Men's Passion #74 - February 2016

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The Entrepreneurs Creating a new spirit in Kuwait.

A classic at first sight.

Even mo


The classic personality of the 1815 Rattrapante

pocket watches. A close-up look at the L101.1 manu-

After all, this timepiece unit

Perpetual Calendar is recognisable at first sight.

facture calibre reveals its classic design. But since

plications: the 211-part per

The railway-track minute scale, the Arabic numer-

considerably less space is available in the case of a

day of week, month, and le

als, and the symmetrically arranged subsidiary dials

wristwatch than in traditional pocket watches, the en-

chronograph rattrapante

take their inspiration from earlier A. Lange & Söhne

gineers had to master many a mechanical challenge.

stopped and intermediat

Morad Yousuf Behbehani · Salhiya Mall – Ground Floor · Kuwait · Tel. + 965 2242 1945 ·

Even more so when taking a closer look.

Manufacture calibre L101.1, crafted from 631 parts

p look at the L101.1 manu-

After all, this timepiece unites two sophisticated com-

classic design. But since

plications: the 211-part perpetual calendar with date,

legitimately refers to Ferdinand A. Lange’s birth

available in the case of a

day of week, month, and leap year, and the 206-part

year, because with its elaborate complications, it

nal pocket watches, the en-

chronograph rattrapante mechanism that displays

represents the Saxon manufactory’s aspiration

y a mechanical challenge.

stopped and intermediate times. Thus, the name

in a distinctive way.

45 ·

of the 1815 Rattrapante Perpetual Calendar


JUST A THOUGHT Dear Passionate Readers, Kuwait is in the midst of a frenzy of entrepreneurial activity not witnessed since the early years of independence. Then, it was spurred on by a sense of national pride and identity, and today we can feel the same urge again, a desire to go back to the origins of what truly defines Kuwait - Kuwaiti ambition and drive. Encouraging the revived spirit, Kuwait has created the first National Fund for Small and Medium Enterprise. Certain to be a game-changer for the economy, its KD 2 billion capital is committed towards financing up to 80% of the capital for feasible small and medium projects submitted by Kuwaiti nationals. For this special edition of MEN’S PASSION we’ve had the privilege of meeting some of the men and women at the heart of the nation’s current entrepreneurial revolution. Starting with the co-joint initiative between the public and private sector “STARTUP KUWAIT”, MEN’S PASSION delves into the opportunities now open to the creative Kuwaiti minds starting from the academic preparation headed by Dr. Redha Behbehani, to the incubators that are being established by long-standing businessman Essa Al Essa who is investing his years of experience in support of fledgling entities, through to some of the passionate young entrepreneurs who have succeeded in bringing their dreams to reality. They are all playing key roles in taking Kuwait to the next stage, just like Abdulmohsen Behbehani who has been entrusted with his forefather’s legacy is continuing in the entrepreneurial footsteps of his father and grandfather. Each and every one reflects the courage of today’s brave new Kuwait. Their determination spreads a light across our nation that will act as a beacon to others. Success always breeds success. The common belief shared by these and Kuwait’s other numerous spirited entrepreneurs has swept away the previously too often repeated “Why?” and replaced it with a vigorous “Why not?”. To those men and women committing their energy, their life and their future to the commercial growth, success and stability of Kuwait, we salute you. And we wish you the strength and wisdom of your forefathers as you continue your endeavors. Happy Independence day to all,

Zeina Mokaddam Managing Director

K U WA I T C I T Y S A L H I YA C O M P L E X TEL. 22996535 i n f o @ d i n a r- t r a d i n g . c o m

ON THE COVER: February 2016 Kuwait is in the early stages of a revolution. A commercial revolution. The younger generation are looking to themselves and defining their future. In the spirit of their forefathers, they’re turning up the entrepreneurial heat and setting out along their own road into the business world. A week does not pass without us hearing of the latest exciting startup hitting the streets (or the web). There’s a new network of supporting incubators and accelerators for budding entrepreneurs to choose from. In this edition you’ll meet advisors, entrepreneurs and hear stories of proven success.

EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Amera Al-Awadhi LEGAL CONSULTANT Khaled Al-Kandari Al-Kandari Law Firm PUBLISHED BY

MANAGING DIRECTOR Zeina Mokaddam ACTING MANAGING DIRECTOR Nouf Al-Hajri MANAGING EDITOR Simon Balsom CONTRIBUTORS Zeina Al-Ayoub (PR) MaryAnn D’Silva (PR) Cityscape (Real Estate)

CONTENTS 16 Startup Kuwait with Dr. Redha Behbehani 20 Mefazec Connectivity with Essa al-Essa 24 Mohammed Jaafar E-commerce, and beyond

28 Zaina Al-Bader Creator of the bookr app, and Infiniti Speed Pitcher 30 Abdul Mohsen Behbehani Director, Behbehani Group 34 Hussain Taha The Cigar Aficionado


PH7 is a specialized publishing house based in Kuwait. Telephone +(965) 2572 0810 Fax +(965) 2572 0860 Website To maintain the desired quality of our publication, your contribution and feedback are welcomed. Please email your suggestions to For advertising, do not hesitate to contact For subscription, please email your details to PH7 wishes to state that the opinions expressed in MEN’S PASSION are those of the authors concerned and not necessarily those of the publisher. BPA Worldwide Consumer Publication Audit Membership Applied for September 2014.

Choose the best


- Sharq


- Kuwait City

- Sharq

- Fahaheel International intoptique Optique


BMW’s New 7 Series S pa c e -a g e lu x u ry

40 M c La re n GT Co nfir ms F a c t o ry Dri v e r L i n e - Up F o r Ba t hu rs t 1 2 H o u rs 42

Re g io na l p re m i e re s s h i n e f o r P o rs c he i n Qa t a r P o r s c he 911 ra n g e a n d M a c a n GT S s ho wc a s e e v o l u t i o n o f s po r t s c a r perf o rm a n c e a t Qa t a r M o t o r S h o w 2 0 1 6


2016 Le x us G S F P e r f o r ma nc e S e d a n O ff e rs a D y na mic Ride , L u x u ri o u s Co m fo r t f o r F i v e

46 Aud i I nno va t i o n s a t 2016 Int e r n a t i o n a l Co ns um e r E le c t ro n i c s S h o w 48

T he M e rc e d es -Be n z S - C la s s ic o n s Re de fining t e c h n o l o g y, c o m fo r t a nd s t y l e s i n c e 1 9 7 2

50 Z e nith – At T h e Pi n n a c l e 150 y e a r s , a n d s t i l l m a k i n g e v e r y s e c o nd c o u n t 52

Frédérique Constant’s Horological Smartwatch wit h S e ba s t ie n C re t e g n y, Re g io na l S a les Di re c t o r


Jo ur ne y T hro u g h T i m e w i t h A. La ng e & S ö h n e J ubile e y e a r e n d s w i t h a n e xc e lle nt c o n c e rt a n d a n e w HA ND WE RK S K U N S T e d i t i o n

58 T he O m e g a P l o p ro f Re s urf a c e s F o ur Ne w E di t i o n s U p d a t e T he S t urdy Di v e rs ’ Wa t c h Wit h Lig ht wei g h t M a t e ri a l s A nd F re s h A p p e a l


L on gin es’ C on qu est of St. Mor itz To cel eb rat e i t s p art nershi p wi t h t he resort of S t . Mori t z , Longi nes unvei l s t he C onq uest 1/100t h S t . Mori t z


ORIS salutes the spirit of Williams F1 Team N ew col l ect i on evok es gl ory of i coni c Formul a O ne t eam

6 2 P aolo C an ali S art ori al i st 64

Salvatore Ferragamo S p ri ng- S ummer 2016

6 6 L an vin S p ri ng / S ummer 2016 68

A Suit To Travel In From P aul S mi t h

7 0 C alligr aph y th e Sou l of Wr itin g wi t h Mont egrap p a 72

Davidoff Agar Blend wi t h i t s creat or A l i enor Massenet

7 4 Th in k D ifferen tly N ew York & Bei rut 7 7 Grou n d C on trol To Major Tom Y O TEL’s N ew York C i t y hot el 8 0 Z eitgeist Does your eyewear sp eak f or you? 8 2 R eal E state Oppor tu n ities in Mon ten egro 8 6 E ven ts


Startup Kuwait with Dr. Redha Behbehani



n business it’s not all about the numbers, but here are a couple of key figures that resonated around the nation: 98/2013 and KD 2 billion. The first is a law number from Kuwait’s statute book, and it delivered the second – KD 2 billion to be invested in the establishment of new small and medium enterprises in the country. Not unnaturally it sparked a new surge in the concept of entrepreneurship and support in building Kuwait’s entrepreneurial ecosystem. Since discover y of oil, the countr y has relied on its fabulous oil wealth, a natural gif t that would simply keep on giving. Other nations in the region have, for some time, have made an at tempt in shif ting focus towards generating a diversified economy for a life af ter oil. Kuwait, although apparently somewhat late to the game, has commit ted to i t w h o l e h e a r t e d l y. It has spawned a valuable net work of organizations and initiatives in suppor t of the potential of new grow th. The latest, and just about to set of f out of its own star ting blocks, is Star tup Kuwait. A n initiative from the Global Center at College of Business Administration, Kuwait Univer sit y and headed by D r. Redha Behbehani, Star tup Kuwait is a non-profit initiative (as the case for the Global Center) that came as a response to macro and micro economic needs. It is based on three factor s: • the need for suppor ting youth ambitions and their entrepreneurial passion • the role of academia in preparing the nex t generation of entrepreneur s • the government’s allocation of $US7 billion to fund star tup businesses Star tup Kuwait’s mission is to act as an accelerator of seed educator and accelerator for future entrepreneur s by creating a plat form that takes students from a theoretical framework towards practical execution. This plat form is being of fered to other univer sities in Kuwait who, in turn, will adopt it and implement it within their campuses, all within spirit of collaboration and ser ving the societ y. Star tup Kuwait fir st program is “National Innovation and Entrepreneur ship Challenge” (Star tup Kuwait Competition) which has brought 5 univer sities / colleges in Kuwait to par ticipate in business idea competition spring 2016. (Box Hill College Kuwait, Australian College of Kuwait, Gulf Univer sit y for Science & Technology, A merican Univer sit y of Kuwait, and Kuwait Univer sit y).

We met Dr. Redha Behbehani and listened as he explained more about his hopes and passion for Star tup Kuwait, and for the future of entrepreneurship in Kuwait. “It was impor tant for us to be f ir st out of the block with an initiative like this. We’re in the unive r sities, and focusing on those who are primed and ready to establish Kuwait’s nex t ge ne ration of e ntrepre neur s. Launching in spring 2016, right now, we’re ke e n to star t creating success stories within par tne r unive r sities, giving the best learning expe rie nces. As the program rolls out, into fall 2016 and through to 2017, we’ll establish close r links with the industr y, adding value to Star tup Kuwait. We’ve planned measured grow th, grow th that will ref le ct the real ne eds of those e nrolled with us. Kuwait ne eds a new spirit of e ntrepre neur ship. The days of the state suppor ting a whole nation through its oil and mine ral wealth ge ne rously are no longe r realistic. A stude nt going from graduation dire ctly to a job within the public se ctor is a disappearing sce nario. Kuwait is deve loping to be come a dif fe re nt nation now – it ne eds to be come and is be coming more dive r se. The oil price is down, and the re are implications he re for grow th, along with a weake ned public se ctor investme nt. Entrepre neur ship is the future for the youth, and the youth se es oppor tunit y in this dire ction. We se e grow th in the se r vice se ctor, within ‘cot tage industries’ that revolve around the oil se ctor, within spe cialized industries, health, education, the f inancial se ctor, and te chnology. An e ntrepre neur, at least a successful one, will ope rate more ef f icie ntly than any public e ntit y will eve r do. They’ll be more ef f icie nt be cause it’s the ir time, passion, and money, and the ir future that’s in the ir hands. Star tup Kuwait will guide and provide re cognition to those not only with great ideas, but those for whom the ir passion and commitme nt match the pote ntial. We’re creating a pipe line of oppor tunities for the ideas ge ne ration.”

16 17


‫عمت أرجاء الوطن‪ 98/2013 :‬و ‪7‬‬ ‫ليست األعمال مسألة أرقام فقط‪ ،‬لكن ههنا بعض األرقام الرئيسية التي ّ‬ ‫كويتي ‪ ،‬وهذا القانون َع َرض الرقم التالي‪ 7 :‬مليارات دوالر أمريكي سيتم استثمارها‬ ‫األول هو رقم قانون‬ ‫مليارات‪.‬‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫أن هذه المبادرة أطلقت موجة جديدة في‬ ‫في تأسيس شركات صغيرة ومتوسطة الحجم في الكويت‪ .‬ال نستغرب ّ‬ ‫مفهوم ريادة األعمال‪.‬‬

‫لنفطي ة‬ ‫جد ا على ثر و تها ا‬ ‫ا عتمد ت ا لكو يت لفتر ة طو يلة‬ ‫ً‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫تكف يو ًم ا‬ ‫ا لر ا ئعة ‪ ،‬و بد ا كأ ّن هذ ه ا لنعمة ا لطبيعية لن‬ ‫عن ا لعطا ء ‪ .‬قا مت د و ل أ خر ى في ا لمنطقة ‪ ،‬منذ بعض‬ ‫ا لو قت ‪ ،‬بتحو يل تركيزها نحو تو ليد ا قتصا د لمر حلة ما‬ ‫بعد ا لنفط ‪ .‬على ا لرغم من تأ ّخ ر ا لكو يت نو ًع ا ما في‬ ‫ا لسبا ق ‪ ،‬إ ّل أ ّن ها متفا نية لتحقيق هذ ا ا لهد ف ‪.‬‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫لمنظ ما ت‬ ‫قي مة من ا‬ ‫نتج عن ذ لك تشكيل شبكة‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫لنمو ا لجد يد ة ‪ .‬أ حد ث عضو‬ ‫ني ا ت ا‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫و ا لمبا د ر ا ت ‪ ،‬د ً‬ ‫عم ا إل مكا ّ‬ ‫تستعد‬ ‫لتي‬ ‫ا‬ ‫»‬ ‫يت‬ ‫كو‬ ‫ب‬ ‫أ‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ر‬ ‫ستا‬ ‫«‬ ‫هو‬ ‫لشبكة‬ ‫في هذ ه ا‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫لإل نطال ق في عا لم ا أل عما ل ‪.‬‬

‫هذ ا ا لنو ع من ا لمبا د ر ا ت ‪ .‬نحن متو ا جد و ن في ا لجا معا ت‬ ‫و ّ‬ ‫نرك ز على ا أل فر ا د ا لمهيئين و ا لجا هز ين ليكو نو ا ا لجيل‬ ‫نُ‬ ‫طل ق أ عما لنا في ر بيع‬ ‫ف‬ ‫سو‬ ‫‪.‬‬ ‫ل‬ ‫عما‬ ‫أل‬ ‫ا‬ ‫د‬ ‫ا‬ ‫و‬ ‫ر‬ ‫من‬ ‫م‬ ‫د‬ ‫ا لقا‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫لي ا نسعى للبد ء بتكو ين قصص نجا ح‬ ‫حا‬ ‫و‬ ‫‪،2‬‬ ‫‪0‬‬ ‫‪16‬‬ ‫م‬ ‫ا لعا‬ ‫ًّ‬ ‫من د ا خل ا لكليا ت ‪ ،‬لتو فير أ فضل ا لخبر ا ت ا لتعليمية ‪.‬‬ ‫مع ا نتشا ر ا لبر نا مج‪ ،‬بحلو ل خر يف ‪ 2 0 1 6‬و خال ل ا لعا م‬ ‫‪ ،2 0 17‬سنخلق ر و ا بط و ثيقة مع ا لشر كا ت ا لعا ملة‬ ‫في ا لمجا ل ‪ ،‬مما سيضفي قيمة أ كبر على « ستا ر ت‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫لنمو مد ر و س مما سيعكس‬ ‫خط طنا‬ ‫أ ب كو يت » ‪ .‬لقد‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫لمسج لين لد ينا ‪.‬‬ ‫ا‬ ‫ب‬ ‫للطل‬ ‫لفعلي ة‬ ‫ا لحا جا ت ا‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ّ‬

‫« ستا ر ت أ ب كو يت » هي مبا د ر ة خا ّص ة من ا لمركز ا لعا لمي‬ ‫في جا معة ا لكو يت ‪ ،‬يتر ّأ سها ا لد كتو ر ر ضا بهبها ني ‪ .‬هي‬ ‫رد ا على ا لحا جا ت ا ّ‬ ‫لكل ّي ة و ا لجزئية ‪.‬‬ ‫مبا د ر ة غير ر بحية ‪ ،‬بل ًّ‬ ‫و تر تكز ا لمبا د ر ة على ثال ثة عو ا مل ‪:‬‬

‫تحتا ج ا لكو يت إ لى ر و ح جد يد ة في ر يا د ة ا أل عما ل ‪ .‬و ّل ت‬ ‫شعب ا بكا مله‬ ‫ا أل ّي ا م ا لتي كا نت تد عم فيها ا لد و لة‬ ‫ً‬ ‫بفضل ثر و تها ا لنفطية و ا لمعد نية ‪ .‬أ صبح من ا لنا د ر أ ن‬ ‫يتخر ج و يتو ّظ ف مبا شر ة في ا لقطا ع ا لعا م‬ ‫لب ا‬ ‫نر ى طا ً‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫تتطو ر ا لكو يت ا ليو م لتصبح‬ ‫‪.‬‬ ‫ظيفي‬ ‫و‬ ‫من‬ ‫أ‬ ‫و‬ ‫د‬ ‫جي‬ ‫بر ا تب‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ً‬ ‫و ً‬ ‫تنو ًع ا‪ ،‬و قد بد أ ت‬ ‫كثر‬ ‫أ‬ ‫تصبح‬ ‫ن‬ ‫أل‬ ‫ج‬ ‫تحتا‬ ‫‪.‬‬ ‫‪.‬‬ ‫‪.‬‬ ‫ا‬ ‫مختلف‬ ‫طن ا‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ا لنتا ئج ‪.‬‬ ‫تلتمس‬

