Architecture Portfolio by Mennatullah Elghazawy - July, 2021

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M ennat ullah Elghazawy + 201060764609 | m ennaelghaz awy @gm ail c om | E l S heik h Zay ed, 6t h of Oc t ober, E gy pt Profile I hold a Dual B ac helor’s Degree of S c ienc e in E ngineering m ajoring in A rc hit ec t ure f rom Greenwic h Univ ers it y in t he UK and M odern S c ienc es and A rt s Univ ers it y in Cairo, E gy pt I graduat ed t op of m y c las s wit h a GPA 3 89/ 4, J uly 2021 I am E gy pt ian and I s peak E nglis h f luent ly I s ee m y adv anc em ent , k nowledge and dev elopm ent as an A rc hit ec t t o be a lif elong endeav or I am hoping t o hav e a c hanc e t o ap ply t heoret ic al k nowledge in a prac t ic al s et t ing Ex perienc e M arwan Noam an I nt erior A rc hit ec t ure | E ls heik h z ay ed, 6t h of Oc t ober I nt erior Des igner / A rc hit ec t / On S it e E ngineer | 11/ 2021 P res ent Dev eloped s pac e planning c onc ept s , c olor palet t e s elec t ions and t ex t ile pres ent at ions Des igned f loor plans , elev at ions , 3D pers pec t iv e v iews and m at erial boards f or rev iew and pres ent at ion P art ic ipat ed in f urnit ure s elec t ion and doc um ent at ion of s pec if ic at ions Cons ult ed wit h c lient s t o det erm ine arc hit ec t ural pref erenc e t o m eet ov erall des ign goals Caref ully rev iewed c ont rac t or s ubm it t als of f inis h m at erials Conduc t ed projec t s it e v is it s t o m eet wit h c ons t ruc t ion s t af f , ev aluat e progres s and dis c us s operat ional is s ues Rec orded daily ev ent s and ac t iv it ies in s it e diary t o ev aluat e proc es s and im prov e produc t iv it y Ordered and t rac k ed deliv ery of c ons t ruc t ion m at erials and s upplies f rom v endors M odern S c ienc es and A rt s Univ ers it y | E ls heik h z ay ed, 6t h of Oc t ober Teac hing A s s is t ant | 07/ 2021 12/ 2021 A s s is t ed prof es s ors wit h lec t ures ' m anagem ent and doc um ent c oordinat ion t o m aint ain pos it iv e learning env ironm ent P art nered wit h prof es s ors t o plan and im plem ent les s ons f ollowing univ ers it y 's c urric ulum , goals and objec t iv es P art ic ipat ed in week ly f ac ult y m eet ings and c ont ribut ed t o c urric ulum rev iew Dis pers ed, c ollec t ed and graded as s ignm ent s t o giv e det ailed f eedbac k P rov ided c ons t ruc t iv e and t im ely f eedbac k t o s t udent s t o adv is e on areas of c onc ern and s ugges t im prov em ent s P erf orm ed v arious general adm inis t rat iv e t as k s s uc h as f iling, rec ordk eeping and t ak ing phone m es s ages M et wit h s t udent s during and af t er of f ic e hours t o addres s c onc erns and of f er f eedbac k Zero|31 A rc hit ec t ure S t udio | E ls heik h z ay ed, 6t h of Oc t ober I nt ern | 07/ 2019 09/ 2019 GRI DS A rc hit ec t s | E ls heik h z ay ed, 6t h of Oc t ober I nt ern | 07/ 2019 09/ 2019 S A B B OUR Cons ult ing | E ls heik h z ay ed, 6t h of Oc t ober I nt ern (On S it e E ngineer) | 06/ 2019 08/ 2019 Sk ills A dobe P hot os hop, A dobe I llus t rat or, A dobe I nDes ign, A dobe P rem iere P ro, A ut oCA D, Rhinoc eros 3D, 3ds M ax , M anual Rendering, M ic ros of t Of f ic e, Com m unic at ion s k ills , Clas s room ex perienc e, Teac hing Educ ation M odern S c ienc es and A rt s Univ ers it y | E ls heik h z ay ed, 6t h of Oc t ober B S c in E ngineering m ajoring in A rc hit ec t ure B S c , A rc h | 07/ 2021 Graduat ed Top Of Clas s GPA 3 89 (E x c ellent wit h Honours ) Thanawey a A m m a | E ls heik h z ay ed, 6t h of Oc t ober 07/ 2016 97% 01



Features: - Abandonment of Aswan. -Divergence. -Self-sufficiency. -Play with light and shade. -Simplicity. -Use of different materials

Aswan science centre is a project that consists of three zones; which are, services zone, recreational zone, as well as research zone related to astronomy. It is made out of collision of a linear spine where distribution of the main zones takes place and radial elements. Some parts of the pathways generated are climat ically controlled and others allow for interaction with nature directly.

