Imagine how the impact a bouquet of white roses placed atop the casket of an unkown soldier over a century ago, led to a movement.
According to the Society of the Honor Guard at, a bouquet of white roses was placed atop the casket of an unkown soldier in France in 1921. That casket was laid to rest at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier located in Arlington Natonal Cemetery in Virginia.
The records continue to state that ‘the white rose honors all who served and sacrificed on behalf of America in WWI and in all times of war or other armed conflict.’
It is our history of service to our country that connects us to the past. This connection is thriving at Woodcrest Villa through our Veterans group. The group, which consists of 25-30 veterand, meet for breakfast once a month.
More than 50 Veterans reside at Woodcrest Villa and have served a combined 450 years in service to our country from WWII through Afghanistan.
When it was suggested by a Veterans group member that their organization should give back to their community in some way, the Never Forget Garden honoring the Tomb of the Unknown Solider, became the mission.
According to Marc Spiridgliozzi, Veteran and member of the Woodcrest Villa Veterans group, the Never Forget Garden is an outreach of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. The purpose of this outreach is to plant smaller gardens in states across the United States to remind us all of the sacrifices made by Veterans.
The group brought in the help of Don Becker from Stony Bridge Landscaping to create the overall design and to get a better understanding of the scope, scale and cost of the project, which amounted to approximately $12,000.
The hardscape design and landscape planned for the garden are deep with meaning. The primary color palette for the garden will reflect our country’s flag in red, white and blue. Flowers such as poppies, roses, bell flowers, corn flowers, hibiscus, daisies and violas signify bravery, resilience, and rememberance. These flowers will pop up through the seasons between the boxwoods, cherry trees and dogwood trees.
Paver walkways as shown in the picture to the far right, will lead those strolling in the garden to the center focal point; a mini stone replica of the Tomb of the Unkown Soldier, which will be illuminated within the gazebo.
The garden, which is located near the Hummingbird entrance, close to the nature trail and stream is truly a labor of honor and love.
Once the plan was in place, the cost was confirmed and the project approved by Mennonite Home Communities adminis-
“I will never, ever forget you - I am in it with you.”
~ Society of the Honor Guard
tration, it was time to get to work.
A fundraising campaign lead by Paul Cunningham sprung into action to raise the nearly $12,000 that was needed to bring this garden to life.
Having a background in fundraising, Spiridgliozzi was also instrumental in raising funds for the garden. He would speak to local VFW posts and other civic organizations that support Veterans causes to raise money for the garden. The residents of Woodcrest Villa have given significant amounts of money towards the project.
Once the plan was approved and fundraising was well underway, it was time to clear out the area for pavers, plantings and refurbishing the existing gazebo.
Residents Ron Shaheen and Tony Harnish restored an existing gazebo. They corrected structural issues and imperfections, and beautified the gazebo with multiple coats of white paint. As Spiridgliozzi remarked, the end result was ‘better than new.’
It was important that the garden be accessible to everyone, regardless of physical abilities. To help accomplish that goal, Harnish laid pavers instead of stepping stones. He also invested hours of physical labor layering rows of bricks to frame either side of the walkway leading to the gazebo.
The Woodcrest Villa Veterans group encourages persons to visit the garden, to reflect, and find peace. This is especially important for future generations of Woodcrest Villa Veterans. But the garden isn’t finished yet! Phase II, already in the works for mid to late 2023, will permit naming opportunities by way of memorial bricks.
A dedication and honor ceremony was held on Veterans Day 2022 to introduce the new space to the Woodcrest Villa community and unveil the Never Forget Garden statue.
When asked why this garden was a
passion project for he and other members of the Veterans group, Spiridigliozzi paused a moment and then stated, “My dad always told me that you pay back rent to your community. In other words, you give to the community more than what you get from it.”
Pictured to the right: Veterans group members pose behind the plaque placed in the gazebo at the Never Forget Garden. Left to right: Ron Sheehan, Marc Spiridigliozzi, Edward Moreau, David Suh.
Touching Lives: Annual Report 2022
For 119 years, Mennonite Home Communities (MHC) has lived out the Christ-based mission of enriching the lives of residents, staff and the community. I am so grateful for each MHC staff member who provides high quality care and service in the midst of many headwinds.
This year, we created a beautiful new Personal Care Memory Support household. Expansion continues at Woodcrest Villa and nearly 700 residents are enjoying a vibrant, active lifestyle on the beautiful campus. We continue to strategize with the Board about excelling in the future.
MHC is blessed by our many faithful donors who support benevolent care. I deeply appreciate the donors, volunteers, Board members, staff members and business partners who play a central role in helping us fulfill the mission of MHC. Thank you.
John D. Sauder, NHA President Mennonite Home CommunitiesA Letter From The Board Chairperson
Thank you to our staff team and leadership for providing quality care to the residents of Mennonite Home Communities. Although the past three years have been impacted by the pandemic and economic issues, our team is working hard, and doing their best, to provide care that enriches the lives of each resident.
The Board of Mennonite Home Communities continues to adjust to the significant changes occurring in the senior living and health care environments. We have made facility changes at the Mennonite Home campus, and are expanding our apartment and villa options on the Woodcrest Villa campus. The Board appreciates your prayers for wisdom and discernment as we evaluate future challenges and opportunities.