‫لتمو يل‬

‫تر ا جعت أ سعا ر ا لنفط و هنا تو جد آ ثا ر على ا لنمو و ضعف‬ ‫في ا لقطا ع ا لعا م ‪ .‬ر يا د ة ا أل عما ل هي مستقبل ا لكو يت‬ ‫و ير ى ا لشبا ب ذ لك ‪.‬‬

‫• ا لحا جة للخصخصة‬ ‫• د و ر ا لبيئة ا أل كا د يمية‬ ‫ر ّو ا د ا أل عما ل‬ ‫• تخصيص ا لحكو مة لمبلغ‬ ‫ا لنا شئة‬ ‫ا لشر كا ت‬

‫إ عد ا د‬

‫في‬ ‫‪7‬‬

‫ا لجيل‬

‫مليا ر ا ت‬

‫ا لقا د م‬

‫د و ال ر‬


‫تهد ف « ستا ر ت أ ب كو يت » إ لى لعب د و ر تثقيفي‬ ‫تأ سيس‬ ‫عبر‬ ‫لمستقبلي ين‬ ‫ا‬ ‫ا أل عما ل‬ ‫لر ّو ا د‬ ‫و سر يع‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫لطل ب من ا إل طا ر ا لنظر ّي إ لى ا لتنفيذ‬ ‫منص ة تُ ر ا فق ا‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ا لتي‬ ‫للجا معا ت‬ ‫لمنص ة‬ ‫ا‬ ‫هذ ه‬ ‫عر ض‬ ‫يتم‬ ‫لعملي ‪.‬‬ ‫ا‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ستقو م بد و ر ها با عتما د ها و تطبيقها د ا خل حر مها ‪.‬‬ ‫أ صبحت « ستا ر ت أ ب‬ ‫هم‬ ‫ئيسي ين‬ ‫ر‬ ‫شركا ء‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫للعلو م و ا لتكنو لو جيا‪،‬‬ ‫ا لكلية ا أل ستر ا لية في‬

‫كو يت » متعا قد ة حتى ا ليو م مع‬ ‫ا لخليج‬ ‫جا معة‬ ‫ا لكو يت ‪،‬‬ ‫جا معة‬ ‫ا لجا معة ا أل ميركية في ا لكو يت ‪،‬‬ ‫ا لكو يت ‪ ،‬كلية بو كسهل ا لكو يت ‪.‬‬

‫لنا‬ ‫عرض‬ ‫ا لذ ي‬ ‫بهبها ني‬ ‫ر ضا‬ ‫ا لد كتو ر‬ ‫مع‬ ‫ا لتقينا‬ ‫آ ما له « لستا ر ت أ ب كو يت » و لمستقبل ر يا د ة ا أل عما ل‬ ‫في ا لكو يت ‪.‬‬ ‫« كا ن من ا لضر و ر ي با لنسبة لنا أ ن نكو ن أ ّو ل من يعرض‬

‫نمو ا في قطا ع ا لخد ما ت ‪ ،‬و بشكل خا ص و في‬ ‫هنا ك‬ ‫ًّ‬ ‫ا لصنا عا ت ا لصغير ة ا لتي تتمحو ر حو ل ا لقطا ع ا لنفطي ‪،‬‬ ‫و في ا لصنا عا ت ا لمتخصصة ا لتي تر تكز على ا لتكنو لو جيا‬ ‫ً‬ ‫طبعا –‬ ‫لي ة ر ّو ا د ا أل عما ل – ا لنا جحين‬ ‫ا‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫لمتقد مة ‪ .‬إ ّن فعا ّ‬ ‫فع ا لين أ كثر‬ ‫ن‬ ‫نو‬ ‫سيكو‬ ‫‪.‬‬ ‫مة‬ ‫عا‬ ‫هيئة‬ ‫ي‬ ‫أ‬ ‫ة‬ ‫لي‬ ‫فعا‬ ‫من‬ ‫كبر‬ ‫أ‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫تخص هم و مستقبلهم بين أ يد يهم ‪.‬‬ ‫أل ّن ا أل مو ا ل‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫كما نر ى أ ّن قطا عا ت ا لمصر فية و ا إل ستثما ر و ا لصحة‬ ‫ال ستقبا ل‬ ‫جا هزة‬ ‫ر ئيسية‬ ‫قطا عا ت‬ ‫هي‬ ‫و ا لتعليم‬ ‫ر ّو ا د ا أل عما ل ‪.‬‬ ‫نو عين‬ ‫و تقد ير‬ ‫بتو جيه‬ ‫كو يت »‬ ‫أب‬ ‫« ستا ر ت‬ ‫ستقو م‬ ‫من ا أل فر ا د ‪َ :‬م ن لد يهم أ فكا ر ر ا ئعة و من لد يهم شغف‬ ‫ًّ‬ ‫ُ‬ ‫للف َر ص لجيل‬ ‫خط ا‬ ‫و ا لتزا م يسا و يا ن طا قا تهم ‪ .‬إ ّن نا نخلق‬ ‫ا أل فكا ر ا لجد يد ة ‪» .‬‬


‫“ستارت أب كويت”‬

‫مع الدكتور رضا بهبهاني‬

‫‪18 19‬‬



Connectivity with Essa Al-Essa



n this period of fresh growth, renewed energy and investment in startups and small businesses in Kuwait, the requirement for supporting these growing commercial entities is varied. Some will come to the market with little more than an idea, others will be fully-fledged and looking for a boost to take them to the next level. Mefazec seeks to offer a broad range of services to today’s entrepreneurs – from networking and business advice through to secretarial assistance. It seeks to give them wings. We visited Mefazec at Al Hamra Tower to learn more about this newly launched accelerator and incubator. The brainchild of Essa Al-Essa, himself a man with more than three decades of professional knowledge and a sense of youthful enthusiasm, he has turned his vision into Mefazec - an innovative accelerator that enables young entrepreneurs in the region to see their business aspirations come to reality. With a hands-on approach, AlSaleh will oversee every step of each project to ensure the highest possible success rate. He is well acquitted in the commercial world himself - his expertise has earned him several prominent positions at major institutions including Chairman and CEO of KIPCO subsidiary United Industries Co., and Vice-Chairman of Qurain Petrochemical Industries Co. His involvement is certain to open many doors, and to boost Mefazec further he has built an admirable team from across a variety of business disciplines, each of whom brings their own unique character and expertise to the incubator. He’s dedicated to making Mefazec a key player in elevating the regional start-up landscape into a globally recognized market, providing long-term economic security for the region. To this end, their key aim is to identify start-ups with long-term development potential and to support entrepreneurs and their businesses in growing.

With a one-of-a-kind all-inclusive office space in the heart of Kuwait City, Mefazec is equipped to incubate and accelerate start-ups from every major professional field. They’ll work closely with enterprises in order for clear milestones to be set and ensure the success of each start-up. So, how does the Mefazec process flow? The core of any relationship is communication – and this process begins with an informal ‘getting to know you’ session. During this, their team will drill down into the core idea of prospective businesses. From knowledge gained, their experts will know enough to judge whether, in fact, Mefazec is the right point for your start-up to accelerate from. Assuming that it is, phase two focuses on a deep assessment of the new company. Having identified new targets, they’ll assist across a broad spectrum of levels including: feasibility analysis, legal assistance, registration and legal entity formation, marketing, sales, human resources and even with the process of finding you a location to conduct business out of. The third and final phase is tailor-made for each entity, and is designed to individually provide across the board solutions to guarantee the correct platforms for start-ups to accelerate to the next level of business success.

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Sulaiman Al-Qenai, Nasser Al Sabah and Hussain Ghanem

Here, Mefazec’s experts will start to hone in on fresh ideas for the new business, match-make it with the right services to enable well-rounded support and provide guidance towards investment opportunities.

that, freelancers will benefit by providing their services to entrepreneurs, service providers will be able to target entrepreneurs directly, and investors will be able to meet the star tups that they have an appetite for.

One of the headline advantages to any entrepreneur joining the Mefazec process is the opportunity of making the right connections – fast. They bring with them mentors with years of experience, and service providers covering a variety of professions. Their knowledge bank is enviable too, with direct connections and local affiliations to AUK, AOU and Kuwait University.

To guarantee that Mefazec’s entrepreneurs will receive the best service and advice, Mefazec is an accredited member of the International Business Innovation Association (InBIA). InBIA is the world’s leading organization when it comes to advancing business incubation and entrepreneurship. It already provides thousands of professionals with information, education, advocacy and networking resources, bringing excellence to the process of assisting early-stage companies.

Access to funds is often the main headache for new ventures. Whilst there are no gurarantees, Mefazec gives its fledgling businessmen and businesswomen a headstart with organized pitching sessions, as well as opening doors with a view to arranging financing through local banks and, directly, through The Mefazec Private Fund. Who will be the winners here? The truth is, there exists the potential for many. The ideal beneficiar y is a driven and determined individual living in Kuwait that has the willingness to learn and make a difference. Along with

So, will Mefazec create entrepreneurs? No, it won’t – entrepreneurs are never created, they are born. But there is no doubt that Mefazec will play a key role in shaping the entrepreneurs of the future. For sure we will look back on the end of January 2016 and Mefazec’s foundation as a pivotal moment in the growth of Kuwait and the region’s small business sector. You can find out more about Mefazec at

27-11-2015 to 26-12-2015

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Mohammed Jaafar E-commerce, and beyond



f Kuwait has a man who epitomizes e-commerce and entrepreneurship, it’s Mohammed Jaafar. His success in growing Talabat has become almost legendar y and, since his exit last year, all eyes have been on him in anticipation of his next step. We can be sure of one thing, it’ll be a considered movement, and it’s certain to come at a time he judges to be most beneficial. He’s a man in no rush to make a move, but when he does there will be no one more committed.

In Talabat he saw a small local company, successful in its own way, and delivered on his vision to grow it. The headline figures are remarkable enough: bought in 2010 for US$3 million and sold for US$170 million five years later, they belie the intense effort and sharp e-commerce acumen that stand behind this success. No one turns three million dollars into one hundred and seventy million through good luck alone. Mohammed’s understanding of business, and in particular of business in Kuwait and across the region, are the true foundations on which his success has been built. Vice-Chairman of Danah Al Safat Foodstuff Company, he’s also a big supporter of other young Kuwaiti entrepreneurs, is an enthusiastic mentor at the city’s Sirdab Lab business incubator, and a big proponent of Kuwait as a nation to establish and to build a business. “People often ask me if I would recommend Kuwait as a place to start a new business”, he says, adding “and it’s a very good question, with a complex answer”. There’s no doubt that the prospect of doing business in Kuwait reveals a list of many ‘pros’, and many ‘cons’. Overall, for Mohammed, the first list still outweighs the second. He candidly reflects, “It’s easy to look at other cities in the region and feel we’d be better off to go and work there, that things would be easier in Dubai or Bahrain for example. There’s a lot to support this sentiment; these and others present business-friendly locations – more so than Kuwait today”. Yet for him, it’s the social context of Kuwait, and the nation’s heritage, that sets it apart and ahead of other countries. “Kuwaitis are natural traders. We have been for generations”, he says. “It’s in our blood, it’s who we are and what we do”. So, success against the odds? Perhaps. Bureaucracy here ranges from merely frustrating to a severe impediment, and this is the first area Mohammed would wish to see change. Equally, he looks with envy towards the UAE’s cosmopolitan

cities and sees them as magnets for international talent. “We need to do more in Kuwait to make this a more attractive place for the highest skilled from around the globe”. For sure this is happening, and the success of his and other companies has set a train in motion that he hopes will go all the way towards restoring Kuwait as the commercial engine of the region. April 2013’s, law number 98, which led to the establishment of the Kuwait National Fund for Small and Medium Enterprises, and the many startup initiatives and NGOs highlight the nation’s commitment to supporting the development of new commercial entities. We’re a small nation, and fiercely proud. We have a history of backing one another. Decades ago we saw the development of our trading families into commercial companies. One wonders whether we are on the verge of seeing the pattern repeat itself. Mohammed feels, whilst possible, it is unlikely. “The commercial history of Kuwait has created large trading blocks in specific areas. This has effectively delivered monopolies into the hands of a relatively small number of people. It’ll be very difficult for businesses starting today to enter existing markets. The way forward for today’s entrepreneurs is to identify new markets, and to develop within a new economy”. His advice for those on the verge of entering business for the first time is precise; “Remain ethically correct, believe in yourself and never give up”. Ethics have always been, and will remain, at the heart of his businesses. “There are no shortcuts in business. If it’s the right way to do it, then it’s the only way to do it”. Respect, given and received, is an incalculably valuable business asset. It’s one that will never appear on your balance sheet, but it is certainly reflected in your bottom line. Kuwait is hungry for fresh success. Mohammed Jaffar is in the planning stages of his own next contribution to it. There’s no doubt that his story so far reflects well on the country, and regardless of the scale of his next project it will shine a positive light on the new commercial world developing at the northern end of the Arabian Gulf.

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‫و جد في شر كة « طلبا ت » شر كة محلية نا جحة بطر يقتها‬ ‫فحقق أ ر قا م‬ ‫ا لخا صة ‪ ،‬و قد م با لتا لي ر ؤ يته للنمو ‪.‬‬ ‫مهمة و مثير ة لال هتما م ‪ :‬ففي عا م ‪ 2 0 1 0‬ا شتر ى ا لمو قع‬ ‫بثال ثة مال يين د و ال ر ‪ ،‬و بعد خمس سنو ا ت با ع ا لمو قع‬ ‫بقيمة ‪ 17 0‬مليو ن د و ال ر أ مير كي ‪ ،‬بحيث تخفي هذ ه‬ ‫للتجا ر ة‬ ‫ا لشد يد ة‬ ‫ا أل ر قا م ا لجهو د ا لحثيثة و ا لفطنة‬ ‫ا لتي تقف خلف هذ ا ا لنجا ح ‪ .‬فا لحظ و حد ه‬ ‫ا إل لكتر و نية‬ ‫ً‬ ‫معين ا على تحو يل ثال ثة مال يين إ لى‬ ‫شخص ا‬ ‫ال يسا عد‬ ‫ً‬ ‫ما ئة و سبعين مليو ن د و ال ر أ مير كي ‪ .‬و قد شكل فهم‬ ‫محمد لمجا ل ا أل عما ل و ال سيما ا أل عما ل في ا لكو يت‬ ‫و في ا لمنطقة ‪ ،‬ا أل سس ا لفعلية ا لتي سا همت في بنا ء‬ ‫هذ ا ا لنجا ح ‪.‬‬

‫تحسينا ت في ا لكو يت لنجعل هذ ا ا لبلد مكا ًن ا جا ذ ًب ا‬ ‫أل صحا ب ا لمؤ هال ت و ا لمها ر ا ت ا لمر تفعة من كا فة أ نحا ء‬ ‫لي ا با لتأ كيد ‪ ،‬فقد سا هم ا لنجا ح‬ ‫ا لعا لم » ‪ .‬و ذ لك يحد ث حا ً‬ ‫ا لذ ي حققته شر كته و شر كا ت أ خر ى في إ د ا ر ة عجلة هذ ا‬ ‫ا لتغيير‪ ،‬و يأ مل أ ن يؤ د ي ذ لك في نها ية ا لمطا ف إ لى‬ ‫إ عا د ة ا لكو يت إ لى و ضعها ا لسا بق كمحر ك تجا ر ب في‬ ‫ا لمنطقة ‪ .‬فقد سا هم ا لقا نو ن ر قم ‪ 9 8‬ا لذ ي صد ر في‬ ‫أ بر يل ‪ 2 0 1 3‬و ا لذ ي أ د ى إ لى تأ سيس ا لصند و ق ا لو طني‬ ‫و ا لمتو سطة ‪،‬‬ ‫ا لصغير ة‬ ‫ا لمشر و عا ت‬ ‫و تنمية‬ ‫لر عا ية‬ ‫ا لمتعد د ة ‪،‬‬ ‫ا لشر كا ت‬ ‫إ طال ق‬ ‫مبا د ر ا ت‬ ‫إ لى‬ ‫با إل ضا فة‬ ‫و ا لمنظما ت غير ا لحكو مية بتسليط ا لضو ء على ا لتز ا م‬ ‫ا أل مة بد عم تنمية ا لمؤ سسا ت ا لتجا ر ية ا لجد يد ة ‪.‬‬

‫و قد كا ن نا ئب ر ئيس شر كة د ا نة ا لصفا ة ا لغذ ا ئية‬ ‫ا لد ا عم ا أل كبر لر و ا د أ عما ل شبا ب كو يتيين آ خر ين ‪ ،‬و هو‬ ‫متحم س في سر د ا ب ال ب ال حتضا ن ا أل عما ل في‬ ‫مر شد‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ا لمد ينة ‪ ،‬و هو مؤ يد كبير للكو يت كأ مة لبنا ء ا أل عما ل ‪.‬‬

‫جد ا بأ نفسنا ‪ ،‬كما أ ن‬ ‫إ ننا أ مة صغير ة لكننا فخو ر و ن‬ ‫ً‬ ‫تا ر يخنا حا فل في د عم بعضنا ‪ .‬و منذ عقو د خلت ‪ ،‬شهد نا‬ ‫عا ئال تنا ا لتجا ر ية تتحو ل إ لى شر كا ت تجا ر ية ‪ .‬و ال يسعنا‬ ‫سو ى أ ن نتسا ء ل ما إ ذ ا كا ن ا لتا ر يخ يكر ر نفسه ‪ .‬و يشعر‬ ‫ً‬ ‫ممكن ا ‪.‬‬ ‫محمد أ ن ذ لك غير مر جح إ نما‬

‫لب ا ما يسأ لني ا لنا س إ ن كنت أ نصح بإ طال ق‬ ‫و يقو ل « غا ً‬ ‫ً‬ ‫مضيف ا ‪ « :‬إ نه سؤ ا ل‬ ‫ا أل عما ل ا لجد يد ة من ا لكو يت »‪،‬‬ ‫و جيه و إ جا بته معقد ة للغا ية » ‪.‬‬ ‫مما ال‬ ‫تكشف‬ ‫و بشكل‬ ‫با لنسبة‬

‫شك فيه إ ن إ مكا نية ا لقيا م با أل عما ل في ا لكو يت‬ ‫عن قا ئمة طو يلة من ا إل يجا بيا ت و ا لسلبيا ت ‪.‬‬ ‫عا م ‪ ،‬تفو ق ال ئحة ا إل يجا بيا ت ال ئحة ا لسلبيا ت‬ ‫إ لى محمد ‪.‬‬

