Intel & Hospitality Career-Palooza

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WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 2014 11:00 A.M.—2:00 P.M.


The Advanced Technical Intelligence Center for Human Capital Development (ATIC) is an independent, non profit organization dedicated to addressing critical human capital and technological development needs within the U.S. HIDTA SALIENT SOTERA WEGMANS APTo achieve ATHENAEUM Intelligence Community (IC) and related industries. this, ATIC collaborates with industry, government, and academia to leverage their combined knowledge and technical capabilities.


BAE Systems, Inc. is the U.S. subsidiary of BAE Systems plc, a global defense, security and aerospace company which delivers a full range of products and services for air, land and naval forces, as well as advanced electronics, security, information METZ PRESCIENT technology solutions and customer support services.

The mission of the Ohio HIDTA is to reduce drug distribution and money launderCareer Fair ing organizations, reduce the impact of illicit drugs andTips the associated violent crimes in the Ohio HIDTA region, and undermine the development of violent gangs do Iinprepare for a substances. job fair? thatHow traffic controlled This will be accomplished through the coordination and sharing of intelligence unified Learn what employers will beand attending thelaw fair.enforcement Research theefforts. companies that you will be meeting and interacting with prior to the fair.

Choose employers thatservices you want to talk to andcomplex map outproblems a path so you can areas visit allofof them. Prescient provides tailored that address in the Have copies of your resume printed on resume paper available to leave with Risk Mitigation, Due Diligence, Integrated Solutions, Training, and Research &employers. Development operating environments andreferences, markets that increasingly favor discrete, You in may wish to have copies of your portfolio and writing samples available to leave with employers and/or to is use to demonstrate your skills. specialized solutions. Our principal staff comprised of expertly trained professionals from Intelligence, Federal Lawto Enforcement, Special Operations, SoftBring the information that you may need complete an employment application (i.e. job and ed cation history, reference names, emergency contact, social security number, etc.). ware Engineering, and Business communities. We discretely and professionally service aPractice range your of needs for select Government customers with "No Fail" mission 30 second elevator speech to sell yourself to an employer requirements. We take the same rigorous and meticulous approach our federal Know how your college education has prepared you to get a certainfor position. customers and apply it in support of our commercial clients. How to present yourself the day of the fair?








Camber provides critical security and intelligence solutions that affect national and international security. Our highly skilled, cleared professionals have specialized experiences that deliver trusted solutions in the most sensitive environments. We also provide critical insight into four of the most important areas of national security – Intelligence, CBRN Protection, Unmanned Systems and assist customers in saving lives, helping to prevent loss and hardship, and reducing future vulnerability by protecting the nation’s health, safety, and property.


The Center for Internet Security, Inc. (CIS) is a 501c3 nonprofit organization focused on enhancing the cyber security readiness and response of public and private sector entities, with a commitment to excellence through collaboration. CIS proCIS partners achieve SCOTT vides resources that help security goals through expert guidance and cost-effective solutions.



G3 Technologies is a focused company dedicated to providing next generation wireless solutions that lead to business success for our clients. Established in 2001, G3T is aIntel privately owned, self-funded growth company. Our leadership team is composed of veteran engineers brought together from industry leading organizaHospitality tions including Lucent, True Position and Tektronix. Our focus is the development of custom tailored solutions serving current and future needs of fixed/mobile wireless operators, wireless infrastructure vendors, and wireless consulting companies. Stairs G3T is dedicated to maintaining its leading vanguard status in this rapidly evolving wireless communications industry. WEGMANS




Give recruiter a firm handshake and maintain eye contact to communicate “I am the one you

With information technology, training, and engineering services in intelligence, want to hire” defense, homeland security, federal civilian, and commercial domains, Salient FedBe professionally dressed from head to toe eral Solutions is prepared to meet the challenges agencies face head-on, providing Be theimpact first to for introduce yourself to an employer, (shows initiative) Headquarrapid-mission our government and commercial customers. Show interest in the company, do not talk in monotone, be enthusiastic. tered in Fairfax, VA., Salient has 18 offices, plus personnel in 141 locations across Watch your posture, stand tall, this will make appear more confident. the U.S. and overseas. The Salient employee familyyou includes than 1,000 members, many of whom arehave cleared, all of which experts in their use respective Demonstrate that you knowledge of yourare particular discipline, technical terms and occupationaltalk specialties. about experiences or classes you have had.

If an employer gives you an application to fill out, complete the information immediately an

Sotera Defense Solutions, Inc. is anthe agile, mid-tier national technology return it to the employer same day…this might besecurity part of the hiring process. companyDo that delivers innovative systems, solutions and services in support of thesell better not hand your resume to the employer until they ask for it remember people critical missions the Intelligence Community, Department of Defense, Departthanof paper. ment of Homeland Security and federal law enforcement Visit employers you are less interested in first, this willagencies allow youcharged to warm with up and get used t ensuring thethe safety and security of our nation. Our ~1,500+ employees arewant focused way a career fair works, then visit the employers that you really to work for. on deliveringPractice essential counterterrorism, cyber security and operations, intellimakes perfect! gence, data analytics, and force solutions to our customers throughWork a career C4ISR fair by yourself notmobility with friends. out the national security community. Do not bring food or beverages around with you when you are interviewing. Also watch th you are not chewing gum or have a strong smell of smoke on your clothing.

You have nothing to loseto byincredible stopping and talkingstarts to all with employers… At Wegmans our commitment service ensuring the safety of our customers, employees andinvisitors at all facilities. InVisit theemployers role of anthat have sho Don’t waste time standing long lines to of talkour to employers. Asset Protection Specialist, will work ourto Wegmans be responsier or no lines andyou make your wayinback the more stores popularand employers. ble for maintaining and building theespecially store's security programs, helping to protect Take notes about employers, if they give you specific instructions about their hiri assets and providing process. a safe and secure environment. Our customers and employees will depend on you to ensure their experiences at Wegmans live up to the high standards and expectations we have set.

ATTENDEES—HOSPITALITY ATTENDEES—HOSPITALITY Throughout Throughout Chautauqua Chautauqua Institution’s Institution’s summersummer season, season, Athenaeum Athenaeum Hotel guests Hotelare guests are inspiredinspired by a variety learning, recreational and entertainment programs that arethat are by a of variety of learning, recreational and entertainment programs all part of experience. For 140 For summers, people have come all the partunique of the Chautauqua unique Chautauqua experience. 140 summers, people have come to Chautauqua’s 750-acre750-acre community to experience arts, education, concerts, lecto Chautauqua’s community to experience arts, education, concerts, lectures and lively discussions. The hotel offers full service to hotelto guests tures and lively discussions. The hotela offers a full restaurant service restaurant hotel guests and visitors Chautauqua. Affordability and speed service builtare into theinto the and to visitors to Chautauqua. Affordability andofspeed of are service built menu offerings. menu offerings.

Hyatt is Hyatt one ofisthe recognizable names in the hospitality industry.industry. With itsWith its onemost of the most recognizable names in the hospitality vast cultural and geographic diversity, Hyatt has many to ones to success. vast cultural and geographic diversity, Hyatt hasalternatives many alternatives ones success. WhetherWhether you’re interested in gaining valuablevaluable experience as an intern a Corpoyou’re interested in gaining experience as anorintern or a Corporate Management Trainee,Trainee, beginning your career an entry-level position,position, or chal- or chalrate Management beginning yourincareer in an entry-level lenging lenging yourselfyourself as an accomplished professional, Hyatt offers and rewardas an accomplished professional, Hyattexciting offers exciting and rewarding career in manyindifferent areas. There’s virtuallyvirtually no limit no to where ingoptions career options many different areas. There’s limit toyour where your ambitionambition can takecan youtake in our organization. youworld-class in our world-class organization.

Luxurious comfortcomfort embraces pure style at style the elegant, Four Diamond Omni Hotel Luxurious embraces pure at the elegant, Four Diamond OmniatHotel at CNN Center. in the of downtown within the bustling CNN Center. LocatedLocated in the heart ofheart downtown Atlanta Atlanta within the bustling Luckie Luckie thishotel luxury hotelyou treats you toofviews of the spectacular downtown MariettaMarietta District,District, this luxury treats to views the spectacular downtown skyline or picturesque Centennial Park. skyline or picturesque Centennial OlympicOlympic Park. Scott Enterprises is a family Company based inbased Erie, PA. Its PA. Its Scott Enterprises is aowned family Hospitality owned Hospitality Company in Erie, portfolioportfolio includesincludes hotels, conference/banquet services,services, franchised restaurants as hotels, conference/banquet franchised restaurants as well as an Indoor own andown operate 20 locations with 5 prowell as anWater IndoorPark. WaterCurrently Park. Currently and operate 20 locations with 5 projectsdevelopment. under development. jects under

The Sheraton Erie Bayfront Hotel believes life is better and thatand ex-that exThe Sheraton Erie Bayfront Hotel believes life iswhen bettershared, when shared, tends totends our workplace culture.culture. Sheraton associates go the extra mile formile our guests to our workplace Sheraton associates go the extra for our guests with friendly service and thoughtful gesturesgestures that create with friendly service and thoughtful thatlasting createconnections. lasting connections. Our dynamic workforce brings together team from players from around the Our dynamic workforce brings together talentedtalented team players around the world. Toand attract andthe retain and brightest, offer exceptional world. To attract retain bestthe andbest brightest, we offerwe exceptional benefits,benefits, world-class and strategic career development for an outstanding associate world-class trainingtraining and strategic career development for an outstanding associate experience. The onhotel Erie on Bayfront, Erie Bayfront, is associated is associated and bridged and bridged to Bayfront to Bayfront Con- Conexperience. The hotel Managed byLodging White Lodging Services. vention vention Center. Center. Managed by White Services.

Metz Culinary Management is a family-driven company that collaborates Metz Culinary Management is a family-driven company that collaborates with its with its clients to restaurant-inspired deliver restaurant-inspired hospitality each andguest. every guest. clients to deliver hospitality to each to and every Hospitality – Welcoming and delighting Fun – Celebrating Hospitality – Welcoming and delighting people. people. Fun – Celebrating success success and rec-and recognizingognizing the bestthe in others. IntegrityIntegrity and fairness – Communicating clearly, being best in others. and fairness – Communicating clearly, being reasonable and open toopen differences. Doing the rightthe thing. – Attending to reasonable and to differences. Doing rightQuality thing. Quality – Attending to details; details; setting and hitting standards. BalanceBalance – Keeping our promises to each to each setting andhigh hitting high standards. – Keeping our promises of our stakeholders withoutwithout sacrificing one for one another. RespectRespect and caring Hon- – Honof our stakeholders sacrificing for another. and–caring oring the culture worth people; seeing to their to comfort withoutwithout the expectaoring the and culture andofworth of people; seeing their comfort the expectation of return. tion of return.

Omni Bedford The began legendmore began more 200 years ago at BedOmni Bedford Springs Springs Resort: Resort: The legend than 200than years ago at Bedford Springs, where eight mineral springs gained asfame a mecca rejuvenation. ford Springs, where eight mineral springsfame gained as aof mecca of rejuvenation. The legacy at the world-class Springs Springs Eternal Spa incorporating treat- treatThecontinues legacy continues at the world-class Eternal Spa incorporating ments with mineral waters and a magnificently restoredrestored golf course. From our lux- our luxments with mineral waters and a magnificently golf course. From urious guest accommodations and delectable dining venues, to cutting-edge uriousroom guest room accommodations and delectable dining venues, to cutting-edge conference rooms—we have preserved all of thealloriginal historic historic charm with thewith the conference rooms—we have preserved of the original charm additionaddition of modern creaturecreature comforts. Omni Bedford. of modern comforts. Omni Bedford.

Wegmans—These five statements explain what we’re about: careWe about Wegmans—These five statements explain whatallwe’re all We about: carethe about the well-being and success every person. High standards areofalife. wayWe of life. well-being and success of everyofperson. High standards are a way pur-We pursue excellence in everything Wea make a difference every community we sue excellence in everything we do. we Wedo. make difference in everyincommunity we serve. We respect and to our people. We empower our to people make deciserve. We respect and listen tolisten our people. We empower our people maketodecisions that improve their work and our benefit our customers our company. sions that improve their work and benefit customers and ourand company.

The staffThe of WHG staff of has WHG a combined has a combined history of history over 75 of over years75 inyears the hospitality in the hospitality industry.industry. Beginning as an independent owner/operator, WHG hasdue grown due to its success Beginning as an independent owner/operator, WHG has grown to its success implementing marketing strategies and combining them with exceptional implementing creativecreative marketing strategies and combining them with exceptional customer service programs. Fusing development with operational customer service programs. Fusing development servicesservices with operational support,support, is positioned to contribute everyof aspect of aFrom hotel. From a conceptual WHG is WHG positioned to contribute to everytoaspect a hotel. a conceptual idea idea to an existing, property, we canwith assist any facet specific to an existing, mature mature property, we can assist anywith facet specific to your to your

The mission of the Ohio HIDTA is to reduce drug distribution and money laundering organizations, reduce the impact of illicit drugs and the associated violent Career Tips crimes in the Ohio HIDTA region,Fair and undermine the development of violent gangs that traffic in controlled substances. This will be accomplished through the coordiHow do I prepare for a job fair? nation and sharing of intelligence and unified law enforcement efforts. Learn what employers will be attending the fair. Research the companies that you will be

FLOOR PLAN—CAE ATRIUM ATTENDEES—INTEL The Advanced Technical Intelligence Center for Human Capital Development (ATIC) is an independent, non profit organization dedicated to addressing critical and technological developmentWEGMANS needs within the U.S. HIDTAhuman capitalSALIENT SOTERA AP ATHENAEUM Intelligence Community (IC) and related industries. To achieve this, ATIC collaborates with industry, government, and academia to leverage their combined knowledge and technical capabilities.

meeting and interacting with prior to the fair.

tailored that problems in the areas of ChoosePrescient employersprovides that you want to talkservices to and map outaddress a path socomplex you can visit all of them.