I also want thank each volunteer and donor who sacrificially gives their time and resources to Mennonite Home Communities. It is through the generosity of many individuals and businesses that benevolent care is able to be provided to residents who need financial assistance. Together, our community of Board members, staff members, volunteers, and donors are working together to care for and enrich the lives of residents, staff and the community.
With appreciation,
Roy Bomberger Jr. Board ChairpersonMennonite Home: Satement of Operations
The Mennonite Home Statement of Operations for the year ending June 30, 2022
Touching Lives:
Benevolent Care Donors
Mennonite Home Communities is committed to providing high-quality, loving care for our residents, regardless of their financial limitiations. We use the phrase Benevolent Care to describe the gift of uncompensated care and the donations that support this care. Our Benevolent Care Policy assures residents the same high level of care, with confidentiality to protect their dignity.
Anonymous - 20
Audrey Ackerman-Frey
George & Martha Adams
Russell & Linda Adsitt Jr.
Gail Alexander
Earl & Belinda Ament
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas Andersen
Betty Applebach
Jean Aspril
Norma Aston
Eric Athey
Mary Ellen Bachman
George & Dian Bagley
Dean Baker
William & Marchelle Bakken
Terry & Debra Barber
Anna Bare
Nancy Lou Bare
Edward & Cecilia Barlow
Kristen Baroody
Josh & Stacy Bashore-Steury
Ken & Wilma Beard
Marilyn Beardslee
Tracie Beats
Ron & Joan Beck
Carl & Donna Becker
Emiline Belser
Charles & Betsy Bender Jr.
Richard & Nancy Benson
Susan Berntheizel
John & Beth Betrone
Kathleen Bevel
Lois Billoni
Margaret Bishop
R. Ned & Kirsten Bishop
Jeanette Bomberger
Roy & Evelyn Bomberger Jr.
John & Theresa Bond
Paul & Lucille Bowers
Lois Bowman
Mary Jane Brandt
Barbara Breneman
John & Sara Brinker
Carole Brown
Frederick & Nancy Brown
Sandra Brown
Stephen Brown
David & Kay Brubaker
Millie Brubaker
Ronald & Beverly Brubaker
Roy & Diana Brubaker
Gerald & Sandra Bruce
Robert & Margaret Bruckhart
Marc Brumbach
Shirley Ann Brumbach
Randall & Susan Brundage
Russell & Marian Bubernak
Annette Bucher
Reba Buckwalter
Norman & Mary Louise Burkey
Pat Burkhart
Dave Burkholder
Orpha Burkholder
Janice Buterbaugh
J. Milton Byers*
Carol Carey
John & Patricia Carpenter
Andrew & Esther Carroll
Bertha Cassel
Kari Cassidy
Donald & Irene Castagna
J. Clayton & Dorothy Charles
Steven & Carol Ann Cherry
Virginia Cherry*
Michael & Judith Chuhran
Lawrence Clark
Robert Coley
Forrest & Kitty Collier
Larry & Linda Conley
Noel & Ursula Connaughton
Robert Cook
Carol Cranford
Donnie Cranston* & Patty Keen
Thomas & Jan Craver
Shirley Curran
Catherine Davis
Lucy Davis
Michael Day & Judy Pehrson
Elizabeth Deal
Patricia Deck
Paul & Sandy DeFranco
Arrabelle Deitrich
Stephen & Bonnie Dell
Thomas & Kimberly DePaul
Ruth Derby
Dawn Derck
Renata DeRenzis
John & Louise Deshong
Arthur & Loretta DiFuria
William & Debra Dochat
Larry & Marilyn Dombach
Jeff & Dawn Donough
George & Joan Dragon
Bart & Mary Dunlap
Marcella Dupes
Nancy Eberle
Charles & Constance Ebersole
Geraldine Ebersole
Paul & Elsie Eckman
Linda Edwards
Joy Eliezer
Joan Ellis
John Enderlin & Gail Dennis
Ellen Endslow
Martha Eppley
Judy Esbenshade
Guy & Molly Eshelman
D. Rohrer & Mrs. Mabel Eshleman
Lisa Eshleman
Ruth Espenshade
Judith Eyster
Betty Farkas
Jo Anne Farley
Thomas & Anne Fessenden
Mary Ann Finkbiner
Elsie Fischer
Jerome & Lenora Forrest
Louise Franze
Joyce Frey
Jim & Dorothy Fricke
Robert & Linda Fry
Edward Fuller
Gregory & Lori Fulmer
Michael & Jean Gallagher
Bill & Kitt Gamber
James & Ethel Gardiner
Elizabeth Gardner
Barry & Rita Garner
Diane Gerlach
David & Cheryl Gilday
Margaret Ginder
Sandra Gingrich
Robert & Mary Anne Gochnauer
Douglas & Laurie Gohn
Mary Gohn
Dennis & Nancy Good
John & Phoebe Good
John & Louise Graham
Barbara Gramila
Leo Grasser
Clair & Alma Groff
Mary K. Groff
Paul Groff
Glenn & Lynne Gross
Richard & Sondra Grossman
Dorothy Grove
Elizabeth Haberberger
Dr. Judith Halden-Sullivan
John Hamilton
Karen Hammel
Richard Hankel
Robert & Margaret Hannum
Peggy Hanzelman
Richard & Patricia Harnish
Joseph & Julie Harriger
Gilda Hartman
Matthew & Andrea Hartzler
Anna Lee Harvey
Roger Harvey Jr.
