The Motorship (November/December 2023)

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Vol. 104 Issue 1218

Methane slip cut:

Wärtsilä 31DF ultra-low engine

MeOH and CCS: Methane GWP: A perfect match?

Predictive maintenance:

Talking decade timescales MAN digital interview

ALSO IN THIS ISSUE: HiMSEN pure gas H2 engine | DF engine supply chain | CHEK update | ME-LGIM SCR options



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15 HiMSEN targets pure gas H2 engine launch

HHI-EMD plans to commercialise a pure-gas four-stroke hydrogen-fuelled marine engine concept and that it anticipates a 2025 market launch for the engine.

20 Methane slip reduction

Wärtsilä is launching a new ultra-low emission version of the Wärtsilä 31DF engine, commercialising combustion optimisation technologies developed during the SeaTech project.

24 MAN 4-stroke predictive maintenance

MAN ES plans to begin offering predictive maintenance services for first components in 2024.

42 REGULARS 8 Regulation

The IMO’s MEPC will consider measures to address other greenhouse gases at MEPC 83, with metrics likely to ascribe higher valuations to methane emissions, nitrous oxide and black carbon.

42 Design for Performance

Ari M. Turunen, Head of R&D and Technology, Marine Propulsion, at ABB Marine & Ports, discusses future potential applications for Azipod propulsors.

44 Ship Description

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The cadet training ship Empire State recently made her debut in New York, as part of a programme of considerable significance for the wider US maritime sector, writes David Tinsley.



10 Looking electric

DFDS wants to introduce electric vessels RoPax vessels onto the English Channel crossing between Dover and Calais by 2030, but delays to recent fuel cell projects suggest a hybrid solution is likely.

16 Room for manoeuvre

Concerns that longer production cycle for dual-fuel engines might lead to engine licensee supply chain bottlenecks emerging are overstated, The Motorship hears.

18 MAN adds SCR option MAN Energy Solutions is adding highpressure selective catalytic reduction (SCR) technology as an option for methanol dual-fuel two-stroke engines.

28 CCS and methanol

Some OEMs are considering offering onboard carbon capture and storage (CCS) as an abatement solution for methanol-fuelled engines.

32 Modelling ESD interactions

The CHEK project is evaluating the interaction between multiple energy saving devices installed on a bulk carrier and a cruise ship, and the first results are in.




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Hydrogen Moves Centre Stage The last month has seen a number of high-profile hydrogen combustion engine development projects. Belgium-based developer CMB.TECH announced in early October that it had signed a deal with Damen for three dual-fuel hydrogen gensets, for installation on a series of offshore wind CSOVs. Shortly afterwards, MAN ES’s 4-stroke team announcing plans to develop a hydrogen combustion engine concept capable of operating on 100% hydrogen, while HiMSEN announcing plans to bring a pure-gas hydrogen engine to market by the end of 2025. Despite the spate of hydrogen engine announcements, I continue to harbour doubts about the suitability of hydrogen combustion for deep-sea vessel projects, owing to concerns about volumetric space requirements for cargo containment. That said, I note that there has been a spate of investments in upstream hydrogen production projects, including President Biden’s Hydrogen Hub initiative. Charlie Bartlett discusses the comparative failure of the fuel cell electric vehicle (FCEV) passenger vehicle market to develop as expected in an article on Japan’s experience with hydrogen, but the takeaway is that emerging technical solutions in small markets remain heavily dependent upon policy support to overcome the challenges of developing sufficient refuelling stations and expanding supply. Hydrogen suppliers’ attention has now shifted away from the passenger vehicle segment, which appears to be destined to be electrified, towards the heavy-haul transportation sector, where fuel cells offer a solution to the power density issues that will prevent batteries powering trains or semis (articulated lorries). The susceptibility of markets to policy reversals is by no means limited to hydrogen. The Swedish government’s recent policy shift on biofuel blending requirements for passenger vehicle fuel will divert biofuel supply into other end-use markets. We offer a short introduction to the dry but important topic of global warming potential (GWP) and its applicability to methane and N20 penalties in our Regulation feature on page 8. Battle joined in methanol segment There have been a number of high-profile engine development announcements in the past few weeks, including the confirmation of orders for WinGD’s ammonia-fuelled X-DF-A engine in connection with an Exmar newbuilding series, and the introduction of new SCR options into MAN ES’s methanol-fuelled ME-LGIM engine programmes. The maturing of the methanol engine market is encouraging additional investment into the methanol-fuelled 4-stroke genset market, with HiMSEN announcing the planned introduction of additional engine bore-sizes to respond to sustained challenges from European suppliers. One of the interesting aspects of the rapid expansion of the dual-fuel engine orderbook is that it is creating pressures at various points within the supply chain. One of the key dependencies within the dual-fuel orderbook is the capacity of engine licensees and OEM suppliers to meet the increasing demand for dual-fuel engines. We cover the issue in a feature in this month’s magazine, in which both WinGD and MAN Energy Solutions offer reassurance on longer lead times.


Project Name


Federal Cost Share

Appalachian Hydrogen Hub

West Virginia, Ohio, Pennsylvania

Up to $925M

California Hydrogen Hub


Up to $1.2B

Gulf Coast Hydrogen Hub


Up to $1.2B

Heartland Hydrogen Hub

Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota

Up to $925M

Mid-Atlantic Hydrogen Hub

Pennsylvania, Delaware, New Jersey

Up to $750M

Midwest Hydrogen Hub

Illinois, Indiana, Michigan

Up to $1B

Pacific Northwest Hydrogen Hub

Washington, Oregon, Montana

Up to $1B

Ambitious plans to establish a number of regional hydrogen hubs across the United States moved closer after the US administration announced a final short list of seven regional projects on 13 October. The seven shortlisted H2Hubs have been allocated a proportion of a US$7 billion fund to develop renewable hydrogen hubs. If all the shortlisted projects proceed, they will produce 3 million tonnes of hydrogen per year, representing almost one-third of the US’s 2030 production target of 10 mt. The initial tranche of the US$7bn award will be allocated for the development of detailed project proposals, with the bulk of the funding awaiting US Department of Energy (DoE) approval for the project plans prior to disbursal. The projects are expected to attract co-funding from individual project participants of up to US$40bn, which could potentially lead to a US$50bn investment in renewable hydrogen production in the US if all the projects are delivered. The hydrogen hubs have been chosen to cover a wide range of potential production routes for renewable hydrogen, including a blue hydrogen focused hub incorporating carbon capture in the Appalachian region, that is likely to seek to make use of the

region’s disused mining areas as potential locations for carbon sequestration. Several of the potential hydrogen hubs will have direct maritime applications, with the California hub focused on producing green hydrogen via electrolysis which could then help to decarbonise port operations at the Port of Long Beach, as previously reported by The Motorship. The Gulf Coast hydrogen hub, which includes ExxonMobil and Chevron among its project participants, was awarded US$1.2bn. The project includes the production of e-methanol for maritime fuel among its end-use markets. Among projects that are expected to have an indirect impact on improving the feasibility of exporting US hydrogen is the Pacific Northwest Hydrogen Hub, which cites improvements in the efficiency of hydrogen electrolyser technology among its objectives. The US administration is targeting an 80% reduction in the cost of producing hydrogen to US$1/kg by 2030 as part of a drive to develop a flourishing hydrogen vector export sector. The Motorship notes that the precise terms of a US tax credit for low-emissions hydrogen production is likely to encourage significant inward investment into the sector.

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Source: US Department of Energy




HiMSEN CONFIRMS 2025 PUREHYDROGEN LAUNCH PLANS HD Hyundai Heavy Industries Engine & Machinery Division (HD HHI-EMD) has announced that it plans to commercialise a pure-gas four-stroke hydrogen-fuelled engine concept and that it anticipates a 2025 market launch for the engine depending on market demand The announcement was during an HD HHI-EMD webinar on 30 October 2023. Speaking during the webinar, senior engineer Yoonyong Kim discussed the progress of HD HHIEMD’s research into hydrogen-fuelled combustion, and provided an update on the progress of development of a mixed-fuel LNG/hydrogen engine, H22CDF-H. Kim clarified that the product development schedule has seen the completion of the basic design in Q3 2023, while the detailed design will be completed by Q4 2024. Component manufacturing will occur in Q1 2025, with R&D testing at the Engine Research Center in Ulsan is scheduled to begin by Q2 2025. The highly compressed product development schedule anticipates the sales release of the pure-hydrogen engine design by December 2025. HD HHI-EMD is currently working on optimising the combustion control for the hydrogen engine, and is reviewing existing combustion chamber geometries. An HD HHI-EMD spokesman noted that as the hydrogen mixing ratio increases, the combustion duration tends to become shorter, leading to higher cylinder pressures. HD HHI-EMD has clarified that they are pursuing a singlefuel gas engine combustion approach firstly and then will extend the dual-fuel combustion concept for the purehydrogen design. Assuming combustion stability considerations can be addressed, the final decision is likely to be influenced by the modelled emissions profile from the different combustion concepts, The Motorship notes, although the need for the engine to be compatible with existing aftertreatment and turbomachinery solutions within an ambitious project development timetable is likely to constrain engine designer choices.

HD HHI-EMD confirmed to The Motorship that that the engine was being developed primarily for the marine propulsion market, but noted that the company would also respond to commercial demand for its solutions in the stationary market HD HHI-EMD confirmed to The Motorship that that the engine was being developed primarily for the stationary market, but noted that the company would also respond to commercial demand for its solutions in the marine market. The development is consistent with HD HHI Group’s stated hydrogen value chain targets, which include the development of the world's first 20,000 cbm liquefied hydrogen carrier by 2025 as well as the construction of a 100MW green hydrogen production plant. In July 2022, Sungjoon Kim, Head of HD

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KSOE's Advanced Research Center, identified the maritime hydrogen value chain as a potential solution to both energy supply and decarbonisation challenges. At the time, he suggested the green hydrogen production technology and the development of a liquefied hydrogen carrier represented core technologies that will increase the possibility of the marine hydrogen business. The Motorship has previously reported on HD HHI-EMD’s combustion research into the development of a purehydrogen engine design. We note that parent company HD KSOE has received an AiP for a liquefied hydrogen carrier system using a HiMSEN engine, while a subsidiary of HD KSOE is also among the partners in an EU-funded project to develop a 160,000 cbm liquified hydrogen (LH2) containment system for ships, LH2CRAFT.

8 HHI-EMD has successfully developed a methanol-fuelled engine (pictured) and plans launch a pure-gas fourstroke hydrogenfuelled marine engine by the end of 2025

Dual-Fuel H2-Engine Research Kim noted that research into the H22CDF-H design was continuing following the conclusion of a performance demonstration where it operated on a fuel mixture including 25% hydrogen in May 2023. The dual-fuel engine design was expected to undergo further optimisation in Q4 2023. Kim noted that the recent demonstration of the 1,500kW test engine at HD HHI’s Ulsan complex, in front of representatives from the shipping and power generation sectors, had confirmed stable LNG/hydrogen co-firing performance while satisfying IMO Tier III NOx regulations without the need for aftertreatment solutions. The test achieved a 21% reduction of GHG emissions compared with operation on natural gas. The Korean engine builder announced that it plans to evaluate the emissions performance of the dual-fuel engine on higher concentrations of hydrogen gas of 30% and above.



NEW SHIP DESIGNS WILL LOWER CO2 INTENSITY DRAMATICALLY The Motorship spoke to Mia Elg, R&D Manager at Deltamarin, about the future of ship design as the industry moves to more complicated solutions and greater digital support Environmental efficiency has already become good business, but rules such as the IMO’s Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII) might become stricter quicker than some anticipate, says Mia Elg, R&D Manager at Deltamarin. “We know we will have to get to net-zero, so we’ll need to take a big leap in reducing carbon intensity in the next decade. Any new vessel will likely have to go to net-zero in its lifetime.” More energy saving devices will become standard, because even though the industry needs green fuels to get to netzero, they will be expensive. The many options, including fuel cells and batteries, need to be considered early in the design process before determining the ideal power train. In the past, shaft generators were considered undesirable by some shipowners, as they felt the crew were unfamiliar with them, but now they are almost baseline, she says. Heat pumps are now being evaluated seriously too, as part of HVAC efficiency. “Electrification in all forms is a mega trend that will become bigger,” she says. “It’s going to be cheaper to just use electricity directly to power a ship, because a lot more energy is needed to make the green fuels that could be otherwise be used onboard. So, whenever electrification and electricity is available, that’s going to be used first.” Onboard carbon capture will also gain prominence, as will wind-assist technology and greater automation such as auto-mooring and collision avoidance systems. “Ships are getting more complex, and that is going to continue.” It’s now a normal part of the ship design process to make energy calculations or simulations, and Deltamarin has the tools to simulate the CII and energy consumption of a new design. The energy simulations, “DeltaKey” include the ship main energy consumers and producers and their interactions, including the fuel related variables. “Another important digital model dimension is the propulsion model, which we call “DeltaSeas.” There we combine the clean hull calm water resistance to the propulsion efficiency and external forces interacting with ship. Especially when designing ships with sails, it is necessary to consider the environmental conditions in the propulsion model to get realistic results. Recently we have also started to focus in our development in the modelling of air resistance as well.” As part of the CHEK project, Deltamarin’s digital tools are expanding in scope. The project is aiming to demonstrate two bespoke vessel designs – a bulk carrier retrofitted with wind-assist and other energy saving devices and a hydrogen powered cruise ship. Both vessels are being equipped with an interdisciplinary combination of innovative technologies with the aim of reducing GHG emissions by 99% and achieving at least 50% energy savings. Rather than “stacking” energy saving devices onto existing vessel designs, the project is developing a unique FutureProof Vessel (FPV) Design Platform to ensure the combination brings maximised compatibility and efficiency. The digital modelling evolves in three distinct stages: digital prototype, digital master, and digital twin. In the


prototype, the energy consumption model is largely based on historical operation data measured from reference vessels. In the digital master, the models are based on the specific vessel and hull design with only parts of the ship hotel and heat consumption relying on reference ship data. In the digital twin, not yet complete for the CHEK vessels, the modelling methods will be further improved, and the data will be backed by either in-lab measurements or real-life ship data from demonstrations which are currently underway for some of the technologies. “In project CHEK we have a perfect opportunity to benchmark our simulations against the real sail installation performance onboard Pyxis Ocean. “ The three stages create a digital thread that adds more data as the project progresses. Deltamarin is scaling the model platform so that it will provide the necessary digital design tools in a modular way that will enable the flexibility to encompass a wide range of vessel types. In any ship project the digital models will be used to support the initial operation of the vessel, highlighting the modules of the power management system that would be most effective to have operational straight away. Otherwise, some systems such as energy storage, may be delayed until a later time as operators gradually make use of a vessel’s full capabilities. The digital models will also support autonomous functions, more efficient ways to operate the vessel, and predictive maintenance. “As designers, we are developing better modelling tools for the ship and its systems and technologies so we can achieve designs that stretch its lifetime of compliance.”

8 Mia Elg, R&D Manager at Deltamarin

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with green engines running on climate-friendly fuels

We’re powering carbon-neutral shipping Global shipping is advancing towards a sustainable future. And we’re developing new engines to run on climate-neutral IXHOV :H DOUHDG\ RIIHU IXHO Á H[LEOH HQJLQHV that can operate on green methanol, green hydrogen, and synthetic natural gas. 2XU ZRUOG À UVW PHWKDQRO GXDO IXHO HQJLQH ZLOO EH IROORZHG LQ E\ WKH À UVW JUHHQ ammonia engine. Working together with the marine industry, we can move big ships with zero carbon emissions.


IMO’s CALCULATION CHALLENGE FOR GHG REGULATION Engine emissions have been regulated by the IMO under MARPOL Annex VI since 2005 when the 1997 Protocol adding the annex came into effect.

In the initial wording of Annex VI there was no mention whatsoever of greenhouse gases (GHGs) and it would be another six years before the IMO adopted the efficiency measures such as EEDI and ship energy efficiency management plans (SEEMP) which aimed at reducing CO2 emissions. The first actions on GHGs was limited to reductions in CO2 and did not occur until 2015 when Phase 1 of EEDI became effective for ships over 400GT. The first IMO GHG Study in 2000 estimated that in 1996 shipping contributed 1.8% of the world total anthropogenic CO2 emissions. That increased to 2.7% in 2007 (2nd IMO GHG Study), 2.2% in 2012 (3rd GHG Study) and 2.0% in 2018 (4th GHG Study). Over the same period UNCTAD reports the volume of goods transported by sea increased from 4.8 billion tonnes to 11 billion tonnes. To date only CO2 emissions have been regulated by way of the EEDI and more recently the EEXI for older ships. However, the IMO’s ambition as set out in the 2023 IMO Strategy on Reduction of GHG Emissions from Ships adopted at MEPC 80 now includes targets for all GHG emissions. The 2023 GHG Strategy foresees a basket of measures to be developed. These cover a technical element, namely a goalbased marine fuel standard regulating the phased reduction of the marine fuel's GHG intensity and an economic element, on the basis of a maritime GHG emissions pricing mechanism. A timeline for the strategy to be implemented runs through to MEPC 83 in Spring 2025 for the measures to be finalised followed by an extraordinary one or two-day MEPC (six months after MEPC 83 in Autumn 2025) for adoption of the measures and then continuing on with entry into force in 2027. The switch from CO2 reduction to GHG reduction is a reflection of the increasing use of LNG and the introduction of methanol, ammonia and other alternatives over time. As well as CO2, future IMO regulation will be around methane slip from using LNG as a fuel and Nitrous Oxide N2O – not to be confused with NOx – potentially an issue with ammoniaburning engines, and black carbon. It is methane slip that is the most pressing issue due mostly to the increasing number of ships other than LNG carriers being built with dual-fuel engines. Methane slip is the release of unburnt fuel to the atmosphere and is a

problem because methane has a global warming potential (GWP) more than 25 times that of CO2. Assuming complete combustion, LNG produces around 25% less CO2 compared to oil fuels for the same propulsive power measured tank to wake but it is recognised that early four stroke engines and Otto cycle two-stroke engines suffered significantly from methane slip. In newer engines this is being addressed and slip rates have been cut by over 90% since the late 1990s. N2O is not produced in significant quantities from the current crop of marine engines and fuels but could become more problematic if ammonia becomes a mainstream fuel. This is because it has a very high GWP 265 times that of CO2. n. Engine makers are fully aware of the issue and are designing N2O reduction into the ammonia engines now being developed. Deciding on the technical elements for controlling both N2O and methane will be challenging. The conditions under which N2O is produced vary with both loading and combustion temperatures so do not correlate with quantity of fuel used. As methane slip only occurs on dual-fuel engines when running on gas, it would be difficult to introduce it into the EEDI formula as it will be an unknown where the engine is intended to operate on both LNG and an oil fuel.

8 The volume of goods transported by sea has increased from 4.8 billion tonnes to 11 billion tonnes between 1996 and 2021

Varying potential of gases Greenhouse gases do not all have the same characteristics as each other. Some absorb more energy than others and they decay in the atmosphere at different rates. To allow comparisons of their global warming impact, Global Warming Potential (GWP) was developed to measure how much energy one ton of a gas will absorb


over a given period of time relative to a ton of CO2. The IPCC uses both 100 and 20 year time scales in its regular Assessment Reports with the 100 year scale being used as the standard under the Paris Agreement. The IPCC’s method of calculation has varied over time and also differs from some

other measures’ calculations. This is why equivalence figures may vary in reports and communications. The IMO’s figures in the 4th GHG Study use the non-feedback figure from IPCC AR5. The IPCC’s AR6 report dropped the non-feedback measure and the feedback included figures are slightly lower than the earlier report.