Adding light wells in the project for natural lighting and ventilation. Adding grooves in the building in order to include manipulation via lighting. Addition of a curve or round shapes in order to break the monotomy of the project and mix between local and modern architecture.

One of the main problems in Aswan is that it is starting to lack vegetation as well as pedestrian pathways. The project AIMS at acting as a problem solver, at adding pedestrian pathways as well as greenery making the project a contin uation to the public realm AND at being sustainable.

1 2 3

The building’s side profile should show its identity and represent it; thus, prov ing itself to be autonomous and transparent for it shows what it represents. Concept is also inspired by the mountains of Aswan. Creating a new experience for the users linked by innovative ways for vertical circulation. The building will creep onto the slopes of the site blending in with the mountain and having a unique side elevations emphasized with help of the contours.

CONCEPTUAL URBAN SECTION CONCEPTUAL OBSERVATION CUBICLES ILLUSTRATION SHOWING PEDESTRIANPATHWAYSTherewillbe observation cubicles in the project to allow the visitors to have a dif ferent experience and interact with na ture and astronomy on another level. These illustrations show a section that could show the cubicles as well as their plans. The project will contain recreational pub lic places for visitors. They will contain greenery, pedestrian pathways, as well spaces for activities. CONCEPTUAL SKETCHES

Addition of water features and greenery. Balancing with intersecting walls that cross certain spaces and nodes. Development of the form due to zoning and circulation.

Addition of a broken / bent path in the form of a bridge above the main spine; thus creating a different experience.

Bubble diagram showing the project spaces with their relations to each other as well as the circulation between them. Creation of a main axe. Introducing a node in the entrance that acts as a meeting spot for tours.



The high contours in the middle of the land will include the planetarium, observatory tower and observatory cubicles. Then comes the conference hall close to the residential zone, restaurants and the kitchen.

Addition of more nodes.

Initial massing alongside of the main axe and addition of the circular planetarium, as well as observatory tower and cubicles. Further massing and changing in observation cubicles.

ZONING CIRCULATION PROJECT ENTRANCE TO UNDERGROUND (BEGINNING OF THE JOURNEY) PROJECT EXIT (END IF THE JOURNEY) EMPLOYEE ENTRANCE & EXIT Residential zone Loop exhibition TowerObservationPlanetariumResearch zone / labs Ticketing Booth Exhibitions/conference 1 1 7 7 2 3 4 4 6 6 6 56 5 3 Employees’ Circulation Visitors’ Circulation LAYOUT Edutainment Phases Phase 1: Underground observa tion Phaselenses.2:Exhibition Loop. Phase 3: Observation Cubicles. Phase 4: Exhibitions. Phase 5: Planetarium. Phase 6: Observation Tower. Zone 7: Conference halls. Zone 8: Housing. EXPLODED DIAGRAM SHOWING PROJECT COMPONENTS AND STRUCTURE PROJECT DIAGRAMS







MN INTERIOR ARCHITECTURE OFFICE House in New Giza, 2022 03 Render by Lamyaa Space planning, Working drawings, Site supervision by Mennatullah Elghazawy

Ground Floor - Furniture Plan 150 80 150 45 93 157 125 205210120 281 60 116 39975 161 101 60 161 10160 6010510560446 130 210 80 10190 84140 220 110 139 48990 281 UPDNUP 01/D GR GR TERRACE 11/D Double wall demolished PlaceEco-Fire TV Shoe-rack 9880R25 R50 R30R40 R25 365 7272 191 79370 20831980 171 84 94 12043839136 8017112 40 94139 180250 200 144 41 9880 which hood will be used? DW90Corner90Corner 90Corner 75

