Merge Magazine July 2011

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VOLUME 2 // ISSUE 3 // JULY 2011





CREATIVE DIRECTOR Carrie Mayhew PHOTOGRAPHY Larissa Mack Natalie Semeniuk Nicole Ashley WEB Cam Linke

Welcome to the July issue of Merge Magazine. With summer upon us and Edmontonians filling parks and pathways, basking in the sunshine (between rainstorms), it seemed fitting to devote this issue to summer sports and wellness. Sports are a great way to get outside and enjoy our long summer days, and with this issue we want to convey the sheer joy that comes from being active outside in the warm weather. As VivaCore’s Victoria Poschadel will tell you, fitness is essential to wellness and quality of life. But we also want to show that there is more to Edmonton’s athletic scene than the Oilers and the Esks by focusing on some

FRONT COVER Janice Raves, Tanya Breukel and Shardu Tunm Photo by Sherree Elm CONTRIBUTORS Megan Sarrazin, Lisa Babiuk, Kristen Wagner, Jen Hardes, Danielle Paradis, Lindsay Holman, Sarah Kmiech, Devon Bryce, Krista D. Ball, Paula Kirman, Vance Ternowski

of the city’s lesser-known sports—boxing, motocross, sailing, and our cover story, roller derby. But for some people, sports are more than just a way of enjoying the warm weather and keeping the love handles at bay. Sports are the basis of business for IronMama™ entrepreneur Christine Kasturi. For Eskimos chaplain Brent Kassian, sports offer an opportunity to share his faith and mentor athletes who need


someone to talk to.

DISTRIBUTION: 30,000 at Safeway, Sobeys, Mac’s, 7-Eleven, Bank of Montreal, Servus, College and University campuses, Trader Corporation, Classified Media, Metro News and in the Classified Media magazine boxes on streets and at bus stops. Edmonton events, business events, and non-profit fundraising events.

There is a sport for everyone, and we hope this issue of Merge helps you find yours. So get off the couch, get active, and enjoy the summer!

PRINTING: Central Web Printing JOIN US ON Copyright © 2011 Merge Magazine. All rights reserved.

Sherree Elm


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ou go to the gym, head to the free weights to work

CrossFit is still somewhat new in the exercise arena, so it’s

on your upper body, do some lunges to work on your

understandable that new participants are a little unsure of what

lower body, finish it up with some cardio time on the

to expect. But Bodnaruk and fellow co-owner and trainer

treadmill, and then do the same routine all over again

Peter Li have had years of experience helping people get fit,

the next day. You must be in shape, right? So why is it when

and assure potential participants that when it’s someone’s first

you take part in an impromptu soccer game you end up limping

CrossFit experience, they go a bit slower, tailoring the workout

away with pulled quads and strained tendons?

and concentrating on technique and form to ensure there are

While it’s great that you are making physical activity a part of

no injuries.

your lifestyle, if you stick to a set workout schedule and run on

“It’s really easy for a beginner to start with,” Bodnaruk says.

that same treadmill day in and day out, you’ll not only become

“Basically everything with CrossFit is scaleable, so the movements

bored with exercising, you will also put stress on the muscles

themselves are the pride and glory of the workout … how much

you continuously use while neglecting so many others you’re not

people do within the workout depends on their ability.”

even aware of.

Four and a half years ago both Bodnaruk and Li were reservists

It’s time to change it up, and this is where CrossFit Lazarus

with the military and started CrossFit training in order to prepare

can help you out. CrossFit is a different kind of workout. While

for it. When Bodnaruk went overseas to Afghanistan, he not only

more traditional fitness regimes may focus on looking fitter or

continued his own CrossFit training, but went on to train other

developing certain muscles, CrossFit helps to develop functional

soldiers in his platoon as well.

fitness that can be applied in the real world.

Bodnaruk and Li have been enjoying their clients’ accomplishments

CrossFit works different muscles in many different ways—one

and growing fitness levels since opening CrossFit Lazarus’ big bay

moment you’re throwing a medicine ball or flipping over a tractor

doors back in December 2010.

tire, and the next you’re climbing up a rope. It may all seem like random exercises, but CrossFit is a carefully planned workout, resulting in a better overall performance, and a body that won’t crack and tear. “CrossFit essentially is a strength and conditioning program that focuses on creating a broad wealth of fitness—essentially being fit across all domains,” says Richard Bodnaruk, co-owner and

“A lot of people will end up with a good physique, they’ll feel better, and have tons of energy,” Bodnaruk says. And anyone can start CrossFit, just like anyone can start being more physically active in any sense says Bodnaruk. They work with people of all ages, and many who suffer from different ailments and physical limitations.

certified CrossFit trainer at CrossFit Lazarus in Edmonton. “There’s

“Probably half our clients come in with something severely

a purpose behind it, so people aren’t just running around sweating.

debilitating—they were in a car accident, or they have a terrible

What they end up with is something definable—something they can

back, or torn ligaments in their knee,” Bodnaruk says. “Our

use to actually accomplish things.”

oldest client is 60. He had tons of mobility issues, and I’ve seen

Bodnaruk says that many traditional gyms and fitness programs

him get better and better.”

focus on specific muscles in order to make them bigger and stronger.

If you are new to CrossFit, the first class at CrossFit Lazarus is

In contrast, CrossFit uses many variations of gymnastics, weight

free. If you want to continue, the next step is the fundamentals

lifting and cardio training, and focuses on physical movements like

class, which is a training month teaching specific CrossFit

picking items up and moving them in a safe and effective manner.

techniques. The group classes are for people who are more

Participants are trained to apply these movements outside the gym.

advanced in their training. CrossFit Lazarus also offers special

Gymnastics training includes lunges, squats and pulling yourself

deal classes through Groupon and Deal Find.

over an object. These exercises relate to any real-world movement

CrossFit Lazarus is located at 15538 131 Ave. They operate

in controlling your own body—Bodnaruk uses the example of

from Monday to Saturday, with various times and classes. Visit

getting out of a chair, which is directly related to a lunge movement.

them online, or call them at 780-455-4441 to find out their gym

And weight lifting isn’t limited to Olympic heavyweight-style

hours and services.

lifting—CrossFit takes a more practical approach. “Everyone

This is the summer to ramp up your workout and get your body

has to lift something at some point in their life,” says Bodnaruk.

in shape with something new, and enjoy those summer games of

“We just teach you how to do it effectively and safely.”

soccer and baseball—without the extra aches and pains afterwards. //




o you sweat when you brush your teeth? Does the trek from the couch to the fridge leave you winded? If so, it might be a good time to start exercising. And with

Plan your workouts. The next step is planning your workouts. Just like work or dinner,

summer upon us, now is the perfect time to get back on track to

scheduling in time to exercise will make you do it more often.

a healthier, stronger and happier you.

“Even if your schedule is packed, there is always time,” Vigeant

With the help of certified personal trainer Shara Vigeant, we’ve compiled some helpful tips to get you from a sedentary lifestyle to an active one.

Set goals. Vigeant says that the first thing to do is determine your goals. Be realistic. It could be as simple as drinking more water or walking an extra 10 minutes. When deciding what you want, think longterm. “Today, everyone wants fast results, but that doesn’t offer long-standing value,” Vigeant says.

Determine where you’re at. Once you know your goals, ask yourself where you currently are in terms of fitness, nutrition and overall health. “Be honest with yourself,” Vigeant says. “It may be hard, but convincing yourself you’re in a better spot than you are will hinder your overall success.” If you have a difficult time answering this question on your own, don’t be afraid to get help from experts. “Trainers are great because they have the right tools and education,” states Vigeant. “We’ll assess your current level of physical fitness, plus discuss your personal goals, needs and any other issues.” It’s also important to keep reminding yourself of these goals. Write them down and post them on the refrigerator if you have to. “Make it a priority,” she says.

says. “Don’t rule out those few minutes you have. Anything is always better than nothing.” On a tight budget? Not a problem! “Being active isn’t about having a gym membership or state-of-the-art equipment at home,” says Vigeant. “The most important machine you have is yourself.” Activities such as walking the dog, going for a run or playing sports with friends are all affordable options that work.

Start! “There is never a perfect time to begin,” says Vigeant. “Be confident and start simple.” Find activities that complement your lifestyle. By doing things you enjoy, you’re more likely to stick with it. Know what works best for you. Jumping on trends is never the best solution. “Your body is unique. Therefore, what you need is likely to be different from what someone else needs to achieve results.” Once you begin your routine, go slowly. “Starting too fast and changing too many things at once will overwhelm you,” says Vigeant. As the activities become easier to do, that’s when you can advance. “Aim for progress, not perfection. Otherwise you’ll mentally and emotionally exhaust yourself.” Another important element is stretching. Not only will it significantly decrease the risk of injury, but stretching also improves flexibility and blood flow and cuts down your recovery time. What goes nicely with exercise? Proper nutrition. You’ve heard it before: you are what you eat. That’s why Vigeant recommends eating as much unprocessed food as possible. “Eat from the earth,” she says. Another tip is buying food you recognize: “If you can’t pronounce it, don’t eat it.”


“Being active isn’t about having a gym membership or state-of-theart equipment,The most important machine you have is yourself.”

With an abundance of products on the market claiming to help

acknowledging your improvements, you’ll be motivated to keep

you lose weight, block fat, stop cravings and more, Vigeant can

going. Still, if you need a little support, find a way to get it. “It’s

see why many people are confused. “There are so many fad diets

okay to ask for help,” says Vigeant.

and magic pills out there,” says Vigeant. “But quick fixes don’t exist. Stick to a balanced lifestyle of a healthy diet and exercise, and you’ll see long-term health benefits.”