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DFDS AIMS FOR FULL-ELECTRIC CROSS-CHANNEL FERRIES BY 2030 DFDS, the Copenhagen based ferry company, has unveiled plans to bring in ferries with electric power on its service between Dover in the UK and Dunkirk in France by 2030

This is part of the company’s efforts to make a green transition in its shipping business that has included a number of other steps in the recent past as well. “We have a shared ambition with the French Government to accelerate the transition to a greener future for the shipping industry. This is not an easy task. It requires significant investments in innovation, technology and infrastructure, and collaboration and partnerships between the public and private sectors. But I am positive that we are on the right track. We will invest in green vessels and cooperate with ports and governments on both sides of the channel to decarbonise cross channel transportation,” said Torben Carlsen, CEO of DFDS, in a statement on 13 October, when the plan was made public. At the moment, DFDS operates three ropax ferries on the service - Dunkerque Seaways that was built in 2005 and Delft Seaways plus Dover Seaways that both entered service in the following year. Each ship can take 930 passengers, 200 cars and 120 lorries. They have 1,800 lane metres of vehicle deck space and they make up to 24 crossings each day. A one way trip takes three hours. The service became to the ownership of DFDS in 2010, when it acquired the Norfolkline ferry and logistics company from the A.P. Moller- Maersk group. DFDS also operates two ferries between Newhaven and Boulogne, but this service is not included in the planned transition. “We are still in an investigation phase both commercially and technically on the number, size and concept of the


vessels as well as the technologies to be used. The ferries will – by far – be the largest electrical ferries in the world and require that we collaborate with ports, public authorities, infrastructure parties, utility and energy providers, and suppliers of battery systems in order to make this happen,” Dennis Kjærsgaard Sorensen, Global Head of Media Relations at DFDS, told The Motor Ship. Three years ago, DFDS launched a two-staged climate action plan with a short-term objective of reducing the relative CO2 emissions of its ships by 45% by 2030, and secondly a long- term objective of being carbon neutral by 2050. The electrification of the Channel fleet would be an important milestone in achieving these objectives, the company said. “The green transition is a complex challenge that requires all hands on deck. We need support from public authorities, infrastructure parties, utility providers, customers, and suppliers. I am happy to continue our cooperation with the French government to accelerate the decarbonisation and enable green transport corridors across the English Channel,” Carlsen said in the statement.

8 Danish operator DFDS launched a project in 2020 to develop a 1,800-pax, 2,300 lane-m ropax design powered by 23MW of hydrogen fuel cells to operate between Copenhagen and Oslo by 2027, but is currently exploring other technical solutions to meet decarbonisation objectives

Stena Line project could give indication of what to expect Although no details are available about the planned ferries at the moment, something about the power requirement that would be needed may be derived from the plans of Stena Line, another Scandinavian ferry company. It intends to have a battery powered ferry called Stena Elektra in service

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BATTERY-HYBRIDS E-methanol, when you count from well to wake, is a reduction of more than 90% of CO2 emissions. This could potentially be the fuel for the 2025 green ships that we have promised to be on the water


between Gothenburg in Sweden and Fredrikshavn in Denmark, also by 2030. The projected vessel would be 215 m in length, have 3,100 lane metres of vehicle deck capacity and be able to carry between 1,200 and 1,500 passengers on the 50 mile crossing that takes 3 hours and 25 minutes, about half an hour more than the one between Dover and Dunkirk that DFDS is looking. Stena Elektra is projected to have a battery pack to 70MWh and this would be charged in port. However, for each one way crossing the ship would only need 30MWh of power, said Patrik Almqvist, Head of Network and Fleet at Stena Line, on the company’s website. High tensile steel would be used in the construction of the vessel to reduce weight and thereby its energy consumption. Building such highly specialised vessels may change the landscape how they are operated over their lifetime in a number of ways. The use of lighter construction than what is normally used could mean that such a ferry may be unsuitable for use in services that encounter very heavy weather conditions. Although battery power is often cited as the best way ahead in green transition for short haul vessels, adequate power infrastructure may not be available everywhere. This is could reduce the number of services on which such vessels ls can be operated and have implications for their second hand d valuations. Some industry observers have also pointed out that at instead of being sold for further trading, ferries built to a very ry high degree to meet the requirements of a particular trade de may spend their entire service lives on that trade and be sold ld for recycling when they are deemed to have come to the end d of their lives. On the other hand, ferries have already for a very long time me differed considerably in many ways if built for short crossings gs compared to those that operate longer, overnight services. s. Overnight vessels need to have extensive cabin in accommodation, which is not required on short crossings. s.

Instead, short haul ferries need to be able to offer e.g. extensive catering service that will enable them to look after large numbers of passengers in a short period of time. Consequently, the second hand market has also followed these divisions to quite a high degree. Hydrogen and e-methanol also in spotlight The English Channel is not the only one or the first ferry trade lane where DFDS has announced plans to go carbon free. In the autumn of 2020, the company announced a plan to have a 1,800 passenger, 2,300 lane metre hydrogen fuel cell powered ropax ferry in service between Copenhagen and Oslo by 2027. The crossing takes about 17 hours and the projected vessel would have a tank capacity of 44 tonnes. DFDS teamed up with partners ABB, Ballard Power Systems Europe, Hexagon Purus, Lloyd’s Register, Knud E. Hansen, Ørsted and Danish Ship Finance to realise the project, which would be based on the use of PEM fuel cell technology onboard. At the time of the publication of their plans, DFDS said it would seek EU funding to realise the vessel. However, in September last year, Jakob Steffensen, Director, Innovation Lead at DFDS, said in a webinar arranged by an NGO called Transport & Environment that although EU funding could be a power driver to turn the vision of green shipping into reality, it had started to look like a pipe dream. Also September last year, DFDS teamed up with Liquid Wind, Stena Line and Gothenburg Port in a partnership that aims to more than double the world’s production of e-methanol. “E-methanol, when you count from well to wake, is a reduction of more than 90% of CO2 emissions. This could potentially be the fuel for the 2025 green ships that we have promised to be on the water,” DFDS’ CEO Torben Carlsen said. 8 Torben Carlsen, CEO, DFDS

The green transition is a complex challenge that requires all hands on deck. We need support from public authorities, infrastructure parties,, utility providers, customers, and suppliers. I am happy to continue our cooperation with the French government to accelerate the decarbonisation and enable green transport corridors across the English Channel


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Credit: François Lacour/TotalEnergies

Ship owners and operators are going to have to make strategic fuel choices which will impact key components of the shipping industry including bunker fuel suppliers and bunkering operation, Stuart Fuller, Market Liaison & Product Manager for Engine Oils in the Marine & Power division of TotalEnergies explains

Mr Fuller recently spoke at the Nor-Shipping conference, providing insights and thoughts on the key drivers shaping the evolution of marine lubrication. The shipping industry faces a dual challenge - more energy, with fewer emissions. It is a key target that we are working on tirelessly at TotalEnergies, with our customers, stakeholders and our partners. How we are Supporting the Shipping Industry’s Decarbonisation Journey Tackling our responsibilities head on, TotalEnergies has joined forces with the Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller Center for Zero Carbon Shipping as a strategic partner, working with other industry partners to examine innovative technologies and what’s needed to build the infrastructure to support those technologies. We have so far committed 3 full time colleagues that are seconded to the project as well as enlisting the support of a further 12 colleagues on a part time basis. TotalEnergies also actively participates in many other industry organizations working to improve combatting Climate Change, such as IMO, ISO, SEA/LNG, SGMF, Ammonia Energy Association, CIMAC and more, all with a shared goal of moving shipping into a carbon-free transport.


8 La Mède biorefinery in Provence, France, which was converted from a conventional refinery in 2019

The Market Drivers – Life After IMO2020 Post IMO2020, a number of drivers have been shaping the industry namely: 5 Technology - new engine design (increased temperatures/ pressures), Exhaust gas after treatment, Scrubbers, EGR/ SCR 5 Regulatory - SOX, NOX, ECA's, CO2... 5 Fuels - Hight/Low Sulfur Fuels, LNG, Biofuels Future Fuels - Navigating Complexity Currently the shipping industry is firmly focussed on the directions that the future fuels market is likely to take. Decarbonisation of transport will rely on massive investment in sustainable liquid fuels along with Biofuels, supplemented by e-fuels after 2030. The predicted take up of H2 based e-fuels (including e-methanol and e-ammonia) is expected to take place between 2030 and 2050 and will be significant. It is also anticipated that LNG will remain in the mix but not significantly above the post 2030 volumes. So, we are undoubtedly heading towards a more complex market with multiple fuel solutions making up the landscape. And with 2050 just one ship life away, ship owners and

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OIL & LUBRICANTS operators are going to have to make strategic fuel choices which will impact the key components of the shipping industry including engine manufacturers, fuel suppliers, bunkering operations, global port developments and of course lubrication development. Predicting the Future - The OEM View A significant portion of the new engine order book today is occupied with engines able to operate on a Dual Fuel basis, notably LNG and/or Methanol. But what does the future look from an OEM perspective? MAN ES 5 Firmly behind ammonia as the dominant future fuel 5 Expect NH3 to surpass LNG and MeOH by 2030 5 Anticipates that NH3 DF engines will account for 40% of contracts by 2030 5 Commercially available NH3 engine by 2024 5 Retrofit package to follow WinGD 5 Both options remain on the table 5 Possibly betting on ammonia 5 All engines in service today are ‘fuel flexible’ 5 New engines will support MeOH and NH3 by 2025 5 Retrofit packs also in 2025 What is clear is that it seems there is no one size fits all solution today. Challenges of Product Development - Completing the Formulation Puzzle From a lubrication perspective, the multiple fuels landscape presents challenges that, as manufacturers, we have to address. Different fuels will potentially have different performance requirements, and collaboration across the industry – for example with engine OEMs – is vital. When it comes to lubrication development the formulation puzzle includes key issues such as finished product stability, compatibility, oxidation stability, hydrolysis, detergency, dispersancy, thermal stability, corrosion resistance and wear protection. When formulating a lubricant, it is not as simple as selecting ‘ingredients’ and assuming they will work well when they are mixed. We can have particularly good components for each specific purpose, but they don’t always complement each other, meaning the researchers must reach a finely tuned balance of performance, stability, compatibility, and of course cost. We also need time, and of course access to suitable engines, to study the effects of the proposed fuels on the lubricant. TotalEnergies has invested heavily on Ammonia testing facilities which includes the conversion of some commercially available engines to run on NH3 so that we can begin to examine the effects.

If we start to get a build-up of deposits behind the rings, in the grooves, this restricts the movement of the ring in the piston groove and that affects its ability to properly seal, leading to blow-by, putting excess stresses on the ring pack which may lead to failure, excessive wear and scuffing Importance of Ring Groove Cleanliness The importance of good piston ring cleanliness cannot be overstated. This has been seen with the more recent Category II or HD – High Detergency cylinder oils recently introduced to the market. So, our goal is to achieve: proper sealing of the combustion chamber, clean ring grooves, free ring movement, and balanced stresses on the ring. The objectives have to be achieved whilst avoiding detergency problems which, if they occur, can result in deposits on ring grooves, limited sticky ring movement, combustion gases blow-by, imbalanced stresses / ring collapse danger. If we start to get a build-up of deposits behind the rings, in the grooves, this restricts the movement of the ring in the piston groove and that affects its ability to properly seal, leading to blow-by, putting excess stresses on the ring pack which may lead to failure, excessive wear and scuffing. New Product Development Cycle When we look at a typical lubricant product development cycle, we can begin to understand the complexities and time needed to deliver a viable, approved, product to the market. First, we must identify the market needs, which takes into consideration any technical, environmental and regulatory requirements as well as any specific requirements requested by the OEMs. From this we can begin to draw up a view of the desired specifications. Next, we rely heavily on the expertise and knowledge we have in our research centres to formulate candidates using components that can be known, or they can be new molecules, which are screened and modelled 8 tuart Fuller, Market Liaison & Product Manager for Engine Oils in the Marine & Power division of TotalEnergies

New Engine Designs and Cylinder Oil Specifications Demands placed on cylinder lubricants by modern fuels and highly tuned engines mean that we must pay special attention to the key areas of the combustion chamber, the ring pack, the exhaust valve and especially the piston top land and top ring area. For this, we are focusing on low ash – for deposit control, and high detergency - for cleanliness. We also need to look at key Operational Drivers including: higher engine ratings and combustion pressures, fuel efficiency, emissions control, lower carbon footprint and better reliability.

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OIL & LUBRICANTS before selected candidates proceed to the engine bench. Following the performance testing and analysis of the bench test results, final candidates are ranked and discussed to select a candidate to move forward for field testing. For a cylinder oil, the testing will range from 2000hrs for a first stage test through to 4000hrs or more for a full NonObjection application to an OEM. This will often involve running the reference and candidate lubricants on a split engine. It requires at least two units to be overhauled and new parts fitted that are measured and recorded by the engine OEM. There are then intermediate inspections, generally noninvasive via the scavenge ports, before the final inspection where the candidate and reference units are dismantled, inspected and measured. The process for a Trunk Piston engine would typically be 6000hrs or more and again two cylinders are normally overhauled at the start and end of the test, as well as interim borescope inspections. Assuming everything goes to plan we would hope to have a letter of non-objection, or approval, issued by the OEM. At this point, a decision is made whether to commercialise the product, or not. Not every product that reaches approval status is commercialised. But the story doesn’t end there, in fact it’s just the beginning. From the time the first deliveries are made we start a process of monitoring the lubricant performance in a much wider set of circumstances than we could see with a field test. Separating BN from Cleanliness Here we are looking specifically at 2 stroke crosshead engine cylinder oils. When we consider the so called classically formulated products in the market, we are looking at BN 40, BN 70, BN 100 and BN 140 products. They deliver an Ash Content Equivalent in addition to a Cleanliness Equivalent, of the typical BN value. Until recently the market correlated Base Number, or BN, with cleanliness. Typically, the higher the Base Number, the higher the content of Calcium Carbonate and hence the greater cleanliness performance, which is sometimes referred to as the basicity of the product. Generally, these products are formulated using the basic detergents of Calcium Sulfonate and Calcium Phenate. We refer to this as Conventional BN Chemistry. When products are formulated with Calcium Carbonate, which is used to neutralize sulfuric acids formed during combustion, there is a balance to be found. Too much alkalinity and we can find deposits forming around the piston crown and rings which can be hard, lead to liner scuffing and piston rings sticking. Too little alkalinity and we risk having insufficient neutralization causing corrosion of the liner. This Calcium brings with it, ash. As we begin to explore lubricants for future fuels it’s clear that we must reduce the BN and the ash content, this therefore means less Calcium. But if we have said that we need the basicity (the calcium) to keep the engine clean, we face a challenge in reducing or removing it. As far back as its launch in 2007, an early innovation of Lubmarine was Talusia Universal with a BN of 57 and a cleanliness equivalent of BN 70. This product ripped up the rule book and gave operators the ability to use a BN 57 in place of switching with a BN 40 and BN 70 depending on the fuel they used, in and out of ECA etc. It was one of the first oils to be DF validated by WinGD, and as demand for oils to fill the void of category II BN 40 increased it has performed with excellent results as an interim solution, again to avoid switching oils. This oil gives us a reduction in ash content.


More recently, MAN has asked lubricant manufacturers to come up with products that would have the cleanliness performance of a BN 100, these products are referred to by MAN as Category II cylinder lubricants. The demand also extended to having a product with the BN and ash equivalent of a BN 40 product. Here we have our Talusia HD 40. With these products it seems we have reached the limits of conventional chemistry, and there is now a need to do something different.

8 The introduction of MAN ES Category II 40BN solutions (or HD – High Detergency cylinder oils) has underlined the importance of good piston ring cleanliness

New Lubrication Development - The Fuel Economy Innovation To highlight the processes faced by lubricant manufacturers in developing new products, our latest solution - Aurelia FE - has been developed to provide 4-stroke engines with a significant decrease in fuel consumption thus delivering reductions in operating costs and CO2 emissions. More recently the focus has shifted slightly from just looking at outright fuel economy, to the potential to deliver real life CO2 and emissions reduction, through fuel economy. This becomes especially important with the recent introduction of the Carbon Intensity Index (CII) where an operator could offset some of their Carbon liability by simply switching to a fuel economy lubricant. Aurelia FE BN20, BN30 and BN40 are multi-grade type lube oils designed with advanced chemical and physical properties for achieving fuel economy on engines running on MGO (BN20), VLSFO (BN30) or HSFO (BN40). A successful test conducted on a passenger vessel has demonstrated an independently verified average fuel economy of 4.7% on main engines with good performance and reliability. Whilst Aurelia FE is not yet approved by engine OEMs and is not yet fully commercialized, we have been supplying the product to a ROPAX operator as they found real benefit in the fuel economy performance. Today we continue to innovate the Aurelia Fuel Economy concept and it is currently under test onboard a large cruise vessel. Bench tests will shortly begin on the next generation of fuel economy lubricant. A More Complex Shipping Market Will Need More Specialist Solutions As we have discussed the lubrication market is going to be an increasingly challenging one with multiple drivers shaping shipping operators’ needs. Lubricant manufacturers will have to rise to these challenges through collaboration, expertise, research, development and investment to create specialist solutions to support shipping’s journey to decarbonization.

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Somas valves for Cargo handling and Exhaust gas applications Looking forward to see you at upcoming exhibition Marintec, booth N1D2A-09



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Somas exhaust valves have been used for a long time XS GSRXVSP I\LEYWX DZS[ EJXIV GSQFYWXMSR JSV PEVKI )MIWIP and dual fuel engines. Valves from Somas EVI VIPMEFPI [MXL QMRMQEP [IEV SR XLI HMWG ERH ZEPZI WIEX [LMGL HIGVIEWI QEMRXIRERGI




DUAL-FUEL ENGINE SUPPLY CAPACITY FEARS OVERSTATED While the overwhelming majority of vessels in operation continue to run on compliant conventional fuels, there is an emerging consensus that moving towards a decarbonised future will require assets to have greater fuel flexibility

Dual-fuel beginning to dominate orderbook Taking first the number of newbuildings, there has been a surge in recent years of interest in dual-fuel ships. According to Clarkson’s research, since the beginning of 2022 alternative fuel ships have accounted for around 60% of new orders in GT terms and at the end of the year accounted for 47% of the total new orderbook. Offsetting the dual-fuel spree, it was reported in September this year that of the 240 or so orders placed by Greek interests for tankers. Bulkers and other large ship types, only 10 were specified with dual-fuel engines. It is difficult to gauge if the interest in dual-fuel ships is a trend or a spike caused by rush orders for new LNG carriers to counter the loss of pipeline gas from Russia to Europe compounded by multiple orders for containerships following two years of very strong freight rate growth. Most analysts express opinions that for the foreseeable future, dual-fuel ships will account for around 50% of annual orders. For 2022 Clarkson’s Research said a record 61% by gross tonnage of all newbuild orders were alternative fuel (dropping to 46% if LNG carriers were excluded). When it comes to engine builders’ capacity to supply dual products, tonnage is less important than vessel numbers or to be more precise engine numbers as some vessels will


Source: MAN Energy Solutions

The pace of LNG’s introduction into the deep-sea market since the first dual-fuel engined LNG carrier Gaz de France Energy was built in France in 2004 has been steady rather than spectacular, with pioneering owners finally beginning to place orders for such ships after another decade. In 2015 there were 140 dual-fuel ships in service or on order all of them capable of running on oil fuel or LNG. Today the definition of a dual-fuel engine has expanded to one capable of running on any combination of oil and LNG, LPG, methanol, ethane, ammonia and perhaps soon hydrogen. In response to the IMO’s GHG strategy – even before it was revised at MEPC 80 – owners were ordering ships that have inherent built-in flexibility across the whole range of ship types including tankers, bulkers and ore carriers as well as containerships, cruise ships, PCTCs, ferries gas and methanol carriers, offshore and tugs. While regulatory approvals, technological constraints, as well as fuel availability and bunkering supply issues were initially identified as barriers to wider adoption, the progressive adoption of LNG as a fuel is now raising concerns about engine maker capacity. It has been known for some time that to achieve the level of decarbonisation envisioned by the IMO, as well as an increased number of alternative-fuelled newbuildings, a significant number of existing vessels will need to be converted or modified. As dual-fuel engines take longer to construct, the implications of greater order volumes are beginning to be realised. Some studies have raised concerns that the capacity of yards and engine makers could be severely tested.

have multiple engines. Clarkson’s figures for the orderbook at the end of 2022 put dual-fuel ships numbers at around 993 vessels (LNG-825, Methanol-64, LPG-88 and ethane-16). With many of the dual-fuel orders being for larger ship types, the vast majority of new engines needed will be two-stroke, low-speed engines. Figures provided by the two leading engine designers MAN ES and WinGD in October 2023 show that between them there were 1,728 oil fuelled engines and 928 dual fuel two-stroke engines contracted for. Neither believe that this figure should prove to be difficult for their licensees to produce over the three to four year timeline of the orderbook.