‫و يعبر عن ذ لك بصر ا حة ‪ ،‬قا ً‬ ‫ئل ‪ « :‬من ا لسهل أ ن ننظر‬ ‫إ لى مد ن أ خر ى في ا لمنطقة و أ ن نشعر با لر غبة إ لى‬ ‫ا لتو جه إ ليها و ا لعمل فيها ‪ ،‬و نعتقد إ ن ا أل مو ر ستكو ن‬ ‫ً‬ ‫مثل ‪ .‬فعو ا مل كثير ة‬ ‫أ سهل في د بي أ و في ا لبحر ين‬ ‫تد عم هذ ا ا لشعو ر و بحيث تعتبر هذ ه ا لمد ن و غير ها‬ ‫مو ا قع مال ئمة لأل عما ل أ كثر من ا لكو يت في ا لو قت‬ ‫ا لحا ضر » ‪ .‬لكن با لنسبة إ لى جعفر‪ ،‬تتميز ا لكو يت عن‬ ‫غير ها بسيا قها ا ال جتما عي و إ ر ثها ا لو طني ‪ ،‬مما يجعلها‬ ‫متقد مة عن ا لبلد ا ن ا أل خر ى ‪ .‬و يقو ل جعفر‪ « :‬ا لكو يتيو ن‬ ‫تجا ر با لفطر ة ‪ .‬و قد كنا تجا ًر ا على مد ى أ جيا ل متعد د ة ‪.‬‬ ‫فا لتجا ر ة تجر ي في عر و قنا ‪ ،‬إ نها هو يتها و مهنتنا » ‪.‬‬ ‫ر بما ‪.‬‬ ‫ا لظر و ف ؟‬ ‫كل‬ ‫ر غم‬ ‫نجا ح‬ ‫مسأ لة‬ ‫هي‬ ‫هل‬ ‫فا لبير و قر ا طية هنا تتر ا و ح بين ا لعر قلة ا لبسيطة إ لى‬ ‫ا لعر قلة ا لحا د ة ‪ ،‬و هي ا لمجا ل ا أل سا سي ا لذ ي يتمنى‬ ‫محمد أ ن يتغير‪.‬‬ ‫كذ لك ‪ ،‬ينظر محمد جعفر إ لى ا لمد ن ا لد و لية في‬ ‫مو ا قع‬ ‫و يعتبر ها‬ ‫بحسد‬ ‫ا لمتحد ة‬ ‫ا لعر بية‬ ‫ا إل ما ر ا ت‬ ‫جا ذ بة للمو ا هب ا لد و لية ‪ .‬و يقو ل ‪ « :‬ينبغي أ ن نجر ي‬

‫« أ نشأ تا ر يخ ا لكو يت ا لتجا ر ي كتل تجا ر ية كبير ة في‬ ‫مجا ال ت محد د ة ‪ ،‬مما سا هم بو ضع ا ال حتكا ر ا ت بشكل‬ ‫نسبي ا من ا لنا س ‪ .‬و سيكو ن من‬ ‫فعا ل بيد عد د قليل‬ ‫ً‬ ‫ا لصعب على ا لشر كا ت و ا أل عما ل ا لنا شئة حد ً‬ ‫يث ا أ ن تد خل‬ ‫ا ليو م إ لى ا أل سو ا ق ا لقا ئمة ‪ .‬و تتلخص ا لخطو ة ا لتا لية‬ ‫با لنسبة إ لى ر و ا د ا أل عما ل ا لحا ليين با ستكشا ف أ سو ا ق‬ ‫جد يد ة ‪ ،‬و ا لتطو ر ضمن ا قتصا د جد يد» ‪.‬‬ ‫أ ّم ا للذ ين يو شكو ن على د خو ل مجا ل ا أل عما ل للمر ة‬ ‫ا أل و لي ‪ ،‬فيقد م جعفر نصيحة د قيقة و محد د ة ‪ « :‬ا بق‬ ‫بد ا ‪» .‬‬ ‫قي ا ‪ ،‬آ من بنفسك ‪ ،‬و ال تستسلم أ ً‬ ‫مستقيم ا أ خال ً‬ ‫ً‬ ‫أ عما له ‪.‬‬ ‫جو هر‬ ‫و ستبقى‬ ‫ا أل خال قيا ت‬ ‫كا نت‬ ‫لطا لما‬ ‫و يقو ل في هذ ا ا لسيا ق ‪ « :‬ما من طر ق مختصر ة في‬ ‫مجا ل ا أل عما ل ‪ .‬إ ن كا نت هذ ه ا لطر يقة ا لصحيحة للقيا م‬ ‫با أل عما ل ‪ ،‬فهي إ ذ ن ا لطر يقة ا لو حيد ة لذ لك » ‪ .‬و يعتبر‬ ‫ا ال حتر ا م ا لمتبا د ل من أ صو ل ا أل عما ل ا لقيمة و ا لتي‬ ‫ال تقد ر بثمن ‪ .‬لن يظهر ا ال حتر ا م في ميز ا نيتكم إ نما‬ ‫سينعكس في ا لخط ا لقا عد ي من د و ن أ د نى شك ‪.‬‬ ‫تتو ق ا لكو يت لتذ و ق طعم ا لنجا ح ا لحد يث ‪ .‬و يخطط‬ ‫من‬ ‫سيسا هم‬ ‫ا لتي‬ ‫ا لتا لية‬ ‫للخطو ا ت‬ ‫جعفر‬ ‫محمد‬ ‫خال لها في تحقيق هذ ا ا لنجا ح ‪ .‬و مما ال شك فيه‬ ‫بشكل‬ ‫ا لبلد‬ ‫على‬ ‫تنعكس‬ ‫ا ليو م‬ ‫حتى‬ ‫قصته‬ ‫إن‬ ‫ا لتا لي ‪،‬‬ ‫مشر و عه‬ ‫حجم‬ ‫عن‬ ‫ا لنظر‬ ‫و بغض‬ ‫إ يجا بي ‪،‬‬ ‫ا لجد يد‬ ‫ا لتجا ر ي‬ ‫ا لعا لم‬ ‫في‬ ‫إ يجا بية‬ ‫بطا قة‬ ‫سيشع‬ ‫ا لشما لي‬ ‫ا لطر ف‬ ‫في‬ ‫لي ا‬ ‫و ينمو‬ ‫يتطو ر‬ ‫ا لذ ي‬ ‫حا ً‬ ‫ا لعر بي ‪.‬‬ ‫للخليج‬


‫محمد جعفر‬

‫التجارة اإللكترونية وأكثر‬

‫واحدا يختصر التجارة اإللكترونية وريادة األعمال فهو محمد جعفر من دون أي شك‪ .‬فقد‬ ‫إن كان في الكويت رج ًلا‬ ‫ً‬ ‫أصبح النجاح الذي حققه جعفر في إنماء موقع طلبات قد أصبح أسطور ًيا‪ .‬ومنذ انطالقه في العام الفائت‪ ،‬أصبح‬ ‫تحرك يقوم به جعفر عندما‬ ‫محط األنظار‪ ،‬فانتظر الجميع خطوته التالية‪ .‬ومن المؤكد أن الخطوة التالية هي‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫مفيدا إلى أقصى الحدود‪ .‬إن هذا الرجل ال يستعجل في القيام بخطوته التالية‪ ،‬لكن‬ ‫يعتقد أن ذلك سيكون‬ ‫ً‬ ‫التزاما على اإلطالق‪.‬‬ ‫عندما يقوم بهذه بالخطوة‪ ،‬يصبح الشخص األكثر‬ ‫ً‬

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Zaina Al-Bader

Creator of the bookr app, and Infiniti Speed Pitcher


ne of Kuwait’s coming generation of young entrepreneurs, Zaina Al Bader has already acquitted herself admirably and received a measure of international recognition. With her bookr application, she was one of three startups from the region selected to represent the Middle East in the world finals of Infiniti’s Speed Pitching initiative which took place in Hong Kong in December.


The programme in Hong Kong, closed out what started for Zaina in the Middle East and called on her to be able to present a thorough intelligent and innovative commercial proposition of her bookr project. This was then followed by the regional final in Dubai where 30 finalists converged on the Dubai Autodrome. Each candidate was given the opportunity to pitch their idea to a total of three judges (individually) in the rear cabin of the Infiniti Q70 as it was chauffeured around the track for a period of seven minutes. From this, three finalists – of which Zaina was one - were selected for the journey to Hong Kong. “At Infiniti, we reward passion and drive,” said Juergen Schmitz, Managing Director of Infiniti Middle East. “ ‘Infiniti Speed Pitching’ celebrates the spirit of entrepreneurship and we are very excited to work with like-minded innovators across the Middle East to recognize – and reward – their drive to succeed.” Held over three days from the 14th – 16th of December at the “Infiniti Lab” in Hong Kong, the three finalists underwent an intensive mentoring and coaching programme with Infiniti, Nest and international industry leaders. The Hong Kong program culminated with a final day of pitching their business idea to a panel of Infiniti and Nest senior executives. Keen to learn more, we discussed the process with Zaina and learned her sentiments towards Kuwait as a base for a new enterprise, and her plans for the future of bookr. Men’s Passion: How did you get involved with Infiniti Speed Pitching? ​aina Al Bader: I received a call from Infiniti, and Z they asked me to join their Dubai event. Someone had recommended my startup to them.​ MP: How do you view Kuwait as a base for launching a new enterprise? ​Z aina: Kuwait is a great market to test new ideas and business models because it is a small ecosystem of Kuwaiti nationals and expats, each with varying tastes and cultures.

MP: Have you worked with any of Kuwait’s mentoring groups / start-up supports? Zaina: ‘Zain Great Idea’ was the first support I received. It’s an excellent initiative run by excellent people. I also get a lot of support from Neda Al Dihani at Brillilant Labs, and am a member of Sirdab Lab which is a cool, helpful space for tech entrepreneurs.​ MP: Kuwait is generating a great number of start-ups today. What do you feel are the reasons for this rise in entrepreneurial spirit? ​Z aina: Kuwaitis have always been entrepreneurial and risk takers. Our forefathers were the very definition of risk takers as they left their countries to come here and to establish a better life. It’s in our DNA​. MP: Did the Speed Pitching process encourage you to review your business model / you product? In what ways did you benefit from the process? Zaina: The Speed Pitching did not change our business model or product, but it was a lot of fun to be a part of. It was especially helpful to network and meet other entrepreneurs during the experience. We enjoyed our brief time in Dubai and Hong Kong. MP: What’s next for you and your project. You’re launched. What do you need to do to make it a solid success? Zaina: We have soft-launched and are increasing our user base in a controlled manner, trying to seek strategic partnerships for ​ international expansion while still refining features and functionalities of our product. We want to make sure our product is the right product-market fit for the GCC as it is the main market we are concerned with. MP: What’s next in line for you? ​Z aina: We have recently won the Ooredoo sponsored Arab Mobile Cup Challenge and will travel to Algeria for the final pitching process.​We are excited with the buzz we are getting and hope to launch our Android version by the end of January, and are also planning promotional and marketing campaigns for our official launch.

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Abdul Mohsen Behbehani Director, Behbehani Group


o r this special issue of MEN’S PASSION, The Entrepreneurs Edition, we met and talked to a small number of key businessmen in Kuwait. We discussed their approach to managing and growing a successful business within the national and regional environments.


Abdul Mohsen Behbehani, Director of the Behbehani Group, adds a unique element to this month’s edition. As a member of the third generation of family within the Group’s management, he must apply his acumen towards continuing the success of a vibrant business started by his late grandfather Morad Yousef Behbehani. Here he shares with us his views on the reasons for the enduring success of the business, and how he sees his role as custodian of his forefather’s dreams. Was it always inevitable that you would, one day, join the management of the group? I have always admired my late grandfather’s vision. Ever since he established the company in 1935, his and the Group’s key aim has been to provide our customers with good value on great products - without compromising on quality one bit. This has remained the same for the past 80 years, and I have witnessed my father Ali Morad Behbehani’s similar dedication towards ensuring that, as he continued expansion of the business, it was never compromised. This is the quality that has always driven me to want to be part of this company. Morad Yousef Behbehani’s values and traditions are part of the heritage of Kuwait, and they are woven into the fabric and success of the nation. Do you sometimes see this as an impediment to change, or are you always able to use it, with you co-directors, as a foundation for new growth and new directions? Our traditions and values have always been the foundation of our company. It is these that have given direction to the business since our earliest days back in 19 35. It has been a long journey of success and achievements, one that has witnessed many different and glorious destinations. I intend to keep the same traditions and values, and have no desire to make any changes - rather I feel we will add more as I grow within the company. We celebrated 2015 as the 80th anniversary of MYB. We consider this as our latest launch pad for many more future commitments and accomplishments that we envision laying ahead. These first eighty years have seen our traditions inspire us in every area of business we enter into. Our motto “TRUST is the core of every business” highlights the genuine belief that the founder instilled in every business and partnership he concluded with partners, suppliers and clients.

appreciate why when you understand that we care about the whole company, and we invest in our staff like a parent would invest in their child in order to see them grow and thrive. My father learned from my grandfather, and I am still learning from my father. This is how we have kept the company booming. This is how it has worked for us - we started as a family business and it will always remain one. Being a family businesses in any part of the world has its advantages and disadvantages, however in Kuwait it has always been highly appreciated as it builds credibility and trust with customers. How do you envisage the shape and structure of Behbehani Group in 2025? The Group will always maintain the same values and strategy as insisted upon by my grandfather and my father. However we are open and willing to adopt new ideas and methods that will help us achieve further recognition as leaders in luxury retailing in Kuwait and the Middle East. I see our Group continuing to grow substantially as the years pass. How do you rate Kuwait as a place to do business? What regulations, or freedoms, would you like to see integrated into the field of commerce in order to enhance the nation’s ability to compete with others in the region? International trade was one of Kuwait’s main sources of income before oil. This has created an environment for businesses to grow across a broad range of sectors. I consider Kuwait to be a wonderful place in which to do business, it has a great and healthy atmosphere for a variety of enterprises. As good as it currently is, it will improve further through the implementation and use of new technology to ease the process for business owners. Kuwait is, clearly, a very different place and in a changed world compared to the time when our country’s large trading families established themselves. Do you think the time will come again when a new trading entity emerges to match those that currently dominate the country? It all depends on how the future plays out. Heritage and trust play a big role with Arab consumers. Any new trading company needs to set their goals firmly on how to gain the trust of their customers and partners.

How important is it to you that your company remains a family-controlled business? Where do you see the pressures on you to maintain your independence?

What advice would you give today’s generation of young entrepreneurs as they embark on a career within their own business?

I would not call it a ‘family-controlled’ business; I much prefer to use the term a ‘family-oriented’ business. You’ll

Dream big, but keep your feet firmly on the ground, and in time success will follow!

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‫ُي ضفي السيد عبد المحسن بهبهاني‪ ،‬وهو مدير مجموعة بهبهاني‪،‬‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ً‬ ‫يمث ل السيد بهبهاني‬ ‫لمسة فريدة من نوعها على هذه النسخة‪.‬‬ ‫الجيل الثالث من عائلته في إدارة المجموعة‪ ،‬ويجب عليه أن يرتكز على‬ ‫جده‬ ‫أس سها ّ‬ ‫بصيرته ليضمن استمرار نجاح المجموعة النشيطة التي ّ‬ ‫الراحل‪ ،‬السيد مراد يوسف بهبهاني‪.‬‬ ‫لمستمر‬ ‫يشا ركنا هنا تفسير ه لهذ ا ا لنجا ح ا‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫جد ه ‪.‬‬ ‫صي على أ حال م‬ ‫نظر ته لد و ر ه كو‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ّ‬

‫و يعر ض‬


‫ّ‬ ‫جد ي ‪ ،‬و أ نا‬ ‫تعل م و ا لد ي ِم ن‬ ‫لير ا هم ينمو ن و ينجحو ن ‪.‬‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ِب د و ر ي ما ز لت أ ّ‬ ‫تعل م من و ا لد ي ‪ .‬هكذ ا حا فظنا على‬ ‫ا ز د ها ر ا لشر كة ‪ .‬هذ ه و صفة ا لنجا ح لنا ‪ . . .‬بد أ نا ا لشر كة‬ ‫كمصلحة عا ئلية و سنحا فظ على هذ ا ا لطا بع ‪.‬‬ ‫يكو ن عا د ًة للمصلحا ت ا لعا ئلية في أ ّي بلد كا ن حسنا ت‬ ‫سي ئا ت ‪ ،‬إ ّل أ ّن ا لكو يت لطا لما ا حتر متها ‪ ،‬أل ّن ها تبني‬ ‫و ّ‬ ‫قي ة و ثقة مع ا لعمال ء ‪.‬‬ ‫ا‬ ‫مصد‬ ‫قة‬ ‫عال‬ ‫ّ‬

‫ستنضم في يو م من ا أل يا م‬ ‫هل كنت تعلم دو ًما أ نك‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫إ لى إ دا رة ا لمجموعة؟‬

‫تتخيل‬ ‫كيف‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫عا م ‪2 0 2 5‬؟‬

‫جد ي ا لر ا حل ‪ .‬منذ أ ن أ ّس س ا لشركة‬ ‫لطا لما ا حتر مت ر ؤ يا‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫عا م ‪ ،19 3 5‬كا ن هد فه ا لر ئيسي من خال ل ا لمجمو عة أ ن‬ ‫جي د ة ‪ ،‬من د و ن‬ ‫يقد م لعمال ئنا منتجا ت ر ا ئعة ذ ا ت قيمة‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫مر ‪8 0‬‬ ‫على‬ ‫مر‬ ‫أل‬ ‫ا‬ ‫ا‬ ‫هذ‬ ‫ر‬ ‫يتغي‬ ‫لم‬ ‫‪.‬‬ ‫ة‬ ‫عي‬ ‫لنو‬ ‫ا‬ ‫في‬ ‫ل‬ ‫ز‬ ‫تنا‬ ‫أ ّي‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫هد ا على إ خال ص و ا لد ي أ ً‬ ‫يض ا‪ ،‬علي‬ ‫سنة ‪ ،‬و قد كنت شا ً‬ ‫مر ا د بهبها ني ‪ ،‬لهذ ه ا لر ؤ يا‪ ،‬إ ذ سعى أل ن يو ّس ع ا لشركة‬ ‫د و ن أ ن يقو م بأ ّي تنا ز ل ‪ .‬هذ ا ما لطا لما د فعني أل ن أ ر غب‬ ‫با ال نضما م إ لى هذ ه ا لشركة ‪.‬‬