First Floor - Furniture Plan tocutbetoMarblegroovefit TV TV Bedroom-02 TV Master-Bedroom Bedroom-01Mini-BarDispenserSliding Leaf DN DNUP UP 1ST TERRACE 06/D Alcove H=1m Alcove H=1m Alcove Placement to be decided in site. Socket for desk H=0.9 H=1.1m Alcove H=1.1m Alcove H=1m Alcove H=1.1m H=90cm 448 300 283 138110 253 170 90 117 60 124 184 126 241170 90 117 120 60 478 98110 277 42 6091322 151 413 200 60 2006060 120 180 207 13650 298 475 161 418127 585855585558 110 14399 10755 168 423 110 45 126 1658345 40 206 147 60 16297 86 365 20 206 109 30 37 97 19 153 240 255 2626 155 135 309

Roof Floor - Furniture Plan 2ND ROOF 08/D Bedroom-03 H=1m DN DN 2ND STAIRS 02/D h=1mAlcove TV TV 385 47060102186122 260 151 180 100 128 103 60363403 230 138 265 474 495 333 420275695 103 6464 20 77 50 10260219 406 25 22020030 130 60 413 128 192 206 Ø47 96 210 9432 84 90240 80 140 40 can be shifted? 78 114 13 866442

UPDNUP 01/D GR GR TERRACE 11/D Double wall demolished ferforjeeh 1S-Reception:LEDin TV Unit + Led in Marble cladding + Led in 1S-1S-LEDshelfinFCLEDinCurtain gap 1S-2 Pendants 1S- LED Tracks in FC 2S-2 1S-DeviatorAppliquesfor corridor LED 1S-1S-Dining:2S-Chandelier2AppliquesLEDTracks in FC 1S-LED in FC 1S- LED in Curtain gap 1S-Shutter1S-Led1S-Kitchen:1S-ShutterLightsinupperunits Ent. Lobby: 1S- LED in FC 1S- LED Tracks in FC 1S-2 Appliques 1S-ShutterOUTDOOR: Ent. Lobby: 1S-Wall Led Light + Stairs Led Light 1S-Shutter Guest Bathroom: 1S- LED light in unit and 1S-1S-Marble2PendantsLEDTrackin FC 1s-Exhaust Fan in ceiling 1S-ShutterEntranceApplique with sensors cup spots with sensors PlaceEco-Fire TV Shoe-rack ChandelierCeilingExhaust Fan Spot light from false ceiling Ceiling Outlet - Pendant Indirect Light Wall Outlet Indirect Light in False Ceiling Window AppliqueShutterTrackLightOutletDeviatorswitch Two Deviator switch 3 Deviator switch Normal Lighting switch (1) Normal Lighting switch (2) Normal Lighting switch (3) should appliques be removed due to shoe-rack? Check shutters installation with New giza 444 which hood will be used? DW90Corner90Corner 90Corner Ground Floor - Lighting Plan

TV TV Bedroom-02 TV Master-Bedroom Bedroom-01Mini-BarDispenserSliding Leaf DN DNUP UP 1ST TERRACE 06/D Alcove H=1m Alcove H=1m Alcove Placement to be decided in site. Socket for desk H=0.9 H=1.1m Alcove H=1.1m Alcove H=1m Alcove H=1.1m H=90cm Bathroom 2: 1S-Led1S-Spotsin unit 1S-2 1S-ExhaustPendantsFan in ceiling Master Bedroom: 1S-Led or tracks in ceiling 1S-Led1S-SpotsEntrance:Track in ceiling 1S-Led in closet Bedroom 1 1S-Led1S-spotsin FC 1S- LED in curtain gap Deviator - Corridor's spots Deviator - Indirect light 1S-Entrance:Spotlights in FC corridor 1S-Led in 1S-Shutter1D-1S-1S-1S-1S-1D-1S-1S-Bedroom1S-1S-Dressing'sclosetSpotsIndirectlightfordesk2:corridorspotlightsinFCindirectlightinclosetcorridorspotlightsinFCcurtaingapindirectlightSpotlights3SidePendantsIndirectlightbehindbed3SidePendants 1S-Terrace:Terrace Light 1S- Terrace door shutter Above Stairs: 2D Wall Led Light + Stairs Led Light\2S-Stair's deviators Led+Led in wall Master Bathroom 1S - 2 1S-LedPendantsinMarble Cladding 2S- Spotlights in FC 1S- Exhaust fan in ceiling 1S-Led1S-Shutterinmirror ChandelierCeilingExhaust Fan Spot light from false ceiling Ceiling Outlet - Pendant Indirect Light Wall Outlet Indirect Light in False Ceiling Window AppliqueShutterTrackLightOutletDeviatorswitch Two Deviator switch 3 Deviator switch Normal Lighting switch (1) Normal Lighting switch (2) Normal Lighting switch (3) First Floor - Lighting Plan

