西媒导读 2014年合订本

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The Mentality Carrier 西媒导读 INTRODUCING THE FUTURE

University of Tasmania, Australia

2014 年度合订本

西媒导读 – 2014 正式版


《西媒导读》∙ The Mentality Carrier 2014 – 基本介绍 Introducing the Future 1. 创建背景 Background: 当代中国学生学习英文,一般长达十年以上,而付出与收获却经常不成正 比。由于我们已付出了大量辛劳和努力,我们并不应满足于看懂一些实用 性信息,仅迎合生活和工作所需。英文作为一种国际语言,掌握了它其实 相当于掌握了与未来世界的人们沟通的权利,从而获取世界前沿的想法、 创意和思维方式,有助于我们看清脚下的路,走得更远。 如今,在媒体管制和应试教育的背景下,当代中国学生获得有价值英文信 息的渠道极为有限。一方面,国家投入大量人力、资源和时间到英语教学 上;另一方面,西方价值观受到较为严格的管制——因此,当今英语教学 存在一个十分微妙的矛盾。 目前,“纯工具性”的英语学习在国内大学普遍存在。比如,在做阅读理 解时,同学们除了认识几个新的单词,鲜有新的知识或思想等信息。另外, 由于高品质的中文原创群体相对缺乏,中文资讯供不应求,广大网民普遍 有一种信息饥渴的感觉。而在发达国家,由于其国民教育水平普遍偏高, 所以其文章和资讯的平均质量更为精良——其主要特点为平和稳重、逻辑 性强,值得我们阅读与学习。

2. 价值定位 Visions and Values: 《西媒导读》作为一家独立的出版机构,倡导、推广英语作为有价值信息 的载体和有意义交流的工具,逐步减轻“纯工具性”英语学习对国内广大 学生所带来的不良影响。 我们的其他目的有:在网络信息泛滥的时代,为热爱英语、热爱生活的同 学们提供小清新读物;提供有价值的西方观点,起启迪作用;为雅思学习 有需要的同学提供阅读材料;倡导文艺的生活方式等。

3. 刊物名称 Designation for Name: 中文名《西媒导读》:我们所选取的西方媒体文章与报道涉及时事、科技 和艺术三个领域,致力于展现西方的最新社会风貌。为降低阅读门槛,我 们为文章添加导语,突出其思想价值特色——从而提高同学们阅读兴趣、 开启一扇窗户,对西方社会文化的认知和了解起到催化剂作用。 英文名 The Mentality Carrier: Mentality 是心智、思想和精神力的总称; Carrier 意为载体、搬运工。此英文名与刊物的价值定位相符,也体现了 《西媒导读》爱智的特点。

4. 年度口号 Slogan: Sharing and Progressing Together 每个人,在生活中都会拾缀到好的东西——分享生活中的发现,在交流中 增进彼此了解,大家得以共同进步。《西媒导读》虽然致力于选取有价值 内容,但并不能涵盖英文信息的所有——在此,我们鼓励读者去发掘适合 于自己的信息。我们相信,随着读者自身知识的积累,大约在 6 至 9 个月 之后,便会超越本刊读者群的平均水平,从而自发地去探索更广阔的信息 空间。

5. 制作流程 Production Procedure: 主要栏目包括中文导读、英文报道全文、词句评析、推荐栏目等。 每期栏目,编辑大约花费 70% 的时间阅读和筛选信息;30% 的时间用于编 排文字、撰写导语和内容升华。 对于重点词句评析,一般不从语法角度,而主要是从观点和想法的角度; 网站的分享链接都将被统一整合到“推荐栏目”。

6. 联系我们 Contact: 了解更多详情,请登陆官方主页:http://issuu.com/mentality.carrier Facebook 主页:www.facebook.com/mentality.carrier 订阅请将姓名或昵称发送至:mentality.carrier@outlook.com

西媒导读 – 2014 第三季度

Introducing the Future


October, 2014























Open Access: 透明科研





第 10 期



第 11 期



第 12 期

香港 2017 年普选:背景与未来


西媒导读 第 1 期 – 德国之声

Aug.17, 2014

导读:这是一篇来自于德国媒体的文章,介绍了德国之声广电公司的基本概 况和价值定位。就像德国人的思维一样,这篇文章行文逻辑性很强,简明而 清楚——读过去之后,每句话就像投印到心上一样,给人一种莫名的喜感。

Deutsche Welle -- Germany's International Broadcaster Deutsche Welle (DW) is Germany’s international broadcaster and represents Germany in the international media landscape. It conveys the country as a nation rooted in European culture and as a liberal, democratic state based on the rule of law.

We fulfil this mission with a full range of television, radio and online services. DW is known for its in-depth, reliable news and information in 30 languages. Culture, education and Europe are some of our focal points. We classify facts, explain contexts and analyse background information. We address people who are interested in Germany and Europe – especially those who are seen as opinion-leaders in their homeland. In authoritarian [2] states, this applies to those who actively stand up for democracy, civil rights, liberties and progress. We work hard to communicate with people from all backgrounds – and do so by addressing them in their native language and the bridge language, English. Our services in German are targeted especially to people with good language skills, and to students and teachers. Every week, we reach about 86 million people worldwide who value us as a trustworthy source of information. Technological progress is changing the media landscape and we adapt our distribution channels to meet those needs. In the era of satellite, apps and social networks, analogue shortwave transmission only plays a role in a few regions. We rely on a worldwide satellite network, on partner stations and the Internet, where we offer audio and video-on-demand, podcasts and mobile services.

DW's broadcasting centre, Berlin

Who we are/ Profile As part of its statutory mission, DW works independently to present events and developments in Germany and the world, picks up on German and other points of view on important issues. It promotes exchange and understanding between the world's cultures and people. DW also provides access to the German language, the daily life and the mentality [1] of the people.

Our DW Akademie provides advanced media training for media professionals, journalists, documentary producers and managers from around the world. We offer comprehensive, on-site training and advice to our partner stations. DW Akademie makes further education a reality with traineeships and a master's program. It’s all part of a concept based on sustainable media development. Deutsche Welle is regulated by public law and financed by federal tax revenue. The annual budget for 2012 is about 271 million euros. More than 1,500 employees and hundreds of freelancers from 60 countries work in our headquarters in Bonn and in Berlin.

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西媒导读 第 1 期 – 德国之声

We have been on the air since May 3, 1953. The German Federal President, Theodor Heuss, formulated DW's mission as "relaxation". Today, the focus is on intercultural dialogue. In 1994 DW branched out to the Internet as the first public broadcaster in Germany to go online.

Aug.17, 2014

We communicate the values of a liberal democracy and support respect for human rights. We report independently, comprehensively, truthfully and on a pluralistic [3] basis. We provide comprehensive and uncensored [4] information to countries that lack free media, particularly crisis regions and war zones. We have a cultural mission and present the culture from Germany and Europe. We promote the German language. We use our credibility to promote Germany’s reputation worldwide.

[1] mentality: The capacity for intelligent thought [2] authoritarian: Favouring or enforcing strict obedience to authority at the expense of personal freedom [3] pluralistic: A condition or system in which two or more states, groups, principles, sources of authority, etc., coexist

Visions and values/ Mission statement Deutsche Welle carries out its legally defined mission while remaining journalistically independent: We produce multilingual media services for a global audience.

[4] censor: An official who examines books, films, news, etc. that are about to be published and suppresses any parts that are considered obscene, politically unacceptable, or a threat to security 了解更多内容请登陆:www.dw.de

We communicate German points of view and European perspectives. We promote intercultural dialogue and work to further international understanding and tolerance.

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西媒导读 第 2 期 – 南京先锋书店

Aug.22, 2014

导读:走进先锋书店,就像来到自己家一样,可以肆无忌惮地翻阅每一本书。 “一家书店往往能决定一座城市的高度。希望我的坚守,能给这座城市带来 些什么,”店主钱晓华说。在这里,推广的不仅是书,更是一种公民文化 —— 经过十几年的发展,先锋书店俨然已成为南京的一张亮丽名片。

China's most beautiful bookshop ... in a car park No glamorous chandeliers, no extravagant façade -- to find the most beautiful bookshop in China, travellers just have to follow the yellow-striped road to an underground car park.

Qian converted to Christianity when he quit a job with the provincial government to open the first Librairie Avant-Garde, across the street from the St. Paul Cathedral. It was a tiny store -- 17 square meters. "I listened to the hymns coming from the church every day and I felt so peaceful," says Qian. "Then I became a Christian." That explains the large crosses in all of shop's branches. But it's not simple Christian faith Qian is promoting.

Before Librairie Avant-Garde (文艺范儿) owner Qian Xiaohua, 50, obtained the 4,000-square-meter underground space beneath Wutaishan Stadium in Nanjing in 1999, it was a government car park and, earlier, a bomb shelter. "We chose this car park because it borders Nanjing University -- it has become the second library for students," says Qian. "There is an old saying in Chinese -- turn something rotten into a miracle." Instead of a shelf for bestselling books, visitors are welcomed by a replica of Rodin's "The Thinker" sculpture. The cashier counter is built from thousands of old books.

"We aim to be a humanities bookstore as well as a religious store," says Zhang Xing, manager of the bookshop. "Here in Librairie Avant-Garde, reading is our religion and this place is the heaven for book lovers." The main hall of the bookstore serves as a forum for talks and concerts. It also houses a homey coffee shop, permanent exhibition space for beautiful book designs and a retail area for creative works by Nanjingers. Qian's favorite artworks hang from the ceiling. Pillars in the store are etched with famous verses and poems.

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西媒导读 第 2 期 – 南京先锋书店

Aug.22, 2014

Librairie Avant-Garde operates two other stores in Nanjing, including one inside the Presidential Palace. Its latest store is located in the old town in Wuxi. But it's the special car park location and design that's made the main shop a tourist landmark of the city. "Librairie Avant-Garde has unintentionally become the city's tourist spot," says Qian. "Tourists come here to observe the culture of a city, to exchange cultures and it's also become a new meeting spot in Nanjing." Librairie Avant-Garde, 173 Guangzhou Rd, Gulou District, Nanjing, China 先锋书店地址:南京市鼓楼区广州路 173 号 Open daily 10 a.m.-9 p.m.


The beauty of Qian's bookstore lies in its unique way of operating. Qian sees his shop as a kind of public library. Two long reading tables and more than 300 seats are available for readers who are encouraged to stay and read in the shop's main hall.

南京城市官网,创建于青奥会开幕前夕。网站上有多篇文章、报道,介绍人 文景点、民国美食、城市四季、24 小时生活等。CNN 记者们寻访这座城市 的发展变迁脉络,从西方人的视角出发,体现了他们对南京这座城市的独特 欣赏,笔下实在展现一个美丽而富有活力的六朝古都。

"I come here very often because they stock a wide range of books and they don't discriminate against readers who just want to read," says Robin Wang, a recent graduate from a local university. She says she came to the store twice a week during her years in the university. "A good bookshop should provide space, vision and nurture the city with its humanitarian spirit," says Qian. "It's a place for people to have dreams in the city." As Chinese cities undergo rapid development, and e-books chip away at the market for traditional books, many independent book stores are facing financial difficulties across the country. "Independent book shops represent the well-being of the city," says Qian. "When a city is losing its bookshops, it's actually losing something in its soul."

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西媒导读 第 3 期 – 智力所能达到的层级

导读:本文介绍了人类的智力所能达到的层级。看一看,你现在处于哪 个层级?

The Level of Intelligence

Aug.30, 2014

just know certain things to act successfully while being intelligent means you actually seek to understand the way that things work. An intelligent person questions, inquires and enquires and there is a quality of “brightness” and “sharpness” to their mind or thinking. 智力所能达到的第二层级是聪慧。聪慧和聪明是有区别的——聪明代表 着擅长使用一些高效的方法,而聪慧还意味着善于探究高效方法的本 源。 The third level of intelligence is the level of being super smart. Super smart people obtain peak positions in this world in terms of power, success and wealth. They are the leaders in different fields, or captains of industry. Intelligence is all about getting results no matter what level it is at; however, a super smart person can achieve much more results than all other intelligent people can. 智力所能达到的第三层级是高度聪明。与聪慧的人相比,高度聪明的人 能够在较短时间内实现更多的目标。他们一般是各个行业的领导者,能 够在很高的职位站稳脚跟,进而掌控世界上大部分的权力和财富。

Let’s start from the beginning. The first level of intelligence is the level of being smart. People who are smart are those that know certain things that enable them to use their energy effectively to accomplish certain things that they want or are beneficial to them. Smart people know and acknowledge that they are smart. Being at this level is already above the vast majority of the common people. 智力所能达到的第一层级是聪明。聪明意味着,一个人能够高效地利用 较少的能量,完成更多的事情。位于这一层级的人们,已经超越了多数 的普通人——他们知道并且承认自己的聪明。 The second level of intelligence is the level of being intelligent. There is a difference between being smart and being intelligent: being smart means you

The fourth level of intelligence is the level of being super intelligent. The level of super intelligence is the most powerful level in this dimension of reality called the physical world. Being super intelligent means one’s thinking capability and ability to understand is so high that it supersedes all other levels of intelligence below it. A super smart person is still susceptible [1] to falling into certain traps of falsehood or mind manipulation [2] by masters in this world, but a super intelligent person is more able to withstand this manipulation and rise above it. In other words, their minds are many times more attuned than the ones who are super smart. 智力所能达到的第四层级是高度聪慧——这一层级代表了在现实世界 (或世俗世界)的最高智力水平。这些人深谙社会规则的运转方式,能 够识破他人的不良居心,并避开事先设好的各种圈套。虽然绝大多数人 不会理解他们每日的所作所为,然而他们对社会规则和体制的优化有着 举足轻重的影响。 The fifth level of intelligence is the level of being a genius. A genius is someone who is able to think at such a high order that he/she comes up with a unique and original idea that elevates the thinking of humanity to the next

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西媒导读 第 3 期 – 智力所能达到的层级

level. They are able to come up with insights or eureka [3] moments that have a universal effect. Such people are our greatest inventors, artists, musicians, scientists and philosophers. They inspire others and transform the thinking or paradigm of the worldview in profound ways. No matter which level of intelligence a person predominantly is, everyone has access to the genius level in different degrees. 智力所能达到的第五层级是天才。这些人的思维和想法,已经着眼于未 来。他们当中包括发明家,科学家,艺术家,音乐家和哲学家。他们的 想法往往原创而有新意,而且有足够实力把人们的思维方式和理解水平 提升到一个新的层次,从而改变人们对世界的看法。 The sixth level of intelligence is the highest discussable level of intelligence. That is because in the seventh level or infinite intelligence, all are equal and therefore there is nothing to discuss in terms of differences in intelligence within that level and in comparison with any other level. The sixth level of intelligence is the level of being a SUPER GENIUS. It is far higher than the genius level because super genius contains transcendental [4] genius. Genius may understand the highest levels of physics in this realm, but Super Genius understands higher dimension physics and philosophy. A super genius’ thoughts are transcendent and higher than that of a genius. Within the super genius level, the person can be the knower of the secrets and the master of the mysteries. 智力所能达到的第六层级是顶尖天才,这也是人类所能达到的最高智力 层级;在人类历史上,能够达到这一层级的也是极少部分人,比如牛顿, 爱因斯坦和欧拉。他们每天的所做所想,早已跨越学科界限而极具超验 性。他们掌握着世界上从未被发掘的奥秘,从而引领人类社会的深刻变 革。

Aug.30, 2014

智力的终极层级(第七层级)是全知全能而统一的,代表着世间所有已 发掘的和所有潜在的规律和奥秘。人类的智力层级只能朝着这个无穷远 的方向发展,而不会到达。 Your intelligence is the only thing that defines who you are. It is the factor by which all other things about you and your life stem from. Your intelligence determines how you think, what you do and all that you create, experience and have. Your level of intelligence is determined by your will and your way of thinking or using the mind. There is NO LIMIT to how far or how high you can go. In actuality, all of us are manifested with the potential of infinite intelligence. Infinite intelligence is who we are fundamentally and what we can experience to the degree that we choose and think. 每个人在当前的认知水平,很大程度上决定了其感官的体察能力,思维 方式和做事意图。虽然每个人的潜能在理论上是无限的,但是时间限制 了每个人走的路能有多远。通过了解和掌握现有系统知识和最佳实践, 我们每个人都可以在此基础上更进一步,从而看到更为壮丽的景观。

The seventh level of intelligence is the highest level which is the level of “Infinite Intelligence”. It is the level of God or All-That-Is. Infinite Intelligence is the highest, it is the all, and at the same time it is you and I. It occupies all levels. From that level, there is no comparison with higher or lower because All-Is-One. Humans and all other conscious beings can evolve more and more towards becoming “All Knowing” or “Infinite Intelligence”. It is to return to oneness, to God.

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西媒导读 第 3 期 – 智力所能达到的层级

Aug.30, 2014

本文原载于:http://www.mindreality.com/seven-levels-of-intelligence-andthree-types-of-genius [1] susceptible: Likely to be influenced or harmed by a particular thing [2] manipulation: The action of manipulating someone in a clever way [3] eureka: A cry of joy or satisfaction when one discovers something [4] transcendental: Beyond the range of normal/physical human experience


http://www.robwhitworth.co.uk/dubai In Dubai Flow Motion you’ll virtually fly into Dubai, first seeing the city from the cockpit of Emirates A380, and then be sharply thrown through the layers of Burj Khalifa, revealing the human activity bustling within. The whole dizzying journey concludes with one last shift of perspective: a skydive where you float above the frightening, but somehow familiar, aerial view of the world’s most mesmerizing cityscape. http://www.robwhitworth.co.uk/shanghai Shanghai is well-known city across the world; however, although many people around the world have heard about the city, they may not know what the city is exactly like or what is uniquely appealing about it. Today this video stands as the world’s most viewed official tourism video ever made. The impact has been tremendous for holistically boosting tourism arrivals, inward investment and astronomically enhancing Shanghai’s global profile.