‫و ا ال ستر ا تيجية‬ ‫لق َي م‬ ‫على‬ ‫د و ًم ا‬ ‫ا لمجمو عة‬ ‫ستحا فظ‬ ‫ا ِ‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫لكن نا منفتحو ن و على‬ ‫جد ي و و ا لد ي ‪،‬‬ ‫يشد د عليها‬ ‫ا لتي‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ا ستعد ا د ال عتما د أ فكا ر و ُط ُر ق جد يد ة تسا عد نا على‬ ‫في لمو قعنا كقا د ة في بيع‬ ‫ا لحصو ل على تقد ير إ ضا ّ‬ ‫منتجا ت ا لتر ف با لتجز ئة في ا لكو يت و ا لشر ق ا أل و سط ‪.‬‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫مع‬ ‫مط ر د‬ ‫كبير‬ ‫نمو‬ ‫حا لة‬ ‫في‬ ‫ا لمجمو عة‬ ‫تخي ل‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫أ ّ‬ ‫مر و ر ا لسنين ‪.‬‬

‫ّ‬ ‫جزء ا‬ ‫تشكل قيم و تقا ليد ا لسيد مرا د يو سف بهبها ني‬ ‫ً‬ ‫من ترا ث ا لكو يت ‪ ،‬و هي تدخل في نسيج و نجا ح ا لو طن ‪.‬‬ ‫يشكل عا ً‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ئقا للتغيير أ م أ نّك‬ ‫هل تعتبر أ ّن هذا قد‬ ‫قا در دو ًما مع ا لمدرا ء ا لمشا ركين في ا لمجموعة على‬ ‫للنمو و ال تّبا ع ا تجا ها ت جديدة ؟‬ ‫ا ستخدا مه كركيزة‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ً‬ ‫فهي‬ ‫للشركة ‪،‬‬ ‫ركيزة‬ ‫و ِق َي منا‬ ‫تقا ليد نا‬ ‫كا نت‬ ‫لطا لما‬ ‫ا لتي و ّج هت أ عما لنا منذ بد ا يا تنا عا م ‪ .19 3 5‬شهد ت‬ ‫يخ ا طو ً‬ ‫ً‬ ‫ا لشركة تا ر ً‬ ‫مليئ ا‬ ‫يل من ا لنجا حا ت و ا إل نجا ز ا ت ‪،‬‬ ‫هذ ه‬ ‫على‬ ‫ا لحفا ظ‬ ‫أ عتزم‬ ‫و ر ا ئعة ‪.‬‬ ‫متعد د ة‬ ‫بو جها ت‬ ‫ُ‬ ‫لق َي م و ال أ نو ي ا لقيا م بأ ّي تغيير ا ت ‪ ،‬ال بل‬ ‫ا‬ ‫و‬ ‫ا لتقا ليد‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫نمو ي د ا خل‬ ‫و أ شعر بأ ننا سنضيف إ ليها في خال ل فتر ة‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ا لشركة ‪ .‬ا حتفلنا عا م ‪ 2 0 15‬با لذ كر ى ا لثما نين لتأ سيس‬ ‫منص ة‬ ‫مر ا د يو سف بهبها ني ‪ ،‬و نر ى أ ّن هذ ه ا لذ كر ى هي‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫إل طال ق ا لمز يد من ا ال لتز ا ما ت و ا إل نجا ز ا ت ا لتي نر ا ها‬ ‫مستقبلنا ‪.‬‬ ‫في‬ ‫مر ا لسنو ا ت ا لثما نين ا لما ضية ‪ ،‬كا نت تقا ليد نا‬ ‫على‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫كل مجا ل عمل ننطلق فيه ‪ ،‬و يعكس‬ ‫مصد ر و حي لنا في‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫كل شركة » قنا عتنا ا لتي َغ ر سها‬ ‫شعا ر نا « ا لثقة هي جو هر‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫كل تعا مل و شر ا كة عقد هم مع شركا ء‬ ‫ا لمؤ سس في‬ ‫و مو ّر د ين و عمال ء ‪.‬‬ ‫يهم ك أ ن تبقى ا لشركة خا ضعة لسيطرة‬ ‫أل ّي درجة‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ليتك؟‬ ‫سر ِتك؟ و كيف تعيش ضغط ا لحفا ظ على ا ستقال ّ‬ ‫ُأ َ‬ ‫أ ّ‬ ‫فض ل ا ستخد ا م مصطلح « شركة مو ّج هة نحو ا أل سر ة »‬ ‫ستتفه مو ن‬ ‫عو ًض ا عن « شركة خا ضعة لسيطر ة أ سر ة »‪ ،‬و‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫نهتم للشركة بكا ملها و أ ننا‬ ‫ا لسبب حين تعر فو ن أ ننا‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫نستثمر في ا لمو ّظ فين كما يستثمر ا لو ا لد في أ طفا له‬


‫و هيكل‬

‫تقيم ا لكو يت كبلد‬ ‫كيف‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ا أل نظمة أ و ا لحر ّيا ت ا لتي‬ ‫ا لو طن‬ ‫فسية‬ ‫تنا‬ ‫لتحسين‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ا لمنطقة ؟‬ ‫في‬

‫مجمو عة‬

‫بهبها ني‬

‫إل جر ا ء ا أل عما ل ؟ ما هي‬ ‫يتم ا عتما ُد ها‬ ‫تتمنّ ى أ ن‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ا لبلد ا ن‬ ‫من‬ ‫غير ه‬ ‫مع‬

‫قبل ظهو ر ا لنفط ‪ ،‬كا نت ا لتجا ر ة ا لد و لية إ حد ى أ ضخم‬ ‫لنمو‬ ‫مصا د ر د خل ا لكو يت ‪ ،‬مما خلق بيئة منا سبة‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ا لشر كا ت في عد د كبير من ا لقطا عا ت ‪ .‬أ عتبر أ ّن ا لكو يت‬ ‫ممي ز و منا سب تما ًم ا‬ ‫جو ها‬ ‫بلد ر ا ئع إل جر ا ء ا أل عما ل أل ن‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫للعد يد من ا لشر كا ت ‪ .‬و على ا لر غم من أ ّن ا لو ضع‬ ‫لتحس ن عبر تطبيق‬ ‫جي د ‪ ،‬ستستمر ا لكو يت با‬ ‫ا لحا لي‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫إ جر ا ء ا ت‬ ‫لتسهيل‬ ‫ا لمتطو ر ة‬ ‫ا لتكنو لو جيا‬ ‫و ا ستخد ا م‬ ‫أ صحا ب ا أل عما ل ‪.‬‬ ‫تغير‬ ‫كثير ا مع‬ ‫تغير ت‬ ‫من ا لو ا ضح أ ّن ا لكو يت قد‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ً‬ ‫ا لعا لم ‪ ،‬مقا ر ً‬ ‫نة مع ا أل ّيا م ا لتا ر يخية ا لما ضية ‪ ،‬حين‬ ‫هل‬ ‫ا لبلد ‪.‬‬ ‫في‬ ‫ا لكبير ة‬ ‫ا لتجا ر ية‬ ‫سر‬ ‫سست‬ ‫تأ ّ‬ ‫ا ُأل َ‬ ‫تعتقد بأ نّنا سنشهد يو ًما ظهو ر جهة تجا ر ّية جديدة‬ ‫ليا على ا لبلد؟‬ ‫تو ا ز ي ا لتي تهيمن حا ً‬ ‫يجب أ ن نر ى كيف تتطو ر ا أل مو ر في ا لمستقبل ‪ .‬يلعب‬ ‫كبير ا لد ى ا لمستهلكين ا لعر ب ‪،‬‬ ‫ا لتر ا ث و ا لثقة د و ًر ا‬ ‫ً‬ ‫لذ ا يجب أ ن تبني أ ّي شر كة تجا ر ية جد يد ة أ هد ا فها على‬ ‫ا كتسا ب ثقة عمال ئها و شر كا ئها ‪.‬‬ ‫ما هي ا لنصيحة‬ ‫ر ّو ا د ا لعمل إ ذ‬ ‫ا لخا صة ؟‬ ‫أ عما لهم‬

‫ا لتي تعطيها‬ ‫ينطلقو ن في‬

‫للجيل ا لجديد من‬ ‫مسير تهم لتأ سيس‬

‫تجر أ و ا بأ ن تحلمو ا أ حال ًم ا كبير ة ‪ ،‬لكن ال تنسو ا‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫قعي ين ‪ . . .‬و ستبلغو ن ا لنجا ح مع ا لو قت !‬ ‫تبقو ا و ا‬ ‫ّ‬



‫عبد المحسن بهبهاني‬ ‫مدير مجموعة بهبهاني‬ ‫المميز من مج ّلة‬ ‫وتحدثنا مع بعض أبرز رجال األعمال في ‪ ,MEN’S PASSION‬في هذا العدد‬ ‫رواد األعمال‪ ،‬التقينا‬ ‫نسخة ّ‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫‪.‬الكويت‪ .‬ناقشنا معهم مناهجهم في اإلدارة وفي تطوير أعمال ناجحة في الكويت والعالم‬

‫‪32 33‬‬


Hussain Taha The Cigar Aficionado


aving a passion is one thing, but making that passion into a successful business, well, that’s something different altogether. It’s all too easy to be blinded by your own enthusiasm, and to miss the obvious signs. A measured, considered and exhaustively researched approach is the way to go, and it’s the route Hussain Taha took while planning his latest venture, the cigar lounge La Hoja.


We met in his new venue, La Hoja Lounge Café, downtown in Nouf Tower, opposite the Behbehani Complex in Sharq. He’s got his favourite Cuban, a Montecristo #4, in his hand as we talk and he rolls it comfortably between his fingers, pausing to draw its richness within only as he considers his words. We’re here to talk business with Hussain, but since his business is cigars it seems only reasonable to know about these too. “For me, the Montecristo #4 delivers the perfect smoke. Its smaller gauge means a more intense flavour in the mouth. It’s perfect for an experienced smoker with a refined palate, and a first choice for me”, Hussain explained. Back to business. Engaging in any new venture, anywhere and at anytime presents challenges. His first business, Fitness Lab at Al Tijaria Complex, tapped into the demand for a well-located and well-appointed five-star gym. Fitness is a mature market, and one that he’s moved successfully into. With La Hoja he’s entering new territory and creating a market. “The concept for La Hoja hasn’t been tried in Kuwait before”, he says. “We’re a private, members-only club. That sets us apart to begin with. We’re also combining three different aspects of business – we’re a cigar lounge, a cigar shop and also a café. It may take a little time for people to understand fully what we are”. The best approach, and one Hussain has taken, is to aim to be the very best in every aspect of the business. The cigar lounge is in the style of a gentleman’s club. Plush, rather than luxe, it’s an engaging and relaxing environment in which members gather. Quiet and reflective, there’s a steady flow and movement of members – some dropping in briefly, others staying for a longer time. Members have exclusive access to their own cigar locker. Specially constructed for Hussain using imported Spanish cedarwood, they are perfectly humidified and present the ideal storage conditions. With 100 of these, he’s created the largest collection of private humidors in the world. “It’s a challenging business model for sure”, admits Hussain, “but we know how attached Kuwaitis are to their cigars. They are great aficionados, and appreciate a welcoming place in which to enjoy their smokes”.

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The ‘members only’ aspect is important. He’s keen to retain a level of quality not only in the cigars he smokes, but in those he admits to his club. Following a prospective member’s application, they are considered and vetted by the club’s membership committee. Only then are they accepted. He’s candid in as much as he admits that this isn’t a club for everyone anyway. “We’re limiting ourselves to those who live a lifestyle where they are happy to commit to a year’s membership. But our members are typically global travellers, they understand what we’re doing here and they are happy to pay for it. We offer exclusivity. This is the life they live when they travel – and we want them to know they can engage in it here too”. Further still, given the demographics of cigar smoking, he’s limited himself further in that it is a largely male-dominated pastime. Whilst, globally, the number of women smoking cigars is growing, it’s not a trend reflected in the region. But he’s hopeful, and is keen to stress that women are welcomed as members. La Hoja’s cigar store is stocked with perhaps the finest collection of smokes in Kuwait. Hussain is personally involved in their selection, and travels extensively in search of the best. “We have the recognised labels, and added to these we are regularly listing special limited editions for the best cigar companies in the world”. His future as a cigar seller is one he looks set to expand upon. Part of his future plans are to open cigar ‘boutiques’ in other locations in the city. Thanks to Hussain, soon you need never be too far from your favourite smoke. And the café. Were we to disregard the cigar angle to La Hoja,

we’d still be congratulating Hussain for opening a fine place to drink coffee and eat. He’s focused on creating a hospitable place to relax, for non-smokers, with food that’s a match for anywhere else in this field in Kuwait. For Hussain everything, the choice of coffee beans and even the fries, is all about the details. So far, so good. But establishing a new business is a stressful time, with many decisions to be made. How was the process for him? “Kuwait is unusual in the sense that we’ve got used to having long, safe and relatively well-paid careers in government jobs. For so long we haven’t really had the hunger to be entrepreneurs. It takes someone special to take the leap from the safety of a government job to the private sector. There’s no getting away from it – it’s high risk. But the rewards exceed anything I could get from within the public sector. The bureaucracy probably isn’t as bad as most people think. You just need to be organised and have your papers in order. Generally people, and institutions, are very supportive of new enterprises and do try to smooth the way as much as possible. My advice to anyone considering making a similar leap from a safe job to becoming an entrepreneur would be to believe in yourself. Research your idea, then research it again. Ask advice from professionals, from people you know you can trust. There’s no experience like running your own business, if you’ve done your homework, and you’re backed by good finances for the initial period, there’s no better time to go for it than now – while your passion is high”.


THE LUXE REVIEW Our exclusive guide to the finest from the spheres of horology, automobiles, style, travel, design and much more. In the Luxe Review we look at the best, and meet the people that are making it happen.

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BMW’s New 7 Series Space-age luxury


igh-tech and peerless luxury places the new 7 Series right at the top of its sector. One of the most sophisticated cars on sale today, we were keen to feel it for ourselves. PH7’s Zeina Mokaddam took advantage of an invitation from dealer Ali Alghanim & Sons Automotive Company, and slipped herself behind its plush wheel to experience the best on-board tech in the industry. Photography by Khalid Al-Saleh


“With all eyes on us as we drove the streets of the city, the cabin of the 7 Series is more executive airliner than motor car. Only the most high-end materials have been used; The seats are trimmed in plush Nappa leather, while wood, brushed aluminum and Alcantara have been used everywhere else. The vehicle has the level of comfort one expects from a model at the very pinnacle of the automotive world. This is generally regarded as one of the most comfortable saloon cars on sale, a match for anything in its sector and even for those at higher, rarified (and far more expensive) levels. There’s also an excess of space inside for four. The new BMW 7 Series has a clear claim to luxury segment leadership when it comes to driving dynamics, long-distance comfort, efficiency and driver assistance; exclusive options designed to optimise occupants’ personal sense of wellbeing inside the car. That said, the truly remarkable and most enduring aspect of the 7 Series is in its adoption of technology. We’ve passed from a time when cars incorporated gadgets and gizmos simply because they could. Today’s finest automobiles incorporate intuitive technology that makes the driving experience easier, more engaging and more fun. Changing channels or a CD simply with the wave of a hand can no longer be seen as mere whimsy. It’s a facility that enables your hands, and your mind, to be in full control of the car and focused on more important details – such as the road ahead. And that’s not all - their innovative BMW Touch Command multifunction control unit features a removable 7-inch tablet computer integrated into the centre armrest or rear console to control comfort, infotainment and communications functions. BMW’s iDrive operating system gains a touch display for intuitive operation of numerous functions; display and control unit of the optional Automatic air conditioning with 4-zone control system likewise with touch-sensitive capability. The design of the new BMW 7 Series provides an authentic showcase for the car’s character. Harmonious proportions, a strongly controlled surface design and precise lines point to the stylistic confidence, assured dynamics and exclusive elegance at work here. The optimised balance of driving pleasure and long-distance comfort finds clear expression in the unmistakable aura of the luxury sedan, which is available in both standard and long wheelbase variants. Everything in this industry trickles down the model scale, so we’re certain to see the main elements of what is currently in the 7 Series within the rest of their range over the next few years. If this is the future of motoring – I can’t wait for it to come.” The 2016 BMW 7 Series was photographed at Kuwait’s 360 Mall. We’d like to thank mall management for their generous cooperation.

BMW EfficientLightweight: Carbon Core reduces weight by as much as 130 kilograms BMW EfficientLightweight helps to reduce the weight of the new BMW 7 Series models by up to 130 kilograms compared to their previous generation counterparts. At the centre of it all is the body structure with Carbon Core, a product of the transfer of technology from the development of BMW i cars. The new BMW 7 Series is the first car in its segment in which industrially manufactured CFRP combines with steel and aluminium. The intelligent body concept uses this mixed-materials approach to increase the strength and rigidity of the passenger cell while at the same time significantly reducing vehicle weight.

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McLaren GT Confirms Factory Driver Line-Up For Bathurst 12 Hours


cLaren GT has confirmed the full line-up of Factory Drivers, alongside Andrew Watson from the Young Driver Programme, that will contest the 2016 Liqui Moly Bathurst 12 Hrs race in February with Australian-based Tekno Autosport, running as a GT entry for the first time. After the most successful season for McLaren GT, Tekno Autosport and Objective Racing will run three examples of the 650S GT3 at Mount Panorama, 5-7 February 2016, marking the debut outing for the model at the famous circuit.


