Using scars to photo identify the goliath grouper, Epinephelus itajara

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Marine Biodiversity Records, page 1 of 4. # Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 2014 doi:10.1017/S1755267214001080; Vol. 7; e108; 2014 Published online

Using scars to photo-identify the goliath grouper, Epinephelus itajara vinicius j. giglio1, johnatas adelir-alves2 and athila a. bertoncini3 1

Programa de Po´s-Graduac¸a˜o em Ecologia, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro-RJ, Brazil, 2Programa de Po´s-Graduac¸a˜eo em Sistemas Aqua´ticos Tropicas, Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz, Ilhe´us-BA, Brazil, 3Programa de Po´s-Graduac¸a˜o em Cieˆncias Biolo´gicas (Biodiversidade Neotropical), Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro-RJ, Brazil

Herein, we describe the use of scars to photo-identify the goliath grouper, Epinephelus itajara. Three individuals were photoidentified and re-sighted several times at the same site along the Brazilian coast, including the longest report for site fidelity, with more than four years.

Keywords: mark– recapture, photo-identification, reef fish, endangered species, marine megafauna, movement patterns, site fidelity, behaviour, jewfish Submitted 19 August 2014; accepted 3 September 2014


Individual identification in a population is an essential tool for ecological studies. For instance, it allows us to estimate population size (Koenig et al., 2011), movement patterns (Carlson et al., 2013) and behavioural aspects (Cantor et al., 2013). To mark individuals, an effective and most often used method is the application of artificial tags, either external or internal. However, tags may trigger problems associated with physical or behavioural disruptions of normal processes (Murray & Fuller, 2000). As an alternative or supplement to conventional methods, photo-identification (photo-ID) using morphological features, natural markings, and/or scars present a non-invasive way to collect similar data (Speed et al., 2007). Despite some inconveniences linked to its technical implementation (see Marshall & Pierce, 2012) photo-ID is an alternative method that shows a recent fast increase on sharks and rays surveys (e.g. Castro & Rosa, 2005; Meekan et al., 2006; Van Tienhoven et al., 2007; Luiz et al., 2008; Holmberg et al., 2009). Among bony fish, the goliath grouper, Epinephelus itajara (Litchtenstein, 1822) is a candidate for the use of the photo-ID approach, because the species is typically unwary of divers (Carvalho-Filho, 1999) and easily recorded by underwater photographers. The goliath grouper is a large (. 2 m total length (TL), . 400 kg) and long-lived reef fish (. 37 years), reaching gonadal maturity at 5 –8 years and 115 –135 cm TL (Bullock et al., 1992). Previous studies have shown movement patterns for the goliath grouper, with recaptures in spawning aggregations over years through conventional mark –recapture methods, such as external tags and acoustic telemetry (Eklund & Schull, 2001; Pina-Amargo´s & Gonza´lez-Sanso´n, 2009). However, there are no methods describing the use of photo-ID on the species surveys.

Corresponding author: V. J. Giglio Email:

In Brazil, the goliath grouper is rare, but often sighted in areas where SCUBA dive tourism is common, such as marine protected areas and shipwrecks (Giglio et al., in press). Here, we describe the use of scars to photo-identify the goliath grouper and discuss the potentials and weakness of this methodology for long time investigations on species movement patterns and site fidelity. MATERIALS AND METHODS

A data bank of photographs and videos of recreational diver collaborators was obtained through posts on web-based forms of the participative survey of the Meros do Brasil project ( (Giglio et al., in press). This bank allowed our search for scars and other characteristics that provided the identification of single individuals. After scar-identifying a goliath grouper, we searched re-sightings in: (a) the same dive site; (b) nearby sites and (c) in the region. Additional data were collected through images and videos posted on social networks, dive centres sites and YouTube (e.g. Kousha et al., 2012). Analyses of videos were conducted using the sequential-take method (Lodi et al., 2009). RESULTS

A total of 192 photographs and 63 videos were analysed. The majority of images and videos (62%) represent dive sites at Fernando de Noronha National Marine Park (FNNMP northeast Brazil, 3851′ S 32828′ W), one of the main recreational dive destinations in Brazil. Although it is not possible to verify the exact number of individuals in the images, our estimates lead to a total of 60 different goliath groupers in which three were photo-identified through scars and often re-sighted between February 2007 and March 2012 at three sites along the Brazilian coast. 1


vinicius j. giglio, johnatas adelir-alves and athila a. bertoncini

The first was photo-identified at Caverna da Sapata rocky reef (17 m depth) at FNNMP. We photo-identified this individual and obtained a total of 11 recaptures in an interval of 50 months, from December 2007 to March 2012 (Table 1). The individual (≈120 cm TL) had a scar on the right side of its mandible (Figure 1A). Local dive staff reported the occurrence of this goliath grouper in the same site for at least seven years. The second goliath grouper was registered at the Victory 8B shipwreck (south-east Brazil, 20840′ S 40821′ W), inhabited by two individuals. We recorded eleven recaptures within 49 months, from February 2007 to March 2011 (Table 1) also with re-sightings every year. This goliath grouper (≈170 cm TL) was associated with the wreck at the depth of 25 m. Such photo-ID was possible through a cut in the right pectoral fin (Figure 1B). The third individual was photo-identified twice at a monobuoy (a floating platform anchored offshore where tankers moor to unload oil) in South Brazil (26813′ S 48824′ W) within an interval of four months, from November 2010 to February 2011. This site is known as an aggregation site (Giglio et al., in press) with a maximum of 45 individuals observed. This individual (≈150 cm TL) was observed during survey trips to the monobuoy, at a depth of 23 m and had a fault in the dorsal fin spines (Figure 1C).