As owner of Shara Vigeant Personal Training on the city’s south side, Vigeant knows firsth and about the challenges of living a healthy lifestyle. A former bodybuilder, she suffered her own trials

To assist in your health and fitness goals, Vigeant suggests eating

and tribulations with weight loss. After five years of competing,

four or five small meals throughout the day to maintain energy.

dieting and working out several times a day, Vigeant’s body began

Watch your portions and eat only until satisfied. Her advice is

to shut down. “I wasn’t healthy,” she says. “I became a prisoner of

eating foods at an 80-20 ratio—healthy 80 per cent of the time,

the mirror.”

but relaxing the rules for the remaining 20 per cent. “Everyone needs to hang with their buddies and have some wings or unwind with a glass of wine once in a while,” Vigeant says. “The goal is to make healthy options more often while still enjoying life. The 80-20 ratio will help you stick to the program longer.” Exercise and nutrition aside, Vigeant says one of the biggest factors to success is attitude. “Never say never. Thinking in terms of ‘I choose not to’ rather than ‘I can’t’ will help you stay positive.” Getting support from others is another asset, but isn’t strictly

Vigeant quit competing and bodybuilding and changed her lifestyle. Today, she still works out four or five times a week, but is more realistic about her goals and her body. “I learned there was a big difference between looking fit and being fit,” she says. She passes this outlook on to all her clients. “Being active will help you in everyday life. The fitter you are, the more productive you will be in everything you do,” she says. “[Fitness] has to be a priority.” //

necessary. Remember, you’re doing this for yourself. By 9





ho says girls are confined to figure skating and ballet? For ladies who like their sports a little more rough-and-tough, there’s roller derby. Edmonton boasts two roller derby clubs with plenty of opportunities to take out some aggression on the track, one of which is the Oil City Derby Girls. But be warned: this is not a sport for the faint of heart. “My shins look like I had rabid dogs chewing on them,” says one participant says to me. Blood and broken bones aside, the sport’s violent nature is more than hinted at through the players’ adopted personas—Honey Crueler, Ginger Rage and Trauminatrix to name a few. Flat-track roller derby is an American-invented sport. It’s full contact, and requires speed, strategy and a healthy dose of sass. The game was developed in the Great Depression by Leo Seltzer, and since then the sport has seen its popularity wax and wane. But derby always comes back—it’s an inexpensive and accessible sport, and every city has interesting little nooks and venues that can be turned into practice rinks. Games are played on an oval track. Two teams of five players each circle the track. Each team is comprised of one “jammer,” or the predetermined scoring player, and four “blockers,” or defensive players. Points are scored when the jammer laps the other team. The blockers try to ensure that the opposing team’s jammer doesn’t earn any points. Games almost invariably become brutal. There is a heavy theatrical element to roller derby. Each player adopts a pseudonym, and game attire is far from the standard shorts-and-t-shirt of many other team sports; it’s not uncommon for players to sport fishnets and short skirts. Formed in 2005, the Oil City Derby Girls were one of the first modern derby leagues in Canada. The modern incarnation of the sport focuses on athleticism, in contrast to the showmanship of decades past. In the past six years, derby has caught on like wildfire across the prairies. There are now over 40 leagues in Canada, and the sport is still growing.

Roller derby is “an all-consuming sport,” says Trauminatrix, who

I’ve strapped on skates and practiced with the freshies at former

has been part of the Derby Girls for six months. “You become a

practices, but there are no freshies today. From my own past

part of this subculture. And if you say you play roller derby you

experience in derby, I can attest that the atmosphere and sport

will get a gazillion friends on Facebook. It starts out as a hobby,

are addictive. In no time at all I was skating around the rink

and it’s exercise that doesn’t feel like exercise.”

(without falling!) and I even mastered a tuck—sliding on one knee and getting back up on your skates.

Roller derby is a great workout. It uses all of the major muscle groups, is as aerobically effective as cycling or jogging, and a

Today the more experienced ladies are training for their upcoming

skater can burn up to 1200 calories in a practice. The ladies of

meets. They speak excitedly of an upcoming event, the Fresh

derby don’t seem the types to be keeping close track of these

Meet Frolic, where rookies from all over the province come

things, though. There are all sizes here, and everyone is welcome.

together for smashup double-header game.

Wytchy, a six-year veteran of the sport, is a robust and energetic woman. She still speaks fondly of her first experience as a


freshie; at the urging of Pamtera (of the reffing crew), Wytchy

club, and showed up to practice with her 10-year-old daughter.

attended a practice. “I kept falling down and getting up again,

Both of them have been hooked on the sport ever since. Her

so I knew it was for me,” she recalls.

daughter, who has adopted the adorably fierce moniker Scream

Derby is fun, but it certainly isn’t risk-free. At her first game Wytchy smashed her head and suffered a minor concussion. She didn’t stop playing, although she did sit out three jams (two-minute periods). She also had a broken ankle. But she

Soda, “loves the game as much as I do, more than I do,” Trauma says happily. “It’s a great sport for young girls. It shows them that not everyone is five-foot-10 and skinny. It’s really given [Scream Soda] and me confidence.”

wears these injuries as a badge of honour, because she loves

The women of derby are always recruiting. You can come

the game.

any time of year. Your looks and build don’t matter—what’s

Trauminatrix has not been rolling as long as Wytchy, but her love of the game can be traced back to her experiences watching

important to these ladies is knowing how to bring it! //

roller derby’s heyday in the 1970s. She emailed the Oil City






t’s Hugh McCall’s ninetieth birthday and he just finished

This policy extends to Panther’s kickboxing and karate classes,

three rounds at Panther Gym. “He talked about stopping

which have mixed ability levels. Full Privilege Members have

after the second, but we pushed past that, and he made

access to all these classes, as well as workout equipment.

it through the third. It’s little things like that which set the

Swanson stresses that expertise is not required at Panther. “Just

tone for the day,” says Benny Swanson, Panther’s owner. Swanson loves his job, and his excitement shows. “I’ve been

bring your enthusiasm and your energy. We don’t even care if you can’t bring enthusiasm every day, just keep trying.”

able to turn my passion into a job,” he says. We walk around the

Panther differs from a lot of gyms, Swanson says confidently,

gym as he talks about the changes that have taken place since

but he makes it clear it isn’t the right gym for everyone. “If you’re

he first started working out at Panther two decades ago, from

looking for a purely social experience, this isn’t it. There’s a lot of

new equipment to new windows. “People always joke about

support here, and we give people a place to work through some

the smell in a gym, but when you get a lot of people working

of life’s situations, but we’re here to work.”

hard and sweating in the summer, it’s nice to be able to open the windows,” he laughs.

Clients don’t sign any contracts at Panther, a feature that allows people to come and go, and works well for much of the clientele.

Swanson walked into the gym in 1991, hung over and looking

“We get everyone in here, from hockey players in the off season,

for a change in his life; he says that it was “boxing that knocked

all the big name boxers who are passing though, and a lot of

some sense into me.” In his youth, Swanson partied and fought.

actors as well."

“I’d go into bars and just be on the lookout for guys who were being jerks, guys who were picking on smaller guys and I’d bump into them, anything to start a fight,” he says. “One of my friends was already training at Panther… I needed somewhere to direct my energy and did I ever find it here!” He started training to box right away, and despite years of experience street fighting, he found he had a lot to learn.

The people Swanson talks about with the most pride, however, are the kids that frequent his gym. “I work with a lot of kids who just need a place to go” he says, “the ones who might be hanging out at the mall, getting into trouble.” Swanson knows from his own life what these kids are facing, and he’s clear that he’s there for them, regardless of how sporadically they might show up. “I talk about what I went through growing up

Becoming an amateur boxer gave him focus, and turning pro

while we’re training, and they might tell me about their lives. What

gave him a sense of who he wanted to be. But it was losing that

matters is that they’re here, and they’re learning. They might take

career that brought him to where he is today. At the height of his

off for a while, but they’ll come back. And we don’t judge them.

career, Swanson was involved in a car accident. “[After] losing

We’re all here for the same reason.”

my pro career, for a time I just lost myself,” he says. “I went back to partying and looking for external sources of happiness.”

Swanson is able to teach the teens he works with how to box, how to train, but also how to overcome setbacks and frustration.

But his time at the gym set Swanson on the right path yet again.

“I teach them to stay on track by living well, and I’m always

“It still amazes me how walking down the stairs to this gym just

telling them to go after their dreams, but not to sell yourself for

wipes away all my problems,” he says. “I know what I need to

them,” he explains. “It is all about living consciously.”

do to keep myself focused. All fighters have demons, so there’s no judgment at this gym.”



The team helps to bring awareness to a variety of causes by performing and engaging the crowd at events and fundraisers. From helping charity runners warm up before the big race, to pouring Ice Caps at Tim Horton’s on “Camp Day,” the team is constantly being invited out to serve their community in a variety of ways. “It’s nice to get out and be able to support the community,” says Closson. “It’s amazing to think that you can make someone’s day better just by giving them a hug.” Closson says that one of her favorite events is Kids with Cancer. “The kids are so amazing,” she says. “They get a chance to put smiles on [the kids’] faces,” says Greenough. These smiles are more than worth all of the time and effort the team puts into preparation and performance. When she isn’t training, cheering or supporting the community, STORY: LINDSAY HOLMAN // PHOTO: JUSTIN MCMURDO

Cheerleaders have a bad reputation in the world of entertainment.

profession at a post-secondary level sometime in the near future.

