La continua ricerca tecnologica di MEPRA aggiunge una nuova finitura, METAL BRILL Granatura e colore ghiaccio, vengono applicati ad oggetti per il living rendendoli moderni e sinuosi, con una buona resistenza ai graffi e alle impronte. FROZEN , il nome della collezione, viene arricchita da una linea di posate con una caratteristica che li distingue, manici metal brill ghiaccio, acciaio lucido sui rebbi , sulla lama dei coltelli e sulla tazza dei cucchiai
The continuous technologic research of Mepra adds a new finishing to the others: METAL BRILL Sandblasting and ice colour are applied to the objects for the living making them modern and sinuous, with a good resistance to the scratches and finger prints. FROZEN, the name of the collection, is enriched by a flatware line with a feature that is distinguished by handles in metal brill and polished steel on the fork prongs, on the knife blades and on the spoon cups
ART 122
Ovale piano
Oval tray
Plateau, oval Tablett, oval Bandeja oval
46 x 31 cm in 18 1/9” x 12 1/5”
ART 123
Ovale fondo
Oval bowl
Bol oval Schale, oval Cuenco oval
ART 123
Ovale fondo
Oval bowl
Bol oval Schale, oval Cuenco oval
ART 125
Rettangolare piano
Rectangular tray
Plateau rect
Tablett, rechteckig Bandeja rectangular
ART 125
Rettangolare piano
Rectangular tray
Plateau rect
Tablett, rechteckig Bandeja rectangular
38 x 25 cm in 15”
ART. 124
Tondo fondo
Round bowl
Bol ronde
Schale rund
ART 124
Tondo fondo
Round bowl
Bol ronde
Schale, rund Cuenco redondo
ART 126
Quadro piano Square tray
Plateau carré
Tablett, quadratisch Bandeja cuadrada
15 x 15 cm. in 5 7/8 x 5 7/8
ART 126
Quadro piano Square tray
Plateau carré
Tablett, quadratisch Bandeja cuadrada
22 x 22 cm in 8 2/3” x 8 2/3”
ART. 127
Quadro fondo Square bowl
Bol carré
Schale, quadratisch Cuenco cuadrado
15 x 15 cl 50
cm in 5 7/8” x 5 7/8” oz 16 7/8
ART. 127
Quadro fondo
Square bowl
Bol carré
Schale quadratisch Cuenco cuadrado
22 x 22 cl 150
cm in 8 2/3” x 8 2/3” oz 50 3/4
Art. 128
Cremiera Creamer Pot à lait
Milchgiesser Jarra lechera
H 8 6 cl 13
cm in H 3 1/7 2 1/3” oz 5 3/8
Art 139
Secchiello per ghiaccio Ice bucket Seau à glaçons
Eiswürfeleimer Cubitera hielo
Art. 138
Zuccheriera Sugar bowl Sucriere Zuckerdose Azucarero
cm in H 2 1/2 3 3/4” oz 6 3/4
Art 148
Secchiello per spumante Sparkling wine cooler Seau à champagne Wein- und Sektkühler Cubo para champany