Risk Mitigation, Due Diligence, Integrated Solutions, Training, and Research & Development in operating environments and markets that increasingly favor discrete, You may wish to have copies of your references, portfolio and writing samples available to specialized solutions. principal staff is your comprised leave with employers and/orOur to use to demonstrate skills. of expertly trained professionals from the Intelligence, Federal Law Enforcement, Special Operations, SoftBring information that you may need to complete an employment application (i.e. job and eduwarehistory, Engineering, Business communities. We discretely and professionally cation referenceand names, emergency contact, social security number, etc.). service a range of needs for select Government customers with "No Fail" mission Practice your 30 second elevator speech to sell yourself to an employer requirements. We take the same rigorous and meticulous approach for our federal Know how your college education has prepared you to get a certain position. customers and apply it in support of our commercial clients. Have copies of your resume printed on resume paper available to leave with employers.


BAE Systems, Inc. is the U.S. subsidiary of BAE Systems plc, a global defense, security and aerospace company which delivers a full range of products and services for air, land and naval forces, as well as advanced electronics, security, information METZ PRESCIENT support services. technology solutions and customer

How to present yourself the day of the fair?





The Center for Internet Security, Inc. (CIS) is a 501c3 nonprofit organization focused on enhancing the cyber security readiness and response of public and private sector entities, with a commitment to excellence through collaboration. CIS provides resources that help partners achieve security goals through expert guidance CIS SCOTT and cost-effective solutions.

Sotera Defense Solutions, Inc. is an agile, mid-tier national security technology



eral Solutions is prepared to meet the challenges agencies face head-on, providing rapid-mission impact for our government and commercial customers. HeadquarShow interest in the company, do not talk in monotone, be enthusiastic. tered in Fairfax, VA., Salient has 18 offices, plus personnel in 141 locations across Watch your posture, stand tall, this will make you appear confident. the U.S. and overseas. The Salient employee family includes more than 1,000 Demonstrate that you have knowledge of your particular discipline, use technical terms and members, many of whom are cleared, all of which are experts in their respective talk about experiences or classes you have had. occupational specialties. Do not hand your resume to the employer until they ask for it remember people sell better company than paper. that delivers innovative systems, solutions and services in support of the



defense, homeland security, civilian, and commercial domains, Salient FedBe professionally dressed from head to federal toe

If an employer gives you an application to fill out, complete the information immediately and return it to the employer the same day…this might be part of the hiring process.

G3 Technologies is a focused company dedicated to providing next generation wireless solutions that lead to business success for our clients. Established in 2001, G3T is a privately owned, self-funded growth company. Our leadership team is composed of veteran engineers brought together from industry leading organizations includingIntel Lucent, True Position and Tektronix. Our focus is the development of custom tailored solutions serving current Hospitality and future needs of fixed/mobile wireless operators, wireless infrastructure vendors, and wireless consulting companies. G3T is dedicated to maintaining its leading vanguard status in this rapidly evolving wireless communications industry. Stairs .

Give recruiter a firm handshake and maintain eye contact to communicate “I am the one you With technology, training, and engineering services in intelligence, want to information hire” Be the first to introduce yourself to an employer, (shows initiative)




Camber provides critical security and intelligence solutions that affect national and international security. Our highly skilled, cleared professionals have specialized experiences that deliver trusted solutions in the most sensitive environments. We also provide critical insight into four of the most important areas of national security – Intelligence, CBRN Protection, Unmanned Systems and assist customers in saving lives, helping to prevent loss and hardship, and reducing future vulnerability by protecting the nation’s health, safety, and property.


critical missions of the Intelligence Community, Department DepartVisit employers you are less interested in first, this will allow you to warm up of andDefense, get used to ment Homeland Security andthefederal lawthat enforcement agencies with the way aofcareer fair works, then visit employers you really want to workcharged for. Practice makes ensuring theperfect! safety and security of our nation. Our ~1,500+ employees are focused delivering cyber security and operations, intelliWorkon a career fair by essential yourself notcounterterrorism, with friends.

gence, dataoranalytics, mobility solutions to our Do not bring food beverages C4ISR aroundand withforce you when you are interviewing. Alsocustomers watch that throughyou notnational chewing gum or have a strong of smoke on your clothing. outarethe security community.

You have nothing to lose by stopping and talking to all employers… Don’tAt waste time standing in long lines to to talkincredible to employers. Visit starts employers have shortWegmans our commitment service withthat ensuring the safety er or no lines and make your way back to the more popular employers.

of our customers, employees and visitors at all of our facilities. In the role of an

Take notes about employers, especially if they give you specific instructions about their hiring Asset Protection Specialist, you will work in our Wegmans stores and be responsiprocess.

ble for maintaining and building the store's security programs, helping to protect assets and providing a safe and secure environment. Our customers and employees will depend on you to ensure their experiences at Wegmans live up to the high standards and expectations we have set.

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