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西媒导读 第 4 期 – 俄罗斯对西方的反制裁

Aug.30, 2014

导读:俄乌关系恶化之后,西方世界对俄展开了一场多方位制裁;而俄罗斯 也开始对西方国家进行一系列反制裁。8 月初,普京宣布取消对西方国家的 食品进口——此举对西欧的农产品市场造成了直接冲击。

Russia Bans Food Imports from U.S., EU, Australia, Canada, Norway Moscow imposed a total ban on imports of many Western foods on Thursday in retaliation [1] against sanctions [2] over Ukraine, a stronger than expected measure that isolates Russian consumers from world trade to a degree unseen since Soviet days.

President Vladimir Putin ordered his government on Wednesday to adopt the measures to retaliate [1] against Western countries who imposed sanctions on Russia's defence, oil and financial sectors over its support for rebels waging an insurrection [3] in east Ukraine. He had promised to ensure that the measures would not hurt Russian consumers, which suggested he might exclude some popular products. But in the end, the bans announced by his prime minister, Dmitry Medvedev, mentioned no exceptions.

Finland’s biggest dairy producer, Valio, had shipped almost half of all its exports to Russia before the ban.

Russian share prices fell after the announcement of Moscow's 1-year ban on all meat, fish, dairy, fruit and vegetables from the U.S., the 28 EU countries, Canada, Australia and non-EU member Norway. Russia bought $43 billion worth of food last year and it has become by far the biggest consumer of EU fruit and vegetables and a major global consumer of fish, meat and dairy.

Agriculture Minister Nikolai Fyodorov acknowledged that the measures would cause a short-term spike in inflation, but said he did not see a danger in the medium or long term. He said Russia would compensate with more imports of products from other suppliers such as Brazilian meat and New Zealand cheese. The EU's executive commission said it reserved the right to take action to retaliate [1] against the Russian ban. Farmers in specific sectors in Western producing countries are likely to suffer, but much of the pain will be borne (bear) by Russians, who will face higher prices and shortages of some goods, with inflation already rising. 8|P age

西媒导读 第 4 期 – 俄罗斯对西方的反制裁

"The first casualties [4] would be the domestic market. However, it will have some implications for the farmers in the producing countries," Abdolreza Abbassian, a senior economist with the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, said. Russians have relished [5] imported food since the fall of the Soviet Union, when year-round supplies of fresh fruit and vegetables arrived and the cheap American frozen chicken quarters became known as "Bush's legs". The middle class in Moscow, which buys Italian cheese and American beef at supermarkets, will take a hit, so will ordinary people who buy Polish apples and Greek cucumbers in street markets.

Aug.30, 2014

Shoppers at Moscow's Danilovsky Market were greeted by a two-meter dancing robot named Titan. ( 2014 年 5 月 12 日,莫斯科中心市场内,英国 Cyberstein 公司 制作机器人“泰坦”亮相并与俄罗斯大叔大妈们互动。)

了解更多内容请登陆:www.themoscowtimes.com 推荐栏目:

Wellesley High School Commencement: "You are not special" [1] retaliate: Make an attack in return for a similar attack 反击

Wellesley 中学毕业典礼演讲:“你并不特别”

[2] sanction: Measures taken by a state to coerce another to conform to an international agreement or norms of conduct 制裁

share.vrs.sohu.com/my/v.swf&topBar=1&id=29068055&;autoplay=false&fro m=page

[3] insurrection: A violent uprising against an authority or government 叛乱 [4] casualty: A person or thing badly affected by an event or situation 受害者 [5] relish: Taste; Take pleasure in 品味 9|P age

西媒导读 第 5 期 – 福特基金会在中国

Aug.30, 2014

导读:福特基金会,由“汽车大王”福特于 1936 年设立,在中国发展慈善 事业已三十多年。从基金会对中国的调察与项目报告可以看出,他们对改革 开放以来中国的社会变迁有着深入肌理的把握,理性地评估发展的成就与不 足,从而为解决方案做出优化、为出现的问题对症下药。

The extraordinary transformation of China's economy, society and standing in the world during recent years has brought new challenges. The focus on economic growth has led to stark disparities in wealth, status and the ability to access resources and opportunity. The existing disparities heighten the vulnerability [3] of marginalized [4] groups.

Ford Foundation in China

Women face intensified discrimination [5] in the modern marketplace. Migrant workers, people in rural communities and minority groups have fewer opportunities than others to share in the benefits of China's transformation. To meet these challenges, the country is shifting to a model of balanced and sustainable growth.

Helping all segments of society gain access to community resources and government services will allow them to participate fully in China's growth. 福特基金会致力于帮助中国各阶层的社会群体享受到社区资源和政府服务, 使得人人都成为推动社会发展的参与者和发展成果的受益者。

在中国片面追求经济发展发展过程中,阶层渐渐产生分化,使得不同阶层在 财富、地位、机会,以及享用社会资源方面差别很大,弱势群体明显处于不 利地位。为迎接此挑战,中国开始致力于平衡而可持续的发展。

OUR GOAL 我们的目标 The goal of our work is to develop the social sector and help marginalized groups access opportunities and resources. By supporting research entities, civil society organizations and government institutions that share in this goal, we help disadvantaged people and communities participate as partners in China's development and help them gain essential resources to combat poverty, inequality and discrimination. WHAT WE ARE DOING 我们的工作 Our work seeks improvements for disadvantaged groups. We focus on helping poor communities, women, migrants, minorities and other groups to: THE REGIONAL CONTEXT 中国社会背景 As China experiences unprecedented growth and possibilities, the country also confronts many new social challenges. For more than 30 years, the Ford Foundation has supported institutions and individuals who are working to build a society that is not only more robust, but also more inclusive [1] and equitable [2].


Utilize the developing justice system Retain access to sustainable natural resources Make informed choices(深思熟虑的选择)about their families and careers Complete their school and college studies Engage with government agencies Access the services they need through civil society organizations

10 | P a g e

西媒导读 第 5 期 – 福特基金会在中国

Aug.30, 2014

Our grant making in the region is pursued through the following initiatives: ISSUE


Democratic and Accountable Government

Promoting Transparent, Effective and Accountable [6] Government

Human Rights

Reforming Civil and Criminal Justice Systems

Sustainable Development

Expanding Community Rights Over Natural Resources

Educational Opportunity and Scholarship

Transforming Secondary Education Higher Education for Social Justice

Gender, Sexuality and Reproductive Justice

Youth Sexuality, Reproductive Health, and Rights

[1] inclusive: Including all the services or items normally expected or required 社会服务便利 [2] equitable: Fair and impartial 公平公正 [3] vulnerable: Exposed to the possibility of being attacked or harmed, either physically or emotionally 易受伤害的 [4] marginalize: Treat (a person/ group) as insignificant or peripheral 边缘化 [5] discrimination: The unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people, especially on the grounds of race, age, or gender 歧视


 来自冰岛的设计类网站—— underbelly.is

The Problem: RentTree is a web app that allows renters and landlords to connect. They came to us with a great idea in need of an identity and design. They needed a brand that would be friendly, inviting, clean, and functional: as well as a story that they could infuse throughout their marketing content. The Solution: We created a logo for them as well as an overall brand identity to use as they expand to mobile. We also designed their initial website that would highlight the simple interface and beautiful lifestyle photography.

[6] Accountable: responsible 负责任的 了解更多内容请查看:西媒导读 第 5 期 – 附录 或登陆:http://www.fordfoundation.org

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西媒导读 第 6 期 – Airbnb:“空中食宿”

Aug.31, 2014

导读:导读: 当今社会,通信网络日益发达;而人与人之间,却仍缺乏面 对面的交流与沟通。当我们出门旅行时,来到一个美丽城市,拍照,购物; 独自来到宾馆,关上房门,一片寂静。这时常常有一种落寞涌上心头,感觉 自己仍然未融入这座城市。即使我们走出门外,往来路人熙熙攘攘,我们也 很难主动去搭讪。 Airbnb 是一个公司,也是一种创意——它的出现渐渐改变了这种局面。它成 立于 2008 年 8 月,如今已发展为一个领先的网上旅行房屋租赁社区,用户 遍布 190 多个国家,5 万多个城市。和我们去过的千篇一律的宾馆相比,在 Airbnb 平台上的房东们所提供的住宿是各种各样的。除了普通的房子,房东 们经常会提供房车,树屋,牧场小屋,船房,甚至豪华别墅和庄园。 踏进家门,从房东那声问候开始,陌生人之间的隔绝消失了。客人经常和房 东聊聊当地的美食,历史,风景,文化,当然还有家里的故事;也可以跟房 东学做饭,展示才艺,一同看电视节目。每天早上,房东一定会为你准备好 早餐,让你准备好迎接新的一天。通过交流和分享自己的生活,从而构建人 与人之间的互信,这是 Airbnb 一直致力于实现的,也是我们所有人的共同 愿望。

We are all seeking to belong We want to connect and share To feel accepted and safe Imagine having that anywhere Airbnb stands for something much bigger than travel

Airbnb is a trusted community marketplace for people to list, discover, and book unique accommodations around the world. On any given night, hundreds of thousands of people are staying in Airbnb homes around the world. There are small, meaningful connections that happen between us every day. Exchanging keys, toasts in every language, shakes hello, and hugs goodbye. Thoughtful gestures that tell us we’re in the right place, in good hands. Our greatest achievements aren’t monumental. With Airbnb, you can be at home wherever you go, from Alaska to Argentina. We believe in a world where you Belong Anywhere.

Key Features ∙ Verified ID with confirmed reviews Airbnb users’ profiles contain recommendations, reviews and ratings to build credible online reputation within the platform. ∙ A Secure Platform

The world is full of cities and towns Constantly growing larger But the people within them are less connected We are all yearning for a sense of place

Guests pay through Airbnb when they book a listing. Hosts receive payment through Airbnb 24 hours after guest check-in. With all the transactions taken care of, all you have to do is say “Hello.” ∙ We’re here to help, 24/7 Connect with our world-class customer support team whenever you’re travelling or hosting. They’re available around the clock, around the world.

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西媒导读 第 6 期 – Airbnb:“空中食宿”

Aug.31, 2014

Discover - Airbnb Picks

Our Symbol

“We have over 3,000 castles, 2,000 treehouses, 900 islands and 400 lighthouses available to book on the site.”

Airbnb started in 2008, with a logo created in two hours and a big idea: To invite the world home.

Today, millions of Airbnb guests worldwide have traded standard lodging for memorable stays in distinctive homes—including tree houses, castles and yurts. Generic is not our style.

Together we created a movement, and it's time our symbol reflects our shared identity. But the Airbnb experience is too diverse and distinctive to be represented by a traditional logo or a one-size-fits-all shape. So we’re handing over the keys. We’re giving creative control to the travellers and hosts who create Airbnb every day.

“The 20th-century economy was powered by big corporations that standardized everything but they never really knew their customers. The 21stcentury economy will be ‘powered by people’ — where the buyers all have identities and the producers all have personal reputations.” -- The New York Times

13 | P a g e

西媒导读 第 6 期 – Airbnb:“空中食宿”

Aug.31, 2014

Profile of the Hosts Being an Airbnb host is being a board of global community. 我们来看一下房东自我介绍——这对年轻夫妻来自塔斯马尼亚的霍巴特。

Hey, I'm Q & Tim! Shanghai, Shanghai, China · Member since September 2012 Reliable, Easy & Outgoing. I lived in Berlin, Shanghai and Cape Town. Since 2011 I’ve been back in the vibrant Shanghai city. Hey, I'm Courtney! Hobart, Tasmania, Australia · Member since January 2012

Love adventurous traveling, the outdoors, good food, photography, design & architecture, sports and gathering with good friends and interesting people.

Hi there! John and I live in Hobart, on the little island of Tasmania :) We have been hosting guests in our cosy cottage for nearly 18 months now - and absolutely love it!

了解更多内容请登陆:zh.airbnb.com(中文)或 airbnb.com.au(English)

John is originally from London and has been living here for over a year; he is a plumber by trade but loves getting in the garden and building things for our home. I am a Speech Therapist and work with children with Autism, as well as other children with disabilities, and speech and language delays.



– 设计类小站


However, Airbnb has become my second job which I really enjoy and have expanded with a lovely holiday house at Bruny Island! When we're not down at Bruny or exploring new places around Hobart, we scope out gigs and music festivals to go to - and often spend ridiculous amounts of money getting there! I also used to live in London and we both love travelling - which is how we were first introduced to Airbnb. We have just added a new addition to the family - our friendly little puppy Teddy. Don't worry he doesn't yap, if anything he will be wagging his tail like crazy when he meets you! We also love meeting new people and showing them the best parts of our little island. We look forward to hearing from you and having you stay with us in our hill street cottage! 真诚的口气是假装不出来的,字里行间令人感到心里很踏实!

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西媒导读 第 7 期 – 用于“窃听”的薯片袋

导读:在我们千变万化的世界里,各种事物都承载着信息。麻绳理工的童 鞋们,借助高速摄像机,捕捉到薯片袋子和植物叶子的振动;然后他们把视 觉信号,通过算法转化为声音信号——这样,植物的叶子也会说话了。 如果用四个字概括这一想法,那就是:简单、新奇。

Sep.1, 2014

“When sound hits an object, it causes the object to vibrate,” explained MIT graduate Abe Davis. “The motion of this vibration creates a very subtle visual signal that’s usually invisible to the naked eye. People didn’t realise that this information was there.”

How an empty crisp packet can be used to eavesdrop on conversations

By analysing high-speed video of a potted plant, for instance, Davis and the team were able to extract the recording of “Mary Had a Little Lamb” which was played alongside it.

Researchers at the MIT, working in conjunction with Microsoft and Adobe, have developed a method of reconstructing sound from a video of an object – letting them use a crisp packet, glass of water, or potted plant as a microphone.

In another experiment, they were able to recreate the voice of a human reading the lyrics to the song from video of a crisp packet filmed through a glass door.

The technology is similar to the laser microphones used by spies around the world to eavesdrop [1] on conversations by measuring minute vibrations in reflective surfaces. But rather than using expensive, specialist equipment, the researchers were able to extract audio from a high-speed video of everyday objects. In one instance, they even extracted recognisable sound from a video shot on a normal digital camera.

As well as the obvious applications for surveillance [2], Davis plans on seeing whether the acoustic properties of objects reveal more information about their internal make up, calling it “a new kind of imaging”. “We’re recovering sounds from objects,” he says. “That gives us a lot of information about the sound that’s going on around the object, but it also gives us a lot of information about the object itself, because different objects are going to respond to sound in different ways.”

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西媒导读 第 7 期 – 用于“窃听”的薯片袋

Typically, the algorithm that allows them to extract this information requires a camera that records very high-speed video; the frequency of audible sound (the number of vibrations every second) ranges from 20 to 20,000 Hz, and a sound can only be extracted by a camera with a frame rate higher than the frequency itself. (每秒帧数高于听觉范围频率的高速摄像机可以较容易地重建声

Sep.1, 2014

To see the researcher’s full video report, please go to: http://newsoffice.mit.edu/2014/algorithm-recovers-speech-from-vibrations-0804


Conventional cameras, with a frame rate of just 60 frames per second, cannot be used to extract anything more than extremely low-frequency sounds. But the researchers came up with a second technique, using the “rolling shutter” typical on digital video cameras, to extract enough information from the video to still recreate high-frequency audio. Because such cameras don’t save the whole image in one go, but rather record the video line-by-line, far more data can be extracted from it. A simple digital SLR camera, shooting video of a crisp packet at 60fps, can then be used to recreate the audio being played to that packet. Alexei Efros, a professor of electrical engineering at the University of California at Berkeley, praised the work of the group as “new and refreshing”. “We’re scientists, and sometimes we watch these movies, and we think ‘This is Hollywood theatricals [3]. It’s not possible to do that. This is ridiculous.’ And suddenly, there you have it. This is totally out of some Hollywood thriller [3]. You know that the killer has admitted his guilt because there’s surveillance footage of his potato chip bag vibrating.” The full paper will be presented at computer graphics conference later this week. [1] eavesdrop: secretly listen to a conversation 窃听 [2] surveillance: close observation (of a suspected spy or criminal) 监控 [3] theatricals: dramatic performances 戏剧演出 [4] thriller: A novel or film with an exciting plot, typically involving crime or espionage 惊悚片

推荐栏目: 本期栏目我们同大家分享一所梦想小学。它就是——Stepping Stones School, 位于美国休斯敦。

www.steppingstoneselementary.org Principal’s Statement(校长的话): We are building a wonderful school for your community — a place full of smiles — a place where all faces are recognized — a place where you hear the constant sound of learning – a place where children feel protected and at home — a place where the parents feel their child’s academic, social, emotional, and physical needs are met — a place where parents can communicate frequently with the teachers — and a place where you might say ‘I wish I had gone to that school!’ This is our vision — I hope you join us. – William Henry Clark, Principal 16 | P a g e

西媒导读 第 8 期 – Open Access: 透明科研

导读:有价值信息的顺畅交流,是现代文明社会的重要标志。人与人之间, 通过交流,一个个主观世界合为并集,从而展现一可靠而真实的客观世界。 然而,在当今西方大学,众多学术研究者们,由于岗位和晋升的需要,畏缩 在象牙塔的高阁里,学术论文发表在“高层期刊”里,订阅费用高昂,读起 来艰深而晦涩,并不能为大多数读者所见——或者说,不能接受更多人的检 验。我希望 Open Access 能够破坏一部分“伪学者”垄断和封锁信息的形 式,使得信息能够以一种更开明、易理解的方式展现和传播。学术不是少数 人的专利——随着教育水平的不断进步,在未来,论文期刊或许可以在社交 网络上流传。通过去伪存真,有意义的信息才能得以更顺畅地交流共享,不 仅促进科学和技术的进步,也符合人类知识与智慧发展的共同愿望。

Sep.3, 2014

issues struggle to obtain articles on the most recent developments in their field. I have seen the frustration of students who are motivated to learn about a new subject but hit paywall after paywall. Reforming the current system will require action at multiple levels: government and funder initiatives; institutional open access mandates; and, perhaps most importantly, strong commitments to openness from individual researchers.

