MentHer Magazine March 2022 - International Women's Month Edition

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e love our beautiful and colorful country, it is memorable for any tourist that comes from abroad and even our fellow African neighbouring countries. As each state faces its challenges, we also have our own crises that are unavoidable. It may be beautiful to gaze at the stars in the dark but it is not a pretty picture if the power is cut-off constantly. Living in the dark can never become a norm no matter how you look at it. For households and businesses, power cuts are disruptive and cause a lot of damage. Is there a solution to this nightmare? Eskom is still struggling

today as it did with our first recognition of loadshedding in 2014. Last year, South Africa struck a R131 billion deal with the EU, France, Germany, the UK, and the US at the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) which will help with repurposing and repowering some of the coal


plants reaching the end of their lives among other things, this is according to our president, President Cyril Ramaphosa. Mr Daniel Mminile was appointed as the head of the Presidential Climate Finance Task Team to lead the mobilization of funds for the transition to “ a sustainable, inclusive, resilient and lowcarbon economy”, this might be an indication that our president is understanding the importance and the opportunities that arise from green energy. President Cyril Ramaphosa acknowledged that South Africa is located in one of the regions of the world which is most affected by climate change and this implies an


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