Inspire Academic Enrichment Programme Spring Term 2019
INTRODUCTION Spring Term 2019 The Inspire Programme last term was full of highlights: trips to the RSC to see The Merry Wives of Windsor and The Taming of the Shrew were a great success, as was our enrichment trip to Christ Church and Balliol Colleges in Oxford for Years 7, 8 and 9. We had a splendid visit to New College of the Humanities, an exciting Higher Education establishment in Bloomsbury, for Years 10 and above, and were privileged to host a wonderful Inspire Dinner led by Dr Janina Ramirez, and a superb Inspire Lecture by Prof Sir Jonathan Bate. The research skills of KS3 have been in evidence in the work of girls who opted to complete Inspire Homework celebrating the past, present and future of King’s. We now look forward to seeing what students produce as part of the Inspire Competition Season. Watch out for information about our ‘Inspire Essay Challenge’, where KS3 students will apply for a day off timetable to answer a research question and present their findings. This booklet contains details of similar opportunities coming up in the Spring. We are particularly excited this term by the launch of our Inspire Higher Education Programme for Lower 6th, as well as fortnightly Create and Curiosity sessions for Years 10 and 11, both of which will equip students for study beyond their current academic stage. We are delighted to announce that Mrs McClean will become our Coordinator of Public Speaking, with a focus on growing our debating culture. Watch this space for debating events as the year unfolds. Enrichment activities can give students a sense of their own voice and a wider perspective how learning can be deeply enjoyable. We hope all girls at King’s join in with the Inspire Programme as 2019 gets underway.
Dr Seal Head of Academic Enrichment
Dr Harrison Assistant Head of Academic Enrichment
ACADEMIC SOCIETIES Spring Term 2019 Astro Soc Tuesday, 4-5pm, Week B, PLAB
Book Club Chat Tuesday, Second Lunch, Library
Café Philo Tuesday, First Lunch, Innovation Space
Café Scientifique Tuesday, 4-5pm, Innovation Centre
Creative Writers Year 7, 8 & 9: Friday, Second Lunch, Room 2
For all students in Year 9 and above interested in exploring different forms of astro-science. This society will build on our recent focus on all things spacerelated.
A student-founded and student-run group for those who love reading and talking about books. Recent genres have included Fantasy, Mystery and the Classics. Café Philo is a student–led informal discussion group. Each session focuses on a topic of interest related to philosophy, politics, ethics and current affairs.
An innovative science group. With its own blog and regular visiting speakers, Café Scientifique is a fun and exciting way to discover more about science and the universe. Calling all students who enjoy working with words. Both our Junior and Senior Creative Writing Clubs give students space to develop their style and learn new techniques as young writers.
Years 10-13: Friday, Second Lunch, Room 4
Decision Mathematics Monday, 1pm-135pm, STM2
For A Level students looking to learn advanced Mathematical concepts not covered in the curriculum. Decision Mathematics includes high-level content linked to computer science for our most ambitious Mathematicians.
ACADEMIC SOCIETIES Spring Term 2019 Dissection Club Wednesday, Second Lunch, BLAB
Genome Decoders Tuesdays, 4-530pm
Higher Education Seminars
For Year 12s with a passion for learning through practicals. This is a chance to extend your scientific knowledge beyond the classroom in a hands-on way.
Open to Year 12 and 13 biologists interested in extending their knowledge of genome sequences and how genes can be identified from unannotated genomic data. This is a novel research project in collaboration with the Institute for Research in Schools and the Wellcome Sanger Institute. These seminars are for current Year 12s interested in Oxford, Cambridge, all subjects that require an interview or test for admission, and all students interested in being ambitious in their academic aims.
Tuesday, 4-5pm, Innovation Centre Second Lunch, Octagon, 23 January and 6 March
The Hobbs Society, named after the philosopher Angie Hobbs, meets at least once every half term. The Chair and Secretary invite distinguished guests to address students on a range of topics.
Investigating Science (KS4)
A new club for the scientifically inquisitive in KS4. Come along if you want to start building a profile of scientific knowledge beyond the GCSE syllabus.