Roger Harvey Sr.
Cynthia Haughey
Craig & Barbara Heckman
Paul & Delphine Heimer Jr.
Marcia Hemler
William & Jean Henry
Frank & Sandy Henshaw
Anna Mary Herr
Cynthia Herr
John Herr
Shirley Hershey
Braden & Kris Hess
Brenda Hess
Larry & Janet Hess
Luke & Dot Hess
Merv & Nora Hess
Stella Hess
Suzanne High-Schenck
Bob & Suzanne Hitchings
Aaron & Alison Hollis
Sandra Hoover
Robin Horner
Robert & Audrey Horting
Natalie Hough
Paula Howard
Sylvia Howells
Edythe Huber
Albert & Elizabeth Huizing
Peter & Barbara Hunsberger
Joseph & Sue Hurlburt
Royce & Mary Lou Imhoff
Joseph & Barbara Ives
Stanley Jacobs & Coralie Werking
Robert Johnstone
Beulah Jones
Jeff & Priscilla Kaiser
Joanne Kaiser
Barbara Kauffman
Betty G. Kauffman
Jim Kauffman
Lewis & Gloria Kauffman
Nelda Kauffman
Richard & Eleanor Kauffman
Richard E. & Dorothy Kauffman
Brenda Keener
Donna Kehs
Robert & Holly Keller
Paula Kemper
Roger & Carol Kennett
Donald & Barbara King
Lee & Kris Kinsey
Jeffrey & Anna Kirchner
Rhonda Kleiman
J. Nelson & Marie Kling
Roger & Virginia Kloepping
Eugene Klumpp
Suzanne Kohler
Tom & Sandy Krantz
Gary Kreider
James & Elizabeth Kreider
Phyllis G. Kreider*
Marilyn Kriebel-Felter
Kent & Joy Kroehler
Nancy Landis
Randy & Nancy Lanier
Charles & Audrey Lantz
Gerald & Lorna Lawrence
Harold & Patricia Leaman
Ivan & Mary Ellen Leaman
John & Deborah Lebo
Mary Kay Lee
Stewart Leeder
Leroy & Joann Lehman
Betty Lentz
Jack Lesher
Alan Levine
Patty Levosky
Victor & Helen Claire Lincoln
Gerald & Jeanne Lindemuth
Irving & Susan Liss
Barbara Loughner
Susan Luek
Patricia Lutz
Philip* & Charlotte Lynch
Brenda Maddy
Robert & Carole Magel
David & Jeannette Malinzak
George Maloney
Wayne & Barbara Maloney
Robert & Katharine Manning
Mary Marston
Robert Martin
Ruth Martin
Edward & Carole Martino
Tracey Marx
Harriet Maurer
Eleanor McCann
Edwin McConaghy
James & Diane McCoy
Sarah McEvoy
Rev. Robert McGrath
Carolyn McGuigan
Wilbur & Jane McMichael
Arthur McTighe
Henri McVey
A. Lucille Meissner
Thomas & Marion Metzger
Pauline Metzler
Philip Metzler
Clifford & Joyce Miller
David & Beth Miller
Elvira Miller
Gerald & Doris Miller
Nancy Miller
Paul & Karen Miller
Roger Miller
Steve & Marie Miller
Diane Mitchell
Dr. Albert & Mrs. Dolores Mitrotz
Judy Modene
Katherine Moore
Dan & Shelli Mortensen
Thomas & Linda Mullen
Virginia Mullin
Clay & Hilma Mumma
George Murphy
Abner Musser III
Andrew & Kay Myers
Bonnie Myers
George & Shirley Myers
Grace Myers
Anne Nagle
George & Martha Nardacci
Jack & Hazel Nauffts
Janet Neumar
Phyllis Newcomer
Wilmer & Ruth Nissley
Roger & Carolyn North
Betty Jo Norvell
Stanley & Mary Elizabeth Novak
Mary O’Connor
Richard Olson
Bill & Beth Parson
Louise Parson
Steve & Kathy Patterson
Reginald & Jane Pattey
Susan Peirce
Peter & Cheryl Perrotta
Jessica Perry
Dean & Kim Peters
Nancy Peters
Dolores Petzold
Gerald Pfeifer
Lauretta Phillips
Greg & Lynn Pierce
Sandra Pike
Kitty Polich
Joyce Poukish
Robert Power
Bernice Quay
Barbara Rankin
Patricia Rankin
Susan Reich
Cynthia Reifsnyder & Dale
Michael Renkawitz & Constance
Col. George & Claressa Resh
Elaine Revel
Elaine Rhen
Norma Rhoads
Ruth Rhoads
Linda Rice
M. Gerald & Carmen Richards Jr.
James & Susan Richter
Benjamin & Carol Riggs Sr.
