Between 1988 and 1991 it was compulsory for sheep farmers to dip their sheep using pesticides containing OPs, and they are still widely available in agriculture. Recently scientists have concluded that low-level exposure to OP’s can result in lasting brain damage. If you suffer flu like symptoms after handing OPs it could be a sign of exposure.
FARMER’S LUNG Farmer’s Lung is caused by inhaling mould spores. These spores are so tiny that they are easily absorbed and work their way into the smallest lung cells as you breathe. Symptoms include a dry cough, flu-like aches and pains and eventually shortness of breath. These symptoms are not unusual in winter but if they persist you should visit your doctor. Make sure you tell your GP if you have been exposed to dusty forage. If you ignore the problem then you run the risk of further contamination which can lead to chronic chest trouble and the development of scar tissue. This causes irreversible damage and permanent shortness of breath.