2012 Erie Undergrad Viewbook

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. e s i c a s l i p Th the s d a r g r e d n U r o F

Jeff P., Fairview, Pa. Business Competitive Intelligence major Football and Wrestling Team Member

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Fast Facts 2,800 Enrollment 75 acres with 80 buildings 145 Full-Time Faculty 14:1 Faculty-Student Ratio 93% of students receive financial aid 99% of students are involved on campus 95% Job or Continuing Education Placement Rate (national average is 75%)

52 Majors 56 Concentrations

As construction was finishing on Old Main in 1926, a citywide strike stopped all work. In true Mercy tradition, the Sisters of Mercy in full habit, finished painting, cleaning and even laying the slate roof (pictured right). Old Main and its original roof still stand proudly on campus as the hallmark of the college.

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f sters o i S e h t ed by ge and in d n u o as f colle r place. w e e h t g t e l a l te The co ho worked ake it a bet w m t Mercy munity to g wha n i o m d o ill the c e’re st rn, we do w r e t la ea years don’t just l re involved e v fi Eight rted—we students a r it’s e t ta they s l Mercyhurs oom. Wheth lubs l ,c sr stuff. A of the clas e, athletics busy e re ic outsid unity serv r students a This is m u d. in com nizations, o in the worl rience e a e or org a differenc cyhurst exp m. g o er makin akes the M our classro is m what The world e. uniqu

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Core Values At Mercyhurst, we are committed to being

Socially merciful Globally responsible Compassionately hospitable Intellectually creative Reflectively aware We are

Ambassadors of service

“It’s so much bigger than me. It’s about being a better me, a better college, a better community, a better world. And, it’s not just a few people, it’s everyone.” Louise W., Erie, Pa. Music Education major

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tion u t i t s n an i s i t it’s s r n u o h s y a c e r “Me The r . e e all v r o a m e that w vesting on the s i e v mo e in e r h a t e n W o n it. i g n sure to i t a s e e r t v in and e m i t into a , t n n o i e t l ta institu ssibilities, s i h t h po t move i w e ave iv l h a s t e n r e futu vestm ver y n i e s e and th d into some ts.” n e m e t h a plis m o transl c c ant a c fi i n g si le e Gamb hurst Colleg m o T y . Dr t, Merc en Presid

College Awards and Distinctions U.S.News & World Report Top Tier – Regional University, North Most dedicated chapter to Community Service – Sigma Alpha Pi National Honor Society of Leadership and Success Earned Generation E Green Business Award President’s Higher Education Community Service Honor Roll Second largest of the four-year Mercy colleges in the country Home to the Mercyhurst College Institute for Intelligence Studies, the world’s largest full-time intelligence analyst program Home to the Mercyhurst Archaeological Institute, the only division-level program of its kind in North America

Here are just some of the accomplishments the college has celebrated in the past few years.

Reputation and Enrollment • Launched team-taught interdisciplinary courses so every Mercyhurst freshman will have the opportunity to learn from some of the best faculty on the campus

Centers of Excellence

• Achieved record-setting, institution-wide enrollment

• Created and endowed the Center for Mercy and Catholic Studies

Academics and Hands-on Education

• Created the Center for Applied Politics

• Created new majors in Exercise Science, Integrated Marketing, Music Therapy and Public Health, among others

International and Study Abroad

• Created a new interdisciplinary minor in digital media • Increased the number of pre-law majors to 45 • 85% acceptance rate to health professional programs • Unprecedented faculty-led undergraduate research • Entered into partnerships with Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine, Ohio College of Podiatric Medicine, and New York Chiropractic College • Entered into a partnership with Lake View Country Club for expanded internship and employment opportunities for Mercyhurst students

• Created and endowed the Evelyn Lincoln Institute for Ethics and Society

• Hosted the first-ever international academic conference on intelligence studies in Dungarvan, Ireland • For the first time sent Mercyhurst College students and faculty for an entire term of international study in Dungarvan, Ireland • Launched the Mercyhurst at Taos, NM, archaeology field school and will soon expand it to other disciplines and departments

Community Service and Green Initiatives • Implemented a commitment to purchase 100% of our electrical energy consumption from wind farms


• Created a sustainable agriculture research station at Mercyhurst West

• Began construction on a state-of-the-art 30,000 sq. ft. Academic Engagement Center to house the Intelligence Studies and Hospitality Management Departments. Completion date is Fall 2012

• Provide fresh, organic produce in our dining halls from our farm

Fundraising Grants and Finances

• Built a new state-of-the-art human anatomy laboratory

• Received more than $5 million in faculty grants and contracts

• Built a new exercise physiology laboratory for the sports medicine program • Built a new 300-bed freshman residence hall

• Achieved unprecedented fundraising performance – closing phase I of the $50 million capital campaign 18 months ahead of schedule