The use of scars proved to be an efficient method to photoidentify goliath groupers. Studies have used successfully the photo-ID method with sharks and rays through analyses of natural spots patterns and blotches characteristics for the species (e.g. Meekan et al., 2006; Van Tienhoven et al., 2007; Luiz et al., 2008). These studies based on colour patterns photo-ID are reliable because focal animals have at least two distinct colours on specific areas of their bodies (Buray et al., 2009).

Photo-ID of the goliath grouper using natural marks is a challenging approach, due to fast changes in coloration (Lara et al., 2009) allied to their complex pattern of natural marks and spots. The best way to photo-identify the species is through the small dark spot pattern over their head. The spot-recognition software I3S 2.0 (Van Tienhoven et al., 2007) is a powerful tool, but demands good quality pictures of the goliath grouper head, which is relatively difficult to obtain in a large quantity, required for a complete photo-ID survey. On the other hand, scars can be observed even in poor quality photographs and videos, such as some of the YouTube videos used in this study. Scars have also been largely used to identify elasmobranchs where distinctive natural markings are absent (Marshall & Pierce, 2012). However, the main weakness in the use of scars to goliath groupers is that the sampling universe is reduced to a few individuals, who have them. For instance, in our estimated universe of 60 individuals, only three were photo-identified by scars. Additionally, scars may become less visible and even disappear over time, such as those observed in the maxilla of FNNMP’s goliath grouper (Figure 1A). Nevertheless, some may persist, such as the absence of a dorsal fin spine or cut on the pectoral fin (Figure 1B, c). Although some fish can present great ability to regenerate their tissue, such as the white shark (Domeier & Nasby-Lucas, 2006) and lemon shark (Buray et al., 2009), so far, no information is available about tissue healing time for groupers. We verified that scars on the goliath grouper can fulfil its role as an identification tool for a long time, on specimens that had a significant tissue loss. However, our results provided only initial evidences, once we photo-identified only two individuals in a relatively short time (four years), considering this is a long lived species (.40 years). The long-term viability of these markings for individual recognition needs to be better investigated.

Table 1. Sightings in Brazil of the goliath grouper, Epinephelus itajara between December 2007 and March 2012. Individual 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3



Caverna da Sapata Caverna da Sapata Caverna da Sapata Caverna da Sapata Caverna da Sapata Caverna da Sapata Caverna da Sapata Caverna da Sapata Caverna da Sapata Caverna da Sapata Victory 8B Victory 8B Victory 8B Victory 8B Victory 8B Victory 8B Victory 8B Victory 8B Victory 8B Victory 8B Victory 8B Monobuoy Monobuoy

12/12/2007 08/08/2008 12/09/2008 27/10/2008 15/11/2008 02/2009 03/2009 21/07/2010 31/01/2012 15/03/2012 02/2007 03/2008 10/2008 02/2009 02/2009 03/2009 04/2009 02/2010 06/2010 07/2010 03/2011 25/11/2010 10/02/2011

Source Collaborator (Suene Ramalho—All Angle) ´ guas Claras dive center) Collaborator (A Collaborator (Suene Ramalho—All Angle) Collaborator (Idomar Cerutti) Collaborator (Fa´bio Freitas) Collaborator (Suene Ramalho—All Angle) Collaborator (Ciliares photoraph) Collaborator (Ciliares photoraph) Collaborator (Sandro Rodrigues—All Angle) Collaborator (Fausto Campos) YouTube YouTube YouTube YouTube YouTube YouTube YouTube YouTube YouTube YouTube YouTube Researcher (J. Adelir-Alves) Researcher (J.R. Leite)

use of scars to photo-identify goliath grouper

Fig. 1. Dates (month/year) of Goliath groupers photo-identified at: (A) Fernando de Noronha National Marine Park; (B) ’Victory 8B’ shipwreck; and (C) monobuoy. Credits: (A) left: I. Cerutti; centre: Ciliares photograph and video; right: Fausto Campos; (B) posted by—left: I. Costa; centre: Revan Berger; right: Eduardo Nogueira; (C) left: J. Adelir-Alves; right: J.R. Leite.

Two goliath groupers were recaptured in the same place they inhabited for more than four years. This is the largest report of site fidelity for the species. Site fidelity may be important in enabling the fish to effectively use their acquired knowledge about local refuges and foraging areas (see Lembo et al., 1999). Strong site fidelity has already been noted for adult goliath groupers during spawning aggregations. Adult individuals were re-sighted during three years at the same location (Eklund & Schull, 2001). However, site fidelity is expected to last much longer for this species. Wirtz (2007) verified that the island grouper Mycteroperca fusca, returned to the same site over a time span of 25 years. In conclusion, the use of scars can be an alternative method to investigate movement patterns of the goliath grouper, but restricted to a small number of individuals with scars. Additionally, volunteers can be involved, contributing in data collection, thus decreasing costs and providing significant increase in sampling effort to a large area. Recent surveys with sharks have been successful in involving volunteer divers to collect images (see Holmberg et al., 2009; Barker & Williamson, 2010). Considering the popularization of underwater cameras, the use of the photo-ID method is a promising approach for investigations about the movement patterns of goliath groupers. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS

We thank divers who have collaborated with this study; Petrobras and Fundac¸a˜o Grupo o Botica´rio de Protec¸a˜o a` Natureza for financial support; and Jonas Leite and two anonymous referees for suggestions on the manuscript.

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vinicius j. giglio, johnatas adelir-alves and athila a. bertoncini

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Correspondence should be addressed to: V.J. Giglio Programa de Po´s-Graduac¸a¨o em Ecologia Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro 88010-970, Rio de Janeiro-RJ, Brazil email:

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