In the first commitment of Factory Driver programmes for 2016, factory drivers Rob Bell (GBR) and Alvaro Parente (PRT), and Young Driver Andrew Watson (NI) are set to tackle the 6.2 km track for the first time, joined by Shane Van Gisbergen (NZL) who has previously contested the race with McLaren in one of the most memorable finishes in the history of the famous Australian race. Van Gisbergen stormed to a hard-fought fourth place in 2014 when he contested the 12 hours alongside fatherand-son Tony and Klark Quinn and McLaren GT Managing Director Andrew Kirkaldy. The line-up for the 2016 Bathurst 12Hrs race with Tekno Autosport will see factory drivers Alvaro Parente and Shane Van Gisbergen joined by team owner Jonathan Webb (AUS). After a strong debut season in the Young Driver Programme, Andrew Watson will share the second Tekno Autosport 650S GT3 with Factory Driver Rob Bell and V8 Supercar race winner Will Davison (AUS). The third car on the grid will be run by customer team Objective Racing, which campaigned the Australian GT series with the 650S GT3 throughout this season. Objective Racing will line up with an all-Australian quartet of Tony Walls, Matt Campbell, Warren Luff and Tim Slade. The 2015 competitive debut season has been impressive for each of the McLaren GT drivers celebrating success with the

650S GT3. Bell and Van Gisbergen secured victories at both Silverstone and the Nürburgring in the fiercely competitive Blancpain Endurance Series, Watson showed promise and significant progress throughout the season, claiming victory at the penultimate round of International GT Open championship in Barcelona, while Parente clinched the International GT Open as the first championship title for the 650S GT3. Andrew Kirkaldy, Managing Director, McLaren GT ‘The Bathurst 12 Hour is one of the most fantastic races on the motorsport calendar, both for spectators and for drivers. It is great to partner with Tekno Autosport; a new team on the GT grid, and having such a strong line-up of drivers in the cars, including the very talented silver-rated drivers like Andrew [Watson], underlines how seriously they are approaching the challenge. Having being part of the 2014 line-up, I can vouch for how tough this endurance race is, but it is definitely one of the most exhilarating. The 650S GT3 has enjoyed a strong debut season across the globe, including in Australia, and I am really pleased to see Tekno Autosport and Objective Racing on the grid, and they will be hopefully both be pushing for the podium positions.’

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Regional premieres shine for Porsche in Qatar Porsche 911 range and Macan GTS showcase evolution of sports car performance at Qatar Motor Show 2016


showcase of Porsche’s performance evolution exemplified the brand’s pioneering steps into the future at the 2016 Qatar Motor Show (QMS). Taking place at the Doha Exhibition and Convention Centre (DECC), a range of new Porsche models will celebrate their regional debuts. Amongst them will be the 911 Carrera 4S, 911 Targa 4S and the all new Macan GTS.


In follow up to its world premiere at the 2016 edition of the North American International Auto Show in Detroit, Porsche also brought the new 911 Turbo S to Qatar for its regional debut. Similar to previous years, Porsche will use the Doha event as a platform for introducing its latest models to the region, with 2016 being no exception. The 911 has been the world’s best-selling sports car for decades and now new turbo as well as all-wheel drive versions of Porsche’s iconic sports car will be showcased in the Middle East for the first time. Embodying the perfect balance of Porsche performance and driving dynamics, the new 911 models are well equipped to continue the Stuttgartbased manufacturer’s reign as segment leader in two-door sports cars. Meanwhile, the all-new Macan GTS provides driving experiences that surpass those which have become customary with the sporty Macan. Porsche will celebrate the latest derivative of its compact SUV at Qatar Motor Show and like all Porsche variants that bear the three-letter insignia, the Macan GTS is inspired by motor racing. Deesch Papke, Chief Executive Officer of Porsche Middle East and Africa FZE, commented: “We are proud to once again showcase the very best that Porsche has to offer on a regional stage such as the Qatar Motor Show. As always, at this year’s show, our aim is to demonstrate what Porsche stands for, and with the introduction of four new models to the region, the 911 Turbo S, 911 Carrera 4S, 911 Targa 4S and the Macan GTS, we are starting the year on a high. Our strong product offensive indicates an exciting year ahead and as such we are very much looking forward to welcoming guests in Qatar to our stand, for a unique Porsche experience.” The new 911 Turbo S led Porsche’s plan to premiere three 911 model derivatives at one motorshow. As the top athlete in the range, with an output of 580 hp, the 911 Turbo S is a high-performance sports car through and through. The latest iteration of the model achieves breath-taking driving performance, whilst reducing fuel consumption further, when compared to its predecessor. The coupe version of the model sprints to 100 km/h in 2.9 seconds, with a top speed of 330 km/h, which is 12 km/h higher than before.

All-wheel drive versions of Porsche’s iconic 911 models also took centre stage in Qatar with the premiere of both the 911 Carrera 4S and 911 Targa 4S. Both models are a representation of how Porsche is evolving the sports car. Thanks to more than four decades of experience with turbo engines – in both motor racing and production sports cars – the completely new engine generation with bi-turbo charging featured in both models, raise the emotional driving pleasure to an even more intense level. An increase of 20 hp across all models amounts to a total of 420 hp in the 911 Carrera 4S Cabriolet and 911 Targa 4S. When equipped with PDK and Sport Chrono Package, both the 911 Carrera 4S Cabriolet and 911 Targa 4S boast a zero to 100 km/h improvement of 0.3 seconds on previous models; sprinting to the speed in just 4.0 seconds. In line with its unique history and iconic character that has remained authentic for more than 50 years, a range of exterior features have been refined. Enthusiasts can differentiate the new 911 Carrera models from their predecessor by the new headlights with four-point daytime running lights, the redesigned rear lid with vertical louvres and the new rear lights, featuring the distinctive four-point brake lights. Meanwhile, the interior now features the updated Porsche Communication Management (PCM) system with multi-touch display, offering a considerably expanded range of functions and intuitive controls. Embodying the same motorsport bloodline as that of the 911, the new Macan GTS offers even more driving fun as the sports car among compact SUVs. Boasting an output of 360 hp the Macan GTS places in-between the Macan S and the Macan Turbo with a three-litre V6 bi-turbo engine accompanied by the Porsche Doppelkupplung (PDK) and Porsche Traction Management (PTM) with flexible power distribution between front and rear axles. Completing the zero to 100 km/h sprint in 5.0 seconds with the optional Sport Chrono package, the Macan GTS has a top speed of 256 km/h. The GTS version of Porsche’s compact SUV combines a high level of driving dynamics with outstanding everyday utility. It can be recognised at first glance thanks to a range of exterior accents finished in black, this includes high gloss in the upper and matt finish in the lower areas of the car, as well as GTS-specific colouring, that comes as standard.

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2016 Lexus GS F Performance Sedan Offers a Dynamic Ride, Luxurious Comfort for Five


he new GS F performance sedan—based on the popular GS—is armed with a potent 467 horsepower, 5.0-liter naturally aspirated V8 and excellent handling developed on the most demanding race circuits, including the legendary Nürburgring.


Its elegant-yet-aggressive styling effectively characterizes the essence of Lexus’ performance-oriented “F” brand, highlighted by bold front fascia with race-inspired functional air inlets, triple-beam headlamps, low-slung wide stance, large brake calipers, carbon-fiber rear spoiler and quad exhaust rear diffuser. While it’s more than capable of taking on a twisty mountain road, the GS F is still a sedan that’s ideal for everyday use. It seats five comfortably in a luxuriously appointed cabin filled with high-tech amenities and advanced safety technologies, including standard Lexus Safety System +. The GS F offers enthusiasts the best of all worlds: it’s a car that will provide thrills and excitement on challenging switchbacks, all the while offering occupants unprecedented style and comfort. “As Lexus’ “F” brand vehicles continue to evolve and grow in number, it is important that these models offer differentiated and unique driving characteristics in their segments. The GS F is a very capable performance sedan that offers excitement behind the wheel in all facets of performance driving. It’s something that’s fun to drive no matter who is driving or where it’s being driven. The sedan embraces the virtues of sound, response and limitless power feel to support Lexus’ “F” brand identity of a performance car,” said Yukihiko Yaguchi, Emeritus Chief Engineer of the GS F.

Driving Dynamics • Drive Mode Select control offering NORMAL, ECO, SPORT S, SPORT S+ modes • Torque Vectoring Differential (TVD) enhances traction control for extraordinary levels of handling and performance in all conditions The all-new Lexus GS F has been designed to be enjoyed by all driving enthusiasts, from recreational commuters to more experienced drivers. While this 4-door doesn’t forget its sedan utility, its main mission is to provide an exhilarating driving experience in a wide range of conditions. Sleek Performance-Oriented Aerodynamics The GS F was designed with high performance in mind; as such, aerodynamics played a key role in determining the car’s exterior shape. One of the most challenging areas to tackle was the front tires, as they created a great deal of turbulent air that increased drag as it passed the rest of the vehicle. Special groove-shaped front fender liners have been fitted that allow air to flow more freely near the front section of the car.

High-output V8 Engine The heart of the exciting new GS F is undoubtedly its naturally aspirated 5.0-liter V8, which has been finely tuned to deliver excellent power and responsiveness. The engine’s reciprocating assembly targets lower mass with the help of lightweight forged connecting rods and titanium intake and exhaust valves, allowing it to reach a 7,300-rpm redline. Free-breathing 32-valve cylinder heads take full advantage of this engine’s reduced internal friction, and aggressive valvetrain. The working angle and lift of the camshaft have been designed to achieve ample torque production for continuous acceleration throughout the rev range. Add to the mix optimized intake and exhaust manifolds, and the seamless operation of a high-performance-tuned Variable Valve Timing (VVT-iE) that delivers optimal power in all situations, and the result is an engine that delivers 467 horsepower and 389 lb.-ft. of torque.

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Audi Innovations at 2016 International Consumer Electronics Show


nnovations from Audi electronics development at the world’s largest electronics show in Las Vegas. Ricky Hudi at the CES PC 2015


Scott Keogh, President Audi of America

Audi was once again represented at the International Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas, USA, held from January 6 to 8, 2016. The brand presented its latest technologies and models for the sixth time already – in an exhibit space that was immersed in light. Audi offered insights into the latest developments from its technology world. Ricky Hudi, Head of Electrics/Electronics Development, and Scott Keogh, President of Audi of America, presented the latest technologies, products and megatrends in the areas of electrification, digitalization and piloted driving. With a concept car and numerous technology exhibits, Audi offered an outlook on the automotive future, which will be influenced more than ever by the electronics field.

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The Mercedes-Benz S-Class icons Redefining technology, comfort and style since 1972


erving as Mercedes-Benz’s top model for over 50 years, the S-Class has redefined technology, comfort and style, with each new model debuting many of the company’s latest innovations, interior features and safety systems. Officially introduced in 1972 with the w116 S-Class, the series of models in the flagship S-Class range have since grown to include the Sedan, CoupÊ and now Cabriolet variants, creating an impressive portfolio that has redefined luxury and innovation.


Three engineering priorities “Intelligent Drive”, “Efficient Technology” and “Essence of Luxury” have enabled the S-Class to extend the boundaries of technology on many levels. It is not just a technological spearhead for Mercedes-Benz but for automotive development as a whole. Exclusive general distributor for Mercedes-Benz in Kuwait, Abdul Rahman Albisher & Zaid Alkazemi Company highlights the S-Class’leadership in the luxury segment. “The S-Class family is a demonstration of all-around excellence. Since its inception, it has consistently set new benchmarks in cutting edge technology and ride comfort, appealing to a class of discerning customers through its variants. Despite aesthetic differences, each S-Class model offers unparallelled luxury rarely seen in the automotive industry,” said Michael Ruehle, Chief Executive Officer, of the company. S-Class Saloon: The best car in the world The S-Class has long been the yardstick for technological advancement and luxury motoring. Innovative safety systems featured in the S-Class include the DISTRONIC PLUS with Steer Assist and Stop & Go Pilot, which help the driver to stay in lane and even enable the car to drive itself in a traffic jam with only minimal intervention. The sensors of the MAGIC BODY CONTROL are another highlight: They make the new S-Class the first vehicle worldwide that is able to detect surface undulations in the road ahead and prime the suspension accordingly – offering an unparalleled level of driving comfort. Available in S 400, S 500, S 600, Mercedes-AMG S 63 and S 65 models, the S-Class Sedan is the first vehicle in the world whose interior and exterior do without a single light bulb and sees Mercedes-Benz building on its pioneering role in the lighting sector. Mercedes-Maybach: The pinnacle of ultra luxury There is luxury, and then there is Maybach. Mercedes-Maybach vehicles epitomise peerless exclusivity. Some of the features that distinguish these vehicles from production models include extra spaciousness with lavishly designed, prestigious interiors offering extensive scope for individualisation. As a result, the vehicles fulfil the requirements of even the most discerning customers worldwide. The new Mercedes-Maybach Pullman is the second model from the Mercedes-Maybach’s ultra-luxurious family of cars. The top-of-the-range vehicle, with its face-to-face seating in the partitioned-off passenger compartment, stands as a proud example of the high-end automotive luxury traditionally associated with Maybach.

Many governments, heads of state and royal families around the world have for decades chosen Mercedes-Benz saloons with the designation “Pullman” to drive them with the glory and style befitting their status. S-Class Coupé: The high-end coupé The ultimate in aesthetic sportiness, the S-Class Coupé combines intense driving pleasure with modern luxury. Available in the S 500, Mercedes-AMG S 63 and S 65, each model offers a choice of three leather interiors and a host of trim features in hand-crafted quality, making the touch and feel inside a journey of discovery in its own right. The gently sweeping dashboard appears to hover in space and conjures up an exclusive, modern lounge character. Seven different light moods serve to complement this interior feel. The S-Class Coupé not only has a much quieter interior than its predecessor, but is also the quietest series-production car of all in terms of wind noise. Like the S-Class Saloon, the new Coupé is available with numerous new assistance systems that make driving even more comfortable and safer. The world premiere of the active curve tilting function also allows the vehicle to lean into bends meaning greater driving pleasure and ride comfort. S-Class Cabriolet: Open-top luxury The new Cabriolet arriving in Q3 2016 is the sixth variant of the current S-Class family and the first open-top luxury four-seater from Mercedes-Benz since 1971. Its Mercedes-AMG S 63 offers a distinctive, sensual and exclusive design, adopting 60 percent of its bodyshell components from its Coupe counterpart. The cutting-edge technology of the S-Class and a comprehensive warmth and wind protection concept includes the enhanced automatic wind protection system AIRCAP, the AIRSCARF necklevel heating system, the heated armrests, the seat heating also in the rear, plus the intelligent climate control ensure, laying claim as the world’s most comfortable convertables. A Standard-fit roll over protection system also detects impending danger of the vehicle rolling over and enables the airbag control unit to send a corresponding signal to the roll over protection system, ensuring the safest drive. Customers can visit Abdul Rahman Albisher & Zaid Alkazemi Company’s showrooms to book a test drive and experience the innovation of the S-Class. Existing Mercedes-Benz customers can enjoy 24 hour test drives by appointment.

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Zenith – At The Pinnacle 150 years, and still making every second count


o r those in the know, there’s a lot more to Zenith than meets the eye. Sure, they’ve got their 150 years of heritage (they’re now entering their 151st year), and for the past 16 years they’ve been part of the LVMH-stable of luxury watch brands. With a reputation as innovators, earned from their earliest days through founder Georges Favre-Jacot’s constant drive to ensure his production facility was, and remained, state-of-the-art, today Zenith is one of the few Swiss watch manufacturers that produces their movements in-house – and indeed still work out of their original premises.


Worn throughout the years by a diverse cross-section of world society - from Mohandas K. Gandhi and Louis Bleriot through to Felix Baumgartner, as well as a host of explorers, adventurers and even The Rolling Stones, Zenith is invariably present where the human desire to push existing limits is expressed in powerful terms.

1940s through to the 60s, the Pilot is our most iconic model – our trademark model”, he’s proud to recount this history and continues with equal passion when asked about their inhouse movements. “Over the years we have received 2,333 awards for our work’s precision, and have patented over 25 different movements and have used of 600 calibers”.

As part of their regional 150th anniversary celebrations, Zenith portrayed their journey so far, and topped this with the launch of 5 new models plus 8 unique pieces of their iconic Pilot model.

In fact the key to Zenith’s extraordinary reputation within the world of chronographs lies with its El Primero caliber. Unveiled in 1969, its beat-rate of 36,000 vibrations per hour ensures tenth-of-a-second precision. It’s a feat that, even 45 years after its launch, remains unrivalled in the domain of precision. Constantly evolving over the years, El Primero remains at the heart of Zenith’s 21st century, avant-garde outlook.

“If one has no history, one has no future” To us, there’s no man more ‘in the know’ than Zenith’s General Manager for the Gulf and North Africa, Georges Bechara. Based in Dubai, he regards Kuwait equally as his home; travelling here on a monthly basis he values the importance of personal contact not only with long-time local dealer Morad Behbehani, but also with the brand’s clients, collectors and aficionados. “Kuwait’s always been a unique market for Zenith”, he says. “After LVMH acquired Zenith, the brand underwent considerable reorganization. Up until 2001 we were selling movements to Rolex for their Daytona watch, but it was time for us to push the Zenith name front-and-center once again. Whilst in many territories this took time and required a lengthy process of brand education, in Kuwait response and acceptance was immediate. Such is the knowledge of our local clients – connoisseurs all.” For Georges, the brand’s history is the key to the brand’s future. “The Pilot harks back to our history and lengthy ties with the air forces of Italy, France and Great Britain. Stretching from the

Currently with 25 boutiques throughout the world, two of which are in our region – Dubai and Doha – Georges looks forward to opening a third, in Kuwait, in the near future. It’s a simple fact that Kuwait has a key role to play in Zenith’s future. As recognition of this, the brand recently offered a very special limited edition of their El Primero Stratos – the Stratos Kuwait Limited Edition. Just 15 pieces were manufactured and, unsurprisingly, were well received in Kuwait and also by Zenith collectors around the world. The spirit of Georges Favre-Jacot lives on in the minds and nimble-fingers of the watch-architects and artisans at Zenith’s manufacture in Le Locle, Switzerland. Through their mastery of contemporary technology, married to 150 years of tradition, today Zenith watches sit comfortably on the wrists on many of the world’s most knowledgeable collectors.

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Frédérique Constant’s Horological Smartwatch with Sebastien Cretegny, Regional Sales Director



stablished only in 1988, Frédérique Constant remains a fiercely independent familyowned business, and one of the last of its kind in Switzerland. Although relatively young in comparison to its competitors, Frédérique Constant is a beautiful brand that tells a successful story; it has grown steadily year after year delivering average growth of 20% per annum. It has envisioned the future and positioned itself in a very competitive market.