University Research: If You Believe in Openness, Stand Up for it! Strategic choices that are made now will have significant implications for the ways in which knowledge will be created and shared in the future. We spend years teaching our children to share. Yet from the moment students enter academia, we discourage it. Lock up your work in prestigious subscription journals; keep your data close to your chest; compete instead of collaborate – these are the messages transmitted by peers and mentors. These are the tenets [1] of our unhealthy academic culture. We need to change our priorities. Every day we make amazing discoveries, some of which could even save lives. Then we lock that information in journals that most of the population cannot read. In many parts of the world, access to subscription journals is just too expensive. The amount some US or UK universities pay a single publisher in a year equals a large percentage of the annual budget of research institutions in less developed countries. The cost of an electronic subscription to a single highprofile [2] journal can be as much as the annual salary of a researcher. Institutions in these countries often have to choose between conducting educational and research programmes, paying instructors and researchers, or paying publishers. Effectively, that means forgoing (prevent from) access. A lack of access to information hinders learning, stifles [3] innovation and slows scientific progress. I have watched colleagues researching public health

I am an early career researcher, and have pledged to make all of my work openly available. Though I have been told by peers and mentors that this is career suicide, I do not believe it has to be. There are so many ways to be open and be successful in academia and there is even evidence that being open can help your career. Publishing openly, whether via open access journals or self-archiving, can lead to more citations and more visibility for your work. This is especially important for early career researchers as they try to make a name for themselves [4]. Though Journal Impact Factor [5] (JIF) is a concern (this flawed measure is unfortunately still used by many institutions in hiring, tenure [6] and promotion evaluations), many open access journals has moderate-to-high JIFs. 17 | P a g e

西媒导读 第 8 期 – Open Access: 透明科研

It is encouraging that over 400 institutions and over 10,000 individuals have now signed the San Francisco Declaration on research assessment, pledging not to consider JIF and to weigh the scientific content of a paper more heavily than where it is published. Some institutions now explicitly value open access publications in hiring, tenure, and promotion evaluations.

Sep.3, 2014

[2] high-profile: a position characterized by a deliberate seeking of prominence or publicity 定位很高的

[3] stifle: Make someone unable to breathe properly; Prevent or constrain an activity or idea 窒息、遏制 (例句:High taxes stifle private enterprise.) [4] make a name for themselves: To become famous or respected by a lot of people 成名 [5] Journal Impact Factor: JIF is a measure reflecting the average number of citations to recent articles published in the journal and it shows the relative importance of a journal within its field. 论文引注次数。被引注次数越多,可 以认为此期刊越有价值和权威。

[6] tenure: Give (someone) a permanent post, especially as a teacher or lecturer 岗位

[7] sign them away: To sign a paper in which one gives away one's rights (例句:She signed away her claim to the money.)(书面)放弃某项权利 Of course, openness is not limited to publishing in open access journals. If researchers feel it necessary to publish in certain subscription journals, there is always the option to use the green open access model and self-archive an author copy in an open repository. In this context, it is important that authors know their rights and do not sign them away [7] to publishers. Attaching an author addendum to your publishing agreement is a great way to publish where you want while still retaining the right to openly distribute your work.

了解更多内容请登陆: http://www.theguardian.com/guardian-professional http://www.theguardian.com/higher-education-network/open-access 推荐栏目:

Angiel’s Photography: https://www.flickr.com/photos/angelalumsden/

In short, there does not have to be a conflict between being open and being successful. You have many options, and the benefits to your career can be significant. Publishing openly means that you get more exposure for your work, the public has access to your research, taxpayers get more value for money and there is greater opportunity for your research to influence policy. At any stage of your career, you have the right to stand up for what you believe in. If you believe in openness, stand up for it. Access to information is a human right, but it is often treated as a privilege. This has to change. And it will take all of us to make it happen. [1] tenet: A principle or belief, especially one of the main principles of a religion or philosophy 原则 18 | P a g e

西媒导读 第 9 期 – 德国墨卡托基金会

导读:全面建设小康社会、以及为中华民族复兴的理想而奋斗,是当今中国 的主题。然而,在祥和的欧洲西部,人们在现阶段又需要处理哪些矛盾呢? 未来上升的空间又在哪里? 本期《西媒导读》以德国的墨卡托基金会为例,展现当今欧洲的发展理念与 动向。该基金会致力于促进欧盟的协同与一体化进程,同时肩负着减缓全球 气候变化和欧洲文化教育的责任。国与国之间科技、文化与教育的交流协作 对欧洲未来发展至关重要——这一点从基金会的价值定位中可见一斑。

Stiftung Mercator Foundation Stiftung Mercator is an independent private foundation. We want to strengthen Europe, improve integration through equal educational opportunities for everyone, drive forward the energy transition as a trigger for global climate change mitigation and firmly anchor cultural education in schools.

Our Goal We want to generate and make available ideas for a discussion of a better Europe – and to ensure that people understand why European cohesion is necessary. In this context it is important to inspire young people in particular about the idea of a unified Europe that is able to act and to give them the opportunity to experience and help actively shape Europe.

Centre for International Affairs Increasingly, challenges can no longer be resolved at the national level in a globalized world. They can only be tackled jointly by international partners.

Sep.13, 2014

Mutual understanding and trust are basic prerequisites for successful crossborder cooperation and this conviction [1] forms the basis of our work at the Centre for International Affairs. Europe and the European Union (EU) are especially important to us because only a cohesive and democratic Europe that is capable of action can play any effective role in today’s multipolar world. We are convinced that the European Union is also the best organizational form for the future of our continent. Europe and its further development are therefore central focal areas in our international activities. In this context, Turkey is part of Europe as far as we are concerned, regardless of the specific question of EU accession, and German-Turkish relations are of particular importance to us. One other country plays a key role in the work we do is: China. China is a country of significant global standing with which Germany can and must cooperate for the benefit of both countries and with a view to resolving global issues. Nonetheless, misperceptions and prejudices often play a major role, and we believe that deeper mutual understanding is the key to successful cooperation. One central element of our activities is the Mercator Exchange, and the idea behind this is that international relations can only be forged [2] through personal encounters. Our aim is to give young people in particular the opportunity to acquire international experience and thereby to enhance their intercultural skills. To this end, we bring pupils, students, young leaders and information disseminators [3] from Germany, Turkey and China together within the framework of various exchange programmes. Our guiding philosophy in this context is for people to understand one another, learn from one another and jointly overcome international challenges. Centre for Science and Humanities The influence of science on almost every area of human life is growing constantly, as are society’s expectations of science. It is a question not only of the direct benefits that science and the humanities can offer society, but also of their potential to come up with answers to the questions of the future. Furthermore, solid and scientifically-founded education and training increasingly determine whether people are able to participate fully in society.

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西媒导读 第 9 期 – 德国墨卡托基金会

Against this backdrop [4], we promote science and the humanities with two different objectives: On the one hand, we wish to influence the structural and institutional relationships within which science and the humanities are embedded, focusing particularly on the framework conditions for successful studies and regional cooperation between universities. On the other, we involve ourselves in scientific and academic projects and cooperate with academic institutions with a view to achieving the objectives of climate change and cultural education. The activities to which we are committed always respect the autonomy of academia and science.

Sep.13, 2014

One of our central objectives is to ensure equal opportunities for everyone to participate in society. As education plays a key role in this context, the foundation is committed to fostering the personal development and skills of all children and young people in the best possible way. [1] conviction: A firmly held belief or opinion 信念 [2] forge: Move ahead steadily 锻造、(引申义为)促进 [3] disseminate: Spread (something, especially information) widely 传播 [4] against this backdrop: The scenery in the background; the setting or conditions within which something happens." 在 … 背景之下 了解更多内容请登陆:https://www.stiftung-mercator.de/en/ 推荐栏目:

2014 Corporate Brochure 详情请见本期附录, 或登陆 http://www.dw.de/focusing-on-the-target-audience/a-16313484

“Deutsche Welle contains extensive online resource that lets you explore the world with solid information and sound reporting. Our strength lies in connecting the latest information and credible analysis in the digital world with an unbiased and comprehensive view of Europe. ” “Digital citizens are shaping both international media and culture – and their tools should be clarity, disclosure and objectivity.” “Dialogue helps put misunderstandings into perspective. An open exchange of ideas can lead to positive solutions and conflict resolution.” Centre for Education Germany is a society of immigration and we already live in a society which is becoming increasingly pluralized. To ensure that this society continues to thrive in the future, it is crucial that advantage be taken of the potential offered by everyone living in Germany. Everyone in Germany should have the same opportunity to take part in central areas of society’s life and the key prerequisite is successful education.

“The real stories from a globalized world don’t fit in a headline – and that’s why we provide you with all the background information.” 在全球化时代,“新闻头条”其实并不适用于广泛的读者——这是因为,新 闻头条往往只是包含了一部分人的态度与主观色彩。由于所处国家的不同和 文化的差异,人们可能对同样一则新闻所了解的背景信息不同,甚至差别悬 殊。所以,Deutsche Welle 注重为观众和读者提供可靠而详实的新闻背景信 息,以使得世界各地的人们能够在同一平台上,对等地讨论和交流。 20 | P a g e

西媒导读 第 10 期 – 亚洲开发银行(ADB)

导读:9 月 12 日,英国经济学人报联合亚洲开发银行,共同发布了一篇亚 太地区国家创新生产力指数(CPI)报告,从而为国家政策制定者提供一项新 的发展指标与参照。以下是 Deutsche Welle 采访亚洲开发银行所做的报道。 DW 的采访,若是翻译成其他语言,或许将会是乏味的——因为这篇采访的 英文组织结构、表达方式,以及内容,实在是相得益彰。

New Index ranks Asia's most efficient innovators Japan is the most efficient among Asian nations in transforming creativity into economically viable [1] innovations, according to a new index. Analyst Shanti Jagannathan talks about how the index can also serve policymakers.

Sep.14, 2014

innovators. The report aims to give policymakers a tool to assess how best to foster innovation and creativity in Asian economies. The index uses 36 input indicators to measure the capacity and incentives [3] for innovation, including how many global top 500 universities a country has, the urbanization rate, spending on research and development, protection of intellectual property rights, and corruption and bureaucracy. The eight output indicators to measure innovation include the number of patents filed [4], export sophistication(出口商品的高附加值), value added to agriculture, and the number of books and films produced. Shanti Jagannathan, senior education specialist at ADB and co-author of the report, says in the interview that the key factors driving innovation in countries such as Japan, South Korea and Singapore are high investments in research and development as a proportion of gross domestic product (GDP) and the linking of high education standards to the needs and priorities of economic growth strategies. DW: What are the main findings of the report? Shanti Jagannathan: The main finding is that countries need to think about not only increasing innovative inputs and outputs, but also analyse how efficiently they turn inputs into outputs. Knowing what works better, policy makers are capable of targeting investments for higher and faster outputs. What different dimensions of creativity did you take into account when compiling the CPI? A number of well-known dimensions are used - such as enrolment rates in education, research spending, and protection of intellectual property rights. But this index also includes some contemporary measures which combine internet bandwidth, 3G penetration, wireless broadband subscriptions and egovernance performance.

A new Creative Productivity Index (CPI) developed by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) ranks Japan and the Republic of Korea as the most efficient countries in the Asia-Pacific region at turning creative inputs into tangible [2] innovation. Myanmar, Pakistan, and Cambodia, by contrast, are ranked as the least efficient

In terms of output, agriculture, value added per work and books &films produced are included. Asia still has large proportions of employment in farming which makes any productivity increase in agriculture highly beneficial to large numbers of people. The rise of creative industries indicates that films and animation are all new areas where there is considerable economic value. 21 | P a g e

西媒导读 第 10 期 – 亚洲开发银行(ADB)

Sep.14, 2014

What does a high CPI say about the economic viability of a country? Fostering innovation and creativity has an important and tangible [2] impact on economic performance. A strong CPI value means that a country is efficiently translating its investments into desirable outputs.

[1] viable: Capable of working successfully; Feasible 切实可行的 [2] tangible: Perceptible by touch; Clear and definite 可触知的;具体的 [3] incentive: A thing that motivates or encourages someone to do something

More generally, we see that now is the time for Asia to transform its economy - mostly based on agriculture and labour-intensive manufacturing - and become a knowledge-economy leader so that it can continue to achieve strong economic growth rates and avoid getting stuck in the middle income trap.

[4] file: Submit (a legal document or application) to be placed on record by the appropriate authority 提出(正式)申请 [5] broad-based: Involving participation or support by a broad spectrum of things or people

What makes countries such as Japan, South Korea and Singapore so strong in terms of innovation? These economies have high investments in research as a proportion of GDP; they have invested extensively in education, including technical and higher education; they have created an education system of world standards that is linked to the needs and priorities of economic growth strategies. They have also actively pursued innovation and creativity as a broad-based [5] growth strategy with coordination across government departments and with the private sector.


Why do Pakistan and Cambodia rank so low in the CPI? Cambodia and Pakistan have poorer human capital and physical infrastructure and low levels of competition which do not allow innovation to flourish. China ranks only 11th in the CPI despite the fact that it is Asia's largest economy. Why is that? China is a classic example of how quantity alone is not enough. It has done quite well on many innovation indicators - in fact it is responsible for the largest number of patents in the world. However, not many of them went on to become commercially successful products and services. What role do you expect creativity and innovation will play in Asia in the coming years? Creativity and innovation are critical to maintaining the growth rates. With people’s wages rising, the ‘low labour cost’ model is fast becoming outdated. Only innovation-based growth can lead Asian economies towards bigger shares in global value chains.



This report provides a benchmarking of a number of economies in Asia on creative productivity -- an important attribute for strengthening knowledgebased economic development. 推荐栏目:

http://www.adb.org/ Overview: Since its founding in 1966, ADB has been driven by an inspiration and dedication to improving people’s lives in Asia and the Pacific. By targeting our investments wisely, in partnership with our developing member countries and other stakeholders, we can alleviate poverty and help create a world in which everyone can share in the benefits of sustained and inclusive growth. Whether it is through investment in infrastructure, health care services, financial and public administration systems, or helping nations prepare for the impact of climate change or better manage their natural resources, ADB is committed to helping developing member countries evolve into thriving, modern economies that are well integrated with each other and the world. We are at the forefront of development thinking and practice, disseminating information through regional forums, a growing online presence and the publication of specialized papers, serials and books. 22 | P a g e

西媒导读 第 11 期 – 英国《卫报》,及其发展史

导读:英国《卫报》是一份自由民主派的报纸,代表左翼,读者多为知识 界精英和年轻人——在欧洲知识界,它的影响力可以说是超越了其他任何一 份报纸。从 1821 年发展至今,《卫报》已成为严肃、可信和独立新闻的代 名词,是一份定位于高端市场的主流大报。 对于一位报纸编辑来说,便是渐渐学会从读者的眼光出发——这其实和建造 游乐场的设施很类似——设想读者读到哪一句话,就像设想过山车行驶到哪 一处一样,力争确保读者最好的体验。

The History of The Guardian

Sep.28, 2014

than £1 million at the time – into a trust (信托基金会). This extraordinary act of philanthropy (慈善事业) resulted in a unique form of media ownership in the UK, which has now lasted more than 70 years. 1936 年,Charles Scott 的儿子,John Scott 放弃了报纸继承权并成立斯科特 信托基金会 (The Scott Trust),报纸所有权也全部转交给该基金会。基金会章 程规定,《卫报》不再属于任何家族或个人;报纸不得为谋求股东的私利而 改变立场;不允许把报纸卖给任何个人或财团;办报盈余必须全数投入报纸 经营,使其品质得到提高——这样的组织结构让《卫报》的理念和立场在当 时都很超脱,其新闻报道逐步获得世界范围内的赞赏与重视。

First published in 1821, The Guardian is a national newspaper with a rich and colourful history. It was highly influential during the great reform movements of the 19th century and today it continues to offer an independent and crucial forum for debate in UK. Its unique ownership has provided a level of continuity that no other national daily newspaper can equal. Passionately committed to quality journalism, photography and design, The Guardian is now the most modern and vibrant newspaper in UK. Its vision is to offer independent, agenda-setting content [1] that positions us as the modern, progressive, exciting challenger to the status-quo (state of affairs). The Guardian is consistently innovative, actively encouraging debate and exerting influence. The ethos [2] of public service has been part of the DNA of this newspaper ever since. The Guardian's brand stands fundamentally for taking a fresh approach: it is modern, individual and sometimes unconventional; it is confident, intelligent and investigative; it is healthily sceptical, but not cynical [3]. The newspaper gained an international reputation under long-serving editor and latterly owner Charles Scott. The Scott Trust was created in 1936 following the death of Charles Scott and his son Edward. Edward’s brother, John, was left as the sole owner, and was faced with the threat of death duties, which would have crippled the business and jeopardised (危及) the future independence of the newspaper. To avoid this, and to secure his father’s legacy of The Guardian’s independent liberal journalism, John Scott voluntarily renounced [4] all financial interest in the business for himself and his family, putting all his shares – worth more

190 多年过去了,《卫报》依然成功传承了其确立之时的三大传统:精确完 整的报道标准;关注及服务公众利益;绝对独立自主的立场,不受任何政治 党派左右。

The core purpose of the Scott Trust:  To secure the financial and editorial independence of the Guardian in perpetuity: as a quality national newspaper without party affiliation (结盟); remaining faithful to its liberal tradition; as a profit-seeking enterprise managed in an efficient and cost-effective manner. 23 | P a g e

西媒导读 第 11 期 – 英国《卫报》,及其发展史

 All other activities should be consistent with the central objective. The Company which the Trust owns should: be managed to ensure profits are available to further the central objective; not invest in activities which conflict with the values and principles of the Trust.  The values and principles of the Trust should be upheld (支持) throughout the Group. The Trust declares a subsidiary interest in promoting the causes [5] of freedom in the press and liberal journalism, both in Britain and elsewhere.