Hobbs Society
Friday, Second Lunch, OGL
KS3 Scholarship Sessions
These sessions are open to all intellectually ambitious students in Years 7, 8 and 9 who want to have their thinking extended. We look at how to develop a personal profile of research interests, and teach research skills that will be Tuesday, Second Lunch, useful for essay competitions and research components later on in school. Room 3
ACADEMIC SOCIETIES Spring Term 2019 KS3 Science Club Friday, Second Lunch, OGL
Landor Journalism Club Wednesday, Second Lunch, Room 8
Landor Society Look out for emails with upcoming dates
Lit & Phil Society Thursday, Second Lunch, Innovation Centre, 6 February and 13 March
Literary Society Wednesday, 4-5pm, Innovation Centre
Calling all young scientists. If you’re ambitious about learning more science and extending your knowledge beyond the classroom, this is the society for you.
This student-run journalistic venture is for all students wanting to hone their writing skills. The Club works towards producing a professional final product using advanced formatting software.
Our Sixth Form student-led Dining Society invites speakers with diverse specialisms and expertise. The visiting speaker addresses girls in Landor Library after a three-course meal.
The Lit & Phil Society is for anyone interested in exploring ideas beyond the classroom. It meets every half term with each session run by students or teaching staff.
The Literary Society is a dynamic and intellectually curious group that meets weekly to explore authors, texts, and literary movements and theories.
ACADEMIC SOCIETIES Spring Term 2019 Ruth Court Mathematical Society
This is open to girls in all year groups who love talking about mathematics and discovering new things beyond what is learned in the classroom. Girls will be given the opportunity to research and present areas of mathematics, and to take part in the annual Mathematics Presentations evening.
Science Journal Club
For all students seeking to combine their writing skills, scientific knowledge, and research skills.
Friday Lunchtime, Warwick School
Senior Debating Society Wednesday Lunchtime (first and second), The Octagon.
Led by our new Head of Public Speaking, Senior Debate Soc is in an exciting phase. As well as honing the skills required for high-level debate, students will prepare for competitions. The Society is looking both for those who wish to front the debates, and researchers who can help behind the scenes. Contact Mrs McClean for more information. Bring a sandwich from the Dining Hall for these extended sessions.
Spanish Language An exciting chance to extend your knowledge of Spanish Culture. Come along to widen your knowledge of all aspects of Spain. and Culture Friday, Second Lunch, L6 for Sixth Form Friday, Second Lunch, Octagon, for Yr 9-11
STEMillions Friday, 4-5pm, Warwick Prep
STEMillions has been running for three terms and is an exciting joint club for years 5-9. Activites encourage innovative ways of thinking about STEM subjects. In the past the STEMillions members have made a ‘working’ model heart and a solar system out of skittles.
CALENDAR OF EVENTS Spring Term 2019 Thursday 10 January
BRAIN DAY WITH GUY SUTTON FOR LOWER SIXTH All Day, King’s High A day of amazing neuroscience lectures covering epigenetics, new developments in psychopathology, and much more. The day also includes the dissection of a sheep’s brain, which will illustrate how mammalian brains are structured and how they function.
Saturday 12 January
SHAKESPEARE MASTERCLASS TRIP FOR YEARS 7, 8, 9 9:15-3pm, Stratford Students will visit Shakespeare’s birthplace and schoolroom, have a talk on Macbeth, and explore the historic houses associated with our great poet. The trip will be useful to all students who want to develop their knowledge of Shakespeare, and also to those with looking forward potentially to studying Macbeth later on in school.
Tuesday 22 January
LAUNCH OF INSPIRE HIGHER EDUCATION PROGRAMME FOR YEAR 12 6-9pm As part of Higher Education Evening, students in Year 12 will hear about the enrichment support offered to students wanting to be ambitious in their academic aims. Thinking skills sessions, specialist subject mentoring, interview and test preparation, seminars by Graduates at Oxford and Cambridge, and academic Personal Statement writing, are all part of the support offered.
Wednesday 23 January
HOBBS SOCIETY MEETING WITH SARAH HANN, WARWICKSHIRE MUSEUM Second Lunch, Octagon, King’s High Sarah Hann will speak to the Hobbs Society about her work at Warwickshire Museum, working with volunteers to ensure the Collections and Museum provide an educational environment for the visiting public.