8 Thomas S Hansen, Head of Promotion and Customer Support MAN ES 2-Stroke, considered estimates of 30% longer production cycles for dual-fuel engines “to be on the high side”

Engine firms see no newbuild obstacles Some estimates for the time taken to produce a dual-fuel engine suggest can be as much as 30% longer than a conventional engine. Speaking for MAN ES, Thomas Storgaard Hansen said he considered this to be on the high side. A sentiment agreed with by Rudolf Holtbecker, Director Operations at WinGD who explained with the additional

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components to be produced and installed along with the testing in two different fuel modes – three if the changeover period is considered, extra time is needed but 30% would be a maximum. Neither felt that there would be any delay to the current orderbook. Hansen made the point that the majority of dualfuel ships past and present have been built in South Korean yards and the experience of the shipyards there alongside that of MAN’s local licensees would ensure no delivery delays. He added that Chinese yards and engine builders are rapidly gaining experience constructing dual-fuel vessels and that this capacity will be expanding with familiarity. It is notable that globally the current orderbook is around 3,700 vessels of all types. That figure is well below the number of ships on order in say 2009 when close to 12,000 ships were planned for construction. That said, in 2009 the figures included many offshore vessels, ferries, small tankers and other small vessel types. Container ship size at that time was also well below what is becoming typical today. There were far fewer dual-fuel engines on order then and of those that were most were four-stroke types. Conversions and retrofits are a different picture Although both MAN and WinGD see little problem in coping with newbuilds, the potential conversion of existing vessels is a different picture. Lloyd’s Register published a 70-page report on the retrofit issue in late October. The report, similar to several other analyses of the retrofit market suggested that to meet IMO 2050 targets, a significant number of existing single fuel vessels will need to be converted to accept alternative fuels. The LR report mentions, “A maximum addressable market of 9,000-12,900 large merchant vessels identified up to 2030, after which it is anticipated that all vessels will be built with net-zero or near-zero carbon fuels capability”. It goes on to say that “In all likelihood only a small number of these vessels will eventually be retrofitted as the business case for converting older vessels (beyond ten years) and smaller vessels will likely remain challenging. However, converting even a fraction of this potential market will require new capabilities and technologies from ship designers, shipyards and operators”. The figure is in line with or slightly lower than other forecasts which suggest 15,000-16,000 ships would need retrofitting by 2050. In May 2023, a joint announcement by MAN and DNV also covered the subject of retrofits. It suggested key requirements for candidate engines would be: electronic control, a bore size of at least 500mm and a sea trial conducted after 1 January 2015. The announcement also said, “The cost of retrofitting, including the fuel storage and fuel supply system, ranges between US$5 million and US$15 million depending on the type of fuel and, as a rule of thumb, this should not exceed 25% of the newbuild cost of a ship to be economically viable. A ship should typically have a minimum newbuild cost of around US$50 million to be suitable for retrofitting”.

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Ships fitting these criteria include tankers above 50,000DWT, bulkers above 160,000DWT and containers above 7,000TEU, among others. However, in some cases, such as for ships retrofitting to methanol, this cost can be lower. Yard capacity would also be a factor in determining the potential for retrofitting. Newbuilding yard numbers have virtually halved since the heady days of 2008 with around 200 having closed. Repair yards and drydocking facilities have not suffered this degree of closure but to remain competitive the sector need only cater for the normal scheduled repairs and the average annual amount of emergency work. Newer engines designed for conversion A typical conversion to dual fuel would involve a number of new engine components and the installation of a new fuel system for the chosen alternative fuel(s). Both Hansen of Man ES and WinGD’s Holtbecker stress the point that their engines have been developed for some years now with eventual conversion in mind. Both organisations have their own service and engineering divisions that would likely be contracted to take on the work of conversions alongside repair yards and they would in most cases be drawing on the same bank of sub-contractors that licensees use for component supply. That would require a ramping up of production by contractors and also require recruitment and training of new staff. That would likely be a gradual process and in some respects is already getting underway as there have been a number of conversions already carried out. An alternative to engine conversion might be to consider carbon capture. Several manufacturers of scrubbers are exploring the potential of upgrading a SOx scrubber to a system that can also capture CO2. For that to work, there does need to be a reception infrastructure to be developed, but if there is a financial value that can be extracted from captured CO2 as many believe this should not pose a big problem. Assuming that shipping’s decarbonisation trajectory remains basically on track, none of the capacity problems would seem to be insurmountable even if the path is not as smooth as would be hoped.

8 Rudolf Holtbecker, Director Operations at WinGD


Source: WinGD

A maximum addressable market of 9,000-12,900 large merchant vessels identified up to 2030, after which it is anticipated that all vessels will be built with net-zero or near-zero carbon fuels capability


ANOTHER TIER III ROUTE FOR METHANOL ENGINES Emission abatement using SCR will be made available alongside exhaust gas recirculation (EGR), the existing method of driving down NOx to Tier III criteria for all engines in the ME-LGIM programme. The delivery of a broader choice is intended to suit owner or shipyard preferences, and individual considerations of operational expenses and capital expenditure. Low-pressure SCR (LPSCR) is being introduced in application to the most potent, large-bore designs, the G95ME-C10.5-LGIM and G80ME-C10.5-LGIM types, while the high-pressure variant (HPSCR) is also an option for the latter, 800mm-bore series. HPSCR is otherwise the system that can be specified for the 600mm-, 500mm- and 450mm-bore engines of the S60ME-/G60ME-C10.5-LGIM, S50ME/G50MEC9.6-LGIM and G45ME-C9.7-LGIM classes, respectively. In general, NOx emissions decrease about 30% when using methanol instead of diesel oil, on the basis of the same thermodynamic operating parameters. This is an effect of the intrinsically colder methanol flame. Accordingly, there is a substantial headroom for specific fuel oil consumption (SFOC) optimisation of the methanol process while still maintaining NOx emission compliance to the Tier II standard. However, realising Tier III requires a further step and associated investment. In 2020, MAN augmented its ME-LGIM range with a version capable of running on a mixture of methanol and water, meeting performance requirements while keeping within the Tier III limits. The ME-LGIM-W (emulsion) solution, whereby the addition of water to the methanol reduces combustion temperature, has the fundamental merit of obviating the need for, and expense of, EGR or SCR.

Source: MAN Energy Solutions

A further option for achieving IMO Tier III NOx emission compliance when operating on methanol fuel has been unveiled by MAN Energy Solutions. Methanol dual-fuel two-stroke engines of the ME-LGIM series will now be offered with selective catalytic reduction (SCR) technology

8 MAN ES is adding a high-pressure SCR option (HPSCR) for ME-LGIM engines with bore sizes up to 800mm-bore, and a low-pressure SCR (LPSCR) option for its G95ME-C10. 5-LGIM and G80MEC10.5-LGIM types

In the latest initiative, the Tier III abatement offering with SCR for ME-LGIM engines allows for ease of integration in all relevant vessel designs. The company has extensive service experience with both EGR and SCR, and particularly so in the case of the latter, with more than 900 SCR systems at sea to date across its twostroke portfolio.

HHI-EMD targets oxicat prototype test by Q3 2024 Hyundai Heavy Industries Engine & Machinery Division (HHI-EMD) held a webinar on 30 October 2023 discussing its after-treatment research for LNG, and announced that it plans to complete the prototype of its methane oxidation catalyst (oxicat) technology by Q3 2024.. Speaking at the webinar, senior engineer Yoonyong Kim noted that the Methane Oxidation Catalyst System (MOCS) formed part of the company’s efforts to reduce methane slip from its dual-fuel 4-stroke engines. Kim noted that HiMSEN had retained a market leading position in the dual-fuel LNG newbuilding segment, where the proportion of orders received by HHI-EMD reached 66% in 2022, in a market where over 100 LNGC


newbuildings were ordered. HHI-EMD had achieved market shares of 78% in 2020 and 2021, albeit in markets with lower ordering activity. Kim clarified that the revised product development schedule will see a prototype test occur in Q3 2024. The next step in the timeline was a system test with an engine to ensure that the system functions and performs as expected. The development team have already verified the performance of the catalyst with an engine during a scaled test in Q2 2023. Following the scaled test, further optimisation and improvement work was being undertaken. Kim noted that the oxicat solution under development was expected to be able to reduce emissions by up to 80%, which represents a slight reduction on the

90% reduction potential originally anticipated in 2021. HHI has various solutions for methane slip including in-cylinder technology that can reduce emissions by up to 47%. The so-called Methane Slip Solution (MSS) uses software to improve combustion performance, and employs multiple pilot fuel injection and cyclinder cut off strategies. The solution, in tandem with refinements to the design of the combustion chamber by minimising crevice volumes, has been installed on 176 vessels and 628 engines. Kim noted that the MSS solution offers even greater methane slip reduction possibilities when dual-fuel engines are operating at lower loads, citing savings of 52.7% at 50% load, and 83.7% at 25% load.

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Ammonia (NH3) Cargo handling systems and fuel systems for NH3 carriers and -bunker vessels Ammonia Fuel Systems

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WÄRTSILÄ INTRODUCES NEW 31DF ULTRA LOW EMISSION VARIANT A new ultra low emission version of Wärtsilä’s 310-bore dual-fuel engine claims to reduce methane slip by up to 41% compared with the previous Wärtsilä 31DF engine The new version, which has been added to Wärtsilä’s product portfolio with immediate effect, will set a new standard for methane slip emissions for 4-stroke dual-fuel engines. The new version of the Wärtsilä 31DF is being added as a specifiable option for new Wärtsilä 31DF main mover orders from 1 November 2023. The ultra low emisison solution is also being offered as an option for genset orders for constant speed Wärtsilä 31DF gensets, which cover electric propulsion installations. Unchanged Engine Dimensions Wärtsilä is understood to be developing the ultra-low emissions solution for variable speed installations, and plans to add the option to its portfolio in the future. The engine builder noted that the new version of the Wärtsilä 31DF engine will not alter the Wärtsilä 31 outline dimensions, and that the new version would not require any additional off-engine module or aftertreatment system. Wärtsilä’s Director of R&D and Engineering, Juha Kytölä, told a press conference that upgrading existing Wärtsilä 31DF engines to the new ultra low version would require the replacement of some engine components and an upgrade to the engine management system, rather than a larger engine conversion project. Improved Performance at Lower Loads The technology also improves the emissions profile of the dual-fuel engine to an even greater extent when operating at low and medium loads, which will offer significant emission reduction opportunities for customers operating vessels on short-sea routes with frequent port calls. In gas mode, the new ultra-low emission version can reduce methane emissions by up to 56% and nitrogen oxide (NOx) by up to 86% when operating at 50% load. The solution makes use of a two-stage turbocharger design consisting of one low pressure and one high pressure turbocharger arranged in series, akin to that introduced with the 46TS-DF engine in 2022. The new 31DF also leverages the stepless valve timing on both inlet and exhaust valves, which makes it possible to adjust the timing of the inlet valve and exhaust valve whilst operating the engine, within a range,

in a stepless manner, for each cylinder. This optimises air supply and combustion which, together with its two-stage turbocharging, helps to improved combustion stability and efficiency across the load range. Wärtsilä has not divulged significant details about the advanced combustion closed-loop controls leverage the flexibility of the fuel injection and valve train systems. The technology itself is in-built into the control and automation system of the engine, and does not require any special training for the ship’s engineers, beyond normal engine training. Juha Kytölä previously noted that the ability to optimise the engine’s operation to suit each fuel’s methane number was expected to help the engine optimise operations with variable gas qualities. Wasaline’s Teir confirmed that this was expected to benefit Wasaline, which is exploring the use of biogas in its engines as part of its decarbonisation efforts.

8 Wärtsilä’s new ultra-low emission version of the Wärtsilä 31DF engine

Green Ray and SeaTech As previously reported by The Motorship, the solution was developed as part of the EU co-funded Green Ray and SeaTech projects. In July, The Motorship reported that the SeaTech project has involved the development of a set of engine technologies which enable a novel combustion concept that leads to a drastic reduction of CH4 and NOx emissions.


The new engine version was trialled on one of the four W8V31DF engines on board Wasaline’s Aurora Botnia ferry. The retrofit work took place in September 2022 and by the end of 2022 the engine had accumulated about 300 hours in gas mode. The operational results, which indicated that the engine combustion solution had reduced the Aurora Botnia’s methane

emissions by 10%, were verified through an independent study conducted in December 2022 by VTT, the Technical Research Centre of Finland. Jonas Teir, Technical Director at Wasaline, confirmed that the shipowner was opening discussions with Wärtsilä to convert the RoPax’s remaining W8V31DF engines to ultra low emission variants.

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EXTENDING LIFESPAN OF SHIPS OFFERS GREEN EFFICIENCIES The shift to lower carbon energy sources may well lead to the use of more expensive materials and components onboard ships in the future This raises the question of whether vessels such as dry bulk carriers, tankers and container ships should have a longer service life than the 25 years that is a common timescale to depreciate these assets today. Another aspect of this is the question whether a mid- life refit, such as given to e.g. cruise ships today, would be needed in the future to upgrade the systems onboard cargo vessels of various types as well to extend their service life to 30 or even 35 years. Niels Rasmussen, Chief Shipping Analyst at BIMCO in Denmark said in a report in the summer that historically about 50% of dry bulk, tanker, and container ships by deadweight capacity have been recycled by the time they would reached the age of 25 years and 90% by the time these ships reach the age of 35 years. He forecast that some 15,000 vessels totaling about 600 million dwt would be sold for recycling between 2023 and 2032 as a result of tightening environmental legislation. This would be more than twice the figures of the previous 10 years. “I would not talk necessarily about more expensive materials, but more complex and expensive systems – dual fuel motors, LNG tanks etc.,” said Markus Aarnio, Chief Naval Architect at the Finland based consultancy firm Foreship. Battery packs, which are costly, will not help to power ocean going ships, although they can be fitted onboard such vessels as well to help with peak shaving and offer spinning reserve, he noted. As to whether cargo tonnage of the future would have a longer service life and require a mid- life refit to achieve this, Aarnio said that both fuel cells and battery packs have quite a limited lifetime. This means that either the packs as a whole or at least key components in them need to be replaced quite regularly. “It is difficult to say if this would extend the service life (of ships), all depends on future fuel availability and cost. However, it may be that if a wrong decision is made today, lifetime (of a system) can be quite short or a big conversion is needed,” Aarnio told The Mtotorship. The engine designer MAN ES and the classification society DNV examined the exiting global merchant fleet and the cost of converting ships to use dual fuel engines. “The cost of retrofitting, including the fuel storage and fuel supply system, ranges between USD 5 million and USD 15 million depending on the type of fuel and, as a rule of thumb, this should not exceed 25% of the newbuild cost of a ship to be economically viable,” said Christos Chryssakis, Business Development Manager at DNV, in the report that was published in May. “A ship should typically have a minimum newbuild cost of around USD 50 million to be suitable for retrofitting,” Chryssakis concluded in the report called “Challenging road ahead for retrofitting to dual-fuel engines.” He also pointed out that less than 10% of the existing merchant fleets are regarded as theoretic candidates for retrofitting. “We don’t see this happening today due to costs and uncertainties but think that this could be achieved over


the next five to ten years, particularly after 2030 when regulations really start biting. However, it is difficult to predict how many of these will actually materialise,” he said.

8 Piers Strong, Silverstream Technologies

Economic considerations key in dual fuel retrofit However, from the technology point of view, the picture is clearer: economic, not technical factors play a key role here. Bernd Siebert, Head of Retrofit & Upgrades After Sales Marine & Power at MAN PrimeServ in Germany, said that the company has the technologies for older vessels as well when it comes to the use biofuels, LNG, methanol etc. “With our retrofit packages we have the strategy to extend the lifetime of our engines and the relevant vessels while being compliant to the regulations still up to the age of 30 and above,” he said. When it comes to installing clean technology, it is important to analyse the total cost of ownership throughout the vessel’s life and to understand a technology’s payback period, said Piers Strong, Business Development Manager – Indirect Sales at Silverstream Technologies. The UK based company that offers air lubrication technology and Strong said the payback period is between two and five years depending on the ship’s operating profile. Investment in clean technologies will, to a degree, shift the focus of expenditure as higher capital expenditure should lead to a reduction in operating costs of a ship. However, because efficiency leads to decreased fuel burn, clean technologies like the Silverstream System can help to decrease the volume of fuel required to be stored onboard. This should reduce the capital outlay compared to a less efficient vessel as more space would be left to revenue earning freight or passenger spaces. The question what technology owners should consider for

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EMISSIONS ABATEMENT Roro ships, ferries and cruise vessels already often have a working life of 40 years. It could be possible that e.g. bulkers would have an extended life in the future as well


installation onboard their ship should look for emissions savings that have been independently verified. This is often achieved when a technology goes through systematic testing phases in collaboration with class societies. “Technologies that can be switched on and off aid in delivering an initial indication of performance, however the need for systematic and continued performance analysis does not diminish. Clarity on how performance data should be captured, processed and analysed is essential for understanding the impact of all technologies. This is a careful science in its own right and investment of time and resources is essential,” Strong concluded. Some retrofits offer short payback time Guido Schulte, Managing Director Elomatic Maritime Technologies and Sales Director Marine & Offshore said that without a doubt, it is evident that prices for certain equipment are expected to rise. “However, it is important to note that not all the developments are necessarily expensive, and some highly beneficial investments yield returns in less than two years,” he told The Motorship. These may involve hardware enhancements aimed at reducing hull resistance - such as Elomatic’s own Elogrid for tunnel thruster openings - as well as the application of lowfriction coatings. Additionally, propulsion improvement devices like wake equalisation ducts and rudder bulbs can also contribute to significant fuel savings. “When all these elements are strategically integrated, the potential for achieving up to 10% fuel efficiency gains becomes readily apparent, offering substantial benefits in a short span of time,” Schulte said. When these intelligent measures are applied to new vessels, along with a comprehensive and state-of-the-art hull shape and appendix optimisation, the result can be a substantial reduction in the required installed power. “The savings achieved through such optimisations may, in fact, offset a significant portion of the additional costs associated with more intricate measures, such as the adoption of renewable fuels like green methanol or green ammonia,” Schulte pointed out. Moving to existing ships, Schulte said that the expected lifespan of well-designed ships significantly exceeds 25 years, but it is essential to acknowledge that many vessels are prematurely retired from service not because of technical deterioration but due to the inability to operate them profitably. “It's akin to owning low-cost cars with high fuel consumption and a propensity for frequent breakdowns; these factors inevitably lead to their premature disposal. A similar scenario unfolded in in the wake of the financial crisis,

where numerous ships, some less than 20 years old, met their end. Noteworthy is that none of the quality-built tonnage was affected by that scrap wave,” Schulte stated. Forward thinking planning In light of the new era of firm regulations, it is imperative to engage in more forward-thinking planning. This involves meticulous design considerations and a certain level of anticipation. “Shipowners must focus on creating vessels that are future-proof, capable of adapting to evolving industry standards and market demands. This proactive approach will ensure not only compliance with regulations but also long and prosperous careers for these welldesigned ships,” he said. When asked if a mid- life refit would be needed in the future to extend the viable service life of ships, Schulte said: “Absolutely, we need to make sure that beyond exploiting today’s cutting-edge technologies, the vessels need to be enabled to take on expected upcoming technologies once they are matured, safe and become available.” To achieve this, measures such as provisions for flexible space allocation and smart convertible spaces, as well as reserves for piping and cabling or arrangements that are not only compliant with existing regulations but also adaptable to future rule updates. “By planning for these advancements today, shipowners gain a solid foundation for their strategic planning. Ultimately, a well-designed vessel equipped with such foresight is poised to deliver a more extended and profitable operational lifespan, making it a wise and forward-thinking investment in the maritime industry,” he concluded. Finn Wollesen, Managing Director of Knud E. Hansen in Denmark, agreed by saying that it is possible that ships such as container vessels, dry bulk carriers and tankers will undergo a mid life refit in the future to extend their working life from 25 years to 30 or even 35 years, said He said that one of the most frequent question owners pose to the consultant naval architect firm is what fuel or fuels should their new vessel be designed to use. “There is no single answer to that question. It depends on many factors – where will the ship operate, what fuels are available there. Another question is the far greater amount of space that new fuels take compared to oil. In case of methanol, three times as much is needed to store the same amount of energy, for ammonia the figure is five or six times and for hydrogen 16 times. While for all these fuels the main challenge has been to scale existing technologies up to marine use, in the case of molten salt reactors that are also mentioned as a potential future energy source for ships, the situation is the revere: existing technologies should be scaled down. “Roro ships, ferries and cruise vessels already often have a working life of 40 years. It could be possible that e.g. bulkers would have an extended life in the future as well,” Wollesen said. However, in each case, there are several considerations that affect the outcome whether or not this should happen or not, both technical and financial. It is therefore not possible to give a conclusive answer that could apply in the case of every vessel, he concluded 8 From left to right: Berndt Siebert, Finn Wollesen Petersen, Guido Schulte and Markus Aarnio

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21 NOV Hamburg 23 2023 Germany




Conference Programme Empire Riverside Hotel, Hamburg Powering shipping’s emissions-cutting ambitions Propulsion stream | Alternative fuels stream | Technical visit Two days of conference streams commencing with a keynote panel focused on the cost of financing decarbonisation and who is going to pay, followed by sessions that will explore the Fuels for 2030, Safety challenges with new technology and the shortlisted nominations for the Motorship Awards. Within the streamed sessions on day 2 you can expect to learn about the specific challenges with LNG / bio methane, ammonia, methanol, liquefied hydrogen, retrofit solutions, advances in lubrications, and carbon capture. Chairmen: Lars Robert Pedersen, Deputy Secretary General, BIMCO Markus Münz, Managing Director, VDMA Large Engines Sponsored by:

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Coffee & Registration

09:00 Chairman’s welcome Lars Robert Pedersen, Deputy Secretary General, BIMCO


Lars Robert Pedersen, Deputy Secretary General, BIMCO Dr. Harry Conway, Chair, The Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC), IMO Annika Kroon, Head of Unit D1 Maritime, Transports & Logistics, European Commission Simon Bennett, Deputy Secretary General, International Chamber of Shipping Markus Münz, Managing Director, VDMA Large Engines Wolfram Guntermann, Director Regulatory Affairs, Hapag-Lloyd AG

10:30-10:50 Coffee and Networking


Sebastian Ebbing, Technical Advisor, VDR (German Shipowners’ Association)


Reaching 2030: the continuous marathon of change – regulatory, technological and financial challenges.