H=1m DN DN 2ND STAIRS 02/D h=1mAlcove TV TV ChandelierCeilingExhaust Fan Spot light from false ceiling Ceiling Outlet - Pendant Indirect Light Wall Outlet Indirect Light in False Ceiling Window AppliqueShutterTrackLightOutletDeviatorswitch Two Deviator switch 3 Deviator switch Normal Lighting switch (1) Normal Lighting switch (2) Normal Lighting switch (3) 1S-Exhaust1S-1S-SpotsBathroom:1S-Ledinunit2PendantsFan in ceiling Bedroom 2: 1S-Spot lights in corridor FC 1S- LED in closet 1S-Spot lights in FC 1S- Indirect light in ceiling 1S- Side Pendant 1S- Indirect Light behind bed 1D- Indirect light in ceiling 1S-CorridorSpotlights in FC corridor CHECK Roof Floor - Lighting Plan

UPDNUP 01/D GR GR TERRACE 11/D Double wall demolished PlaceEco-Fire TV Shoe-rack TV HDMI tube behind marble to the wooden unit TV HDMI Tube with min. radius 3cm 30 130-135 22 22 HP HP HP HP HP 2 2 22 222222 2 2 22222 2 HP 2 2 2 2 2 which hood will be used? DW90Corner90Corner 90Corner Ground Floor - Power Plan

DN DNUP UP 1ST TERRACE 06/D Alcove H=1m Alcove H=1m Alcove Placement to be decided in site. Socket for desk H=0.9 H=1.1m Alcove H=1.1m Alcove H=1m Alcove H=1.1m H=90cm HP HP 2 2222 2 2 2222 22 2 2 2 2 22 2 2 2 22 2 2 2 2 2 2 TV TV Bedroom-02 TV Master-Bedroom Bedroom-01Mini-BarDispenserSliding Leaf First Floor - Power Plan

H=1m DN DN 2ND STAIRS 02/D h=1mAlcove TV TV 2222 2 HP HP 2 HP 2 22 2 22 Roof Floor - Power Plan

0 10-15LEVELLEVEL25-30LEVEL40LEVELBlackMirror15levelIndirectLight UPDNUP 01/D GR GR TERRACE 11/D Double wall demolished S R LED or no LED? To be checked in site S R 122 281 361 446 17715 15 207 15 15 281 40 30 225 30 404030304020471 20 6040 30 315 30 40403067230402040 30 225 30 130 30 315 30 40 15 177 158 15 220 15 Hollow Ground Floor -FC / AC Plan

DN DNUP UP 1ST TERRACE 06/D Alcove H=1m Alcove H=1m Alcove Placement to be decided in site. Socket for desk H=0.9 H=1.1m Alcove H=1.1m Alcove H=1m Alcove H=1.1m H=90cm 0 10-15LEVELLEVEL25-30LEVEL40LEVELBlackMirror15levelIndirectLight Linear Grill 475 423 62 373 40403434040 285 40 365 322 4024240 20 180418315 283 156 253 172 90121 140 172 103 243 412 60352 448 153 289 155 184 180 474 Will check LED all around from wall First Floor -AC / FC Plan

0 10-15LEVELLEVEL25-30LEVEL40LEVELBlackMirror15levelIndirectLight H=1m DN DN 2ND STAIRS 02/D h=1mAlcove 385 410 103 110150312130180 248 128120 78 258 262 20 Roof Floor -FC / AC Plan

Indirect Light behind marbleReception-Cladding-01Marble code Metal strips LED Profile for shelf AC Grill / Check Dim Indirect light in curtain gap Marbleecofireglass HDMI Tube behind marble 329 832 42 195214 20 419 42 70 148 111 197 Elevation-01 192 30 30 513 234 Wooden partition Paint IndirectCodeLight in Curtain gap 30999930 135129128 257 Elevation-02 129128 Elevations - Working Drawings

Elevations - Working Drawings

Elevations - Working Drawings

Elevations - Working Drawings

Elevations - Working Drawings

MN INTERIOR ARCHITECTURE OFFICE Render by Lamyaa Space planning, Working drawings, Site supervision by Mennatullah Elghazawy Villa in Hacienda White, North Coast 03