Kathy Rill
Dennis & Deborah Rineer
Bonnie Rissmiller
Gary & Christine Roberts
Rita Rogosky
Alice Marie Rohrer
Dwight & Jennifer Rohrer
Jean Rohrer
Jan Roth
Marc Rovner & Trish Calvani
Jeanne Rupp
Terry & Nan Rush
Sandie & Robert Russell
Peter & Diana Ryckman
Bruce & Barbara Ryder
Patricia Santiago
Elizabeth Sarbaugh
Clair Sauder
John & Rose Sauder
Patricia Sawyer
John & Judy Sayko
Barbara Saylor
Edward & Beverly Saylor
Stanley & Kathryn Saylor
Mary Jane Schaar
Ronald & Mary Schaefer
Ralph & Carol Schillinger
Bill & Kay Schotta
Joseph & Joan Anne Schram
Charles & Suzann Schwenk
Frances Seiple
Grace Sensenig
Dave & Beth Serfass
Patrick Sharkitt
William & Constance Sharp Jr.
Marvin & Julie Shearer
Gary & Georgia Sheckard
Jane Sheckard
Ronald & Joan Sheehan
Erma Shelly*
Dale Shenk
Michael & Nancy Shenk
Geraldine Shipley
Vi Shoemaker
Robert Siegler
Joan Siegrist
Reid & Sharon Skillman
Barbara Smith
Dorothy Mowery Smith*
Esther Smith
Robert & Sandra Smith
Ted & Claudia Smith
Tim & Betty Ann Smith
Hilde Solliday
Adrienne Sommer
Ada Southwood
Dr. & Mrs. James Spicher
Marc & Linda Spiridigliozzi
Doris St. John*
Steven & Bonnie St. John
Jim & Shirley Stauffer
Lester Stauffer Jr.
Wayne & Shirley Stauffer
Carolyn Steedle
Richard Steudler
Dennis & Connie Stichter
Dennis Stidinger
Vernon & Angela Stinebaugh
Donald & Jessie Stollenwerk
Brent & Theresa Stoltzfus
Jim & Elizabeth Stoltzfus
Phyllis Stone
Sylvia Stoner
Kay Straley
Ronald & Norma Grace
David Strong
Francis & Margina Strouse
Michael Styer
David & Esther Suh
Kathleen Suydam
Ernest & Lenore Svetec
Janet Sweigart
Thomas & Cindy Talbott
Beth Terry
James & Judy Thomas
David & Audrey Thompson
Donald & Rose Marie Thompson
William Thoner
Stephen & Kathleen Trond
Richard & Marjorie Trout
Paul & Linda Troutman
Sayre Gail Turney
Warren & Linda Tyson
Valley Forge Elementary School
Lori Vant Zelfden
Mary Veitch
Domenic & Diane Veneziale
Ruth Von Heimburg
Ken & Joan Walters
Rosalyn Ward
Beth Warren
John & Janet Waser
Rose Ann Wassell
A. Howard & Sally Watson
Carolyn Watt
Donald & Debra Weachter
Richard & Cindy Weaver
Edward Webb
Eugene & Joyce Weber
Patricia Weber
Penn Weidman
Carol Weimer
Mary Weirich
Jane Wenger
Sandra Wenger
George & Pat Werner
Harry & Alma West
Paul & Judy Westcott
Katharine Whitner
Carolyn Wicke
Robert Wildasin
Dianne Winters
Susan Witmer & Colin Martin
Gregg & Cathy Witmer
Jean Witmer
Susan Wolf
Jan & Nancy Wolgamuth
Jay & Anita Wolgemuth
James & Kathi Workman
Robert & Ann Wotring
Titus & Charlotte Yoder
Norman Yunginger
Norma Zarfoss
Deborah Zercher
Abner & Joann Zimmerman
Loren & Helen Zimmerman
Raymond Zimmerman
Terry & Linda Zimmerman
Cynthia Zook
Touching Lives:
Benevolent Care Donors
Both individuals and churches donate to Benevolent Care. Corporations and foundations also provide support through Golf Outing Sponsorships and in-kind gifts such as food, snacks or drink. We rely upon these gifts to support more than 65 residents of Mennonite Home and several families at Woodcrest Villa.
AAA Central Penn
AACA Museum, Inc.
AdvantageCare Rehabilitation & Home Health Services
Adventure Sports of Hershey
Baker Tilly US, LLP
Benchmark Construction
Bird-In-Hand Bakery
Blakinger Thomas, P.C.
Bomberger’s Store
Charles F Snyder Funeral Home Compleat Restorations
Core BTS
Curtis Welding & Fabricating
D H Funk & Sons LLC
Davcon Relocation Services
Dutch Wonderland
EGStoltzfus Commercial Construction
Esbenshade Farms/Mills
Everence Foundation, Inc.
Faithful Journey Foundation
Fox Meadows Creamery
Fulton Theater
Good’s Disposal Service, Inc
Hair Express
Harrisburg Area Community College
Harvey’s BBQ
Henry’s Seafood
Hershey Trolley Works
Hostetter Realty
I.B. Abel Inc.
Iron Valley Golf Club
J.R. and D. Warfel Foundation
JC Snavely & Sons, Inc.
Johnson, Kendall & Johnson
Karst Knoll Farms
Kegel’s Produce
Keynet Technologies LLC
Kinne Enterprises LLC
Lancaster County Community Foundation
Lapp Electrical Service, Inc.
Latsha Davis & Marshall, P.C.
Lee Kinsey
M & T Bank
Martin Appliance
MH Crafters
Murray Insurance
National Christian Foundation
North Group Consultants
North Museum of Nature and Science
NurSelect LLC
Paramount Contracting, Inc.