Antony Vourdachas, Principal Engineer, Global Sustainability, ABS Whether it is the IMO CII, EU ETS or FuelEU, Ship Operators are facing major challenges adapting to the new regulatory landscape. Multiple ship types and operational profiles require different approaches to reaching the mid-term 2030 goals and one solution does not fit all.

Taking efficiency to the next level for large cargo vessels Oskar Levander, VP Strategy & Business Development, I&E, Kongsberg Maritime Exploring technologies to reduce energy demand and improve efficiency of cargo vessels and showcase a new ship concept with the aim of providing CII compliance for the ships lifetime without need of low carbon fuels.

Breaking new ground for efficiency in the marine industry

Janne Pohjalainen, Global Product Line Manager, ABB Dynafin™, ABB Marine & Ports ABB Dynafin™ is a new concept representing a revolutionary propulsion system breaking new ground for efficiency in the marine industry.

Maritime Energy Transition to 2050 Rasmus Stute - Area Manager, DNV Maritime Gain the latest insights from DNV’s Energy Transition Outlook to 2050. How will the maritime industry respond to the decarbonization challenge? What will the maritime fuel mix look like in the years to come?




Lunch & Networking


Lars Robert Pedersen, Deputy Secretary General, BIMCO


Enabling sustainable scalable fuel pathways – with a focus on Ammonia Claus Winter Graugaard, Head of Onboard Vessel Solutions, Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller Center for Zero Carbon Shipping Ammonia introduces new risks mainly due to its toxic properties. The MMMCZCS are working thoroughly with their partners and industry stakeholders to establish intelligence, strong risk management principles, safeguards, human factors, emissions, bunking standards, guidelines, and develop novel ship design solutions. Claus will be sharing the latest work on the qualification of the ammonia fuel pathway.

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Global Lubmarine approach to support decarbonisation and the challenges to overcome Cecile Joannin, Brand Manager, Lubmarine From developing new lubrication management strategies to help solve key challenges around reduced CO2 emissions, Lubmarine is developing an increasing array of digital tools that not only aims at supporting engine monitoring and maintenance but at providing data on Lubricant related Carbon Footprint.

New Technology & Safety Paul Hughes, President and Co-Founder, Shift Clean Energy Using a pay-as-you-go subscription model for electrification, swappable batteries create a viable solution for maritime decarbonization. With a commercial subscription model, customers pay for energy used per trip, eliminating typical barriers of electrification such as capex, charging infrastructure, and battery maintenance.

Exploring the integration challenges in the maritime Gisle Anderssen, VP Sales and Marketing, Vard Electro Integrating power systems with alternative fuels to achieve optimal energy efficiency for sustainable operations.




Coffee and Networking

SESSION 3: THE MOTORSHIP AWARDS 15:30-17:00 • WinGD Variable Compression Ratio (VCR) solution for X-DF engines Marcel Ott, General Manager, Application Engineering, WinGD

• Wärtsilä Ultra low emission gas engine technology Diego Delneri, General Manager, Systems & product performance

• ABB Technical aspects of ABB Dynafin™ propulsion concept Janne Pohjalainen, Global Product Line Manager, Marine Propulsion, ABB Marine & Ports

• MSC Shipmanagement/Wärtsilä - Fit4Power

Franklin Stephen Karkada, Director Fleet Performance, MSC Shipmanagement Stam Achillas, Head of Business Development & Sales, 2-Stroke Decarbonisation Solutions, Wartsila


Conference wrap-up and close

17:00-18:00 Drinks Reception 18:30

Conference Dinner - Hamburg Elbspeicher, 22767 Hamburg

DAY TWO - Wednesday 22 November 2023 08:30

Coffee & Registration

09:00-09:15 Recap of day 1 by Chairmen Lars Robert Pedersen, Deputy Secretary General, BIMCO


Lars Robert Pedersen, Deputy Secretary General, BIMCO


New generation of LNG fuelled container vessels: what has been improved and what will come next? Can Murtezaoğlu, Business Development Manager EMEAI, GTT Tom Strang, SVP Maritime Affairs, Carnival Corporation & plc Elvis Ettenhofer, Head of New Marine Solutions, Four Stroke Marine & License, MAN Energy Solutions Captain Michael Behmerburg, Global Fuel Purchasing, Director Green Fuels, Hapag-Lloyd AG


Coffee and Networking

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Moderator: Lars Robert Pedersen, Deputy Secretary General, BIMCO

Moderator: Markus Münz, Managing Director, VDMA Large Engines

Ammonia as a Shipping Fuel: Project AmmoniaMot and research into 4-Stroke Engines in Medium and High-Speed Applications

This session will be looking at the specific challenges with methanol.

Christian Kunkel, Head of Combustion Development, MAN Energy Solution SE 2-Stroke engines will use ammonia in 2025, but what about 4-Stroke engines in smaller vessels? Listen in to hear about state of development and the AmmoniaMot project.

Greg Dolan, Chief Executive Officer, Methanol Institute Methanol has emerged as a leading alternative marine fuel, now dominating the orderbook for newbuild container ships. Let’s explore methanol’s role as a practical, affordable and sustainable marine fuel, across the full range of shipping.

Pathway to Zero Carbon Emissions – Ammonia as Fuel Dieter Hilmes, Senior Sales Manager, TGE Marine Ammonia will be one of the most important fuels for driving forward the decarbonisation of shipping. Dieter will highlight the opportunities and challenges that this new maritime fuel will bring.

Bringing ammonia 2-Stroke engines to the marine market Marcel Ott, General Manager, Application Engineering, WinGD Outline of challenges and opportunities related to the development of X-DF-A products.

Reliability and Robustness in Ammonia fuel supply systems

Konstantinos Fakiolas, Naval Architect & Marine Engineer, Nikkiso Clean Energy and Industrial Gases The features of a Nikkiso reliable and robust ammonia fuel system will be demonstrated, and how functional performance and safety on board can be secured.

Methanol: A Future-Proof Marine Fuel

Decarbonizing global shipping: The practical steps to leveraging green methanol’s potential Barend Van Schalkwyk, Business Development Director, OCI Green methanol is a crucial alternative fuel for the maritime sector to reach its decarbonization targets and the leading choice for the industry today. Drawing on OCI’s position as the world’s largest green methanol producer through its OCI HyFuels brand, Barend will share recent experiences supplying and bunkering the world’s first green methanol powered container ship and highlight what more needs to be done.

Methanol as Ship-Fuel – Solutions for the Fuel Supply System Christoph Dytert, Marine Project Sales Manager, Alfa Laval MidEurope GmbH Alfa Laval offers and develops solutions to supply multiple fuels to the ship engine as prescribed by the engine makers.

The world’s First Green Methanol Container Vessel Christian Skoudal Løth, Senior Project Manager, Machinery dept., Maersk Presentation of Maersk’s coming fleet of container vessels sailing on Green Methanol incl. lessons learnt throughout the projects.

11.55-12.15 Q&A

11.55-12.15 Q&A

12:15-13:45 Lunch & Networking

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Moderator: Lars Robert Pedersen, Deputy Secretary General, BIMCO

Moderator: Sebastian Ebbing, Technical Advisor, VDR (German Shipowners’ Association)

New Rules – Handling Liquid Hydrogen Safely

Will Pre-Combustion Carbon Capture Systems Applied to LNG Carriers and Containerships be an Option to Reduce CO2 emissions?

Rolf Stiefel, Country Chief Executive, Bureau Veritas Marine & Offshore for Central Europe Hydrogen is both explosive and highly flammable, and it is vital that the right safeguards are in place to ensure its safe storage and use on board. New BV Rules on hydrogen will provide the industry with guidelines that keep seafarers and vessels safe.

Hydrogen projects update and initial lessons learnt Michael North, Commercial Manager, Norway Lloyd’s Register Presenting various projects using hydrogen as a fuel. These will include projects that are already delivered and in operation as well as projects that are in build or soon to be built, and an update on the status of the With Orca project, following the project’s Motorship award last year.

“MS NH3 Kraken” Worlds first vessel powered by ammonia. Mr Christian W. Berg, Managing Director, Amogy Norway By using Ammonia as a Hydrogen carrier, we use the best of two worlds; Hydrogen is difficult to transport and difficult to store on a vessel, but the Hydrogen Fuel Cell Technology is mature. Ammonia on the other hand is easy to transport and easy to store on a vessel. Amogy’s proprietary technology converts ammonia into a Hydrogen which again is used on a PEM Fuel Cell to generate electricity for propulsion.

Containerized marine fuel cell system Sami Kanerva, Global Product Manager, ABB Marine & Ports Containerized marine fuel cell system comprises type approved fuel cell modules, internal piping, required auxiliaries and safety systems. Designed for abovedeck installation, it provides a feasible solution to decrease the carbon intensity of existing vessels under stringent emission control requirements.

14.45-15.05 Q&A 15:05-15:35

René Sejer Laursen, Director, Fuels & Technology, ABS During 2022 Rotoboost achieved an AIP for their pre-combustion carbon capture technology at ABS. It has been found that Rotoboost’s solution is one of the most promising technical solutions capable of reducing carbon by nearly 100%, also reducing the carbon footprint of the ship to the agreed upon level. Wärtsilä has a program for development of hydrogen fueled engines, that can operate on hydrogen as well as a blend of hydrogen and methane. Implementation and integration of those two systems into a ships design will be discussed in details.

Regulatory issues ebastian Ebbing, Technical Advisor, German S Shipowners’ Association

The Transition to Carbon Capture and Future Fuels – Before, during and after Maurice van Gammeren, Commercial Manager, Value Maritime Discover carbon capture in action as we delve into the process of installing such systems onboard ships as well as the most effective ways to store carbon onboard and the benefits involved.

Onboard Carbon Capture – Practical Solution or Fantasy? Merten Stein, Head of Shipping Advisory West Europe, DNV Onboard Carbon Capture systems enter the market – but can they play a credible role in solving Maritime’s CO2 challenge?

14.45-15.05 Q&A

Coffee & Networking

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Moderator: Lars Robert Pedersen, Deputy Secretary General, BIMCO

Moderator: Markus Münz, Managing Director, VDMA Large Engines

Achieving EEXI and CII compliance with energy efficiency technologies:

Research work for the development of lubrication solutions for future marine fuels

Alessandro Castagna, Sales Manager / Naval Architect, Sales Department, Becker Marine Systems GmbH The installation of propulsion improving energy efficiency devices (ESD) is proven to be one of the most suitable solutions in terms of cost and efficiency gain. ESDs like the Becker Mewis Duct® and Becker Twisted Fin® have a direct impact on the calculation of the EEXI (increase of Vref) and CII (reduction of fuel consumption and consequently CO2 emissions), improving the rating and helping shipping companies to reach compliance and to stay operationally competitive

Todays and tomorrows market for Dual Fuel Retrofit Klaus Rasmussen, Head of Projects and PVU Sales MAN PrimeServ, MAN Energy Solutions The demand in new building market will not be enough to reach global de-carbonisation targets – retrofit of existing fleet can and will support the owners ambitious de-carbonisation strategies and also ensure that vessels can obtain CII rating the rest of vessels life time.

How engine part load optimization can help improve profitability while contributing to CII compliance for merchant marine vessels Stam Achillas - Head of Business Development & Sales, 2-Stroke Decarbonisation Solutions, Wärtsilä Simone Bernasconi - Head of Global Product Line Upgrades, Accelleron Wärtsilä and Accelleron demonstrate the potential of engine part load optimization for merchant marine vessels in increasing profitability and enhancing regulatory compliance through joint field experience.

Applying alternative fuels to existing ships Mark Penfold Technical Specialist, Power Generation, Lloyd’s Register Findings of the new Engine Retrofit Report: addressing shipping’s carbon challenge through the technical analysis of retrofit options.

16.35-16.55 Q&A

livier Denizart, Power and Marine Technical Manager, O Lubmarine The operation challenges that ship operators face grow daily with increasing scrutiny on decarbonization efforts. How engines are lubricated is a critical piece of this puzzle. Olivier Denizart shares key insights on the about the latest R&D results on lubrication solutions for engines using the future marine fuels.

Advancements in cylinder lubrication for two stroke engines

ikolaj Kristensen, Head of R&D, Hans Jensen Lubricators N Advancements in cylinder liner lubrication technology have led to the development of spray lubrication systems, which offer increased flexibility as a means for reducing consumption, improving engine durability, and preparing for green fuels.

Lubricating the decarbonisation transition

Cassandra Higham, Marketing Director, Castrol Global Industrial, Marine & Energy Marketing Director The emerging expanded fuel mix poses new opportunities and risks, meaning the role of lubricants and lubricant providers within this sustainability-driven market is evolving. Castrol supports customers in smoothly navigating the ever-changing market with digital and human technical expertise.

Sterntubeless vessels with water lubricated bearings – a novel promising design concept

Chris Leontopoulos, Director, Global Ship Systems Center, ABS ABS granted “Approval In Principle” to the Shanghai Merchant Ship Design and Research Institute, SDARI, for a revolutionary vessel design that negates the risk of pollution from oil-lubricated bearing seals and promotes efficient vessel operations. The design, also developed in cooperation with Thordon Bearings, Canada, and the National Technical University of Athens, involves elimination of the sterntube, utilizing seawater for bearing lubrication, and creating an aft chamber to permit in-water maintenance, thus eliminating the need for drydocking or shaft line removal to replace the bearing and/or the seal. This promises significant efficiencies and substantial cost savings for most vessel types.

16.35-16.55 Q&A


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16:55-17:10 Conference Wrap up with Moderators and Chairmen Lars Robert Pedersen, Deputy Secretary General, BIMCO Markus Münz, Managing Director, VDMA Large Engines Sebastian Ebbing, Technical Advisor, VDR (German Shipowners’ Association)


Conference Close


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information call +44 1329 825335 or email Book online at ForFurther further information please call +44 1329 825335 or email

Conference Fee Cost per delegate Premium rate: €2475/ £2,100 Premium fee includes: • Conference Attendance with lunch and refreshments on both days • Full documentation in electronic format • Place at drinks reception (21 November) • Place at conference dinner (21 November) • Place at technical visit (23 November) Cost per delegate Standard rate: €2,380/ £2,000 • Group booking discounts available • Special rate available for recognised educational establishments & ship operators Please contact us for details

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MAN 4-STROKE EYES DIGITAL EXPANSION Bernd Eberwein, Head of Digital Services 4-Stroke at MAN Energy Solutions in Augsburg discusses plans to extend trials for planned maintenance services on components within its portfolio in 2024 Thank you for agreeing to this interview, Bernd. Could

Q you just give us an insight into your background and

your journey into digitalisation. I started in Augsburg in 2014, working in the Group Strategy team. When changed our focus and brand from MAN Diesel & Turbo to MAN Energy Solutions, I was happy to be able to be part of that. I have been following digitalisation since 2016 when we began to develop our own perspective on digital, but I only began working for Digital directly in 2022 when I moved across from a Project Manager role.


Would it be fair to say so your focus extends beyond

Q engine management solutions, and includes a wider range of solutions that you're that you're working on for customers? From the four-stroke engine side, we are expanding our solutions as we increasingly learn what to do with data. So machine learning or Big Data analysis of data sets is challenging, but we are slowly and steadily getting there. I think the next two, three years, will get exciting. Also, because of course, we always plan to introduce new products.


Alongside your plans for machine learning for data,

Q there are also interesting developments in the field

of high frequency data and and what you can do with that. It's also improving your insight into what's happening on individual assets or within individual cylinders within an existing engine. Absolutely, that's the tightrope we are working with. On the one hand, we need to have high resolution data to do analysis. On the other hand, we don't want to send gigabytes of data every day… so we need to find a balance. And here, I think we will gain from new types of transmitting data where every data point is compared with the previous data point. And if it's close enough that it will not be transferred, because the property is not relevant. But if it's far off, then it will trigger automatically a higher resolution data transmission. And that's something which will help us on an asset basis and really on a cylinder basis, as you mentioned, without having to wait for the next data point, let's say in one minute.


But would it be fair to say that at the moment, you don't

Q need high frequency data to be transmitted on a sort of millisecond or fractions of a second basis at the moment? The high-frequency data is being used by the automation and control system, which is automatically giving out alerts or shutdowns, load reductions, whatever if something occurs. So yes, we in the cloud are mainly doing monitoring, but depending on the type of breakdown or issue there is, case by case, we need very, very detailed and fragmented data.


This has been an interesting area of development, in terms of higher frequency data opening up opportunities for potentially even predictive maintenance



solutions and so on. Presumably, that's something on your list of priorities as well? Absolutely. We have begun pilots on predictive maintenance, meaning lifetime assessments, for a number of components already. We are looking at detailed assessments based on component level formulas, drawing upon granular data points. So we are getting there. At the moment, we have already launched a pilot where we monitor the first two components in the system, but have not yet begun to offer a separate predictive maintenance product yet. If we see something, we advise the customer via our assistance and monitoring service. We aim to offer predictive maintenance for first components in 2024. Looking further into the future, we want to build on the data we receive to produce prolonged maintenance interval advice based on high-frequency data we receive.


8 MAN 4-stroke plans to begin offering predictive maintenance for its first components in 2024

Are you focusing on your naval customers for these

Q services or are you also looking at the commercial market? We are receiving strong interest from our cruise customers as well as our naval customers, both of whom have a strong interest in being able to improve their maintenance interval assessments for several core components within the engine. Even though we’re not planning to formally launch these solutions until 2024 hopefully, we have already been in touch with some of our customers about these concepts. It is important to involve your customers early in the process in digital developments.


In terms of your plan to roll out this solution, are you

Q able to give any more detail about which particular elements of the engine you're focusing on in the first launch? I don’t want to pre-empt our launch! And some decisions still need to be taken. But I want to add that, of course, it's going to be a rollout component by component and small


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DIGITALISATION Of course, new products might bring new business

steps. Because we will be able to include feedback from customers when we’re rolling our subsequent components.

A models and we are exploring these options.

you planning to make the solution applicable to Q Are existing engines as well as new orders, In terms of the

you think that the ability to compare actual Q Do operational data with test bed data might be able to

engines that the solution will be compatible with? The solution will be applicable for all the engines where we have a connectivity solution. And that's basically all or most engines from this millennium. It will not just be applicable to our very new engines, with our new generation control system. It will also be applicable for the installed fleet.

improve the operational parameters of engines? Yes, we as the OEM have the unique position to not only get operational data from the asset, but to compare it with data from the testbed. And also to compare it with hundreds of other engines sending data. This dataset is invaluable in identifying issues and in directing our attention. And then we want to take the next step with our Asset+ solution, which was announced in 2022, where we plan to take these operational learnings. In the future, we will be able to update and upgrade the control system software with the new generation four-stroke system. So we might learn that certain limits, we have set or certain thresholds have been maybe too conservative, or they're just not state of the art anymore. This means that we will be able to use the over the air update feature in our latest engine control system to update the control system, every time we learn something new. And every time there are updates in the future, we have that with this new generation. So we will be able to roll out these updates over the air. With this new capability we will be able to keep our engines state-of-the art across the whole life cycle – in an efficient and simple manner. They will always incorporate the latest cyber security updates, parameters and more. Applying these updates over-the-air is new to the market and we’re excited about it.