As Built - Ground Floor Plan

220 116 50 215 140 220 195 461 704 10 345 85 85 240 80 80 240 82 8080 30 240 370 480 90 120 280 50 50 50 131 160 200 396 160 50 50 50 50 5050 15860 396 80 378 119 322 145 139 110 145 50 90 142 100 128 103 43 110 104 177 348 61 292 60242 64 132 69 133 266247 161 177 95 90 200 200 90 40 40 182 60 114 58 244 244 44 95 238 DRIVER MAID SOFA BACK TABLE H=1m STORAGE Window location after shifting H= 1.1mAlcove 125 95 60 70 80 80 Ground Floor - Furniture Plan

As Built - First Floor Plan

103 80 90 100 69 103 62 93 79 75 160 90 109 127 300 90 50 60 361 257 98 79 75 252 194 78 60 105 344 164 30 105 299 239 264 178 442 249 86 60 312 130 165 267 150 240 119 268 262 80 82 95 311 318 160 71 74 349 160 114 94 155 76 327 148 148 150 132 TV TV TV TV TV WALL NEEDED FOR TV OUTLET ALCOVE H=1.1mALCOVE H=1.1m H=1.1m H=1.1m Alcove H=1.1m H=1.1m 2098200 318 146 85 84 93 295 First Floor - Furniture Plan

DRIVER MAID SOFA BACK TABLE H=1m STORAGE Window location after shifting H= 1.1mAlcove 1SWC- Double Spotlight 1S - Exhaust fan in ceiling Check with client placementshutters Guest Bathroom 1S - 2 Apliques + Unit indirect light + 1S- Spotlights in FC 1S- Exhaust fan in ceiling Guest bedroom - Bathroom 1S- Exhaust fan in ceiling 1SDriver-Ceiling Outlet 1SWC- Double Spotlight 1S - Exhaust fan in ceiling 1SMaid-Ceiling Outlet 1S-Kitchen:Spotlights in ceiling 1S- Indirect light in units + kitchen1S-Reception:islandIndirectlight in Wood panels in ceiling + LED in FC/ Curtain gap 1S- 6 double Spotlights between wood panels in 1S-ceiling4pendants near TV 1S- 2 Appliques 1S- Chandelier above dining Check with client 1S-1SDressingplacementshutters-SpotlightsIndirectlightin dressing Guest Bedroom 1S- Chandelier 1S- 2 pendants 1S- Indirect light in arch 1S - Track lights 1S- Indirect light in corridor 1S- Wall appliques and indirect1SStoragelight-Spotlights Ground Floor - Lighting Plan



Bedroom 2: 1S- 5 spotlights 1S- 1 pendant 1S - Corridor spotlights 1S- Dressing 1SBedroomShutter2- WC: 1S - 3 Double Spotlight 1S- 1 Pendant 1S- indirect light unit 1S Exhaust fan Bedroom 3 - WC: 1S - 3 Double Spotlight 1S- 1 Pendant 1S- indirect light in unit 1S Exhaust fan ceiling Bedroom 3: 1S- 5 double spotlights 1S- 2 double spotlights 1S- light pendants 1S- light bed 1S1S-1S-1S-BedroomShutter4:TracklightsChandelierindirectlight wall 1S- pendants 1S- 2 double spotlights Shutter



in ceiling

TV TV TV TV TV WALL NEEDED FOR TV OUTLET ALCOVE H=1.1mALCOVE H=1.1m H=1.1m H=1.1m Alcove H=1.1m H=1.1m Master Bedroom 1S - 1 pendant + Indirect light in curtain gap 1S- Indirect light + 2 pendants 1S- Spotlights in FC 1S-1SDressing-TracklightsIndirectlight in dressing 1SCheckShutterwith client shutters placement Check with client placementshutters Check with client placementshutters



indirect light





in ceiling

behind bed + in 1S-dressingShutter 1S-Corridor:Track lights

Bedroom 1 - WC 1S - 3 Double Spotlight 1S- 1 Pendant 1S- light unit 1S Exhaust

Bedroom 4 - WC: 1S - 3 Double Spotlight 1S- 1 Applique 1S- indirect light in unit 1S - Exhaust fan Bedroom 1: 1S- 5 spotlights 1S- Chandelier 1S- Indirect light


in wall + indirect light in dressing 1SBED-3


fan in ceiling First Floor - Lighting Plan


DRIVER MAID SOFA BACK TABLE H=1m STORAGE Window location after shifting H= 1.1mAlcove 2 2 HP HP HP HP 2 2 2 2 22 2 2 22 2 2 2 2 Ground Floor - Power Plan