The values of the Scott Trust:

Sep.28, 2014

[1] Agenda-setting theory describes the "ability of the news media to influence the salience of topics on the public agenda." That is, if a news item is covered frequently and prominently, the audience will regard the issue as more important. 媒体导向对公共政策的影响 [2] ethos: The characteristic spirit of a culture, era, or community as manifested in its attitudes and aspirations 社会思潮,民族精神 [3] cynical: Believing that people are motivated purely by self-interest; distrustful of human sincerity or integrity 愤世嫉俗的,(对人的真善)怀 疑、悲观的

[4] renounce: Formally declare one’s abandonment of (a claim, right or possession) 放弃(权力或财产) [5] cause: A principle, aim, or movement to which one is committed and which one is prepared to defend or advocate (所崇尚的)准则 [6] integrity: Being honest and having strong moral principles 真诚,正直

Charles Scott, the famous editor, outlined the newspaper’s principles in his celebrated centenary leader in May, 1921. His article is still used to explain the values of the present-day newspaper and is recognised around the world as the ultimate statement of values for a free press. Among the many well-known lines are the assertions that ‘Comment is free, but facts are sacred’ and that ‘the voice of opponents no less than that of friends has a right to be heard’. The essential qualities that Charles Scott believed should form the character of a newspaper are reflected in the contemporary values of the Scott Trust. The qualities he described are: honesty; cleanness (today interpreted as integrity [6]); courage; fairness; and a sense of duty to the reader and the community. 了解更多内容请登陆: http://www.theguardian.com/guardian-professional http://advertising.theguardian.com/ http://www.theguardian.com/world/china

1924 年,在《卫报》曼彻斯特 (Manchester) 总部,读报的民众 24 | P a g e

西媒导读 第 12 期 – 香港 2017 年普选:背景与未来

Oct.4, 2014

导读:本期我们选取《卫报》的一篇评论文章作为基础,从历史、经济与社 会变迁的角度出发,梳理香港 2017 年普选背景,从而考证、还原新闻背后 更多的事实与真相。《西媒导读》力求探索一种严谨而可靠的调查分析方式 ——对于背景信息与细节脉络,理应由我们每个人去自行发现。 本文作者 Martin Jacques,系英国剑桥大学国际政治事务高级研究员,曾在 1998 - 2001 年期间旅居香港。

China is Hong Kong’s Future – not its Enemy Martin Jacques, 1 Oct. 2014

The upheaval [1] sweeping Hong Kong is more complicated than on the surface it might appear. Protests have erupted (爆发) over direct elections to be held in three years’ time; democracy activists claim that China’s plans will allow it to screen out [2] the candidates it doesn’t want. It should be remembered, however, that for 155 years until its handover to China in 1997, Hong Kong was a British colony, forcibly taken from China at the end of the first opium war. All its 28 subsequent governors were appointed

by the British government. Although Hong Kong came, over time, to enjoy the rule of law and the right to protest, under the British it never enjoyed even a semblance [3] of democracy. It was ruled from 6,000 miles away in London. The idea of any kind of democracy was first introduced by the Chinese government. In 1990 the latter adopted the Basic Law (基本法), which included the commitment that the territory’s chief executive would gradually be elected by universal suffrage (普选); it also spelt out [4] that the nomination of candidates would be a matter for a nominating committee. 2014 年 8 月 31 日,第十二届全国人大常委会第十次会议通过《全国人民代 表大会常务委员会关于香港特别行政区行政长官普选问题和 2016 年立法会 产生办法的决定》,该决定明确了“从 2017 年开始,香港特区行政长官选 举可以实行由普选产生的办法”:普选时须组成一个有广泛代表性的提名委 员会,并按民主程序提名产生二至三名行政长官候选人;每名候选人均须获 得提名委员会全体委员半数以上支持;符合资格的香港选民均有选举权,依 法从候选人中选出一名行政长官人选;行政长官人选经普选产生后,由中央 人民政府任命 [B1]。而香港社会普遍关注该“提名委员会”是否能够做到真 正“有广泛代表性”——当下,香港的民主激进者认为,中央政府很可能会 提前排除其“非己”的候选人。然而,在长达 155 年的英国殖民统治时期, 香港的 28 位总督均由英国政府任命——虽然香港在当时享有游行示威的权 利,然而在殖民时期并未真正享有过民主。实际上,与香港民主有关的提案 是在 80 年代由中国政府所提出,在 1990 年通过了《香港特区基本法》—— 其中第四十五条包括了“最终达至由一个有广泛代表性的提名委员会按民主 程序提名后普选产生的目标 [B2]”的信息。

This proposal should be seen in the context of what was a highly innovative – and, to westerners, completely unfamiliar. “One country, two systems” means Hong Kong would maintain its distinctive legal and political system for 50 years. Hong Kong would, in these respects, remain singularly different from the rest of China, while at the same time being subject to Chinese sovereignty. In contrast, the western view has always embraced the principle of “one country, one system” – for example, in German unification. But China is more a civilisation-state than a nation-state: historically it would have been impossible to hold together such a vast country without allowing much greater flexibility. Its thinking – “one civilisation, many systems” – was shaped by its long history. The implications are profound: Unity is its first priority, plurality the condition of its existence. 25 | P a g e

西媒导读 第 12 期 – 香港 2017 年普选:背景与未来

In the 17 years since the handover, China has, whatever the gainsayers (持反 对意见者) might suggest, overwhelmingly honoured its commitment to the principle of one country, two systems. 《香港特区基本法》在当时看来是极具开创性的——对此,西方也未有类似 经验可循。“一国两制”是指,“香港保持其资本主义制度和生活方式,并 且五十年不变(《基本法》第五条)”。一般看来,西方世界所推崇的是 “一国一制”——比如 1990 年联邦德国和民主德国的统一。然而,中国更 加注重“中华民族”这一概念——为维护中华民族的统一,在地域政策的制 定上允许有一定弹性。十七年过去了,不论反对派们持怎样的意见,香港的 发展很大程度上得益于“一国两制”这一开创性制度。

Oct.4, 2014

Deng Xiaoping embarked on (开启) his reform programme, and China began to grow rapidly. Hong Kong was the beneficiary – it became the entry point to China, and as a result attracted scores of (大量) multinational companies and banks that wanted to gain access to the Chinese market. Hong Kong got rich because of mainland. However, it also fed an attitude of hubris [6] and arrogance [7]. The Hong Kong Chinese came to enjoy a much higher standard of living than the mainlanders. They looked down on the latter as poor, ignorant and uncouth peasants, as greatly their inferior. They preferred – up to a point – to identify with westerners rather than mainlanders, not because of democracy (the British had never allowed them any) but primarily because of money and the status that went with it. 在回归之前的 20 年里,香港的发展经历了一段黄金时期——对于这段黄金 时期的造就,中国大陆经济发展的带动起到了举足轻重的作用。在改革开放 之后,香港便长期作为国际公司踏入中国市场的第一门户城市。财富的积累 使得香港人得以享受更为优质的社会资源和教育资源,然而也同时助长了一 部分香港人在某种程度上的自满,以及对大陆人的偏见。这一部分香港人更 愿意把自己视为西方人,而不是中国人——这并不是由于其“民主”所致, 更大的原因在于他们更为富有、享有更高的社会地位。

Much has changed since 1997. The Chinese economy has grown many times, the standard of living of the Chinese likewise. If you want to access the Chinese market nowadays, why move to Hong Kong when you can go straight to Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Chengdu and a host of other major cities? Hong Kong has lost its role as the gateway to China. Where previously Hong Kong was China’s unrivalled (无双的) financial centre, now it is increasingly dwarfed (相形见绌) by Shanghai. Until recently, Hong Kong was by far China’s largest port: now it has been surpassed by Shanghai and Shenzhen, and Guangzhou will shortly overtake it. In spite of this, Hong Kong – and its relationship with China – was in fact changing rapidly. Herein (在此) lays a fundamental reason for the present unrest: the growing sense of dislocation [5] among a section of Hong Kong’s population. During the 20 years or so prior to the handover, Hong Kong enjoyed its golden era – not because of the British but because of the Chinese. In 1978

Two decades ago westerners comprised the bulk of Hong Kong’s tourists, today mainlanders account for the overwhelming majority, many of them rather more wealthy than most Hong Kong Chinese. Likewise, an increasing number of mainlanders have moved to the territory – which is a growing source of resentment. Understandably, many Hong Kong Chinese are struggling to come to terms with these new realities. They are experiencing a crisis of identity and a sense of displacement. They know their future is 26 | P a g e

西媒导读 第 12 期 – 香港 2017 年普选:背景与未来

inextricably [8] bound up with mainland but sometimes it can be difficult for them to embrace the fact. Yet there is no alternative: China is the future of Hong Kong. 1997 年以来,中国大陆经济迅速发展,人民生活水平得到很大提升。在此 期间,香港渐渐失去了其“第一门户”的地位,被上海、广州和深圳等城市 所取代。过去,西方游客作为香港旅游的主体;而现在,大陆游客则占绝对 主导地位。由于中国大陆人的的思维方式、生活方式与香港人依然存在较大 差异,在素养与行为习惯上也普遍不及香港人——大陆公民的大批涌入和移 民,在诸多方面引发了香港本土公民的不满;很多香港人也渐渐失去了其地 域身份认同感。他们知道,香港的未来注定要与中国大陆联系在一起——然 而,目前大陆公民所带来的冲击与现状,让他们在短期内难以承受。

Oct.4, 2014

continues, then a conceivable backstop might be to continue indefinitely with the status quo, which, from the point of view of democratic change, both in Hong Kong and China, would be a retrograde (moving backwards) step. More likely is that the Chinese government will persist with its proposals, perhaps with minor concessions, and anticipate that the opposition will slowly abate. This remains the most likely scenario.

All these issues, in a most complex way, are being played out in the present arguments over universal suffrage. Hong Kong is divided. About 70% the population support China’s proposals on universal suffrage [B3], either because they think they are a step forward or because they take the pragmatic [9] view that they will happen anyway. The others are opposed. In reality, a relatively small minority of these have never really accepted Chinese sovereignty. Anson Chan (陈方安生), the former head of the civil service under Chris Patten, and Jimmy Lai (黎智英), a prominent businessman, fall into this category, and so do some of the Democrats. Then there is a much larger group, among them many students, who oppose Beijing’s plans for more idealistic reasons. 社会变迁、价值冲突、身份认同——所有的这一切,几乎同时被“普选”这 一事件所触发。据今年 4 月的民意调查显示[B3],虽然大约有 70%的香港人 支持中央政府的普选,但依然有相当一部分香港人持反对意见——其实,在 香港回归之后,始终有一小部分香港人始终缺乏归属感——比如政界人物陈 方安生和传媒界人物黎智英。另外,还有相当数量的学生反对中央政府所做 出的决定——对于他们而言,更多是出于理想主义。 (陈方安生,生于 1940 年,在 1993 至 1997 年期间出任殖民地政府首位华 人布政司,其政治立场涉及言论自由、普选及民主等;黎智英,生于 1948 年,《蘋果日報》创办人,对中共以及香港建制持鲜明反对立场。)

One scenario can be immediately discounted [10]: China will not accept the election of a chief executive hostile to Chinese rule. If the present unrest

An underlying weakness of Chinese rule has nevertheless been revealed by these events. One of the most striking features of Hong Kong remains the relative absence of a mainland political presence. The Chinese have persisted with what can best be described as a hands-off (放手) approach. Their relationship to the administration is either indirect or behind the scenes. Strange as it may seem, the Chinese are not involved in the cut and thrust of political argument. They will need to find more effective ways of making their views clear and arguing their case – not in Beijing but in Hong Kong. 若普选所产生的行政长官对中国大陆的法规与政策怀有敌意,这是中央政府 所不能接受的——因为这很有可能会阻碍或耽搁诸多发展纲要的实行。在接 下来更可能发生的是,中央政府坚持其方案——虽然可能会做出少许让步, 27 | P a g e

西媒导读 第 12 期 – 香港 2017 年普选:背景与未来

但香港社会面临的分歧,更需要用对话和包容的方式解决。此次事件也同时 暴露了一定的制度缺陷:在香港回归之后,中央政府虽然一贯坚持“港人治 港”的方针,然而也并不排除时常以间接的方式对香港政策施加影响,使得 一部分香港人感到难以捉摸——在他们看来,这是缺乏透明与公信力的表 现。最后,本文作者期待中央政府在以后制定对港政策时,能够以更加清晰 的方式,阐明其论证与观点,并准确地传达给香港人民——在增进彼此了解 与互信的前提下,大陆人民与香港同胞才能得以共同繁荣发展。(完) 本文原载于:英国《卫报》评论栏目 http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2014/sep/30/china-hong-kong-futureprotesters-cry-democracy

[1] upheaval: A violent or sudden change or disruption to something 突变 [2] screen out: Exclude someone after evaluation (在评审之后)排除 [3] semblance: The outward appearance or apparent form of something, especially when the reality is different 外观、表象 [4] spell out: Explain something in detail 详细诠释 [5] dislocation: Disturbance from a proper or usual place or state 不安 [6] hubris: Excessive pride or self-confidence 自负 [7] arrogant: Having or revealing an exaggerated sense of one’s own importance or abilities 对自身重要性的夸大 [8] inextricable: Impossible to separate or escape from 不可摆脱的 [9] pragmatic: Dealing with things sensibly and realistically in a way that is based on practical rather than theoretical considerations 实用主义的 [10] discount: Regard (a possibility or fact) as being unworthy of consideration because it lacks credibility 不计入考虑

Oct.4, 2014

《香港特区基本法》第四十五条: 香港特别行政区行政长官在当地通过选举或协商产生,由中央人民政府任 命。行政长官的产生办法根据香港特别行政区的实际情况和循序渐进的原则 而规定,最终达至由一个有广泛代表性的提名委员会按民主程序提名后普选 产生的目标。 选举委员会委员共 800 人,由下列各界人士组成: 工商、金融界 200 人 专业界 200 人 劳工、社会服务、宗教等界 200 人 立法会议员、区域性组织代表、香港地区全国人大代表、香港地区全国政协委 员代表 200 人

Article 45: The Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall be selected by election or through consultations held locally and be appointed by the Central People's Government. The method for selecting the Chief Executive shall be specified in the light of the actual situation in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and in accordance with the principle of gradual and orderly progress. The ultimate aim is the selection of the Chief Executive by universal suffrage upon nomination by a broadly representative nominating committee in accordance with democratic procedures. [B3]《逾 7 成人认同依基本法普选,不支持占中比率超 6 成》,大公网, 2014 年 4 月 8 日 http://news.takungpao.com/hkol/politics/2014-04/2406251.html

背景参考: [B1] 《香港“占中”十问》,中国新闻网,2014 年 10 月 3 日 http://www.chinanews.com/gn/2014/10-03/6649570.shtml [B2]《基本法》官方网站 http://www.basiclaw.gov.hk/gb/basiclawtext/chapter_4.html 28 | P a g e

西媒导读 – 2014 第四季度

Introducing the Future

Contents 第 13 期 第 14 期

December, 2014

当我们想做出改变 “领导能力”与“管理能力”辨析

 1  5

第 15 期


 7

第 16 期


 9

第 17 期


 11

第 18 期


 15

第 19 期


 18

第 20 期


 20

第 21 期


 22

第 22 期

个人主义 VS 集体主义

 25

西媒导读 第 13 期 – 当我们想做出改变

Oct.23, 2014

导读:在生活中,为什么感觉有些人的想法很顽固,很难做出改变?为什么有 时家人和朋友对自己不理解?为什么自己为一些人付出很多,到最后感觉努力 白费了?为什么曾经亲近的人会渐渐疏远?……以上这些,都是人们生活中常 遇到的问题。本期我们选取两篇文章,尝试对以上问题做出探索和解答。

Why Changing Somebody’s Mind, or Yours, is Hard to Do David Ropeik 13 July, 2010

processing it through our feelings, instincts and life circumstances in the past. Anything that gives the facts meaning will turn the raw meaningless data into our judgments and views and opinions. 当别人持有不同观点时,试图让他们通过你的视角来看问题是很困难的。你即 使是尽可能温和而思辨地陈述事实和论据,而这些事实似乎并没对你的论证有 所帮助。那么,为什么人的观点一旦生成,常常会变得“顽固”呢?难道人类 高级的大脑就不能开放地接受事实、证据和原因么?——其实,广泛的调查研 究表明,如果事实孤立于人的经历,那么就往往变得毫无意义。“事实”作为 输入数据,由我们的大脑进行处理——而在我们处理这些信息的时候,潜意识 里不断地与自身的经历、处境和情感进行结合比对——就这样,输出的结果便 是我们的观点与视角。

Okay, but why do we cling to our views so tenaciously after they are formed? Interesting clues come from two areas of study: Self-affirmation (自我肯定), and Cultural Cognition (文化认同). Both areas suggest that we cling to our views because the walls of our opinions are like battlements that keep us safe from the “enemies” who dope [3] with different opinions. Quite literally (exactly), our views and opinions may help protect us, keep us safe and help us survive. Small wonders then that we fight so hard to keep those walls strong and tall.