In December, Frédérique Constant and Kuwait’s Behbehani Group unveiled the Horological Smartwatch model powered by MotionX-365 at the Al Hamra Thermae on the 75th floor of Al Hamra Business Tower. Abdul Mohsen Behbehani, Director of Behbehani Group, and Sebastien Cretegny, Regional Sales Director of Frédérique Constant, welcomed guests to take a look at the Frédérique Constant Horological Smartwatch. MEN’S PASSION’s Yasmine Bandar sat down with Sebastien Cretegny and asked him about the watch, its design, function and possible novelties to expect in the future. Looking at every Frédérique Constant watch, the great attention to detail is clear. What can you tell us about the design? Aletta Bax and Peter Stas launched their first collection in 1992, comprising six models fitted with Swiss movements and assembled by a watchmaker in Geneva. Frédérique Constant is involved in all the stages of watch production, from initial design to final assembly. Watches manufactured under its trademark are either designed by Frédérique Constant or by independent designers contracted for a specific series of models. Strong emphasis is placed on watch design to keep abreast of trends and customer preferences. Frédérique Constant uses cutting-edge computer software, principally computer aided design software, to assist in the watch design and development process. What about the philosophy of Frédérique Constant? Our philosophy is to let more people enjoy luxury. We want more people to be able to enjoy a beautiful product, and this is the reason why we never compromise quality while offering our products at a very delicate price. We have a true passion towards

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At the launch event - Kuwait

design as well, as you look at our products you can tell that they are well-balanced; they are beautiful, elegant and classical. Moreover, we are very innovative in terms of the watch’s complications on the highend side of our business, and in technology like with the Horological Smartwatch which we unveiling here today. What is new about the Horological Smartwatch? It is unique because of its look and features. It is a beautiful luxury Swiss watch that is now connected and smart. A quality product with longevity created from fine materials and made by hand. What is innovative about it is that information from a connected device is displayed smartly by hand on the watch dial. The Frédérique Constant Horological Smartwatch has the DNA attributes of typical Swiss luxury watch complications, as well as connected functionality. It is kind of a toy that people like to possess in an executive environment and there is a market for us to tackle because it involves young executives who seek classical and elegant products with the modernity that they also rely on in their daily lives. What other functions does this watch feature? These Swiss Horological Smartwatches have bi-directional communication with iPhone and Android Apps. The Swiss Horological Smartwatch is the synthesis of High-Tech Innovation and Traditional Swiss watch craftsmanship; the link between Modern and Classic;

the bridge between Silicon Valley and Switzerland. There is no digital screen on Horological Smartwatches. Instead, the beautiful diamond cut hands on the watch dial analogically display information. The watch retains its natural classical beauty while delivering the benefits of the quantified self without ever having to recharge a battery. In addition, it can function entirely autonomously with its sensors. It can track your sleep patterns as well as your walking and running activity. The Sleeptracker is clinically proven to track sleep patterns with an accuracy 95% of a professional polysomnography sleep machine, while the MotionX motion tracker engine encapsulates years of research and development on the biomechanics of natural human motion and the mechanics of machine motion. With its low-power solution, the Smartwatch does not need to be recharged and maintains around 25 months autonomy with a regular watch battery cell. Who does the Horological Smartwatch target? The younger generation. However, we also feel that people of a certain age can appreciate this product, especially since it monitors some very useful indexes in your daily life such as your level of activity, the number of steps you take as well as the number of calories and sleeping hours. I believe there is no specific age for appreciating and using those functions.


What is your personal idea of a luxury watch? I believe that a luxury brand has the responsibility to constantly fascinate its customers. It is our duty to come up with absolutely outstanding products and innovations as well as reinventing the name of luxury. We spend a lot of time thinking about what makes a luxury product and what luxury means. How do you assess Frédérique Constant from a sales perspective in Kuwait and GCC markets? The brand has been experiencing phenomenal growth in the GCC, particularly in Kuwait. There are several reasons in my opinion. Firstly, I think that customers have become aware of the advantages of the brand, the ratio between the price and the value perceived is one of our highest in the segment. Secondly, the partnerships that we have with Behbehani and some others as well, they have helped us become stronger and raise brand awareness among the society. What can we expect soon from Frédérique Constant? Being the first brand to launch connected watches has tremendous advantages. Our customers can expect us to continue to explore this field and come up with new updates, functions, calibers and high-end complications. There will be a range of novelties linked to connectivity and we will continue what we have been doing for the past years, which is creating watches.

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Journey Through Time with A. Lange & Söhne Jubilee year ends with an excellent concert and a new HANDWERKSKUNST edition


n 7th December, the company’s date of foundation, A. Lange & Söhne celebrated the conclusion of its jubilee year in honour of Ferdinand Adolph Lange with an im pressive event for customers and press in Dresden’s Semperoper- and MEN’S PASSION was there. The high spot of the event, which took the form of a journey through time, was the presentation of the 1815 TOURBILLON HANDWERKSKUNST. This special limited edition pays tribute to the founder of fine watchmaking in Saxony, whose birthday came round for the two-hundredth time this year.


Some 170 journalists, customers and friends of the company from 28 countries had come to Dresden at the weekend for the celebrations concluding the jubilee year in honour of Ferdinand Adolph Lange’s 200th birthday. It was on 7th December 1815 that the founder of Saxon fine watchmaking set up the first watch manufactory in the former mining town of Glashütte. With the HANDWERKSKUNST version of the 1815 TOURBILLON, in a limited edition of 30, A. Lange & Söhne honours the Saxon watchmaking pioneer, who was also well known for his commitment to social justice. His striving for the greatest precision coupled with mechanical simplicity characterised his style, which is perpetuated in the elegant con-struction and perfection of craftsmanship still found in every Lange watch. A journey on film through the 200-year history of the family and the firm, with musical accompaniment by the Sächsische Staatskappelle Dresden and the Dresden Kreuzchor, served as the setting for the presentation in the Semperoper. This venue was a deliberate choice, as Ferdinand Adolph Lange had worked on the construction of the original ver-sion of the famous Five-Minute Clock over the proscenium arch. Furthermore, it had provided creative inspiration for the large date of the famous LANGE 1. During the evening, at a gala dinner at the Dresden Albertinum, Lange CEO Wilhelm Schmid and company founder Walter Lange presented the F. A. Lange Watchmaking Excellence Award, endowed with a grant of 10,000 euros. The prize, which was being awarded for the sixth time, went to Finnish Reima Koivukoski (23) for his construction of a calendar week display. With this prize, the firm acknowledges the contribution of the younger generation to fine watchmaking. In the course of the event, Wilhelm Schmid announced that the company will be playing an active part in the integration of refugees. It has pledged to provide career prospects for five people who have been driven from their homeland by war, force or persecution by giving them training in the watchmaking sector and improving their language skills. In Schmid’s view, this undertaking stems directly from the company’s values: “It is our way of keeping Ferdinand Adolph Lange’s spiritual legacy alive,” he said in his address.

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The Omega Ploprof Resurfaces

Four New Editions Update The Sturdy Divers’ Watch With Lightweight Materials And Fresh Appeal


he OMEGA Ploprof has long cemented its place as OMEGA’s most water-resistant divers’ watch, surviving and performing under the crushing pressures of the ocean since 1970. In fact, even the famous ocean explorer Jacques Cousteau experimented on the OMEGA Ploprof, using it to test man’s physical and psychological capacities under water.


In 2009, the Ploprof was reintroduced with a modern update, submergible to a depth of 1200 metres and featuring the revolutionary OMEGA Co-Axial movement. This year, the unique model is back as the “Ploprof OMEGA CoAxial Master Chronometer”, with four dramatic editions that add even more new technology and aesthetic allure. In all models, the case is built from titanium (around 40% lighter than stainless steel and more resistant to corrosion). The polished mesh bracelet is titanium too, and comes with a reassuring “Sharkproof” title. Rubber versions of the straps can also be added in corresponding colours. On the bezel of each model, Super LumiNova has been added to illuminate the watch in dark conditions. In the first unique Ploprof model of 2015, the case is combined with 18K Sedna™ gold on the bezel, crown and security pusher, as well as the hands and indexes. A polished blue bezel has been added with OMEGA Ceragold™ numerals, and the piece is completed by a captivating blue lacquered dial, recalling the rich depths of the sea. The second version instantly stands out for its polished electric blue ceramic bezel ring and lacquered white dial which complements the orange aluminium and varnished blue hands. A third model continues the theme of titanium by using it on the dial, and includes a grey silicon nitride bezel ring with orange aluminium and varnished white hands completing the look. Finally, a darker model of the Ploprof features a lacquered black dial, polished black ceramic bezel ring and the same orange aluminium and varnished white hands as the previous model. While retaining the original sturdy and bold appearance, these new editions have also been updated with OMEGA’s Co-Axial Master Chronometer Calibre 8912. In addition to the regular chronometer certification from COSC, each watch and its movement has passed 8 intensive tests that have been approved by the Swiss Federal Institute of Metrology (METAS). With Master Chronometercertification,thePloprofproudlyreachesanewindustry standard for anti-magnetic resistance, chronometric performance and precision.

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Longines’ Conquest of St. Moritz To celebrate its partnership with the resort of St. Moritz, Longines unveils the Conquest 1/100th St. Moritz


fficial Watch of the Alpine village of St. Moritz, the Swiss watchmaking company is proud to present a new chronograph keeping time to one hundredth of a second to add to its Conquest collection: the Conquest 1/100th St. Moritz. This special edition, created in the context of the new partnership between Longines and the Swiss ski resort houses a unique movement using the latestgeneration technologies. Longines, timekeeper for sporting performances since 1878, is launching a new line of watches that have been specially created for sports which require high precision timing. The Conquest 1/100th series responds to the needs of athletes, professionals and sports fans, besides many others, since it measures multiple intermediary times and has an intuitive analogue display that shows the time to one hundredth of a second using a separate hand. All of this is possible thanks to a latest generation movement. Longines is now the Official Watch of the Alpine village of St. Moritz, which is renowned worldwide as the epitome of elegance, a value dear to the Swiss watch brand. The spectacular ski resort hosts FIS Alpine World Ski Championships and World Cup stages all timed by Longines. It is also avenue for stylish equestrian events, such as the Longines CSI St. Moritz or the Night Turf St. Moritz and its Longines Show-Sprint Race. To celebrate this new partnership, the winged hourglass brand is launching an exclusive edition created especially for St. Moritz: the Conquest 1/100th St. Moritz. Touches of yellow and blue on the hands, the dial or the flange subtly hint at the iconic logo of St. Moritz, which is also engraved on the case back. The demands required for Longines to reach such an extreme level of precision have led to the development of a new quartz movement, the L440, developed exclusively for Longines by the manufacture ETA. This new model includes a microcontroller with a flash memory that allows the watch to be reset instantly and allows intermediary times to be recorded. With a diameter of 41 mm, this steel model has a silver face that displays hours, minutes, small seconds at 6 o’clock, the date and other chronographic functions: a central seconds hand, a 30-minute stopwatch at 2 o’clock and a 12-hour stopwatch at 10 o’clock. The hand in yellow displays time to one hundredth of a second and is the watch’s crowning glory at the centre. The model is also fitted with a steel bracelet and a butterfly clasp.


ORIS salutes the spirit of Williams F1 Team New collection evokes glory of iconic Formula One team


wiss watchmaker Oris, celebrates the winning spirit of the Williams Formula One team, with their new Oris Williams Collection, which was introduced to the Middle East by Brand Ambassador and Formula One star, Valterri Bottas in Abu Dhabi recently.

The Oris Williams Collection is a new collection of motor sport watches produced in honour of one of the most iconic teams in Formula 1, which is sponsored by the brand. For the first time an entire collection has been dedicated to bring the synergies between the two partners to life. The new watches have been developed to reflect the innovation and professionalism of the Williams F1 Team and the speed, power and aerodynamics of its cars. There will be two base models in the collection – the 42mm stainless steel Oris Williams Day Date and the 44mm stainless steel Oris Williams Chronograph. Both models feature an allnew case shape, designed to mirror the silhouette of a Williams F1 car. The case tapers like the profile of the car, while the integrated lugs recall the shape of the nose cone. The result is a dynamic watch design that creates the feeling of speed. The designs also carry a number of clever touches that carry the spirit of a Williams F1 car. The crown has been engineered to resemble a wheel from the car’s gearbox, while the chronograph sub-dials all reset to a zero mark positioned at 8 o’clock, like the needles on dashboard instrument panels found on historic Williams F1 racing cars. The Day Date model is available with a dial in black and the traditional blue of the Williams F1 Team. The chronograph has a black dial, and the sub-dial and small second hands are finished in blue. Oris only makes mechanical watches, and both the Oris Williams Day Date and Oris Williams Chronograph are powered by automatic movements visible through sapphire crystal case backs that reveal the iconic Oris Red Rotor, the symbol of Oris’s High-Mech watchmaking philosophy. Each watch will come with either an articulated stainless steel bracelet or a rubber strap.

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Paolo Canali Sartorialist


he Canali family has long played a key role in the sartorial standing of the Italian nation. Indeed, they’ve been dressing men stylishly since 1934. Throughout their history they’ve been synonymous with the silhouette of a sharply cut suit, and since the 1970s the family have taken their uniquely tailored look around the world – first to the United States, the UK, France and then Switzerland, with the Middle East following in the 1980s. Now led by the third generation of the family, we caught up with Paolo Canali at their boutique in Salhiya during his recent visit to Kuwait.


From the earliest moments of our conversation with the affable Paolo, it’s clear that the company still places family values above all others. They’ve grown, and now employ more than 1,600 at seven locations across Italy, but it’s impossible to escape the feeling that, come midday, everyone stops working and breaks for a lengthy lunch of the kind you’ll only ever find amongst the closest of Italian families. There’s a bond too that extends to their local partners – in Kuwait it’s the Al Azem family and their Dananeer store. They’ve been working together here for 40 years now, and there’s an interesting synergy between the two families – they’ve both grown over the years, and the baton has passed seamlessly between generations on both sides. Europe in the 1930s was going to prove a difficult time during which to grow a business and, although founders Giacomo and Giovanni Canali quickly established their family name as a by-word for style, it was not until the 1950s and the second generation of the family were installed, that the company became positioned to influence style. Italy was once again a global centre of style. Think Vespa, Gucci, Brioni and you’re getting the feel for how things looked on the streets of Milan and Florence at the time.

further unexpected twist. We focus a lot on our choice of fabric, we focus a lot on the cut. These are the essence of Canali. How significant is your ‘Made-to-Measure’ service? It’s very important to us. Canali has always presented a tailored image, so we have a lot of requests for made-tomeasure. The most important aspect for us is that we have the right person doing the measuring. Without this, it just wouldn’t work. I must say that here, with the Al Azems, we have absolutely the right people. How many Canali boutiques are there in the world? Just fifteen years ago we started our new strategy of opening mono-brand boutiques. It was an important evolution for the company; essentially we were seeking to reinvent the company. Today we have over 250 Canali boutiques, all of these are either managed directly or by our agent. Tell us about your relationship with Dananeer and Al Azem family.

It’s a look, and a style-signature, that Canali have perpetuated and constantly refined. As we learned, their Spring 2016 Collection, now in-store, delivers a contemporary reflection of Milanese style.

It actually started almost 40 years ago, and our relationship has gone from strength to strength. The Al Azem family are known to have dressed the most eminent personalities in Kuwait. There’s great loyalty better us and the Al Azems, and better the Al Azems and their customers.

Who is the modern Canali man?

How do you see the Middle Eastern or Gulf man?

A man that is rooted in his heritage, yet possesses a very open modern mind. He has a sense of elegance and is appreciative of quality. A connoisseur. When he buys Canali and wears Canali he will appreciate the intrinsic values, he shows an appreciation of things no generally seen by the outsider. He looks beyond seasonal style.

The Middle Eastern man of today is an international man; he’s well traveled and well aware. He’s demanding and expects the highest of standards throughout his life. The men I see in the region are very well dressed, in every sense. It’s an important market for us and for companies like ours. Demanding, but rewarding.

What is the age of a Canali man?

What can you tell us about the Canali SS16 collection?

We don’t focus on age. We have a wide range of lifelong loyal costumers really; Canali becomes part of a family ritual and signature passed from father to son. As young as 20, but mostly from 30 and above. Someone who wants to look modern but with a distinguished air. What distinguishes Canali?

We have become more creative and more innovative over the past seasons. We’re delivering newer and fresher ideas in terms of colours and shapes. For Spring, the Canali man will be a little more daring. We’ve given him the new style of Milano. Short jackets, with a more suppressed waist. We’re infusing the color blue, and have added bowties that are inspired by the retro 50s with a modern twist.

To us, we put a lot of emphasis on the shape of our clothing and material. Always offering a new twist, and adding a

Canali’s Kuwait store is located in Salhiya Complex, ground floor.

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Salvatore Ferragamo Spring-Summer 2016


e rsonality, a convergence of signs. Eclecticism, an instinct. Lightness, an approach. For the Salvatore Ferragamo Spring Summer 2016 collection, Massimiliano Giornetti develops a concept of clashing rhythms. He shapes a style centred on refined imbalance and designed with idiosyncratic combinations and individual gestures. Sharp graphics and luxurious materials compliment abstract geometrics and organic textures, where aplomb and nonchalance merge into a perfectly balanced symphony of eclecticism.

The well-cut but dégagé lines underscore the dynamic surfaces enhanced by stripes, inserts and pinstripes that design multisensory pathways. The ‘everyday’ is enriched by a wardrobe conceived according to purposely misaligned precision: high-waisted trousers with a razor-sharp crease, short jackets and mackintoshes with a precise profile. Dry wool suits feature off-colour pinstripes enhanced by bold stitching. Seersucker or cotton shirts with broad stripes are matched with tailoring without ever converging completely. Broken stripes on compact sweaters alternate precious leather inserts and raffia embroidery while opposing geometric lines lend to exotic materials. Cactuses and monkeys whimsically appear on patches and embroidery. The collection is designed by autonomous units but the overall aesthetic is the result of the instinctive combination of several factors to emphasize an enlightened carefree attitude. The soft, mellow colour palette merges dissonances into rhythmic harmony: brown, khaki, ochre and beige are heightened by splashes of turquoise, pink and cactus green. Black is the recurrent link that blends and mellows the palette. A tactile collage is the distinctive feature of the accessories: sandals and gym lace-ups with high rubber soles and fringes on toecaps; straw bags and pouches with leather exteriors; eyewear with inner and outer temples featuring contrasting patterns; monkey-shaped charms and pendants to offset any sense of severity.


