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by Lebo Lion “A bold reminder for ALL women to remember to have the AUDACITY to celebrate the blessings they are as people, and then to use that self belief to take over the world’


Alife guide for the modern woman who seeks the loving guidance of her mother, sister, mentor, & intuition as she navigates through building a successful life. This Book is that wise sage, the confidant, the cheerleader, and the voice of reason & empathy that all women need to navigate through life’s uncertainties.

If your intuition had a voice, AUDACITY (the book) is what it would sound like. A life guide for all seasons of life, encouraging women to stand up for themselves, believe in their dreams, and have the courage to build a life they love. In the wake of genderbased violence, discriminatory work practises for women in the work place, the rise of girl child headed households, and the undeniable unsafety of women in South African society, there is a desperate need in our society to help women find their power, feel protected, and have the courage to speak up. Without strengthening women’s mindsets and continuously reinforcing their self worth, our society cannot be a better and safer place for women. A book like Audacity is the guiding light that women need in order to self actualize and help the communities that they serve & live in.

About the Author:

Lebo Lion is a digital game changer who is the first South African woman to have an iTunes top 100 podcast in the predominantly male dominated business category. Her courageous & unconventional voice is not only heard on The Lebo Lion show, but felt in the 1000 SME’s that she has transformed over the past 4 years. Listed as an award winning entrepreneur for the strategic work she has done through her agency for listed companies and pop culture brands, Lebo Lion is the living embodiment of Audacity. In all the work Lebo Lion has done, she believes that the most impactful way to create sustainable change is to help people harness their mindsets. In writing Audacity, Lebo is providing the mindset tools and validation that can help women step into their inner LION.

For more information please visit www.lebolion.com/book

Katleho Paballo Makupu


Breaking The Glass Ceiling need not be hard if you are equipped with the right tools. My book on Breaking The Glass Ceiling stems from lesson learnt along my journey. My key takeaway is to never underestimate being in the presence of other empowered female manager whether in business or in your personal life. In this book I highlight critical questions like who am I, getting clarity on where I am going, tapping into my networks, lifting as I rise and like a phoenix rising again after facing challenges.

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