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Don’t serve ego!

Life is so easy and yet so very complicated at the same time. To un-complicate and realign purpose and vision as a leader in my own sphere of influence this is what I live by, Micah 6:8, “ and this is what He requires of you, to do what is right, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God”.


Leaders are often forged in the heart of adversity and the depths of challenges and when they emerge their goal is not self-seeking, it is to nurture other leaders and celebrate others’ successes. Leaders never focus on the weaknesses or shortfalls of those they have been entrusted to walk the journey with because it is not about what each person lacks, it is about what each person brings to the table and how to meticulously arrange the melody of that uniqueness into something extraordinarily beautiful. Picture this; you walk into a flower shop and see the many categories of beautiful flowers, beautiful yes, but all stand alone. Now take the different flowers and put them together – now you have a priceless floral arrangement. That is exactly what leaders do. They understand that no one person can achieve and be a perfect human being and a perfect solution on their own. They assemble all they various parts of the body to create a priceless masterpiece. Appreciating that human beings, though unique on their own, are an interdependent species, hence we co-exist for a reason. One of the many lessons I have learnt about leadership is that it is a slow, progressive and often painful process. Almost like the metamorphosis of a butterfly or that of a bee. Both start off in a cocoon; dark, slimy and in an enclosed space and it seems there is no room to grow. You feel claustrophobic and wrapped up like a mummy, unable to see, breathe and move freely. Time in the fiery furnace forges you not only inwardly, but on the outside you slowly become this magnificent sight that is able to sore to great heights. If you were to break out prematurely you

would not make it. Prematurely accelerating your gift will make you birth an Ishmael and you will lose out on your birthright of being born an Isaac. King David was anointed at 18 years of age by Samuel and appointed almost 12-13 years later to be king to succeed Saul. In the 20 years, he killed Goliath, fought battles he never thought he would when he was a shepherd boy, enlisted mighty men to be his allies and gain wisdom through adversity and hardship of being hunted down like an animal by king Saul. David overcame all these challenges to emerge as one of the greatest kings that ever lived because he led with humility and served others before him. David received favour because he understood that his responsibility was far beyond that of spilling blood everywhere. He had to shepherd God’s people for His [God’s] glory. The effectiveness of an organisation and individuals is based on the strength of leadership (Maxwell, 2007). A leader will always take risks in her position and for her people that she is leading. This is how you make a mark on the people you are leading. There is no gain playing small. How you make a mark on the people that you are leading, how you succeed in building a strong team depends on your ability to lead with honesty, integrity, humility and honour. A leader never tries to be better than those they are leading; they ensure that those they are leading are better than them. To truly inspire greatness in people and in a team, don’t try and show them how great you are, but show them how incredible they are. A leader never stops learning from everyone in the team. A true leader has a growth mindset. They view obstacles as opportunities to innovate and create beauty. When people realise that they are allowed to grow, believe in themselves and to take risks – they are allowed to fail because no one is perfect – they thrive. Failure is no longer who they have associated themselves to be, rather an event in their lives to grow and learn from. Failure should never define anyone. Though a leader is just and fair, courageous and brave, humble, cooperative, collaborative, inclusive, kind, humble and all these other beautiful qualities one must never forget that they ought to be wise as a serpent. Matthew 10:16 say, “I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore, be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves”. We are after all living in this world that is full of everything that would rob us of the good that we humans possess.

Discernment is a special characteristic that enables a leader to be a good judge of character and the environment they are in. Being unapologetically shrewd minus pride.


1. Leadership is a journey not a race. God raises leaders progressively over time, so don’t rush the process - pride goes before a fall.

2. Let the seasons build your character and perseverance so that you are able to handle the next storm.

3. Be courageous in all trials and don’t let the storm break you. Bend with the wind and stand straight back up, stronger, taller and leaner. Your passion, intelligence and diligence will serve you well.

4. Be comfortable outside your comfort zone - physically, mentally and spiritually.

5. Optimism will always serve and lead you in the right direction.

6. Appreciate criticism - there is always room for improvement.

7. Be kind to others - many people are facing more trials than they let on.

8. Be grateful especially when it seems there is nothing to be grateful for.

9. Let God lead you - you will never ever go wrong.

10. Finally, “If serving is beneath you, then leading is beyond you” - unknown.

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