Names: Lina Chauta - Mercy Gaitรกn - Malory Monroy.
"The whole is more than the sum of its parts"
The person has the necessary and sufficient resources to live happy.
Fritz Perls and his wife Laura
Psychological disorders could be in the inability of people to integrate successfully and accurately the parts of your personality into a healthy whole .
GOALS The main goal of Gestalt therapy is to get people to unmask in front of others, sharing about themselves, to experience the present. GT Works in exploring the more emotional territory in the person. The aim is that the participants become aware of your body and each of your senses.
Theoretical Basis • Husserl
• Heidegger
• Bubber
"I-Thou" or "I-You«
• Zen Phylosophy
“Here and Now"
• Goldstein
The Organismic Theorist
• Horney
Idealized Image • Rules Perception
Figure Ground Perception
Making of Consciousness
Techniques Empty-Chair Technique: When client speaks to an empty chair as if it were another person or another part of the client. Used to help the client get in touch with other views or other aspects of self.
Techniques Making the rounds: Go to each person in the group and talk to them.
Working through unfinished business: Any incomplete Gestalt is unfinished business requiring closure or resolution. Usually take the form of feelings or unresolved and unexpressed emotions.
Techniques I take responsibility for… Can be added to one of the client's statements. This is a technique to make the person become aware that it is she who decides its own behavior.
Techniques Playing the Projection:
Reverse Roles:
When an individual is unable Asking the client to do the to accept his own actions or opposite of their behaviors. feelings, because "should not" Contact/Withdrawal: act or feel this way: The The gestalt therapy need "should not" comes from some that the client doesn't scape introject. To solve this to the reality just we need dilemma the subject does not that the client understand recognize his guilt and blames how and when he or she other but himself, but instead scape to the reality. has an acute awareness of the characteristics he denies as his own in the other.
Techniques Rehearsal Exercise: To rehearse with the therapist out loud.
Exaggeration Exercise: Counselor exaggerates mannerism of client or asks the client to exaggerate mannerism in order to make the client aware of true feelings.
May I Feed You a Sentence? When the therapist believes that there is a wrong message and unclear, you can construct a sentence with that message and ask the customer if you want to say it aloud, for him to hear how it sounds.
APLICATION OF GESTALT THERAPY. GESTALT THERAPY CAN WORK: Individual Therapy Couple Therapy Family Therapy Group Therapy Institutions Companies
Gestalt therapy have been addressing every kind of people with issues like physical, psychological, pathological, self-esteem, etc.. and without, older people, young people and kids.
REFERENCES Asociación Colombiana de Terapia Gestalt. Retrieved on September 7, 2013 to: A. S., & Arroyo, L. M. (2006). Fenomenología y psicoterapia humanista-existencial. Seminario del Instituto Venezolano de Gestalt. Jonquera, Revista de Psicología, 15(1), 91106. Retrieved on September 7, 2013 to: http://www.institutovenezolanodegestalt. com/articulos/FORMACION% 20DE, 20. Deutsch and Krauss. ( 1970) Theories in Social Psychology . Edit Paidos, Argentina Perls, F. (1997). Gestalt-terapia. Summus Editorial. Martín, Á. (2011). Manual práctico de psicoterapia Gestalt. Desclée de Brouwer. Brito, M., & Castellanos, S. (2005). Formación de una Gestalt. Gonzalez, L. (2011). Introducción y bases de la Gestalt. Retrieved on September 7, 2013 to: SES%20DE%20LA%20GESTALT%20FRITZ%20PERLS.pdf Martín, A. (2012) Manual practico de psicoterapia Gestalt. Retrieved on September 7, 2013 to: Santacruz, S.; Valiente, X.; Velásquez, L. y Lazcano, P (2011). Origenes de la terapia Gestalt. Retrieved on September 7, 2013 to: Vásquez, C. (2010) Psicoterapia Gestalt: Conceptos, principios y técnicas. Retrieved on September 7, 2013 to: