Mercyhurst Baseball Gift/Pledge Remittance Form
__________________________________________ Name
Future baseball facility and locker room
Class year
__________________________________________ Address
__________________________________________ City
State Zip
__________________________________________ Phone
__________________________________________ Email address
Naming Opportunities $20,000 Name the pavilion $10,000 Locker room $2,500 Batting cage (2) $1,000 Pitching mound (4) $500 Locker (40) $250 Donor wall plaque
Our goal is to raise $60,000 from alumni, parents and friends of Mercyhurst Baseball to create an indoor baseball facility that will house two batting cages, four pitching mounds and 40 lockers. This indoor facility will greatly improve and enhance the Laker baseball experience. Mercyhurst will match dollar for dollar all funds raised by July 1, 2013. Mercyhurst will continue to match gifts above $5,000 until May 31, 2014.
Gift Payment Options
q Outright Gift by check $ ������������������������ q Outright Gift by credit card $ �������������������� q Monthly Giving
Please accept my monthly donation & charge my credit or debit card each month:
q $8.34 ($100/year) q $41.67 ($500/year)
q $20.84 ($250/year) q $83.34 ($1,000/year)
q Pledge (Gift over $5,000) enclosed is my initial gift of $_______________________ . I will fulfill the remaining portion of my pledge according to the pledge schedule below. Please mail me pledge reminders before each pledge payment date. PLEDGE PAYMENT SCHEDULE Initial Gift Dec. 2013 $ May 31, 2014 $ TOTAL GIFT $
To make a donation online, please visit
Future baseball facility and locker room
View of locker room
Credit Card Information _________________________________________ Card number
q Visa q Discover
q MasterCard q AmEx
_________________________________/ ������� Card type
EXP date
x_________________________________________ Signature
q My employer matched my gift.
Company name:_______________________________ .