They’re said to lurk in high school gymnasiums, hallways and

A substantial portion of the team are already university students.

cafeterias, waiting to slam their classmates into lockers and

“It’s one of the things that we are looking for—people that will

reduce their more socially awkward peers to tears. While this

really make a difference in the world,” says Greenough. Being on

stereotype is a staple in teen television shows and movies, it

the Edmonton Eskimos Cheer Team not only looks great on a

couldn’t be any farther from the truth when it comes to the Edmonton Eskimos Cheer Team. “They have the opportunity to make life a little bit more positive and to support the causes that are crucial to our community,” says Eskimos cheer coach and choreographer Dianne Greenough. “They’ve really developed a reputation of being a talented and community-minded group of athletes.” The team is composed of 17 dancers, who perform choreographed dance routines, and 24 stunters, who perform the more acrobatic elements like aerial flips and twists. Every cheer team member is a volunteer. “They don’t get paid a penny,” says Greenough. Outside of performing at football games at home and away, the athletes spend extensive hours training and perfecting their skills both individually and as a team, and also attend over 200 charitable and promotional events throughout the course of the year. “It’s way more than just cheerleading,” says stunter Lynea Closson. This is Closson’s third year on the team. As a stunter, Closson is one of the “girls that you get to see fly in the air.” The experience of being on the team has been everything that she had expected, and more. “It’s such an amazing family to become a part of,” she says. “I met every single one of my best friends while on the team.” Closson is a prime example of the dedication and commitment required of each team member—she spent the majority of her first season as an Eskimos cheerleader driving back and forth from Red Deer. She says that it was a lot of gas money, but the experience was totally worth the expense.


Closson works a day job as a personal trainer. She plans to study the

Each team member is an elite athlete, with years of experience in gymnastics and dance. With their skills and contagious enthusiasm, they are true crowd pleasers. “They love fans and the fans love them,” adds Greenough. The team loves performing just as much as the crowd loves coming to see them dance, flip and cheer. “The first time that you walk out on the field, and there are 60,000 people staring at you—it’s just the most unbelievable feeling,” says Closson. Performing in front of a crowd and representing your hometown is a perk in itself. Greenough says that the team members’ undeniable talent and community spirit makes them fantastic ambassadors for Edmonton, and for Canada, when performing internationally. The Edmonton Eskimos Cheer Team is inclusive within the community, as well as in the stadium. At the very first half-time show of every season, the Eski-Minis, Jr. Esks, and Eski-Ladies join the team in their routine—that’s 300 bodies flooding the field. “It really kicks off the season,” says Greenough. Greenough initiated the three additional teams in 2000. “I did it first and foremost for kids in the community that wanted to be Eskimo cheerleaders,” she says. “They were hanging over the edge at games—they wanted to be a part of it.” The Eski-Minis is for children aged four to 10, the Jr. Esks are for ages 10 to 17, and the Eski-Ladies is for women over the age of 17. A lot of the EskiLadies are the mothers of the Eski-Minis. The teams have a great time and “make connections that last a lifetime,” says Greenough. resume—it molds the individual into becoming a genuinely caring, socially responsible and community-focused member of society.

The team has a busy summer ahead of them. In late July, they will be attending the Pro-Action Dance Convention in Las Vegas,

Though the “bully” stereotype is non-existent in this cheer team,

where the dancers can improve their form. The stunters will

the “wow” factor rings true. “I’m really proud that when the whistle

also benefit from the National Stunt Camp & Competition in

blows, the crowd will get the best entertainment around,” says

California. Keep your eyes peeled for the team at the Capital Ex

Greenough. She says that attending a game and watching the

parade on July 21, and at the Fringe Festival in mid-August. The

team perform is a great experience—“I can’t think of a better way

team will also continue to make appearances at charitable and

to spend a summer afternoon.”

promotional events throughout the summer months.





h en I first meet “Super” Dave Dyer, I can't help but

“A lot of places are being closed down. I didn't want to do all

imagine that he must be an accidental millionaire.

this work for someone to decide they didn't like it and have us

He carries himself casually, wearing an old leather

shut down.” The track officially opened for business in 2006.

jacket and blue jeans. He's also a little reserved

and quiet. Perhaps he won a lot of money in a contest, or created a brilliant product that became an instant best seller. Or perhaps he was at the forefront of the dot-com boom and now he is simply resting on his laurels. What I don’t expect him to be is a man who spends a great deal of his time rolling in dirt.

Dyer does the majority of the work on the track by himself, armed with a small bobcat, a water truck, and an impressive work ethic. “It's a juggling act to get the work done... because I want to be open on weekends and a couple of nights during the week.” He also spends a great deal of time hauling dirt and sand over from his neighbor's yard, and then packing it into the various slopes and jumps required for a fully functional

Super Dave got his first dirt bike in 1976, but it wasn't until

motocross track. Sometimes the magnitude of the operation

1989 that he began racing motocross. The name “motocross”

shocks even him: “You don't think it takes that much dirt until

is a combination of “motorcycle” and “cross-country”—it’s a

you're building it.”

sport for those whose need for speed can’t be confined to city streets. Motocross riders explore mixed-terrain closed tracks on motorbikes and ATVs, competing to see who can reach the finish line the fastest and get the dirtiest in the process. Races are fast, exciting, and at times cringe-inducing—on occasion

Super Dave's track is unique, because he has been using it as a place for both new and experienced riders to hone their craft. “A lot of tracks are restricted on when they can be used, and they're just for events, but you can't practice there,” he says.

riders can sustain serious injuries, although this risk is part of

Although it hasn't been used for much beyond a few races

the sport’s appeal for the adrenaline junkies it attracts.

amongst clubs, he's hoping that with a little time and a lot of hard

The sport has developed several unique branches—freestyle motocross, in which riders incorporate aerial elements like

work he can branch out and start hosting events, but the track is far from ready for that. “It's still a growing process,” he says.

flips and twists while riding their bikes; supermoto, which

He has already hosted a few interesting events, however. “I

takes a bike designed to be ridden off-road and racing in

had a snowman race, where you clear the snow off the tracks

on a track made of both dirt and asphalt; and supercross,

and use studded tires,” says Dyer. “It works almost as good

which takes place on indoor tracks with tighter turns than on

as in summer, only colder.” He has plans to build a starting

traditional outdoor tracks.

gate, which he says will lead to more events, and ideally, some

During his years of competition, Dyer took great interest in all aspects of motocross, and soon began helping to maintain some of the tracks in the area. In his years of involvement in

sponsors for the track. Shops tend to sponsor events over individual courses, but that hasn't deterred people from taking advantage of his track as a training ground.

the sport, he has noticed that the popularity of the sport travels

Motocross has often been considered less of a sport and more

along some of the same lines as a motocross track, surviving

of a pastime, but according to Dyer, riders have to be in top

dips, jumps, and curves; as with any sport, motocross

physical shape. Handling a bike that has so much power at

racing has suffered in the past few years, due to the faltering

top speeds for long periods of time requires both physical

economy, but fans of the sport have powered through. “There

strength and mental endurance. “Fifteen years ago, they

are a lot of people that are still die-hard,” Dyer says. “No

were testing motocross riders, and their physical strength

matter what happens with the economy, people still like to

is comparable to that of any other sport.” And unlike other

have their toys.”

sports, there are no breaks in motocross.

Around 2002, Dyer stopped racing, although he doesn't

Misconceptions also extend to how the riders themselves

consider it retirement. His focus has simply moved elsewhere.

are perceived. “If it has something to do with motorcycles,

Fast-forward to 2004, and Dyer has just purchased 80 acres

people think it's all the Hell's Angels or something,” says Dyer,

of land to convert into his own motocross track. He found the

reminding me that very few motocross riders are actually in

perfect place, north of Edmonton, near the town of Opal. “I

biker gangs, and that they're usually quite friendly. “The riders

talked to the county before I bought the land,” says Dyer. “They

get along great and they're really helpful. If there's a beginner

said it would be a good location. There's one neighbour across

there and he's having problems, guys will go up and help him.”

the way. He says as long as he can sleep at night and nobody's bothering him, then he's great with it.” The isolation is a saving grace for Dyer, as many other local tracks suffer from the expansion of nearby cities and towns.

Dyer's track has led to a strong community of motocross riders, and they all work together to make sure they have a great riding experience. //




The spiritual side of professional football is not often considered,

are at a place where it’s not a priority. That’s okay with me. My

except perhaps when fans are praying for a win in the last

services are volunteered only to those interested, and players

minutes of the Grey Cup final. But for Brent Kassian, chaplain

need not share my particular convictions.”

to the Edmonton Eskimos, not only is spirituality important to

But for players who are interested, Kassian hosts weekly Bible

sports, it’s essential to everyday life. “I’m somewhat biased,” Kassian says, “but I think that having

as well as a pre-game chapel. Players attend only if they want to.

any individual person, whether they’re players or writers or

Kassian found his place with the Eskimos through Athletes

doctors or plumbers or electricians, moms at home with kids— anybody—if you’re on a journey with Jesus Christ, you may become a better electrician, a better mom, a better football player on the field.” But Kassian’s job as chaplain isn’t to push his personal faith on players. Rather, he offers guidance and support to the team, and adjusts his approach to fit the faith level of everyone he meets.


studies and mentoring opportunities during the football season,

in Action, an organization which works to bring a spiritual component to sports, all the way from professional leagues to kids in sports camp programs. AIA believes in the power that sports can have over a culture, and hopes to help make athletes better role models for children. AIA supplies chaplains to the CFL, as well as many other professional and amateur sports organizations, and ensures they get the training they need to consistently improve at what they do. The decision to hire a

“We are all on the same team: the Eskimos,” he says. “For

chaplain rests with each individual professional sports team,

some players, religion and pro sports don’t go together. Or they

but currently every team in the CFL has one.

Green shirt: Brent Kassian

When he is not mentoring the Eskimos, Kassian works as a

went through a formal application process with them, and some

physiotherapist in the city. It was when he was attending the

interviews with the football team and with the existing chaplain.”