Friday 25 January
INSPIRE DINNER WITH PROF GERALD SEAMAN 6-9pm Having given a talk to rave reviews at Warwick School in Spring Term, we have invited Prof Seaman to talk at King’s about his life and academic research in Soviet Russia. His talk will be entitled, ‘The Day I Met Shostakovich’. Students who have heard him speak report that his story is truly remarkable.
CALENDAR OF EVENTS Spring Term 2019 Monday 28 January
INSPIRE RESEARCH CHALLENGE FOR YEARS 7, 8, 9 All Day At the start of term students in Years 7, 8 and 9 will be given the opportunity to apply to be part of this challenge. Successful applicants will be given Monday 28th off timetable, and will spend time researching a question given to them that morning. They will present their results on Friday after school. Calling all creative, independent thinkers.
Friday 1 - Friday 8 February
BRITISH BIOLOGY OLYMPIAD FOR YEAR 13 School / Online The BBO challenges and stimulates students who are interested in biology, inviting them to extend their talents. It enables students to demonstrate their knowledge, and rewards winners with publicly recognised certificates and medals.
Tuesday 29 January
MATHSFEST FOR YEAR 12 All Day, New Alexandra Theatre This exciting day for Year 12 will offer Year 12 mathematicians the opportunity to hear some of the best mathematicians in the world show how they use mathematics in their normal lives.
Friday 8 February
TRIP TO ‘THE HOUSE OF BERNARDA ALBA’ FOR SIXTH FORM Afternoon, Arundel Centre, London This trip is open to all students studying Spanish at A Level. Watching this seminal work of Federico Garcia Lorca will help to bring the text to life, encouraging an analytical response not only to the text but to the particular way in which it is staged in the performance.
CALENDAR OF EVENTS Spring Term 2019 Tuesday 12 February
SIXTH FORM TRIP TO LONDON FOR ART-RELATED THINKING SKILLS All Day, London Art Galleries The Art Department will take Sixth Form girls on this trip to inspire them to think about approaches to creating artwork, and to inform their own artistic practice. Time will be spent in top galleries looking at a range of artwork styles.
Wednesday 30 January
TRIP TO BLETCHLEY PARK FOR YEARS 7, 8, 9 All Day Students in Years 7, 8 and 9 will visit Bletchley Park, the former home of the British Government Code and Cypher School. Students will look at the historical use of computer and code-breaking during the Second World War.
Friday 8 March
INSPIRE LECTURE WITH DR JANE GRIFFITHS 1630-1730, King’s High Hall Dr Griffiths, prize-winning poet and Oxford academic, will speak to us about her love of poetry, both as a reader and writer. Drawing on her experience of literary research, she will talk about the link between studying poems, novels and plays as a critic, and becoming skilled as a writer.
Wednesday 6 - Tuesday 26 March
BIOLOGY CHALLENGE FOR YEARS 9-10 School / Online Biology Challenge stimulates students’ curiosity for the natural world and encourages them to explore biological interests outside of school. The competition rewards those whose knowledge of biology has been increased by exploring the subject by reading books, watching documentaries, and taking a general wider interest in biology.
CALENDAR OF EVENTS Spring Term 2019 Tuesday 26 March
TRIP TO AS YOU LIKE IT 6-10:30pm, Stratford As part of our Inspire RSC Shadowing Programme, students have the opportunity to see one of Shakespeare’s much-loved comic plays. A favourite amongst audiences, As You Like It takes us into the Forest of Arden, a place of light and dark, comedy and tragedy.
Saturday 30 March
KING’S LINKS TRIP TO CARDIFF UNIVERSITY 9-5pm King’s Links Trips are designed to encourage students to think about what studying beyond King’s might be like. This trip will offer students an insight into Cardiff University, a member of the Russell Group that is in the top five UK Universities for Architecture, Civil Engineering, Dentistry, Journalism , Pharmacy and Pharmacology.
Friday 29 March
BIRMINGHAM UNIVERSITY BIOLOGY BIG QUIZ FOR YEAR 10 All Day, Birmingham University This exciting quiz allows schools to enter up to four teams with up to four students per team. Each round focuses on a different area of the curriculum. The day also includes a keynote lecture and a Specialist round, which schools are informed about before the event.