Paul Risk Construction
Preferred Health Care/Eliance
Health Solutions
Ranck Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning
RGS Associates
Rhoads Energy
RLPS Architects
Robert C. Wenger Charitable Trust
Ryan Gunzenhauser
Sage Technology Solutions, Inc.
Shady Maple
Stauffers of Kissel Hill
Stony Bridge Landscaping
The Benecon Group
The M & T Charitable Foundation
Thermolite Inc.
Toshiba Business Solutions
Triangle Communications, Inc.
US Foods, Inc.
Wall to Wall Floor Covering, LLC
Warfel Construction Company
WCV Crafters
WCV Flower Factory
Byerland Mennonite Church
New Danville Mennonite Church
Stumptown Mennonite Church
WCV Spiritual Life Congregation
Touching Lives:
1903 Legacy Society
The Board of Trustees established the 1903 Legacy Society (named for the year Mennonite Home Communities was founded) to celebrate the role of philanthropy and to thank our generous donors.
The 1903 Legacy Society recognizes donors for one or more of the following:
• Those who have given gifts and pledges totaling $10,000 during their lifetimes
• Those who have made planned gifts
• Those who have designated a bequest to Mennonite Home Communities in their will, trust or retirement plan
Anonymous - 16
American Express Foundation
B. R. Kreider & Sons, Inc
Barry & Virginia Badger
George & Dian Bagley
Baker Tilly US, LLP
Nancy Lou Bare
Ken & Wilma Beard
Marilyn Beardslee
Yvonne Beck
Benchmark Construction
Blakinger Thomas, P.C.
Roy & Evelyn Bomberger
Martha Jane Bomberger*
Bomberger’s Store
Mary Jane Brandt
Millie Brubaker
Reba Buckwalter
Pat Burkhart
Byerland Mennonite
Don & Linda Caldwell
Bertha Cassel
Noel & Ursula Connaughton
Grace Conner
CRELS Foundation
D H Funk & Sons LLC
Davcon Relocation Services
Jay & Sally Douglass
East Chestnut Street Mennonite
EGStoltzfus Commercial Construction
Joan Ellis
Martha Eppley
H. Glenn & Rachael Esbenshade
Dr. D. Rohrer & Mrs. Mabel Eshleman
Bill & Kitt Gamber
Sylvia Geisler
John & Phoebe Good
Shirley Groff
Matthew & Andrea Hartzler
Nancy Heagy
Paul & Delphine Heimer
Mark Heisey
William & Jean Henry
Herr Foods
Cleo & Mary Ann Hershey
Merv & Nora Hess
Brenda Hess
Highmark Blue Shield
Eugene Hoffman
Bonnie Hughes
Albert & Elizabeth Huizing
Johnson, Kendall & Johnson
Robert Johnstone
Lewis & Gloria Kauffman
Betty G. Kauffman
Roger & Carol Kennett
Keynet Technologies LLC
J. Nelson & Marie Kling
Eugene Klumpp
Suzanne Kohler
Tom & Sandy Krantz
Kenneth Kreider
Marian Kreider
Al Kuser
Lancaster Mennonite
Harold & Patricia Leaman
Philip* & Charlotte Lynch
M & T Bank
Elvin & Laverne Martin
Robert Martin
Jean McFarland
Robert McGrath
Wilbur & Jane McMichael
Anne Meachem
Philip Metzler
MH Congregational Offering
Gloria Miller
Elvira Miller
Millersville Mennonite
Diane Mitchell
Dan & Shelli Mortensen
Virginia Mullin
Clay & Hilma Mumma
Murray Insurance
Sarah Mylin
Phyllis Newcomer
Richard Olson
Paramount Contracting
Dean & Kim Peters
Greg & Lynn Pierce
RGS Associates
RLPS Architects
Bruce & Sally Rodenberger
Daniel & Grace Rohrer
Ada Rohrer
Terry & Nan Rush
John & Rose Sauder
Patricia Sawyer
Barbara Saylor
Laura Shaida
Marvin & Julie Shearer
Vi Shoemaker
John & Evelyn Sigman
Patricia Smith
Barbara Smith
James Spicher
Marc & Linda Spiridigliozzi
Darlene Stauffer
Dennis & Connie Stichter
Phyllis Stone
Susquehanna Valley EMS
Beth Terry
James & Judy Thomas
David & Audrey Thompson
Roger & Blanche Trout
Richard & Marjorie Trout
Rosalyn Ward
J.R. & D. Warfel Foundation
Warfel Construction
Rose Ann Wassell
Wayneco Cabinetry
Mark Cinco LLC
WCV Crafters
WCV Spiritual Life Congregation Offering
WCV MarketPlace
Helen (Wickie) Weaver
Glenn & Lucy Weber
Mary Weirich
George & Pat Werner
Harry & Alma West
Paul Wilson
Susan Wolf
Jan & Nancy Wolgamuth
Jay & Anita Wolgemuth
Touching Lives: Memorial Gifts
Anthony Arcudi