University of Alberta earning his degree in physiotherapy that his interest in spiritual leadership grew. He had been involved with Christian campus groups at the U of A, and took part in

“That was 12 seasons ago, and that’s hard to believe. Time just flies when you’re having fun.”

leadership training with an organization called Power to Change,

And Kassian’s time with the Eskimos has indeed been fun. He

of which Athletes in Action is a subset. An athlete himself,

says his favourite thing about serving as chaplain has been the

Kassian also ran track for the University team.

friendships he has developed with the staff and players—who

In the years since completing his degree, Kassian has enrolled in a Masters of Divinity program at Taylor Seminary, and

call him “chappy”—and these friendships are not limited to the players who participate in the chapel program.

participated in a local pastoral leadership team. Then about

“I’m not around to force things on [the players],” he says. “I’m

12 years ago, opportunity came barrelling at Kassian like a

there to come alongside and support them, especially with life

220-pound halfback.

issues away from the field. I enjoy some very special friendships

“About 12 seasons ago I was asked by Athletes in Action if I would

with players who are not into God stuff.”

consider being a chaplain to a pro football team, i.e. the Edmonton

While spirituality and sports may seem an unexpected combination,

Eskimos,” Kassian recalls. “I said I would have to give that some

spirituality and friendship go hand in hand, and that relationship is at

thoughtful and prayerful consideration, so I did that, and then

the heart of Kassian’s job. 21


The sailing scene is not limited to coastal regions. For local enthusiasts like Paul Kantor, sailing is more than just a hobby, it’s a way of life—even in our land-locked province. STORY CONTINUED ON PAGE 25


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lberta may not strike you as a place with a thriving

Lemieux was racing solo when he saw two Singapore sailors

sailing scene, but a quick chat with local yachting

capsize in a nearby race. Breaking away from his own race, he

enthusiast Paul Kantor will change your mind. “You

rescued the injured sailors and waited until they were transferred

can sail anywhere, even on a pond, if you really want to,” he

into a patrol boat before finishing his race. Because of this delay,

jokes. But as he lists off places to sail in the province, from Cold

he finished the race in 22nd place. But after taking his heroic

Lake to the Glenmore Reservoir, you come to realize that while

actions into consideration, the governing body for yachting

it may be landlocked, Alberta isn’t the dry prairie province you

awarded Lemieux second place in the race, the place he was

once thought.

in before leaving to help the distressed team. Lemieux also won

Kantor started sailing at the age of 14 on Lake Balaton, the largest fresh water lake in Europe. It’s also known as the

the Pierre de Coubertin Medal for Sportsmanship, awarded by the International Olympic Committee.

Hungarian Sea. He was born into a sailing family and learned

Kantor speaks with pride about the sailors who have come

the skill from an uncle, a high-level competitor. With over 60

through the Edmonton Yacht Club, and says there are many

years experience on the water, sailing is part of who Kantor is.

funny stories that go with the territory: “You won’t hear many

“Sailing is always fun,” he says. “Once I get onto a boat, I never

of them unless you’re in the clubhouse!” One he hinted at

want to come off.”

involved a person falling overboard, but not having a ladder to

Kantor came to Canada in 1957 and landed in Montreal. He was one of a group of 25 students offered a place at the University

bring them back onboard, they had to tow them back to shore. But not all of the stories are that light-hearted.

of Alberta to pursue their studies in Edmonton. He looked at the

In 1968, Kantor went sailing in Yugoslavia with a cousin who was

area on a map, saw Cooking Lake and made the move. The

about to be drafted into the Army: “I may have dropped him off

next year, he and a few friends bought a 14-foot International

in Italy by mistake,” he says with a sarcastic chuckle. “He spent a

Dinghy together. While all the members bought their own boats

day in jail for entering the country illegally, went to a refugee camp

eventually, Kantor says the original one lasted the group for quite

and by Christmas was in Canada.” But when it comes to mishaps,

some time.

Kantor says he hasn’t had any—he has never been shipwrecked,

As the shared boat illustrates, sailing is more affordable than

and has never had an accident with another boat.

many people think. Kantor says you can buy a boat for $5,000

For aspiring sailors, the Edmonton Yacht Club offers lessons,

or more than $50,000, depending on what you’re willing to

and Kantor also runs the Sindbad School of Sailing. In order to

spend. The popularity of the sport is certainly irrefutable—on a

charter a boat solo, the minimum qualification required is Coastal

nice day you can count 100 sailors or more on Lake Wabamun,

Skipper, a rank earned through a week-long course. There are

the centre for sailing in the area.

also classes on coastal navigation and tidal waters, which is a

In 2005, a derailed CN Rail train spilled over a million litres of oil into Lake Wabamun, but the spill didn’t affect sailing much in the long run, Kantor notes. While there were complaints at the time that CN fixed the train tracks before getting to work on the lake, Kantor thinks they did a good job of cleanup—he thinks the water is actually clearer now than it was prior to the spill. It is fortunate that the lake recovered so well from the spill, as Wabamun is one of the more popular sailing spots in the province. It is also home to the Edmonton Yacht Club. The Club formed in 1923 on Cooking Lake, southeast of Edmonton, in order to provide support and interaction for local sailing enthusiasts. Two decades later, the club moved to Seba Beach on Lake Wabamun, west of the city. Members have access to facilities and water programs, including classes. Kantor enjoys

combination of correspondence work and on-boat experience. People who take the basic course for sailing on the lake often come back to Alberta to learn how to sail on the coast. “If you look at the boats moored in Vancouver, you’ll see many of them list Edmonton as their home port,” Kantor says. “I did that when I sailed through the Mediterranean, flying the Canadian flag.” When it comes to interest in sailing for the younger generations, Kantor looks to the influence authors like Tania Aebi have had on young solo sailors. In 1989, Aebi published her first book, Maiden Voyage, about sailing solo around the world between the ages of 18 and 21. Despite poor weather and mechanical failures, she was successful. The voyage was the beginning of her lifelong passion for sailing, and she continues to write for several sailing and cruising magazines.

teaching through the Club, as it allows him to share his passion

Kantor says he understands the urge to enter adulthood on the

for the sport.

sea, achieving such a monumental goal as a solo sail around

The Edmonton Yacht Club has some famous members as well. Lawrence Lemieux, an Edmonton native who competed in the 1984 and 1988 Olympics, exemplifies the sportsmanship Kantor says marks sailors. In the ’88 competition in Seoul,

the world. “It’s a matter of being committed,” he explains. “It is a matter of priorities. What do your want to do? If you really want to sail, you’ll find a way to do it.” // //



dmonton’s Garneau Tennis and Beach Volleyball Club

Thanks to a grant from the Government of Alberta, the club is

is having one of the best seasons of its 85-year history.

sporting a new look—top-of-the-line red clay Nova-Pro tennis

This spring, the club debuted its brand new tennis courts—

courts. As the home of the only clay tennis courts in Edmonton,

the first court replacement since the club opened in 1926.

the club wanted to maintain that tradition while providing a

Tournaments and social events are lined up for the summer

smoother playing surface for members.

season, and both tennis and beach volleyball players are bringing enthusiasm to the courts. The club offers a number of services and opportunities for members and non-members alike, with a good time outside enjoying Edmonton’s short summer as the ultimate goal. “[Garneau] is a great recreation facility that not many people have discovered,” says manager Cara Patterson. “Every dollar we take in we want to give back to the members, and more. We’re always putting on social events and trying to upgrade our facilities and just trying to give everyone a first-rate athletic experience.” Garneau employs three tennis professionals, and offers private, semi-private and group lessons. The club has its own internal recreational tennis league, called a box league, which allows members of different skill levels to play together. They also have

“We used Nova-Pro clay courts, and in our opinion those are the top-line clay courts you can have, especially for the weather here in Edmonton,” Patterson says. “We’ve got weeping tile under them—they drain quite quickly, and they’re pretty easy to maintain, and really give you a great surface for playing tennis on.” “[Our old courts] were clay, but they were built in 1926. They would get muddy, there were mushrooms growing under them— it was horrible to deal with. We upgraded.” Patterson says the club’s beach volleyball courts were also renovated about two years ago. “We got completely new sand, new borders. Right now we’re getting new post-fittings welded on, as well as new nets and lines and everything. So our facility for beach volleyball has definitely been upgraded, and it’s excellent.”

a competitive interclub team, which plays against teams from

With the mud and mushrooms out of the way, the club’s

other tennis clubs in the city.

management is better able to focus on providing social services to

The club also hosts tournaments sanctioned by Tennis Alberta. This year, the club Hosted Hackers Challenge in May, and is looking forward to Senior Provincials July 16-17 and the

members. “We’re a really social club,” says Patterson. “We often have a lot of social tournaments we run for members only over the year.”