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Lanvin Spring / Summer 2016


n Sunday morning in the courtyard of the Beaux-Arts, the models moved forward, decisively yet smoothly. As Flavien Berger sings in “Fête Noire” from the film Le Plus Beau des Voyages, the soundtrack for the runway show mimicked the journey in which the models declared their individuality, to stand out from the rest. The strength of Lanvin men’s prêt-à-porter lies in this rebuttal against interchangeable fashion. The Lanvin man is contemporary and an aesthete yet does not follow fashion in order to follow the crowd. Lucas Ossendrijver, the Director of the fashion house’s menswear collection, always designs with a firm focus on the emotional.

“I like garments which have lived. There is something very moving about clothes that tell a story,” says the Dutch designer. For Summer 2016, Ossendrijver imagined a personal dressing room, one without confinements in order to display aspects of a wardrobe where a man would keep his prized items. All that matters is desire. In the same vein as the first look, black trousers are worn with an oversized grey polo shirt, reflecting the comfort we find in treasuring an old garment containing memories. The collar of a grey suit features a zip closure and a suit jacket resembles a denim jacket. A utilitarian parka looks as if it has lived a thousand lives: patches and pockets are arranged asymmetrically on the fabric, with a python print on the lining and hood, yet always maintaining Lanvin’s essence of luxury. Inspiration is not drawn from any specific era, but jumps back and forth between periods and universes. A black Harrington jacket displays highly casual red sparkles, proving that Lanvin’s signature sportswear is ever present. A sharp rock look is suggested with a black patent leather jacket, with futuristic inspiration evident in shoes reminiscent of diving boots. A retro romanticism emerges from a very baggy aubergine suit or a long red coat. Trousers take turns to be XXL with fabric belts, or more tapered and form-fitting. Shorts are baggy or tight on the thigh. The palette is rather sombre, playing with grey and black, yet with the occasional appearance of very vibrant patterns: a jacquard where beige and pink clash, with half-animal, half-plant prints. The military element of some outfits (such as a three-quarter length black leather coat) is mitigated by the softness of very thin T-shirts or embroidered pink ribbon tank tops.


White stitching leaves a unique stamp on suit jackets. The breast of a black shirt is covered in embroidered arcs, and one of these patterns turns up on the back, as if it had come to life and taken a walk. This laidback look is all about accuracy, but also audacity. The Lanvin house dares to push the boundaries of its tailoring. On classic jackets, pockets are closed with press studs. The same closures cover the collar of a black velvet jacket. Some buttons are covered in material while others are left bare, revealing a metallic gleam. Outfits are fringed, but there are no added frills; on the contrary, these are the technical elements that the designer

wanted to preserve. Just like humans, the beauty of the garments lies in their faults, their awkwardness, in what they reveal about the wearer. “There is no ready-made formula. We must let accidents happen.� The collection reconciles this idea of imperfection with the pure elegance of Lanvin by reaching equilibrium between the offerings of tradition and the height of modernity. The collection pays tribute to the Lanvin atelier, to these secret places where artisans fashion a myriad of shapes and outfits to allow men to always express themselves with style.

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A Suit To Travel In From Paul Smith


fter last season’s dynamic debut of the Paul Smith ‘A Suit To Travel In’, the designer returns to LC:M, evolving the story with a summer suit constructed using unlined and breathable cloth.

Manufactured in Italy, using exceptional fabric created by revered cloth-maker, Loro Piana, the suit combines a high-performing textile with confident use of colour and contemporary construction. High-twist yarn that gives crease-resistance is woven loosely in the summer suit, to create a season-appropriate jacket and trousers with a dry, tropical handle. With colour at the heart of Paul Smith, the SS16 ‘Suit To Travel In’ comes in a series of vibrant hues. A palette of rich pastels includes suits in citrus shades of yellow and green and dusty blue and purple, all woven with the same graphical windowpane check. Following on from the gymnastic feats witnessed at last season’s LC:M, Paul Smith returns with a pedalpowered presentation. Nodding to Paul’s personal love of cycling, the suit’s breathable and creaseresistant credentials are put to the test by world champion, freestyle stunt cyclist, Ben Savage, as he balances precariously on a series of sculptural art pieces. The SS16, Paul Smith ‘A Suit To Travel In’ will be available worldwide as part of the London collection from Paul Smith shops and selected wholesale partners from March 2016. The AW15, Paul Smith ‘A Suit To Travel In’, introduced at last season’s LC:M will continue to feature in the Paul Smith collection.


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Calligraphy the Soul of Writing with Montegrappa


here is writing. And then there is calligraphy. Calligraphy is to writing what marquetry is to carpentry. It is the act of applying a second level to the communication which writing accomplishes, for – regardless of form or font – a word on the page or manuscript has a specific meaning. Calligraphy enhances the actual letters which form a word by adding a visual element that both complements and reinforces the message. When written calligraphically, letters and words transcend their basic forms and become precious items.


In the Arab world, calligraphy is considered an exquisite art form that empowers culture through its relationship to the Arabesque patterns that adorn books, tapestries, the interiors of mosques, textiles, jewellery and other surfaces that invite decoration. Arabic, or equally appropriately, Islamic calligraphy has evolved alongside both Islam and the Arabic language, and is based on Arabic letters. THE CALLIGRAPHY PENS To couple together the spiritual and visual elements of Arabic calligraphy, and to translate them into a pen design, Montegrappa turned to the Lebanese artist and designer, Katya Assouad Traboulsi. Her creativity marries the calligraphy and the Arabesque pattern, which are intricately bound together by history and culture. Based in Dubai, Traboulsi was born in 1960. Since 1986, her work has been exhibited in Paris, Washington, Mexico City, New York, London, Kuwait, Algiers, Beirut, Dubai and other capitals. Traboulsi’s art has entered many private collections in Canada, France, Switzerland, the USA, England, Dubai, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Bahrain, Jordan and Lebanon. She has also published two books, Of Others (2011) and Generation War’ (2013). Traboulsi’s design for the Calligraphy pen features an elegant arabesque medallion in silver as a cap top and an exquisite interplay of enamel arabesque patterns in mother-of-pearl white, red and green. The pen barrel is characterised by its Arabic calligraphy phrase, virtuously embossed on a silver or gold background. The phrase literally reads: “the pen transports culture”, and the symbolism of this phrase is that the pen has been the instrument of transmitting knowledge and culture through time and across generations. Available as a fountain pen only, but with a wide range of nibs including oblique and stub versions preferred by calligraphers, the Calligraphy writing instruments are made of bamboo black celluloid with sterling silver trim. The fountain pen is fitted with an 18K gold nib enhanced with a bicolour arabesque motif. Delivered in a hand-made wooden case devised to protect the pen, it also houses a hardback version of the special book, “Arabic Calligraphy: Worlds Made Precious”. The Calligraphy pen is a limited edition comprising 512 pieces, this number representing the discovery of first document written in Arabic and another two languages from the year 512 CE. The Calligraphy Pen is fitted with the owner’s choice of the following nibs: EF (Extra Fine), F (Fine), M (Medium), OM (Oblique Medium), B (Broad), OB (Oblique Broad), BB (Double Broad), STUB 1.1.

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Davidoff Agar Blend with its creator Alienor Massenet


avidoff Agar Blend is the second opus of Davidoff Blend Collection, a new line of perfumes directly inspired by the life and values of the company’s founder, Zino Davidoff. The Davidoff Blend line, Davidoff’s first collection, pays tribute to the brand’s motto: passion for excellence, pleasure in life.


Each fragrance is carefully designed around a specific note sublimated by a careful selection of extremely qualitative and refined ingredients. The elegant sobriety of the bottle offers a perfect counterpoint to this sophisticated alchemy. True to this philosophy and following first fragrance, Davidoff Leather Blend, the new Davidoff Agar Blend combines the brand’s savoir-faire and one of the most sought-after and luxurious substances from the Orient: oud wood. THE INSPIRATION: What does the brand Davidoff represent to you? Davidoff is a very masculine and iconic brand which expresses its universe through its emblematic perfumes such as Cool Water. It perfectly sums up the masculine attributes with character and intensity. What were the sources of inspiration to create this fragrance? To create Agar Blend I was inspired by all the wealth, beauty and refinement of the Middle East. I wanted to capture in this fragrance the Western spirit together with the Oriental codes and traditions. Moreover, I was influenced by Davidoff’s universe and its sophisticated masculinity. Were there any specific ingredients the marketing wanted to have in this fragrance? The Oud. What was the initial brief from the marketing team? The brief was precise and straight to the point: they were looking to launch a new Oud for the Middle East. In order to reinvent the Oud, I decided to color it with Saffron. THE FRAGRANCE: Which family does it belong to? Oriental Woody. How would you describe this fragrance in your own words? Agar Blend is the perfumed expression of all the wealth of the Middle East. And yet it is a bridge between the Western and the Eastern cultures. It is an intense and masculine Oud, not too animalic, highly addictive. If you had to choose 3 key words what would they be? Addiction, luxury, oud. Could you describe each facet in detail: top, heart, base? On top, the refined saffron oil, one of the most precious spices of the Eastern universe, valued as gold, offers its sophisticated notes. As a deep undertone, black pepper oil contrasts with the red pistil. In order to reinforce the piquant atmosphere, the cinnamon leaves oil diffuses its light spicy and clove accents. At heart, the patchouli oil brings its damp woody accent with

lightly mint tone to the smoky landscape. The oud accord and the Guaiac wood oil reinforce this deep facet by diffusing the typical notes of agarwood accord. In the dry-down, all the emblematic ingredients of the Middle East enhance the agarwood trail. The long lasting benzoin mingles its sweetness, typical of the Oriental tradition, to the addictive mystery of the ambreine and the vibrant amber accord. What makes this fragrance unique? It creates a rather surprising addiction from the very first moment. It is the olfactive combination of the oud accord, woody and animalic, and the spicy saffron oil which makes this fragrance unique. The oud accord and the saffron oil give depth to the fragrance that, balanced with the tasty benzoin and ambreine, give the sophisticated addiction that I was looking for. Which are the key ingredients? Saffron Oil Oud Accord Patchouli Oil If you had to present this fragrance in one sentence what would you say? Agar Blend, a bond between the Western and Eastern worlds, is a very masculine and sophisticated Oud, which creates an immediate addition. Is there any specific / unusual raw material in the fragrance? IFF Captives were used in this fragrance. They are molecules, ingredients or raw materials from IFF’s Research & Development, obtained through synthesis. In this case, AmberXtreme was present, among others. It is a dry-down note which provides an ambery and woody signature, lightly animal, to the perfume. What are all the key raw materials of this fragrance? Saffron oil, black pepper oil, cinnamon leaves, patchouli oil, oud accord, guaiac wood oil, benzoin resinoid, ambreine and amber accord. THE TARGET: In your opinion, who is the consumer? Could you describe him in terms of age, temperament, interests, lifestyle? He is elegant and tasteful, self-confident about his seduction potential and style. He is seeking details and the most refined ingredients. Agar Blend is a perfume for connoisseurs only. What key words would you use to describe the Agar Blend man? Elegant, sophisticated, influential.

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Think Differently New York & Beirut


e’re passionate travellers, and spend a lot of our time away from home. Sometimes it’s for business, fortunately often for pleasure – but combining the two whenever possible. What’s the new term for that, ‘bleasure’ - how ridiculous, but the media do like to create new buzzwords. Ew. This we do not like. But we don’t see why a stay in a hotel should ever be less than inspiring, so we’re always looking for something different – and good. We’ve got a couple of suggestions for you this month, from two of our favourite hotels in two of our favourite cities – New York and Beirut.


O Monot Boutique Hotel A classy, downtown home-from-home In what for those in the know remains the Middle East’s chicest city, the O Monot Boutique Hotel sits peerless in its realm. For sure, Beirut has always had more than its fair share of luxury hotels, but there’s only one that does this level of luxury on this small and personal a scale – the O Monot Boutique Hotel. Located at the southern end of Monot Street, it finds itself today balanced between old and new. The old – the city’s once leading party-district of Monot. For a time this was THE place to see and be seen. With bars and clubs aplenty, if you were known in Monot, you were known in Beirut. Time passed, and the fickle night owls migrated to other venues leaving the street in a state of flux as it sought to reestablish an identity. It’s fair to say it hasn’t quite yet decided what it wants to be – however you’ll find a pleasant mix of cafés, boutiques and two or three first-class restaurants. In truth, today many visitors to the city unfairly overlook Monot, it is engaging in the extreme. The new – a short walk seawards delivers a choice: Solidere’s vision of a brave new Beirut for the 21st century in Saifi Village and on into the modernity of Downtown, or a dive down Gemayze for some of the best (and worst) that the city has to offer. You’ll make your own choice, but either way O Monot provides the ideal base for any stay in the city. From top to toe, a walk through the hotel’s interior feels like a stroll through the pages of Architectural Digest. Perhaps the reason it works quite so well is because of the total lack of pretention. Incredibly sharp, incredibly chic – yet devoid of pointless opulence or random shows of grandeur. Privately owned, it’s a member of Small Luxury Hotels of the World (SLH). For years we’ve used SLH as a guide towards finding unique and characterful hotels on our travels and, although sadly it isn’t the flawless guide it once was (these days they do seem to let members in whom they really shouldn’t), the O Monot epitomizes everything a true small luxury hotel should be. Lebanon’s history as the home of hospitality in the region, used to ensure the finest levels of service everywhere. This is not longer the case everywhere you’ll go, but management at O Monot retain the highest expectations of their team, and their team appear frightfully happy to oblige. The result? Happy guests. Well-appointed bedrooms and suites leave nothing to chance. Quiet rooms, ask for a higher floor to secure one of the better views, guarantee visitors an oasis of peace in what is a chaotic city even at the best of times.

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Breakfasting in your room is always a treat, but do that here and you’ll miss out on the opportunity to watch the sun rise over a usually calm Mediterranean from the hotels 11th floor restaurant. Of course, if you miss breakfast on the terrace you’ve got the later options of morning coffee, lunch, afternoon tea or dinner. Miss those and there’s the night ahead, with rooftop pool making this one of the city’s better kept late night secrets. Make the most of the terrace, and their 10th floor dining room - they both provide the ideal setting for the chefs of O Monot to impress with their food. With only a touch over 40 rooms to cater for, the hotel operates at a gentle cadence. Every guest is quickly recognized and acknowledged by attentive staff, keen to anticipate every request before it is even whispered. Whilst we hesitate to revisit hotels (life is short and there are too many great hotels to be explored), there’s every reason to expect to see us again at O Monot – when you find something this good, it’s hard not to want to go back. You can find out more about On Monot Boutique Hotel at


Ground Control To Major Tom YOTEL’s New York City hotel


hen, with the establishment of YOTEL in 2008, Simon Woodruffe set about changing the way we engage with hotels, it was immediately apparent that the hospitality sector was going to have to sit up and take notice. These, initially only in airport locations, were not the usual ‘no-frills’ venues, instead they were less, much less - but less in all the right ways. They redefine hotels, and they redefine space.

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Their first three venues were terminal-based within Amsterdam Schipol, London Gatwick and London Heathrow airports. Marketed as ‘capsules’ rather than rooms, and with limited services (indeed, it’s quite feasible to check-in, stay, and depart without encountering another human being – for the jet-lagged and frazzled traveller that can be quite an appealing thought) they were quickly adopted as a practical, and comfortable, solution. YOTELs are designed around the idea of using technology in smart ways to provide a convenient experience for guests. There are strategic concepts — such as the adjustable beds and check-in kiosks — that are meant to save time, while other aspects, like the co-working space, were established to ensure that guests can make the most of their stay. There are additional components, like the luggage-storing robot, YOBOT, that add a bit of personality and character to the space as well. Moving out of airports for the first time in 2011 with their Midtown West location in New York City, YOTEL installed themselves and a whopping 669 rooms into the then new $300 million MiMA complex. The Experience: The entrance, on 10th Avenue, delivers its guests to a not unfamiliar environment – for all its urban appearance, this has the feeling of an airport. There’s no ‘check-in’ desk as you’d know it – instead you’ll discover a row of monitors where you can check yourself in and take your key card from a slot below. Lest you feel this is all a little unfriendly and unpersonal, a friendly bunch of YOTEL operatives and, as Americans for whom service is king staffs the entrance hall, they could not be more personable. Bulky luggage you don’t need during this stay? Hand it over to the automated YOBOT – YOTAL’s automated luggage handling robot. In fact, so revolutionary was this in 2011 that it became a tourist attraction in itself. Beyond this, it’s a handy way of ‘parking’ your bags, and typifies YOTEL’s practicality.


The Fourth Floor is where the real hospitality begins. It’s largely self-delivered, but comfortable lounges – airport inspired for sure – present a great place to while away a short period while waiting for your Uber to arrive. Another bit of good news is that your room won’t be as small as you imagine (or as we’ve perhaps led you to believe). Cleverly designed, what it lacks in square-metres it more than makes up for in use-of-space and facilities. Well-appointed, bright, crisply prepared, superfast wifi and with a great view of the city – you can pay far more in swankier locations and not feel so well treated. While there is a tempting ‘In Room Dining’ menu, there’s no room service. You’ll order by phone, and go down and collect it yourself. Breakfast is a similar affair. Complimentary muffins and as much tea and coffee as you can drink. Why would you want to linger in your hotel anyway. You’ve got the world’s great city on your doorstep. For a short stay, or as a key base in the city, YOTEL provides a simple, unfussy solution. We got hooked years ago through our airport stays, and it’s good to see Woodruffe’s original ethos is reflected in his Midtown property. Exciting news - YOTEL is expanding rapidly with seven new hotels under development globally, representing over 3,000 cabins in some of the most prominent locations in the world including Paris, Singapore, Boston, Williamsburg (Brooklyn, New York), Miami, San Francisco and Dubai. So, you’re certain to presented with the chance of experiencing YOTEL first-hand. And you really should. They offer a big surprise in the smallest of ways.

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ZEITGEIST Good design, where form and function come together so exquisitely, should always be celebrated.