There are a lot of psychological terms for the fact that people don't like to change their minds. Trying to get somebody to see things in your way is tough if they go into the argument with another point of view. You argue the facts, as thoughtfully and non-confrontationally [1] as you can, but the facts don't seem to get you anywhere. The wall of the other person's opinion doesn't move. And they don’t seem to WANT it to move. What's going on there? Why do people so tenaciously [2] stick to the views they've already formed? Shouldn't a cognitive mind be open to the facts, evidences and reasons? Well, that's hopeful but naïve, and ignores a vast amount of social science evidence that has shown that facts, by themselves, are meaningless. They are ones and zeroes to your mental computer, raw blank data that only take on meaning when run through the software of your experiences. This subconscious process keeps taking information and

Self-affirmation conditioning studies find that if, before you start to try to change somebody's mind, you first ask them to remember something that gave them a positive view of themselves, and then they are more likely to be open to facts and change their opinions. People who feel good about themselves are more likely to be open-minded! Cultural Cognition is the theory that we shape our opinions to conform [4] to the views of the groups with which we most strongly identify. That does two things. It creates solidarity [5] in the group, which increases the chances that our group's views will prevail in society (e.g. our party is in power). And it strengthens the group's acceptance of us as members in good standing. Strengthening the group, helping it win dominance, and having the group accept us matters a lot. Humans are social animals. We depend on our groups, our tribes, literally for our survival. When our group's views prevail, and our group accepts us, our survival chances go up. It would be consistent with the interpretation [6] that the more threatened we feel (by economic uncertainty 1|P age

西媒导读 第 13 期 – 当我们想做出改变

or environmental doom) the more we circle the wagons [7] of our opinions to keep the group together and keep ourselves safe. It also appears that the less threatened we feel, the more flexible our opinions are likely to be. 有两个领域的研究为“观点的牢固性问题“提供了线索, 它们分别是“自我肯 定”和“文化认同”。这两方面的研究表明,坚持自己的观点,排除异己的观 点,其实是对个人的生存和发展有利的。 自我肯定:每个人形成一种观点是有原因的,与其个人发展阶段相匹配(而不 是超越阶段)。由于每个人都有“自我肯定”的本性,如果我们贸然否定、批 评别人的观点,或表达方式不当,都将难以让他们倾听和接受。所以在交流 时,我们首先要肯定别人的正确与可取之处,这样他们才能更乐于开放地听取 新的意见。

Oct.23, 2014

[5] solidarity (noun): Unity or agreement of feeling or action, especially among individuals with a common interest 团结一致 [6] interpretation (noun): The action of explaining the meaning of something 演绎、解释说明 [7] circle the wagons: Look for protection, get defensive for an attack [8] contentious (adj): Causing or likely to cause an argument; controversial 有争议的

Getting People to Change Their Minds Alex Lickerman 25 Mar, 2010

文化认知(或文化认同):个人遵循群体(或民族)的文化与思潮,对于该群 体的发展与茁壮起很大作用。人类是“社会性动物”,每个人都需要不同程度 地依赖族群而生存。如果我们族群的观点受到社会普遍认可,而且族群里人与 人之间相互认同,这将有利于族群和个人的发展成长。

So the next time you want to have a truly open-minded conversation on a contentious [8] topic with someone who disagrees with you, don't launch right into the facts. Ask them to tell you about some wonderful thing they did, success they had, or positive feedback they got. And try to remember something like that about yourself. Then you might actually have a conversation, instead of the argument you're headed for instead. 本文原载于:http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/how-risky-is-itreally/201007/why-changing-somebody-s-mind-or-yours-is-hard-do

[1] confrontational (adj): Tending to deal with situations in an aggressive way; hostile or argumentative 对抗性的 [2] tenacious (adj): Tending to keep a firm hold of something; clinging or adhering closely: 固执的;紧握的;黏着力强的 [3] dope (verb): A drug taken illegally for recreational purposes 麻醉 [4] conform (verb): (Of a person) behave according to socially acceptable conventions or standards; Comply with rules, standards, or laws 遵照、顺应

Changing another person's mind is literally one of the hardest things to do in the world. Think of how many conversations you've ever had in which one of the participants decided the other was right and abandoned their previous views altogether. It almost never happens. Why? Because even though ideas flit in and out of our heads like mosquitoes, ideas that are believed cling with electromagnetic power. Once we believe an idea we develop an emotional connection to it. And once we are attached to 2|P age

西媒导读 第 13 期 – 当我们想做出改变

anything, whether a person, place, thing or idea, giving it up is extremely hard. We will always grieve over a loss, no matter how small.

Climbing a mountain in a snowstorm Despite the difficulty of changing another person's mind, sometimes it really is necessary to try. Even the changes are less dramatic, the effort is often worthwhile. So how can we succeed in changing another person's mind? The following strategies/techniques may be a reasonable place to start (though are obviously by no means guaranteed): 虽然改变一个人的想法是很难的,但这也并不妨碍我们去尝试。即使改变不是 很明显,我们通过尝试这件事情,也会获得有益的体验。以下提供了一些较为 合适的方法(虽然未必对所有人都奏效):

Oct.23, 2014

often powered more by the experiences that produced them than by the correctness of the beliefs themselves. Exploring relevant formative [6] events in a person's life will help you to get insight into why they believe. If a belief seems to have evolved from faulty reasoning in response to such an event, the Socratic debate may work well again for helping identify where the reasoning that led to the belief went wrong. Focus more on underlying assumptions. Seek whatever common ground may exist between your assumptions and the others’ assumptions. Then the different reasons from there can be understood. 由于事实本身可能不会使人改变想法,所以我们需要看一下, 别人是从怎样的 经历中得到了该结论——我们可以从事情发展的环节中,找到其得出结论的原 因。另外,双方需要有相近的逻辑预设,才能在对等的平台上辩论。

When introducing a new idea to someone, try to make them think it was theirs. Though not easily done, people are far more likely to believe something is true if they discover it for themselves. Sometimes the Socratic’s debate works well here, but only if you ask questions in a way that communicates you're genuinely [1] interested in another person's views rather than in leading them where you want them to go. (Socratic’s debate is a form of discussion based on asking and answering questions, in order to stimulate critical thinking and to illuminate [2] ideas. It is a dialectical [3] method, often involving a discussion in which the defence of one point of view is questioned; one participant may lead another to contradict himself in some way, thus strengthening the inquirer's own point.) 当给别人引入一个新的想法时,首先需要寻找他们所相信的,以及和他们经历 相关的事情。有时,苏格拉底所采用的辩论方式是有效的,但前提是人与人之 间平等的交流,而不是自己主导话语权。(苏格拉底在与别人辩论时,常常通 过不断提出问题的方式,使对方渐渐陷入矛盾之中,从而承认自己的认知偏 差。另外,它通过启发和引导学生,使他们自己思考和归纳,得出结论。)

Help others let go of erroneous (wrong) belief without losing face. The notion that ‘being wrong’ connotes [4] inferior intelligence is a powerful inducement [5] for many people to dispose their opinions. Explore the underlying experiences that may be contributing to another person's erroneous belief. The emotional connection we feel to our beliefs is

Become a trusted mentor. Many of us have someone in our lives to whom we turn in times of trouble, someone whose judgment we trust, to whom our hearts are more receptive [7] than anyone else, and to whom we'll listen with a genuinely open mind. Become that person to as many people as you can. If you can, the power of the aforementioned techniques will be multiplied a thousand-fold. However, this requires you to become wise and caring.

What if we’re the ones whose minds need to be changed? Of course, the foregoing [8] has all been predicated on the assumption that in any given disagreement your idea is the correct one. But if you always and 3|P age

西媒导读 第 13 期 – 当我们想做出改变

only focus on changing the minds of others and never on your own, this will result in championing ideas rather than exchanging ideas, and thus learning nothing. So before you go using any of these techniques on someone else, use them first on yourself.

Oct.23, 2014


These Are Things


[1] genuine (adj): (Of a person, emotion, or action) sincere 真诚、诚恳的 [2] illuminate (verb): Help to clarify or explain 阐明、启发、照亮 [3] dialectical (adj): Relating to the logical discussion of opinions 辩证的 [4] connote (verb): (Of a word) imply or suggest (an idea or feeling) in addition to the literal or primary meaning 意味着;含言外之意 [5] inducement (noun): A thing that persuades or leads someone to do something(做事情的)刺激因素 [6] formative (adj): Serving to form something, especially having a profound influence on a person’s development (对发展)有影响的 [7] receptive (adj): Willing to consider or accept new suggestions and ideas 善于接纳的

[8] the foregoing (noun): The things just mentioned or stated


An illustration studio and paper goods brand

Summary: We are living in the rapid changing world 1. To live is to constantly change. Change means get to know and adapt to new things. There will always be new things as the world is unlimited for us to explore. 2. In today’s hyper-connected and rapid changing world, people are preparing and creating new things all the time. As a result, nothing can leave us with permanent great impression as there are always something better for us to discover. 3. Just like the food is getting rotten, wisdoms and strategies are getting rotten as well, and even faster. It’s not the matter of time, but because things are developing to more and more advanced stages. 4. It is not necessary for us to spend too much effort on changing others. It could be wise to spend more effort changing yourself and try to be the best. 4|P age

西媒导读 第 14 期 –“领导能力”与“管理能力”辨析

Oct.24, 2014

导读:本文作者列举了当今人们对“领导能力”的一些偏见,并对“领导能 力”与“管理能力”的内涵提出了自己的独特见解。

Management Is (Still) Not Leadership John P. Kotter, 9 Jan, 2013

discussion about how to build a company, position it for success and win. The mistakes people make on the issue are threefold [4]: Mistake1: People use the terms “management” and “leadership” interchangeably. This shows that they don’t see the crucial difference between the two and the vital functions that each role plays. Mistake2: People use the term “leadership” to refer to the people at the very top of hierarchies. They then call the people in the layers below them in the organization “management.” And then all the rest are workers, specialists, and individual contributors. This is also a mistake and very misleading. Mistake3: People often think of “leadership” in terms of personality characteristics, usually as something they call charisma [5]. Since few people have great charisma, this leads logically to the conclusion that few people can provide leadership, which gets us into increasing trouble.

A few weeks ago, the BBC asked me to come in for a radio interview. They told me they wanted to talk about effective leadership — China had just elevated Xi Jinping to the role of Communist Party leader; General David Petraeus had stepped down from his post (岗位) at the CIA a few days earlier — but the conversation quickly veered [1], as these things often do, into a discussion about ‘how individuals can keep large, complex, unwieldy [2] organizations operating reliably and efficiently’. That’s not leadership, I explained. That’s management — and the two are radically different. In more than four decades of studying businesses and consulting to organizations on how to implement new strategies, I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard people use the words “leadership” and “management” synonymously [3], and it drives me crazy every time. The interview reminded me once again that the confusion around these two terms is massive, and that misunderstanding gets in the way of any reasonable

In fact, management is a set of well-known processes, like planning, budgeting, structuring jobs, staffing jobs, measuring performance and problem-solving, which help an organization to predictably do what it knows how to do well. Management helps you to produce products and services as you have promised, of consistent quality, on budget, day after day, week after week. In organizations of any size and complexity, this is an enormously difficult task. We constantly underestimate how complex this task really is, especially if we are not in senior management jobs. So, management is crucial — but it’s not leadership. Leadership is entirely different. It is associated with taking an organization into the future, finding opportunities that are coming at it faster and faster and successfully exploiting [6] those opportunities. Leadership is about vision, about people buying in, about empowerment and, most of all, about producing useful change. And in an ever-faster-moving world, leadership is increasingly needed from more and more people, no matter where they are in a hierarchy. The notion [7] that a few extraordinary people at the top can provide all the leadership needed today is ridiculous and it’s a recipe for failure (失败的原因,罪魁祸首). Some people still argue that we must replace management with leadership. This is obviously not so: they serve different, yet essential, functions. We 5|P age

西媒导读 第 14 期 –“领导能力”与“管理能力”辨析

Oct.24, 2014

need superb management, and we need more superb leadership. We need to be able to make our complex organizations reliable and efficient. We need them to jump into the the right future at an accelerated pace, no matter the size of the changes required to make that happen.

Our markets are complex, and we embrace that.


As part of our global strategy, we have created regional Internet groups in Africa, Asia Pacific, Latin America and the Middle East in order to bundle local market and business model insights, facilitate regional commercial, strategic and investment partnerships, in particular with mobile telecommunication providers, enable local recruiting and sourcing and accelerate the regional roll-out of our companies.

[1] veer (verb): Change direction suddenly (谈话内容或行为)突然改变 [2] unwieldy (adj): (Of an object) difficult to move because of its size/weight [3] synonymous (adj) (Of a word) having the same meaning as another word in the same language 近义词 [4] threefold (adj): Having three parts or elements 包括三方面 [5] charisma (noun): Compelling attractiveness or charm that can inspire devotion in others 魅力 [6] exploit (verb): Make full use of and derive benefit from (a resource) 开拓(并充分利用)

[7] notion (noun): A conception of or belief about something 观念 推荐栏目:https://www.rocket-internet.com/about

Introduction: Our mission is to become the world’s largest Internet platform outside the United States and China. We identify and build proven Internet business models and transfer them to new, underserved or untapped markets, where we seek to scale them into market leading online companies. We help people use their smartphones to get what they need, any place, any time, offering the same world-class user experience in all markets. Started in 2007, Rocket Internet today employs more than 20,000 people across our network of companies, which operates in more than 100 countries in five continents.

Transferring proven business models to new, underserved or untapped markets brings its challenges. We adapt to local habits, developing proprietary [1] solutions that meet customers’ needs and circumstances.

Infrastructure and Last-Mile Delivery We as entrepreneurs need to figure out how to adapt to local market conditions in order to accelerate the build-out [2] of local supply chain and logistics (物流) networks in emerging market economies across the globe. We build our own infrastructure to support each step of the e-commerce model. This gives us a competitive advantage, flexibility and speed to market. We operate our own warehouses, our own last-mile delivery fleets (车队) and our own private labels. We’re not just building online companies; underneath that, we’re building infrastructure companies that bring a consistent worldclass mobile user experience. We have developed a set of unique standardized processes that allows us to build and scale new companies in a repeatable and scalable way. We are able to launch new companies in less than 100 days. We also operate a network of companies. We share best practices and leverages [3] synergies [4] across our network, making our companies even more competitive. [1] proprietary (adj): Relating to an owner or ownership [2] build-out (noun): The growth, development, or expansion of something [3] leverage (verb): Use something to maximum advantage 杠杆,最大化利用 [4] synergy (noun): The interaction or cooperation of two or more organizations or other agents to produce a combined effect greater than the sum of their separate effects (企业之间的)协同,配合 6|P age

西媒导读 第 15 期 – 碳酸饮料的“功效”

Oct.25, 2014

导读:本文所表达的内容,简单而清晰:长期大量饮用碳酸饮料,将更容易诱 发慢性疾病,对细胞衰老也有加速作用。

Sugary Soft Drinks may be Linked to Accelerated DNA Ageing Azeen Ghorayshi 17 Oct, 2014

碳酸饮料,一直因诱发 II 型糖尿病和肥胖症而为人所诟病。最新研究结果表 明,每日饮用碳酸饮料 350 毫升者,与普通人相比,DNA 的衰老程度早先 4.6 年左右。“长期饮用汽水,不仅仅干扰人体正常的糖代谢秩序,其所含有的防 腐剂等成分对细胞衰老也有加速作用,从而促使慢性疾病发展。”加利福尼亚 大学教授 Elissa Epel 如是说。

The study, published in the American Journal of Public Health, asked 5,309 healthy adults aged between 20 and 65 about their consumption of fizzy drinks and examined the DNA from each participant’s white blood cells. The team found that telomeres [3] – protective DNA caps on the end of chromosomes – were shorter in people who reported habitually drinking more fizzy drinks. Telomeres are repetitive sections at the end of chromosomes that get shorter each time cells divide. They act as a kind of genetic ticking clock and in the past have been associated with human lifespan as well as the development of some forms of cancer, heart disease and diabetes. Other studies have suggested a link between telomere length and lifestyle factors such as smoking and psychological stress.

Consumption of sugary soda drinks such as cola and lemonade may be linked to accelerated DNA ageing, say researchers who have studied the impact of the drinks in more than 5,000 people. High-sugar fizzy drinks (汽水) have been under fire [1] from campaigners for contributing to type-2 diabetes and obesity, but this is the first study to suggest a link with ageing. The researchers found that people who reported drinking a 350ml bottle of fizzy drink per day had DNA changes typical of cells 4.6 years older. “Regular consumption of sugar-sweetened sodas might influence disease development, not only by straining [2] the body’s metabolic (新陈代谢) control of sugars but also through accelerated cellular ageing of tissues,” said Professor Elissa Epel, of the University of California, San Francisco.

“It’s really been in the last four years or so that people have started asking if this is something that can start in early age,” said Epel. “This soda study really raises the question: if we’re seeing this apparent soda-induced telomere shortening in a diverse adult sample, what does that mean for our kids? It may be a large part of why we have such a vast epidemic [4] of not only obesity as adults, but early disease onset. Soda may be one of the invisible culprits [5].” She stressed that the study only showed an association and did not prove that sugary drink consumption caused cell ageing. If high soda consumption was to blame, it may be due to the huge rush of sugars into the blood after a drink, leading to oxidative stress [6] and inflammation [7] – “the perfect storm for degrading telomeres,” said Epel. The study has its limitations. Since it looked at survey data from the now decade-old US National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, it could only draw associations between DNA samples and what people self-reported about their diet at the time. 7|P age

西媒导读 第 15 期 – 碳酸饮料的“功效”

David Jacobs, a professor of public health and epidemiology at the University of Minnesota, who was not involved in the study, said: “It’s an interesting suggestion that, by taking these beverages that so emphasise a single molecule, there is a fundamental relationship between excess sugar in the diet and telomeres. But disease is long-term, and these are small effects. You’re going to need long-term studies with follow-up to really see what happens.”