Annual Garneau Centennial Clay Court Championships over the

Patterson says that in her six years with the club she’s gained

September long weekend.

respect and affection for both tennis and volleyball. “When I first

As for beach volleyball, several competitive and recreational leagues also operate out of the Garneau, including Friday night drop-in games throughout the summer. As well, the club hosts U of A intramurals and participants from the Edmonton Sport and Social Club.

got involved with this club I had no experience with tennis, and very little experience with beach volleyball, and I’ve grown to love both sports,” she says. “The game of tennis is a beautiful game; the history behind it is amazing, and to play it—it’s extremely fun.” “The satisfaction you get from hitting a good shot—I think it’s one of the greatest feelings out there.” //


at large. With a focus on supporting community-based initiatives, it donates both funds and equipment to various organizations. It also sponsors club members in their quests to raise money and, according to Bridger, is dedicated to giving back to the community. In past years, the Edmonton Sport and Social Club has filled The power of sport is most keenly felt this time of year as Edmontonians gear up to tackle the fields, hit the courts and soak up the summer heat with some friendly competition. The Edmonton Sport and Social Club is helping to connect sports lovers and social butterflies with the activities they adore. The goal of the club is to “provide players with the best sport

shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child, stripped down to their skivvies for the Underwear Affair and grown out their mustaches in support of Movember. All adults over the age of 18 are welcome to get involved in the Edmonton Sport and Social Club leagues. Whether you are young in body or just young at heart, you have a place within the club.

and social experience in the city,” according to ESSC marketing manager Jason Bridger. With the enormous success the club has seen over recent years, it is evident that this goal is being met. The club has seen the club grow to over 600 teams per season compared to just 32 teams when the club got started in Edmonton in the summer of 2004. “We are Edmonton’s fastest-growing co-ed sports league provider, and are excited to offer Edmontonians an awesome lineup of leagues, tournaments and parties on a year-round basis,” says Bridger. The club, which began in Edmonton after seeing success in Calgary, has over 14 sports and activities open to all skill levels—from those looking to add some fun to their daily routine or those battling it out for serious bragging rights. Participants can challenge themselves and opponents with anything from a leisurely game of dodgeball to a hardcore match of beach volleyball to a team-building game of soccer and even a game of ultimate Frisbee. This lineup is what keeps so many members coming back

Although Bridger notes remarkable success over the years,

season after season. But, there are plenty of other reasons why

he ultimately sees the club growing much larger than we see

participants just can’t get enough. “It’s a great way to stay active

today, perhaps even branching out and getting involved in more

and keep social. It’s something that you can look forward to,”

adventure sports. “I would like to see us get involved in activities

says Bridger. “And it’s actually good for you!”

such as white water rafting, rock climbing, camping [and]

Over the years, the club has been working to strengthen its presence in the community. Currently, the Edmonton Sport and

canoeing,” says Bridger. As positive word spreads through the Edmonton area, this expansion seems promising.

Social Club has eight official sponsor bars, including Hudson’s

By combining fitness with fun, the Edmonton Sport and

Canadian Tap House, Canadian Brewhouse and Jox Sports Bar.

Social Club is sure to make its way into the lives of many

These venues provide participants with a place to meet, eat and

Edmontonians who are looking to work hard, play harder

drink after their games. “It’s a great way to wrap up the night with

and create lasting friendships and memories in the process.

your team and get to know other club members,” says Bridger.

According to Bridger, “[The club] provide[s] the people of

If the fitness and social aspect isn’t enough to sway you, perhaps the various freebies and discounts offered at these

Edmonton the ideal platform to have fun and stay fit without breaking the bank!”

bars will. This is just one more way that the club is pleasing the

Summer registration is already underway with the July 7

hundreds of members they serve.

deadline coming up fast. The summer season begins July 17.

The club no doubt provides benefits to the individuals involved, but also plays an important role in contributing to the community

Register online at the club's website. //







tatistics Canada estimates $12 billion is lost annually

Some businesses have evolved a corporate culture of never

due to workplace absenteeism. With tight workplace

taking breaks, while some employees avoid breaks of their own

budgets, employers are doing more work with fewer

accord. Poschadel points out that studies show employees who

resources. Overtime is a reality for many people. And

work all day without taking lunch breaks are less productive

after eight or 10 hours of staring at a computer, who really wants

and not as refreshed. Her team can work with these employers

to head out to the gym? Unfortunately, overwork and poor habits

and employees to encourage lunch breaks, in-house exercise

like not exercising can lead to illness and missed work.

challenges and more active living.

Victoria Poschadel, founder and president of VivaCore Consulting,

Poschadel says when employees are happy, they work harder

understands the plight of the overworked office worker because

and have a better output. Employees likewise enjoy the extra

she too felt that way while working in an office environment.

help and assistance and feel like their companies are taking care

After completing her personal trainer certificate and a Bachelor

of their health and needs.

of Physical Education degree from the University of Alberta, Poschadel took a position with the Government of Alberta, working to reduce obesity rates and encourage better nutrition in the province.

For Poschadel, Edmonton was the perfect location to establish her business, as she has lived in the city for 12 years and attended university here. As well, with 75 per cent of working Albertans lacking access to programs to improve their overall

While there, she realized how difficult healthy living actually is for

health, fitness, and/or nutrition at their workplace, Poschadel

office workers. After spending eight hours in front of a screen,

hopes to address the growing need for at-work health education.

she did not feel like being active either. Poschadel saw a need in the Edmonton business sector to educate employees and employers about the links between worker productivity, overall happiness in the workplace, and health. So, two years ago she created VivaCore Consulting to promote active and healthy living among Edmonton businesses. Studies show that over half of Albertans have little to no encouragement from their employers to become physically active, even though countless studies over the last decade have

She enjoys working hands-on with people and seeing changes on an individual basis. That’s why VivaCore Consulting customizes each employer’s services depending upon the needs of the company and its employees. Some of the services VivaCore offers that directly impact employee performance include: • wellness programs • ergonomic analysis and adjustments • e-learning modules

shown that physical activity (even just taking short walk breaks

• lunch and learns

during the day) increases productivity, overall health and mood.

• facility management and referral

When a company first contacts VivaCore Consulting, they get

• workplace wellness challenges

an initial office needs and wellness evaluation. Depending upon the needs of the business, all employees can fill out a 10-minute

• wellness retreats

survey about how they feel in the workplace, or Poschadel can

By working with companies to make healthy and active living

question a random sampling of employees.

an integral part of every workplace, Poschadel and her team

After completing the survey about overall workplace mood, productivity, needs, wants and general issues, VivaCore

help save companies money through increased morale and productivity, and reduced absenteeism.

Consulting provides the employer a detailed report showing

Pricing varies depending upon the services and size of the

the office’s strengths and areas for improvement based on the

business. Also, she offers discounted rates for non-profit groups.

direct feedback from employees. This method, says Poschadel,

VivaCore Consulting is offering a free initial first visit and evaluation

ensures that each assessment is based directly on the needs of

between June and August 2011.

the employees and ensures an individualized plan, as opposed to

For more information, contact Victoria at

a cookie-cutter approach.


VivaCore’s approach depends on the services required. For example, if a number of people are physically uncomfortable at work, Poschadel’s team can do an ergonomic evaluation. If general education is needed, she can run lunch and learn sessions on work-life balance, being active, and some quick tips on healthy eating at work.

DID YOU KNOW? • Taking a couple of short walk breaks during the day increases productivity. • Exercise helps employees focus better and manage their time. • Physically active employees have fewer sick days.


Realizing she still loved triathlon even after so much time away from it, Kasturi thought there must be other new moms out there who also miss competitive sports. Although Kasturi had tried forms of exercise geared toward moms with babies, such as strollercize classes, she found neither she nor her son enjoyed it. “I would rather have had half an hour alone than more time with the baby that I was already spending 24 hours a day with,” she says. “So I thought I would start IronMama™ for that exact reason: moms who want to do the mom-and-baby jogging… people who want that something else. Not just a workout, but time for themselves. Time to set goals, maybe be a little bit competitive.” STORY: KRISTEN WAGNER // PHOTO: NATALIE SEMENIUK

Goal setting is an important part of being an IronMama™. Each Mama can set her own goals and achieve them at her own pace.

The transition to motherhood is dramatic, and for many young

“Not to say that all moms in the group want to race a triathlon

moms, it can be difficult.

as their goal,” Kasturi explains, “but even ‘I want to learn how

Christine Kasturi is one such mom. Always a busy and energetic individual, Kasturi found herself in a different state of mind after the birth of her first son in 2008. “I had a hard time adjusting, going

to swim,’ or ‘I want to have a group to go bike riding with’— something other than all the mom-and-baby fitness things that are out there.”

from working and being active and doing things I wanted, to being

In this way, the purpose of IronMama™ is flexible. It caters to

a stay-at-home mom,” Kasturi says. “Then finally, after [my son]

moms who want to bring strollers and run with their babies, and

turned one, I thought, ‘Enough of this sitting around. Maybe I’ll

also to moms who want time for themselves; it allows moms to

race again.’”

socialize with other moms, and set goals and achieve them.

Kasturi had always been active, competing in running and

Giving moms time for themselves is important to Kasturi, as it is

swimming events. She began running triathlons with her sister

something she didn’t do after the birth of her first son. “That stress

almost a decade ago, and later began racing solo. But in 2003,

carried over to how I took care of the baby, and how I took care of

she developed Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT), a disorder that

myself,” she says. Helping others to avoid the same difficulties is

causes blood clots in the legs, and took the following six years

what IronMama™ is all about.

off from racing.

The IronMama™ brand is part of Kasturi’s company, called NEW Mama – an acronym for “nutrition, energy and wellness.” “I started


doing some nutrition workshops under the name NEW Mama, but

IronMama™ 5K Run and Walk, a family-friendly event where

I found, again, it just blended in with everything that was already out

moms can run with their babies and benefit a worthy cause in the

there,” Kasturi explains.

process. The event will also include a 25-metre “Little Kids Run.”

She then began to focus more on the athletic side of wellness by developing IronMama™. “I found with IronMama™, so many different kinds of ladies would come. There would be ones that

Registration fees from the event go to Action Against Hunger, an organization that sends volunteers to developing countries to implement nutrition programs for children.

would be really into fitness, and they’ve run marathons, and they

IronMama™ will be hosting another event, a peak season review

just want a women’s outlet to be with other women who want

for triathlon participants, on July 16. “A lot of people start [in May]

to train the same way. And there would be other moms that just

and they know where their weaknesses are, but I thought to hold

wanted it for ‘Hey, I want to try this new sport.’ So I found now,

something in the middle of summer then they can really set goals

branching into the IronMama™ side of it is something different

for the fall, or see that their training is actually paying off,” Kasturi

and something that isn’t out there already.”

explains. “At that point, you’ve probably picked one or two races.