In terms of the value proposition, how will customers

Q benefit from adopting these services. In the end, customers will benefit from more tailored A intervals. By understanding how customers are using their assets, we will be able to improve reliability and save unscheduled maintenance, because parts will not break down. And that's the big value proposition here. And then if we can prolong maintenance intervals, because you run your engines smoothly and efficiently, you might have to exchange a certain part every 9000 hours instead of every 6000 hours. So depending on whether you choose condition based or predictive maintenance, you will see an improvement in either availability or opex costs. We have seen some interest in particular from the

Q cruise market in different types of commercial models,

Pict P Pic ict ctture u e © Th ur The W Weest st End n

such as power-as-a-service type contractual relationships. Is that part of your plans?


Becker Twist Rudder with bulb Your advantages: • Best manouevrability • Strong reliability • 24/7 support

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Source: BOSCH

In explosive proof that even oil company executives are not immune to politics, at the end of October, Shell boss Wael Sawan announced as many as 330 jobs would be cut in the energy major’s Low Carbon Solutions (LCS) division, writes Charlie Bartlett

The move is understood primarily as a swing at Shell’s efforts to introduce hydrogen as fuel for light mobility and personal vehicles. A decade ago, Shell stood to gain from persuading road users to buy hydrogen powered vehicles. Hydrogen, after all, could be made using fossil fuels – at the mere cost of releasing all their carbon content into the atmosphere – and sold to the consumer as ‘zero emission,’ in a way that was technically, if not actually, true. But ever since, the car industry has effectively laughed off Shell’s efforts. With more electrical components required on board than an electric car, about a third of the efficiency, and a tendency to explode (an issue admittedly, not entirely sidestepped with EVs) – hydrogen has not become carmakers’ future-fuel darling, and the dream of the fuel-cell electric vehicle (FCEV) is over. With one exception. Toyota, the one-time hybrid pioneer, is a staunch hydrogen bull. Its Mirai FCEV has been stubbornly refusing to die since 2015. “We want to ensure that hydrogen stays a viable option,” said Toyota’s new boss CEO Koji Sato, as recently as March. No country for old FCEVs But while it may seem like the odd one out on the world stage, the Japanese car firm is in fact only following the Diet’s lead. In 2017, Japan launched its Basic Hydrogen Strategy, envisioning hydrogen-powered cities, hydrogen-burning heaters in every home; and most of all, a thriving industry in FCEVs. In a scathing 2022 report, Re-examining Japan’s Hydrogen


8 German automotive OEM Bosch is expanding investments in hydrogen fuel cell investments

Strategy: Moving Beyond the “Hydrogen Society” Fantasy, Japan’s Renewable Energy Institute (REI) calls these notions into question. It notes that the Strategy seems to make no distinction between green hydrogen, produced using electrolysis powered by renewable energy, and grey hydrogen, produced by squeezing the carbon out of methane and blasting it into the atmosphere. REI also questions what it refers to as the “bad idea” applications of hydrogen (domestic heating, power generation, cars), when perfectly good use cases already exist. One of these is steelmaking, where hydrogen could replace coking coal and decarbonise perhaps the most polluting industry of them all. Another of REI’s examples of worthy industries is deep-sea shipping. But according to shipping itself, even that is optimistic. Classification society DNV, in its 2022 Maritime Forecast to 2050, predicted that uptake of liquid hydrogen for deep-sea vessels would be too low to be worth modelling. DNV revised this outlook for the 2023 edition: scenarios number 17 (‘very low electrofuel prices’ and 21 (‘very low blue fuel prices’) were altered to reflect a possible, but unlikely, sudden 25% reduction in the cost of liquid hydrogen; 25% drop in the capex cost of a hydrogen powered ship, and crucially, “a suitable arrangement” for storage. Common in all of DNV’s predictions involving hydrogen fuel, though, is the use of fuel cell technology. Fuel cells have a higher efficiency than an internal combustion engine (ICE); with state-of-the-art turbocharging, an engine’s chemicalto-kinetic energy conversion efficiency can approach 50%, but even today’s fuel cell technology can already exceed this

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HYDROGEN The proposal needs changes urgently… a ban on the combustion engine, when it can run in a climate-neutral way, seems a wrong approach for us


Stable combustion goal KHI is now developing hydrogen-powered dual-fuel engines, but surprisingly did not choose them to power Suiso Frontier. The vessel instead features a four diesel-electric setup with two 1360kW Nishishiba electric motors to drive the propeller. A brief attempt to burn hydrogen aboard was not met with success. An Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB) report details how part of the ship’s dedicated boil-off gas combustion engine was defective, causing the cooling to fail when it was switched on, resulting in a runaway fire incident. “During roughly 400 hours of service prior to the occurrence, the solenoid valves were subjected to conditions for which they were not designed,” wrote ATSB chief commissioner Angus Mitchell. “When one of these solenoid valves failed, the fan discharge damper it was operating closed. Consequently, the temperature of the gas combustion unit increased, eventually resulting in the discharge of flame from the unit’s vent stack.” In fact it wasn’t until last year that KHI managed to achieve ‘stable combustion’ of hydrogen using a single-cylinder test engine ‘without causing abnormal combustion or the overheating of parts in the combustion chamber,’ according to a corresponding statement. KHI has since moved on to a new design, approved by ClassNK late last year, for a 2400kW dual fuel hydrogen generator. It too would run on boil-off gas, this time from a subsequent and much larger hydrogen carrier of 160,000m3. But it is a mystery as to quite why a fuel cell – the most logical choice for a hydrogen gas-to-electric application – was not chosen instead. In the case of Germany’s MAN, however, this is less of a mystery. That company has carried out tests with its own internal combustion engines (ICE) to see how well they run on hydrogen, and discovered that using 25% hydrogen to 75% LNG works well in its MAN 35/44G TS, 51/60G and 51/60G TS gas engines. Pure hydrogen behaviour The company says the engines could even run on up to 100% hydrogen, said Matthias Auer, MAN Head of Performance and

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Source MAN ES

at 60% -- even reaching 80% with waste heat recovery. Given the challenge of hydrogen’s fuel tankage needs, it makes fundamental sense to combine it with a technology that can squeeze the most energy from a given quantity. Why, then, are engine companies looking to develop hydrogen powered engines? It may not surprise readers to learn that many such initiatives are Japanese. Built by Kawasaki Heavy Industries (KHI), a hydrogen carrier vessel, Suiso Frontier, began sailing in January 2022, and is currently plying a route between Australia and Japan. The vessel is owned by a consortium that is being called the CO2-free Hydrogen Energy Supply-chain Technology Research Association (HySTRA), consisting of several Japanese companies – Kawasaki, Iwatani, J-Power -- and Shell, which manages the vessel. Suiso Frontier carries shipments of grey hydrogen, made using steam-reforming of Australian lignite. Emissions, in an online explainer; however: “With shares of up to 30-35% of hydrogen, the influence on combustion properties isn’t that dramatic – there are moderate changes that can be compensated. At 100%, though, you have a completely different combustion behaviour.” There are certainly good operational reasons, then, to have an engine which could hedge its bets between LNG and hydrogen, and switch incrementally from one to the other over time. But mirroring Japan, this is probably mostly about cars. In the face of a European Commission throwing its weight behind the EV as the new standard of environmentallyfriendly passenger vehicle, the German government has expressed a desire to prevent the phasing out of ICEs, by fuelling them with biofuels, hydrogen, or some electro-fuel cocktail resembling diesel. Mercedes, BMW, VW and MAN would have almost no competitive advantage without them, especially with China having emerged as the unimpeachable lithium battery king, and subsequently flooding the market with EVs.

8 MAN ES announced that it was joining a research project to jointly develop 4-stroke hydrogenfuelled marine engine concepts in October 2023

To ICE or not to ICE? Speaking out against the EU’s planned ICE phase-out from 2035, German transport minister Volker Wissing said, in March: “The proposal needs changes urgently… a ban on the combustion engine, when it can run in a climate-neutral way, seems a wrong approach for us.” Unsurprisingly, Japan’s carmakers share this view. Toyota President Akio Toyoda has been repeatedly quoted as saying that “the enemy is carbon, not the internal combustion engine,” and like the German OEMs, suggests biofuel mixes – if not hydrogen -- by way of an alternative to electrics. For the moment, on the OEM side, the engineer seems to have taken a back seat to the politician. But with the cost of electro-fuels expected to be many times that of today’s fossil fuel, and hydrogen certainly no exception, MAN, Kawasaki, and the other engine builders of the developed world must be wondering if they can count on shipowners -- those famous internationalists -- to be similarly sympathetic to their plight.



VALUE OF METHANOL AND CCS OPTION STILL BEING DISCUSSED From a tank-to-wake perspective, even the use of green methanol fuel counts towards GHG emissions since methanol contains carbon, but it remains to be seen if onboard carbon capture and storage (CCS) is a viable solution to combine with it

8 With CCS-Ready scrubbers now being sold at pace, Wärtsilä’s studies across a range of vessel types come as next step in rapidly accelerating trajectory for CCS in shipping

From a tank-to-wake perspective, the use of methanol fuel on board the ship counts as a GHG emission since methanol contains carbon. This applies to both fossil-based methanol and synthetic/bio-methanol. Even if green hydrogen is used to produce methanol, if the source of the carbon is based on fossil fuels, it is challenging to label the resulting methanol as truly clean, says Dr Song Kanghyun, Senior Vice President & Head of KR Decarbonization, Ship R&D Center at Korean Register. This is because carbon emissions from fossil fuels are released into the atmosphere during the methanol utilisation phase, which occurs after its synthesis. “However, when fossil fuel-based carbon is captured and processed by onboard CCS, it is believed that it can be considered clean methanol, equivalent to green methanol.” Depending on the fuel used in the propulsion system, onboard CCS could be implemented in two ways: either the ship is propelled by methanol, or hydrogen produced by reforming methanol is used to power an internal combustion engine or fuel cell. “In both cases, the impact on the design and performance of the engine and fuel cell propulsion systems is expected to be extremely minimal. However, cargo losses due to the installation of onboard CCS equipment such as CO2 capture system, reboiler system, CO2 compressor, CO2 storage tank should be considered, as well as additional CO2 emissions resulting from the power consumption required to operate this equipment,” says Song. “Furthermore, if regulatory guidelines are established based on the criteria for recognising GHG reduction


effectiveness within the context of GHG regulation, specifically concerning the extent to which GHG reduction effects can be credited in each of the two cases described above, a plan for implementing onboard CCS in methanolpowered ships can be established.” Kjeld Aabo, Consultant for The Methanol Institute, says the ability to capture carbon emissions generated from use of conventional methanol creates an incentive that could increase its uptake. Fossil natural gas-based methanol is widely available and cost competitive against MGO. Being able to capture carbon emissions efficiently would encourage its adoption, while necessary volumes of blue and green methanol are developed. “As the global economy transitions towards a circular model, we will increasingly see fuel production units built around port facilities. Alongside cargo handling and distribution, ports will in future be home to production sites for e-methanol produced using captured carbon offloaded either from dedicated carbon carriers or from CCS systems,” he says. “Such projects reflect and expand on the regional role that ports play in their local economies, providing employment into the logistics chain, and in supporting the local workforce as well as related manufacturing and skills.” However, he says it should be remembered that despite the assumption that CCS is a mature technology, shipping is still in the knowledge-building phase. “CCS appears an attractive option for shipowners who are seeking to future proof their vessels to meet GHG regulations, but its suitability for deployment onboard ship has not yet truly been demonstrated.”

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METHANOL & AMMONIA As the global economy transitions towards a circular model, we will increasingly see fuel production units built around port facilities. Alongside cargo handling and distribution, ports will in future be home to production sites for e-methanol produced using captured carbon offloaded either from dedicated carbon carriers or from CCS systems


There are at least three different proven CCS technologies and despite there being pilot projects underway, none has yet been trialled at full scale onboard ship. Early stage projects tend to be sponsored or supported, and while shipowners understand the sustainability case, they are unlikely to invest before the business case is also clear. “Whatever the design of the CCS system used, there will be a need for energy. Will this come from waste heat, auxiliary generators, batteries or a different source? There needs to be better understanding of the efficiency of the proposed CCS and the power requirements to run it. In other words, does the value of the carbon captured outweigh the power consumed in doing so?” Aabo believes that the issues clearly present some challenges for vessel designers and engine manufacturers. “We expect this conversation to continue.” MAN Energy Solutions also notes that no full-scale installations of carbon capture plants exist on ships today. The OEM does not foresee onboard CCS for methanol fuelled vessels, as there will be very little CO2 emissions, and the energy demand is large. Sigurd Jenssen, Director, Wärtsilä Exhaust Treatment, says Wärtsilä’s CCS solution can be applied to any exhaust stream containing CO2, including exhaust from the combustion of methanol. “Indeed, the combination of burning methanol as a marine fuel and CCS presents exciting opportunities. This is because, in theory, the CO2 that is captured from the exhaust could be used to make new methanol, thereby creating a circular CO2 chain. Alternatively, the captured CO2 can be permanently sequestered, potentially opening the door to a net-negative scenario.” There are minor differences in the exact composition of the exhaust gas with the combustion of methanol compared to a standard diesel or LNG engine, but the CCS systems would fundamentally be very similar, he says. “Already we are seeing interest from all segments for our solutions as ship owners seek to futureproof their assets and are looking for ways to extend the lifetime of their vessels. Space efficiency is key onboard a vessel. The storage capacity of our CCS technology can be flexible, depending on the vessel type and customer needs. We take a modular view to each project, taking into consideration factors, such as the energy demand required to capture carbon, the desired capture rate, and the trading pattern of the vessel.” These considerations will be factored in at the very earliest stage of design work. Also, when a customer opts for a Wärtsilä CCS-Ready scrubber, the company takes measures during the scrubber installation process to ensure adequate space for the future installation of CCS system.

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The alternatives to onboard CCS, says Jenssen are not simple. Even methanol and ammonia propulsion alternatives are space demanding, as they will require two to three times more tank space, and back-up fuels will need to be fitted, which will take up additional space. “It is crucial that CCS systems for ships do not impact overall profitability or constrain operational flexibility. Each vessel type will face different challenges; for example, container liners will have to sacrifice some space, but these will be the easiest to install. In comparison, the bulk and tanker segments will have more space but require more complex CCS infrastructure to be installed. “Despite these challenges, there remain many opportunities in this marketplace. Many owners and charterers are already aware of the challenges but want to talk through them and work on a solution together. They want to prepare their fleets and are actively making enquires and investigating solutions.” Wärtsilä Exhaust Treatment is now offering CCS feasibility studies. These CCS feasibility studies encompass both newbuild and existing vessels, and they have already been conducted on a range of vessel types including ro-ro and ropax vessels, a drill ship, a container vessel, and a gas carrier. The process takes four to six months of study and design work. Wärtsilä Exhaust Treatment’s experts are involved in ship design at an early stage to conduct engineering work to understand how CCS can be smoothly integrated once the technology is launched to market. Once completed, the CCS feasibility study work enables Wärtsilä to provide customers with a fully rounded commercial offer that can be shared with shipyards to get an exact quote for installation. During the feasibility studies, Wärtsilä’s experts closely examine the existing naval architecture of the ship and work to understand how the power, space and exhaust demands of CCS can be accommodated onboard. Owners will receive a qualified analysis on the costs of CCS integration, and a clear list of considerations on how a potential retrofit would be conducted in the least intrusive way. Conducting the studies enables Wärtsilä to bring forward the early stages of CCS integration and, in doing so, lower the barrier to entry once the technology is commercialised in the near future. The studies also serve to educate customers of the upsides and particular considerations associated with installing CCS onboard their vessels, says Jenssen. “Additionally, as the studies will run in parallel with the implementation of new environmental regulations for shipping, owners who conduct them today will be ‘ahead of the curve’ versus their peers.” Wärtsilä Exhaust Treatment plans to introduce its CCS product to the market by 2025. 8 Dr Song Kanghyun



ACCELLERON SURVEY: VARYING DEGREES OF E-FUEL READINESS Accelleron has published the results of a survey of 200 maritime decision-makers drawn from ship owners and operators The results indicate that ship owners and operators believe that fuels produced from renewable sources, including biomethane, synthetic methane, and other e-fuels will be more important to shipping’s climate goals than any other fuel. The ‘E-Fuels in the Shipping Industry’ survey, conducted by market researcher mo’web and commissioned by Accelleron, identifies the huge potential and some of the key challenges that ship owners and operators face as they deploy alternative fuels to meet industry targets of climate neutrality by 2050. Close to half of the respondents estimate that e-fuels will become essential for shipping by 2040, and the vast majority is convinced e-fuels will be essential by 2050 (cumulative depiction). Around 93% of maritime companies see e-fuels – potentially climate-neutral fuels made using renewable electricity - as making a decisive contribution to more sustainable shipping. A similar number (92%) believe e-fuels can make a significant contribution to reducing shipping’s global CO2 emissions, far outranking alternatives including biofuels (69%), LNG (60%), fossil-derived hydrogen (52%) and fossil fuels combined with carbon capture (32%). Availability obstacles until 2030 The survey of high-level executives from Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium and Spain found that the biggest group of respondents (44%) expect availability of e-fuels to remain poor before 2030, although almost all were confident that supply concerns will be addressed by 2050. To improve the availability of e-fuels, more than half (58%) of the respondents call for government incentives and subsidies for the production of e-fuels. Four out of ten shipping companies also complain about insufficient regulatory framework conditions and a lack of political support for the introduction of e-fuels. The survey also shows that the implementation of e-fuels in shipping is seen as technically complex by the vast majority (82%) of companies. However, companies with higher annual turnover are less concerned. Besides lack of availability (46 percent), high switching costs (50%) and infrastructural problems (43%) are the most frequently cited obstacles to the implementation of e-fuels. Despite the challenges, two-thirds of the companies currently see a competitive advantage through the use of e-fuels. Varying degrees of preparation The Motorship notes that despite the broad consensus among respondents that alternative fuels were likely to play an increasingly large role in the shipping industry’s fuel mix in the medium to long term, a narrow majority of respondents had not yet made any concrete plans to prepare their business for upcoming changes. “The division within respondents does not only reflect varying degrees of preparation among small and larger


shipowners. Some owners operating in the tramp market are waiting to see the development of solutions that are applicable to their requirements,” says Daniel Bischofberger, CEO of Accelleron. Almost half of respondents have already made concrete plans to invest in the use of e-fuels. For the majority (60%), retrofitting existing ships to run on alternative fuels is considered the best medium-term strategy for decarbonisation, and 36% are already planning technical retrofits for their ships.

8 The point at which e-fuels become essential for shipping

Indispensable from 2045 To prepare for the use of e-fuels, shipping companies currently rely most frequently (47%) on internal training. In addition, 41% are looking for strategic partnerships with e-fuel providers, while 36% are planning a technical retrofit of their ships. “The focus on retrofits is likely to introduce significant demands upon engine licensees and engine designers, given the longer lead time required to produce 2-stroke dual-fuel engines,” Bischofberger added. As a result of all shipping’s stringent 2050 target and the high impact of e-fuels in achieving that goal, three quarters of companies surveyed expect to be unable to do without e-fuels by 2045 at the latest. “Accelleron’s goal is to drive decarbonisation in the maritime and energy sectors - and we are on the right track,” says Daniel Bischofberger, CEO of Accelleron. “Our survey highlights the great potential of e-fuels for the future of shipping, but we are only at the beginning. The cross-sector focus in the industry and among legislators must now quickly shift to building the right infrastructure for better availability and the right government incentives to achieve long-term cost parity between fossil fuels and e-fuels.” The study “E-Fuels in the Shipping Industry” is available in English at e-fuel-survey.