First Floor - Power Plan TV TV TV TV TV WALL NEEDED FOR TV OUTLET ALCOVE H=1.1mALCOVE H=1.1m H=1.1m H=1.1m Alcove H=1.1m H=1.1m 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 22 22 2 2 2 2


As Built - Ground Floor Plan D.W. W.M. DR. 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 14 15 16 2 3 17 18 19 20 +0.00 FFL. R2.00 -0.40 FFL. 26° 26° 26° +0.00 FFL. +0.00 FFL. 13 12 21 D10B D5B +0.00 FFL. +0.00 FFL. +0.00 FFL. +0.00 FFL. 22 2 2 1 2 3

Suggested option - Ground Floor Plan 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 14 15 16 32 1817 19 20 R2.00 26°26°26° 13 12 21 22 123 TV SCALE :DRAWING TITLE :APPROVAL :Drawn By:OWNER : Designed By: Eng. Marwan Noaman signeture Date Arch. Mariam Ashraf Mr. Raouf Arch. Mennatulah Elghazawy Ground Floor-Option 4 579 578 746 Dining 455WCKitchenette Added area Option 4'': Option 4: DoorSliding 417 261 336 282 251 Console 440 855 471 Double Height zone Dining room with sliding doors 123 Window to be altered 150 535 749 Double Height Zone Sofa table Vestibule storageHidden

Suggested option - Ground Floor Plan SCALE :DRAWING TITLE :APPROVAL :Drawn By:OWNER : Designed By: Eng. Marwan Noaman signeture Date Arch. Mariam Ashraf Mr. Raouf Arch. Mennatulah Elghazawy Ground Floor-Option 5 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 14 15 16 32 1817 19 20 R2.00 26°26°26° 13 12 21 D5B 22 123 746 251 282 140 417 398 C:\Users\Menna\Downloads\Black and white interiors adds drama to a Chicago row house.jpg 578 749 377 252 455KitchenetteWCDining Option Narrower5: Double Height zone 40TV Console Open entrance 270440 Window to be 261altered 493 411 Added area 611 wallGlass 522 580heightdoublepiecearthuge Double Height Zone Sofa table Vestibule

1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 14 15 16 32 1817 19 20 R2.00 FFL.-0.40 26°26°26° FFL.+0.00 13 12 21 22 123 411 671 TV SCALE :DRAWING TITLE :APPROVAL :Drawn By:OWNER : Designed By: Eng. Marwan Noaman signeture Date Arch. Mariam Ashraf Mr. Raouf Arch. Mennatulah Elghazawy Ground Floor-Option 3 524 517 747 715 578 267291 411 219 40 Console Dining Kitchen WC 366 440 Option 3: Added area Bigger Kitchen Wall Art Added area 85 Table 916 Vestibule Suggested option - Ground Floor Plan

Porch Vestibule 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 14 15 16 32 1817 19 20 R2.00 FFL.-0.40 26°26°26° FFL.+0.00 13 12 21 D10B D5B 22 123 TV SCALE :DRAWING TITLE :APPROVAL :Drawn By:OWNER : Designed By: Eng. Marwan Noaman signeture Date Arch. Mariam Ashraf Mr. Raouf Arch. Mennatulah Elghazawy Ground Floor-Option 578 750 749 579 Dining Kitchenette Office 270446 517 Option 1: Office 440 436 855 440 Added area 357 410 302 410 643 410 150 kitchenette with direct access to dining Guest wc 219 259 281 Coats/shoes doorHidden 155 269 149 105 Sofa table Mirror Suggested option - Ground Floor Plan

As Built - First Floor Plan 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 34 35 36 18 19 20 21 242322 +3.75 FFL. R2.00 R0.45 +3.75 FFL. +3.75 FFL. 32 33 +3.00 BOT +3.65 BOT 25 +4.65 TOP +3.40 TOP +4.45TOP +3.75 FFL. +3.75 FFL. +3.75 FFL. +3.75 FFL. +3.75 FFL.

