city make a good European

have already started a long-term

University of Applied Sciences

“You can park anywhere, I

Capital of Culture? “Definitely!

research programme. This is

and Wageningen University.

know a lot of people, and it’s

This is the place where the

close to the airport. Everything

really clever ideas come from.

something we are rather proud of – we are the first candidate

Our research programme will

is to hand. And all the smart

And it’s always good to liven

city to have started this kind

not only monitor and evaluate

companies are here: Philips,

things up!”

of research at such an early

the effects of the Capital of

DAF, ASML, NXP. I feel really

stage, even before the start of

Culture year, but also provide

at home here, among all these

the selection process.

information about the entire

people coming up with all sorts

process. We have opted for the

of ideas.”

In 2011, Professor Greg

‘System-Wide Cultural District

Richards headed a team at

model’ developed by Sacco and

Tilburg University and the

Blessi (2009), which allows for

regional knowledge institute

research into output (economic,

PON to make a baseline

social and cultural), processes

measurement to get the

and networks. It is the only

monitoring programme

scientific model that has been

underway. We have shared the

used before by European

results with the University

Capitals of Culture (Lille and

Network of European Capitals

Genoa), and that will make it

of Culture.

easier to compare results.

In 2012, Tilburg University signed a long-term cooperation agreement to continue the study until 2020 if we succeed in becoming Capital of Culture.



What have we gained from the bid so far? The efforts of the past few years

sectors. This means the bid is

institutions in Brabant and the

have already yielded tangible

stimulating cross-sectoral


results. Apart from a widely

collaboration. A good example

Foundation have established

supported bid book, the

of this is DISC, the new

many new European contacts.

preparations have already set

collaboration on sustainability

This actively contributes to

dynamics in motion in

between cultural festivals in

strengthening European

Eindhoven and the region.

Brabant (see also p109).

cultural exchange and to new

Some important results:

cultural productions for a New projects, plans and

Support and awareness


Sixty percent of the population

The candidacy has helped bring

is aware of the candidacy and

about new cultural projects and

nearly half think it is a good

events (see for example the box

idea, research in 2011 showed.

‘Invest now, peak in 2018').

At this stage, seven years ahead of the year itself, compared to

New funding models

other ECOCs this is a very

for culture

positive result.

We think the many local Neighbourhood Culture Funds

New cross-sectoral

that have been set up in response


to 2018Eindhoven|Brabant are

The bid has stimulated new

worth a special mention.

networks, and organisations are

Housing corporations are

working together more

using art and culture projects

intensively, the research

to improve the quality of

revealed. New networks have

neighbourhood life (see box

come about particularly in the

‘Neighbourhood culture

education, media and heritage


sectors. The research also found that the networks involved in

New European contacts

the bid include more different

Because of the bid, cultural

new European public.


Neighbourhood Culture Funds Culture at neighbourhood level and public participation are an important basis of our 2018 programme. The Neighbourhood Culture Funds are an initiative to set this in motion. The idea of stimulating housing corporations to improve the quality of neighbourhood life was born during the creative sessions of the Brabant Brain project and directly associated with 2018Eindhoven|Brabant. In the course of 2011 and 2012 a number of Neighbourhood Culture Funds were set up in Eindhoven and the rest of Brabant to bring together the financial resources and expertise of housing corporations and the Prince Bernhard Cultural Fund

Invest now, peak in 2018

(Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds). The funds stimulate small-scale cultural projects at neighbourhood level aimed at bringing

Our long-term programme will officially start in 2014 (see

people together. For example, Eindhoven housing corporation

chapter 7), but from 2012 we are already investing six million

Woonbedrijf will be investing 500,000 euros a year in a fund for

euros to launch and develop a limited number of projects. Even

the next three years.

before the title has been awarded, we are spending part of our budget on cultural activities, because some elements of the programme need to get underway now so they can be fully developed by 2018. Strijp-S will be the epicentre of 2018Eindhoven|Brabant and we are getting it ready with a range of different activities. Under the banner Eindhoven 100 Years of Innovation… and Beyond we are focusing on new media and urban culture (see also p71). In the partner cities we have also started investing in cultural programmes. There is the new International Festival of Visual Culture in Breda, for example, which will have its first edition in 2014 and is set to become an innovative and internationally renowned festival featuring everything from photography and graphic design to gaming and comic strips. And there’s also the major Jheronimus Bosch programme in ’s-Hertogenbosch, launched in preparation for 2016, the 500th anniversary of the painter’s death. A range of projects will be starting in Helmond to develop the canal area into an important cultural stage ready for 2018, under the title Channelling Culture. In a programme entitled The Performing Society, Tilburg is working on new, innovative models to embed culture in society. In one of the projects we will be taking a fresh look at the Tilburg Fair – one of the biggest public events in the Netherlands – to see how we can bring the funfair as a popular festival up to date by taking a more surprising and avant-garde approach.



Artistic Director: Martijn Sanders Artistic advisers: Eric Antonis, Ulrike Erbslöh, Joost Heijthuijsen, Liesbeth in ’t Hout, Matthijs Rümke, Ton Wagemakers Consultancy: Carolien Croon Coordination and editing: Stan van Herpen / Maters & Hermsen With contributions by: Joy Arpots, Vivian van Gaal, Ton van Gool, Heleen Huisjes, CeesJan Mol, Magdalena Piotrowska, The Flexible Platform, Dorien van Witteveen English translation and editing: Michael Blass / WordStream, Steve Green Art direction and design: Erik Kessels / KesselsKramer Photography: Dana Lixenberg (main photography), Boudewijn Bollmann Illustrations: James Joyce Hundreds of people have contributed in some way to the realisation of this bid book. We thank them all on our website, October 2012 Scan the QR code to view the digital version of the bid book.


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