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CLEAN TECH GROWTH LIFTED BY PARTNERSHIPS WITH PORTS The global shipping industry has an increasingly clear decarbonisation pathway to follow for vessels over 5000 gross tonnes But for smaller vessels, particularly in the towage sector, guidance and regulation remain limited. To deliver decarbonisation and support the industry to reach its goals, towage operators have an opportunity to help developing port supply chains for low-carbon technologies that will help the wider maritime industry fulfil its aims. The IMO has laid out a series of targets through the coming decades that will see emissions curbed steadily from the global merchant fleet. Regulators in large markets have developed systems that put a price on carbon emissions and build markets for carbon trading. These systems will create news incentives for operators to adopt new low-carbon technologies. However, in the European Union, the Emissions Trading System will only apply to vessels over 5000GT when it comes into effect in January, and will only be extended to smaller vessels in 2027. For vessels below 5000GT, and especially for those vessels working regionally such as tugs, the lack of a global regulation on carbon emissions, or market-based methods, leaves a gap in the industry’s emissions reduction efforts that could slow the decarbonisation of the global towing fleet. A need for Partnerships In short, without the pressure of targets or looming regulation, there is little encouragement for towage companies to adopt innovations or optimise their fleets to cut emissions. Rather, the sector itself must look to build partnerships across the supply chain - with technology suppliers, ports and operators - that demonstrate project and technology feasibility. In doing so, we will be able to nurture the supply of low-carbon technologies whilst simultaneously stirring demand. Emissions in port areas are managed by regulations known as ECAs, these focus on local pollutants like sulphur and nitrogen oxides. And while management of these pollutants solves immediate local emissions concerns for port communities, they do nothing to tackle the global climate change threats we face. The low and zero-carbon technologies that will enable operating companies to reduce their emissions and tackle the climate change threat are developing rapidly in the shipping industry. However, these technologies are often costly and come with issues of availability that are a hindrance to significant uptake and adoption. A deliberate transformation is needed to overcome these barriers and help low and zerocarbon technology supply chains to develop. Across much of the towage industry, work is supplied by localised operators in local markets, who do not possess the economies of scale to be able to influence wider change. But, in many ports, towage operators have the potential to become reliable anchor off-takers of low-carbon fuels and users of low-carbon technology. As simple as it sounds, towage operators’ anchor role will best be realised by building partnerships across the sector to overcome issues of the price and availability of technologies. Take biofuel, for example. Biofuel supply chains operate

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most efficiently at a local level. Meanwhile, tugs are naturally well-suited to using low-carbon biofuels such as HVO and FAME. In the UK, Svitzer has worked with engine OEMs to convert more than 60 tugs to operate on HVO, and we have also partnered with fuel suppliers to ensure we can run our UK fleet on the low-carbon fuel. Role of Certification By working with accredited systems from the Roundtable for Sustainable Biomaterials (RSB) and the International Sustainability & Carbon Certification (ISCC), Svitzer has been able to certify the carbon emissions reductions from the use of HVO, and through its global reach, find first mover customers that are willing to commercially support the development of the HVO supply. First mover customers can benefit from the certified carbon savings for themselves, lowering their Scope 3 emissions. In addition, their action supports the continued reduction of greenhouse gas emissions within the wider maritime value chain and the development of emissions reducing fuels and technologies in the process. Through Svitzer’s role as an anchor off-taker, we have been able to demonstrate feasibility and encourage demand for HVO in the ports where we operate. Building on this success, Svitzer is now moving forward with finding more local fuel options, as we explore the availability of Fatty Acid Methyl Ester (FAME) fuels across our port operations. Again, this needs partnerships for success, in this case collaboration with engine manufacturers to confirm compatibility with the fuel as well as finding supply chains capable of meeting operating demands. By its engagement, Svitzer sends a strong demand signal to biofuel suppliers and enables them ope is that this small push to invest with confidence. The hope ywheel’, creating a can kickstart the ‘investment flywheel’ en supply and positive feedback loop between ience in low demand, whilst building resilience carbon fuel availability to ensure the industry is carbonisation able to meet its maturing decarbonisation obligations. utions in the Demand for low-carbon solutions ked by cargo towage industry exist today. Backed erators are owners, early adopting operators prepared to pay for products and services d sustainability that support decarbonisation and ed partnerships all along the value chain. We need that combine local knowledge with global reach ge we need and and strength to drive the change maximise the benefits offered to us by low carbon etween port fuels. Partnerships are crucial; between rs, offoperators, technology suppliers, ators takers and vessel owners / operators orts to help translate successes to ports around the world – and make an ust impact that is far bigger than just hat being confined to the vessels that we operate.

8 Gareth Prowse, Head of Decarbonisation, Svitzer



CHEK PROJECT SHARES INTERIM RESULTS OF ESD INTERACTION The EU-funded CHEK project is evaluating the interaction between multiple energy saving devices when installed on a bulk carrier and a cruise ship, and modelling as part of the project is now able to put some numbers on the gains that can be expected for the vessels The CHEK project is targeting long-distance shipping with its evaluation of multiple decarbonisation solutions combined on a single vessel. The project, while aiming to inform both newbuild and retrofit, has specifically involved the design of a wind energy optimised bulk carrier and a hydrogen powered cruise ship. The aim of the designs is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 99%, achieve 40-50% energy savings and reduce black carbon emissions by over 95% compared to a typical existing, EEDI phase 2 compliant reference vessels. The three-year project started in June 2021 with project partners include BAR Technologies, Cargill, Climeon, Deltamarin, Hasytec Group, Lloyd’s Register, MSC, Silverstream Technologies, University of Vaasa, Wärtsilä, World Maritime University and Yara Marine Technologies. A future-proof vessel design platform is being developed by Deltamarin to evaluate how multiple energy saving devices can be combined to maximise efficiency, firstly for the two vessels and then in the future for other vessel types. The modelling includes the interactions between systems and the environment and is being developed across three generations: digital prototype, digital master, and finally digital twins of the vessels. Operational reference data from existing ships, bulker carrier Pyxis Ocean and cruise vessel MSC Meraviglia has been fed to all the model generations, but during the digital twin phase, measured data from the various energy saving devices is received for making the digital models even more accurate. Both vessels currently have ultrasound antifouling and weather routing installed. The Pyxis Ocean has also been retrofitted with two BAR Tech 37.5 metre high WindWings, and the cruise ship the cruise itinerary is shaped using an itinerary optimisation tool. Simulations and lab testing is underway for a hydrogen engine, fuel flexible gas genset, waste heat recovery, scalable power plant, gate rudder, hull form optimisation and air lubrication. Cruise ship modelling A combination of digital modelling and operational data is being developed for the cruise ship design including a new, digital hull and the ship propulsion power is being simulated with realistic weather loads. So far, the results indicate that EEDI is improved by 28%, compared to the project EEDI Phase 2 reference level, without considering the energy saving technologies. These are expected to improve the ship operational energy efficiency by a further 19%, and reduction of hull fouling is expected to lead to further improvements. “In the digital master simulations, the model regarding machinery was configured by using Wärtsilä’s latest engine generation data, which already showed an improvement in the fuel efficiency, compared to the current baseline model, using the data from the existing Meraviglia ship machinery,” says Mia Elg, R&D Manager at Deltamarin. “The engine efficiency curve for hydrogen combustion was not initially


available, but for the digital twin, we have received figures from Wärtsilä from their measurements and we are currently incorporating them into the final simulation round.” Construction of the final prototype hydrogen engine was completed by fitting one of Wärtsilä’s laboratory test 4-stroke gas engines with modified components and control software suited to 100% hydrogen combustion. The fuel system consists of two combustion chambers with separated gas fuel supplies. The aim is to produce a near stoichiometric air-fuel mixture, while keeping the mixture lean to reduce NOx emissions and fuel consumption. Upon spark ignition the pre-combustion chamber pressure increases rapidly, forcing the burning charge into the main combustion chamber in the form of jet flames. These ignite the charge, allowing stable and efficient combustion under lean conditions.

8 CHEK Engine personnel from cruise vessel and service technician from Hasytec inspecting the system

Bulk carrier modelling Six routes have been selected as representative of the bulk carrier’s operational profile, and three engine configurations have been simulated as part of the modelling: a 2-stroke main engine (8800kW), two Wärtsilä's 4-stroke 31 engines (5200kW) running on MDO, and two Wärtsilä’s 31DF engines (4800kW) with bio-LNG as the primary fuel. The 2-stroke engine configuration with fixed-pitch propeller represents a typical baseline propulsion system for the bulk carrier. In contrast the fuel-flexible 4-stroke engine is configured with shaft generators mounted on the gearboxes and a controllable-pitch propeller (CPP). The 4-stroke engine configuration include a single genset: Wärtsilä’s 6L20DF engine (960kW, 1000 RPM). The use of shaft generators and a relatively small share of annual energy consumed in ports means the auxiliary engine is expected to have a relatively small impact on the total energy efficiency. The 2-stroke configuration included three gensets (3 x 500kW, 900 RPM) and no shaft generator.

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METHANOL & AMMONIA Together with Wärtsilä we are developing a very flexible machinery concept, where we have CPP, two “main engines” with shaft generators coupled and also the opportunity to integrate batteries in the power train


“Together with Wärtsilä we are developing a very flexible machinery concept, where we have CPP, two “main engines” with shaft generators coupled and also the opportunity to integrate batteries in the power train. The point is that integrating many energy saving technologies in the ships brings much greater variation to the power needs, so compared to traditional cargo ship operation, we need matching flexible machinery,” says Elg. “Of course, these options would be available for 2-stroke machinery as well but it’s not the focus of the study. We have “traditional” machinery as a baseline consisting of one large 2-stroke engine directly coupled to a FPP, and three auxiliary engines. This is also the set up for our real life operational reference vessel, Pyxis Ocean.” All configurations included exhaust gas heat is recovered from the main engines, and for the 4-stroke configuration the engine high temperature cooling water is assumed to be available for selected ship heat consumers and heat-topower conversion. The inclusion of a battery enables higher engine load points to be closer to 90-95% instead of the traditional 60% load before an additional engine is started. The modelling assumes that main engines are allowed to run at 100%, supplying power to the propulsion shaft and shaft generators when the battery is installed. Without batteries, shaft generators are disabled when main engines reach 90% load and gensets take over. “During the digital master simulations, we did not fully explore the opportunities of the flexible machinery; we simply assumed the same FPP in both cases and just ran the simulations focusing on the pure engine fuel consumption and energy flows, such as waste heat production,” Elg says. The results indicate that the 2-stroke configuration was more fuel efficient. “However, by adding an Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) waste heat recovery process to the 4-stroke configuration, we see that the ship’s total fuel consumption dropped below the benchmark case. This is both thanks to efficient waste heat utilisation and the shift in engine operation to, on average, a very good engine load. This kind of process synergy and how to analyse lies at the core of project CHEK.”

Kenneth Widell, Senior Project Manager, Smart Technology Hub at Wärtsilä, adds: “When entering the 2-stroke versus 4-stroke discussion, the 4-stroke solution is more compact than that of one, not to mention two 2-stroke engines, hence providing compensation for the cargo space absorbed by the energy saving devices and actually leaving more space for cargo that the current 2-stroke reference. When adding the gate rudder, the entire drive train can be moved towards the aft, freeing up even more cargo space. At the end of the day it will be the total cost of ownership which will decide, not on paper, but in real life.” With the addition of the WindWings on both Pyxis Ocean and the digital newbuild vessel, the energy consumption is further lowered. The next stage of the simulations will see cooperation between Deltamarin and Wärtsila on a more accurate model in the digital twin that will better match the engine optimal operation points to CPP efficiency. The partners plan to integrate a functional mock-up unit for the digital twin energy simulations which will then have as input the results of Deltamarin’s hydrodynamic interaction model “DeltaSeas.” The mock-up will provide engine related variables, including power train efficiency for the holistic energy model. “This kind of cooperation between sharing either direct performance results or models or executables such as the functional mock-up unit between the main digital models is at the practical core of project CHEK. We will need much more of this kind of cooperation in the future, with the increasing amount of new technologies applied to the ships,” says Elg. The modelling results so far indicate that the combination of energy saving technologies has a huge impact. Without hull efficiency improvement results or weather routing, their

8 CHEK Climeon waste heat recovery system

8 CHEK project cruise ship

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METHANOL & AMMONIA combined effects are expected to improve energy efficiency by 20-30%, and CO2 emissions on a well-to-wake basis approach zero with bio-LNG operation. The attained EEDI of the bulk carrier, without energy saving devices, is over 8% below the reference figure for EEDI phase 2. Modelling of the WindWings indicate, with limited operation, that daily fuel savings would be approximately 3.2 tons per day. The Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII) would be over 2% below the reference line from 2026, and the combination of energy saving features is expected to keep the vessel compliant at least until 2040. The energy saving features are almost equal in impact to what would be achieved by running the vessel on LNG (from a tank-to-wake emissions basis). Hull solutions Computer Fluid Dynamics (CFD) modelling of hull roughness indicates that, within the context of the CHEK project, a light slime covering the hull increases drag by around 10%. Within the project, the ultrasonic anti-fouling system developed by Hasytec, Dynamic Biofilm Protection Intelligent® (DBPi), has been scaled up for use on large vessels. The system uses AI to enable the transducers to respond to the local environment including measures such as water temperature to determine the optimal combination of frequency and intensity deployed. The impact of the system is being monitored from the demonstration voyages and will eventually feed into the digital twins. Further drag reduction will be achieved with the installation of an air lubrication system. The impact of Silverstream’s air lubrication system is already incorporated into the modelling. The system has already had independent verification of the fuel saving benefits from other installations, and once installed on the vessels, operational data will be incorporated within the digital twin being developed for CHEK. The gross savings will be applied directly as a deduction to the vessel’s power consumption, while the compressor power will be included in the hotel load. Combining technologies Overall, the results of the project indicate the value of specific energy saving devices such as sails or the adoption of shore power. However, interactions are also clear. The sails reduce the need for propulsive power and therefore change engine utilisation, leading to larger total savings than could be achieved singly. Another case is the ORC heat recovery system provided by

Climeon. The modelling indicates that the ORC improves the energy consumption by almost 5% even though it provides less than 3% of the ship’s energy requirements. The energy reduces the ship’s electrical load that would otherwise be provided by shaft generators, so the engine configuration can switch from two engines on relatively low load to one on relatively high load. This improves power conversion efficiency and results in lower fuel consumption. However, overall the total energy savings achieved was lower than the tally of each individual energy saving measure due to the interconnectedness of onboard processes. For example, the sails reduce engine loads which means less waste heat available for the ORC.

8 CHEK Silverstream Technologies air lubrication system

New business model Yildiz Williams, Lead Marine Consultant, Lloyd's Register, points to the financial implications of installing energy saving measures when the owner pays for the equipment and the charterer pays for the fuel. She therefore believes that the industry should be evaluating finance sharing models. “The CHEK project is doing just this,” she says. “The bulk carrier has two sails. One is funded by the European Union as part of the CHEK project, the other one is paid jointly by the charterer and shipowner. “In the past, an arrangement like this would have been unheard of. However, with the ability to increase efficiency, and reduce costs and GHG emissions, charterers contributing to the financing of additional technologies is absolutely a model for the future.” 8 CHEK pyxis Ocean


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NEW FUELS CHANGE LIFETIME EQUATION FOR EQUIPMENT OEMs, like shipowners, are facing the increasing need to ensure the operational flexibility and fuel efficiency of their power and propulsion systems as expensive new fuels gradually take hold

8 Torghatten's RoPax ferry

Shipowners are looking to extend the viability of their existing assets, because as Hurtigruten Coastal Express CEO Hedda Felin says: “It’s more environmentally friendly to retrofit a vessel than to scrap and build a new one.” In the first of three retrofits for the company, Kongsberg Maritime solutions have delivered a 23% cut in CO2 emissions on the 121-metre passenger vessel MS Richard. The vessel, built in 1993, underwent an extensive refit last summer at Myklebust Verft and has now completed its first year back in service. The refit program included installation n of two hybrid shaft generators, two SaveEnergy eEnergy 1.120kWh lithium-ion batteries and two Bergen B33:45V engines. The vessel also has new tunnel thruster motors, a retractable azimuth thruster, ster, new controllable pitch propeller blades, and nd a digital management systems. “From a sustainability point of view, and nd from the economic point of view of keeping very ery robust ships in the fleet for 10 to 20 years longer, this was the right thing to do,” says Felin. Geir Oscar Løseth, Kongsberg Maritime’s e’s Vice President of Sales Aftermarket Advanced vanced Offerings, said: “We can do the full turnover er of a vessel in four or five months. An entirely y newbuild takes much longer.” Taking a big-picture view, Lisa Edvardsen n Haugan, president of Kongsberg Maritime,, says: “Our role is going to be to guide customers through this transition, with


advisory services as well as the products and solutions that will make sure regulations are met. But we won’t do that simply by coming up with new products and solutions. We also need to look into existing fleets.” Another recent vessel upgrade, this time undertaken by Faroese shipowner Skansi Offshore, aimed to significantly reduce emissions and minimise maintenance costs by operating with fewer engines. With SEAM as system integrator, th the platform supply vessel Kongsborg, built in 2013, now has a battery hybrid solution. SEAM’s e-SEAM e-SEAMatic® BLUE includes the company’s drives, e electronics, and battery system installed in a dedicated dedic pre-built deckhouse, complete with necess necessary auxiliary systems. The shipowner anticipates savings of around 4-5% during sailing and 20-25% during dynamic positi positioning. Additionally, the hybrid system supports shore power. SCHOTT SCHOTTEL’s recent electrification project of a ropax ferry demonstrates the OEM’s view that modernising thrusters and engines and preventing operati operational wear, which can decrease efficiency and th thus increase fuel consumption, are key strateg strategies for decarbonisation. The MF T Torghatten, operated by Norwegian ferry operator Torghatten Trafikkselskap, was rrecently retrofitted with two electricallydr driven SCHOTTEL EcoPellers type SRE 340 L CP (750 kW each). After little more than a ye year and a half in operation with the SRE,

8 Schottel EcoPeller

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DECK MACHINERY I don't think vessels will be built like they used to where you build them and they stay the same until it's time to scrap them


calculations showed that the ferry’s energy consumption was down by 25%. “The first step towards decarbonisation is always to produce sustainable high-quality products which can withstand even unforeseen strain for longer periods of time,” says Michael Heibel, Team Manager Sales, Modernization and Conversion at SCHOTTEL. “Since wear cannot be fully eliminated, proper maintenance always has to be observed. If a technology is at the end of its lifespan, can no longer compete with the efficiency of modern systems, or cannot accommodate a change to the operational profile of a vessel, a customised retrofit can be a cost-effective way of modernising existing vessels with a low carbon impact.” For Schottel, the electrification of propulsion systems combined with electrical storage systems holds the advantage that it makes them more independent from power-generating main engines and their respective fuels, allowing the engines to run at an optimum operating point. Wolfram Frei, Head of Global Sales, Product Line Commercial & Fast Craft at ZF, says the company has prepared itself to deliver even more than their classical portfolio, like gearboxes and thrusters, and added electric motors and power electronics to its scope of supply. “When it comes to purely electric driven vessels, ZF will be able to support with a new range of special designed gearboxes. As the operation modes of electric motors are different to the ones of diesel engines, the specifications for gearboxes can be changed to a more efficient layout. The minimized losses will help to design the most efficient drive line of purely electric driven vessels.” Frei notes that nearly all engine OEMs have started to modify their engines for the use of alternative fuels. “ZF is watching the performance changes of the combustion engines that may occur if they run with alternative fuels very y closely and is constantly adapting its product portfolio so that it is a best fit for the engines’ performance. rmance.” The cost of equipment and the costt of producing power has increased as a result of the need d to adopt alternative fuels and/or electrification. This, says Emil mil Cerdier, Product Director at Berg Propulsion, has changed anged propulsion optimisation principles. “In the past st it has been competitive to use a smaller propeller er and a gearbox with lower gear ratio and instead use se a larger main engine to meet operational requirements. nts. Now the main engine or prime mover is more costly and therefore it is more affordable to select a larger propeller and a gearbox with higher gear ratio to improve ve propulsive efficiency. This means you still meet the operational requirements with lower main engine power.” It also ties in to concepts epts like hybrid systems or fully electric tric systems where less power can be online ne based on need for specific operations. “I don't think vessels will be built like ke they used to where you build them and nd they stay the same until it's time to scrap ap them,” says Cerdier. “As regulations ons becomes more stringent over time or new ble/ energy sources becomes available/ competitive, equipment on vessels will