25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1934353618 20 21 222324 FFL.+3.75 32R2.0033 BOT+3.00 25 +3.40TOP TV TV 425 557 340 426 452428 455 421 SCALE :DRAWING TITLE :APPROVAL :Drawn By:OWNER : Designed By: Eng. Marwan Noaman signeture Date Arch. Mariam Ashraf Mr. Raouf Arch. Mennatulah Elghazawy First Floor-Option 4'' 270 230 Girl's Bedroom Master Bedroom Option 4'': Double Height zone Master bedroom: bigger , bigger bathroom, seating area, bigger dressing Girls's bedroom: seating area with a view, , shower with glass, big dressing NO Guest Bedroom on this floor. Guest bedroom is on roof floor in this option No terraces in this option 100 SlidingDoor Sliding Door Kitchenette Kitchenette with bar 288 306 Glass shower wall Window?closedbetoWindowclosedbetoWindow coiffeuse Added area Console 341 396 453 465102 301 245 435 Art Piece shiftedbetoWindow Bathroom Bathroom 383 Walk-in wardrobe Walk-in wardrobe Double Height Zone 578 Suggested option - First Floor Plan

25 27 26 28 3029 31 1934353618 20 21 222324 FFL.+3.75 32R2.0033 BOT+3.00 25 +3.40TOP TV SCALE :DRAWING TITLE :APPROVAL :Drawn By:OWNER : Designed By: Eng. Marwan Noaman signeture Date Arch. Mariam Ashraf Mr. Raouf Arch. Mennatulah Elghazawy First Floor-Option 5 372 455 421 183 288 306 TV Shelves 500 457 396 162 270 237 Master Bedroom Girl's Bedroom Guest Bedroom Option Narrower5: Double Height zone Master bedroom: bigger bathroom, seating area, bigger dressing Girls's bedroom: seating area with a view, , shower with glass, big dressing Guest Bedroom on this floor. No terraces in this option Glass shower wall TV closedbetoWindow closedbetoWindow 372 SlidingDoor Sliding Door 452 578 383 413 395 Glass wall Console 433 closedbetoWindow 358 385 253 240190 Added area shiftedbetoWindow Bathroom Bathroom Bathroom Cladding on columns 87 Wall Art 422heightdoublepiecearthuge Walk-in wardrobe Walk-in wardrobe 90 72 647 Double Height Zone 782 473 TV Suggested option - First Floor Plan

LOBBY 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1934353618 20 21 222324 FFL.+3.75 32R2.0033 BOT+3.00 25 +3.40TOP TV TV SCALE :DRAWING TITLE :APPROVAL :Drawn By:OWNER : Designed By: Eng. Marwan Noaman signeture Date Arch. Mariam Ashraf Mr. Raouf Arch. Mennatulah Elghazawy First Floor-Option 3 Girl's Bedroom Option 3: All rooms have seating areas Master bedroom: Bigger dressing, bigger bedroom, bigger bathroom Girls's bedroom: Bigger bedroom, seating area, glass shower Guest Bedroom No terraces in this option TV Sliding Door SlidingDoor 450424578383 288 424 433 317 109 119 270 414 457 closedbetoWindow 372455 108 784 425 348 471639 Glass shower wall Added area Guest Bedroom Master Bedroom closedbetoWindow closedbetoWindow 557 Console 240 shiftedbetoWindow Bathroom Bathroom Bathroom 253 Sliding Door Walk-in wardrobe Walk-in wardrobe TV Suggested option - First Floor Plan

25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1934353618 20 21 222324 32 33 BOT+3.65 25 +4.45TOP TV TV TV TV SCALE :DRAWING TITLE :APPROVAL :Drawn By:OWNER : Designed By: Eng. Marwan Noaman signeture Date Arch. Mariam Ashraf Mr. Raouf Arch. Mennatulah Elghazawy 398 100 SlidingDoor Sliding Door rackShoe Girl's Bedroom Master Bedroom 87 485 277366 Window457tobe closed 455 171 489 534 235 shiftedbetoWindow 228 130 315 376 436 578 Option 1: Girl's Bedroom: Terrace as a seating area Master Bedroom: seating area, shower with glass wall coiffeuse coiffeuse 270 Console First Floor-Option 1 Guest Bedroom closedbetoWindow closedbetoWindow Guest Bedroom Glass shower wall Added area 330 471 240 253 372 325 Terrace closedbetoWindow 280 225 624 Bathroom Bathroom Bathroom Terrace Walk-in wardrobe Walk-in wardrobe 457 130 Suggested option - First Floor Plan