In order to help participants achieve their fitness goals, IronMama™ hosted a triathlon camp in March. Kasturi says the turnout was

You’re halfway through, and people always want to know, ‘Am I getting better? Am I losing weight? Am I getting faster?’”

eclectic, including moms with teenage or university-age children, as

For this event Kasturi is partnering with a personal trainer

well as young women with no children. But participants were able

from Acacia Fitness, who also helped with the training camp.

to find common ground in their shared interest in multi-sport—not

Participants will complete a fitness component as well as a

just triathlon, but any combination of running, biking and swimming.

nutrition component, in which participants will learn to calculate

“I find it’s a lot of whatever the individual wants it to be,” Kasturi

what their nutritional requirements are.

says. “If the mom just wants to socialize with other moms, that’s great, but they find things out about themselves from a fitness perspective as well—‘Hey, I was missing this,’ or ‘I can’t believe I haven’t done this before.”

Nutrition is an important part of IronMama™ for Kasturi, who holds a Bachelor of Science degree in nutrition. “After I had my son I was doing the grab-a-handful-of-crackers because it’s fast and easy, or I would miss lunch because I was too tired,” she

The triathlon camp helped hoist participants out of their winter

says. “That was a big realization for me—that if I, someone with

fitness slumps. It also helped them become more self-sufficient

the knowledge [of nutrition], was doing these things, there’s got to

athletes. Part of the camp saw participants head to United Cycle

be other moms who are doing the same.”

where they had a running shoe fitting, and learned how to put a bike together and fix a flat tire.


More events will be held this summer. On Aug. 14, moms can enjoy friendly competition by participating in the second annual



Coventry’s Homes for Hounds STORY: JENNIFER HARDES

It’s a sad fact that man’s best friend is often found in a vulnerable position. Every year, hundreds of stray dogs are turned in to the Edmonton Humane Society for countless reasons, but the common factor is their need for a good home. Not wanting to neglect the Edmonton community, Coventry Homes, one of Edmonton’s leading home building companies, has extended a helping hand to our furry four-legged friends. Their charity “Homes for Hounds” was founded in 2005 when Coventry became the first building corporation in Edmonton to reach out to the animal community. Coventry’s goal was to create homes not only for people, but for another homeless population as well: canines. “There are a lot of foundations out there that focus on humans so we wanted to be unique and raise funds and awareness for helpless animals in need, especially since they don’t have a voice,” explains Amanda Horcica, executive sales assistant at Coventry Homes. Advocating for man’s best friend is something Horcica says is both imperative for the Edmonton community and consistent with the company’s home-building goals. “We found it fitting that we could create an organization that would complement our goal to build great homes for people, while supporting the Edmonton Humane Society as they strive to find forever homes for helpless animals in need,” Horcica says. She says the most rewarding part of the endeavour is that the organization’s supporters can see the change they make possible. Most recently, the company’s funds were used to help build the new Chappelle Centre for Animal Care, right before the eyes of supporters. Not only does Coventry Homes generously donate a portion of each individual home sale to the Society, but they also host the famous annual Paws and Claws Gala. All the proceeds


from the Gala go directly to the Humane Society. While last year the Gala raised a whopping $80,000, Coventry Homes says that this year they want to go bigger and better. By moving the Gala to the Edmonton Expo Centre, Coventry hopes to attract even more animal lovers and supporters to the event. The fourth annual gala, which will be held on Oct.1, will consist of dinner, entertainment, and a silent and live auction, and a live dog fashion show, featuring canines dressed in clothing provided by the Edmonton Humane Society gift shop. Watch out Gisele Bündchen and move over Naomi Campbell! Coventry Homes is welcoming donations from both individuals and corporations to help continue their work. “In support of this great cause, Coventry Homes would be honoured to provide a donation from you or your company as a raffle item, door prize or silent auction item [at the Gala],” says Horcica. “The silent auction is critical for the Humane Society’s success in providing shelter and speaking for homeless and abused companion animals and your participation plays a key role in [achieving] that goal.” All donations are greatly appreciated and will be recognized in the program guides at the Gala. Interested parties can contact Horcica at 780-453-5100 to inquire about donating. The Edmonton Humane Society is thankful to Coventry Homes for its continued support, which helps keeps the not-for-profit organization going. The tail-wagging pooches are grateful too. //

S T O R Y: J E N N I F E R H A R D E S


nyone involved in martial arts knows the mental and physical toughness needed to persevere through the ranking system, and the Paralympic class at Edmonton’s Tiger Taekwondo Dojang is no exception.

It’s a Wednesday evening at the end of an eight-month course and the sounds of wood cracking and cries of enjoyment match those found at any other Taekwondo ceremony…and then some. Proud parents, and ecstatic children and adults beam with excitement. “I like Taekwondo because it builds discipline, confidence and self esteem,” says Paralympic athlete Clinton Cook. “I have found there is no better feeling than going up another belt level,

individuals to excel at their level in order to increase their

especially with my limitations.”

confidence, self worth and chances of success at the sport.

Disability sporting spaces like these are slowly growing across

likely they will feel they have the skills to participate in an

Alberta thanks to the hard work of the Paralympic Sports Association (PSA) of Alberta and its volunteers and athletes. But the organization requires more support and funding to be sustainable. Controversy has arisen over the necessity of separating disabled athletes from the mainstream, but the Paralympic community still

“After being successful in a supportive environment it is more integrated environment, such as recess or a community league sport,” adds Suzanne Harrison, PSA program coordinator. “They were taught the skills of how they can be successful in the sport they learned in an adapted environment.”

seems to want its own sporting spaces.

But Danielle Peers, disability sport scholar, activist and former

Academics argue that these separate spaces reinforce the

basketball, offers another way of building more accessible

divisions that already exist between members of this community and the able-bodied population. Integration wherever possible is generally advocated as a solution.

Paralympic bronze medalist, says that her sport, wheelchair and equitable sports and communities. Wheelchair basketball allows able-bodied and disabled athletes to compete on equal ground by placing the able-bodied athletes in wheelchairs. This

But Kim McDonald, executive director of the PSA, says that

practice is called “reverse integration”—rather than requiring

integration does not always set disabled athletes up to succeed.

athletes with disabilities to adapt to inaccessible "integrated"

“These individuals have to compete against their able-bodied

sport systems, reverse integration provides an adapted level

peers, who may overall be stronger, and their fine and large

playing field for all participants.

motor skills have developed to their appropriate age level,”

“To ensure that it is of equal playing ground, we take the stand-up

McDonald says. For disabled children, this is a huge concern.

team, put them in sledges or wheelchairs and start the game,”

She adds that this development discrepancy augments the

says McDonald. “The stand-up players are out of their element,

difficulties disabled children encounter on the playground, as

but they know the sport, so it takes them awhile to adjust and

they must compete at a level at which they can’t succeed. This

become comfortable with how to maneuver and then the game

disadvantage may discourage the individual from further seeking

is on.”

out playmates or opportunities to become active.


McDonald suggests that programs are needed to help disabled

And this need for diversified sporting spaces conforms to the opinions and experiences of the athletes in the program at the Tiger Taekwondo Dojang. Several students attend both mainstream and Paralympic classes, gaining different yet positive experiences from both. The PSA hopes to continue to offer such possibilities, and is currently hoping for space within Alberta’s Sport Development policy to secure support for this important sporting population. //

According to McDonald, balancing the playing ground in this way empowers the disabled individual to see that he can beat his peers at a sport that he loves. The able-bodied athlete perceives him differently, seeing what the disabled can do compared to what they cannot do. By changing the constraints of sport, the perception of Paralympic sports is slowly changed.

“I suggest that we should strive to create sporting communities that offer the same range of choices to those who experience disabilities.” Despite the concern with regulating separate sporting spaces, Dr. Nancy Spencer Cavalier, disability sport specialist at the University of Alberta says it’s about personal choice. “From a personal perspective, I do think there should be a wide array of opportunities to take part, but we also have a responsibility to provide a legitimate choice of meaningful participation in all kinds of spaces,” she says. She adds that specialized sporting spaces should exist to meet the needs of the disabled community. They should not be defaulted to because of unwillingness to make other spaces accessible for those with disabilities.




s a person who regularly skips breakfast, I can

Curious, I decided to go straight to the source, and contacted

appreciate foods that accommodate a busy

a couple who had not only tried the shakes, but loved them

lifestyle. Whether it’s the temptation of the snooze

so much they decided to start selling them too. I admit I was

button or the lack of groceries in my refrigerator,

skeptical. Was this just some pyramid scheme involving two

I always find myself running out the door on an empty stomach. I’ve tried meal replacement shakes—you know, the ones that taste like powdery chocolate or vanilla paste and leave you hungry 15 minutes later? So when I heard about Vi-Shape, a

people who wanted nothing more than a few extra bucks? But as soon as I met Kevin Wong and partner (in life and business) Mel Veroba, I knew these two had to have invested in the business for more than a profit.

delicious and filling nutritional shake as part of the Body by Vi

Veroba, a certified personal trainer, discovered the Body by Vi

90-Day Challenge from ViSalus Sciences, I wondered if it really

90-Day Challenge through friends. After trying the shakes and

was as good as people claimed.

researching the company, she and Wong decided to promote the challenge alongside their personal training business. “The


The shakes also offer 23 vitamins and minerals, a top-quality protein blend that helps burn fat, a full serving of patented fibre, Aminogen (to increase protein absorption), digestive aids and more. And each serving is only 90 calories and 1g of fat.