Oct.25, 2014

[5] culprit (noun): The cause of a problem or defect; A person who is responsible for a crime or other misdeed 元凶,肇事者 [6] oxidative stress: It reflects an imbalance between the systemic manifestation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and a biological system's ability to repair the resulting damage. Disturbances in the normal redox state of cells can cause toxic effects through the production of peroxides and free radicals that damage all components of the cell, including proteins, lipids, and DNA. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are chemically reactive molecules containing oxygen. ROS are formed as a natural by-product of the normal metabolism of oxygen and have important roles in cell signalling and homeostasis. However, during times of environmental stress (e.g. UV exposure), ROS levels can increase dramatically. This may result in significant damage to cell structures. Cumulatively, this is known as oxidative stress. 氧化应激 (oxidative stress) 为机体的活性氧类与抗氧化系统之间平衡失调引起 的一系列适应性的反应。当细胞的氧化还原反应失衡时,活性氧类会对细胞器 和 DNA 结构具有破坏作用。

Epel said her research group planned to address these questions in further studies in which they might use a short-term diet high in sugar to see if they can induce effects associated with telomere shortening. 本文原载于:http://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2014/oct/16/sugar-softdrinks-dna-ageing-study

活性氧类 (Reactive oxygen species) 包括氧离子、过氧化物和含氧自由基等, 是生物有氧代谢过程中的正常副产物,对细胞信号传导和机体稳态起很大作 用。然而,由于它们存在未配对的自由电子,所以具有很强的氧化性——过高 的活性氧水平便会对细胞造成损害。

[7] Inflammation (noun): A localized physical condition in which part of the body becomes reddened, swollen, hot, and often painful, especially as a reaction to injury or infection 炎症

[1] under fire: Being attacked or criticized 抨击,为人所诟病 [2] strain (verb): Injure (a muscle or organ) by overexerting it (因过度透支) 而伤害

[3] telomeres (noun): A compound structure at the end of a chromosome (染 色体的)端粒

[4] epidemic (noun): A sudden, widespread occurrence of an undesirable phenomenon 盛行,流行病 8|P age

西媒导读 第 16 期 – 开放式创业

Oct.25, 2014

导读:本文作者认为,在创业初期,与保守所有的秘密相比,适当的开放与获 得反馈,反而更有利于创业者把握市场和竞争的真实境况,从而减少主观判断 失误。开放,可以说是当今商业社会的一种新文化——尤其对于新兴产业来 说,它们将因开放和竞争而繁荣。

Startup Founders Who Hide Early Work Only Fool Themselves Martin Zwilling 20 Aug, 2014

Being open is the new business culture around the world. Entrepreneurs talk to customers and competitors talk to each other about the new trends and technologies they see. Coopetition is the new mantra (咒语) for growing your business faster; being open is better for your startup than trying to fly under the radar, and here are some key reasons: Visibility generates interest. You can’t get any word-of-mouth or media activity by hiding. Before you finalize the product, it would be better to talk about it with others and see if you can get some buzz [4] started. This will do more for your first mover advantage than more time in the lab. Most people agree that even negative media attention is better than none. Evaluate customer response prior to development. It’s never too early to get feedback from people, no matter how passionate and certain you are that your idea is perfect. So why not make the change before you have wasted significant time and money? Get competitors to surface early. You may be convinced that no competitors exist, which is very unlikely. If there really are no competitors, then there is likely no market opportunity (or you haven’t looked yet). You need to get to know your competitors sooner, rather than later.

It’s popular these days for startup (创业公司) founders to operate in stealth [1] mode, meaning no details about the idea or progress are shared with anyone until the big reveal [2] and rollout [3]. The common reason given is that this prevents any competitor from stealing their idea and beating them to market. In my view, this paranoid (猜疑、妄想的) approach costs them much more than the risk of being open. I’m not suggesting that a startup should ever disclose patent details to others before filing, but I can’t imagine why a startup would not seek visibility and feedback for their idea and solution while they could still make changes with minimal cost. Corrections are inevitable for startups in this age of rapid change, and the earlier you make them, the quicker you get progress.

Demonstrate a minimum viable product. Surface [5] your prototype [6], get customer feedback, make corrections, and iterate until you get it right. Startups in stealth mode often have a false sense of security that they can take extra time to do the job right the first time. Customer feedback is required to get it right, and hidden time is wasted time. Meet investors before asking for money. The time to build investor relationships is before you need the investment. It gives you credibility [7] to mention your idea in general terms, without immediately asking for money. This can help you get in the door when you are ready, and asking questions early will give you insights on investor priorities. Optimize your web history and presence. Stealth mode normally means no time for search engine optimization prior to product launch, not to mention relevant blogging activity, and link building. This means your whole startup effort will appear as very early stage for investors, and will likely not be adequately tuned for customers. 9|P age

西媒导读 第 16 期 – 开放式创业

Oct.25, 2014

On one hand, customer credibility actually improves when they see you making changes based on their inputs, and the cost of correcting mistakes early is lower.

mouth 口耳相传的激动情绪 (e.g. The film has generated a lot of buzz in the industry.) [5] tentative (adj): Done without confidence; hesitant 迟疑的、犹豫的

On the other hand, stealth mode does make sense for large companies, like Apple and IBM, who will likely be sued for pre-announcing a future product, since other companies have used this ploy [8] in the past to freeze the market and lock out new competitors. Of course, even startups can get into serious trouble by talking about products and direction with no intent or ability to deliver.

[6] surface (verb): Come to people’s attention; become apparent 显现 [7] credibility (noun): The quality of being trusted and believed in 可信性 [8] ploy (noun): A cunning plan or action designed to turn a situation to one’s own advantage 策略 [9] entrenched (adj): (Of an attitude, habit, or belief) firmly established and difficult or unlikely to change 根深蒂固的 [10] unscrupulous (adj): Having no moral principles; not honest or fair 不择 手段的(无节操的) 推荐栏目:http://whiteboard.is/

Also I realize that there are a limited set of startups, facing particularly entrenched [9] and unscrupulous [10] competitors, where early stealth mode is necessary. With most other classes of startups today, including smartphone apps, web services, and social media applications, early customer feedback is critical, and time to market is of the essence, so secrecy is more of an excuse than an advantage. 本文原载于:http://www.forbes.com/sites/martinzwilling/2014/08/20/startupswho-hide-early-work-only-fool-themselves/

[1] stealth (noun): Cautious and surreptitious action or movement 秘密行动 [2] reveal (noun): (In a film) a final revelation of information that has previously been kept from the characters or viewers (电影最后的)真相大白 [3] roll-out (noun): The official launch or introduction of a new product or service (官方)首次展示、发布 [4] buzz (noun): A general sense of excitement about or interest in someone or something, as reflected in or generated by media coverage or word of

The musings & curations of a unique creative agency Not just a belief, but we have the power to believe. We believe that the world is missing something valuable that only you can give it, something that makes the world better. If you don't push past all barriers and bring it to life, the world will fail to progress to its greatest potential - and it will be your fault. Our greatest joys come from watching the evolution of creativity and work. Whiteboard is fuelled by this daily evolution, experienced and driven by a small team of professionals. We are about the stories we share and the solutions we develop. Vision is defined by a preferred future, an assessment of what is, and a clear picture of what ought to be. We admire those who look past limitations and imagine new possibilities, stand in opposition to the world today, and create better tomorrows. 10 | P a g e

西媒导读 第 17 期 – 亚洲基础设施投资银行

Nov.2, 2014

导读:2014 年 10 月 24 日,包括中国、印度、新加坡等在内 21 个首批意向创 始成员国的财长和授权代表在北京签署谅解备忘录,共同决定成立亚洲基础设 施投资银行(亚投行)。亚投行是一个政府间性质的亚洲区域多边开发机构, 重点支持基础设施建设,总部设在北京,法定资本 1000 亿美元。 当前,亚洲的许多国家资金充足、储蓄率高,但相当一部分资金都借贷给了发 达国家使用——这一现象尤其在我国十分明显——“提高亚洲资本对该区域发 展贡献水平”的重要性与日俱增。由我国筹建的亚投行,一方面能够补充当前 世界银行和亚洲开发银行在亚太地区的投融资与国际援助职能,另一方面也将 营造有助于我国经济发展的公平国际环境,从而推动世界经济的长足增长。 本文对亚洲基础设施投资银行的筹建背景做了较为详尽的解析,其中包括:中 国筹建亚投行的目的和意义、西方进行抵制的原因、当下亚洲地区发展现状以 及未来前景展望。

An Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank's Time May Have Come Dan Steinbock 22 Oct, 2014

Chinese Goals The AIIB proposal was first presented in public by Premier Li Keqiang in the prestigious Boao Forum for Asia in early April. The goal was to roll out an inter-governmental memorandum of understanding [4] in autumn and thereafter to quickly launch the bank. The new multilateral institution would help fund infrastructure projects in Asia. By June, China proposed doubling the registered capital of the bank from $50 billion to $100 billion, with half from Beijing and the rest from the other founding members. China has invited India to participate in the founding of the bank and, despite some concerns; New Deli is expected to join in as the second largest shareholder. The idea of the bank was first put forward by Chinese leaders, including Chinese President Xi and Premier Li, during their visits to south-eastern Asian countries in October 2013. In particular, Xi underscored the economic opportunities for cooperation between China and the 10 member nations of the ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations), including setting up an Asian investment bank to support regional connectivity for transportation, telecommunications and energy projects across the region. U.S. Opposition As Beijing set out to promote the idea of a regional infrastructure bank, Washington not only took an opposing view but began to lobby [5] against the bank. These activities began in low-profile backroom talks with AIIB’s proposed founding partners and then more openly in a forceful campaign to persuade important allies to reject the initiative.

The proposed Asian infrastructure bank could galvanize [1] growth in emerging Asia and boost lingering [2] global recovery. According to Western media, the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) is to rival the World Bank (世界银行) and the Asian Development Bank (亚洲开发银 行). In reality, the idea of the AIIB was put forward more than a year ago; not to undermine [3] either the World Bank or the ADB, but to deliver the promise that both have failed to deliver – sustained growth in emerging Asia.

While President Xi is expected to formally announce the AIIB initiative at a summit meeting of Asian leaders in November, Beijing’s mistrust in Washington has deepened. In August, Jin Liqun (金立群), the proposed Chinese leader of the AIIB and former head of China’s sovereign wealth fund CICC (中国国际金融有限公司), told U.S. Ambassador to China, Max Baucus, to soften opposition to the bank. The bluntness [6] of the reaction surprised Americans. But it did not surprise Asians and some applauded it. Currently, Asia desperately needs 11 | P a g e

西媒导读 第 17 期 – 亚洲基础设施投资银行

infrastructure investments. Many fail to understand why that would be against Washington’s interests. American business has long advocated such investments. Pros and Cons In the past few months, the Obama administration has used three sets of arguments to lobby its allies and friends in Asia to reject the AIIB. First, U.S. Treasury Department has criticized the bank as a deliberate attempt to rival the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank.

In reality, neither of the two banks have the funds to support real infrastructure progress in Asia. For its part, the ADB estimated in 2009 that the region would need some $8 trillion in investments in physical infrastructure by 2020. It was a de facto [7] plea [8] for greater funding because the huge amount far exceeded what ADB or the World Bank could gather. Not only could Beijing’s effort attract Asian countries to cooperate on the region’s significant capital needs. It would focus regional allocations to economic development in which existing international financial institutions have proved woefully [9] inadequate. Second, U.S. officials have portrayed the AIIB as Beijing’s geopolitical instrument to attract countries in Southeast, East and South Asia closer to its sphere of influence. It is a soft-power play, U.S. officials have warned. This geopolitical argument is reminiscent [10] of the one Stalin used in the late 1940s to insulate Eastern Europe from the Marshall Plan (马歇尔计划), which proved critical in re-energizing recovery in the post-war Europe. That aid came hand in hand with membership in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), which did strengthen the transatlantic axis between Washington and Brussels. In contrast, China is not pushing membership in a security-driven Asian Treaty Organization.

Nov.2, 2014

Instead, Beijing is offering to share the benefits of its development with the rest of Asia as Japan once did with Singapore, Hong Kong, South Korea and Taiwan, which subsequently became the high growth “Asian tigers.” Ironically, there was similar hesitation in the 1960s when Tokyo moved to establish the ADB. Third, U.S. Treasury Department has argued that the proposed bank would not meet environmental standards, procurement requirements and other safeguards embraced by the World Bank and the ADB. This argument is flawed because it presumes that the proposed bank would (or could) extend the adverse side-effects of past Chinese industrialization across the entire region. It is also seen as hypocritical [11] in Asia. The existing multilateral institutions are dominated by the advanced West, which continues to cause 4-5 times more pollution than the emerging Asian nations on a per capita basis. Time to Walk the Talk [12] Left on the devices of the World Bank and the ADB, the populous nations of emerging Asia would not be able to complete their industrialization. What these two mighty institutions have failed to deliver in the past half a century, the proposed AIIB could galvanize in a decade. Today, the ADB has an estimated $78 billion in capital, including retained earnings and borrowings. It is dominated by Japan and the U.S. which have larger shareholding than China. ADB has begun to restructure its operations, while seeking greater funds from the West. But even a highly efficient and recapitalized ADB could offer only a fraction of the real needs in Asia. What about the World Bank? It is, in theory, owned by 188 member countries that have subscribed to $223 billion of subscribed capital (paid in capital plus callable capital). In practice, the bank can loan some $50 billion per year, which barely covers the annual financing gap for Indonesia’s infrastructure requirements alone between 2015 and 2019. The distribution of loans, in turn, rests on the distribution of power within these institutions, which are controlled by the advanced West. Since its birth, the chief of the World Bank has been an American, while the ADB has been 12 | P a g e

西媒导读 第 17 期 – 亚洲基础设施投资银行

led by the Japanese (and the IMF by Europeans). They are led, owned and controlled by Western nations, which enjoy high living standards but low growth that no longer justifies those prosperity levels.

Nov.2, 2014

[18] the existing institutions, to deliver the promise of the region, and to offer an example for the rest of the world, including the advanced West.

Haunted by debt and stagnation [13], the western nations are not likely to adequately support emerging Asia – not to speak of emerging Latin America, Africa and the Middle East – that suffers from low living standards but enjoys higher growth. Seen in this context, the most recent promises by the World Bank and the ADB (or the IMF) to take steps to increase their lending capacity is seen as too little too late in Asia. Not only China but most of Asia and the rest of the emerging world are justifiably sceptical about existing international institutions in which they feel a lack of ownership. Regional Bank, Global Blueprint The U.S. lobbying campaign has pushed its vital allies – including Australia and South Korea – in a difficult spot. While both continue to benefit from economic cooperation with China, each also relies on U.S. support in defence. In public, both have praised the proposal and promised to consider it; behind the facade [14], each is being pressured to shun [15] the AIIB. In contrast, Singapore has already signed up with the bank initiative. Overall, the AIIB could comprise some 22 countries in East, Southeast and South Asia, including several oil-rich nations in the Middle East. Despite half a century of lofty [16] pledges, neither Washington nor Brussels have been too eager to live up to their promises to allow greater Chinese and emerging-economy participation in the existing multilateral institutions. That’s why the proposed AIIB is a great experiment to boost prosperity and hope not just in Asia but in all emerging and developing countries. It could provide a blueprint for emerging and developing economies in other world regions – even within advanced regions. The proposed regional infrastructure bank is not an effort to overthrow the existing multilateral institutions, a geopolitical power play, or an attempt at a race to the bottom [17]. It is an initiative of the emerging Asia to augment


[1] galvanize (verb): Shock or excite someone into taking action 电镀;刺激 [2] lingering (adj): Lasting for a long time 长期的 [3] undermine (verb): (Gradually) lessen the effectiveness, power, or ability of; Erode the base or foundation of 削弱,侵蚀…的基础 [4] A memorandum of understanding (MoU) describes a bilateral or multilateral agreement between two or more parties. It expresses a convergence of will between the parties, indicating an intended common line of action. It is often used in cases where parties either do not imply a legal commitment or in situations where the parties cannot create a legally enforceable agreement. “谅解备忘录”意指“双方经过协商、谈判达成共识 后,并以文本的方式记录”。所谓“谅解”,表明“协议双方要互相体谅,妥 善处理彼此的分歧和争议”。在正式条约签订之前,谅解备忘录签字方对该协 议不具有任何法律义务。 13 | P a g e

西媒导读 第 17 期 – 亚洲基础设施投资银行

[5] lobby (verb): Seek to influence (a legislator) on an issue 对…进行游说 [6] blunt (adj): (Of a person or remark) uncompromisingly forthright 直率 not having a sharp edge or point 钝的,不锋利的 [7] de facto (adv): In fact (whether by right or not) 实际上 [8] plea (noun): A request made in an urgent and emotional manner 请求 [9] woeful (adj): Characterized by, expressive of, causing sorrow or misery 不幸的, 悲哀的

[10] reminiscent (adj): Tending to remind one of something 引发联想的 [11] hypocritical (adj): Behaving in a way that suggests one has higher standards or more noble beliefs than is the case 伪善的 [12] walk the talk: Represent / prove what is said with action 用行动证明 [13] stagnate (verb): Cease developing; become inactive or dull 停滞 [14] facade (noun): A deceptive outward appearance 外表假象,建筑物正面 [15] shun (verb): Persistently avoid, ignore, or reject (someone or something) through caution 回避 [16] lofty (adj): Of a noble or elevated nature 高尚的, 巍峨的 [17] race to the bottom: The situation in which companies and countries try to compete with each other by cutting wages and living standards for workers, and the production of goods is moved to the place where the wages are lowest and the workers have the fewest rights.