Michael & Nancy Shenk
Patricia Baker
Marilyn Beardslee
Mary & Clayton Barley
Sandie & Robert Russell
Ivan Bauman
Dorothy S. Beaner
Patricia Deck
Dennis & Deborah Rineer
Hilde Solliday
Dick Bellis
Robert Johnstone
Dr. Robert Belser
Katherine Moore
Norman Bender
Elaine Rhen
Mary H. Benedict
Bonnie Myers
Ted & Claudia Smith
Terry & Linda Zimmerman
Joseph Billoni
Ken & Wilma Beard
Brad Bishop
Margaret Bishop
Evelyn Bordt
Cynthia Herr
Anna C. Brenner
Andrew & Kay Myers
Barbara Brown
Joanne Ellis
Foster Brown
Ken Brubaker
Millie Brubaker
Lester L. Brumbach
Shirley Ann Brumbach
Marc Brumbach
Wilbur Bucher
David & Jeannette Malinzak
Suzanne Burger
Michael Day & Judy Pehrson
Frank Bursa
Joanne Ellis
J. Milton Byers
Bertha Cassel
Judy Carter
Robert & Mary Gochnauer
Ken Charles
Jack & Hazel Nauffts
William & Ginny Cherry
Steven & Carol Ann Cherry
Betty Cox Anonymous
Marilyn Beardslee
Randall & Susan Brundage
Joanne Ellis
Genevieve Craver
Thomas & Jan Craver
Alice Crouse
Edwin McConaghy
Leah Crumbling
Audrey Ackerman-Frey
Jacques Cutaiar
Joan Cutaiar
Ed Davis
Lucy Davis
Thomas H. Davis
William & Marchelle Bakken
Edward & Fern Deatrick
Bill & Kay Schotta
Carl Denlinger
Peter & Cheryl Perrotta
Albert DeRenzis
Renata DeRenzis
Daniel & Sueie Ebersole
George & Martha Nardacci
James Ebersole
Joanne Ellis
Antonio Felice
Jacqueline Field
Roger Miller
James Finkbiner
Mary Ann Finkbiner
Barbara Flexer
Nancy Lou Bare
Marilyn Beardslee
Bertha Cassel
Joanne Ellis
Nelda Kauffman
Kitty Polich
Paul & Linda Troutman
Katharine Whitner
Robert & Ann Wotring
Cynthia Zook
Ed Geisler
Ken & Wilma Beard
Paula Kemper
Bruce K. Gerlach
Diane Gerlach
Emma Goss
Wayne & Shirley Stauffer
Melvin Groff
Paul Groff
Lillian Haas
Earl & Belinda Ament
Glenn R. Halden
Dr. Judith Halden-Sullivan
Paul Haller
Marcella Dupes
Elsie Fischer
Jim & Dorothy Fricke
Diane Gerlach
Sandra Gingrich
Joseph & Julie Harriger
Paula Howard
Barbara Kauffman
Lewis & Gloria Kauffman
Leroy & Joann Lehman
Gerald & Jeanne Lindemuth
Bernice Quay
Elizabeth Sarbaugh
Reid & Sharon Skillman
Carolyn Watt
Robert Wildasin
Susan Wolf
Jay & Anita Wolgemuth
Helen Hamilton
Marilyn Beardslee
Joanne Ellis
Elsie Fischer
John & Louise Graham
Glenn & Lynne Gross
Richard & Patricia Harnish
Brenda Keener
Edward Webb
Paula Hankel
Richard Hankel
Arlene Heisey
Bonnie Rissmiller
Dorothy Hershey
Craig & Barbara Heckman
Roy Hess
Brenda Hess
James Hollingsworth
Robin Horner
Jacob T. Hoover, Jr.
Sandra Hoover
John Hostetter
Brenda Maddy
Elizabeth Kauffman
Betty G. Kauffman
Richard & Elizabeth Kauffman
Richard E. & Dorothy Kauffman
Sam & Esther Keener
Warren & Linda Tyson
Alice Klumpp
Joanne Ellis
Eugene Klumpp
Norma Landis
Dianne Winters
Miriam Latshaw Anonymous
Donna Kehs
Stewart Leeder
Arthur Levine
Alan Levine
Larry Loughner
Eleanor McCann
Joan Masten
Anonymous (2)
Mary Ellen Bachman
Ken & Wilma Beard
Bertha Cassel
Michael Day & Judy Pehrson
Elizabeth Deal
Linda Edwards
Dennis & Nancy Good
Doris St. John*
Kay Maurer
Joanne Ellis
Bill McCann
George & Martha Adams
Russell & Linda Adsitt Jr.
Susan Berntheizel
John & Theresa Bond
Stephen Brown
Donald & Irene Castagna
Michael & Judith Chuhran
Paul & Sandy DeFranco
Arthur & Loretta DiFuria
Charles & Constance Ebersole
Elizabeth Haberberger
Marcia Hemler
Bob & Suzanne Hitchings
James & Elizabeth Kreider
Barbara Loughner
Mary Kay Lee
Eleanor McCann
Carolyn McGuigan
Arthur McTighe
M. Gerald & Carmen Richards, Jr.
Mary Jane Schaar
Joseph & Joan Anne Schram
Ralph & Carol Schillinger
Kay Straley
Valley Forge Elementary School
Mary Veitch
Ken & Joan Walters
Susan McCloskey
Robert Siegler
Jack & Elizabeth McDowell
Tracey Marx
Sue Metzler
Philip Metzler
De Etta Miller
Robert & Linda Fry
Charles F. Snyder Funeral Home
Dorothy Moran
Mary O’Connor
Lloyd Myers
Everence Foundation, Inc.