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need to be modified and upgraded in an efficient manner. The more you can prepare equipment selection to be future ready the less time and cost will be required at time of upgrade. This includes electrical integration system, driveline components as well as control systems.” He is seeing more conversions and newbuilds using variable rpm engines. “In the past, a large number of vessels were designed with engines running at constant rpm and manoeuvring was done using a controllable pitch propeller. This way your shaft alternator will always run at a constant speed and provide fixed frequency power. At rated power, this provides good efficiency, but when operating in modes with lower power it means low propeller pitch and hence low propulsive efficiency. Therefore, it is attractive to be able to reduce engine rpm for a more fuel-efficient operation, but that also means you need a frequency converter connected to your shaft alternator. “Another concept we see gaining a lot of interest is our Direct Drive Electric. Large permanent motors are installed directly propeller shaft line without the need for a y on the p p reduction gearbox. For vessels with an operational o profile better suited to an electric drive rather th than diesel engines this concept can really maximize efficienc efficiency. Combined with our Twin Fin concept it also o opens up further opportunities for improvements improvements. Propellers can be made larger and with higher efficiency, it frees up space inside the vessel an and provides a very robust and reliable system.” Markku Miinala, Cruise an and Ferry Segment Director at Steerprop, points out that achieving high propulsion efficiency has several benefits. For instance, in the case of dou double-ended ferries, optimal propulsion efficiency allows for the selection of smaller batte batteries. This, in turn, reduces the time need needed for charging while at the harbour and lessens the power required from shore infrastructure. Often, the challenge lies in insufficient availa available electricity at the port or low c charging capacity, leading to extende extended charging times. Smaller battery rrequirements also result in weight savings sav on the vessel and reduced sp space needed for equipment, gen generating savings across all components. compo

8 Climeon’s ORC waste heat recovery system is based on the concept of utilising heat from already existing cooling systems as well as waste heat recovery

8 Emil Cerdier, Product Director at Berg Propulsion, notes that the impact of more expensive fuel types will also affect propulsion solution calculations


DECK MACHINERY He says one noteworthy solution for retrofit projects is Steerprop's contra-rotating propeller technology, which brings outstanding hydrodynamic efficiency and minimal mechanical losses. Steerprop’s use of permanent magnet electric motors further enhances efficiency and reduces the space required in the engine room. These advantages are especially high in ice-classed vessels compared to older, 10 to 15 years old propulsion systems. Steerprop's case studies have shown potential energy savings of up to 49% in iceclassed vessels and 35% in open waters. By implementing retrofits with such technology, vessels can achieve minimal propulsion losses, leading to cost savings on the entire investment and lower operational costs going forward. Retrofits can be carried out on practically any existing propulsion system, and the energy needed for propulsion dictates the sizing of all other infrastructure, underscoring the importance of propulsion efficiency. “Retrofitting the power and propulsion system can easily extend the operational life of vessels by decades, while paying special attention to propulsion efficiency reduces both emissions and costs,” says Miinala. “The electrification of vessel fleets presents a promising pathway toward a more sustainable and economically viable future.” Andreas Söderberg, Vice President Business Development, Marine at Climeon, says the new fuels that are now introduced to the marine market will affect the waste heat flows and heat consumption onboard. However, the specification and design of the company’s ORC waste heat recovery system is based on the concept of utilising heat from already existing cooling systems and waste heat recovery from exhaust. i.e. connections to piping systems are needed but no other changes are necessary to the fundamentals of the normal vessel systems. Climeon's low-temp ORC technology enables the use of all low-temperature heat sources with a temperature higher than 80°C to produce carbon-free electricity for operations onboard the vessel. This in turn reduces the demand on fuel powered generators, lowering fuel consumption and decreasing emissions from the vessel. “By nature, the ORC process simply relies on thermal energy and a cooling source to operate, so the fuel choice will not deter this process. Independent of the fuel source, engines in use produce heat which will always require cooling and therefore supply our ORC waste heat recovery technology with the thermal energy it needs to produce carbon-free power for the vessel.” Dino Imhof, Global Head of Application Engineering at Accelleron, says that for turbochargers there needs to be flexibility designed in to cope with future fuel requirements. “That also means we need the flexibility in service so that we have different kinds of maintenance options. And then, of course, the trend is that we combine it with our data enabled service. So, as we don't know exactly today how it’s operating or what fuel is being used, we need to design the equipment to use up the lifetime of the components.”


Earlier this year, Accelleron unveiled its next generation of turbochargers for two-stroke engines, the X300-L series. The platform-based and easy-service concept is complemented by Accelleron’s Turbo Insights digital technology, and Imhof says it offers shipowners the flexibility to respond to uncertainty around future fuels and how they will operate their vessels in the future. The benefits of the X300-L series, which currently comprises the ACCX365-L and ACCX370-L models, stem from its platform-based compact design, making it easy to service and easy to adapt for different requirements that might evolve. A new turbocharger design means that the entire rotor subassembly can be exchanged in a single port call using a new or refurbished cartridge. “The next generation is already prepared for whatever comes. We will be able to adapt very quickly, and it also answers flexibility on the engine arrangement.” The key is modularity, he says. “You cannot undertake traditional product development as in the past. You have to build in a modular platform architecture. So that, instead of a product, you build a platform, and you enable your platform to cope with the different requirements easily.” That's a new challenge for engineers, he says, as component development is now decoupled from product development. Meyer Werft, looking ahead to 2100, has more challenges in store for engineers. The group has envisaged a futuristic cruise ship modelled on the aerodynamics of a rock penguin. The energy concept on board: the use of wave energy through horizontal wings on the hull, wind and solar energy and fuel cells. Tim Krug, Head of Concept Development Group at MEYER Group, says: “From today's point of view, we sometimes come up with extreme approaches, oaches, but it is equally important to think them through g and d develop answers from them.”

8 Schottel EcoPeller during installation

8 From left to right: Markku Miinala, Cruise a and Ferry Segme Segment Director at Steerpr Steerprop; Michael Heibel, Team Manage Manager Sales, Modern Modernization and Co Conversion at SCHO SCHOTTEL; and Wo Wolfram Frei, Head o of Global Sales, P Product Line Comme Commercial & Fast Craft at ZF

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Green Ports and Shipping Congress will identify and prioritise the areas that ports-based organisations and shipping companies need to collaborate on to reduce emissions. Green Ports & Shipping Congress will cover a range of topics addressing the aspects of energy transition plans and ěĴŝīäĴäĸƊ°Ɗěńĸ °ŷ Ɗėäƺ °üäÎƊ ŝńŲƊ operations and ships. Sessions and streams will focus on the required infrastructure, alternative fuel options/bunkering, technical solutions and how these align with the shipping lines and logistics chains. It is a must-attend event for policy makers, ports and terminal operators, shipping companies, shippers and logistics companies, fuel & propulsion providers, Îī°ŷŷěÿΰƊěńĸ ŷńÎěäƊěäŷ °ĸÙ °ŷŷńÎě°ƊäÙ decarbonisation clusters.


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IMPROVED SENSORS OFFER HULL MONITORING BENEFITS Sensor technology and digital twins of ships are evolving and open new opportunities for owners and managers to improve the way how their ships are operated but also in the decision making process regarding e.g. the installation of new, green technologies Accumulating operational data can be useful to many – provided that it is shared by all relevant stakeholders. Terje Sannerud, Chief CommerciaFl Officer at Light Structures in Norway said that one of the primary purposes of the company’s fibre optic monitoring system is to deliver real time decision support. “Customer feedback suggests that the solution provides vital data in terms of decisionmaking that will ensure a voyage is as smooth as possible according to the conditions. Sensfib (the name of the company’s platform) data can be analysed alongside other environmental data in order to offer accurate predictive functionality too,” he told The Motorship. One of the company’s products, Sensfib Comfort Cruise targets the cruise industry, where the reduction of motion in heavy weather is an important matter from the passengers’ comfort point of view. Up to eight sensors provide data that the bridge team can use to adjust speed and course in order to reduce vibration and motion. Every ship - even a sister ship - is different and while Sensfib hull stress and fatigue monitoring solutions are made from off the shelf components based on fibre optic technology, every installation is customised to the exact design of the vessel so that it is possible acquire and deliver the most dependable data.

Customer feedback suggests that the solution provides vital data in terms of decision-making that will ensure a voyage is as smooth as possible according to the conditions


On e.g. container ships, the system can be used to help avoid parametric rolling if the bridge crew act on the given data in the correct way. “Sensfib is also used to address the problem of LNG tank sloshing, helping to avoid damage to the containment system - fluid dynamics-free surface effect - caused by wave impacts or roll, which could lead to, in worst case scenario, the uncontrolled release of highly flammable gas to the environment. We also developed Sensfib solutions for an offshore wind farm in the Norwegian north sea, both fixed and floating turbines. The most important part is that we apply the technology to optimise data acquisition, whatever part of a structure the sensors are monitoring,” Sanderudd said. Moving on to ice conditions, Sanderudd said the bow shoulders and midships or when the vessel is turning in ice are critical response points on the vessel, but it’s important to record data on impacts and responses plus vibration throughout the hull. All this contributes to understanding its condition, which is vital information to inform the maintenance regime and to ensure that an ice breaker is always up to the


conditions it faces. “Sometimes, based on vessels design and how the vessel breaks ice, the bottom of hull might also be at risk,” he said. Sanderudd noted that the data gathered from hull monitoring offers valuable insights into the progression of structural fatigue over time. This is a crucial key performance indicator (KPI) for long-term strategic planning and forecasting the lifespan of assets.

8 Esa Henttinen

Data can help predicting lifespan of ship, AI to enter picture soon An essential use case involves validating new ship designs by addressing uncertainties that only become apparent when a vessel is in operation. By continuously assessing fatigue development in various sea environments and conditions, it becomes possible to make predictions about the effective lifespan of a vessel. “This information is of paramount importance for naval architects when developing future vessel designs and proves invaluable in the context of maintenance planning, particularly within a condition-based monitoring framework,” he said. “It's telling that classification societies have now started to encompass structural monitoring technologies into their Smart notations, meaning that Sensfib data can now potentially be used to extend service intervals, with the potential to save millions of dollars over the lifetime of a ship,” Sanderudd pointed out. “Looking to 2030 and beyond, it’s likely that there will be high level integrated AI, which can tell the master and crew how to maximise utilisation of the vessel without creating unnecessary damage (as fatigue). The AI will also help to optimise fuel consumption and crew/passenger comfort, as well as weather routing,” he continued.

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DECK MACHINERY Looking to 2030 and beyond, it’s likely that there will be high level integrated AI, which can tell the master and crew how to maximise utilisation of the vessel without creating unnecessary damage (as fatigue). The AI will also help to optimise fuel consumption and crew/ passenger comfort, as well as weather routing


This kind of AI augmented decision support will most likely be a giant leap for industry, but there needs to be willingness from the generally conservative maritime industry to implement the software solutions, and regulations need to keep pace too. “So, it’s on Light Structures and other sensor, monitoring system and technology developers to demonstrate the intrinsic value of data so the industry can move forward for safer, more environmentally sustainable and cost-effective global shipping,” he concluded. Data and models can help to plan operations, reboot ship design process Maikel Arts, General Manager Market Innovation at Wärtsilä, said that last year, the company had announced that under its fleet decarbonisation programme, Wärtsilä created a digital model of the cruise ship Regal Princess by combining operational data from several different sources. “Modeling capabilities and machine-learning algorithms developed by our service delivered a detailed analysis of the vessel’s operational data. The model was then used to simulate the impact of several technologies – identifying the most beneficial retrofittable solution, whilst minimising the required installation,” he said. Esa Henttinen, Executive Vice President, NAPA Safety Solutions, said digital simulation tools would help owners to plan, benchmark and validate their day-to-day operations. “For example, using methanol as fuel can set limitations on a ship’s operations due to the additional tank capacity required. In some cases, ballast, fresh or grey water tanks will have to be converted to carry fuel,” he said. By using the ship’s digital twin, teams can measure these impacts beforehand and realise, for example, that they might have to bunker for water more often during a voyage than they had done in the past. “Such holistic voyage planning ensures not only fuel optimization but also that safety

requirements such as ship stability and safe return to port are met at all times,” he said. Naoki Mizutani, Managing Director, NAPA Japan, told The Mtotorship that the green transition would require innovation at an unprecedented pace and scale, and to achieve this, one needs to reinvent the ship design process itself. This would rely on two key pillars: firstly, a more efficient design process with streamlined collaboration among different stakeholders in the maritime industry, and secondly, simulation tools that provide greater accuracy and certainty on the impact of design decisions. For shipyards exploring newbuild concepts, digital technology helps naval architects test different configurations from the very early design stages. “For example, they can assess various configurations, fuels and propulsion systems depending on the vessel’s future route, and evaluate where new systems such as batteries or additional fuel tanks could be installed on the ship. By providing this additional clarity and granularity, we can better understand the different fuel options and their implications at sea, even before any steel has been purchased,” Mizutani said. For retrofits, digital twins contain data on a vessel which can help calculate the impact of installing new technologies, from scrubbers to batteries, carbon capture systems and new tanks. “For example, they enable teams to test the effect of added weight on a vessel’s configuration, cargo capacity, stability and performance at sea,” he noted. Consequently, the benefits carry on throughout the lifecycle of a vessel. “A ship’s digital twin has the potential to help maximise operational performance, optimise fleet operations and efficiency per ton-mile, minimise total fleet emissions and costs, better plan maintenance schedules, and ensure compliance with regulations such as CII,” Mizutani summarised. “Data from a vessel’s digital twin can indicate that by switching to methanol, for example, a ship’s operations may need to also consider revising its bunkering schedule to accommodate more frequent replenishment of water. This gives owners and operators the peace of mind that they are operating as safely and efficiently as possible,” he continued. For shipowners navigating the uncertainties of decarbonisation, digital twins remove the guesswork and offer greater clarity on the impact of their investments. “As more vessel and voyage data becomes available, shipyards can continue to further refine their 3D models and simulations to better understand the impact of their design decisions and make better informed choices throughout the process,” Mizutani stated. But this would also require data sharing and cross-industry collaboration – between shipowners, shipyards, operators and technology providers- to enable us to develop solutions that will benefit the entire industry’s green transition, he concluded. 8 Left to right: Maikel Arts, Naoki Mizutani

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AZIPOD PROPULSION TO PLAY A BIG ROLE IN NEXT-GEN DESIGNS The Motorship spoke to Ari M. Turunen, Head of R&D and Technology, Marine Propulsion, at ABB Marine & Ports, about the future of Azipod® propulsors What vessel types are suited to Azipod® propulsion?

Q Today, more than 25 vessel types rely on the Azipod® A technology. Azipod® propulsion is available in power ranges from 1MW to 22MW, making it suitable for smaller crafts, ferries, cruise ships, cargo carriers, and icebreakers capable of independently operating in the harshest conditions. ABB is continuously widening its portfolio to cover even more vessel types. One example is the large order we announced in June 2023 with one of the largest offshore shipbuilders in China, Yantai CIMC Raffles Offshore Ltd. ABB is to deliver an integrated bridge-to-propeller technology for Havfram Wind’s two new NG20000X-HF wind turbine installation vessels. The vessels, incorporating the latest battery-hybrid drivetrain technology, will be among the most energy-efficient designs to operate in the offshore wind industry. ABB scope comprises four Azipod® electric main propulsion units with a total propulsion power of 17MW; the Onboard DC Grid™ power distribution system; a 4.1MWh energy storage installation; ABB Ability™ Marine Pilot Control with Dynamic Positioning System for advanced vessel control, as well as a comprehensive package of automation and digital technology. Once in operation, the vessels will be able to leverage the benefits of connecting digitally to the ABB Ability™ Collaborative Operations network for remote support and predictive maintenance. Do you expect Azipod® propulsors to feature larger

Q cargo vessels? Yes, we do expect that. The benefits of having Azipod® A propulsion, such as improved propulsion efficiency and manoeuvrability, have been proven on various vessel types already over three decades. These proven benefits can be adapted basically in any vessel type, which is well demonstrated by, for example, our recent orders of supplying Azipod® propulsion for dry bulk carriers. Dry cargo vessels benefit from Azipod® propulsion in operations where vessel must perform reliably over an extended period at maximum efficiency, and need to be especially manoeuvrable in shallow waters. Embarking on a new chapter in Azipod® propulsion history, in 2019 ABB entered this new market segment with an order to install Azipod® electric propulsion on two dry bulk carriers from Germany’s largest bulk carrier company, Oldendorff Carriers. Two 1.9MW Azipod® units were installed on each of the 21,500dwt transshipment bulkers as part of a package of electric, digital and connected solutions from ABB in 2021. What are the benefits for cargo vessels?

Q The choice of an Azipod® electric propulsion system A has the potential to significantly reduce investment costs. In addition, the yard benefits from reduced construction complexity, as the simple design of the Azipod® propulsion


system limits the number of interfaces required during vessel construction. Operational benefits of Azipod® propulsion include enhanced vessel efficiency and increased manoeuvrability resulting in significant fuel savings. The Azipod® propulsion system consists of an electric drive motor located in a submerged pod mounted outside the ship’s hull. The propeller is attached directly to the motor, enabling it to rotate 360 degrees, providing enhanced manoeuvrability and operating efficiency compared to shaftline propulsion systems. The design also frees up cargo space on board, presenting an opportunity to boost vessel profitability. Both Azipod® propulsion and diesel-electric power management are highly responsive to load variations, making self-serving cargo ships more manoeuvrable in shallow waters, better able to hold station, and more power-efficient during frequent loading and unloading operations. Bulk carrier vessels can benefit from Azipod® propulsion in operations demanding reliable performance at maximum efficiency over extended periods. With the added advantage of enhanced manoeuvrability in shallow harbours with limited space, Azipod® propulsion is equipped to meet the future needs of the dry bulk trade.

8 Ari M. Turunen

What impact does Azipod® propulsion have

Q on hullform? propulsion is located outside ship's hull and A Azipod® therefore there is no need for regular stern tube configuration. With the pulling type Azipod® propulsion, this enables undisturbed water flow to propeller, i.e. ship hullform can be optimised to maximise the free water flow to propeller. It is also to be noted that with increased propulsion efficiency delivered by Azipod® propulsion, less installed power is

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DESIGN FOR PERFORMANCE 8 Due to lack of shaftline, supporting brackets and tunnel thrusters, the pulling Azipod® propeller re-ceives steady incoming water flow, resulting in less noise and vibration, and better efficiency.

needed and the location of the energy sources (generator / batteries, etc.) inside the ship can be selected freely, enabling better weight balancing of the ship and therefore decreasing the resistance of the hull. Azipod® thrusters are also available with pushing ducted propeller (DZ). Azipod® DZ, launched in 2015, is the latest thruster with a nozzle in the Azipod® portfolio. It is available with up to 7.5MW power. Based on its gearless and simple construction and high thrust performance, Azipod® DZ provides a cost efficient and reliable underwater mountable solution for DP vessels and other ships that require high thrust. Pushing Azipod® propulsion can also be adopted to basically any kind of hull-form with no limitations regarding the number of installed units, providing ship designers freedom to utilise it in any application seeking higher propulsion efficiency. An example of this is a barrel shaped vessel called Arendal Spirit which features six pushing Azipod® units. The cylindershaped vessel has a displacement of about 40,000 tonnes and capacity to accommodate 490 persons. What benefits does Azipod® propulsion offer for Q passenger vessels? The story of the Azipod® in the cruise segment began by A replacing an existing traditional shaft line configuration with two Azipod® units. It enabled fuel savings of up to 10%. Since then, the hydrodynamic development of both the Azipod® units and hullforms independently and combined has moved forward, and customers in various segments have reported even higher efficiency improvements and fuel savings. It is also to be noted that the reported fuel savings, up to 20% in comparison to a traditional shaftline propulsion configuration, are not only generated by the increased hydrodynamic and propulsion efficiency but also the fact that with better manoeuvrability, for example, time used in manoeuvring is decreased and therefore less time spent with propulsion power on (as demonstrated in a recent study made for a ferry application by an independent source). What benefits does ABB’s fourth generation

Q permanent magnet technology bring? The third generation refers to the revolutionary hybrid A cooled permanent magnet electric motor introduced first in Azipod® D and named Innovation of the Year back in 2015. In the fourth generation, the power density of the hybrid cooled permanent magnet motor is increased by further optimization utilizing ABB in house developed evolutionary algorithms. Higher power density enables more sustainable and cost efficient Azipod® propulsion.

