MentHer Magazine March 2022 - International Women's Month Edition

Page 34


Women in Leadership By Wendy Chalmers-Mill “EQ in Leadership is a fundamental requirement”


eaders lead by example inspiring others to achieve their vision. Successful leaders are confident, honest and authentic. They are not afraid to listen and understand other people’s points of views, collaborating with their management team and then having the insight to make inspired decisions and communicate them to the organisation with clarity and influence. In other words, they tune into emotional intelligence sometimes referred to as emotional quotient (EQ).

increasing use of technology, EQ in leadership is a fundamental requirement. A leader without empathy, social skills, selfawareness, self-regulation and motivation does not set an example of how to influence sustainability and successfully

lead an organisation to thrive and grow. Generally female leaders have more empathy (EQ) than there are male leaders. Male leaders with higher emotional intelligence and but most women leaders display more of this type of transformational leadership style. By incorporating this style of leadership, the leader focuses on changing followers’ attitudes and beliefs and engaging them in a more emotional level rather than using a command and control style of leadership and just tell staff what to do.

In today’s society and with the

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