John L. Myers
Bonnie Myers
Bill Mylin
Marilyn Beardslee
Joanne Ellis
Rosalyn Nace
Norma Zarfoss
Dave Nauman
Janet Nauman
Mary Neff
Michael & Jean Gallagher
James & Susan Richter
Margaret “Peggy” O’Donnell
Betty Lentz
Evodia Olson
Richard Olson
Janice Osborne
Diane Mitchell
Our Parents
Russell & Marian Bubernak
Our Parents
Bart & Mary Dunlap
Ben Phillips
Lauretta Phillips
Mary & Richard Proseus
Joseph & Barbara Ives
Che Puglisi
Harrisburg Area Community College
J. Kenneth Rankin
Ron & Joan Beck
Judith Eyster
Barbara Rankin
Paul V. Reich
Susan Reich
Jessie Reifsnyder
Cynthia Reifsnyder & Dale
Elsie & Fred Reutenauer
Susan Luek
Gerry Richardson
Joanne Ellis
Leon S. Rogosky
Rita Rogosky
Betty Rorabaugh
Anna M. Salerno
Larry & Linda Conley
Fidel Santiago
Marilyn Beardslee
Joanne Ellis
Elizabeth Schaefer & Susan
Ronald & Mary Schaefer
Elmer S. Sensenig
Grace Sensenig
Edna Shaibly
William & Debra Dochat
Jack Sheckard
Charles F. Snyder Funeral Home
Jack & Nancy Sheckard
Gary & Georgia Sheckard
Erma Shelly
Herb & Jane Shelly
James & Kathi Workman
Rufus Shelly
Greg & Lynn Pierce
Richard Shoemaker
Audrey Ackerman-Frey
Jean Aspril
John & Sara Brinker
Ken & Wilma Beard
Marilyn Beardslee
Bertha Cassel
Joanne Ellis
Sandra Hoover
Lewis & Gloria Kauffman
James & Elizabeth Kreider
A. Lucille Meissner
Elvira Miller
Clay & Hilma Mumma
Bernice Quay
Jeanne Rupp
Vi Shoemaker
Ernest & Lenore Svetec
Dominic & Diane Veneziale
Carol Weimer
Paul & Judy Westcott
Jay M. Siegrist
Joan Siegrist
Esther Smith
Betsy Siemer
Joy Eliezer
Emma Stick
Jeff & Dawn Donough
Mary Stumpf
Kristin Baroody
Jeff & Priscilla Kaiser
Joanne Kaiser
Michael Renkawitz & Constance
Romaine Styer
Michael Styer
Michael H. Suydam
Kathleen Suydam
Aaron & Esther Tyson
Warren & Linda Tyson
Arie Vant Zelfden
Lori Vant Zelfden
Marguerite “Peg” Walz
Ken & Wilma Beard
Jo Anne Farley
Joretta L. Weachter
Terry & Debra Barber
Robert & Margaret Bruckhart
Louise Parson
Donald & Debra Weachter
Carolyn Wicke
Amy Weaver
Robert & Holly Keller
Sarah Weaver
Betty Applebach
Jim & Shirley Stauffer
Richard Steudler
Nan Weidman
Cynthia Haughey
Bob Weirich
Mary Weirich
Ann Wells
Carole Brown
Guy & Molly Eshleman
Lisa Eshleman
Richard & Sondra Grossman
Nancy Miller
National Christian Foundation
Jackie Whare
Ken & Wilma Beard
Joanne Ellis
John Wolf
Susan Wolf
Touching Lives: Honor Gifts
Donation Period: July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022
Anna Bare
Raymond Zimmerman
Arbuta “Bonnie” Boothman
Kathy Rill
Evelyn Brubaker
David & Kay Brubaker
Shirley Brumbach
Marc Brumbach
Al Day
Ken & Wilma Beard
Doctors, Nurses, Health Care
Workers at MHC
Gerald & Lorna Lawrence
A. Margaret Eckman
Jim & Elizabeth Stoltzfus
Paul & Elsie Eckman
Loren & Helen Zimmerman
Garden Café Staff
Susan Berntheizel
Jean Gilday
David & Cheryl Gilday
Margaret Ginder
Steve & Marie Miller
Sandra Henshaw
Frank Henshaw
Sarah Horting
Robert & Audrey Horting
Ellie McCann & Family
Mary Kay Lee
Penny Miller
Eleanor McCann
Herbert Oresky
Rhonda Kleiman
Erma Shelly
Ruth Derby
Greg & Lynn Pierce
Social Workers - Jessica and Aayla
Eleanor McCann
Nancy Lou Bare
Doris F. St. John*
Steven & Bonnie St. John
Joyce Weber
Tim & Betty Ann Smith
Becky Wise
Eleanor McCann
Daniel & Barb Witmer
Gregg & Cathy Witmer
Woodcrest Staff
Susan Berntheizel
Every effort has been made to ensure accuracy in reporting
our donors. Please inform Kelly Smith, MHC Development Department, at 717-735-2647, of any corrections, omissions or errors.
Innovative technology is a proven strategy for providing outstanding care to the residents at Mennonite Home. We are currently utilizing three creative solutions to enhance the lives of our residents.