This month Men’s Passion features some of the most desirable and well executed products that define the times in which we are living.

Does your eyewear speak for you?


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Real Estate Opportunities in Montenegro


s the government aims to establish Montenegro as an elite tourism destination, attractive prices and high yields lure investors to this Mediterranean country. By Anna Amin, Editor, Cityscape magazine.


Lustica Bay

Set in the heart of Eastern Europe, bordered by Croatia and Bosnia Herzegovina to the North, Serbia to the East and Albania to the South, the small country of Montenegro has a population of just over 620,000 inhabitants. Despite its small size however, in recent years, the country has increasingly moved into investors’ radars. According to data from the Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism of Montenegro, total FDI inflow as risen from just EUR 10 million in 2000 to a total of 4.8 billion for the period between 2007-2014, with 2009 showing the highest volume of FDI inflow to date with EUR 1.22 billion. Until 2014, Russians have been the biggest investors in Montenegro. However, with the devaluation of the Ruble and changing national politics in Montenegro, this has changed. Kieran Kelleher, MD of Savills associate Dream Estates Montenegro says that whereas in 2013, Russians made up 95% of their buyers, today the number is less than 50% with the balance being made up by returning Western European buyers and interest from the Middle East. Attraction points Whilst still an emerging destination for leisure property, “Montenegro is slowly becoming a very desirable destination for high-end buyers,” says Savills, adding that the country fits with the firm’s longer term view on the “growing appeal for the authentic.” Market attraction points include and open market, political stability, EU candidacy status and ambitions to join NATO as well as its currency, the Euro. In addition to this, Montenegro possesses beautiful nature

and lots of history. Kotor Old Town, for example, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and “offers prospective investors historic property with income potential,” says Savills. There are also several fiscal and other incentives for foreign investors such as a VAT of 0% for all products and services for the construction and equipment of 5 star hotels, reduction of real estate tax by 30-70% for 4+ star hospitality facilities which operate year-round, and a temporary residence permit in association with the purchase of real estate which will help raise more interest in buying property in Montenegro. Tourism Montenegro boasts a stunning Mediterranean coast which attracts wealthy clientele many of whom make this country their summer yachting destination. In fact, attracting investment in high-end tourism is one of the Montenegro government’s biggest aims. As mentioned above, there are significant tax reliefs for investors looking at the delivery of 4 and 5 star properties to be operated as hotels or as leaseback property, says Kelleher. In 2013, Montenegro has been ranked the first among 184 countries by the World Travel & Tourism Council with regards to its forecasted speed of growth in 2014 as well as according to its long term growth forecast. Direct contribution of travel and tourism to GDP stood at 9.8% of total GDP in 2013, and is growing at an annual rate of 8.6%, with an estimated share of 17.7% in 2024. In 2013, 28% of total investments were in the travel and tourism industry and are estimated to constitute a share of 52.3% in 2024.

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In Kotor Old Town, more than 70% of buyers are from the UK while the Budva Riviera is still favoured by Russian buyers. According to Kelleher, the dilution in nationalities ensures that the market has several drivers. While Western European buyers mainly look for a good investment return, Russians are primarily focused on lifestyle while for Middle Eastern clients, Montenegro is the perfect base for exploring Europe and a cost effective alternative for yacht mooring and management. “In turn, with increasing wealth in local and regional markets, we are continuing to see strong interest from the region whose traditional holiday playground has been Montenegro for decades,” he says. Buyers of prime property are drawn to Montenegro on the back of its favourable prices when compared to more established markets. “There are still bargains to be had for clients wanting to roll up their sleeves and get involved in renovation projects. Brand spanking new resorts such as Lustica Bay among others are extremely good value for clients looking for new build property and are priced to deliver decent appreciation in the mid-term,” Kelleher says. In terms of best locations and rental income, he comments: “The Old Town of Kotor is the capital of yield! Here for instance, a 2 bedroom Old Town baroque apartment can be purchased for around EUR 120,000 and after renovation can yield more than 7% net annually. Visitors really enjoy staying in the Old Town and this drives the occupancy nights per annum. Budva would be next best option.” New opportunities

Porto Montenegro

The real estate market Analysts say that Montenegro is poised to become one of the most popular destinations in Europe. “Without a doubt, Montenegro will find its position on the European and world stage as a prime second home destination for discerning buyers in the mid to long-term,” says Kelleher. “Judging by the billions of Euros currently being invested in resort product, the ongoing dramatic improvements in infrastructure, increasing air links and the low starting prices for property compared to other traditional markets and finally the commitment of the government to attract high-end tourism, all will ensure that Montenegro is very well poised to become the fashionable place to own a second home and upmarket holiday destination,” he adds. One advantage of the Montenegro market is that it comprises a “very diluted base of foreign buyers,” as Kelleher says. “In developments such as Porto Montenegro, 30% of current property purchasers are from the Middle East.

One of the major challenges to Montenegrin tourism has always been inadequate infrastructure. However, as it aims to establish the country as an elite tourism destination, the Montenegro government has made investing in infrastructure a high priority. For example, construction of the new Bar-Boljare highway has just begun; the EUR 900 million Chinese backed project, which will connect Montenegro’s developed South with the still very poorly developed Northern region, is expected to open up new investment opportunities in the North. According to the Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism, the Northern region bears great potential for tourism related development, especially for mountain ski resorts as it boasts National Parks, mountains, rivers and lakes. Outlook Experts certainly expect investor interest in Montenegrin property to increase. “We are still in the early part of the growth curve - still very much an emerging market at least for the near-term. Investors still see very good financial returns considering the price of land, the cost of building, the safety of investing and the ongoing interest from second home buyers in completed property - with this demand pushing up sales prices,” Kelleher says. He adds that for his company, the continual emergence of 5 star hotels is key to general market growth and continuing investor interest in Montenegro. He thinks that the development of prime hotels confirms the future direction of the market which is one that attracts sophisticated investors.


“Furthermore, the current policy and development strategy of Montenegro recognises tourism as the key economic sector, whose economic capacities represent a prerequisite for dynamic development and GDP growth. In that regard, we would like to emphasise that planning documentation has been completed, enabling construction of great number of hotels, as well as a set of stimulating measures, prepared and planned to be implemented by the Government of Montenegro, with the aim of developing new tourism contents.” In the long term, where do you see Montenegro with regards to its offer compared to its neighbour countries, as well as other European countries such as Spain and Italy?

Q&A with Branimir Gvozdenovic, Montenegrin Minister of Sustainable Development and Tourism How has the Montenegrin real estate market developed over recent years? “Reforms in the field of building construction have been continuously implemented by the Government of Montenegro since 2006 and the situation in this sector in Montenegro has been monitored by the World Bank. In its Doing Business Report, the World Bank established that we moved up an incredible 85 places in comparison to 2013, in terms of procedures regarding issuance of construction permits, which are being issued at one counter.

“In comparison to the majority of countries that are recognised as tourism destinations, our comparative advantage lies in the diversity of content, natural resources and possibility of experiencing adventures on a small territory, in a short time period. As a special particularity I would like to mention that the two farthest points in Montenegro are only 190 km airline distance away from each other. “At the same time, all projects in Montenegro are developing at their own pace: Porto Montenegro with its luxurious Regent Hotel; Luštica Bay, developed by Swiss-Egyptian company Orascom; Portonovi of Azerbaijan company Socar; Beyond Horizon, by Qatari Diar as well as Aman Resort – Sveti Stefan. “All of the above mentioned points contribute to the fact that Montenegro ranks high on the list of preferred investment and tourism destinations.”

In the past eleven months, the Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism issued 36% more construction permits, than, for instance, in 2012. We paid particular attention to implementation of incentives when it comes to construction of hotels, and since 2013 we have been recording constant growth in the field of issuance of permits for high class hotels, as much as by 140%. “Generally, over the past couple of years, Montenegro has seen a large growth in foreign direct investments in the real estate sector, along with its parallel, continuous, normative improvement that resulted in an extremely high growth rate in the construction sector, while new investments are also expected. In the coming months, investments worth several billions of euros are planned in tourism and other key strategic fields.” What makes Montenegro an attractive market for real estate investment? What benefits can potential investors expect when investing in Montenegro? “Montenegro is a small country of numerous opportunities, with proximity of the coastal to the northern area being one of the main advantages, in addition to its immense natural beauty.

This article is supplied by Cityscape Magazine.

Cityscape magazine is the Middle East’s leading monthly real estate investment title and is owned and published by Informa Middle East Limited. For more information, please visit Visit Cityscape Kuwait, the only international real estate investment event in Kuwait for buying your dream home.

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Sheikh Jaber Stadium Opened The huge event, which was marked by a magnificent display of fireworks and renowned local musicians, was attended by His Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, His Highness the Crown Prince Sheikh Nawaf alAhmad al-Jaber Al-Sabah and National Assembly Speaker Marzouq Al-Ghanim, alongside local and regional officials and notable figures. During the evening, Kuwait won the Champions Cup, beating a global side of ex-international stars, 4-2, with Kuwaiti talisman Bader Al-Mutawa getting on the scoresheet and David Beckham providing both assists in a match which marked the grand opening of Jaber Al-Ahmad International Stadium. Portuguese legend Luis Figo scored the opener from the edge of the area on the back of a cross from ex-England captain David Beckham.


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Chopard celebrates Porsche Motorsport’s 2015 titles

Chopard, along with partner Trafalgar Company, hosted a two-week Porsche Motorsport exhibition at the renowned The Avenues Mall in Kuwait, enabling all visitors to discover the avant-garde Porsche 919 Hybrid that led Porsche Motorsport to win the 2015 WEC World Champion title. Situated in the luxurious The Avenues Mall, guests were able to contemplate the Porsche 919 Hybrid as well as discover the Chopard Superfast watches that were exhibited on the Porsche Motorsport stand for two weeks, through until December 29th.


Gucci’s New Timepices and Jewelry Shop-in-Shop opens at Harvey Nichols

This new store, at Grand Avenue, is the largest Gucci Timepieces & Jewelry in Kuwait and offers an area reserved for private presentations, providing clients with the highest level of customer service and attention. This prestigious new setting is exclusively dedicated to the House’s timepieces and jewelry, which offer a luxurious palette of precious collections and sophisticated design. Customers will find the latest novelties including the Diamantissima Collection showcasing the iconic diamante pattern that has inspired this line and the Gucci Dive that features the traditional diver aesthetic with its unidirectional rotating bezel and strong sports allure. These pieces are the highest manifestation of Gucci’s longstanding tradition of personalized luxury, honouring artisanal skills whilst pushing forward the boundaries of modern design.

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The Porsche Road Safety Program for Schools 2016


The Porsche Road Safety Program for Schools has been developed in support of the World Health Organization and the United Nations Global Decade of Action (20112021) on Road and Traffic Safety and has been supported by the Ministry of Interior and Ministry of Education. Now in its fourth year, a new and exciting partnership between Porsche Centre Kuwait, Behbehani Motors Company and the Kuwait Historical, Vintage & Classic Cars Museum has been established to provide state of the art facilities and a new educational program for 2016. This partnership represents the commitment by Porsche Centre Kuwait, Behbehani Motors Company and the Historic, Vintage & Classic Car Museum to provide a high quality educational experience which allows the simulation of real-life driving scenarios. Students will participate in a practical, fun filled and informative visit to the Car Museum City where they are introduced to essential traffic and road safety skills. To date, over 30,000 young children have participated in the Porsche Road Safety Program from schools throughout Kuwait, both government and private, and a further 10,000 young children are expected to attend during 2016. Road accidents are the biggest single cause of accidental injury amongst children, comprising almost half of all fatalities. By encouraging teachers and parents to be involved and including road safety education on a regular basis, children will gain a better understanding of keeping safe. The earlier children begin to learn this, the better chance we have of keeping them safe. A curriculum guide will be presented to all participating schools and nurseries, enabling the integration of road safety education within existing curriculum topics and providing continuous reinforcement of the ‘Golden Rules’ of road safety. Research shows that young children form attitudes that will shape their behaviour and future choices later in life. Through the Porsche Road Safety program we are able to target children during these formative years, to help them think about driving responsibly and staying safe on the roads from a young age, which can have a direct impact on their future behaviour. Mike Finn, the Program Director commented, “Feedback from participating schools and parents has confirmed that students attending the program are learning to be responsible drivers, passengers and pedestrians and have shared their learning experience with adult drivers and other family members. Many parents have been delighted to inform us that their children now insist on wearing a seat belt and are following the ‘Golden Rules’ of road safety.”

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Lexus’s New GS F in Kuwait


Lexus dealer Mohamed Naser Al Sayer has launched two of the most powerful Lexus cars ever made: GS F performanceoriented GS F four-door sports sedan and RC F were unveiled. The Lexus GS F conveys the appeal of the ‘F’ series to a wide demographic, enabling Lexus to further enhance its brand image of exhilarating performance. Speaking during the launch event Faisal Bader Al Sayer Vice Chairman Al Sayer Group Holding said “The Lexus brand is always in motion driving positive changes. During the past decades the transformation it has made is incredible. These two Lexus models – the GS F and RC F unveiled today under the F line, are groundbreaking, and will set new benchmarks in the industry.” The GS F embodies the philosophy of the ‘F’series which stands for fast dynamic response, high efficiency and seamless performance on everyday roads in addition to racetracks that can be enjoyed by everyone. The GS F is the first new ‘F’ series sedan model since the launch of the IS F in 2007.

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4th Edition of the Kuwait Motor Show

The Annual Kuwait Motor Show Auto Moto 16 opened its doors for the public under the patronage of His Excellency Minister of Information and Minister of State for Youth Affairs Sheikh Salman Al-Homoud Al-Sabah on the 17th of January through the 23rd of January at 360 MALL, organized by EPR. The Kuwait Motor Show Auto Moto16 is Kuwait’s largest motor show showcasing more than 35 brands that will be displaying their newest models for the year. The Kuwait Motor Show brings together automotive brands from around the world displaying them to their customers in Kuwait in a drive to support the local dealers in showcasing their newest models. The show is designed to generate traffic translating into sales which in turn reflects on the economy of the country.

The Kuwait Motor Show is in partnership with The Kuwait Finance House as a strategic partner for financial services for the second year in a row. The Show is also backed by various sponsors that will add value to the show experience ranging from car cleaning services offered by Pronto Wash, Oula Fuel Company, innovative cleaning services by Smart Polish Pro, and SIRBB Circuit. Visitors enjoyed a one of a kind experience with vehicles ranging from economy passenger cars, luxury sedans, super cars, and a mix of motorcycles and ATV’s, with an eager drive to satisfy the everyday commuter and family vehicles alike. The show offered its guest over 100 vehicles on display ranging from passenger cars, SUV’s, and Motorcycles and more.


Dananeer Welcomes Paolo Canali

The Al Ezem family welcomed Paolo Canali to the new Canali store at Salhiya Complex. The latest success in a partnership between the Al Azems and Canali sees the store opened and operated by Danaeer. Canali was established in Italy in 1934, and over the past 80 years its style influence has spread. Today it dresses many of the most elegant men in Kuwait, the region and the world.

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Montblanc Calligraphy Exhibition

To celebrate the launch of the Montblanc M writing instrument designed by Marc Newson, Montblanc teamed up with some of the GCC’s finest artists to create contemporary artworks using ancient calligraphy methods. Highlighting the Middle East’s cultural ties with calligraphy while paying homage to some of the region’s most iconic landmarks, the Montblanc M calligraphy project showcased eight diverse artists with varying styles. Each artwork was sketched using the Montblanc M writing instrument and the collection will be travelling around each GCC country and exhibited in Montblanc boutiques for a very limited time only. The Kuwait event was held at the Montblanc Boutique at Al Hamra Luxury Centre at the beginning of December, in the presence of Kuwaiti artist and calligrapher Abdulaziz Al Awadi.


Complicity at The Sultan Gallery

Subhan’s Sultan Gallery, in collaboration with Gypsum Gallery, Cairo, hosted an exhibition inspired by the quote from “Just Kids”, a memoir penned by the poet, artist and singer Patti Smith about her complicated and intimate relationship with the artist Robert Mapplethorpe. The quote refers to a black and white photographic portrait he shot of her for the cover of her first album in 1975. Smith’s words suggest that artists are often present in their works even when they are not the subjects. Featuring video, photography, photomontage, painting and drawing, the show brought together a group of works in which artist and subject were inextricably bound. Many of the works stemmmed from a private story, a recurring memory or an intense personal experience. They compressed and translated, through the physical form of an artwork, intangible desires and vulnerabilities. Because of the introspective and psychological nature of the work, they triggered in the viewer a sense of unease, as if they were seeing or partaking in something that was not quite legitimate. And often, beneath the veneer of the personal revelations, more complex and collective power relations revealed themself. Artists included: Doa Aly, Tamara Al-Samerraei, Shady Elnoshokaty, Nermine Hammam, Mahmoud Khaled, Jumana Manna, Setareh Shahbazi.

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Pino Deodato at CAP Gallery

In Pino Deodato’s works, for his show ‘The Universe Is A Blue Tree’ currently on at Contemporary Art Platform Kuwait, the world looks like a territory of disclosures, an epiphanic place that man watches not just optically, with a surprised look, but also cerebrally. The man who thinks and watches, reads and writes, and constantly wonders about the innate essence of phenomena, about the ultimate substance of creation, is the protagonist of Deodato’s imagined journeys. He is a man folded in on himself, as if engaged in chasing the thread of a thought or unravelling the tangle of a dream; sometimes taking part in human affairs, constantly in search of utopian pacification through natural forms. The exhibition continues until 20th February.


AM Gallery Hosts 50 x 50

Kuwait’s AM Art & Design Gallery hosted a special exhibition of art featuring leading artists from the nation. A varied show, it brought together artists and collectors from across the generations including Sami Mohammed, Jassem Bu-Hammed, Mohammed Al-Shaikh and Shaikha Al-Sinan.

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Frédérique Constant introduces Kuwait to their Smartwatch

In December, Frédérique Constant and Kuwait’s Behbehani Group unveiled the Horological Smartwatch model powered by MotionX-365 at the Al Hamra Thermae on the 75th floor of Al Hamra Business Tower. Abdul Mohsen Behbehani, Director of Behbehani Group, and Sebastien Cretegny, Regional Sales Director of Frédérique Constant, welcomed guests to take a look at the Frédérique Constant Horological Smartwatch.

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