As Built option - Penthouse Floor Plan +7.00 SSL. +7.00 SSL. +3.75 FFL. R2.00 43° +3.75 FFL. +3.00 BOT +7.00 BOT BOT +6.45 +3.65 BOT +6.45 BOT WD10B WD10B WD10B 26 27 28 29 30 31 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 434241 32 33 44 45 46 47 A-57-311A A-57-601 3 +4.65 TOP +8.25 TOP +4.65 TOP +3.40 TOP +7.50TOP +6.85 TOP +8.25 TOP +8.25 TOP +8.25 TOP +8.25 TOP

Roof Terrace SSL.+7.00 R2.00 43°+7.00BOT 26 27 28 29 30 31 3834353637 39 40 414243 32 33 44 45 46 47 TV 411 Kitchenette208 302 318 SCALE :DRAWING TITLE :APPROVAL :Drawn By:OWNER : Designed By: Eng. Marwan Noaman signeture Date Arch. Mariam Ashraf Mr. Raouf Arch. Mennatulah Elghazawy Roof Floor-Option 4'' Glass dressing wall 268 215 329 Windowtobeminimized Windowtobeclosed 578 248 210 330 588 Option 4'': Guest Bedroom on roof floor No terraces in this option Boy's bedroom: Glass wall for dressing Added area 306 227 Boy's280Bedroom GuestBathroomBedroom Bathroom Walk-in wardrobe 164 Suggested option - Penthouse Floor Plan

Roof Terrace SSL.+7.00 R2.00 43°+7.00BOT 26 27 28 29 30 31 3834353637 39 40 414243 32 33 44 45 46 47 306 TV Kitchenette SCALE :DRAWING TITLE :APPROVAL :Drawn By:OWNER : Designed By: Eng. Marwan Noaman signeture Date Arch. Mariam Ashraf Mr. Raouf Arch. Mennatulah Elghazawy Roof Floor-Option 1 Glass wall 329 Windowtobeclosed 425 160 380 588 36 Option 1: No terrace for bedroom in this option Boy's bedroom: Glass wall for dressing Added area TV Terrace 320 Windowstobealtered 630 Added area 749 580 Glass wall 227 Terrace for living space Kitchenette Boy's Bedroom Bathroom134Walk-in wardrobe Suggested option - Penthouse Floor Plan



A main axe is taken from the basilica. Another axe is taken creating a pedestrian pathway. The existing road is passing under the site and on its right side. Two tram lines are to be revived, one is passing directly through the project. Greenery is introduced in certain parts for aesthetic views in order to preserve heli opolis’ Theessence.project is to add pedestrian pathways, tram lines, as well as greenery making it a continuation to the public realm

PROJECT ILLUSTRATIONS These illustrations show parts of the building as well as the main plaza and recrea tional areas.





The form, which is an outcome of the environmental aspects, represents Egypt and the stepped/layered parts represent the complexity of Egypt and its culture. Each Layer has a specific experience on the inside of the building which will affect the users in a cer tain way.The DETACHED SKIN is a means of CULTURAL PRESERVATION & EXPRESSION and acts as LITERAL PROTECTION and as a defence mechanism against the harsh environ ment as well as hides the pure modern form of the building that defies the Architectural style around it..







Theme: The building is supposed to fly and lift up, leaving the ground floor open to the pub lic to pass in it without intimidation. By placing the main function underground the ground floor becomes a continuation of the public realm and acts as a plaza. The building appears to be lifted up due to the shell structure. The design represents openness, accessibility, and sharing.


The design is supposed to delicately BLEND IN with the context, respecting it and preserv ing its essence.





PROJET HANGAR + ADMINSTRATIF BUILDING Senegal, West Africa Design and Modelling Render by Mostafa Elghazawy Design and Modelling by Mennatullah Elghazawy 05 Freelance Work


University:MOODBOARDSEGYPTInteriorDesignProjects 06












08 Personal Illustrations SOCIAL MEDIA WORK


CERTIFICATES & LETTERS This section contains letters of recommendation from uni versity professors and offices I have trained with, as well certificates earned from university. 10

Internship Certificate

Internship Certificate





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