The It’s Never Too Late (iN2L) resident engagement program is a service offered in both Personal and Nursing Care. iN2L offers content-driven engagement to support social interaction, cognitive and physical exercise and therapy, education, reminiscing, areas of interest, memory support, and more with touch screen systems ideal for both group engagement and individual experiences.
According to the company, the iN2L program was built on the idea that it’s never too late for a fulfilling life—one with joy, purpose and meaningful social connections. Regardless of a person’s
ability, the company’s website states, “we strive to make it possible for them (users) to connect with the world and the people around them through content-driven experiences that are engaging and tailored to their interests. As we’ve innovated the way we deliver those experiences through technology, our intent to bring joy to seniors has been a constant.”
Josh Bashore-Steury, Assistant Administrator, described the history of the iN2L program in Personal Care and its impact on residents, “The addition of iN2L for our residents at the Mennonite Home has offered opportunities for continued engagement in areas of interest that were never before possible. Whether traveling through streets of Rome, visiting a resident’s prior home, participating in chair chi and much more, iN2L has options that have been able to meet the recreational needs of our residents.
I have had the opportunity to witness, firsthand, the power of something as simple as the puppy webcam or kitten webcam and how it can make for a very positive moment for that resident with dementia. We look forward to many more positive moments as we continue to utilize the iN2L as a resource for our residents.”
According to Sarahi Pagan-Camacho, Memory Support Specialist, the programs from trivia to music and everywhere in between, change every month, so iN2L stays fresh for the residents.
The system has calming elements that help the residents. Pagan-Camacho explains, “We can turn this on If we see behaviors happening. The other day, I put on music with waves, and did an activity with the residents and it really helped to calm them down.”
This type of programming could not have happened without the generous donation from Gene Klump, Woodcrest Villa Resident.
Klump was invited to see the iN2L program in action at Mennonite Home. While visiting he saw how residents engaged with staff members as they played trivia, read Bible verses aloud, sang songs and learned about the lives of cats.
Putting technology to work doesn’t stop at iN2L. Mennonite Home recently opened Anderson Run, its newly renovated memory care floor in Personal Care. With 17 rooms, the beautiful space expands our ability to serve residents.
When designing the floor, Mennonite Home Communities wanted to equip it with the latest technologies to enhance
resident care. One of these technologies is circadian lighting. Circadian lighting mimics the natural brightness of each period of daylight and is designed to tap into the proven cycles our bodies follow each day, based on the position, duration, and color of natural sunlight at any given time. Such lighting has been proven to promote:
• Faster cognitive processing
• Increased alertness in the morning
• Improved mood, productivity and concentration
• Improved sleep
• Reduced hyperactivity
• Reduction in errors and accidents
Finally, we want to highlight how we are using technology to prevent falls with VirtuSense Technologies.
One of the problems that seniors often face are falls. VirtuSense Technologies
uses artificial intelligence to remotely monitor residents, and then alerts nursing teams 30-65 seconds before a fall occurs, greatly increasing patient safety.
According to the company, a hospital “saw an 80% reduction in falls and a 95% reduction in false alarms, allowing their nurses to do more while keeping residents safe from falls.” Currently, a pilot program in skilled nursing is underway. The results of the study will determine if the technology will be expanded for use in other care settings.
Mennonite Home Communities
1520 Harrisburg Pike
Lancaster, PA 17601
“Soaring” is published three times a year by Mennonite Home Communities, 1520 Harrisburg Pike, Lancaster, PA 17601. Mennonite Home Communities is a Pennsylvania non-profit organziation. A copy of the official registration and financial information of Mennonite Home Communities may be obtained from the PA Department of State by calling toll free within Pennsylvania 1-800-732-0999. Registration does not imply endorsement. Please note: A donation or contribution to Mennonite Home Communities is purely voluntary. A contribution is in no way a requirement for the institution or continuation of any business relationship with Mennonite Home Communities. Also, a contribution is in no way a requirement for admission or continued stay at the facility. Residents of Mennonite Home Communities will receive the same standard of quality care, the provision of which is not conditioned on any contributions.
Featured on the cover: Woodcrest Villa residents Ron Sheehan, Marc Spiridigliozzi, Edward Moreau and David Suh, current Veterans Club Board Members, pose behind the plaque in honor of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier within the gazebo at the Never Forget Garden. Missing from the photo are Tony Harnish and Paul Cunningham; both played vital roles in bringing the Never Forget Garden to life.
Soaring Committee Members: Elizabeth Harvey, Marcia Herneisen, Daniel Mortensen, Kim Peters, Jess Sibbett and Kelly Smith
If you would like to receive information about Residental Living at Woodcrest Villa, call Amy at 717-390-4103.
If you would like to receive information about Personal Care or Health Care at Mennonite Home, call 717-390-7979.
If you wish to have your name removed from our mailing list, call Kelly at 717-7352647.
Well-built homes are built on solid foundations. After months of site preperation, Woodcrest Villa is excited to see the foundations being laid for the new villas in Camellia Place (pictured below)! New residents are participating in selection meetings with our marketing team to make their new villa their home.
The new villas will likely be the final villas built at Woodcrest Villa. We anticipate the first home to be ready for move-in by late February 2023.