• Made significant improvements to Highland Square student housing complex

• Received Congressional funding for the newly created Asperger’s program

• Made substantial improvements to the student recreation center

• Implemented an online billing and payment system college-wide

• Completed significant renovations to Egan Dining Hall

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C in o e look h Hon am (M If you’r raduate wit onors Progr cluding g in H and to rst College many perks ustomized u e h v y e s c a ur s c sh ocial Mer udent housing, co a special s t s P H MC nors erests and ’ll also ive ho t exclus student in tudents. You tellectual HP ss C r o M n your in o o t o flex n-campus for h t t s y it ju n gh o area ortu ugh s throu he opp as thro have t tive muscle ing as well ea or and cr munity tut m o and c nity service. u comm

Majors and Degrees • Accounting (BA) • Anthropology/ Archaeology (BA, BS) • Applied Forensic Sciences (BS) • Art Education (BA) • Art Therapy (BA) • Athletic Training (BS) • Biochemistry (BS) • Biology (BA, BS) • Business (BA) Business/Computer/Information Technology Certification (K-12) • Business Competitive Intelligence (BA) • Chemistry (BA, BS) • Communication (BA) • Computer Systems (BA) • Criminal Justice (BA) • Dance (BA) • Early Childhood Education (BA) • Early Childhood Education/ Special Education (BA) • Economics (BA) • English (BA)

• Exercise Science (BS) • Fashion Merchandising (BS) • Finance (BA) • French (BA) • French Education (BA) • Geology (BA, BS) • Graphic Design (BA) • History (BA) • Hospitality Management (BA) • Human Resource Management (BA) • Integrated Marketing (BA) • Intelligence Studies (BA) • Interior Design (BA) • International Business (BA) • Management (BA) • Mathematics (BA) • Middle Childhood Education (BA) • Music (BA) • Music Education (BM) • Music Performance (BM) • Philosophy (BA) • Political Science (BA) • Psychology (BA)

Check out new programs at

mercyhurst.edu/newprograms • Public Health (BA) • Religious Studies (BA) • Social Work (BA) • Sociology (BA) • Spanish (BA) • Spanish Education (BA) • Sport Business Management (BA) • Sportsmedicine (BS) • Studio Art (BA) • World Languages and Cultures (BA)

l Degrees

ssiona Pre-Profe

ecture • Pre-Archit ractic p • Pre-Chiro y str ti • Pre-Den • Pre-Law l a • Pre-Medic tional Therapy a p u c c • Pre-O etry m to • Pre-Op pathy • Pre-Osteo cy a • Pre-Pharm n Assistant ia • Pre-Physic l Therapy a ic s y • Pre-Ph try ia • Pre-Pod ary n ri • Pre-Vete

BA = Bachelor of Arts • BS = Bachelor of Science • BM = Bachelor of Music

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Tauna Hunter, M.F.A. Dance

Named by Success magazine as a trendsetter in the future of the arts, Ms. Tauna Hunter serves as dance director and associate professor of the Mercyhurst College Dance Department and as artistic director to the Mercyhurst Dancers. She began her training with Willam F. Christensen before earning B.F.A. and M.F.A. degrees in ballet performance and choreography at the University of Utah. She later spent eight years with Ballet West, where she was acclaimed as being one of the company’s leading ballerinas, and cofounded DANSOURCE, a national networking and information service connecting dancers and companies. Ms. Hunter has appeared in all the major classical repertoire roles and has taught for companies, universities and private schools across the U.S. She acts as President of the Erie Dance Consortium and as public relations and marketing chair for the CORPS de Ballet International and serves on the Advisory Boards of Ballet Concerto and Lake Erie Ballet.

David Dausey, Ph.D. Public Health

Dr. David Dausey, the first-ever tenured professor of public health at Mercyhurst and director of a public health initiative being rolled-out over the next several years, earned a bachelor’s degree in sportsmedicine from Mercyhurst and master’s and doctoral degrees in epidemiology and public health from Yale University. He later undertook postgraduate training in higher education management and leadership at Harvard University. Dr. Dausey, who previously served as senior director of Health Programs and Initiatives at Heinz College of Carnegie Mellon University, is an internationally sought-after expert who consults for Rand Corporation’s Global Health Division and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. He has also worked closely with senior health officials from more than 20 countries and every region of the U.S., authored more than 70 articles and led major research projects. In addition to his roles at Mercyhurst, Dr. Dausey will also retain his role as an honorary Distinguished Service Professor at Carnegie Mellon.

Robert J. Heibel, M.A.