“My clients are seeing amazing changes in their health and appearance.” “Vi-Shape is such a versatile product,” says Wong. “It can be used as an on-the-go meal, a supplement to help add lean muscle, or as a recovery drink for after a workout. Top MMA fighters, boxers, CFL players and other elite athletes have all started taking the Vi-Shape to enhance their performance. So it’s not just for weight loss.” The shake comes in a smooth sweet cream flavour, but customers can add in Shape-Up Health Flavours such as peach, orange, strawberry, chocolate and banana, which offer additional nutrients. Veroba adds that the shake is ideal for almost anyone, including athletes, mothers and busy professionals. With a product offering so many benefits, one could assume the setback is its cost. However, at $1.50 per serving, the shake averages a dollar less than most of its leading competitors, making it an affordable way for individuals to reach their personal health goals. Veroba and Wong promote the 90-Day Challenge the way ViSalus Health Sciences had intended: through a blend of social media and word-of-mouth. “Referrals are the most powerful form of marketing,” Wong states. “Tangible results and powerful testimonials help motivate others who maybe wouldn’t have taken the leap of faith through traditional marketing. The 90-Day Challenge has gone viral.” Starting in Canada in 2010 (the company officially launches this fall in Canada), the Body by Vi 90-Day Challenge has helped shakes just make sense for people on the go” says Veroba. “Not only do they act as an all-encompassing meal replacement for almost any lifestyle, but they’re the perfect addition to my clients’ overall health regimes.”

ViSalus Sciences become one of the fastest growing companies in the world. Wong believes this has to do with their products and messaging. “ViSalus understands the needs of its customers and the general population,” he says. “It provides you with the tools needed to succeed, and has created such a strong sense

Veroba noticed her clients were seeing positive results. “My clients

of community along the way. It has provided a simple and

are seeing amazing changes in their health and appearance. This

sustainable solution to an ever-growing health epidemic.”

is making them want to continue taking the steps needed for

Vi-Shape can be purchased through a Visalus representative

more change.”

directly or through their personalized website, with shipping

Vi-Shape is a nutritional shake mix that offers a long list of

taking approximately seven business days. For more information

benefits. “The shakes are lactose- and gluten-free, low sodium,

contact Wong and Veroba at

diabetic-friendly and kosher,” says Veroba. But that’s not all.



Original Joe’s

including the Boys and Girls Club, KidSport, the local food

Giving Back Every Step of the Way

Staff go above and beyond when it comes to community

Sherwood Park

bank, women’s shelter, the Northern Alberta Society for Animal Protection, and a number of school and sports organizations,” says Bott.

service. “Recently a number of staff approached me to take [community involvement] one step further, and want to volunteer


Original Joe’s Restaurant and Bar is fast becoming Sherwood

this month a number of staff will be donating blood as a group.”

Park’s place to kick back with a beer, great food and a hockey

As well, Original Joe’s is making strides as an inclusive employer.

game. Located at 301 Wye Road, Original Joe’s offers friendly

“We have also recently employed an individual with special

service, an extensive selection of food and drinks, a southwest-

needs. He has been a great addition to our team, and has

facing patio and a fun atmosphere.

helped to enforce our positive culture and sense of community,”

Greg Bott is part owner of Original Joe’s Sherwood Park. He has been with the franchise for just over two years. “We have an amazing team that really works well together,” says Bott. “We have had an unprecedented level of staff continuity, which has allowed us to not only form a sense of community among our team, but has also helped us to deliver a consistent service offering.” Original Joe’s offers some incredible staples like gourmet burgers, pastas and pizza, as well as unique mains like the famous “double dog.” Most meals come with two side dishes, chosen from an ample selection including home-cut fries, mango pasta salad, roasted vegetables, and coleslaw. Ingredients are fresh and each meal is made to order. Depending on the day of the week there may be food and drink specials, as well as a variety of beers on tap, including OJ’s own craft brews. Beyond the delicious food, there is the comfortable atmosphere— sports fans can enjoy the game on one of the large-screen televisions.“Original Joe’s provides a very unique experience offering,” Bott says. “Our internal culture provides the guest with a genuine level of comfort and laid-back atmosphere. The genuine and unscripted level of service, combined with the madefrom-scratch product offering is very unique, and usually surprises first-time guests.” Original Joe’s is also a company that cares about its community, and gives back wherever it can. “All Original Joe’s across western Canada have been participating in a community give-back program for over a year. Every few months a brand of beer is selected to participate, and 50 cents from each pint sold is donated to a local charity,” Bott explains. There are also ways in which OJ’s contributes specifically to the Sherwood Park community. “In Sherwood Park we attempt to have all of our events and promotions structured around a charity or community organization. Most recently we have provided funding and support to numerous organizations


their time on a monthly basis,” Bott explains. “As an example,

says Bott. Bott observes that the relationship between a business and its community works two ways. “Every business should recognize their relationship with the community as a two-way relationship,” he says. “The community has been very supportive of our business, as reflected in our sales growth. We need to make sure that this support flows back into the community.” //


While you’re keeping fit and enjoying the outdoors this summer you want to make sure you’re well equipped. Longboarding, golfing, doing a few sun salutations and everything in between—you want to look good, and you want to have the best equipment available. We here at Merge have assembled a sampling of some of the finest products on the market, all available at locally owned and operated establishments in the Edmonton area—Solid Skateboard Shop, Key Lime Athletic Wear and De Boer’s Golf Shoppe. So go ahead and shop, knowing that your dollar is helping to support the local economy and keep Edmonton’s retail establishments unique. For more product information visit

1. Landyachtz Chinook board $137.95 // 2. Vans Half Cab Pro $79.95 // 3. RVCA Artist Network Program Tee $44.95 // 4. Orangatang 75mm Durian Wheeels $74.95 // 5. Pro-Tec Classic Skate Helmet $39.95 // 6. MotoGP HOLBROOK Sunglasses $154.95 // 7. Srixon TriSpeed Tour Yellow Ball $29.00 // 8. FootJoy Street Golf Shoes $99.99 // 9. Tour Edge Exotics XCG-4 Fairway Wood $329.99 // 10. Taylormade R11 Driver $449.99 // 11. Callaway Razr Hawk $449.99 // 12. Recycled Bag $49.00 // 13. Yoga Mat $45.00 // 14. Bamboo Tanks $35.00 - $39.00 // 15. Grip Gloves $21.99 // 16. Camel Bak Better Bottle $22.95 // 17. ToeSox $19.00 // 18. Zipper Board Shorts $52.00




As well, many who attend the Art Walk become art patrons for the first time. Fjordbotten says that she knows of many people who purchased their first piece of art at the Art Walk and have since become collectors. “I feel we are also doing important work creating new patrons for art in Edmonton,” she says. “I know that once an individual acquires an original piece of art they will continue to collect art throughout their lives.” STORY & PHOTO: PAULA E. KIRMAN

Another unique aspect of the Art Walk is the interactive nature of the event. Visitors and artists can talk face to face, and the art is purchased directly from the artists. Artists have the ability to meet

For three days in July, Whyte Avenue becomes a large outdoor art studio, gallery, and market. The Whyte Avenue Art Walk features

The Paint Spot provides not only organization for the event, but

the work of over 300 artists in a variety of media, including

also leadership and professional advice for the artist. “It is rewarding

painting, sculpture, printmaking and drawing. Many of the

to convince a hesitant artist to simply share their art. I tell artists to

artists, both emerging and established, will be working at their

make what they love and there will be someone out there who ‘gets

art right there on the sidewalk.

it,’” Fjordbotten says. “It’s also good for artists to have an annual

“It’s an original experience, which artists love,” says Kim

deadline to create new artwork and finish projects.”

Fjordbotten, owner of The Paint Spot, the Art Walk’s primary

The Whyte Avenue Art Walk 2011 takes place July 15 – 17.

sponsor. “In some festivals, visual art is little more than a


backdrop. At the Art Walk, it is the main event. It’s a time to celebrate all aspects of art-making. Artists are encouraged to bring their supplies and their ideas to make art right on site. This provides an exciting opportunity for visitors to become engaged in many creative processes.” The sidewalks during the event are packed with people, artists and art. Many merchants in Old Strathcona also lend a hand by giving up their store fronts and allowing artists to set up shop. Art Walk is also a very inclusive event, as it is not juried and there are few guidelines. “There are so many ways to make art and so much talent in Alberta. I can’t imagine how many artworks are hidden in studios, basements and closets,” says Fjordbotten. “Without events like the Whyte Avenue Art Walk, perhaps no one would get to see them.” The idea for the Art Walk started in 1995, when a member of the Old Strathcona Foundation commented that Whyte Avenue would look lovely with artists painting out on the sidewalks like they do on the Left Bank in Paris. The Paint Spot immediately got involved to help organize the inaugural event, which featured 35 artists and a few pedestrians. Since then, the event has grown exponentially; the 2010 Art Walk hosted approximately 320 artists and 30,000 visitors. It took up 17 blocks and two parks. Due to the overwhelming and continually growing response, guidelines for artists have become tighter over the years. Limits have been set on some mediums, such as clothing and photography. Still, the environment is very welcoming and the Art Walk is an excellent learning experience for emerging artists and a networking opportunity for everyone who takes part.


other artists, grow their contacts, and gain valuable feedback.