Nov.2, 2014


http://www.apec.org/ http://www.dfat.gov.au/apec/

The Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum was established in 1989. Its primary purpose is to facilitate economic growth and prosperity in the region, with the vision of creating a seamless regional economy. APEC pursues these objectives through trade and investment liberalisation, business facilitation, and economic and technical cooperation. APEC aims to strengthen regional economic integration by removing impediments to trade and investment “at the border”, enhancing supply chain connectivity "across the border" and improving the business environment "behind the border". It endeavours to improve the operating environment for business by reducing the cost of cross-border trade, improving access to trade information and simplifying regulatory and administrative processes. APEC supports the multilateral trade negotiations underway in the WTO, and complements the goals of the G-20 Framework for Strong, Sustainable and Balanced Growth in the Asia-Pacific Region. APEC 2014 年度会议将于 11 月 5 日至 11 日在北京举行(其中 CEO 峰会安排 在 9 日和 10 日)。接下来 APEC 会议的几天里,各成员国之间将会解决怎样 的问题,签署什么协定,对未来发展提出怎样的远见,我们拭目以待。

全球化时代,国家在经济竞争中获取竞争优势的办法大致有两种:一种是加大 科技、教育投入,在增加本国人民福利的情况下,提高经济活动的生产率;而 另外一种相反的办法则是,以剥夺本国劳动阶层的各种劳动保障、压低工资和 放任自然环境损害为代价,从而赢得竞争中的价格优势。后一种办法被形象地 称为竞次(race to the bottom) ,即打到底线的竞争。在竞次的游戏中,比的并不 是谁更优秀、投入了更多的科技教育,而是比谁更次、更能够苛待本国的劳动 阶层,更能够容忍本国环境的破坏——是比谁更有能力向人类文明的底线退化。 以竞次手段所获得的所谓“竞争力”,可以说是一个民族向道德野蛮状态的复 归。

[18] augment (verb): Make (something) greater by adding to it 增强 14 | P a g e

西媒导读 第 18 期 – 我们对时间的感觉

Nov.11, 2014

导读:随着我们年龄的增长,为什么感觉时间变快了?人与人之间,常常产生 这样的共鸣。为什么这种现象会出现,我们在心理上又该如何应对?本期西媒 导读选取了两篇文章,在展示前人研究发现的同时,并尝试对此问题作出解答。

Why Does Time Fly as We Get Older? Jordan Gaines Lewis, 18 Dec, 2013

“firsts” (first kiss, first day of school, first family vacation), the lack of new experiences in adulthood, James morosely [2] argues, causes “the days and weeks to smooth themselves out, and the years grow hollow and collapse”. In the early 1960s, Wallach and Green studied this phenomenon in groups of younger (age 18-20) and older (median age 71) subjects through the use of metaphors. Young people were more likely to select static metaphors to describe the passage of time such as “time is a quiet, motionless ocean”. The older folks, on the other hand, described time with swift metaphors such as “time is a speeding train”. In the first study (2005) to examine the subjective passage of time across the lifespan, Marc Wittman and Sandra Lehnhoff of Ludwig-Maximilian University Munich recruited 499 participants ranging in age from 14 to 94. Each subject filled out a series of questionnaires. The first part included questions on a Likert-type scale with answers ranging from time passing “very slowly” to “very fast.”

Another year, another Christmas is coming around the corner. The conversation around the water cooler [1] these days has evolved into the annual “where has the time gone?” discussion - how quickly the neighbourhood kids have become high school graduates; how our hot July beach vacations seem like they were just yesterday; and how we haven’t sent cards or bought gifts yet because time has just been flying by. It’s become a common complaint - almost a joke - that time seems to whiz by faster and faster as we get older. Of course, aging doesn’t grant us the power to disrupt the space-time continuum, so it’s not a real problem. But why do we perceive it to be? Psychologist William James, in his 1890 text Principles of Psychology, wrote that as we age, time seems to speed up because adulthood is accompanied by fewer and fewer memorable events. When the passage of time is measured by

The second part consisted of statements and metaphors about the passage of time, and subjects were asked to rate each sentence from 0 (strong rejection) to 4 (strong approval). Unexpectedly, Wittman and Lehnhoff found a weak association between age and the individuals’ perception of time - in other words, everybody, regardless of age, thought that time was passing quickly. The question, “how fast did the last 10 years pass for you” yielded a tendency for the perception of the speed of time to increase with age: this pattern peaked at age 50, however, and remained steady until the mid-90s. Questions regarding smaller intervals of time “how fast did the last week/month pass” did not change with age. When it came to metaphors, folks between ages 20-59 were more likely to select statements referring to “time pressure,” or the notion that time is speeding by and that one can’t finish all they want to do in the time allotted [3]. Wittman and Lehnhoff reason that people in this age range (but not teenagers or the elderly) are most likely to be in the midst of professional and 15 | P a g e

西媒导读 第 18 期 – 我们对时间的感觉

family duties, resulting in the feeling that once can’t keep up with life’s demands. In 2010, William Friedman (Oberlin College) and Steve Janssen (Duke University) expanded upon these findings. In this study, 49 undergraduate students and 50 older adults (aged 60-80) were given a list of twelve newsworthy events of the past decade and asked to rate a.) when the event occurred, and b.) how well they remembered each event. They also completed the same Likert scale to assess their perception of the speed of time.

Nov.11, 2014

Hot Wheels down the chimney. When you’re an adult on December 1, you’re a little more focused on work, bills, family life, scheduling, deadlines, travel plans, Christmas shopping, and all of that other boring adult stuff. The more attention one focuses on tasks such as these, the less one will notice the passage of time. 4. Our biological clock slows as we age. With aging may come the slowing of some sort of internal pacemaker. Relative to the unstoppable clocks and calendars, external time suddenly appears to pass more quickly.

While subjects in both age groups reported a good memory for all twelve events, young adults were more likely to underestimate age of the event. Furthermore, these individuals replicated Wittmann and Lehnhoff’s findings that while both age groups perceived short periods of time (i.e. hours, weeks, months) similarly, older adults reported that the last 10 years passed more quickly than young adults. So, what’s going on here? Why does it seem like Christmas 2012 was just last week when, as a child, it seemed to take ages to arrive? We’ll probably never know why, exactly, but psychologists have put forth [4] some interesting theories: 1. We gauge time by memorable events. As William James hypothesized, we may be measuring past intervals of time by the number of events that can be recalled in that period. Imagine a mom in her 40s experiencing the repetitive, stressful daily grind work and family life. The abundant memories of her high school years (homecoming football games, prom, first car, first kiss, graduation) may, compared to now, seem like much longer than the mere four years that they were. 2. The amount of time passed relative to one’s age varies. For a 5-year-old, one year is 20% of their entire life. For a 50-year-old, however, one year is only 2% of their life. This “ratio theory,” proposed by Janet in 1877, suggests that we are constantly comparing time intervals with the total amount of time we’ve already lived. 3. As we age, we pay less attention to time. When you’re a kid on Dec. 1, you’re faithfully counting down the days until Santa brings your favourite

5. Stress, stress, and more stress. As concluded by Wittmann and Lehnhoff, the feeling that there is not enough time to get things done may be reinterpreted as the feeling that time is passing too quickly. Even older individuals (who are, more often than not, retired from work) may continue to feel similarly due to physical handicaps [5] or diminished cognitive ability. While the feeling may be inescapable, appease [6] yourself by knowing that time is not literally getting faster as you age. Take a moment to slow down this Christmas, enjoy time with your family and friends, and be assured that the fancy Rolex that Santa brings you next Wednesday is doing its job just fine. 本文原载于:http://blogs.scientificamerican.com/mind-guest-blog/2013/12/18/why-does-time-fly-as-we-get-older/ 16 | P a g e

西媒导读 第 18 期 – 我们对时间的感觉

Nov.11, 2014

About the Author: Jordan Gaines Lewis is an award-winning science writer, also working toward her Ph.D. in neuroscience. Jordan writes the blog Gaines, on Brains, which introduces quirky, timely, non-hyped neuroscience research to readers—without the heavy scientific jargon. Visit her website: www.JordanGaines.com Watch her speech: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5lZCnip_HyA [1] water cooler conversation: Casual chat or gossip (When workers take a short break, they might go to the water cooler for a drink.) [2] morose (adj): Sullen and ill-tempered 闷闷不乐的 [3] allot (verb): Give or apportion (something) to someone 分配 [4] put forth: To offer something for consideration 提出 [5] handicap (noun): A circumstance that makes progress or success difficult 障碍,缺陷

[6] appease (verb): satisfy (a demand or a feeling) 安抚,姑息

Why Does Time Feel Like it Go Faster as We Get Older? Nicolas Gallagher 11 Jan, 2011

This phenomenon has been described by people across the world and over the course of history. Though no one could give a sound explanation, there are several hypotheses that attempt to explain this effect. One hypothesis is that time 'feels' like it is going faster because our perception of time changes as each unit of time becomes a smaller percentage of the total time that we have been alive (or conscious of it). When you are 5 years old, one year is the equivalent to 20% of your life experience. However when you are 50 years old, one year is the equivalent to only 2% of your life experience. Another hypothesis argues that our perception of time is influenced by the amount of information stored in your memory, i.e. it is a retrospective (可追 溯的) construct of the brain. When you first experience something your brain does not have memories to draw on, so it has to create new memories and store large amounts of new sensory data. There is evidence to suggest that the brain uses more energy to

create new memories than to recall existing ones. Your first memories of an experience are usually more vivid and detailed than subsequent ones. Remembering a novel event can bring up a lot of information that makes it feel like it took a long time, or that time passed slowly at the time of the memory. Once the experience is routine, memories are not packed with so much information and the corresponding perception of time is altered. A year filled with few (and routine) activities can feel, in retrospect, like it passed rather quickly because there isn't much to remember. In contrast, a year filled with many new activities and discoveries - as is common for children - might feel like it was long because you have many varied and dense memories associated with it. This suggests that people who are experiencing few new activities or stimuli may also perceive time differently to people who have retained a life that frequently exposes them to new activities and stimuli. Other hypotheses argue that how we perceive the passing of time changes depending on: whether we are focused on the now, the past, or the future; whether we have a positive or negative view of our past or future; and simply that our brains undergo biological changes as we age. 本文原载于:http://www.quora.com/Why-does-time-feel-like-it-goes-faster-as-we-get-older

Summary: It feels like time goes faster if : 1. Tasks are well planned and future can be foreseen 我们使未来变得可预知; 2. Information throughput is high 我们接收和处理的信息量大; (比如,看电影两小时与敲木鱼两小时相比,前者时间过得快; 写英文报告两小时与抄写英文单词两小时相比,前者时间过得快。)

3. We fall into the same routine 我们过着近乎“程序化”的规律生活. In developed countries, the appearance of the environment (e.g. towns, buildings, facilities) changes very little, which could make us feel that we stay in the same place doing similar things all the time. Also, everything is well scheduled and most people fall into routine, which help to improve the overall efficiency. The whole society is like an assembly line where everyone does specific job at their posts. 17 | P a g e

西媒导读 第 19 期 – 习近平访问塔斯马尼亚

Nov.19, 2014

导读:11 月 18 日,国家主席习近平来到澳大利亚塔斯马尼亚州首府霍巴特进 行参观访问。习近平在澳大利亚总理阿博特的陪同下,参观两国南极科考项目 展,登上雪龙号极地考察船,并共同见证了中澳南极合作谅解备忘录的签署。

jackets. An Australian submarine is tied up at another, the whole area an exclusion zone with police divers on standby. Tasman Bridge and CBD road closures are scheduled; there is a luncheon at Government House, a viewing of Tasmanian devils and a trip to the top of Mount Wellington.

Xi Jinping's Tasmania Visit may Seem Trivial, But is Full of Strategy

“We’re well-drilled,” assistant police commissioner Donna Adams told ABC radio in a matter-of-fact interview about traffic arrangements for the visit, which has been two months in the planning. She’s not expecting protests but should there be; they will know what to do. There are regular updates on Tasmania police’s Facebook page.

Hilary Burden 18 Nov, 2014

Xi, fresh from making international headlines, is so off-the-scale [3] powerful he seems out of place in this small city. He is chief of the world’s second largest economy, visiting Australia’s smallest; the leader of the world’s most populous country visiting this country’s least populated state; leader of a communist state Politburo creating ties with a Liberal premier governing Australia’s most compact parliament. To this extent, today’s visit might be regarded as a tad (somewhat) incongruous [4]. But the shared history, trade ties and investment agreements make this stop in his itinerary relevant. Tasmania has been on Xi’s bucket list [5] for a while. On Monday, in his federal parliament address, Xi pointed out he’d visited each and every other state and territory of Australia. Now, with this visit, he mused, perhaps he might get a certificate for visiting them all. President Xi and Madame Peng met a Tasmanian devil joey during their whirlwind tour.

Tasmanians are unaccustomed to over-the-top welcomes. So today’s visit by one of the world’s most powerful political leaders has proven a challenge – in at least one area. Chinese president Xi Jinping’s plane is too big for Hobart’s runway; so two planes will arrive instead to carry him and his entourage [1]. Elsewhere signs of calm preparation for the visit are evident across Hobart. A state-of-the-art Chinese Antarctic icebreaker decorated with red ribbons and flags are berthed [2] at one wharf, manned by security men in red

For more than 30 years Tasmania has had a sister state relationship with Fujian province, where Xi was once governor. The greeting for Xi appears most effusive [6]: the front page in today’s local paper reads simply “Welcome Mr President.” Premier Will Hodgman has made four agreements with China, including a continuation of the partnership between Hydro Tasmania and Shenhua Group Corporation for a wind farm to test current Chinese technology in the state’s north-west, in addition to one already up and running in the north-east at Musselroe. The Musselroe location might be considered an example of Xi’s vision for a new type of modern industrialisation: Chinese investment and infrastructure forming partnerships in appropriate territories, embracing shared goals. 18 | P a g e

西媒导读 第 19 期 – 习近平访问塔斯马尼亚

While detailing his expansive vision for modern agriculture Xi has also shown a common touch [7], mentioning a letter he had received from Tasmanian school children. Written in Chinese by pupils from Scotch Oakburn junior school in Launceston, it wooed [8] the president with its depiction of Tasmania’s beautiful scenery and unique produce.

Nov.19, 2014

used by ships from many countries to restock before heading south for the research season. The Chinese icebreaker Xue Long is anchored in Hobart to coincide with the president’s visit.

It is this type of landscape and this type of welcome that has also attracted large numbers of Chinese tourists to Tasmania. Those numbers have more than doubled in the past year, and with Xi’s visit it seems inevitable the trend will continue. 本文原载于:http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/nov/18/xi-jinpings-tasmaniavisit-lacking-congruity-full-of-strategy

[1] entourage (noun): A group of people surrounding an important person [2] berth (verb): A ship’s allotted place at a wharf or dock 停泊 [3] off the scale: to a degree that far exceeds the normal standards [4] incongruous (adj): Not in harmony or keeping with the surroundings 不协 调的

[5] bucket list: A number of experiences or achievements that a person hopes to have or accomplish during their lifetime (The Bucket List is a 2007 movie) [6] effusive (adj): Showing or expressing gratitude, pleasure, or approval in an unrestrained or heartfelt manner 溢于言表的 [7] a common touch: The ability to get on with or appeal to ordinary people [8] woo (verb): Seek the favour or support of

China and Australia Sign Memorandum to Strengthen Antarctic Ties Australian Associated Press 18 Nov, 2014 China and Australia have committed to strengthen ties between the countries for continued work in Antarctica. A memorandum of understanding was signed in the presence of Prime Ministers Tony Abbott and Xi Jinping in Hobart on Tuesday. The agreement will include a commitment to use Australia, and specifically Tasmania, as a gateway to the frozen continent. The city’s port is already

The Antarctic history between the two countries stretches back several decades, environment minister Greg Hunt said in a statement. “Australia helped facilitate China’s first visit to east Antarctica 30 years ago and has provided support to the Chinese Antarctic program through intercontinental air capability, logistics and medical services,” the minister said. Hunt signed the memorandum with China’s oceanic administrator, Liu Cigui. 本文原载于:http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/nov/18/china-australia-signmemorandum-antarctic

Statement: Antarctic Gateway Cooperation with China http://www.premier.tas.gov.au/releases/antarctic_gateway_cooperation_with_china

19 | P a g e

西媒导读 第 20 期 – Interstellar: 《星际穿越》

Nov.22, 2014

导读:科幻电影《星际穿越》在近期热映,它被称作是“科学”和“幻想”两 者并重的电影。未来,是不会自发地到来的——需要人们每时每刻地向未来铺 路。没有主观改变,未来与现在又有何辨。

Interstellar Science 'Deliberately Speculative' Says Christopher Nolan Director hits back at critics who say his blockbuster space drama has as many scientific plot holes as wormholes Ben Child 11 Nov, 2014

with,” said Nolan. “People are always accusing my films of having plot holes [2]. And I’m very aware of the plot holes in my films and very aware of when people spot them – but they generally don’t.” The film-maker worked closely with theoretical physicist Dr Kip Thorne when developing Interstellar. Nolan admitted “cheating” on the science for the sake of the audience’s enjoyment on occasion, but said critics should read Thorne’s book The Science of Interstellar. One criticism from multiple quarters has been the film’s suggestion that during one hour that Nolan’s astronaut visits the exoplanets seven hours would pass on Earth. “That’s completely accurate,” the British director said. “Those issues are all buttoned-up [3],” he added, saying that Thorne’s book about the film distinguishes between the accurate science and the speculation. Nolan added: “There has been a bunch of knee-jerk [4] tweets by people who’ve only seen the film once, but to really take on the science of the film, you’re going to need to sit down with the film for a bit and probably also read Kip’s book.” Meanwhile, in a boost to his scientific credibility, the tech magazine Wired announced that Nolan will guest-edit its December issue, following in the footsteps of film-makers such as James Cameron and JJ Abrams.

Christopher Nolan has defended the science behind his blockbuster space drama, Interstellar, while admitting that many of the phenomena in the movie are deliberately speculative [1]. In an interview with the Daily Beast, Nolan was asked to comment on criticism of his film’s depiction of interplanetary space travel. Both professional and amateur critics, including astrophysics professor Dr Roberto Trotta, of Imperial College London, have hinted that the film has as many plot holes as wormholes, but Nolan said he was comfortable with Interstellar’s scientific credibility. “My films are always held to a weirdly high standard … [that] isn’t applied to everybody else’s films, which I’m fine

About the director: Christopher Nolan (born on 30 July, 1970) is an English-American film director, screenwriter, and producer. He created several of the most successful films of the early 21st century, and his nine films have grossed over $3.8 billion worldwide. Having made his directorial debut [5] with Following (1998), he gained considerable attention for his second feature, Memento《记忆碎片》(2000). The acclaim [6] of these independent films afforded Nolan the opportunity to make the big-budget thriller Insomnia《失眠症》(2002), and the more offbeat [7] production The Prestige 《致命魔术》(2006); both were wellreceived critically and commercially. He found further popular and critical success with The Dark Knight《黑暗骑士》trilogy [8] (2005-2012), Inception《盗梦空间》(2010) and Interstellar《星际穿越》(2014). He runs the London-based production company Syncopy Inc. with his wife Emma. 20 | P a g e

西媒导读 第 20 期 – Interstellar: 《星际穿越》

Nov.22, 2014

His films are rooted in philosophical and sociological concepts and ideas, exploring human morality, the construction of time, and the malleable [9] nature of memory and personal identity. Experimentation with meta-fictive elements, temporal shifts, elliptical [10] cutting, solipsistic [11] perspectives, nonlinear storytelling and the analogous relationship between the visual language and narrative elements, permeate [12] his entire body of work. Nolan is an Honorary Fellow of University College London, a three-time Academy Award nominee, and a recipient of numerous career achievement awards.