Executive Director, Mercyhurst Institute of Intelligence Studies Robert J. Heibel brings to Mercyhurst the remarkable experience of a 25year veteran of the FBI. As the Bureau’s deputy chief of counterterrorism, he saw firsthand the need for qualified intelligence analysts to serve in guarding this country’s national security. He developed a program to produce such analysts nearly two decades ago and, since then, it has evolved into the world’s largest full-time academic enterprise educating intelligence analysts for national security, law enforcement and private business. Intelligence studies students at Mercyhurst benefit not only from Heibel’s expertise, but from an outstanding faculty of men and women, many of whom have had careers in the intelligence field. As educators, they bring real-world lessons to the classroom and pave the way for their students to achieve successful careers of their own.

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n o sd n a e c H n e i r e p x e

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Student-Faculty Research

There you are side-by-side a faculty member who is god-like in his or her given field working on research that will be presented at a national conference or better yet, be part of research that actually makes a change in the world. Oh, and you’re a freshman.


Lots of schools have really cool equipment and technology. But the undergraduate students never get to use it. Not at Mercyhurst. When our faculty show you the new DNA genetic scanner, you actually get to hold it, push the button, learn how to use it and then use it in your research.


Ever hear of “Bob”? Bob goes to college, pays his tuition and graduates only to say “I learned absolutely nothing”. OMG. What if you bought a car, paid for it, and they gave you um, nothing? That’s just not right. So, in your senior year, you demonstrate to the faculty (and to yourself) that you’re ready to leave the proverbial nest. That you’re ready to get out there and do your thing. [Academic speak: The capstone is a professional demonstration of your knowledge acquired to date *yawn*]. What you actually do depends on your major, but each capstone is something the people who are already working in your field actually do at the entry-level. Plus, along the way, you’ve been working with real clients, doing real-world projects. Put that on your résumé!

Internships & Externships

Here’s where you go into the field and try out what you’ve learned. They love you. You love them. And, you live happily ever after. Well, maybe you just get a job, but that’s pretty sweet, too. Or, they connect you with someone they know and they give you a job. Regardless of how it happens, it’s the experience of a lifetime.

“Being able to actually write and present a strategic communication plan to a real business helped me feel prepared to start my career. That’s why Mercyhurst’s placement rate is so high— we have built our resumes with real experience or research and employers or graduate schools can see that.” Courtney O., Buffalo, N.Y. Strategic Communication concentration

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st cyhur f the r e M 15,700 ery state o n a h t more found in ev round the , y a d a e To i can b 0 countries es CEOs and , n m u l 4 a clud musicians d in n n i a k r n o o uni netw s, lawyers, sts, s i h T . y r globe ves, teache d CIA anal ti an execu fficers, FBI more! o d e n c i a l o s p ist rs, art dance

We have great outcomes Even in a year when jobs were hard to find, 95% of our students secured jobs or were enrolled in grad school within one year. (The national average is about 75% according to the National Association for College and Employers study.) Here’s just some of our programs that had 100% placement: Applied Forensic Sciences Biochemistry Computer Systems History Mathematics Sportsmedicine

Anthropology/Archaeology Biology Elementary Education Interior Design Music Education and more!

According to a Mercyhurst College 2010 placement survey.

The Department of Experiential Learning helps each student with résumés, portfolios and the job search. And, every year, they host a career fair on campus attended by more than 100 regional and national employers.


“It was the college-community connection that really opened doors for me as a student. The Mercyhurst business faculty were so connected to the community, and that created all kinds of opportunities for the students to work on real-life projects.” Brittany M., Pittsburgh, Pa. 2008 Business Graduate • Accelerated MBA • General Electric Intern • Advanced Manufacturing Technology Ventures, LLC

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2010- 11 Highlights 24 Varsity Sports 56.3 PSAC winning percentage 17 teams qualified for conference tournament 3 Conference titles 11 teams qualified for the NCAA Tournament 67 All-Conference selections 14 All-America selections 4 Coaches of the Year 6 Player of the Year selections 2 Rookie of the Year selections 3 PSAC Top-10 Winners 2 CoSIDA / ESPN The Magazine Academic All-Americans

Ian Wild, football and lacrosse standout, is the epitome of a Mercyhurst student-athlete— someone who excels in the classroom and on the playing field. Wild led both his teams to national playoff appearances and was named the tournament MVP after the men’s lacrosse team won its first-ever national championship in 2011. Wild also led the Laker football team to their first-ever conference championship and appearance in the national tournament. A finance major with a 3.905 GPA, Wild was named an Academic All-American, the PSAC Athlete of the Year and was awarded the Elite 88 award, which is presented to the athlete with highest cumulative GPA participating in the national championship.