Old Strathcona Comes Alive for a Day of Music STORY: KRISTEN WAGNER // PHOTO: FISH GRIWKOWSKY

Living in a city that’s trapped under a blanket of snow for much of the year, Edmontonians need to squeeze a lot of life out of the summer months. As a result, “We’re glutted with summer festivals,” says Kirby, co-artistic director of SOS Fest, one of the city’s newest summer festivals. “I think each one has its own unique flavour, and certainly in this climate we want to make hay while the sun shines. So every weekend we can do something [outside] the better.” SOS Fest will be one such opportunity. This year’s event will be a one-day celebration of music, downsized from last year’s weekend affair, but there will be no shortage of talent on the festival’s two stages. Performers are local, regional and national, and carefully selected to represent the broadest range of genres possible. “You really have to consider everything when you’re picking performers,” Kirby says. “You want to make sure you have a good Edmonton [component]. You want to make sure you have some females as well as males, because it’s a male-dominated industry. You want to make sure you have some name recognition and there’s some draw, but you also want to have some artists that are developing that you can expose to a larger audience.” This year’s lineup of nine performers is a fraction of the size it was last year, but what the festival may lack in quantity it will make up for in quality. Admission is free, and the block-party atmosphere of the festival is not to be beat. “This year there’s going to be even more happening in terms of vendors, face painters, lots of stuff for kids, lots of great bands— local, regional and national,” Kirby says. Kirby is also very excited about this year’s diverse lineup. “[It’s a priority] having multi-genre, because we really want to make sure that there actually, honestly is something for everyone.” The festival will open with Luke and Tess Pretty on one stage, and Scenic Route to Alaska on the other. Both are young, emerging local acts. Electro-poppers Gobble Gobble and rising folk-rock icons Wool on Wolves also call Edmonton home. Other notable acts include The Dudes from Calgary—“I think Danny Vacon from The Dudes is one of the most talented songwriters in Canada right now,” says Kirby—and The Heartbroken, a new project from East Coast songstress Damhnait Doyle. “She’s really on a rootsy, country thing, and I think it’s just the best thing she’s ever done,” says Kirby of Doyle. The Old Strathcona Business Association, Responsible Hospitality Edmonton and the Edmonton Arts Council are all important supporters of the event, which takes place on July 10, on the stretch of Whyte Avenue from 103 to 105 Street. //


JULY // 2011














































BUSINESS ALBERTA WOMEN ENTREPRENEURS ROAD MAP FOR SUCCESS JULY 14, 2011 // 5:30 PM - 8:30 PM DON WHEATON YMCA A workshop for startup entrepreneurs to help make a business plan.

ADOBE LIGHTROOM BOOT CAMP INTENSIVE WEEKEND JULY 16 - 17, 2011 PROVIDENCE RENEWAL CENTRE A workshop tutorial for Adobe Lightroom with photographer Paul Burwell.

BUSINESS AND ABORIGINAL COMMUNITIES: PARTNERSHIPS FOR SUCCESS JULY 20, 2011 // 8:00 AM - 3:30 PM WORLD TRADE CENTRE EDMONTON A workshop on how to incorporate aboriginal people into your business community.

BOSSY MAMA SUMMER SIZZLE JULY 21, 2011 // 7:00 PM EYE CARE GROUP Wine, dessert and networking with Edmonton's most fabulous entrepreneurs.




JULY 27, 2011 // 10:00 AM- 4:00 PM



Alberta’s largest hard rock music



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for browsers, bloggers and online journalists.

JUNE 29 - JULY 2 , 2011



Free Will Players present Othello and

JULY 27 - 30, 2011


UNIVERSITY OF ALBERTA International forum on social change. This year’s theme is the world’s water supply.

SOCIAL THE WORKS ART & DESIGN FESTIVAL JUNE 23 - JULY 5, 2011 CHURCHILL SQUARE Display of innovative and traditional art, as well as workshops and seminars for artists.

EDMONTON INTERNATIONAL JAZZ FESTIVAL JUNE 24 - JULY 3, 2011 VARIOUS LOCATIONS A celebration of local, national and international jazz talent.

Twelfth Night.

JULY 1, 2011 // 11:00 AM - 6:00 PM FORT EDMONTON PARK A grand celebration of the Dominion of Canada then and now.

CANADA DAY JULY 1, 2011 // 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM UKRAINIAN HERITAGE VILLAGE Celebrate Canada Day with Ukrainian food, exhibits, a market, musicians and vintage cars.

OLD STRATHCONA FOUNDATION’S SILLY SUMMER PARADE AND FESTIVAL JULY 1, 2011 // 12:00 PM QUEEN ALEXANDRA SCHOOL A free celebration with Canada Day cake and a parade through Old Strathcona.




JULY 10, 2011 // 12:00 PM - 7:00 PM

JULY 23 - 24, 2011

JULY 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, 2011 // 8:30 AM -


// 11:00 AM - 6:00 PM

3:00 PM

Two blocks of Whyte Ave are closed


10310 83RD AVE.

to traffic for a street fair and musical

Unique showcase of antique cars from

Weekly market featuring local produce,


across Alberta.

meat, crafts, etc.




JULY 15 - 16, 2011

JULY 28 -31, 2011

JULY 2 - 3, 2011

// 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM




Alberta’s biggest country music festival.

A shopping event to promote

Monthly market showcasing the work of

sustainability in Edmonton.

local crafters.




JULY 29 - 31, 2011

JULY 15 - 17, 2011


JULY 8 - 17, 2011 // 7:00 PM


Family-friendly bluegrass and country


Outdoor art display and sale.

music festival.

Enjoy museums, exhibits and hands-on



pioneer experiences.

JULY 16 - 24, 2011

JULY 30 - AUGUST 1, 2011




Nightly concerts concurrent with the

Showcase of Canada’s vibrant multi-

JUNE 8 - 17, 2011

Edmonton Indy.

cultural heritage.



An international cast of jugglers, swordswallowers, dancers, acrobats, musicians and more.

COUGAR PAINT AND COLLISION CLASSIC CAR SHOW JULY 9, 2011 // 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM NORTHLANDS PARK Show off your classic car and see what other enthusiasts have to offer

MODERN MAMA INFANT AND CHILD CPR EDUCATIONAL SESSION JULY 9, 2011 // 9:30 AM - 1:00 PM CASTLEDOWNS BAPTIST CHURCH SOCIAL A workshop covering the basics of child CPR, choking and prevention.

CELTIC GATHERING JULY 9 - 10, 2011 // 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM FORT EDMONTON PARK Northern Alberta’s largest Celtic festival, with pipe bands, drumming and Highland athletic events.


JULY 20, 2011 // 7:30 PM

JULY 30 - AUGUST 1, 2011



Opportunity to present a short story to

Family-friendly activities and events,

an audience.

including a corn maze.



JULY 21, 2011 // 10:00 AM DOWNTOWN Annual parade to kick off Capital Ex.

EDMONTON: THE MUSICAL JULY 21 - 24, 2011 // 7:00 PM AVENUE THEATRE Musical theatre featuring Edmonton’s local music talent.

A TASTE OF EDMONTON JULY 21 - 30, 2011 // 11:00 AM - 11:00 PM CHURCHILL SQUARE Festival of food from over 30 Edmonton restaurants, along with live musical performances.

CAPITAL EX JULY 22 - 31, 2011 NORTHLANDS PARK Annual exhibition featuring a midway, exhibits, shopping, entertainment and food.

PIGEON LAKE PEDAL FOR THE ALBERTA CANCER FOUNDATION JULY 2, 2011 PIGEON LAKE PROVINCIAL PARK Pledge-based fundraising cycle tour to benefit cancer.

PINOT ON THE PATIO JULY 6, 2011 ROYAL GLENORA CLUB An evening out including a live and silent auction, benefiting the Kids With Cancer Society.

KIDNEY FOUNDATION FAMILY PICNIC JULY 7, 2011 // 5:00 PM - 9:00 PM HAWRELAK PARK A fun night for victims of kidney disorders and their families.







JUNE 15, 2011 // 7:00 AM

JULY 24, 2011 // 2:00 PM

Teams compete to “shuck and suck”



oysters in a round-robin tournament to

North American professional baseball

North American professional baseball.

benefit Easter Seals




JULY 17, 2011 // 4:00 PM

JULY 16, 2011 // 2:00 PM

JULY 24, 2011 // 7:00 AM




A run/walk/wheel-a-thon to benefit spinal

North American professional baseball.


cord research.

A cycle race through the Alberta



JUNE 23, 2011 // 1:00 PM

JULY 16, 2011 // 5:00 PM




Benifit concert for the Edmonton Humane

CFL professional football.

JULY 26, 2011 // 7:00 PM




JULY 16, 2011 // 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM TERWILLEGAR REC CENTRE




JULY 27, 2011 // 7:00 AM - 2:00 PM

An interactive workshop for multi-sport


JULY 1, 2011

athletes, including fitness and nutritional

Golf tournament in support of WISEST,



which encourages women in scientific fields.

A triathlon for breast cancer awareness.





North American professional baseball.

JULY 17, 2011 // 2:00 PM

JULY 28, 2011 // 7:00 PM

JULY 1, 2011 // 7:00 PM




North American professional baseball.

North American professional baseball.

North American professional baseball.




JULY 17, 2011 // 4:00 PM

JULY 29, 2011 // 7:00 PM

JULY 2, 2011 // 7:00 PM




North American Soccer League

North American professional baseball.

North American professional baseball

professional soccer.




JULY 22 - 24, 2011

JULY 29, 2011 // 7:30 PM

JULY 9, 2011 // 5:00 PM




Annual stock car racing event.

CFL professional football.

CFL professional football.




JULY 10, 2011 // 1:00 PM

JULY 23, 2011 // 7:00 PM

JULY 30, 2011 // 7:00 PM




Elite triathlon event.

North American professional baseball.

North American professional baseball.




JULY 13, 2011 // 7:30 PM

JULY 23 - 24, 2011 // 5:00 PM

JULY 31, 2011 // 2:00 PM




North American Soccer League

Players of various ages from across the

North American professional baseball.

professional soccer.

province compete in this recreational tournament.


countryside inspired by the Tour de France.


Merge Launch Party On May 27, Merge was officially given back to Edmonton. To celebrate, we held a launch party at Sherwood Park Toyota. Hypnotist Wayne Lee hosted, and free food and drinks were plentiful; the bacon-wrapped figs from Culina were a big hit, and wine from Barefoot Wine and beer from Yellowhead Brewery flowed freely. Door prizes and musical performances rounded out the night. Matt Landry and the Dryland Band and Long Way Down were both stellar, and lucky party-goers were treated to prizes like tickets to Boonstock and Utopia music festivals. Later the party moved to On the Rocks, where revellers were treated to free cover and a free drink. Thanks to everyone who attended—it was a great night!

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