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[1] speculative (adj): Engaged in, expressing, or based on conjecture rather than knowledge 推理的 [2] plot hole: It is a gap or inconsistency in a storyline that creates a paradox that cannot be reconciled with any explanation (e.g. illogical or impossible events, and events that contradict earlier ones in the storyline). [3] button up: carefully planned, operated, supervised, etc. [4] knee-jerk reaction: an automatic or reflex reaction; an immediate reaction made without examining causes or facts [5] debut (noun): A person’s first appearance or performance in a particular capacity or role 首次出场 [6] acclaim (noun): Enthusiastic and public praise (热烈、公开的)喝彩、赞誉 [7] offbeat (adj): Unconventional; unusual 不落俗套的 [8] trilogy (noun): A group of three related novels, plays, films, etc 三部曲 [9] malleable (adj): (Of a metal) able to be hammered or pressed into shape without cracking; easily influenced or pliable 可锻造的,可塑的 [10] elliptical (adj): (Of speech or writing) using or involving ellipsis, especially so as to be difficult to understand 省略的 [11] solipsism (noun): It is the philosophical idea that only one's own mind is sure to exist. Solipsism holds that knowledge of anything outside one's own mind is unsure; the external world and other minds cannot be known, and might not exist outside the mind. 唯我论的 [12] permeate (verb): Spread throughout (something); pervade 遍及,渗透

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While no one knows what's going to change the world next, we're probably already working on it.

21 | P a g e

西媒导读 第 21 期 – 熟人社会与陌生人社会 导读:随着国与国之间联系的日益密切和在跨文化交流的增多,人们渐渐意识 到,“语境”是分析文化差异时的一个重要概念。高语境社会俗称“熟人社 会”,低语境社会俗称“陌生人社会”。一言以蔽之,高语境社会更加注重 “为人”,而低语境社会更加着重“处事”。

High-Context and Low-Context Cultures

Nov.30, 2014

While the milieu [1] of individuals in a culture can be diverse, and not all individuals can be described by strict stereotypes, understanding the broad tendencies of predominant cultures can help inform ourselves on how to better facilitate communication between individuals of differing cultures. The following list was developed by Copeland & L. Griggs in 1986. List of ethnic groups of lower-context culture: Australian Swidden Switzerland English Canadian

English German Dutch Norwegian Finnish New Zealander Hebrews/Jews United States (excluding the Southern United States)

List of ethnic groups of higher-context culture: Chinese Arab African Brazilian French French Canadian Greek Indian Italian Irish Japanese Indonesian Pakistani Persian Turkish Spanish Portuguese Russian South Slavic Southern United States Latin Americans High-context (HC) culture and the contrasting low-context (LC) culture are terms presented by the anthropologist Edward T. Hall in his 1976 book Beyond Culture. It refers to a culture's tendency to use high-context messages over low-context messages in routine communication. In Hall’s view, a HC culture is one in which people are deeply involved with each other, resulting in intimate relationships among people, a structure of social self-control and information shared through simple messages with deep meaning. In HC culture, many things are left unsaid, letting the culture explain. Words and word choice become very important, as a few words can communicate a complex message very effectively to an in-group (but less effectively outside that group). A LC culture is one in which people are highly individualized, somewhat alienated, and there is relatively little involvement with others. As a consequence, social hierarchy as well as society in general, imposes less on individual’s lives, and communication between people is more explicit and non-personal - thus the value of a single word is less important.

Filipinos Hungarian Korean Thai West Slavic

The cultural context does not rank as "high" or "low" in an absolute sense. For instance, a culture (French Canadian) may be of a higher context than one (English Canadian) but lower context than another (Spanish or French). Typically a HC culture will be relational and collective [2] - they place a high value on interpersonal relationships and group members form a very close knitted community. Social Orientation As people are deeply involved with one another in HC cultures, the bonds between people often start with one’s family and extend to one’s friends, colleagues, community, and society in general. There is an emphasis on conformity [3] and group orientation, like the well-known Japanese saying “A nail that stands out get hammered down.(枪打出头鸟)” HC cultures make greater distinction between insiders and outsiders than LC cultures do. In LC cultures the bonds that tie people together are somewhat fragile, so people are likely to withdrawn if things are not going well. On the other hand, businesses in HC culture depend more on connections and relationships. 22 | P a g e

西媒导读 第 21 期 – 熟人社会与陌生人社会

Commitment For HC culture in general, a person’s word is his or her promise and bond to the group. A first promise or commitment often serves as the beginning of a lifelong relationship, which also suggests that HC people tend to be extremely cautious and even reluctantly to begin something, particularly in relationships that are not well known. It is often said that a strong introduction is the most important step in doing business in Asia. Responsibility In HC culture systems, people in places of authority are personally and truly responsible for the actions of subordinates, down to the lowest man. The topdown decision-making process is more commonplace and effective in organizations in HC cultures. In LC culture systems, however, responsibility is diffused throughout the system and difficult to pin down [4] - so in the event of errors, scapegoats [5] are often found from the low level. Confrontation In HC cultures, people try to avoid direct confrontation to maintain social harmony and intimate bonds between people, often through repressing self. Amenities [6] and cordialities [7] are to be maintained, no matter how one is feeling - thus there is a strong notion of face saving. One reason that HC people appear to express themselves in a roundabout way, especially regarding issues that might be disagreed upon, is to reduce chances of open and direct disagreement. As a result, individuality, minor dissent [8], and clashes of personality tend to be handled by pretending that they do not exist. However, when minor dissents and injustices pile up, and disputes inevitably arise in the end, they are often triggered by seemingly non-significant incidents and escalate rapidly. In the eyes of LC people, such explosions take place without warning and are hard to predict. Thus, the rigid social norms of HC cultures can be a burden on its people. In contrast, LC people are less likely to avoid direct and open confrontation at the expense of expressing and defending self, and criticism is more direct and recorded formally, whereas in HC culture criticism is more subtle and verbal, because what is not being said can carry more meaning than what is said. In Asia, for example, it is very seldom that one would voluntarily correct you or explain things to you, especially for things you are supposed to know.

Nov.30, 2014

Communication In HC cultures the intimate human relationships and the well-structured social hierarchy and norms serve as a broad context in which human communication takes place. In HC cultures, most communication relies more on the physical context or is internalised in the person, and less information is contained in the verbal part of the message. In other words, one needs to put the message in the appropriate context in order to understand the right meaning conveyed in the messages.

In general, HC communication is economical, fast, efficient and satisfying; however, time must be devoted to programming to be high context. In Asia, a big business deal may take place without sufficient written documents to lay out the explicit contract terms. In LC cultures, the mass of the information is vested in the explicit code. Messages tend to be more context-free, and deals are made with less concern with background and values of the participants and much more reliance upon the explicit communications. What important is what is said, NOT how it is said and NOT the environment within which it is said. 23 | P a g e

西媒导读 第 21 期 – 熟人社会与陌生人社会

Nov.30, 2014

Dealing with new situations In LC culture, because of its reliance on context-free structures in its functioning – such as complex legal or insurance systems – may appear to be complex and overwhelming for some individuals. However, people in the West who are used to having to struggle with the complexities of the LC systems can, adapt to new things faster. On the contrary, HC people can be creative within their old systems but have to move to the bottom of the context scale when dealing with anything new.

Likewise, an individual from a LC culture needs to adapt and be accommodated when shifting to a HC culture. HC cultures expect small, close-knit groups, and reliance on that group. Groups can actually be relied upon to support each other, and it may be difficult to get support outside of your group. Professional and personal lives often intertwine [10]. A lower context individual may be more likely to try to work things out on their own rather than ask questions and take time to develop the relationships to accomplish things.

Diversity HC cultures tend to be more common in the Asian cultures than in European, and in countries with low racial diversity. LC cultures could accommodate individuals with a wide variety of backgrounds.


Tradition and History HC cultures tend to correlate with cultures that also have a strong sense of tradition and history (and change little over time). For example, Native Americans in the United States have HC cultures with a strong sense of tradition and history. The focus on tradition creates opportunities for higher context messages between individuals of each new generation. This is in contrast to LC cultures in which the shared experiences upon which communication is built can change drastically from one generation to the next, creating communication gaps between parents and children, as in the United States. A high-context joke from a HC culture will not translate well to someone of a different culture. Humour is very contextual, as a joke may not be considered very funny if it is over-explained using only low-context messages. Adaptation An individual from a HC culture may need to adapt and be accommodated when shifting to a low-context culture. A LC culture expects many relationships, but fewer intimate ones while HC individual is more likely to ask for assistance rather than attempt to work out a solution independently, and assistance is likely to be asked from the same few people. The high context person may be frustrated by people appearing to not want to develop a relationship or continue to help them on an ongoing basis.

D Kim, Y Pan, HS Park, High-versus low-context culture: A comparison of Chinese, Korean, and American cultures, Psychology and Marketing, 1998

Summary: 高语境社会常见于民族结构相对单一、文化传统悠久的国家; 低语境社会更常见于当今多数发达国家,以及移民国家。 在全球化进程中,通讯和交通的发展将大大促进信息交流和人口流动——总体 而言,高语境社会将逐步向低语境社会演化——这将有利于个人的潜能开发和 多样性发展,人与人之间实力的比较也将会更加透明。

[1] milieu (noun): A person’s social environment (个人所处的)社会环境 [2] collective (adj): Relating to or shared by all the members of a group 集体 主义的

[3] conformity (noun): Behaviour in accordance with socially accepted conventions 遵从; 一致 [4] pin down: demand and receive a firm answer from someone to a question [5] scapegoats (noun): A person who is blamed for the wrongdoings, mistakes, or faults of others, especially for reasons of expediency 替罪羊 [6] amenity (noun):The pleasantness or attractiveness of a place [7] cordial (adj): Warm and friendly 热诚的 [8] dissent (noun): the holding or expression of opinions at variance with those commonly or officially held 意见的分歧,异议 [9] intertwine (verb): Connect or link closely 交织、纠缠(在一起) 24 | P a g e

西媒导读 第 22 期 – 个人主义 VS 集体主义

Dec.10, 2014

导读:在西方社会的文明进程中,个人主义作为一种人生观和世界观,构成了 西方人赖以把握人和世界关系的基本方式。它在社会生活各方面的表现可大致 归纳为:哲学上的人本主义、政治上的民主主义、经济上的自由主义以及文化 上的个性独立与自我意识。 集体主义主张个人从属于社会、个人利益应当服从集体和国家利益。它作为一 种道德原则,一方面要求人们要为社会集体利益的发展作出自己的贡献,在另 一方面尊重个人的正当利益以及个人才能的充分发挥。

Individualism VS Collectivism Joseph Rowlands*

I've known people who reject collectivism as a straw man [1], a made up argument that's easy to attack. So let's give some reasons why people might accept it. One reason is about knowledge. Think about it in a few ways - first, how much of knowledge did you learn from other people? That is taken to mean that nobody is truly an individual. Second, when coming up with an idea in a group, there is usually an exchange – it wasn't one person who invented the idea from scratch, but a group’s effort. Third, you are a product of your culture, right? Your outlook on life is at first very much dominated by the views of the people around you. For example, if you are raised in a Christian home, you will very likely believe in Christianity. Of course, the individualists see this all in a different light. It is true that you learned from others, but your mind had to grasp it. It is true that the invention took more than one person interacting to form, but each step along the way was made by individuals. It is true that you grow up within a culture, but you are free to accept or reject it. Being a part of these groups doesn't make you act the way you do, that's up to you. Another reason for collectivism is the idea of mob mentality [2]. When people are in a group, they sometimes stop thinking and just go with the wishes of their peers. When someone is unwilling to think for themselves and accept the wishes of the people around them, it looks and smells like a collective. The only flaw is that the individuals are choosing to go with their peers, and they can also choose not to. So how do people actually view others in terms of collectivism? We need some examples.

There are two basic ways of understanding the relationship between individuals in a group. One is individualism, which states that each individual is making his or her own choices and responsible for the choices. The other is collectivism, which views the group as the primary element, and individuals are just members of the group. The group has its own values somehow different from those of the individual members. The group thinks its own thoughts. Instead of judging the group as a bunch of individuals interacting, it judges the group as a whole.

An enormously significant example is that of racism. Racism is the view that there is a race of people, usually determined by skin colour and appearance, and that they are all basically the same. Racism is fundamentally collectivist. Instead of viewing individuals by their own actions, values, or attributes, the group is judged and the outcome is arbitrarily assigned to the individuals. In other words, you get praised or blamed not by your own actions, but by the actions of someone else. This is a huge injustice, and turns the whole concept of moral judgment upside down. 25 | P a g e

西媒导读 第 22 期 – 个人主义 VS 集体主义

There are other forms of collectivism, any time where the group is considered to have a life of its own outside of the individuals. An easy example is a nation. People often attribute qualities, values, etc., to an entire nation. And the nation often claims to have values that are different from the individuals. Another example which I like to use but upsets some people is marriage. Marriage is often treated as a collective. This is why you hear things like "making the marriage work", as if it had a life of its own and the husband and wife are just there to satisfy it. What this example illustrates is that the collective need not be big - when the marriage becomes a value in itself, the husband and wife are told to sacrifice in order to make it work, and then they are acting as collectivists.

Dec.10, 2014

More background information (from Wikipedia): A collectivistic society depends on group harmony and consensus while an individualistic society depends upon the values of freedom and independence. Collectivism is any philosophic, political, religious or social outlook that emphasizes the interdependence of every human being. It is a basic cultural element that exists as the reverse of individualism in human nature (in the same way high context culture exists as the reverse of low context culture), and in some cases stresses the priority of group goals over individual goals and the importance of cohesion [4] within social groups. Collectivists usually focus on community, society, or nation. Examples of collectivist democracies include Portugal, India, and Japan.

Ethically speaking, there are a number of problems with collectivism. For instance, because the collective is seen as having an importance higher than the individuals that make it up, those same individuals are asked to sacrifice for it. It is created into an intrinsic value, and destroys one's ability to rationally pursue one's own self-interest. It also interferes with justice. Justice is concerned with making moral judgments about other people and acting accordingly. But collectivism destroys proper moral judgment by attributing value choices to the whole group, instead of the person making the choice. Individualism can be the proper approach to this problem. Moral judgments are made by moral agents. The person making the decision gets credit or blame for it. Values are agentrelative, and the person makes his choices by seeing how the value impacts his life. It is the individual that ethics is concerned with, and collectivism just obscures [3] this point. 本文原载于:http://objectivism101.com/Lectures/Lecture39.shtml http://objectivism101.com/Lectures/ *The society in which the author lives advocates individualism. 对于个人主义与集体主义,两者并无严格定义的界限(或可以进行不同的解 读),其适用性取决于一个国家特定的时期和情况。相对而言,当一个国家和 平安定而高度繁荣时,个人主义的色彩会更浓厚一些;当一个国家面临内忧外 患以及压力挑战时,往往更倾向于集体主义。

Collectivism can be divided into horizontal collectivism and vertical collectivism. Horizontal collectivism stresses collective decision-making among relatively equal individuals, and is thus usually based on 26 | P a g e

西媒导读 第 22 期 – 个人主义 VS 集体主义

decentralization (e.g. a cooperative enterprise). Vertical collectivism is based on hierarchical structures of power and on moral and cultural conformity [5], and is therefore based on centralization (e.g. a military hierarchy).

Dec.10, 2014

[6] premise (noun): An assertion or proposition which forms the basis for a work or theory 前提、假设 推荐栏目:

Individualism is the moral stance, political philosophy, ideology, or social outlook that emphasizes the moral worth of the individual. Individualists promote the exercise of one's goals and desires and so value independence and self-reliance and advocate that interests of the individual should achieve precedence over the state or a social group, while opposing external interference upon one's own interests by society or institutions such as the government. Individualism makes the individual its focus and so starts "with the fundamental premise [6] that the human individual is of primary importance in the struggle for liberation." Liberalism, existentialism and anarchism are examples of movements that take the human individual as a central unit of analysis. Individualism thus involves "the right of the individual to freedom and self-realization". [1] straw man: A straw man is a common type of argument and is an informal fallacy based on the misrepresentation of an opponent's argument. 稻草人论证是曲解对方的论点,针对曲解后的论点攻击,再宣称已推翻对方论 点的论证方式,是一种非形式谬误。(在格斗训练中,常以稻草人作为假想 敌,练习向它作出攻击;而无论攻击再怎么猛烈,被击倒的都只是替身,真正 想攻击的对象并未受到攻击。所以以猛烈攻击一个假想的论点就像“打稻草 人”一样。)

Despite the incredible power of today’s supercomputers, there are many complex computing problems that can’t be addressed by conventional systems. Our need to better understand everything, from the universe to our own DNA, leads us to seek new approaches to answer the most difficult questions. D-Wave was founded in 1999 with the goal of making practical quantum computing a reality. While we are only at the beginning of this journey, quantum computing has the potential to help solve some of the most complex technical, commercial and scientific problems that organizations face. We expect that quantum computing will lead to breakthroughs in science, engineering, modelling and simulation, financial analysis, optimization, logistics, and national defence applications. 了解更多关于量子计算机的研发进展,请登录: http://www.dwavesys.com/ Tutorials on quantum computing: http://www.dwavesys.com/resources

[2] Mob mentality (or herd mentality) describes how people are influenced by their peers to adopt certain behaviours, follow trends, and purchase items. Examples include stock market trends, superstition, etc. Social psychologists study the related topics of group intelligence, crowd wisdom, and decentralized decision making. [3] obscure (verb): Make unclear and difficult to understand 使模糊不清、 难以理解

[4] cohesion (noun): The action or fact of forming a united whole 凝聚力 [5] conformity (noun): Behaviour in accordance with socially accepted conventions 遵从,一致 27 | P a g e

The Mentality Carrier 2014 | Tasmania | Australia

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