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Going Green Mercyhurst is committed to environmental sustainability as well. The College’s Green Team focuses on advancing policies, practices and programs to reduce the environmental impact of the college and promote a sense of ecological responsibility. Check out our solar panels, energy-efficient lights, 100% wind-powered campus, composting bin and organic garden that supplies food to our dining services. You can even study sustainability through programs in biological ecosystems and chemistry/environmental science, environmental studies and politics, and a minor in sustainability studies. Several majors also offer concentrations in sustainability studies.


“The college’s commitment to sustainability has been shown through many commitments—from 100% wind power to an organic garden that provides food to our students.” Angelina V., Waterford, Pa. Green Team member ( former Chair) and sustainability concentration

Student-Initiated, Student-Funded Green Roof During the summer of 2010, Mercyhurst installed a “green roof ” over the ceramics lab in Zurn Hall. The Class of 2010 helped fund the roof as their Senior Gift to the college, and additional funding came from the Green Energy Fee paid by all students. Students enrolled in the sciences now have a living laboratory to learn about plant life, soils and the hydrological cycle.

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Arts and Culture at Mercyhurst As a student you will be able to experience arts and culture from all over the world without leaving campus. You can participate or just watch fellow students as they perform large and small ensembles, opera and musical theatre performances. Attend the Metropolitan Opera streamed live to campus, catch a film, or attend a full-length, fully-staged performance. No matter your interest - from Verdi’s Falstaff and Mozart’s The Magic Flute, to Seussical, Bye Bye Birdie and Grease we have it all at the Hurst!


Two 10-week terms are offered in Erie’s Sister City, Dungarvan, Ireland. Students study and travel throughout Ireland and several other European countries. Read about it at mercyhurst.edu/dungarvan.

“Not only was going to Ireland invigorating and extraordinary, it was lifechanging on so many levels.” Brian L., Canonsburg, Pa. Intelligence Studies major

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re e h W ll Live You'

9, in 200 en. d e n e h op eshm , whic d female fr vate l l a H pri Warde 18 male an des a u l c 3 n i s under a house cious room d n a es pa sets includ nce Each s ge clo r y t a i l l i , c fa om nie bathro torage. The nter, conve n e ed s ness c e laundry o t fi the-b , b a d fre ers uter l om an , social cent comp o r a i ke ally med store, or. Addition een T Vs ma scr flo ad large every h t i ot so b nges w n e e t e l m comp ay from ho ms and lou st aw e roo he be t m u o living o s y , ll. Plus giving after a Tullio field ok overlo he house! in t seats

Freshman Housing Freshmen live in one of three residence halls on the west side of campus—Baldwin (women), McAuley (men) or Warde (co-ed by floor). All freshman residence halls are conveniently located near the Herrmann Student Union, Hammermill Library, Old Main, the Recreation Center and Zurn and Hirt Academic Buildings.

“The Mercyhurst community really helped me adjust to college life away from home. I am able to pursue a career and study something I love. This is definitely the place to get the technique and the artistry you need to become a great dancer.� Aaron G., New Bedford, Mass. Dance major

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Erie Fast Facts Population: 280,291 Nickname: The Flagship City Hockey: Otters (OHL) Baseball: Seawolves (AA) Basketball: Bayhawks (NBA D-League) Football: Erie Storm (indoor, arena) Football: Erie Illusion (women’s outdoor) The Arts : Warner Theatre, Erie Playhouse, Erie Art Museum, Erie Chamber Orchestra, Erie Philharmonic Shopping: Millcreek Mall, named top 10 malls in America by Digital City; several boutique shopping centers throughout the city Attractions: Presque Isle State Park, Waldameer Amusement Park & Water World, Tom Ridge Environmental Center, Erie Zoo & Botanical Gardens, Presque Isle Downs & Casino Transportation: Free travel on ‘the e’, Erie’s bus system for all students; Erie International Airport

“Coming from Ireland, as an international student, I was very impressed with the Erie community— its beauty, its social life and its weather. I definitely felt at home in Erie and at Mercyhurst. It was the best place I could have asked for.” Rhona B., Dublin, Ireland Biology/Pre-Med major

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Why Mercyhurst? s

Mercyhurst is a great value. The education received at Mercyhurst rivals that of an Ivy League school but with a price that’s nearly half. On top of that, 93% of freshmen receive financial aid with an average award of $12,500, so chances are, you won’t pay the sticker price.


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Here’s why we’re a great value:

Hands-on projects and research Access and use of the latest in technology and equipment Study abroad opportunities and Mercyhurst terms abroad A consistently high placement rate (95%) Small class sizes (25 average class size) Access to faculty (14:1 ratio) Well-rounded education Amazing faculty

“It is because of the scholarships I received that I now have the opportunity to experience a college where every one of my teachers knows me as an individual and not just a number. The faculty make Mercyhurst the place for me – pushing me in the right direction and assisting me in becoming the most well-rounded person I can be.” Paulina W., Rochester, N.Y. Art Therapy major

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