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ABB has secured a contract with Fincantieri, one of the world’s leading shipbuilding groups, to deliver Azipod® propulsion systems featuring this development for four forthcoming medium-sized cruise vessels. The passenger ships will be equipped with two 7.7MW Azipod® propulsion units per vessel. The Azipod® system, featuring ABB’s fourth-generation permanent magnet motors, has been refined for added power and efficiency, while a simple but robust design offers ease of maintenance and reliability. The system’s compatibility with alternative energy sources makes it a future-proof solution that is ready to work with new, cleaner fuels as soon as these become available. What future do you see for the retrofit market?

Q ABB’s leading Azipod® electric propulsion system has A become a commercially attractive retrofit option for existing vessels as shipowners seek ways to comply with new emissions regulations such as the EEXI and CII. These regulations have sparked a surge of inquiries from shipowners looking at ABB Azipod® electric propulsion as a potential cost-effective retrofitting solution to keep aging ships on the right side of compliance and to potentially add a further 10 to 20 years to a ship’s lifetime. Shipyards have a long backlog of newbuilding projects, so retrofitting an older vessel with a new propulsion system is a much quicker solution than having to wait for a production slot for a new ship. Is ABB designing your Azipod® propulsors for longer

Q operational lives? We have seen more interest from our customers in A extending the lifetime of their current installations. Today,

ships are built for more sustainable maritime operations, with the target to make them last longer, and certain special vessels such as icebreakers to be able to operate even for 50 years. We are increasingly focusing on total cost of ownership, taking into account the operational profile of each vessel and based on that, optimising the design of key components and the service and maintenance program. What final thought would you like to share?

Q the maritime industry is waiting for a silver bullet re A As energy sources (alternative fuels, batteries, fuel cells), electric propulsion is already available today for almost all types of vessels and can be adapted to utilise any energy source.




Credit: Grimaldi Group

Underscoring the Grimaldi Group’s commitment to the ro-ro multipurpose vessel type for long-haul or deep-sea liner service, the G5 newbuild generation is being phased into trade between northern Europe and West Africa, writes David Tinsley

As a rare example of recent industry investment in what may otherwise be categorised as the con-ro concept, the Great Antwerp class constitutes a higher containercapacity, more environmentally-considerate evolution of the versatile G4 type dating from 2014/2015. The 249m, geared and quarter-ramped Great Antwerp leads a series of six booked with Hyundai Mipo Dockyard (HMD), the last of which is due to be completed by the end of 2024, and which will strengthen the Naples-based owner’s standing as the world’s largest operator of con-ro tonnage. The $500m contract has cemented a business relationship with HMD that has previously encompassed not only the G4 sextet, but also the preceding, five-vessel G3 programme, and the 10 Eurocargo-class ro-ro freight carriers. Although only 13m longer and 2.5m beamier than the G4 design, the G5 offers double the box capacity while retaining the same intake of ro-ro cargo. The much increased box rating derives from the optimisation of the internal configuration, and is to a large extent attributable to the incorporation of a cellular hold forward. A multitude of load permutations is possible with such a vessel, embodying as it does heavy ro-ro decks, dedicated car storage, and above- and below-deck container stowage, on a deadweight of around 47,000t. From the outset, Grimaldi has exemplified the capability by way of one possible mix as 4,700 linear metres of rolling freight, 2,500 car-equivalent units (CEU), and 2,000TEU containers. Relative to other ro-ro multipurpose/con-ro units operated by the company, the newbuilds will realise reductions of up to 43% in CO2 emissions per tonne transported. Two 50t capacity, deck-mounted Liebherr cranes on the


8 Highly versatile G5 design reinforces Grimaldi capability and commitment to the West African trade

starboard side provide the lo-lo wherewithal, complementing aftship ro-ro access across the heavy-duty MacGregor starboard quarter ramp, and render a fully self-sustaining status and ability to work into ports with limited handling facilities. The dedicated hold space plus the above-deck stow on the pontoon hatch covers, together with the provision for a four-tier stack on the contiguous, open deck area up to the aft ro-ro garage, account for a total of 1,330TEU slots. A further 762TEU can be loaded as an alternative to vehicular cargo on the tank top (No1) deck and No2 heavy freight deck, to realise an all-up, near-2,100TEU container component to the manifest if required. The six-deck aft garage, laid out and structured for light vehicles, provides for some 2,570CEU, while the lower ro-ro freight decks extending along to the No1 hold bulkhead offer higher car shipment volumes if required to supplement all types of vehicles, trailer-borne cargo, break-bulk and project consignments. Whereas each of the G4s is powered by a Wärtsilä-Sulzer 8RT-flex58-series main engine, the MAN marque has been favoured for the G5 generation, in the shape of a 7G60MEC10.5-EGRBP model, producing 19,880kW at 103rpm. Notwithstanding one cylinder less, the wider-bore engine for the latest ships is longer and substantially heavier than the installation in the G4s. As denoted by the EGRBP suffix, the unit in the Great Antwerp class employs exhaust gas recirculation, using bypass matching, enhancing fuel consumption performance and rendering the engine Tier III NOx-compliant. SOx abatement is addressed through the fitting within the engine casing of a hybrid scrubber supplied by Wärtsilä.

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SHIP DESCRIPTION Direct drive in the G5 design is to a 7.5m-diameter controllable pitch propeller, incorporating a cone on the hub and integrated with the rudder bulb to maximise propulsive efficiency. Although attributed with a service speed of 18 knots, Great Antwerp is understood to have shown capability for 20 knots or more. Economy in delivering electrical energy for the ship’s net while under way is achieved through the adoption of a 2,300kW Nishishiba shaft alternator, complementing an auxiliary outfit comprised of three main gensets driven by Hyundai HiMSEN medium-speed engines. Each 7H25/33 prime mover is rated for 2,100kW at 900rpm and is equipped with NOx abatement to Tier III level by way of selective catalytic reduction(SCR). Key elements for independent, precision manoeuvring on port call-intensive schedules are three 1,350kW tunnel thrusters, two in the bow and one at the stern. The G5 vessels have been designed for ‘cold-ironing’, allowing electricity to be drawn from the landside grid when available, and onboard unit energy consumption by pumps, fans and other equipment has been reduced through the use of variable-frequency drives. Contributory to the design’s hydrodynamic efficiency, Great Antwerp and each of her sisterships were specified with an under-hull air lubrication system. The solution adopted is drawn from within the shipbuilder’s parent group, being the Hi-ALS system, using TMC compressors for pressurisation of the air injected along the flat bottom of the hull, resulting in a significant reduction of skin friction. Grimaldi has experience of ALS technology by way of

PRINCIPAL PARTICULARS - Great Antwerp Length overall 249.0m Length bp 237.0m Breadth, moulded 38.7m Depth 16.0m Draught 11.2m Gross tonnage 89,797t Deadweight 47,528t Cargo capacity – possible mix 4,700 lane-m ro-ro + 2,500CEU + 2,000TEU Main engine power 19,880kW Speed, eco/max 18/20kn Shaft alternator power 2,300kW Main gensets 3 x 2,100kW Manoeuvring thrusters 2 x 1,350kW(bow); 1 x 1,350kW(stern) Class RINA Class notations C+, +AUT-UMS, BWM-T, COAT-WBT, COMF-NOISEPORT 63, EGCS-NOX, EGCS-SOX, Green Plus, HVSC-NB, Inwatersurvey, MON-SHAFT, Star-Hull Flag/Registry Italy/Naples Silverstream installations on the GG5G ro-ro trailership class built in China by CSC Jinling. The G5s will supersede vessels in the 20-25 year age range on the West Africa run. Great Antwerp was followed in September by second-of-class Great Lagos.

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Credit: Philly Shipyard

Giving first form to a programme of considerable significance for the US maritime industries as a whole, the cadet training ship Empire State recently made her debut in New York. The $315m newbuild from Philly Shipyard marks a step change not only in design capability and engineering technology but also in the structure used for government shipbuilding contracts, writes David Tinsley

Allocated to the State University of New York(SUNY) Maritime College in the Bronx, the diesel-electric Empire State has superseded her steam turbine-powered predecessor of the same name, the oldest in the Maritime Administration(MARAD)-owned fleet of six training vessels assigned to academies throughout the USA. Her September arrival in New York signalled the start of deliveries of the five-ship series implemented under the National Security Multi-Mission Vessel(NSMV) programme, destined to transform at-sea training of US seafarers while also providing logistic support and humanitarian aid platforms in the event of major emergency situations. Second-of-class Patriot State, destined for the Massachusetts Maritime Academy, is scheduled to be completed in 2024. Keel-laying for State of Maine, to be based at Castine with Maine Maritime Academy, and steelcutting for Lone Star State, assigned to Texas A&M Maritime Academy, took place earlier this year. Construction of the fifth and last in the series, Golden State, the new ship for California Maritime Academy, will commence shortly, with a view to 2026 handover. The preliminary design was developed by Herbert Engineering Corporation of California and taken forward to the detail stage by the South Korean company DSEC, which has been involved in a number of the latest US ‘Jones Act’ newbuild projects. MARAD appointed TOTE Services as vessel construction manager(VCM) and the Jacksonvilledomiciled firm duly awarded an initial two-ship build contract to Philly Shipyard, authorised in April 2020, at a time when the shipbuilder’s work flow had run dry. Subsequent ordering tranches resulted in a five-ship commitment to the yard on the Delaware River. The project is the first government-sponsored shipbuilding programme in the USA to utilise the VCM model, which places reliance on the commercial sector for the selection and oversight of the shipyard contractor, and which utilises commercial best practices for the design and construction of government-owned vessels. The NSMV application has fostered increased interest in the wider potential of the VCM approach in state sector shipbuilding programmes as a way of reducing costs and accelerating delivery times.


8 New-generation training ship for US seafarers can also support disaster relief and national security operations

Each of the state-of-the-art, 160-metre NSMVs has been laid out for up to 600 cadets, and will provide direct exposure to the latest maritime technology to ensure the requisite competence in operating and maintaining commercial and sealift vessels as licensed deck and engineering officers. In training mode, each vessel will board as many as 160 crew and faculty staff, while there is also provision for 1,000 people to be accommodated on humanitarian aid and emergency relief missions. Besides eight classrooms, workshops, auditorium, simulator, laboratory and other training spaces, a full-scale training bridge is located below the main navigation bridge. Abaft the extensive, five-deck superstructure, the design provides garaging for ro-ro consignments and storage for containers, served by a sideport ramp and 35t deck crane. The ro-ro and lo-lo outfit is geared to the logistical requirements of disaster scenarios. Hull lines optimisation using computational fluid dynamics(CFD) techniques and model tests was carried out at SSPA Sweden’s Gothenburg premises and proved effective in reducing the required propulsion power by approximately 10% in relation to the concept design. The choice of power plant was a core consideration not only from vessel design and performance standpoints, but also in the context of a training platform that would provide the maritime schools with a modern engineering and propulsion package. The longevity of the existing MARAD training ships, and the persistence in the USA of marine steam turbine installations, gave added importance to the investment in a powering system that would reflect the evolution and future development of the country’s commercial fleet. In fact, such is the age profile of the vessels that will be supplanted by the NSMV generation that their outdated technology limits the training value and scope, and compromises the ability to meet the latest environmental requirements and imbue the associated operational knowhow. DSEC entrusted GE Power Conversion with the overall power and propulsion solution in each of the newbuilds, which is based on a multi-engine, diesel-electric installation

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SHIP DESCRIPTION and a driveline culminating in a single, fixed-pitch screw. GE’s contract scope as the single-source vendor included the integration of the diesel engines, generators, switchboards, transformers, main propulsion drives, propulsion motors and auxiliary support systems. Each NSMV has been specified with four main generator sets driven by 16-cylinder, vee-form versions of the USdeveloped 250-series, four-stroke engine. The prime movers were packaged into genset aggregates by Cummins. This unique 250 engine design originated in the GE Group, but became part of the Wabtec portfolio after the latter subsumed GE Transportation in 2019. Pairs of gensets are located in dual engine rooms and energy is delivering through two main switchboards and transformers to the electric propulsion motors and all other shipboard consumers. The 4.5MW propulsion motors are tandem units that sit in series connected to a single shaft turning a fixed-pitch propeller. The installation of the motors in contiguous, watertight rooms exemplifies the high degree of system redundancy incorporated throughout the newbuilds. The Wabtec 16V250MDC model for shipboard duty has a nominal maximum continuous rating (MCR) of 4,200kW at 900rpm crankshaft speed, rising to 4,700kW in the 1,000rpm variant. The match points for a fixed-pitch propeller installation, as adopted in the NSMVs, are lower than those for controllable pitch propeller applications. Proven across the rail, stationary power generation and shipping markets, the 250 design is a rugged class of fourstroke machinery. The latest iteration for marine applications is distinguished by the ability to meet IMO Tier III and EPA Tier 4 emission limits through purely engine-internal measures, obviating the need for aftertreatment through selective catalytic reduction (SCR). The technology thereby yield savings in space, costs and maintenance relating not only the catalytic reactor but also the dosing system, associated storage tank and ongoing replenishment. Furthermore, as the original developer, GE asserts that the Tier 4 engine avoids the requirement for the tight control of the exhaust gas temperature that has to be ensured with SCR systems so as to prevent clogging from ammonium hydrogen sulphate issuing at lower temperatures. Emissions abatement in accordance with stipulated requirements is achieved through a raft of measures including cooled exhaust gas recirculation (EGR), high pressure common-rail fuel injection, increased peak cylinder pressure enabled by two-stage turbocharging, and an advanced Miller timing cycle. The marine engine version is said to have benefited significantly from the development and validation of the EPA4-compliant locomotive engine, and Wabtec claims that the tighter environmental criteria have been met without compromising fuel efficiency. Given the essential educational and vocational remit of the newbuild project, another beneficial aspect of the particular choice of machinery is that cadets will be exposed to Wabtec’s ‘clean diesel engine technology’. The adoption of two separate main machinery spaces, in distinct fire zones with a dividing, watertight bulkhead, affords ample training opportunities for cadets, as each vessel will typically operate at no more than 12 knots on training voyages, necessitating only two main aggregates in one engine room to be fired-up. With machinery shut down in the other, ‘idled’ space, training can be conducted under better circumstances for the students, potentially to include the opening-up of engines for training purposes. In addition to a stern thruster of approximately 900kW, the ship has a retractable, combi-type bow thruster serving as a tunnel thruster in the up position and as an azimuthing unit in

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PRINCIPAL PARTICULARS - Empire State Length overall 160.0m Length bp 154.0m Breadth 27.0m Depth, to main deck 16.8m Draught, scantling 7.5m Draught, design 6.5m Decks 10 Deadweight 8,487t Cadets 600 Crew + faculty staff 160 Propulsion/power system Diesel-electric Main generator engine power 4 x 4,200kW Electric propulsion motors 2 x 4,500kW Speed, 15% sea margin, 4 main engines 18kts Speed, 15% sea margin, 2 main engines 12kts Range @18kts 11,000+ miles Manoeuvring thrusters 1,450kW (bow) + 900kW (stern) drop-down mode. Sized at 1,450kW, the thruster also confers an emergency ‘take-home’ propulsion capability at up to six knots in favourable conditions. Posting its 2023 first-half results, Philly Shipyard forecast that the five-ship NSMV series would be loss-making, impacted by increased costs of labour, turnkey suppliers and overheads. COVID-driven labour shortages, resulting in schedule delays and compression, have exerted a fundamental, adverse influence. However, experience honed with the complex NSMV project should have a positive bearing for the shipbuilder in attracting future work in target fields. Furthermore, the NSMV contract model, enabling commercial best practices to be applied in the design and construction of government vessels, and realising cost savings and logistical benefits, stands to be replicated for other government shipbuilding programmes. In particular, the process could better address the challenges of future sealift fleet requirements. Dilatory performance and cost escalation experiences with multiple US Navy shipbuilding programmes in recent years have led to much attention being drawn to what is widely perceived as a creditable achievement to date with the VCM methodology embraced by NSMV project. Besides the $1.6bn training ship contract, the orderbook at the Philadelphia yard comprises three 3,600TEU, LNG dualfuel container liners for Matson Navigation and a subsea rock installation vessel to the account of Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Co. The workload has been augmented by a six-month feasibility study for consultancy Gibbs & Cox covering preliminary designs for two hospital ships. These would be replacements for the two existing vessels operated by Military Sealift Command on behalf of MARAD. Philly has retained VARD Marine to supply engineering and technological input. 8 IMO Tier III and EPA 4-compliant: each of the four main generators in Empire State is driven by a Wabtec 16V250MDC medium-speed diesel


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75 YEARS OF DIESEL SHIPS 8 Wimpey Seadog, first of the new offshore supply generation

The international magazine for senior marine engineers EDITORIAL & CONTENT Editor: Nick Edstrom Correspondents Please contact our correspondents at Bill Thomson, David Tinsley, Wendy Laursen SALES & MARKETING Brand manager: Sue Stevens Tel: +44 1329 825335

The Mtotorship, November 1973, looked back on 75 years of Diesel engine ship propulsion. The focus was less on technical developments; more on the tenacity of those men who were able to overcome the scepticism in the market to design, test and develop a new marine power source in remarkably short time scales. Many pages were devoted to a review of those first 75 years. Our predecessors wondered whether the advance of alternatives such as nuclear power would lay the Diesel engine to rest – but felt, correctly as it has turned out, that the large internal combustion engine would remain favoured for many years hence. The big breakthrough was considered to be in the immediate post-WW2 years, when several developments made it possible to operate these engines economically and reliably on residual fuel, of which the oil companies were said to have an embarrassing surplus. Despite competition in the 1970s from medium speed Diesels and gas turbines, the low speed engine had managed to grow in power output to keep up with the demands of larger ships. However, it was considered then, that with 12-cylinder engines rated at up to 48,000 bhp, the limit had been reached. With hindsight, we know that is far from the case. The modern Diesel would be incomprehensible to the designers of the first true motor ship, the Selandia, launched in 1911. This vessel was powered by two four-stroke cross-head eight-cylinder engines, each rated at 1250 bhp, a figure which seemed amazing at the time. We were reminded that although B&W was the first to get a large engine such as its pioneering DM8150X afloat, other companies such as Sulzer and Nohab Polar had been developing Dr Diesel’s original design to power ships, and there was a considerable flurry of interest over the next few years with motor ships turned out by shipyards worldwide. With such emphasis on engine history, the usual ship descriptions were somewhat less prominent than usual. However, the November 1973 main description concerned what was described as “first of a new generation” – a purpose-designed offshore supply ship. The Wimpey Seadog was built by Appledore, and it followed three smaller vessels from


the mid-1960s, incorporating several improvements to suit it for the emerging offshore oil industry. In common with its successors, it was bult for a high cargo capacity in its short 59m overall length, with a large uncluttered rear deck. The deep doubleskinned hull was set up for carrying various liquids and the vessel was equipped with winches and rollers for towing and anchor handling. Power came from two B&W-Alpha machinery packages, each comprising an 18V23HU engine rated 2430 bhp at 825 rpm, driving, through an Alpha reduction gearbox, a CP propeller mounted in a Kort nozzle. The ship was arranged for all control functions to be carried out from the bridge, positioned forward atop three levels of superstructure to provide a commanding view. It was not only offshore vessels that gave the 1973 reader a taste of what was to come; two short items described advances in navigation and communication that today’s seafarer probably takes for granted. Ship-to-shore communication had largely been via Morse or somewhat unreliable teleprinter services. Both Marconi and Philips had developed new error-corrected telex equipment that promised to transform communications, particularly for the new offshore industry. And Redifon of the UK had launched a satellite navigation system, based on US technology, that allowed a navigating officer to place his vessel to an accuracy of 600ft (182m) regardless of weather and radio conditions. The system used a computer to monitor UHF radio signals from the five Transit satellites.

Production David Blake, Paul Dunnington EXECUTIVE Chief Executive: Andrew Webster TMS magazine is published bi-monthly by Mercator Media Limited Spinnaker House, Waterside Gardens, Fareham, Hampshire PO16 8SD, UK t +44 1329 825335 f +44 1329 550192

Subscriptions Register and subscribe at 1 year’s digital subscription with online access £222.00 For Memberships and Corporate/multi-user subscriptions: © Mercator Media Limited 2023. ISSN 0027-2000 (print) ISSN 2633-4488 (online). Established 1920. The Motorship is a trade mark of Mercator Media Ltd. All rights reserved. No part of this magazine can be reproduced without the written consent of Mercator Media Ltd. Registered in England Company Number 2427909. Registered office: Spinnaker House, Waterside Gardens, Fareham, Hampshire PO16 8SD, UK

8 One of the two B&W engines of the Selandia

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